// =============================================================================
//++ 181 MW 2001.08.09
// Added the getAllApplicationNames() which returns a vector of all the names
// of the applications in the current Maui Environment.
// =============================================================================
package com.bitmovers.maui.engine;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
import java.util.zip.ZipInputStream;
import java.util.zip.ZipFile;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.FilenameFilter;
import java.io.FileFilter;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.net.URL;
import sun.misc.URLClassPath;
import sun.misc.Resource;
import com.bitmovers.maui.profiler.Profiler;
import com.bitmovers.maui.MauiApplication;
import com.bitmovers.maui.I_SiteInitializer;
import com.bitmovers.maui.engine.resourcemanager.*;
import com.bitmovers.maui.MauiRuntimeEngine;
import com.bitmovers.maui.components.MDesktop;
import com.bitmovers.maui.engine.httpserver.HTTPSession;
import com.bitmovers.maui.engine.httpserver.I_SessionListener;
import com.bitmovers.maui.engine.httpserver.SessionEvent;
import com.bitmovers.maui.engine.logmanager.*;
import com.bitmovers.utilities.PropertiesLoader;
// ======================================================================
// CLASS: ApplicationManager (c) 2001 Bitmovers Systems
// ======================================================================
/** This object has two primary functions. Firstly, during
* initialization, this manager will scan jar files within the Maui
* applications folder for <code>MauiApplication</code> classes. It
* then creates objects which represent each of these applications.
* During runtime, the ApplicationManager creates MauiApplication
* objects on demand.
public class ApplicationManager
implements I_SessionListener,
// If the ClassLoader is shared, then a common will be created here, and used
// by all of the ApplicationSuites.
protected MauiClassLoader extensionsClassLoader = new MauiClassLoader ();
protected ServerConfigurationManager scm;
protected String applicationLocation;
protected String workLocation;
protected String extensionLocation;
protected FolderInformation folderInformation = null;
protected boolean autoReload = false;
protected Vector extensionsLoaded = new Vector ();
//protected Hashtable applications = new Hashtable (20);
//protected Hashtable applicationNames = new Hashtable (20);
private static final ApplicationManager am = new ApplicationManager ();
private String defaultApplicationClassName;
private String defaultFolder;
private FolderInformation defaultFolderInformation;
private String internalApplicationClassName;
private boolean initDone = false;
private Map folders = new TreeMap ();
private Hashtable sessions = new Hashtable ();
private Hashtable initializers = new Hashtable (5);
private int applicationScanTime;
private boolean firstTime = true;
private Vector listeners = new Vector ();
private Hashtable suiteReferences = new Hashtable (10);
private Hashtable lowerCase = new Hashtable (50);
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
// INNER CLASS: SessionInformation
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
/** This inner class contains information about application/session cross
* references.
class SessionInformation
protected final Vector sessions = new Vector ();
protected final MauiApplication mauiApplication;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
SessionInformation (MauiApplication aMauiApplication)
mauiApplication = aMauiApplication;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getMauiApplication
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
protected MauiApplication getMauiApplication ()
return mauiApplication;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getSessions
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
protected Vector getSessions ()
return sessions;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: toArray
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
protected HTTPSession [] toArray ()
HTTPSession [] retVal = new HTTPSession [sessions.size ()];
Object [] theSessions = sessions.toArray ();
for (int i = 0; i < theSessions.length; i++)
retVal [i] = (HTTPSession) theSessions [i];
return retVal;
* Return a count of the number of sessions in the vector
* @return The number of sessions running this application
public int size ()
return sessions.size ();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: isEmpty
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
protected boolean isEmpty ()
return (sessions.size () == 0);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: addSession
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
protected void addSession (HTTPSession aSession)
if (!sessions.contains (aSession))
sessions.addElement (aSession);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: removeSession
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
protected void removeSession (HTTPSession aSession)
if (sessions.contains (aSession))
sessions.removeElement (aSession);
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
// INNER CLASS: FolderInformation
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
/** This inner class is used for grouping application suites by folder.
* ApplicationSuites can be grouped under folders
class FolderInformation
protected final String folder;
protected final TreeMap suites = new TreeMap ();
protected final TreeMap applications = new TreeMap ();
protected final Map applicationNames = new TreeMap ();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
protected FolderInformation (String aFolder)
folder = aFolder;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: addApplicationSuite
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
protected void addApplicationSuite (ApplicationSuite aApplicationSuite)
suites.put (aApplicationSuite.getName (), aApplicationSuite);
protected void removeApplicationSuite (ApplicationSuite aApplicationSuite)
suites.remove (aApplicationSuite.getName ());
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getSuite
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Given an ApplicationSuite name get the ApplicationSuite name
* @param aSuiteName The application suite name
* @return The ApplicationSuite
protected ApplicationSuite getSuite (String aSuiteName)
int theIndex = aSuiteName.indexOf (".jar");
String theLookupKey = (theIndex == -1 ? aSuiteName: aSuiteName.substring (0, theIndex));
TreeMap theSuites = suites;
Object retVal = theSuites.get (theLookupKey);
return (ApplicationSuite) retVal;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getFolderName
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
protected String getFolderName ()
return folder;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getAllSuites
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Get a sorted array of all of the ApplicationSuites within the folder
* @return An array of the ApplicationSuites contained within the folder
protected ApplicationSuite [] getAllSuites ()
ApplicationSuite [] retVal = new ApplicationSuite [suites.size ()];
Iterator theValues = suites.values ().iterator ();
int i = 0;
while (theValues.hasNext ())
Object theValue = theValues.next ();
retVal [i++] = (ApplicationSuite) theValue;
return retVal;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getApplicationSuiteNames
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Get a sorted list of all of the application suites
* @return The sorted String array
protected String [] getApplicationSuiteNames ()
ApplicationSuite [] theSuites = getAllSuites ();
String [] retVal = new String [theSuites.length];
for (int i = 0; i < retVal.length; i++)
retVal [i] = theSuites [i].getName ();
return retVal;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: addApplication
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
protected void addApplication (MauiApplication aMauiApplication)
applications.put (aMauiApplication.getName(), aMauiApplication);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getApplicationName
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
protected String getApplicationName (String aClassName)
return (String) applicationNames.get (getClassName (aClassName));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getAllApplicationNames
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
protected String [] getAllApplicationNames ()
String [] retVal = new String [applications.size ()];
Iterator theValues = applicationNames.values ().iterator ();
int i = 0;
while (theValues.hasNext ())
retVal [i++] = (String) theValues.next ();
return retVal;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getWrapper
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
protected ApplicationClassWrapper getWrapper (String aClassName)
return (ApplicationClassWrapper) applications.get (getClassName (aClassName));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getClassName
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
protected String getClassName (String aClassName)
int theSlash = aClassName.lastIndexOf ("/");
return (theSlash == -1 ? aClassName : aClassName.substring (theSlash + 1));
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
// INNER CLASS: ApplicationClassWrapper
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
/** Inner class for maintaining cross-reference between a MauiApplication Class
* and the ApplicationSuite it belongs to.
class ApplicationClassWrapper
protected Class applicationClass;
protected ApplicationSuite applicationSuite;
protected Properties properties = null;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
ApplicationClassWrapper (Class aApplicationClass,
ApplicationSuite aApplicationSuite,
Properties aProperties)
applicationClass = aApplicationClass;
applicationSuite = aApplicationSuite;
properties = aProperties;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getApplicationClass
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
protected Class getApplicationClass ()
return applicationClass;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getApplicationSuite
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
protected ApplicationSuite getApplicationSuite ()
return applicationSuite;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getProperties
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
protected Properties getProperties ()
return properties;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: createFolder
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
private void createFolder (String aLocation)
File theFile = new File (aLocation);
if (!theFile.exists ())
theFile.mkdirs ();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: instantiateApplication
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Instantiate the application
* @param aInitializer The I_ApplicationInitializer callback object
* @return The instantiated application
protected MauiApplication instantiateApplication (I_ApplicationInitializer aInitializer)
throws NoSuchMethodException,
Constructor theConstructor = applicationClass.getConstructor (new Class [] {Object.class});
return (MauiApplication) theConstructor.newInstance (new Object [] {aInitializer});
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: createWorkSpace
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Create the work space for this application
* @param aApplicationClassWrapper The ApplicationClassWrapper which describes the application
protected void createWorkSpace ()
createFolder (properties.getProperty (MauiApplication.MAUI_USER_DIR));
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
// INNER CLASS: ApplicationSuite
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
/** This class is a representation of a single jar file. Since it is possible for
* several MauiApplication classes to be contained within a single jar file, this
* functions largely as a placeholder to group these classes together.
