// =============================================================================
// com.bitmoveres.maui.components.MDesktop
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
//++ 358 MW 2001.07.31
// Changed indexOf(".") to lastIndexOf("."), to account for multiple instances
// of the "." character in a pre or postamble file.
// =============================================================================
package com.bitmovers.maui.components;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.File;
import com.bitmovers.utilities.StringParser;
import com.bitmovers.maui.engine.ServerConfigurationManager;
import com.bitmovers.maui.engine.wmlcompositor.WMLCompositor;
import com.bitmovers.maui.engine.resourcemanager.ResourceManager;
import com.bitmovers.maui.engine.resourcemanager.ResourceNotFoundException;
import com.bitmovers.maui.MauiApplication;
import com.bitmovers.maui.engine.AuthorizationManager;
// =============================================================================
// =============================================================================
/** This is the component which describes the "desktop" within which a
* <code>MauiApplication</code>. It can be used for defining various desktop like
* attributes, like background color, text color, etc. <code>MDesktop</code> can also
* be used to wrap html code around the <code>MauiApplication</code>.
public class MDesktop
private static MDesktop desktop;
private String backgroundColor;
private String textColor;
private String linkColor;
private String vlinkColor;
private String alinkColor;
private String [] preamble = new String [2];
private String [] postamble = new String [2];
private MauiApplication mauiApplication;
private static boolean initDone = false;
private boolean ambleSet = false;
private String backgroundImage;
private AuthorizationManager am = AuthorizationManager.getInstance ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: testColor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Returns a string in hex representing a color from the Maui Server properties.
* The method checks the format of the string, and returns it if valid, else returns
* the aDefault string which is know to be valid. A valid string in hex representing a color
* must be in a format '<code>#H1H2H3</code>' where where Hn is a two-digit hex number.
* <p>
* <pre>
* Example:<p>
* String bkgColor = testColor (theSCM,
* desktop.setBackgroundColor (bkgColor);
* The above example sets the desktop background color using the Maui properties file.
* If the value of <code>theSCM.MAUI_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_COLOR</code> is valid, then it
* is returned, else the value of <code>theSCM.MAUI_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_COLOR_VALUE</code> is
* returned instead.
* @param aSCM Instance of <code>ServerConfigurationManager</code>.
* @param aKey The property value to be returned if valid.
* @param aDefault The property value to be return if <code>aKey</code> is invalid.
* @return Valid string in hex representing a color from Maui properties.
public static String testColor (ServerConfigurationManager aSCM, String aKey, String aDefault)
return testColor (aSCM.getProperty (aKey), aDefault);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: testColor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Returns a string in hex representing a color if valid, else returns the default string.
* A valid string in hex representing a color must be in a format '<code>#H1H2H3</code>'
* where where Hn is a two-digit hex number.
* @param aColor The string to be returned if valid.
* @param aDefault The string to be returned if <code>aColor</code> is invalid.
* @return Valid string in hex representing a color.
public static String testColor (String aColor, String aDefault)
String retVal = aColor;
Integer.parseInt ((retVal.startsWith ("#") ?
retVal.substring (1) :
retVal), 16);
catch (NumberFormatException e)
System.err.println ("Bad color code of " + retVal +
". Using default color of " +
retVal = aDefault;
return retVal;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getColorFromHexString
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Returns a <code>Color</code> object converting a given string in hex representing a color
* (e.g. '<code>#336699</code>'). This method converts the hex to decimal and returns a Color object.
* The string must be 7 characters long and must be in the format of '<code>#H1H2H3</code>'
* where Hn is a two-digit hex number. If any other argument is passed, an <code>IllegalArgumentException</code>
* is thrown.
* @param hexString The string to be converted into Color object.
* @return a Color object converting a given string in hex representing.
* @exception IllegalArgumentException If invalid hex color.
public static Color getColorFromHexString(String hexString) throws IllegalArgumentException
// Verify we have a valid argument
if (!hexString.startsWith("#") && (hexString.length() != 7))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'" + hexString + "' is not a valid hex colour string. The string must 7 characters long and must be in the format of '#H1H2H3' where Hn is a two-digit hex number.");
// Split up the hex string to isolate the color
String hexRed = hexString.substring(1, 3);
String hexGreen = hexString.substring(3, 5);
String hexBlue = hexString.substring(5, 7);
int red = Integer.parseInt(hexRed, 16);
int green = Integer.parseInt(hexGreen, 16);
int blue = Integer.parseInt(hexBlue, 16);
return new Color(red, green, blue);
catch (Exception exception)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'" + hexString + "' is not a valid hex colour string. The string must 7 characters long and must be in the format of '#H1H2H3' where Hn is a two-digit hex number. (" + exception.getMessage() + ")");
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getHexStringFromColor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Returns a string hex representation given a <code>Color</code> object. Format of the string is
* based on the standard used by <code>HTML</code>. (e.g. '<code>#H1H2H3</code>',
* where <code>Hn</code> is a hex number, 00 <= Hn <= FF).
