Package modbuspal.main

Source Code of modbuspal.main.ModbusPalProject

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package modbuspal.main;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import modbuspal.automation.Automation;
import modbuspal.automation.NullAutomation;
import modbuspal.binding.Binding;
import modbuspal.generator.Generator;
import modbuspal.instanciator.InstantiableManager;
import modbuspal.master.ModbusMasterTask;
import modbuspal.script.ScriptListener;
import modbuspal.script.ScriptRunner;
import modbuspal.slave.ModbusSlave;
import modbuspal.slave.ModbusPduProcessor;
import modbuspal.slave.ModbusSlaveAddress;
import modbuspal.toolkit.FileTools;
import modbuspal.toolkit.XMLTools;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

* contains all the data related to a modbuspal project
* @author nnovic
public final class ModbusPalProject
extends ModbusPalProject2
implements ModbusPalXML

    final IdGenerator idGenerator = new IdGenerator();
    File projectFile = null;
    private final ArrayList<ModbusPalListener> listeners = new ArrayList<ModbusPalListener>(); // synchronized
    private final ArrayList<Automation> automations = new ArrayList<Automation>();
    private final ArrayList<ScriptListener> scriptListeners = new ArrayList<ScriptListener>(); // synchronized
    private final ArrayList<ScriptRunner> scripts = new ArrayList<ScriptRunner>();
    private final ArrayList<ModbusMasterTask> masterTasks = new ArrayList<ModbusMasterTask>();
    private boolean learnModeEnabled = false;

    final InstantiableManager<Generator> generatorFactory = new InstantiableManager<Generator>();
    final InstantiableManager<Binding> bindingFactory = new InstantiableManager<Binding>();
    final InstantiableManager<ModbusPduProcessor> functionFactory = new InstantiableManager<ModbusPduProcessor>();
    String selectedLink = "none";
    String linkTcpipPort = "502";
    String linkSerialComId = "none";
    String linkSerialBaudrate = "9600";
    int linkSerialParity = ModbusSerialLink.PARITY_EVEN;
    int linkSerialStopBits = ModbusSerialLink.STOP_BITS_1;
    boolean linkSerialXonXoff = false;
    boolean linkSerialRtsCts = false;
    File linkReplayFile = null;

    /** Creates a new ModbusPalProject with the configuration contained
     * in the specified project file.
     * @param source the project file to load
     * @return the ModbusPalProject created from the information contained in
     * the specified file.
     * @throws ParserConfigurationException
     * @throws SAXException
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws InstantiationException
     * @throws IllegalAccessException
    public static ModbusPalProject load(File source)
    throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException
        // the parse will fail if xml doc doesn't match the dtd.
        Document doc = XMLTools.ParseXML(source);

        // normalize text representation

        ModbusPalProject project = new ModbusPalProject(doc, source);
        return project;

    public ModbusPalProject()
        bindingFactory.add( new modbuspal.binding.Binding_SINT16() );
        bindingFactory.add( new modbuspal.binding.Binding_SINT32() );
        bindingFactory.add( new modbuspal.binding.Binding_FLOAT32() );
        generatorFactory.add( new modbuspal.generator.linear.LinearGenerator() );
        generatorFactory.add( new modbuspal.generator.random.RandomGenerator() );
        generatorFactory.add( new modbuspal.generator.sine.SineGenerator() );


    private ModbusPalProject(Document doc, File source)
    throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException

        // get the root node
        String name = doc.getDocumentElement().getNodeName();
        System.out.println("load "+name);
        projectFile = source;

        // scan the content of the xml file
        // and load the script files (ScriptRunner objects are created)
        loadScripts(doc, projectFile);

        // execute startup scripts
        for( ScriptRunner runner:scripts ) {
            if( runner.getType()==ScriptRunner.SCRIPT_TYPE_BEFORE_INIT ) {