class ApplicationSuite
protected MauiClassLoader classLoader;
protected String name;
protected String location;
protected String fullyQualifiedLocation;
protected TreeMap suiteApplications = new TreeMap ();
protected Properties suiteProperties = null;
private long lastModified;
private String jarFileName;
private FolderInformation folderInformation;
private boolean firstLoad = true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
ApplicationSuite (final String aLocation,
final String aJarFileName,
final FolderInformation aFolderInformation)
throws IOException
location = aLocation;
int thePeriod = aJarFileName.indexOf (".jar");
name = aJarFileName;
jarFileName = aJarFileName;
folderInformation = aFolderInformation;
if (thePeriod != -1)
name = name.substring (0, thePeriod); // Remove ".jar"
getFullyQualifiedLocation ();
load ();
protected void reload ()
throws IOException
unload ();
load ();
protected void unload ()
suiteProperties = null;
Object [] theSuiteApplications = suiteApplications.values ().toArray ();
for (int i = 0; i < theSuiteApplications.length; i++)
mauiApplicationAction ((Class) theSuiteApplications [i], false);
ResourceManager.getInstance ().removeResourceFile (fullyQualifiedLocation + File.separator + name + ".jar");
classLoader.removeJarFile (new File (getFullyQualifiedLocation (), jarFileName));
catch (IOException e)
System.err.println ("[ApplicationSuite] unload exception: " + e);
protected void load ()
throws IOException
// Use either a private ClassLoader, or the shared one
classLoader = new MauiClassLoader (extensionsClassLoader);
// Look for suite level properties. These are properties to be applied to all
// applications objects which originate from this application suite.
suiteProperties = scm.loadPropertiesFromFolder (getName (),
// Add the jar file to the ClassLoader. If this is shared then it means that this jar file
// will be added to a list of files.
File theJarFile = new File (fullyQualifiedLocation, jarFileName);
lastModified = theJarFile.lastModified ();
firstLoad = true;
if (!firstTime)
ResourceManager.getInstance ().addResourceFile (new File (fullyQualifiedLocation + File.separator + name + ".jar"));
catch (Exception e)
classLoader.addJarFile (new File (fullyQualifiedLocation, jarFileName),
new I_JarCallback ()
public void mauiAppFound (Class aMauiApplication)
addMauiApplication (aMauiApplication);
public void initializerFound (Class aInitializer)
addInitializer (aInitializer);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getApplicationNames
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
protected String [] getApplicationNames ()
String [] retVal = new String [suiteApplications.size ()];
Iterator theSuiteApplications = suiteApplications.values ().iterator ();
int i = 0;
while (theSuiteApplications.hasNext ())
retVal [i++] = ((Class) theSuiteApplications.next ()).getName ();
return retVal;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getClassLoader
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
protected MauiClassLoader getClassLoader ()
return classLoader;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getProperties
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
protected Properties getProperties ()
return suiteProperties;
* Get the last modified date for jar file
* @return The last modified date
protected long getLastModified ()
return lastModified;
* Check if the latest jar file in the folder is out of date
* @return Boolean indicating if it is out of date or not
protected boolean isOutOfDate ()
File theFile = new File (fullyQualifiedLocation, jarFileName);
return (lastModified < theFile.lastModified ());
protected void setOutOfDate ()
lastModified = (long) 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: loadPropertiesFromResource
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
private boolean loadPropertiesFromResource (String aResourceName, Properties aProperties)
throws IOException
InputStream thePropertiesStream = getClassLoader ().findResourceStream (aResourceName + ".properties");
if (thePropertiesStream != null)
aProperties.load (thePropertiesStream);
thePropertiesStream.close ();
catch (IOException e)
return (thePropertiesStream == null ? false : true);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getApplicationProperties
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
private Properties getApplicationProperties (final String aAppName, final String aClassName)
Properties retVal = (Properties) getProperties ().clone ();
int thePeriod = aAppName.indexOf (".");
if (thePeriod != -1)
scm.loadPropertiesFromFolder (aAppName.substring (0, thePeriod), location, retVal);
scm.loadPropertiesFromFolder (aAppName, location, retVal);
scm.loadPropertiesFromFolder (aClassName, location, retVal);
thePeriod = aClassName.lastIndexOf (".");
scm.loadPropertiesFromFolder ((thePeriod != -1 ?
aClassName.substring (thePeriod + 1) :
if (!loadPropertiesFromResource (aAppName, retVal))
loadPropertiesFromResource (aClassName, retVal);
catch (IOException e)
catch (IOException e)
loadPropertiesFromResource (aClassName, retVal);
catch (IOException e2)
return retVal;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: addMauiApplication
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Add a MauiApplication to the ApplicationSuite. This method also
* takes responsible for cataloguing the MauiApplication. This
* includes determining the shortest, unambiguous name for each
* application.
* @param aMauiApplication The MauiApplication Class
protected void addMauiApplication (final Class aMauiApplication)
mauiApplicationAction (aMauiApplication, true);
protected void mauiApplicationAction (final Class aMauiApplication, boolean aAdd)
String theAppClassName = aMauiApplication.getName ();
String theFullClassName = theAppClassName;
int thePeriod = theAppClassName.lastIndexOf (".");
if (thePeriod != -1)
theAppClassName = theAppClassName.substring (thePeriod + 1);
String theAppName = getName () + "." + theAppClassName;
ApplicationClassWrapper theWrapper;
if (firstLoad)
loadPropertiesFromResource (getName (), suiteProperties);
catch (IOException e)
firstLoad = false;
if (aAdd)
suiteApplications.put (theAppClassName,
theWrapper = new ApplicationClassWrapper (aMauiApplication,
getApplicationProperties (theAppName,
StringBuffer theWorkLocation = new StringBuffer (workLocation);
if (!location.equals (""))
theWorkLocation.append (File.separator);
theWorkLocation.append (location);
theWorkLocation.append (File.separator);
String theClassName = theWrapper.getApplicationClass ().getName ();
theWorkLocation.append (theClassName.replace ('.', File.separatorChar));
Properties theProperties = theWrapper.getProperties ();
String theWorkFolderName = theWorkLocation.toString ();
theProperties.put (MauiApplication.MAUI_USER_DIR, theWorkFolderName);
int theDot = theClassName.lastIndexOf ('.');
theClassName = (theDot == -1 ? theClassName : theClassName.substring (theDot + 1));
int theSlash = theClassName.lastIndexOf (File.separatorChar);
theClassName = (theSlash == -1 ? theClassName : theClassName.substring (theSlash + 1));
theProperties.put ("maui." + theClassName + ".working.folder", theWorkFolderName);
if (folderInformation.applications.get (theAppClassName) != null)
System.err.println ("[Application Manager] MauiApplication " + theFullClassName +
" was already defined in " + theWrapper.getApplicationSuite ().getName ());
folderInformation.applications.put (theAppClassName, theWrapper);
folderInformation.applicationNames.put (theAppClassName, theFullClassName);
//Properties theProperties = (Properties) getProperties ().clone ();
folderInformation.applications.put (theAppName, theWrapper);
folderInformation.applicationNames.put (theAppName, theFullClassName);
folderInformation.applications.put (theFullClassName, theWrapper);
if (theFullClassName.equals (defaultApplicationClassName))
String theDefaultName = "default." + theAppClassName;
folderInformation.applications.put (theDefaultName, theWrapper);
folderInformation.applicationNames.put (theDefaultName, theFullClassName);
suiteApplications.remove (theAppClassName);
theWrapper = getApplicationClassWrapper (location, theAppClassName);
folderInformation.applications.remove (theAppClassName);
folderInformation.applicationNames.remove (theAppClassName);
folderInformation.applications.remove (theAppName);
folderInformation.applicationNames.remove (theAppName);
folderInformation.applications.remove (theFullClassName);
if (theFullClassName.equals (defaultApplicationClassName))
String theDefaultName = "default." + theAppClassName;
folderInformation.applications.remove (theDefaultName);
folderInformation.applicationNames.remove (theDefaultName);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: addInitializer
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
protected void addInitializer (Class aInitializer)
initializers.put (aInitializer.getName (), aInitializer);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getName
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
protected String getName ()
return name;
public String getJarFileName ()
return jarFileName;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getLocation
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
protected String getLocation ()
return location;
* Get the fully qualified location
* @return The fully qualified location
protected void getFullyQualifiedLocation ()
StringBuffer theLocation = new StringBuffer (applicationLocation);
if (location != null && location.length () > 0)
theLocation.append (File.separator);
theLocation.append (location);
fullyQualifiedLocation = theLocation.toString ();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getFullName
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
protected String getFullName ()
return (location.length () > 0 ? location + "/" : "") + name;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// STATIC METHOD: getInstance
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
public static ApplicationManager getInstance ()
return am;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: addApplicationSuite
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
public ClassLoader getExtensionsClassLoader ()
return extensionsClassLoader;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: addApplicationSuite
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
private void addApplicationSuite (String aSuiteName, String aClassName)
ApplicationSuite theSuite = new ApplicationSuite (aSuiteName); // Load up the default.