* @param colour A <code>Color</code> object that needs to be converted into a <code>String</code>.
* @return A string hex representation given a <code>Color</code> object
public static String getHexStringFromColor(Color colour)
String red = Integer.toHexString(colour.getRed());
String green = Integer.toHexString(colour.getGreen());
String blue = Integer.toHexString(colour.getBlue());
return "#" + zeroLead(red) + zeroLead(green) + zeroLead(blue);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: initialize
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Sets initial settings for the <code>ServerConfigurationManager</code>.
public static void initialize ()
if (!initDone)
// Get various initial settings from the ServerConfigurationManager
ServerConfigurationManager theSCM = ServerConfigurationManager.getInstance ();
String theDesktopClass = theSCM.getProperty (theSCM.MAUI_DESKTOP_CLASS);
if (!theDesktopClass.equals (theSCM.MAUI_DESKTOP_CLASS_VALUE))
desktop = (MDesktop) Class.forName (theDesktopClass).newInstance ();
catch (Exception e)
System.err.println ("[MDesktop] Couldn't create MDesktop " +
theDesktopClass + " because: " + e +
". Using default MDesktop");
if (desktop == null)
desktop = new MDesktop ();
desktop.setBackgroundColor (testColor (theSCM,
desktop.setTextColor (testColor (theSCM,
desktop.setLinkColor (testColor (theSCM,
desktop.setPreamble (theSCM.getProperty (theSCM.MAUI_DESKTOP_PREAMBLE));
desktop.setPostamble (theSCM.getProperty (theSCM.MAUI_DESKTOP_POSTAMBLE));
desktop.setBackgroundImage (theSCM.getProperty (theSCM.MAUI_DESKTOP_BACKGROUND_IMAGE));
initDone = true;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getInstance
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Returns an instance of <code>MDesktop</code> having called <code>initialize()</code>.
public final static MDesktop getInstance ()
if (!initDone)
initialize ();
return desktop;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: zeroLead
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Appends '0' character to the string if the length of the string is less than two.
* @param aNumber A string representing a number that may require a leading zero.
* @return A string with a leading zero '0' character.
protected static String zeroLead (String aNumber)
String retVal = aNumber;
if (retVal.length () < 2)
retVal = "0" + retVal;
return retVal;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: adjustColor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Adjusts the string color hex representation to conform to the <code>HTML</code> safe colors.
* The methods checks the color string in hex and makes any adjustments so as the color
* stays within the bounds of '<code>#000000</code>' to '<code>#FFFFFF</code>'.
* @param aColor A color string that may need adjusting.
* @param aAdjustment Factor to adjust by.
* @return A string that has been adjusted as <code>HTML</code> safe color.
public static String adjustColor (String aColor, int aAdjustment)
String theColor = aColor.substring (1);
StringBuffer retVal = new StringBuffer (6);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
String theColorToAdjust = theColor.substring (i * 2, i * 2 + 2);
int theIntColor = Integer.parseInt (theColorToAdjust, 16);
theIntColor += aAdjustment;
if (theIntColor < 0)
theIntColor = 0;
else if (theIntColor > 255)
theIntColor = 255;
retVal.append (zeroLead (Integer.toHexString (theIntColor)));
return retVal.toString ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: setBackgroundColor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Sets the background of the <code>MDesktop</code> instance. The method validates
* the input and sets the background either to the new valid string color, or default
* color otherwise.
* @param aColor A string color hex representation that will set the background
* color of the <code>MDesktop</code>.
private void setBackgroundColor (String aColor)
backgroundColor = testColor (aColor,
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getBackgroundColor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Returns a string hex representation background color of the <code>MDesktop</code> instance.
* The format of the string is '<code>#H1H2H3</code>'.
* @return A string color hex representation.
public String getBackgroundColor ()
return backgroundColor;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: setTextColor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Sets the text color of the <code>MDesktop</code> instance. The method validates
* the input and sets the text either to the new valid string color, or default
* color otherwise.
* @param aColor A string color hex representation that will set the text
* color of the <code>MDesktop</code>.
private void setTextColor (String aColor)
textColor = testColor (aColor,
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getTextColor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Returns a string hex representation text color of the <code>MDesktop</code> instance.
* The format of the string is '<code>#H1H2H3</code>'.
* @return A string color hex representation.
public String getTextColor ()
return textColor;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: setLinkColor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Sets the hyperlink color of the <code>MDesktop</code> instance. The method adjusts
* and validates the color. The hyperlink is set to either the new valid string color, or
* default color otherwise.
* @param aColor A string color hex representation that will set the hyperlink
* color of the <code>MDesktop</code>.
private void setLinkColor (String aColor)
linkColor = testColor (aColor,
vlinkColor = "#" + adjustColor (linkColor, -33);
alinkColor = "#" + adjustColor (linkColor, +33);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getLinkColor
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Returns a string hex representation hyperlink color of the <code>MDesktop</code> instance.
