Package com.bitmovers.maui.engine

Source Code of com.bitmovers.maui.engine.CompositionManager

package com.bitmovers.maui.engine;

import java.util.*;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import com.bitmovers.maui.*;
import com.bitmovers.maui.engine.*;
import com.bitmovers.maui.layouts.*;
import com.bitmovers.maui.engine.logmanager.*;
import com.bitmovers.maui.engine.htmlcompositor.*;
import com.bitmovers.maui.engine.wmlcompositor.*;
import com.bitmovers.maui.engine.render.*;
import com.bitmovers.maui.engine.httpserver.HTTPSession;
import com.bitmovers.maui.components.MComponent;
import com.bitmovers.utilities.*;

// ========================================================================
// <<SINGLETON>> CLASS: CompositionManager
// ========================================================================

public class CompositionManager
  private static CompositionManager theInstance = new CompositionManager();
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  // CONSTRUCTOR: CompositionManager
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  private CompositionManager()
    System.err.println(new DebugString("[CompositionManager] - Started."));

  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  // CLASS METHOD: getInstance
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  public static CompositionManager getInstance()
    return theInstance;

  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  // METHOD: getCompositor
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  /** getCompositor returns a reference to a particular Compositor for a
    * desired device.  The method determines which Compositor is best for
    * a particular device by virtue of the passed 'deviceInformation'.  This
    * deviceInformation is a Vector of Strings -- the Strings contain
    * relevant information (such as OS type, OS version, platform type,
    * platform version, browser type, version, etc., etc.).  This information
    * is provided in a nonstandard form (different devices present such details
    * in different forms), so this method employs various techniques to sort
    * things out and provide the best Compositor for the job...
  public Compositor getCompositor(Map deviceInformation)
    // NOTE: This is a temporary algorithim ... to be replaced with
    //       something a little more intelligent later on!
    String usefulElements = new String();
    Iterator elements = deviceInformation.entrySet().iterator ();
    while (elements.hasNext ())
      String element =;
      usefulElements += element;
      System.out.println(new DebugString ("[CompositionManager] Useful: " + element));

