// =============================================================================
// com.bitmovers.maui.httpserver.HTTPSession
// =============================================================================
package com.bitmovers.maui.engine.httpserver;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import com.bitmovers.maui.*;
import com.bitmovers.maui.profiler.Profiler;
import com.bitmovers.maui.engine.*;
import com.bitmovers.maui.engine.logmanager.InfoString;
import com.bitmovers.maui.events.MActionListener;
import com.bitmovers.maui.events.MActionEvent;
import com.bitmovers.maui.engine.render.I_RendererListener;
import com.bitmovers.maui.engine.render.RendererEvent;
import com.bitmovers.maui.components.MComponent;
// =============================================================================
// CLASS: HTTPSession
// =============================================================================
* HTTPSession <p>
* This object represents a "session" with a single client. It helps maintain client state.
* It also holds references to all of the MauiApplications running within a single client session.
* It is also a "switch" for forwarding I_Renderer creation events
* @invisible
public class HTTPSession
implements I_RendererListener
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
private static boolean rebuildSessionListeners = true;
private static boolean rebuildApplicationListeners = true;
private static I_SessionListener [] sessionListenerArray = null;
private static Vector sessionListeners = new Vector ();
private static Hashtable sessionHashtable = new Hashtable();
private static final byte [] SESSION_COOKIE = "Set-Cookie: Maui.HTTPSession=".getBytes ();
private static final byte [] SESSION_OLDCOOKIE = "Set-Cookie: Maui.HTTPOldSession=".getBytes ();
private static final byte [] SESSION_PATH = "; Path=/\r\n".getBytes ();
private static final byte [] SESSION_EXIT = "Set-Cookie: Maui.HTTPSession=exit; Path=/\r\n".getBytes ();
private static I_ApplicationListener [] applicationListenerArray = new I_ApplicationListener [0];
private static Vector applicationListeners = new Vector ();
private Hashtable shared = new Hashtable (10);
private Hashtable applications = new Hashtable (5);
private Hashtable rendererListeners = new Hashtable (5);
private Hashtable cookies = new Hashtable (5);
private static Hashtable crossReferences = new Hashtable ();
private static long kDefaultSessionTimeout = 300000;
private static int sessionMaximum;
private Thread thread;
private String sessionID;
private long lastAccessTime;
private MauiApplication application;
private Dimension dimension = null;
private boolean hasCookie = false;
private int uniqueReference = -1;
private String clientName;
private boolean exit = false;
private static Object synchBlock = new Object ();
private static int number = 0;
private String servletURL = "/";
private boolean servletBased = false;
private boolean keepAlive = true;
private String crossReference = null;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This is a private constructor because the HTTPSession cannot be explicitly created. Instead
* it is created through the static method retrieveSession, and only if a matching HTTPSession can't
* be found.
* @invisible
private HTTPSession ()
this (null, false, null);
private HTTPSession (String aClientName,
boolean aServletBased,
String aServletURL)
clientName = aClientName;
servletBased = aServletBased;
ServerConfigurationManager theSCM = ServerConfigurationManager.getInstance ();
servletURL = (servletBased ? aServletURL : "/");
// Set up the session ID...
this.sessionID = Integer.toHexString(this.hashCode());
// Start the thread...
this.thread = new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { runThread(); } }, "HTTPSessionThread");
* Get an array of I_SessionListeners
* @return The array of session listeners
private static I_SessionListener [] getSessionListeners ()
if (rebuildSessionListeners)
Object [] theListeners = sessionListeners.toArray ();
sessionListenerArray = new I_SessionListener [theListeners.length];
for (int i = 0; i < theListeners.length; i++)
sessionListenerArray [i] = (I_SessionListener) theListeners [i];
rebuildSessionListeners = false;
return sessionListenerArray;
* Add a session listener
* @param aSessionListener The I_SessionListener to add
public static void addSessionListener (I_SessionListener aSessionListener)
if (!sessionListeners.contains (aSessionListener))
sessionListeners.addElement (aSessionListener);
rebuildSessionListeners = true;
private static I_ApplicationListener [] getApplicationListeners ()
if (rebuildApplicationListeners)
Object [] theListeners = applicationListeners.toArray ();
applicationListenerArray = new I_ApplicationListener [theListeners.length];
for (int i = 0; i < theListeners.length; i++)
applicationListenerArray [i] = (I_ApplicationListener) theListeners [i];
rebuildApplicationListeners = false;
return applicationListenerArray;
* Remove an application listener
* @param aApplicationListener The I_ApplicationListener to remove
public static void removeApplicationListener (I_ApplicationListener aApplicationListener)
if (applicationListeners.contains (aApplicationListener))
applicationListeners.remove (aApplicationListener);
rebuildApplicationListeners = true;
* Add a session listener
* @param aSessionListener The I_SessionListener to add
public static void addApplicationListener (I_ApplicationListener aApplicationListener)
if (!applicationListeners.contains (aApplicationListener))
applicationListeners.addElement (aApplicationListener);
rebuildApplicationListeners = true;
* Remove a session listener
* @param aSessionListener The I_SessionListener to remove
public static void removeSessionListener (I_SessionListener aSessionListener)
if (sessionListeners.contains (aSessionListener))
sessionListeners.remove (aSessionListener);
rebuildSessionListeners = true;
* Notify any listeners that a session has been added or removed, or that an
* application has been created.
