Package net.sf.nebulacards.ui

Source Code of net.sf.nebulacards.ui.SpadesComp

// Computer player for Spades
// James Ranson
// August 1999

package net.sf.nebulacards.ui;

import java.util.Enumeration;

import net.sf.nebulacards.main.PileOfCards;
import net.sf.nebulacards.main.PlayingCard;
import net.sf.nebulacards.rules.Spades;
import net.sf.nebulacards.util.Think;

public class SpadesComp
  extends net.sf.nebulacards.ui.components.ComputerStub
    private boolean verbose = false;
    private int partner;
    // constructor
    public SpadesComp()
    super( new Spades() );

  public void setPosition( int w )
        partner = (w + 2) % 4;

    /* Thinking methods */

    protected int thinkBid()
        int tally = 0;
    Enumeration cards = hand.elements();
    while (cards.hasMoreElements())
      PlayingCard c = (PlayingCard)cards.nextElement();
            if (c.getValue() > 11 || c.getValue() == 1)

        if (tally > 0)
            return tally;
        // some final checks before bidding nil
        if ( hand.cardsInSuit( PlayingCard.SPADES ).howManyCardsNotNull() > 4 )
            tally = 1;
        if ( hasBid[partner] && bids[partner] == 0 )
            tally = 2;
        if (verbose) System.out.println( "Bid: " + String.valueOf(tally) );
        return tally;

    protected PlayingCard thinkPlay()
        boolean pWinning, pNil, meNil, pSafe;
    PlayingCard myPlay = null;

        pNil = (bids[partner] == 0); meNil = (bids[whereAmI] == 0);
        pWinning = ( tableau.howManyCardsNotNull() > 1
                     && rules.whoWinsTrick(tableau) == partner );
        pSafe = (tableau.hasPlayed(partner) && !pWinning) || !pNil;

        boolean madeBid = ( tricks[partner] + tricks[whereAmI] >= bids[partner] + bids[whereAmI] );
        int wantToWin = 0;   // + means we want to win the trick, - means no
        if (pNil && !pSafe) wantToWin += 20;
        if (meNil && tricks[whereAmI] == 0) wantToWin -= 20;
        if (madeBid)
            wantToWin -= 5;
        else wantToWin += 5;
        switch (tableau.howManyCardsNotNull())
        case 3: // we play the last card.
            if (pWinning) wantToWin -= 6;
        case 2: // one opponent gets to play after us
            if (pWinning &&
                Think.canBeat( otherHands[(whereAmI+1) % 4], tableau,
          (whereAmI+1) % 4, beenPlayed, rules ) < 0.35
               ) wantToWin -= 6;

        PileOfCards vp = Think.validPlays( hand, tableau, beenPlayed, rules );
        PileOfCards tl = Think.takeLead( vp, tableau, whereAmI, rules );

        if (verbose) {
            System.out.print( "Want to Win: " ); System.out.println( wantToWin );
            System.out.println( "Tableau: " + tableau );
      System.out.println( "Hand: " + hand );
            System.out.println( "Valid Plays: " + vp );
            System.out.println( "Take Lead: " + tl );

        if (wantToWin >= 0)
            if (tl.howManyCardsNotNull() > 0)
      {  // want to win and can
                if (tableau.howManyCardsNotNull() == 3)
                    myPlay = Think.lowCard( tl, true );
                    myPlay = Think.highCard( tl, true );
            else  // want to win but can't
                myPlay = Think.lowCard( vp, true );
        else { // don't want to win
            if (tl.howManyCardsNotNull() < vp.howManyCardsNotNull())
      { // don't have to win
                vp.removeAll( tl )// disregard winning cards
                if (pNil || (pWinning && !meNil) ) myPlay = Think.lowCard( vp, true );
                else myPlay = Think.highCard( vp, true );
            else // have to take lead
                if (tableau.howManyCardsNotNull() == 3) // guaranteed to win
                    myPlay = Think.highCard( vp, true );
                else { // possibility of rescue
                    // avoid trumping
                    if (!vp.allThisSuit( PlayingCard.SPADES ))
                        vp.removeSuit( PlayingCard.SPADES );
                    myPlay = Think.lowCard( vp, true );

        if (verbose) {
            System.out.println( "Choice: " + myPlay );
    return myPlay;

  protected PileOfCards thinkPass() { return null; }

    public void cardToTableau( int pos, PlayingCard c )
    // All the processing done in the stub still applies.
    super.cardToTableau( pos, c );

    // However, we can make stronger statements about what cards
    // the other players cannot have. In particular, if the card
    // is sluffed, then that player cannot have any cards
        // from the lead suit
        if (pos != whereAmI
            && pos != tableau.getLead()
            && c.getSuit() != tableau.get( 0 ).getSuit()
            otherHands[pos].removeSuit( tableau.get(0).getSuit() );
    // we must provide these functions, but they are not useful to us
  public void respond( String q ) {}
  public void booted( String why ) {}
    public void accepted() {} // we take acceptance for granted
    public void rejected()
        System.err.println( "Panic: play was rejected.  Something is wrong!" );

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