        // load old fashioned "bindings" instantiators
        for( ScriptRunner runner:scripts ) {
            if( runner.getType()==ScriptRunner.SCRIPT_TYPE_OLD_BINDINGS ) {

        // load old fashioned "generators" isntanciators
        // load old fashioned "bindings" instantiators
        for( ScriptRunner runner:scripts ) {
            if( runner.getType()==ScriptRunner.SCRIPT_TYPE_OLD_GENERATORS ) {
        // execute startup scripts
        for( ScriptRunner runner:scripts ) {
            if( runner.getType()==ScriptRunner.SCRIPT_TYPE_AFTER_INIT ) {
     * this method  will parse the content of doc in order to find and parse
     * elements from the doc that are related to the static part of the Automation
     * class.
     * @param doc
    private void loadParameters(Document doc)

    private void loadLinks(Document doc)
        NodeList linksNode = doc.getElementsByTagName("links");
        if( linksNode.getLength() == 1 )
        else if( linksNode.getLength() > 1 )
            //TODO: error

    private void loadLinksParameters(Node linkRoot)
        // get the "selected" attributes of the "link" openTag
        selectedLink = XMLTools.getAttribute("selected", linkRoot);

        // find child "tcpip" node and load parameters from it
        Node tcpipNode = XMLTools.findChild(linkRoot, "tcpip");
        linkTcpipPort = XMLTools.getAttribute("port", tcpipNode);

        // find child "serial" node and load parameters from it
        Node serialNode = XMLTools.findChild(linkRoot, "serial");

        // find child "replay" node and load parameters from it
        Node replayNode = XMLTools.findChild(linkRoot, "replay");
        if( replayNode!=null )

    private void loadSerialLinkParameters(Node root)
        // load "com" attribute
        linkSerialComId = XMLTools.getAttribute("com", root);

        // load "baudrate" attribute
        linkSerialBaudrate = XMLTools.getAttribute("baudrate", root);

        // load "parity" attribute
        String parity = XMLTools.getAttribute("parity", root);
        if( parity!=null )
            if( parity.compareTo("none")==0 ) {
                linkSerialParity = ModbusSerialLink.PARITY_NONE;
            } else if( parity.compareTo("odd")==0 ) {
                linkSerialParity = ModbusSerialLink.PARITY_ODD;
            } else {
                linkSerialParity = ModbusSerialLink.PARITY_EVEN;

        // load "stop bits" attribute
        String stops = XMLTools.getAttribute("stops", root);
        if( stops!=null )
            if( stops.compareTo("1.5")==0 ) {
                linkSerialStopBits = ModbusSerialLink.STOP_BITS_1_5;
            } else if( parity.compareTo("2")==0 ) {
                linkSerialStopBits = ModbusSerialLink.STOP_BITS_2;
            } else {
                linkSerialStopBits = ModbusSerialLink.STOP_BITS_1;

        // load flow control parameters
        Node flowControlNode = XMLTools.findChild(root, "flowcontrol");
        if( flowControlNode != null )

    private void loadFlowControlParameters(Node root)
        // load xonxoff attribute
        String xonxoffValue = XMLTools.getAttribute("xonxoff", root);
        if( xonxoffValue!=null )
            linkSerialXonXoff = Boolean.parseBoolean(xonxoffValue);

        // load rtscts attribute
        String rtsctsValue = XMLTools.getAttribute("rtscts", root);
        if( rtsctsValue!=null )
            linkSerialRtsCts = Boolean.parseBoolean(rtsctsValue);

    private void loadReplayLinkParameters(Node node)
        // find "rel"
        Node rel = XMLTools.findChild(node, "rel");
        if( rel != null )
            // try to load file from relative path
            String relativePath = rel.getTextContent();
            String absolutePath = FileTools.makeAbsolute(projectFile, relativePath);
            File file = new File(absolutePath);
            if( file.exists()==true )
                linkReplayFile = file;