* @param aSession Target session
* @param aMauiApplication The associated MauiApplication (or null, if not relevant)
* @param aCreated Boolean indicating if the session was added or removed
protected static void notifySessionListeners (HTTPSession aSession,
MauiApplication aMauiApplication,
boolean aCreated)
I_SessionListener [] theSessionListeners = getSessionListeners ();
if (theSessionListeners.length > 0)
SessionEvent theEvent = new SessionEvent (aSession,
for (int i = 0; i < theSessionListeners.length; i++)
if (aMauiApplication != null)
if (aCreated)
theSessionListeners [i].applicationAdded (theEvent);
theSessionListeners [i].applicationRemoved (theEvent);
else if (aCreated)
theSessionListeners [i].sessionCreated (theEvent);
theSessionListeners [i].sessionDeleted (theEvent);
* add a session to the static session table
* @param aSession The HTTPSession to add
protected static void addSession (HTTPSession aSession)
String theSessionID = aSession.getSessionID ();
if (!sessionHashtable.containsKey (theSessionID))
sessionHashtable.put (theSessionID, aSession);
notifySessionListeners (aSession, null, true);
* Remove a session from the static session table
* @param aSession The session to remove
public static void removeSession (HTTPSession aSession)
String theSessionID = aSession.getSessionID ();
if (sessionHashtable.containsKey (theSessionID))
HTTPSession theSession = getSession (theSessionID);
sessionHashtable.remove (theSessionID);
if (theSession.getCachedMauiApplications ().length > 0)
theSession.removeApplication (null);
theSession.removeCrossReference ();
theSession.thread.interrupt ();
notifySessionListeners (aSession, null, false);
* Get a session from the session table
* @param aSessionID The session id for retrieval
* @return The HTTPSession, or null if not found
public static HTTPSession getSession (String aSessionID)
return (HTTPSession) sessionHashtable.get (aSessionID);
* Get all of the sessions
* @return An array containing all of the HTTPSession objects
public static HTTPSession [] getAllSessions ()
Object [] theSessions = sessionHashtable.values ().toArray ();
HTTPSession [] retVal = new HTTPSession [theSessions.length];
for (int i = 0; i < retVal.length; i++)
retVal [i] = (HTTPSession) theSessions [i];
return retVal;
public static int getSessionCount ()
return sessionHashtable.size ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: initialise
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Perform once-only initialisation. This gets configuration information like the session timeout.
* @invisible
public static void initialise()
ServerConfigurationManager theSCM = ServerConfigurationManager.getInstance();
String timeoutMinutes = theSCM.getProperty(theSCM.MAUI_SESSION_TIMEOUT);
long minutes = Long.parseLong(timeoutMinutes);
HTTPSession.kDefaultSessionTimeout = minutes * 60 * 1000;
catch (NumberFormatException e)
System.err.println("[HTTPSession] Bad value for session timeout : " + timeoutMinutes + " Defaulting to 5 minutes.");
sessionMaximum = Integer.parseInt (theSCM.getProperty (theSCM.MAUI_SESSION_MAXIMUM));
catch (NumberFormatException e)
sessionMaximum = Integer.parseInt (theSCM.MAUI_SESSION_MAXIMUM_VALUE);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getID
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Get the session id for this session object. This is just a hashcode for the object
* @return A string representation of the HTTPSession object hashcode
public String getID()
return this.sessionID;
* Get the unique reference for the latest request.