    usefulElements = usefulElements.toLowerCase();
    // 1) Match user agent if possible.
    // Netscape and browsers that are almost compatible like Internet Explorer
    // and Elaine (the Palm web clipping browser).
    if (usefulElements.indexOf("mozilla") != -1)
      System.out.println(new DebugString ("[CompositionManager] Using HTMLCompositor!"));
      return HTMLCompositor.getInstance();
    // UP.Browser
    else if (usefulElements.indexOf("up.browser") != -1)
      System.out.println(new DebugString ("[CompositionManager] Using WMLCompositor!"));
      return WMLCompositor.getInstance();
    else if (usefulElements.indexOf("klondike/1.1") != -1)
      System.out.println(new DebugString ("[CompositionManager] Using WMLCompositor!"));
      return WMLCompositor.getInstance();
    else if (usefulElements.indexOf ("wapsody") != -1)
      System.out.println (new DebugString ("[CompositionManager] Using WMLCompositor!"));
      return WMLCompositor.getInstance ();
    else if (usefulElements.indexOf ("nokia") != -1)
      System.out.println (new DebugString ("[CompositionManager] Using WMLCompositor!"));
      return WMLCompositor.getInstance ();
    // 2) If user agent is unknown, guess compositor based on acceptable
    // MIME types. Start from simplest display platforms and work towards
    // more complex ones (e.g. WML, then HTML).
    else if (usefulElements.indexOf ("text/vnd.wap.wml") != -1)
      System.out.println (new DebugString ("[CompositionManager] Using WMLCompositor!"));
      return WMLCompositor.getInstance ();
    else if (usefulElements.indexOf ("text/html") != -1)
      System.out.println(new DebugString ("[CompositionManager] Using Default Compositor (HTML)."));
      return HTMLCompositor.getInstance();
    // 3) If all else fails, use HTMLCompositor.
      System.out.println(new DebugString ("[CompositionManager] Using Default Compositor (HTML)."));
      return HTMLCompositor.getInstance();
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  // METHOD: getRenderer
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  /** Get an I_Renderer object given an I_Renderable object
    * @param aRenderable The I_Renderable object
    * @return The I_Renderer object
  public I_Renderer getRenderer (I_Renderable aRenderable)
    return getRenderer (aRenderable, (MComponent) aRenderable);
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  // METHOD: getRenderer
  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  /** Get the client classification.  This is just a string which uniquely
    * identifies the client. The first item is the data format (e.g. HTML,
    * WML, etc.). The second item describes the client (e.g. "netscape",
    * "ie", "nokia"). The third item is a version string (e.g. "4") for
    * cases when it is important to differentiate between versions of the
    * same client.<p>
    * Client classification strings are used for loading renderer classes
    * and component templates.
    * @return The client classification array
  private String [] getClientClassification (MauiApplication aMauiApplication)
    String [] retVal = new String [3];
    HTTPSession theSession = aMauiApplication.getSession ();
    retVal [0] = (aMauiApplication.getCompositor () instanceof WMLCompositor ? "wml" : "html");
    if (retVal [0].equals ("wml"))
      theSession.setKeepAlive (false);
    Map theHeaderValues = aMauiApplication.getRequestHeaderValues ();
    String theUserAgent = (String) theHeaderValues.get ("user-agent");
    if (theUserAgent != null)
      theUserAgent = theUserAgent.toLowerCase ();
      int theIndex;
      // Internet Explorer
      // e.g. "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Mac_PowerPC)"
      if ((theIndex = theUserAgent.indexOf ("msie")) != -1)
        retVal [1] = "explorer";
        theUserAgent = theUserAgent.substring (theIndex + 5);
        theIndex = theUserAgent.indexOf (";");
        retVal [2] = theUserAgent.substring (0, theIndex);
      else if ((theIndex = theUserAgent.indexOf ("opera")) != -1)
        retVal [1] = "opera";
        theIndex = theUserAgent.indexOf ("/");
        theUserAgent = theUserAgent.substring (theIndex);
        retVal [2] = theUserAgent.substring (0, theUserAgent.indexOf (" "));
        //  Can't use keep alive
        theSession.setKeepAlive (false);
      // Palm Web Clipping Application (a.k.a. PQA)
      // e.g. "Mozilla/2.0 (compatible; Elaine/2.0)"
      else if (theUserAgent.indexOf ("elaine") != -1)
        retVal [1] = "wca";
        theIndex = theUserAgent.indexOf ("/");
        theUserAgent = theUserAgent.substring (theIndex + 1);
        theIndex = theUserAgent.indexOf (")");
        retVal [2] = theUserAgent.substring (0, theIndex);
        // If we are dealing with a RIM device, set the dimension to 132x64
        if ((theUserAgent.indexOf("rim") != -1) && (theUserAgent.indexOf("957") == -1))
          theSession.setClientDimension(new Dimension(132, 64));
        // All Palms have 160x160 screens.
          theSession.setClientDimension(new Dimension(160, 160));
      // Netscape
      // e.g. "Mozilla/4.76 (Macintosh; U; PPC)"
      else if (theUserAgent.indexOf ("mozilla") != -1)
        retVal [1] = "netscape";
        theIndex = theUserAgent.indexOf ("/");
        theUserAgent = theUserAgent.substring (theIndex + 1);
        theIndex = theUserAgent.indexOf (" ");
        retVal [2] = theUserAgent.substring (0, theIndex);
      // Lynx
      // e.g. "Lynx/2.8.3rel.1 libwww-FM/2.14"
      else if (theUserAgent.indexOf ("lynx") == 0)
        retVal [1] = "lynx";
        theIndex = theUserAgent.indexOf ("/");
        theUserAgent = theUserAgent.substring (theIndex + 1);
        theIndex = theUserAgent.indexOf (" ");
        retVal [2] = theUserAgent.substring (0, theIndex);
      // UP.Browser
      else if ((theIndex = theUserAgent.indexOf ("up.browser")) != -1)
        retVal [1] = "up";
        theIndex = theUserAgent.indexOf ("/");
        theUserAgent = theUserAgent.substring (theIndex + 1);
        theIndex = theUserAgent.indexOf (" ");
        int theOther = theUserAgent.indexOf ("-");
        if (theOther != -1 && theOther < theIndex)
          theIndex = theOther;
        retVal [2] = theUserAgent.substring (0, theIndex);
        String theDimension = (String) theHeaderValues.get ("x-up-devcap-screenpixels");
        if (theDimension != null)
          int theComma = theDimension.indexOf (',');
