package rlforj.examples;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import rlforj.los.BresLos;
import rlforj.los.BresOpportunisticLos;
import rlforj.los.ILosAlgorithm;
import rlforj.los.PrecisePermissive;
import rlforj.los.ShadowCasting;
import rlforj.math.Point2I;
public class ProjectionExample
public static void main(String[] args)
ExampleBoard b = new ExampleBoard(21, 21);
Random rand=new Random();
for(int i=0; i<30; i++) {
b.setObstacle(rand.nextInt(21), rand.nextInt(21));
int x1=rand.nextInt(21), y1=rand.nextInt(21);
displayProjection(new ShadowCasting(), "Shadowcasting", b, x1, y1);
displayProjection(new PrecisePermissive(), "Precise Permissive", b, x1, y1);
displayProjection(new BresLos(false), "Bresenham", b, x1, y1);
BresLos bl=new BresLos(true);
displayProjection(bl, "Symmetric Bresenham", b, x1, y1);
displayProjection(new BresOpportunisticLos(), "Opportunistic Bresenham", b, x1, y1);
* @param algoName The name of the algorithm
* @param a
* @param b
* @param x1
* @param y1
private static void displayProjection(ILosAlgorithm a, String algoName, ExampleBoard b, int x1, int y1)
boolean los;
List<Point2I> path;
los=a.existsLineOfSight(b, 10, 10, x1, y1, true);
path = a.getProjectPath();
markProjectPath(b, path);
b.mark(x1, y1, '*');
b.mark(x1, y1, '?');
System.out.println("Los "+(los?"exists":"does not exist"));
b.print(10, 10);
private static void markProjectPath(ExampleBoard b, List<Point2I> path)
if(path.size()<1) return;
int lastx=path.get(0).x, lasty=path.get(0).y;
for(int i=1; i<path.size(); i++) {
Point2I p=path.get(i);
int x=p.x, y=p.y;
if(x!=lastx) {
if(y!=lasty) {
b.mark(x, y, ((x-lastx)*(y-lasty)>0)?'\\':'/');
} else
b.mark(x, y, '-');
} else
b.mark(x, y, '|');
lastx=x; lasty=y;