theSuite.addMauiApplication (Class.forName (aClassName));
suites.put (theSuite.getName (), theSuite);
catch (Exception e)
private String [] getJarFiles (File aLocation)
String [] theJarFiles =
aLocation.list (new FilenameFilter ()
public boolean accept (File aDir, String aName)
return aName.toLowerCase ().endsWith (".jar");
return theJarFiles;
public void addApplicationManagerListener (ApplicationManagerListener aListener)
if (!listeners.contains (aListener))
listeners.addElement (aListener);
public void removeApplicationManagerListener (ApplicationManagerListener aListener)
if (listeners.contains (aListener))
listeners.removeElement (aListener);
protected void notifyManagerListeners (Object aObjectSource, String aName, int aAction)
if (listeners.size () > 0)
ApplicationManagerEvent theEvent =
new ApplicationManagerEvent (aObjectSource, aName);
Enumeration theListeners = listeners.elements ();
while (theListeners.hasMoreElements ())
ApplicationManagerListener theListener =
(ApplicationManagerListener) theListeners.nextElement ();
switch (aAction)
case (ApplicationManagerListener.LOADED) :
theListener.applicationSuiteLoaded (theEvent);
case (ApplicationManagerListener.UNLOADED) :
theListener.applicationSuiteUnloaded (theEvent);
case (ApplicationManagerListener.RELOADED) :
theListener.applicationSuiteReloaded (theEvent);
case (ApplicationManagerListener.EXTENSIONS) :
theListener.extensionsLoaded (theEvent);
* Scan the extensions folder, and add any extensions that haven't already been defined
private void scanForExtensions ()
extensionsClassLoader.setLoadAllProperties (true);
File theExtensionsFolder = new File (extensionLocation);
if (!theExtensionsFolder.exists ())
theExtensionsFolder.mkdir ();
if (theExtensionsFolder.exists () &&
theExtensionsFolder.isDirectory ())
boolean theLoadAllExtensions = false;
String [] theJarFiles = getJarFiles (theExtensionsFolder);
if (theJarFiles.length > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < theJarFiles.length; i++)
if (!extensionsLoaded.contains (theJarFiles [i]))
extensionsClassLoader.addJarFile (new File (theExtensionsFolder, theJarFiles [i]), null);
theLoadAllExtensions = true;
catch (IOException e)
extensionsLoaded.addElement (theJarFiles [i]);
if (autoReload && theLoadAllExtensions)
extensionsClassLoader.loadAllExtensions ();
notifyManagerListeners (this,
* Go through the list of ApplicationSuite objects and prune out any that no longer
* physically exist.
* @param aFolder The FolderInformation object
* @param aJarFiles Up-to-date list of jar file names found within the folder
private void scanForDeletedSuites (FolderInformation aFolder, String [] aJarFiles)
Vector theJarFiles = new Vector (aJarFiles.length);
for (int i = 0; i < aJarFiles.length; i++)
int thePeriod = aJarFiles [i].toLowerCase ().indexOf (".jar");
if (thePeriod != -1)
theJarFiles.addElement (aJarFiles [i].substring (0, thePeriod));
Object [] theSuites = aFolder.suites.values ().toArray ();
for (int i = 0; i < theSuites.length; i++)
ApplicationSuite theSuite = (ApplicationSuite) theSuites [i];
if (!theJarFiles.contains (theSuite.getName ()))
theSuite.setOutOfDate ();
isOutOfDate (theSuite, true);
catch (IOException e)
aFolder.removeApplicationSuite (theSuite);
notifyManagerListeners (theSuite, theSuite.getName (), ApplicationManagerListener.UNLOADED);
* Go through the list of FolderInformation objects and prune out any that
* no longer physically exist.
* @param aLocation The folder being scanned
* @param aFolders Up-to-date list of folders for this location
private void scanForDeletedFolders (File aLocation, File [] aFolders)
FolderInformation [] theFolders = getFolders ();
HashMap theFoldersMap = new HashMap (theFolders.length);
String theLocationName = aLocation.getName ();
if (theLocationName.startsWith (applicationLocation))
theLocationName = theLocationName.substring (applicationLocation.length ());
for (int i = 0; i < theFolders.length; i++)
String theFolderName = theFolders [i].getFolderName ();
if (theFolderName.startsWith (theLocationName))
theFolderName = theFolderName.substring (theLocationName.length ());
if (theFolderName.length () > 0)
theFoldersMap.put (theFolderName, theFolders [i]);
for (int i = 0; i < aFolders.length; i++)
theFoldersMap.remove (aFolders [i].getName ());
Object [] theRemainder = theFoldersMap.values ().toArray ();
for (int i = 0; i < theRemainder.length; i++)
scanForDeletedSuites ((FolderInformation) theRemainder [i], new String [0]);
folders.remove (((FolderInformation) theRemainder [i]).getFolderName ());
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: buildApplicationSuites
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** This method takes responsibility for loading all of the ApplicationSuites (ie. jar files) within a particular
* folder. This includes locating all jar files within the folder, scanning each jar file for MauiApplications (ie.
* classes which extend the MauiApplicaition class), creating descriptions for them (ApplicationClassWrappers), and
* cataloguing them.