* @return The unique reference
public int getUniqueReference ()
return uniqueReference;
* Set the unique reference for the latest request
* @int aUniqueReference The unique reference
public void setUniqueReference (int aUniqueReference)
uniqueReference = aUniqueReference;
* Get the synchronization block for this session
* @return The synchronization block for this session
public Object getSynchBlock ()
return synchBlock;
* Get the session id for this session object. This is just a hashcode for the object.
* @return A string representation of the HTTPSession object hashcode
public String getSessionID ()
return sessionID;
* Get the client name
* @return The client name
public String getClientName ()
return clientName;
* Is this a servlet based session
public boolean isServletBased ()
return servletBased;
/** Get the servlet URL
public String getServletURL ()
return servletURL;
/** Set the servlet URL
* @invisible
public void setServletURL (String aServletURL)
servletURL = aServletURL;
* Set the current application.
* @param aApplication The current maui application
protected void setApplication (MauiApplication aApplication)
if (application != aApplication)
application = aApplication;
String theApplicationAddress = aApplication.getApplicationAddress ();
if (!applications.contains (theApplicationAddress))
applications.put (theApplicationAddress, aApplication); // Cache it
notifySessionListeners (this, aApplication, true);
private static void notifyApplicationListeners (ApplicationEvent aApplicationEvent,
boolean aActivated)
I_ApplicationListener [] theListeners = getApplicationListeners ();
for (int i = 0; i < theListeners.length; i++)
if (aActivated)
theListeners [i].applicationActivated (aApplicationEvent);
theListeners [i].applicationDeactivated (aApplicationEvent);
* Activate an application
* @param aApplication The application being activated
public static void activateApplication (MauiApplication aApplication)
I_ApplicationListener [] theListeners = getApplicationListeners ();
if (theListeners.length > 0)
notifyApplicationListeners (new ApplicationEvent (aApplication), true);
* Deactivate an application
* @param aApplication The application being activated
public static void deactivateApplication (MauiApplication aApplication)
I_ApplicationListener [] theListeners = getApplicationListeners ();
if (theListeners.length > 0)
notifyApplicationListeners (new ApplicationEvent (aApplication), false);
* Get the current application
* @return The current application
public MauiApplication getApplication ()
return application;
* Get the cached application
* @param aClassName The name of the class to look for
* @return The cached MauiApplication, or null if not found.
public MauiApplication getCachedMauiApplication (String aClassName)
return (MauiApplication) applications.get (
ApplicationManager.getInstance ().getMauiApplicationAddress (aClassName));
* Delete an application from this session
* @param aApplication The application to remove. Null means remove all applications.
public void removeApplication (MauiApplication aApplication)
if (aApplication == null)
MauiApplication [] theApplications = getCachedMauiApplications ();
for (int i = 0; i < theApplications.length; i++)
removeApplication (theApplications [i]);
ProcessManager thePM = ProcessManager.getInstance ();
ApplicationManager theAM = ApplicationManager.getInstance ();
String theApplicationAddress = aApplication.getApplicationAddress ();
if (applications.containsKey (theApplicationAddress))
applications.remove (theApplicationAddress);
notifySessionListeners (this, aApplication, false);
aApplication.finish ();
aApplication.exiting ();
if (applications.isEmpty ())
removeSession (this);
exit = true;
* Get all of the cached applications
* @return An array of all of the cached applications
public MauiApplication [] getCachedMauiApplications ()
MauiApplication [] retVal = new MauiApplication [applications.size ()];
Enumeration theApplications = applications.elements ();
int i = 0;
while (theApplications.hasMoreElements ())
retVal [i++] = (MauiApplication) theApplications.nextElement ();
return retVal;
private byte [] localGetBytes (String aString)
byte [] retVal = new byte [aString.length ()];
for (int i = 0; i < retVal.length; i++)
retVal [i] = (byte) aString.charAt (i);
return retVal;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: writeCookieHeader
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Write out the cookie header for this session to the output stream
* @param responseStream The OutputStream to send the output
* @param aHost The client host name
* @throws IOException This exception may be thrown if the socket is no longer valid (eg. if
* the client unexpectedly disconnects)
* @invisible
protected void writeCookieHeader(OutputStream responseStream, String aHost) throws IOException
if (!exit)
responseStream.write (SESSION_OLDCOOKIE);
responseStream.write (localGetBytes (sessionID));
responseStream.write (SESSION_PATH);
responseStream.write (SESSION_COOKIE);
responseStream.write (localGetBytes (sessionID));
responseStream.write (SESSION_PATH);
responseStream.write (SESSION_EXIT);
if (application != null)
responseStream.write (localGetBytes (application.generateCookies (aHost)));
/** Get the Session cookie (without writing it out)
* @return The Session cookie
public MauiCookie getSessionCookie ()
return new MauiCookie ("Maui.HTTPSession",
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: touchTimeoutCounter
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This is used in conjunction with the session timeout. Whenever an HTTP request appears which is
* with respect to this session, then the session's last access time will be updated to the current
* system time.