        // find "abs"
        Node abs = XMLTools.findChild(node, "abs");
        if( abs != null )
            String path = abs.getTextContent();
            File file = new File(path);
            if( file.exists()==true )
                linkReplayFile = file;

    private void loadAutomations(Document doc)
    throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException
        NodeList automationsList = doc.getElementsByTagName("automation");
        for(int i=0; i<automationsList.getLength(); i++)
            Node automationNode = automationsList.item(i);
            NamedNodeMap attributes = automationNode.getAttributes();

            // Get the name of the automation we want to load
            String name = attributes.getNamedItem("name").getNodeValue();

            // Check if an automation already exists with the same name:
            Automation automation = getAutomation( name );

            // If already exists:
            if( automation!=null )
                // display a dialog and ask the user what to do:
                ErrorMessage dialog = new ErrorMessage(2);
                dialog.append("An automation called \""+name+"\" already exists. Do you want to overwrite the existing automation or to keep it ?");
                dialog.setButton(1,"Keep existing");
                dialog.setTitle("Importing automation \""+name+"\"");

                // if the user does not want to overwrite the existing
                // automation, skip and continue with the other automations
                if( dialog.getButton() != 0 )

                // otherwise, replace the content of the existing automation
                // with the new settings:

                // remove the existing generators before loading
                // the new ones:

            // no automation with this name exists:
                automation = new Automation( attributes );

            // finally, load the generators (whether a new automation is created
            // an existing automation is overwritten).
            automation.loadGenerators( automationNode.getChildNodes(), generatorFactory );

     * looks for all occurences of the "slave" openTag in the provided document
     * and create a modbus slave for each.
     * @param doc
    private void loadSlaves(Document doc)
        NodeList slavesList = doc.getElementsByTagName("slave");
        for(int i=0; i<slavesList.getLength(); i++)
            Node slaveNode = slavesList.item(i);
            //NamedNodeMap attributes = slaveNode.getAttributes();
            //ModbusSlave slave = new ModbusSlave( attributes );
            //slave.load( slaveNode );
            ModbusSlave slave = new ModbusSlave( this, slaveNode );
            addModbusSlave( slave );

     * This method scans the content of the document in order to find all
     * "<binding>" tags, and then call the loadBinding(Node) method for each
     * of them.
     * @param doc
    private void loadBindings(Document doc, ModbusSlave slave)
        NodeList list = doc.getElementsByTagName("binding");
        for(int i=0; i<list.getLength(); i++ )
            Node bindingNode = list.item(i);
                loadBinding(bindingNode, slave);

            catch (InstantiationException ex)
                Logger.getLogger(ModbusPalPane.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
            catch (IllegalAccessException ex)
                Logger.getLogger(ModbusPalPane.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

     * This method will examine the content of a "<binding>" tag in order to
     * parse the attributes it contains, and also the child tags that may exist.
     * @param node reference on the Node that represents a "<binding>" tag in the
     * project.
     * @throws java.lang.InstantiationException
     * @throws java.lang.IllegalAccessException
    private void loadBinding(Node node, ModbusSlave slave)
    throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException
        // get the attributes of the "binding" openTag
        NamedNodeMap attributes = node.getAttributes();

        // extract the "automation" attribute
        Node automationNode = attributes.getNamedItem("automation");
        String automationName = automationNode.getNodeValue();

        // retrieve the reference to the automation with id "automationID"
        Automation automation = getAutomation(automationName);
        if( automation == null )
            // TODO: display an error message,
            // the binding cannot be achieved if no automation!