* @param aLocation The folder to scan
private void buildApplicationSuites (final File aLocation)
//addApplicationSuite ("default", defaultApplicationClassName);
//addApplicationSuite ("maui", internalApplicationClassName);
if (aLocation.exists ())
String theUseLocation = aLocation.toString ();
int theIndex = theUseLocation.indexOf (applicationLocation) + applicationLocation.length ();
theUseLocation = theUseLocation.substring (theIndex);
if (theUseLocation.startsWith (File.separator))
theUseLocation = theUseLocation.substring (1);
String [] theJarFiles = getJarFiles (aLocation);
String theFolderLocation = theUseLocation.replace (File.separatorChar, '/');
folderInformation = (FolderInformation) folders.get (theFolderLocation);
if (folderInformation == null)
folderInformation = new FolderInformation (theUseLocation);
folders.put (theFolderLocation, folderInformation);
String theJarFile;
if (theJarFiles.length > 0)
TreeMap theSuites = folderInformation.suites;
for (int i = 0; i < theJarFiles.length; i++)
int thePeriod = theJarFiles [i].indexOf (".jar");
if (thePeriod != -1)
String theSuiteName = theJarFiles [i].substring (0, thePeriod);
ApplicationSuite theSuite;
if ((theSuite = (ApplicationSuite) theSuites.get (theSuiteName)) == null)
theSuite = new ApplicationSuite (theUseLocation,
theJarFiles [i],
System.out.println (new InfoString ("Loading " + theSuite.getFullName () + "."));
theSuites.put (theSuite.getName (), theSuite);
notifyManagerListeners (theSuite, theSuite.getFullName (), ApplicationManagerListener.LOADED);
else if (theSuite.isOutOfDate ());
isOutOfDate (theSuite, false);
catch (IOException e)
System.err.println (new ErrorString ("[ApplicationManager] Exception adding jar file " + theJarFiles [i] + " : " + e));
scanForDeletedSuites (folderInformation, theJarFiles);
File [] theFolders =
aLocation.listFiles (new FileFilter ()
public boolean accept (File aFile)
return (aFile.isDirectory () &&
!aFile.getName ().startsWith (".") &&
!aFile.getName ().toLowerCase ().endsWith ("resource.frk"));
scanForDeletedFolders (aLocation, theFolders);
for (int i = 0; i < theFolders.length; i++)
buildApplicationSuites (theFolders [i]);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: siteInitialization
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Perform site specific initialization
* @param aConfigurationProperties The properties Hashtable
private void siteInitialization (final Properties aConfigurationProperties)
TreeMap theSortedMap = new TreeMap ();
ServerConfigurationManager theSCM = ServerConfigurationManager.getInstance ();
Enumeration theKeys = aConfigurationProperties.keys ();
while (theKeys.hasMoreElements ())
String theKey = (String) theKeys.nextElement ();
if (theKey.startsWith (theSCM.MAUI_SITE_INITIALIZER))
theSortedMap.put (theKey, aConfigurationProperties.getProperty (theKey));
if (theSortedMap.size () > 0)
Iterator theValues = theSortedMap.values ().iterator ();
int i = 0;
while (theValues.hasNext ())
String theClass = (String) theValues.next ();
I_SiteInitializer theInitializer = getSiteInitializer (theClass);
if (theInitializer != null)
theInitializer.initializeSite (theSCM.getGlobalProperties ());
System.err.println ("[ServerConfigurationManager] - Expected site specific initializer class not found : " +
catch (Exception e)
System.err.println ("[ServerConfigurationManager] - Site specific initializer exception: (class: " +
theClass + ") (exception: " + e + ")");
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: initialize
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Initialize the ApplicationManager. Get some properties that the ApplicationManager uses:
* <pre>
* - the location of the application folder
* - a boolean indicating if a shared ClassLoader should be used or not
* - the default MauiApplication name
* </pre>
public void initialize ()
if (!initDone)
int theReference = Profiler.start (MauiRuntimeEngine.SOURCE_APPLICATION_MANAGER,
// Do some initialization
scm = ServerConfigurationManager.getInstance ();
applicationLocation = scm.getProperty (scm.MAUI_APPLICATION_LOCATION);
workLocation = scm.getProperty (scm.MAUI_APPLICATION_WORK_SPACE_LOCATION);
extensionLocation = scm.getProperty (scm.MAUI_EXTENSION_LOCATION);
autoReload = scm.getProperty (scm.MAUI_AUTO_RELOAD).equalsIgnoreCase ("true");
defaultFolder = scm.getProperty (scm.MAUI_DEFAULT_FOLDER);
defaultFolderInformation = new FolderInformation (defaultFolder);
folders.put ("", defaultFolderInformation);
folders.put (defaultFolder, defaultFolderInformation);
defaultApplicationClassName = getMauiApplicationClassName (scm.getProperty (scm.MAUI_DEFAULT_APPLICATION));
internalApplicationClassName = getMauiApplicationClassName (scm.getProperty (scm.MAUI_INTERNAL_APPLICATION));
//if (isSharedClassLoader)
//sharedClassLoader = new MauiClassLoader ();
System.out.println (new DebugString("[ApplicationManager] - Starting..."));
defaultFolderInformation.applicationNames.put ("default", defaultApplicationClassName);
if (autoReload)
applicationScanTime = Integer.parseInt (scm.getProperty (scm.MAUI_APPLICATION_SCAN_TIME)) * 1000;
catch (NumberFormatException e)
applicationScanTime = 20000;
addApplicationManagerListener (new ApplicationManagerListener ()
public void extensionsLoaded (ApplicationManagerEvent aEvent)
public void applicationSuiteLoaded (ApplicationManagerEvent aEvent)
catalogueSuite ((ApplicationSuite) aEvent.getSource ());
public void applicationSuiteUnloaded (ApplicationManagerEvent aEvent)
uncatalogueSuite ((ApplicationSuite) aEvent.getSource ());
public void applicationSuiteReloaded (ApplicationManagerEvent aEvent)
ApplicationSuite theSuite = (ApplicationSuite) aEvent.getSource ();
uncatalogueSuite (theSuite);
catalogueSuite (theSuite);
new Thread (this, "AppMgr - AutoLoad").start ();
/*synchronized (this)
wait ();
catch (InterruptedException e)
/*if (extensionLocation != null)
scanForExtensions ();
if (applicationLocation != null)
buildApplicationSuites (new File (applicationLocation));
siteInitialization (scm.getProperties ());*/
// Listen for session level events (creation, deletion, application addition)
HTTPSession.addSessionListener (this);
initDone = true;
System.out.println (new DebugString("[ApplicationManager] - Started."));
Profiler.finish (theReference, null);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: catalogueSuite
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
private void addName (String aName, Vector aTargetVector)
lowerCase.put (aName, aName);
lowerCase.put (aName.toLowerCase (), aName);
aTargetVector.addElement (aName);
aTargetVector.addElement(aName.toLowerCase ());
/** Do lowercase cataloguing of applications withing an ApplicationSuite
* @param aApplicationSuite The ApplicationSuite
public void catalogueSuite (ApplicationSuite aApplicationSuite)
uncatalogueSuite (aApplicationSuite);
Vector theLowerCaseNames = new Vector (20);
suiteReferences.put (aApplicationSuite.getFullName (), theLowerCaseNames);
String theLocation = aApplicationSuite.getLocation ();
String [] theApplicationNames = aApplicationSuite.getApplicationNames ();
StringBuffer theName = new StringBuffer ();
for (int i = 0; i < theApplicationNames.length; i++)
if (theLocation != null &&
theLocation.length () > 0)
theName.append (theLocation);
theName.append ("/");
int theLength = theName.length ();
if (theLength != 0)
theName.append (theApplicationNames [i]);
addName (theName.toString (), theLowerCaseNames);
addName (theApplicationNames [i], theLowerCaseNames);
int theIndex = theApplicationNames [i].lastIndexOf (".");
if (theIndex != -1)
String theShortName = theApplicationNames [i].substring (theIndex + 1);
addName (theShortName, theLowerCaseNames);
addName (aApplicationSuite.getName () + "." + theShortName, theLowerCaseNames);
if (theLength != 0)
theName.setLength (theLength);
theName.append (theShortName);
addName (theName.toString (), theLowerCaseNames);
addName (aApplicationSuite.getName () + "." + theApplicationNames [i], theLowerCaseNames);
theName.setLength (0);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: catalogueSuite
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Uncatalogue all of the applications within the ApplicationSuite
* @param aApplicationSuite The ApplicationSuite
public void uncatalogueSuite (ApplicationSuite aApplicationSuite)
Vector theNames = (Vector) suiteReferences.remove (aApplicationSuite.getFullName ());
if (theNames != null)
Enumeration theNamesEnumeration = theNames.elements ();
String theName;
while (theNamesEnumeration.hasMoreElements ())
theName = (String) theNamesEnumeration.nextElement ();
lowerCase.remove (theName);
lowerCase.remove (theName.toLowerCase ());
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getFolders
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Get an array of all of the FolderInformation objects
* @return The array of FolderInformation objects
protected FolderInformation [] getFolders ()
Object [] theFolders = folders.values ().toArray ();
FolderInformation [] retVal = new FolderInformation [theFolders.length];
for (int i = 0; i < retVal.length; i++)
retVal [i] = (FolderInformation) theFolders [i];
return retVal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getFolder
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Get a FolderInformation object. This object contains information on the ApplicationSuites it contains. This method
* uses a class name of a MauiApplication, and retrieves the containing FolderInformation object
* @param aFolderName The name of the folder, or null to use the default
* @return The associated FolderInformation object
protected FolderInformation getFolder (String aFolderName)
String theFolderName = new String (aFolderName);
Object retVal = folders.get ((theFolderName == null ? "" : theFolderName));
if (retVal == null)
int theSlash = theFolderName.lastIndexOf ("/");
if (theSlash != -1)
theFolderName = theFolderName.substring (0, theSlash);
retVal = folders.get (theFolderName);
if (retVal != null && theFolderName.length () > 0)
// Make sure that a folder and file name aren't the same
File theFolder = new File (applicationLocation, theFolderName);
if (theFolder.isDirectory ())
final String theFinalName = theFolderName;
// This might be a directory, or it might be a file name
theFolder = theFolder.getParentFile ();
if (theFolder != null)
String [] theFiles =
theFolder.list (new FilenameFilter ()
public boolean accept (File aDir, String aName)
boolean retVal2 = false;
if (aName.startsWith (theFinalName))