* @invisible
protected void touchTimeoutCounter()
this.lastAccessTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
thread.interrupt ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: runThread
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This is the timeout thread. It uses the session timeout property to determine if a session
* has timed out. If it has timed out, then it is removed from the session table.
* @invisible
private void runThread()
boolean looping = true;
System.out.println ("[HTTPSession] thread created");
synchronized (synchBlock)
Thread.currentThread ().setName ("HTTPSession - Timeout Scan " + number++);
while (looping && !exit)
this.thread.sleep (kDefaultSessionTimeout + 500);
if (System.currentTimeMillis() > this.lastAccessTime + kDefaultSessionTimeout)
looping = false;
removeSession (this);
System.out.println("[HTTPSession] - Removing session '" + this.sessionID + "' due to timeout.");
catch (InterruptedException exception) { }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLASS METHOD: retrieveSession
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Retrieves a HTTPSession for a particular HTTPRequest. If the session
* specified by the request is invalid or non-existant, a new session is
* created and returned. This is a static method which access a static Hashtable
* of HTTPSession objects.
* @param request The HTTPRequest object
* @return An HTTPSession object (either retrieved or created)
* @invisible
protected synchronized static HTTPSession retrieveSession (HTTPRequest request)
throws SessionMaximumException
HTTPSession session = null;
int theReference = Profiler.start (MauiRuntimeEngine.SOURCE_SESSION,
boolean theHasCookie = false;
boolean theGet = true;
String sessionID = HTTPSession.getSessionIDFromRequest (request);
if (sessionID != null && sessionID.startsWith ("MA_"))
sessionID = sessionID.substring (3);
String theSessionCookie = request.cookieMonster ();
if ((theHasCookie = (theSessionCookie != null)))
sessionID = theSessionCookie;
if ((session = retrieveSessionFromTable (sessionID)) == null)
if (sessionMaximum != -1 &&
getSessionCount () >= sessionMaximum)
throw new SessionMaximumException (sessionMaximum);
session = new HTTPSession( request.getClientName (),
request.isServletBased (),
request.getServletURL ());
if (sessionID != null)
crossReferences.put (sessionID, session);
session.setCrossReference (sessionID);
theGet = false;
addSession (session);
// System.out.println("[HTTPSession] - Created new HTTPSession with ID '" + session.sessionID + "'.");
session.setHasCookie (theHasCookie);
Profiler.finish (theReference,
(theGet ? MauiRuntimeEngine.ACTION_GET :
"Session: " + sessionID);
return session;
/** Set the cross reference
* @param aCrossReference The cross reference
private void setCrossReference (String aCrossReference)
crossReference = aCrossReference;
/** Get the cross referenced HTTPSession (or null, if doesn't exist)
* @return The HTTPSession, or nuul
public static HTTPSession getCrossReference (String aSessionID)
return (HTTPSession) crossReferences.get (aSessionID);
/** Remove the cross reference
private void removeCrossReference ()
if (crossReference != null)
crossReferences.remove (crossReference);
* Try to access the HTTPSession object from the static session table
* @param aSessionID The String representation of the session object's hashcode
* @return An HTTPSession object, or null if wasn't found
* @invisible
private static HTTPSession retrieveSessionFromTable (String aSessionID)
HTTPSession retVal = (aSessionID == null ?
null :
(HTTPSession) sessionHashtable.get (aSessionID));
if (retVal == null && aSessionID != null)
retVal = getCrossReference (aSessionID);
return retVal;
* Look in the HTTPRequest for the sessionID. For devices which don't support cookies, the
* SessionID can be found as one of the POST key/value pairs.
* @param aRequest The HTTPRequest object
* @return The session object's hashcode, or null if it wasn't found in the request
* @invisible
private static String getSessionIDFromRequest (HTTPRequest aRequest)
return aRequest.getQueryValue ("sessionID");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: cookieMonster
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** cookieMonster is a helper method for 'getSession' that takes a raw
* HTTPRequest object and returns the passed Maui session ID.
