// =============================================================================
// com.bitmovers.maui.httpserver.HTTPServer
// =============================================================================
package com.bitmovers.maui.engine.httpserver;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import javax.net.*;
import javax.net.ssl.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.Box;
import java.net.ServerSocket;
import java.security.KeyStore;
import java.security.SecureRandom;
import java.util.Random;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import com.sun.net.ssl.*;
import com.bitmovers.maui.engine.ServerConfigurationManager;
import com.bitmovers.maui.MauiRuntimeWindow;
import com.bitmovers.maui.MauiRuntimeEngine;
import com.bitmovers.maui.engine.logmanager.LogManager;
import com.bitmovers.maui.engine.logmanager.InfoString;
// =============================================================================
// <<SINGLETON>> CLASS: HTTPSecureServer
// =============================================================================
* HTTPSecureServer SINGLETON <p>
* This is the object which creates the SSL ServerSocket, and establishes connections with
* clients via HTTPS. It is designed to perform only the SSL Socket connection activity so that
* it can easily be replaced without affecting any other part of Maui
* @invisible
public class HTTPSecureServer extends HTTPServer
private static HTTPSecureServer instance = new HTTPSecureServer ();
private HTTPSecureServer ()
portPropertyName = ServerConfigurationManager.MAUI_SECURE_PORT;
realClassName = "HTTPSecureServer";
protected String promptForPassPhrase ()
String retVal = null;
if (MauiRuntimeEngine.windowingEnvironmentAvailable)
MauiRuntimeWindow theWindow = MauiRuntimeWindow.getInstance ();
final Dialog theDialog = new Dialog (theWindow.window, "Passphrase", true);
theDialog.setSize (200,30);
theDialog.setLocation (30, 30);
Insets theInsets = theDialog.getInsets ();
theInsets.top = 5;
theInsets.bottom = 5;
theInsets.left = 5;
theInsets.right = 5;
theDialog.setResizable (false);
TextField thePassphrase = new TextField (30);
thePassphrase.setSize (200, 30);
thePassphrase.setEchoChar ('*');
theDialog.add (thePassphrase);
thePassphrase.addActionListener (new ActionListener ()
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent aEvent)
theDialog.setVisible (false);
theDialog.pack ();
theDialog.show ();
retVal = thePassphrase.getText ();
theDialog.dispose ();
LogManager.getOriginalOut ().print ("Passphrase: ");
StringBuffer theInput = new StringBuffer ();
int theChar;
while ((theChar = System.in.read ()) != '\n' &&
theChar != '\r' &&
theChar != -1)
theInput.append (theChar);
catch (IOException e)
retVal = theInput.toString ();
return retVal;
private InputStream getCertificateStream (String aCertFile)
throws IOException
InputStream retVal = new FileInputStream (aCertFile);
BufferedReader theInput = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (retVal));
if (theInput.readLine ().equalsIgnoreCase ("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----"))
// The certificate is base64 encoded
StringBuffer theBase64 = new StringBuffer (theInput.readLine ());
String theLine;
while ( !((theLine = theInput.readLine ()).equalsIgnoreCase ("-----END CERTIFICATE-----")))
theBase64.append (theLine);
byte [] theByteArray = Conversion.base64StringToByteArray (theBase64.toString ());
retVal.close ();
retVal = new ByteArrayInputStream (theByteArray);
retVal.close ();
retVal = new FileInputStream (aCertFile);
return retVal;
protected ServerSocket createServerSocket (int aServerPort, InetAddress aInetAddress)
throws IOException
secure = true;
ServerConfigurationManager theSCM = ServerConfigurationManager.getInstance ();
String thePassphraseProperty = theSCM.getProperty (theSCM.MAUI_PASS_PHRASE);
if (thePassphraseProperty == null)
thePassphraseProperty = promptForPassPhrase ();
char[] thePassphrase = thePassphraseProperty.toCharArray();
SSLServerSocketFactory theFactory = null;
String theCertFile = theSCM.getProperty (theSCM.MAUI_CERTIFICATE_FILE);
SSLContext theContext = SSLContext.getInstance ("TLS");
KeyManagerFactory theKMF = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance ("SunX509");
KeyStore theKS = KeyStore.getInstance (KeyStore.getDefaultType ());
theKS.load (getCertificateStream (theCertFile), null);
theKMF.init (theKS, thePassphrase);
SecureRandom theSecureRandom = null;
String theFastRandom = theSCM.getProperty (theSCM.MAUI_FAST_RANDOM);
if (theFastRandom != null && theFastRandom.equalsIgnoreCase ("true"))
Random theRandom = new Random ();
byte [] theRandomBytes = new byte [20];
theRandom.nextBytes (theRandomBytes);
theSecureRandom = new SecureRandom (theRandomBytes);
System.out.println (new InfoString ("[HTTPSecureServer] - Generating random seed. This may take a short while."));
theContext.init (theKMF.getKeyManagers (), null, theSecureRandom);
theFactory = (SSLServerSocketFactory) theContext.getServerSocketFactory ();
catch (Exception e)
if (! (e instanceof IOException))
throw new IOException (e.toString ());
throw (IOException) e;
ServerSocket retVal = (aInetAddress == null ? theFactory.createServerSocket (aServerPort) :
theFactory.createServerSocket (aServerPort,
/*String [] theCiphers = ((SSLServerSocket) retVal).getEnabledCipherSuites ();
for (int i = 0; i < theCiphers.length; i++)
System.out.println ("Cipher suite " + i + " = " + theCiphers [i]);
return retVal;//theFactory.createServerSocket (aServerPort);
public static HTTPServer getInstance ()
return instance;