retVal2 = !new File (aDir, aName).isDirectory ();
return retVal2;
if (theFiles.length != 0)
retVal = null;
return (FolderInformation) (retVal == null ? folders.get ("") : retVal);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getFolderName
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Get the folder name
* @param aClassName The name of the class
* @return The associated folder name
public String getFolderName (String aClassName)
FolderInformation theFolder = getFolder (aClassName);
return theFolder.getFolderName ();
* Get the ApplicationSuite for an application
* @param aMauiApplication The MauiApplication to check
protected ApplicationSuite getApplicationSuite (MauiApplication aMauiApplication)
String theApplicationName = aMauiApplication.getApplicationName ();
String theFolderName = aMauiApplication.getFolderName ();
ApplicationClassWrapper theWrapper = getApplicationClassWrapper (theFolderName, theApplicationName);
return theWrapper.getApplicationSuite ();
public void setOutOfDate (MauiApplication aMauiApplication)
ApplicationSuite theSuite = getApplicationSuite (aMauiApplication);
theSuite.setOutOfDate ();
/** Check for the application suite being out of date
* @return Boolean indicating if the application suite is out of date
public boolean isOutOfDate (MauiApplication aMauiApplication)
throws IOException
boolean retVal = false;
if (autoReload)
ApplicationSuite theSuite = getApplicationSuite (aMauiApplication);
retVal = isOutOfDate (theSuite, false);
return retVal;
* Check for an ApplicationSuite being out of date
* @param aApplicationSuite The ApplicationSuite to check
* @param aUnloadOnly Boolean indicating if this is unload only
* @param Boolean indicating if the suite is out of date or not
protected boolean isOutOfDate (ApplicationSuite aApplicationSuite,
boolean aUnloadOnly)
throws IOException
boolean retVal = false;
if (aUnloadOnly || aApplicationSuite.isOutOfDate ())
retVal = true;
String theFolderName = new String (aApplicationSuite.getLocation ());
if (theFolderName.length () > 0)
theFolderName += "/";
MauiApplication [] theApplications = getRunningApplications ();
for (int i = 0; i < theApplications.length; i++)
if (getApplicationSuite (theApplications [i]) == aApplicationSuite)
HTTPSession [] theSessions = getSessions (theApplications [i]);
String theApplicationClass = theFolderName + theApplications [i].getClass ().getName ();
for (int j = 0; j < theSessions.length; j++)
MauiApplication theApplication = theSessions [j].getCachedMauiApplication (theApplicationClass);
if (theApplication != null)
theApplication.exit ();
theSessions [j].removeApplication (theApplication);
theApplication.setChainApplicationName (theFolderName + theApplication.getName ());
StringBuffer theStatusMessage = new StringBuffer ((aUnloadOnly ? "Unloading " : "Reloading "));
theStatusMessage.append (aApplicationSuite.getFullName ());
theStatusMessage.append (".");
System.out.println (new InfoString (theStatusMessage.toString ()));
if (aUnloadOnly)
aApplicationSuite.unload ();
notifyManagerListeners (aApplicationSuite,
aApplicationSuite.getFullName (),
aApplicationSuite.reload ();
notifyManagerListeners (aApplicationSuite,
aApplicationSuite.getFullName (),
return retVal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: doAuthorizationCheck
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Check authorizations. If any fail, then an appropriate
* MauiApplication will be created.
* @param aSession The HTTPSession
* @param aInitializer The I_ApplicationInitializer object
private MauiApplication doAuthorizationCheck (HTTPSession aSession,
I_ApplicationInitializer aInitializer)
MauiApplication retVal = null;
AuthorizationManager theAuth = AuthorizationManager.getInstance ();
if (!theAuth.isAuthorized (null, theAuth.AUTHORIZATION_SESSIONS))
retVal = new com.bitmovers.maui.engine.httpserver.SessionLimitExceeded (aInitializer);
else if (aSession.isServletBased () && !theAuth.isAuthorized (null, theAuth.AUTHORIZATION_SERVLET))
retVal = new com.bitmovers.maui.engine.servlet.NoServletSupport (aInitializer);
return retVal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: createMauiApplication
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Create a MauiApplication object.
* @param aRequestHeader Information from the request header
* @param aCheckpoint A hashtable of checkpoint values set on the client side
* @param aSession The session associated with the application being created
* @param aAppName The class name of the MauiApplication to create
* @param aCreateDefault Boolean indicating if a default application should be created.
* @return The initialized MauiApplication object
* @exception ClassNotFoundException This could happen if an invalid class name is passed in
public MauiApplication createMauiApplication (final Map aRequestHeader,
final Hashtable aCheckpoint,
final HTTPSession aSession,
final String aClassName,
final boolean aCreateDefault)
throws ClassNotFoundException,
MauiApplication retVal = null;
if (aClassName != null &&
aClassName.trim ().length () > 0)
//FolderInformation theFolderInformation = getFolder (aClassName);
//String theClassName = theFolderInformation.getClassName (aClassName);
//theClassName = getMauiApplicationClassName (theClassName);
//ApplicationClassWrapper theWrapper = (ApplicationClassWrapper) theFolderInformation.applications.get (theClassName);
final ApplicationClassWrapper theWrapper = getApplicationClassWrapper (aClassName);
if (theWrapper == null)
if (aCreateDefault)
String theLocation = (defaultFolder.trim ().length () == 0 ?
"" :
defaultFolder + "/");
retVal = createMauiApplication (aRequestHeader, aCheckpoint, aSession, theLocation + defaultApplicationClassName, false);
FolderInformation theFolderInformation = getFolder (aClassName);
String theClassName = theFolderInformation.getClassName (aClassName);
theClassName = getMauiApplicationClassName (theClassName);
throw new ClassNotFoundException (theClassName);
I_ApplicationInitializer theInitializer = new I_ApplicationInitializer ()
public void initializeApplication (MauiApplication aMauiApplication)
theWrapper.createWorkSpace ();
ComponentManager.getInstance ().setApplication (aMauiApplication);
ApplicationSuite theApplicationSuite = theWrapper.getApplicationSuite ();
aMauiApplication.setApplicationSuiteName (theApplicationSuite.getName ());
aMauiApplication.setApplicationName (aClassName);
aMauiApplication.setChainApplicationName (aClassName);
aMauiApplication.setShortName (getShortName (aClassName));
aMauiApplication.setSession (aSession);
aMauiApplication.setFolderName (theApplicationSuite.getLocation ());
aMauiApplication.setInboundCookies (aCheckpoint);
Properties theProperties = (Properties) theWrapper.getProperties ().clone ();
aMauiApplication.setProperties (theProperties);
String theProperty = theProperties.getProperty (scm.MAUI_APPLICATION_PREAMBLE);
if (theProperty != null)
aMauiApplication.setPreamble (theProperty);
theProperty = theProperties.getProperty (scm.MAUI_APPLICATION_POSTAMBLE);
if (theProperty != null)
aMauiApplication.setPostamble (theProperty);
theProperty = theProperties.getProperty (scm.MAUI_APPLICATION_BACKGROUND_COLOR);
if (theProperty != null)
aMauiApplication.setBackgroundColor (theProperty);
theProperty = theProperties.getProperty (scm.MAUI_APPLICATION_BACKGROUND_IMAGE);
if (theProperty != null)
aMauiApplication.setBackgroundImage (theProperty);
aMauiApplication.setDesktop (MDesktop.getInstance ());
aMauiApplication.initialize (aRequestHeader);
if ((retVal = doAuthorizationCheck (aSession, theInitializer)) == null)
retVal = theWrapper.instantiateApplication (theInitializer);
if (isOutOfDate (retVal))
retVal = createMauiApplication (aRequestHeader,
catch (IOException e)
else if (aCreateDefault)
// Create a default application
retVal = createMauiApplication (aRequestHeader, aCheckpoint, aSession, defaultApplicationClassName, false);
throw new ClassNotFoundException ((aClassName == null ? defaultApplicationClassName : aClassName));
if (retVal != null)
retVal.staticInitialize ();
if (aClassName != null && aClassName.equals (defaultApplicationClassName))
retVal.setDefaultApplication (true);
return retVal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getDefaultApplicationClassName
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Get the name of the default application
* @return The name of the default application
public String getDefaultApplicationClassName ()
return defaultApplicationClassName;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: isDefaultApplicationClassName
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Test if the class name corresponds to the default application class name
* @return Boolean indicating if this is the default application class name
public boolean isDefaultApplicationClassName (String aClassName)
return getMauiApplicationClassName (aClassName).equals (defaultApplicationClassName);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getShortName
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Return the short name for the application
* @param aFolder The folder which contains the class
* @param aClassName The target class
* @return The short name for the class
public String getShortName (String aFolderName, String aClassName)
return getShortName (aFolderName + "/" + aClassName);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getShortName
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Return the short name for the application
* @param aName An application name
* @return The short name for the application
public String getShortName (String aClassName)
FolderInformation theFolder = getFolder (aClassName);
String retVal = getMauiApplicationClassName (aClassName);
ApplicationClassWrapper theWrapper = theFolder.getWrapper (retVal);
int thePeriod = retVal.lastIndexOf (".");
if (thePeriod != -1)
retVal = retVal.substring (thePeriod + 1);
retVal = theWrapper.getApplicationSuite ().getName () + "." + retVal;
return retVal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getSimpleShortName
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Return the short name for the class
* @param aFolder The folder which contains the class
* @param aName An application name
* @return The short name for the application without the suite name attached
public String getSimpleShortName (String aFolder, String aClassName)
return getSimpleShortName (aFolder + "/" + aClassName);
/** Return the short name for the application without the suite name attached.