          theSession.setClientDimension (new Dimension (Integer.parseInt (theDimension.substring (0, theComma)),
                                  Integer.parseInt (theDimension.substring (theComma + 1))));
      // Klondike
      else if (theUserAgent.indexOf ("klondike") != -1)
        retVal [1] = "klondike";
        retVal [2] = null;
      // Wapsody
      else if (theUserAgent.indexOf ("wapsody") != -1)
        retVal [1] = "wapsody";
        retVal [2] = null;
      // Nokia
      else if (theUserAgent.indexOf ("nokia") != -1)
        retVal [1] = "nokia";
        //  7110 is (96 x 65)
        if ((theIndex = theUserAgent.indexOf ("7110")) != -1)
          theSession.setClientDimension (new Dimension (96, 65));
          theUserAgent = theUserAgent.substring (theIndex + 5);
        theIndex = theUserAgent.indexOf ("/");
        if (theIndex != -1)
          theUserAgent = theUserAgent.substring (theIndex + 1);
        theIndex = theUserAgent.indexOf (" ");
        retVal [2] = (theIndex == -1 ? theUserAgent : theUserAgent.substring (0, theIndex));
        retVal [1] = "unknown";
        retVal [2] = null;
      if (retVal [2] != null)
        retVal [2] = retVal[2].replace ('.', '_');
      retVal [1] = "unknown";
    return retVal;
  private String buildCheckName (String aBaseName, String [] aClientClassification, int aSize)
    String retVal = "com.bitmovers.maui.engine.render." + aBaseName;
    for (int i = 0; i < aSize; i++)
      retVal += "_" + aClientClassification [i];
    return retVal;
  private I_Renderer testFileName (I_Renderable aRenderable, MComponent aComponent, String aBaseName, String [] aClientClassification, int aIndex)
    I_Renderer retVal = null;
    String theCheckName = buildCheckName (aBaseName, aClientClassification, aIndex);
      retVal = (I_Renderer) Class.forName (theCheckName).newInstance ();
      if (retVal instanceof I_RendererInitialize)
        ((I_RendererInitialize) retVal).initialize (aRenderable, aComponent, aClientClassification);
    catch (Exception e)
    return retVal;
  private I_Renderer locateRenderer (I_Renderable aRenderable, String [] aClientClassification, MComponent aComponent)
    I_Renderer retVal = null;
    Class theCheckClass = (aRenderable instanceof MauiApplication ?
                  MauiApplication.class :
                  aRenderable.getClass ());
    String theBaseName = theCheckClass.getName ();
    boolean theIsMauiPackage;
      theIsMauiPackage = (theBaseName.startsWith ("com.bitmovers.maui.components") ||
                theBaseName.startsWith ("com.bitmovers.maui.layouts") ||
                theCheckClass == MauiApplication.class);
      theBaseName = theBaseName.substring (theBaseName.lastIndexOf (".") + 1);
      for (int i = aClientClassification.length; i >= 0 && retVal == null; i--)
        if (i == 0 || aClientClassification [i - 1] != null)
          String theCheckName;
          if (i == aClientClassification.length)
            String theFullVersion = aClientClassification [i - 1];
            String theSubVersion = new String (theFullVersion);
            int theUnderScore = theSubVersion.length ();
              theSubVersion = theSubVersion.substring (0, theUnderScore);
              aClientClassification [i - 1] = theSubVersion;
              retVal = testFileName (aRenderable, aComponent, theBaseName, aClientClassification, i);
            while (retVal == null && (theUnderScore = theSubVersion.lastIndexOf ("_")) != -1);
            retVal = testFileName (aRenderable, aComponent, theBaseName, aClientClassification, i);
      if (!theIsMauiPackage && retVal == null)
        theCheckClass = theCheckClass.getSuperclass ();
        theBaseName = theCheckClass.getName ();
    while (retVal == null && !theIsMauiPackage);
    //  If no renderer was found, then just use the default renderer for the protocol
    if (retVal == null)
      if (aRenderable instanceof MLayout)
        retVal = (aClientClassification [0].equals ("html") ?
            (I_Renderer) new DefaultHtmlLayoutRenderer (aRenderable, (MContainer) aComponent, aClientClassification) :
            (I_Renderer) new DefaultWmlLayoutRenderer (aRenderable, (MContainer) aComponent, aClientClassification));
        retVal = (aClientClassification [0].equals ("html") ?
            (I_Renderer) new DefaultHtmlRenderer (aRenderable, aClientClassification) :
            (I_Renderer) new DefaultWmlRenderer (aRenderable, aClientClassification));
    if (retVal != null)
      if (retVal instanceof A_Renderer)
        ((A_Renderer) retVal).setHtml (aClientClassification [0].equals ("html"));
      //  Notify the session that a renderer has been created
      MComponent theRootParent = aComponent.getRootParent ();
      if (theRootParent instanceof MauiApplication)
        HTTPSession theSession = ((MauiApplication) theRootParent).getSession ();
        if (theSession != null)
          theSession.rendererCreated (new RendererEvent (this, retVal, aComponent, aClientClassification));
    return retVal;
  * Get an I_Renderer object
  * @param aRenderable The I_Renderable object
  * @param aComponent A component in the MauiApplication hierarchy
  * @return The I_Render object
  public I_Renderer getRenderer (I_Renderable aRenderable, MComponent aComponent)
    I_Renderer retVal = null;
    //  Get the header values and determine a client "classification" to use
    //  for trying to locate a renderer.
    MComponent theRoot = aComponent.getRootParent ();
    if (theRoot instanceof MauiApplication)
      String [] theClientClassification = getClientClassification ((MauiApplication) theRoot);
      //  With this classification array, try to locate the appropriate renderer.
      retVal = locateRenderer (aRenderable, theClientClassification, aComponent);
      System.err.println (new ErrorString ("[CompositionManager] - Root pane for " + aComponent.getName () +
                                           " isn't a MauiApplication.  Cannot determine renderer."));
    return (retVal != null ? retVal : new StubRenderer ());
  // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


// =============================================================================
// Copyright � 2000 Bitmovers Software Inc.                                  eof

Related Classes of com.bitmovers.maui.engine.CompositionManager

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