Package rlforj.los.raymulticast

Source Code of rlforj.los.raymulticast.MultiRaysCaster

package rlforj.los.raymulticast;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;

import com.sun.swing.internal.plaf.basic.resources.basic;

import rlforj.los.IFovAlgorithm;
import rlforj.los.ILosBoard;
import rlforj.los.PrecisePermissive;
import rlforj.los.ShadowCasting;
import rlforj.los.test.TestBoard;
import rlforj.math.Point2I;

* TODO: It works now but with many undesirable behaviors.
* Casts rays from a single point through a {@link World} object, which describes
* impassable locations. Fills in a 2D array of {@link RayData} objects,
* describing the visibility status of each point in the world as viewed from the
* defined origin point.
* Rays take full advantage of work done by previous ray casts, and do not get
* cast into occluded areas, making for near-optimal efficiency.
* The results array is not necessary for the algorithm's operation - it is
* generated for external use.
* argus2
public class MultiRaysCaster implements IFovAlgorithm {
  private ILosBoard world; // holds obstruction data
  private Point2I origin; // the point at which the rays will be cast from
  private Point2I offset; // offset for storing in results
  private Queue<RayData> perimeter; // rays currently on the search frontier
  private RayData[][] results; // stores calculated data for external use
  private int dsq;
  public void visitFieldOfView(ILosBoard b, int x, int y, int distance)
  { = b;
    this.origin = new Point2I(x, y);
    this.perimeter = new LinkedList<RayData>();
    this.results = new RayData[2*distance+1][2*distance+1];
    offset = new Point2I(distance, distance);
    b.visit(x, y);
//    printResults();
  public MultiRaysCaster(ILosBoard world, int originX, int originY, int radius) { = world;
    this.origin = new Point2I(originX, originY);
    this.perimeter = new LinkedList<RayData>();
    this.results = new RayData[2*radius+1][2*radius+1];
    offset = new Point2I(radius, radius);
  public MultiRaysCaster()
    // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

  public Point2I getOrigin() { return this.origin; }
  public RayData[][] getResults() { return results; }
   * Executes the ray casting operation by running a breadth-first traversal
   * (flood) of the world, beginning at the origin.
  public void castRays() {
    expandPerimeterFrom(new RayData(0, 0));
    RayData currentData;
    while(!perimeter.isEmpty()) {
      currentData = perimeter.remove();
      // since we are traversing breadth-first, all inputs are guaranteed
      // to be added to current data by the time it is removed.

        world.visit(origin.x+currentData.xLoc, origin.y+currentData.yLoc);
      if(!currentData.ignore) expandPerimeterFrom(currentData);

  // Expands by the unit length in each component's current direction.
  // If a component has no direction, then it is expanded in both of its
  // positive and negative directions.
  private void expandPerimeterFrom(RayData from) {
    if(from.xLoc >= 0)
      processRay(new RayData(from.xLoc + 1, from.yLoc), from);
    if(from.xLoc <= 0)
      processRay(new RayData(from.xLoc - 1, from.yLoc), from);
    if(from.yLoc >= 0)
      processRay(new RayData(from.xLoc, from.yLoc + 1), from);
    if(from.yLoc <= 0)
      processRay(new RayData(from.xLoc, from.yLoc - 1), from);

  // Does bounds checking, marks obstructions, assigns inputs, and adds the
  // ray to the perimeter if it is valid.
  private void processRay(RayData newRay, RayData inputRay) {
    if(dsq < newRay.xLoc*newRay.xLoc + newRay.yLoc*newRay.yLoc )
    int mapX = (origin.x + newRay.xLoc);
    int mapY = (origin.y + newRay.yLoc);

    // bounds check
    if(!world.contains(mapX, mapY)) return;
//    if((mapX < 0) || (mapX > (world.getSize() - 1))) return;
//    if((mapY < 0) || (mapY > (world.getSize() - 1))) return;
    // Since there are multiple inputs to each new ray, we need to check if
    // the new ray has already been set up.
    // Here we use the results table as lookup, but we could easily use
    // a different structure, such as a hashset keyed point data.
    if(results[mapX-origin.x+offset.x][mapY-origin.y+offset.y] != null) newRay = results[mapX-origin.x+offset.x][mapY-origin.y+offset.y];
    // Setting the reference from the new ray to this input ray.
    boolean isXInput = (newRay.yLoc == inputRay.yLoc);
      newRay.xInput = inputRay;
      newRay.yInput = inputRay;
    // Adding the new ray to the perimeter if it hasn't already been added.
    if(!newRay.added) {
      newRay.added = true;
      results[offset.x + newRay.xLoc][offset.y + newRay.yLoc] = newRay;

  // Once all inputs are known to be assigned, mergeInputs performs the key
  // task of populating the new ray with the correct data.
  private void mergeInputs(RayData newRay) {