* @param aName An application name
* @return The short name for the application without the suite name attached
public String getSimpleShortName (String aClassName)
FolderInformation theFolder = getFolder (aClassName);
String retVal = getMauiApplicationClassName (aClassName);
ApplicationClassWrapper theWrapper = theFolder.getWrapper (retVal);
int thePeriod = retVal.lastIndexOf (".");
if (thePeriod != -1)
retVal = retVal.substring (thePeriod + 1);
return retVal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getApplicationClassWrapper
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Get the ApplicationClassWrapper object
* @param aApplicationName The name of the application
* @return The ApplicationClassWrapper, or null if not found
private ApplicationClassWrapper getApplicationClassWrapper (String aApplicationName)
ApplicationClassWrapper retVal = null;
String theApplicationName = new String (aApplicationName);
FolderInformation theFolderInformation = getFolder (theApplicationName);
if (theFolderInformation != null)
String theFolderName = theFolderInformation.getFolderName ();
if (theFolderName.length () > 0 &&
theApplicationName.startsWith (theFolderName))
theApplicationName = theApplicationName.substring (theFolderName.length () - 1);
if (theApplicationName.startsWith ("/"))
theApplicationName = theApplicationName.substring (1);
String theClassName = theFolderInformation.getClassName (theApplicationName);
retVal = (ApplicationClassWrapper) theFolderInformation.applications.get (theClassName);
return retVal;
/** Get the ApplicationClassWrapper object
* @param aFolderName The name of the folder containing the application (or null for the default)
* @param aApplicationName The name of the application
* @return The ApplicationClassWrapper, or null if not found
private ApplicationClassWrapper getApplicationClassWrapper (String aFolderName, String aApplicationName)
ApplicationClassWrapper retVal = null;
FolderInformation theFolderInformation = getFolder (aFolderName);
if (theFolderInformation != null)
String theClassName = theFolderInformation.getClassName (aApplicationName);
retVal = (ApplicationClassWrapper) theFolderInformation.applications.get (theClassName);
return retVal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getApplicationProperties
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Get all of the properties for an application (without the application having to be loaded)
* @param aFolderName The folder which contains the application (or null to use the default)
* @param aFullApplicationName The fully qualified application name
* @return A Properties object containing the properties for the application, or null if not found
public Properties getApplicationProperties (String aFolderName, String aFullApplicationName)
ApplicationClassWrapper theWrapper = getApplicationClassWrapper (aFolderName, aFullApplicationName);
return (theWrapper == null ? null : (Properties) theWrapper.getProperties ().clone ());
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getSiteInitializer
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Get a site initializer
* @param aName The name of the site initializer
* @return An I_SiteInitializer object
* @exception IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException
public I_SiteInitializer getSiteInitializer (String aName)
throws IllegalAccessException,
I_SiteInitializer retVal = null;
Class theClass = (Class) initializers.get (aName);
if (theClass != null)
retVal = (I_SiteInitializer) theClass.newInstance ();
return retVal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getApplicationFolders
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Get the application folders
* @return The application folders
public String [] getApplicationFolders ()
String [] retVal = new String [folders.size ()];
Iterator theFolders = folders.keySet ().iterator ();
int i = 0;
while (theFolders.hasNext ())
retVal [i++] = (String) theFolders.next ();
return retVal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getApplicationSuiteNames
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Get the application suite names
* @param aFolder The folder to look for the application suites
* @return A String array of the application suite names
public String [] getApplicationSuiteNames (String aFolder)
FolderInformation theFolderInformation = (FolderInformation) folders.get ((aFolder == null ? "" : aFolder));
return (theFolderInformation == null ? new String [0] : theFolderInformation.getApplicationSuiteNames ());
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getApplicationNames
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Get the application names
* @param aFolderName The name of the folder containing the
* application suite.
* @param aApplicationSuiteName The name of the application suite to
* use as a filter. If null, then all
* Maui Application names will be
* returned.
* @return A String array of application names.
public String [] getApplicationNames (String aFolderName, String aApplicationSuiteName)
String [] retVal = null;
FolderInformation theFolder = (FolderInformation) folders.get (aFolderName);
if (aApplicationSuiteName == null)
retVal = theFolder.getAllApplicationNames ();
ApplicationSuite theSuite = theFolder.getSuite (aApplicationSuiteName);
retVal = theSuite.getApplicationNames ();
int theLastIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < retVal.length; i++)
Properties theProperties = getApplicationProperties (aFolderName, retVal [i]);
String theVisibility = theProperties.getProperty (MauiApplication.MAUI_APPLICATION_INVISIBLE);
if (theVisibility == null || theVisibility.equalsIgnoreCase ("false"))
if (theLastIndex++ < i)
retVal [theLastIndex - 1] = retVal [i];
if (theLastIndex < retVal.length)
String [] theNewApps = new String [theLastIndex];
System.arraycopy (retVal, 0, theNewApps, 0, theLastIndex);
retVal = theNewApps;
return retVal;
//++ 181 MW 2001.08.09
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getAllApplicationNames
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Get all the application names
* @return A Vector of all the application names.
public Hashtable getAllApplicationNames ()
return lowerCase;
//-- 181
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getMauiApplicationClassName
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Get the class name for a MauiApplication
* @param aFolderName The folder which contains the application
* @param aName The class name
public String getMauiApplicationClassName (String aFolder, String aName)
String retVal = null;
if (aName == null ||
aName.trim ().length () == 0)
retVal = defaultApplicationClassName;
FolderInformation theFolder = getFolder (aFolder);
retVal = (String) theFolder.getApplicationName (aName);
if (retVal == null)
retVal = theFolder.getClassName (aName);
return retVal;
/** Get the class name for a MauiApplication.