* The format of the string is '<code>#H1H2H3</code>'.
* @return A string color hex representation.
public String getLinkColor ()
return linkColor;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: readFile
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Returns the file content as <code>String</code>. The method enables to open
* a file copy its content to a buffer and return the buffer as a string after
* closing the file. The types of files that will be read will typically be pre and post
* amble files. This files contain the <code>HTML</code> or <code>WML</code>that will be
* needed to wrap the <code>MauiApplication</code> and convert the MDestop from plain
* background to content filled and active 'desktop'.
* @param aFile valid instance of <code>File</code>.
* @return Content of the instance of the <code>File</code>.
private static String readFile (File aFile)
StringBuffer retVal = new StringBuffer (2000);
BufferedReader theInput = new BufferedReader (new FileReader (aFile));
char [] theData = new char [2000];
int theCount = 0;
while ((theCount = theInput.read (theData, 0, 2000)) > 0)
retVal.append (theData, 0, theCount);
theInput.close ();
catch (IOException e)
System.err.println ("[MDesktop] " + e);
return retVal.toString ();
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: setAmble
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** This needs documentation.
public static String [] setAmble (String aFile, String aDefaultFile, String aLocation)
ResourceManager theRM = ResourceManager.getInstance ();
String [] theExtensions = new String [] {".wml", ".html"};
String theFileName = new String (aFile);
int theIndex = 0;
//++ 358 MW 2001.07.31
if ((theIndex = aFile.lastIndexOf (".")) != -1)
//-- 358
theFileName = theFileName.substring (0, theIndex);
String [] retVal = new String [theExtensions.length];
for (int i = 0; i < theExtensions.length; i++)
retVal [i] = theRM.getResourceString (theFileName + theExtensions [i]);
catch (ResourceNotFoundException e)
File theLocation = new File ((aLocation == null ? "" : aLocation));
File theFile = new File (aLocation, theFileName + theExtensions [i]);
if (!theFile.exists ())
if (aDefaultFile != null &&
!(aFile.equals (aDefaultFile)))
System.err.println ("Preamble or Postamble file " + theFileName + theExtensions [i] +
" wasn't found. Using default");
String theDefaultName = aDefaultFile + theExtensions [i];
retVal [i] = setAmble (theDefaultName, theDefaultName, null) [0];
retVal [i] = "";
retVal [i] = readFile (theFile);
return retVal;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: setPreamble
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Sets the pre-amble for the <code>MDesktop</code> instance. This wraps the <code>MauiApplication</code>
* displaying a content filled and active </code>MDesktop</code> instance.
* @param aPreamble The name of the file containing the pre-amble content.
private void setPreamble (String aPreamble)
preamble = setAmble (aPreamble,
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: setPostamble
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Sets the post-amble for the <code>MDesktop</code> instance. This wraps the <code>MauiApplication</code>
* displaying a content filled and active </code>MDesktop</code> instance.
* @param aPostamble The name of the file containing the post-amble content.
private void setPostamble (String aPostamble)
postamble = setAmble (aPostamble,
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: setBackgroundImage
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Sets the image background for the <code>MDesktop</code> instance.
* @param aBackgroundImage Full path of the image to use as a background.
private void setBackgroundImage (String aBackgroundImage)
backgroundImage = aBackgroundImage;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: fillParserValues
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** This method needs to be documented.
* @invisible
public void fillParserValues (StringParser aParser, boolean aWml)
String theBackgroundImage = mauiApplication.getBackgroundImage ();
if (theBackgroundImage == null)
theBackgroundImage = backgroundImage;
if (theBackgroundImage != null)
String theBackground = (theBackgroundImage.indexOf ("://") != -1 ?
backgroundImage :
mauiApplication.getServletURL () +"?getImage=true&path=" + theBackgroundImage);
aParser.setVariable ("background",
"background=\"" + theBackground + "\"");
String theBackgroundColor = mauiApplication.getBackgroundColor ();
if (theBackgroundColor == null)
theBackgroundColor = backgroundColor;
aParser.setVariable ("backgroundColor", theBackgroundColor);
aParser.setVariable ("textColor", textColor);
aParser.setVariable ("linkColor", linkColor);
aParser.setVariable ("vlinkColor", vlinkColor);
aParser.setVariable ("alinkColor", alinkColor);
aParser.setVariable ("desktopPreamble", preamble [aWml ? 0 : 1]);
aParser.setVariable ("desktopPostamble", postamble [aWml ? 0 : 1]);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: setApplication
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Sets instance of <code>MauiApplication</code>.
* @param aMauiApplication instance of <code>MauiApplication</code> that needs to be set.
public void setApplication (MauiApplication aMauiApplication)
mauiApplication = aMauiApplication;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// METHOD: getApplication
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Returns <code>MauiApplication</code>
public MauiApplication getApplication ()
return mauiApplication;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// =============================================================================
// Copyright 2001 Bitmovers Software Inc. EOF