//    if(newRay.obscure())
//      world.visit(origin.x + newRay.xLoc, origin.y + newRay.yLoc);
    // Obstructions must propagate obscurity.
    if( world.isObstacle((origin.x + newRay.xLoc),
                  (origin.y + newRay.yLoc)) ) {
      int absXLoc = Math.abs(newRay.xLoc);
      int absYLoc = Math.abs(newRay.yLoc);
      newRay.xObsc = absXLoc;
      newRay.yObsc = absYLoc;
      newRay.xErrObsc = newRay.xObsc;
      newRay.yErrObsc = newRay.yObsc;
    RayData xInput = newRay.xInput;
    RayData yInput = newRay.yInput;
    boolean xInputNull = (xInput == null);
    boolean yInputNull = (yInput == null);
    // Process individual input information.
    if(!xInputNull) processXInput(newRay, xInput);
    if(!yInputNull) processYInput(newRay, yInput);

    // Culling handled here.
    // If both inputs are null, the point is never checked, so ignorance
    // is propagated trivially in that case.
    if(xInputNull) {
      // cut point (inside edge)
      if(yInput.obscure()) newRay.ignore = true;
    else if(yInputNull) {
      // cut point (inside edge)
      if(xInput.obscure()) newRay.ignore = true;
    else { // both y and x inputs are valid
      // cut point (within arc of obscurity)
      if(xInput.obscure() && yInput.obscure()) {
        newRay.ignore = true;
  } // END mergeInputs(RayData)

  // The X input can provide two main pieces of information:
  // 1. Progressive X obscurity.
  // 2. Recessive Y obscurity.
  private void processXInput(RayData newRay, RayData xInput) {
    if((xInput.xObsc == 0) && (xInput.yObsc == 0)) return;
    // Progressive X obscurity
    if(xInput.xErrObsc > 0) {
      if(newRay.xObsc == 0) { // favouring recessive input angle
        newRay.xErrObsc = (xInput.xErrObsc - xInput.yObsc);
        newRay.yErrObsc = (xInput.yErrObsc + xInput.yObsc);
        newRay.yObsc = xInput.yObsc;
        newRay.xObsc = xInput.xObsc;
    // Recessive Y obscurity
    if(xInput.yErrObsc <= 0) {
      if((xInput.yObsc > 0) && (xInput.xErrObsc > 0)) {
        newRay.yErrObsc = (xInput.yObsc + xInput.yErrObsc);
        newRay.xErrObsc = (xInput.xErrObsc - xInput.yObsc);
        newRay.xObsc = xInput.xObsc;
        newRay.yObsc = xInput.yObsc;
  // The Y input can provide two main pieces of information:
  // 1. Progressive Y obscurity.
  // 2. Recessive X obscurity.
  private void processYInput(RayData newRay, RayData yInput) {
    if((yInput.xObsc == 0) && (yInput.yObsc == 0)) return;

    // Progressive Y obscurity
    if(yInput.yErrObsc > 0) {
      if(newRay.yObsc == 0) { // favouring recessive input angle
        newRay.yErrObsc = (yInput.yErrObsc - yInput.xObsc);
        newRay.xErrObsc = (yInput.xErrObsc + yInput.xObsc);
        newRay.xObsc = yInput.xObsc;
        newRay.yObsc = yInput.yObsc;
    // Recessive X obscurity
    if(yInput.xErrObsc <= 0) {
      if((yInput.xObsc > 0) && (yInput.yErrObsc > 0)) {
        newRay.xErrObsc = (yInput.xObsc + yInput.xErrObsc);
        newRay.yErrObsc = (yInput.yErrObsc - yInput.xObsc);
        newRay.xObsc = yInput.xObsc;
        newRay.yObsc = yInput.yObsc;

  public void printResults() {
    for(RayData[] rdr:results) {
      for(RayData rd:rdr) {
  public static void main(String[] args)
    TestBoard1 b=new TestBoard1(false);
    b.exception.add(new Point2I(11, 11));
    b.exception.add(new Point2I(7, 8));
    MultiRaysCaster m=new MultiRaysCaster();
    m.visitFieldOfView(b, 10, 10, 10);
    b.mark(10, 10, '@');
    b.print(0, 20, 0, 20);
//    System.out.println(b.chkb4visit);
//    b.visited.clear();
//    IFovAlgorithm pp=new ShadowCasting();
//    pp.visitFieldOfView(b, 10, 10, 3);
//    b.mark(10, 10, '@');
//    b.print(0, 20, 0, 20);
  private static class TestBoard1 extends TestBoard {

    public Set<Point2I> obsNotVisited=new HashSet<Point2I>();
    public TestBoard1(boolean defaultObscured)
    public void visit(int x, int y)
      super.visit(x, y);
      System.out.println("Visiting "+x+" "+y);
      obsNotVisited.remove(new Point2I(x, y));
    public boolean isObstacle(int x, int y)
      System.out.println("isObs "+x+" "+y);
      obsNotVisited.add(new Point2I(x, y));
      return super.isObstacle(x, y);

Related Classes of rlforj.los.raymulticast.MultiRaysCaster

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