* @param aName The name of the MauiApplication
* @return The class name
public String getMauiApplicationClassName (String aName)
int theSlash = aName.lastIndexOf ("/");
String theFolder = (theSlash == -1 ? "" : aName.substring (0, theSlash));
String theName = (theSlash == -1 ? aName : aName.substring (theSlash + 1));
return getMauiApplicationClassName (theFolder, theName);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getMauiApplicationAddress
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Get the application address (this includes the folder reference
* @param aName The name of the application
* @return The full address, including the folder and class name
public String getMauiApplicationAddress(String aName)
String retVal = null;
if (aName == null ||
aName.trim ().length () == 0)
retVal = (defaultFolder.length () == 0 ? "" : defaultFolder + "/") + defaultApplicationClassName;
int theQuestion = aName.indexOf ("?");
String theName = (theQuestion == -1 ? aName : aName.substring (0, theQuestion));
String theFolder = getFolder (theName).getFolderName ();
retVal = (theFolder.length () == 0 ? "" : theFolder + "/") + getMauiApplicationClassName (theName);
return retVal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getSessions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Get all of the sessions running a particular application
* @param aApplicationName The name of the application to check
public HTTPSession[] getSessions(String anApplicationName)
HTTPSession [] retVal = null;
SessionInformation theSessionInformation = (SessionInformation)sessions.get(getMauiApplicationClassName(anApplicationName));
if (theSessionInformation != null)
retVal = theSessionInformation.toArray();
return (retVal == null ? new HTTPSession [0] : retVal);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getSessionCount
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Get all of the sessions running a particular application
* @param aApplication The application to check
public HTTPSession[] getSessions(MauiApplication aApplication)
return getSessions(aApplication.getApplicationName());
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getSessionCount
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Get a count of the number of sessions currently running an application
* @param aApplication A Maui application.
* @return The number of sessions currently running.
public int getSessionCount(MauiApplication aApplication)
return getSessions(aApplication).length;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getSessionCount
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Get a count of all of the sessions currently running
* @return Count of all of the sessions currently running
public int getSessionCount()
return HTTPSession.getSessionCount();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getSessionApplications
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Get all of the applications for an HTTPSession, or for all applications
* @param aSession The session to get applications for
public MauiApplication[] getSessionApplications(HTTPSession aSession)
return (aSession == null ? getRunningApplications() : aSession.getCachedMauiApplications());
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getSessionApplications
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Get all of the applications for an HTTPSession id, or for all applications
* @param aSessionID The session id
public MauiApplication[] getSessionApplications(String aSessionID)
MauiApplication [] retVal;
if (aSessionID == null)
retVal = getRunningApplications ();
HTTPSession theSession = HTTPSession.getSession (aSessionID);
retVal = getSessionApplications (theSession);
return retVal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getRunningApplications
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Get the list of all running applications
* @return An array of all of the running applications
public MauiApplication[] getRunningApplications ()
Enumeration theSessionInformations = sessions.elements ();
MauiApplication [] retVal = new MauiApplication [sessions.size ()];
int i = 0;
while (theSessionInformations.hasMoreElements ())
retVal [i++] = ((SessionInformation) theSessionInformations.nextElement ()).getMauiApplication ();
return retVal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: sessionCreated
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Notification of session creation
* @param aSessionEvent The event object describing the session
public void sessionCreated (SessionEvent aSessionEvent)
System.out.println ("Session created: " + ((HTTPSession) aSessionEvent.getSource ()).getSessionID ());
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: sessionDeleted
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Notification of session deletion.
* @param aSessionEvent The event object describing the session
public void sessionDeleted (SessionEvent aSessionEvent)
HTTPSession theSession = (HTTPSession) aSessionEvent.getSource ();
System.out.println ("Session removed: " + theSession.getSessionID ());
// Purge this session from the sessions to applications cross-reference table
MauiApplication [] theApplications = theSession.getCachedMauiApplications ();
for (int i = 0; i < theApplications.length; i++)
String theName = getMauiApplicationClassName (theApplications [i].getApplicationName ());
SessionInformation theSessionInformation = (SessionInformation) sessions.get (theName);
if (theSessionInformation != null)
theSessionInformation.removeSession (theSession);
if (theSessionInformation.isEmpty ())
sessions.remove (theName);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: applicationAdded
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Notification of the addition of an application.
* @param aSessionEvent The event object describing the session
public void applicationAdded (SessionEvent aSessionEvent)
String theApplicationName = getMauiApplicationClassName (aSessionEvent.getMauiApplication ().getApplicationName ());
System.out.println ("Application " + theApplicationName +
" added to session: " + ((HTTPSession) aSessionEvent.getSource ()).getSessionID ());
SessionInformation theSessionInformation = (SessionInformation) sessions.get (theApplicationName);
if (theSessionInformation == null)
theSessionInformation = new SessionInformation (aSessionEvent.getMauiApplication ());
sessions.put (theApplicationName, theSessionInformation);
theSessionInformation.addSession ((HTTPSession) aSessionEvent.getSource ());
/** Notification of the addition of an application.
* @param aSessionEvent The event object describing the session
public void applicationRemoved (SessionEvent aSessionEvent)
HTTPSession theSession = (HTTPSession) aSessionEvent.getSource ();
String theApplicationName = getMauiApplicationClassName (aSessionEvent.getMauiApplication ().getApplicationName ());
System.out.println ("Application " + theApplicationName +
" removed from session: " + theSession.getSessionID ());
SessionInformation theSessionInformation = (SessionInformation) sessions.get (theApplicationName);
if (theSessionInformation != null)
theSessionInformation.removeSession (theSession);
if (theSessionInformation.isEmpty ())
sessions.remove (theApplicationName);
public void run ()
Thread.currentThread ().setName ("AppMgr - AutoLoad");
if (extensionLocation != null)
scanForExtensions ();
if (applicationLocation != null)
buildApplicationSuites (new File (applicationLocation));
if (firstTime)
siteInitialization (scm.getProperties ());
//synchronized (this)
firstTime = false;
// notify ();
if (autoReload)
Thread.sleep (applicationScanTime);
catch (InterruptedException e)
} while (autoReload);
// ========================================================================
// INTERFACE: I_JarCallback
// ========================================================================
interface I_JarCallback
public void mauiAppFound (Class aMauiAppClass);
public void initializerFound (Class aInitializer);
// ========================================================================
// CLASS: MauiClassLoader
// ========================================================================
/** This is the MauiClassLoader object. It is a simple ClassLoader which is used to load classes from the jar
* files contained with the Applications folder hierarchy.
class MauiClassLoader extends ClassLoader
private Hashtable classEntries = new Hashtable (30);
private Hashtable resourceEntries = new Hashtable (10);
private Hashtable resourceJars = new Hashtable (10);
private static final Class mauiApplicationClass = MauiApplication.class;
protected boolean loadAll = false;
protected boolean loadAllProperties = false;
protected Vector newClasses = new Vector (100);
private boolean applicationsLoader;
private MauiClassLoader parent;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
protected MauiClassLoader (ClassLoader aParent)
//super (aParent);
super ();
parent = (MauiClassLoader) aParent;
applicationsLoader = true;
initialize ();
protected MauiClassLoader ()
super ();
applicationsLoader = false;
initialize ();
private void initialize ()
ServerConfigurationManager theSCM = ServerConfigurationManager.getInstance ();
loadAll = theSCM.getProperty (theSCM.MAUI_AUTO_RELOAD).equals ("true");
private byte [] readZipEntry (InputStream aInput, int aSize)
throws IOException
final int theTotalLength = aSize;
byte [] retVal = new byte [theTotalLength];
int theBufferOffset = 0;
while (theBufferOffset < theTotalLength)
int theBytesRead = aInput.read (retVal, theBufferOffset, theTotalLength - theBufferOffset);
theBufferOffset += theBytesRead;
return retVal;
protected void setLoadAllProperties (boolean aLoadAllProperties)
loadAllProperties = aLoadAllProperties;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: findObject
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Find an object within the jar file. This can be a class or
* resource. For each access to the jar file, an entry is
* added to a "caching" Hashtable, for faster subsequent accesses.
* @param aUseName The name to use for throwing exceptions (ie.
* the actual class or resource name, rather than
* the key of access).
* @param aTable The Hashtable to use for retrieving cached
* objects.
* @param aNeedClass Boolean indicating if this is a request for a
* class or resource.
* @return The retrieved Object (Class or Resource).