* @param request The HTTPRequest
* @return The session object's hashcode, or null if it wasn't found
* @invisible
private static void cookieMonster (HTTPRequest request)
/*if (!request.isCookiesParsed ())
retVal = request.cookieMonster ();
// Renderer creation event notification methods
* Notify any I_RendererListeners of the creation of an I_Renderer object.
* @param aMauiApplicationName The name of the MauiApplication
* @param aRendererEvent An EventObject describing the I_Renderer creation
* @invisible
private void notifyListeners (String aMauiApplicationName, RendererEvent aRendererEvent)
Vector theListeners = (Vector) rendererListeners.get (aMauiApplicationName);
if (theListeners != null)
Object [] theListenerArray = theListeners.toArray ();
for (int i = 0; i < theListenerArray.length; i++)
((I_RendererListener) theListenerArray [i]).rendererCreated (aRendererEvent);
* The I_RendererListener event. The HTTPSession isn't actually registered as an event listener
* anywhere. Instead the CompositionManager explicitly notifies it whenever a renderer is created.
* HTTPSession is notified because the CompositionManager, which creates the renderer, is environment
* but the renderer is specific to the HTTPSession.
* @param aRendererEvent The EventObject which describes the event
public synchronized void rendererCreated (RendererEvent aRendererEvent)
MComponent theComponent = aRendererEvent.getComponent ();
MauiApplication theApplication = (MauiApplication) theComponent.getRootParent ();
notifyListeners (theApplication.getApplicationAddress (), aRendererEvent);
notifyListeners ("null", aRendererEvent);
* Add a renderer listener
* @param aMauiApplication The MauiApplication to use as a filter. If this is null
* then all renderer creation events will be delivered to the listener
* @param aRendererListener The I_RendererListener
public synchronized void addRendererListener (MauiApplication aMauiApplication,
I_RendererListener aRendererListener)
String theApplicationName = (aMauiApplication == null ? "null" :
aMauiApplication.getApplicationAddress ());
Vector theListeners = (Vector) rendererListeners.get (theApplicationName);
if (theListeners == null)
theListeners = new Vector (5);
rendererListeners.put (theApplicationName, theListeners);
if (!theListeners.contains (aRendererListener))
theListeners.add (aRendererListener);
* Remove a renderer listener
* @param aMauiApplication The MauiAppication that this listener is associated with.
* @param aRendererListener The I_RendererListener
public synchronized void removeRendererListener (MauiApplication aMauiApplication,
I_RendererListener aRendererListener)
String theApplicationName = (aMauiApplication == null ? "null" :
aMauiApplication.getApplicationAddress ());
Vector theListeners = (Vector) rendererListeners.get (theApplicationName);
if (theListeners != null)
theListeners.remove (aRendererListener);
if (theListeners.size () == 0)
rendererListeners.remove (theApplicationName);
* General purpose service for any MauiApplications running within this session.
* This provides a Hashtable which can be shared by all MauiApplications within the session
* @param aKey The key to use
* @param aValue The value to use
public void putShared (Object aKey, Object aValue)
shared.put (aKey, aValue);
* General purpose service for any MauiApplications running within this session.
* This provides a Hashtable which can be shared by all MauiApplications within the session.
* @param akey The key of access
* @return The value, or null if it isn't found
public Object getShared (Object aKey)
return shared.get (aKey);
* Set the client display area dimension (in pixels)
* @param aDimension The Dimension object
public void setClientDimension (Dimension aDimension)
dimension = aDimension;
* Get the client display area dimension (in pixels)
* @return A Dimension object with the pixel width and height of the the client, or null if it's not known
public Dimension getClientDimension ()
return dimension;
* Get the boolean indicating if this client has cookies or not
* @return Has or doesn't have cookies
public boolean getHasCookie ()
return hasCookie;
* Set the boolean indication if the client has cookies or not
* @boolean aHasCookie Boolean indicating if cookies present or not
protected void setHasCookie (boolean aHasCookie)
hasCookie = aHasCookie;
* Test if the session is exiting or not
* @return Boolean indicating exit or not
protected boolean isExiting ()
return exit;
/** Set a boolean indicating if communications with this session can be pooled
* @param aPooled Pooling boolean
public void setKeepAlive (boolean aKeepAlive)
keepAlive = aKeepAlive;
/** Get the pooling boolean
public boolean getKeepAlive ()
return keepAlive;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// =============================================================================
// Copyright � 2000 Bitmovers Software Inc. eof