* @exception ClassNotFoundException
* Thrown if the Class isn't found.
protected Object findObject (String aUseName,
Hashtable aTable,
boolean aNeedClass)
throws ClassNotFoundException
Object retVal = aTable.get (aUseName);
if (retVal != null && retVal instanceof byte [])
if (aNeedClass)
retVal = defineClass (aUseName, (byte []) retVal, 0, ((byte []) retVal).length);
aTable.put (aUseName, retVal);
retVal = new ByteArrayInputStream ((byte []) retVal);
return retVal;
/* if (retVal instanceof ZipFile)
String theSearchName = new String (aUseName);
if (aNeedClass)
theSearchName = theSearchName.replace ('.', '/') + ".class";
ZipEntry theEntry = ((ZipFile) retVal).getEntry (theSearchName);
if (theEntry == null)
throw new ClassNotFoundException (aUseName);
InputStream theInput = null;
theInput = ((ZipFile) retVal).getInputStream (theEntry);
if (aNeedClass)
// This is a request for a class load
//definePackage (theEntry);
int theSize = (int) theEntry.getSize ();
byte [] theClassDefinition = readZipEntry (theInput, theSize);
retVal = defineClass (aUseName, theClassDefinition, 0, theSize);
aTable.put (aUseName, retVal); // Replace the entry with the class definition
// Trying for resource loading
// Return an InputStream for the resource, which can be wrapped up as an URL later
if (loadAll)
byte [] theResource = readZipEntry (theInput, (int) theEntry.getSize ());
aTable.put (aUseName, theResource);
retVal = new ByteArrayInputStream (theResource);
retVal = theInput;
catch (IOException e)
throw new ClassNotFoundException (aUseName);
if (theInput != null)
theInput.close ();
catch (IOException e1)
else if (!aNeedClass)
if (retVal instanceof byte [])
retVal = new ByteArrayInputStream ((byte []) retVal);
return retVal;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: loadClass
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/** This extends the ClassLoader's loadClass method. It is for
* debugging purposes only. If the logging threshold is at the debug
* level, then this will add a message to the log indicating what
* class is being loaded.
* @param aName The name of the Class to load.
* @param aResolve Boolean indicating if the Class should be
* resolved or not.
protected Class loadClass (String aName, boolean aResolve)
throws ClassNotFoundException
Class retVal = null;
System.out.println (new DebugString("Loading class " + aName));
if (!aName.equals ("com.bitmovers.maui.MauiRuntimeEngine"))
retVal = (Class) findObject (aName,
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
if (retVal == null && applicationsLoader)
retVal = parent.loadClass (aName, aResolve);
classEntries.put (aName, retVal);
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
if (retVal == null)
retVal = findSystemClass (aName);
classEntries.put (aName, retVal);
if (retVal != null && aResolve)
resolveClass (retVal);
return retVal;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: findClass
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/** If the default ClassLoader can't find the Class, then this
* ClassLoader will try to find it.
* @param aName The name of the Class to load.
* @return The loaded Class
* @exception ClassNotFoundException
* Thrown if the Class isn't found.
/*protected Class findClass (String aName)
throws ClassNotFoundException
return (Class) findObject (aName.replace ('.', '/') + ".class",
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: findResourceStream
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Find a resource, and return an input stream to it
* @param aName The name of the resource.
* @return An InputStream to the resource.
* @throws IOException If the resource isn't found, or something
* else goes wrong.
protected InputStream findResourceStream (String aName)
throws IOException
InputStream retVal = null;
StringBuffer theResourceName = new StringBuffer (aName);
int theNameLength = theResourceName.length ();
boolean theSuffix = aName.endsWith (".properties");
if (theSuffix)
theNameLength -= 11;
theResourceName.append (".properties");
for (int i = 0; i < theNameLength; i++)
if (theResourceName.charAt (i) == '.')
theResourceName.setCharAt (i, '/');
String theName = theResourceName.toString ();
retVal = (InputStream) findObject (theName, resourceEntries, false);
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
return retVal;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: findResourceStream
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Find a resource, and return a URL to it
* @param aName The name of resource
* @return The URL for the resource
* @invisible
/*protected URL findResource (String aName)
URL retVal = null;
if (resourceEntries.get (aName) != null)
String theJarName = (String) resourceJars.get (aName);
retVal = new URL ("jar:file:" + theJarName + "!/" + aName);
catch (IOException e)
return retVal;
public InputStream getResourceAsStream (String aName)
InputStream retVal = null;
byte [] theResourceArray = (byte []) resourceEntries.get (aName);
if (theResourceArray == null)
if (parent != null)
retVal = parent.getResourceAsStream (aName);
retVal = new ByteArrayInputStream (theResourceArray);
return retVal;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: findResources
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Find the resources which match the name
protected Enumeration findResources (String aName)
throws IOException
return null;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: scanJarFile
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Scan a jar file for Classes and Resources, and catalogue them.
* @param aJarFile The Jar file to scan
* @param aCallback A callback object which is used for cataloguing a MauiApplication
* @param aLoad Boolean indicating if this is loading or unloading
* @exception IOException If the jar file scan fails
protected void scanJarFile (final ZipFile aJarFile,
final I_JarCallback aCallback)
throws IOException
// Create two lists of entries one for class files, and one for resources (eg. everything else)
// For now, ignore the manifest
ZipEntry theEntry;
String theEntryName = null;
Enumeration theEntries = aJarFile.entries ();
while (theEntries.hasMoreElements ())
theEntry = (ZipEntry) theEntries.nextElement ();
if (!theEntry.isDirectory ())
theEntryName = theEntry.getName ();
InputStream theInput = aJarFile.getInputStream (theEntry);
byte [] theData = readZipEntry (theInput, (int) theEntry.getSize ());
if (theEntryName.endsWith (".class"))
theEntryName = theEntryName.substring (0, theEntryName.length () - 6).replace ('/', '.');
classEntries.put (theEntryName, theData);
newClasses.addElement (theEntryName);
else if (loadAllProperties || theEntryName.toLowerCase ().endsWith (".properties"))
resourceEntries.put (theEntryName, theData);
theInput.close ();
/*if (loadAll)
InputStream theInputStream = (InputStream) findObject (theEntryName,
theInputStream.close ();
catch (IOException e)
catch (Exception e)
resourceEntries.remove (theEntryName);
if (applicationsLoader)
if (aCallback != null)
loadAllEntries (aCallback);
newClasses.removeAllElements ();
protected void loadAllEntries (I_JarCallback aCallback)
String theEntryName;
Enumeration theClassEntries = newClasses.elements ();
Class theInitializer = I_SiteInitializer.class;
while (theClassEntries.hasMoreElements ())
theEntryName = (String) theClassEntries.nextElement ();
Class theClass = Class.forName (theEntryName, true, this);
if (aCallback != null)
if (mauiApplicationClass.isAssignableFrom (theClass) &&
!Modifier.isAbstract (theClass.getModifiers ()) &&
!theClass.equals (mauiApplicationClass))
aCallback.mauiAppFound (theClass);
else if (theInitializer.isAssignableFrom (theClass))
aCallback.initializerFound (theClass);
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
System.err.println ("[MauiClassLoader] unexpected exception on " + theEntryName + " : " + e);
e.printStackTrace ();
catch (NoClassDefFoundError e)
System.err.println ("[MauiClassLoader] unexpected exception on " + theEntryName + " : " + e);
e.printStackTrace ();
newClasses.removeAllElements ();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: addJarFile
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Added a jar file to the Maui applications database
* @param aJarFile The jar file to add
* @param aCallback The callback object which is used for cataloguing a MauiApplication
* @exception IOException If the jar file read fails
protected void addJarFile (final File aJarFile,
final I_JarCallback aCallback)
throws IOException
ZipFile theZipFile = new ZipFile (aJarFile);
// Now scan through, and preload the ZipEntry objects for faster class loading
scanJarFile (theZipFile, aCallback);
theZipFile.close ();
/*if (theIndex == currentCapacity)
catch (Exception e)
if (e instanceof IOException)
throw (IOException) e;
e.printStackTrace ();
if (loadAll && applicationsLoader && jarFiles [theIndex] != null)
jarFiles [theIndex].close ();
new FileInputStream (aJarFile).close ();
catch (IOException e)
jarFiles [theIndex] = null;
protected void loadAllExtensions ()
loadAllEntries (null);
/*for (int i = 0; i < currentCapacity; i++)
if (jarFiles [i] != null)
jarFiles [i].close ();
catch (IOException e)
jarFiles [i] = null;
currentCapacity = 0;*/
// ========================================================================
// (c) 2001 Bitmovers Systems