        // extract the "class" attribute
        Node classNode = attributes.getNamedItem("class");
        String className = classNode.getNodeValue();

        // extract the "order" attribute.
        Node orderNode = attributes.getNamedItem("order");
        String orderValue = orderNode.getNodeValue();
        int wordOrder = Integer.parseInt(orderValue);

        // retrieve the register that is the parent of this node
        Node parentRegister = XMLTools.findParent(node,"register");
        String parentAddress = XMLTools.getAttribute(ModbusPalXML.XML_ADDRESS_ATTRIBUTE, parentRegister);
        int registerAddress = Integer.parseInt( parentAddress );

        // Instanciate the binding:
        Binding binding = bindingFactory.newInstance(className);
        binding.setup(automation, wordOrder);

        if( slave==null)
            // retrieve the slave that is the parent of this register
            Node parentSlave = XMLTools.findParent(parentRegister, "slave");
            String slaveAddress = XMLTools.getAttribute(ModbusPalXML.XML_SLAVE_ID2_ATTRIBUTE, parentSlave);
            if( slaveAddress!= null )
                ModbusSlaveAddress msa = ModbusSlaveAddress.parse(slaveAddress);
                slave = getModbusSlave(msa);
                slaveAddress = XMLTools.getAttribute(ModbusPalXML.XML_SLAVE_ID_ATTRIBUTE, parentSlave);
                int slaveId = Integer.parseInt(slaveAddress);
                ModbusSlaveAddress msa = new ModbusSlaveAddress(slaveId);
                slave = getModbusSlave(msa);

        // bind the register and the automation
        slave.getHoldingRegisters().bind(registerAddress, binding);

     * This method will only load "STARTUP" and "ON DEMAND" scripts.
     * Generator and binding scripts are loaded in a separate procedure.
     * @param doc
     * @param projectFile
    private void loadScripts(Document doc, File projectFile)

        // look for "startup" scripts section
        NodeList startup = doc.getElementsByTagName("startup");
        for( int i=0; i<startup.getLength(); i++ )
            loadScripts( startup.item(i), projectFile, ScriptRunner.SCRIPT_TYPE_AFTER_INIT );

        // look for "ondemand" scripts section
        NodeList ondemand = doc.getElementsByTagName("ondemand");
        for( int i=0; i<ondemand.getLength(); i++ )
            loadScripts( ondemand.item(i), projectFile, ScriptRunner.SCRIPT_TYPE_ON_DEMAND );

        // loof for "bindings" script section
        NodeList bindings = doc.getElementsByTagName("bindings");
        for( int i=0; i<bindings.getLength(); i++ )
            loadScripts( bindings.item(i), projectFile, ScriptRunner.SCRIPT_TYPE_OLD_BINDINGS );

        // loof for "generators" script section
        NodeList generators = doc.getElementsByTagName("generators");
        for( int i=0; i<generators.getLength(); i++ )
            loadScripts( generators.item(i), projectFile, ScriptRunner.SCRIPT_TYPE_OLD_GENERATORS );


        NodeList scriptsList = doc.getElementsByTagName("scripts");
        for( int i=0; i<scriptsList.getLength(); i++ )
            loadScripts( scriptsList.item(i), projectFile, ScriptRunner.SCRIPT_TYPE_ON_DEMAND );


    private void loadScripts(Node node, File projectFile, int assumedType)
        // get list of sub nodes
        NodeList nodes = node.getChildNodes();

        for(int i=0; i<nodes.getLength(); i++ )
            Node scriptNode = nodes.item(i);
            if( scriptNode.getNodeName().compareTo("script")==0 )
                ScriptRunner runner = ScriptRunner.create(scriptNode, this, projectFile, true, assumedType);
                if( runner!=null )


    public void save(File file)
    throws FileNotFoundException, IOException
        projectFile = file;

     * Saves the current project into the project file. Implies that this
     * project was loaded from a project file. The same file is overwritten
     * with the current data held by this ModbusPalProject.
     * @throws FileNotFoundException
     * @throws IOException
    public void save()
    throws FileNotFoundException, IOException
        // create output stream
        FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(projectFile);
        save(out, projectFile);

    private void save(OutputStream out, File projectFile)
    throws IOException
        String xmlTag = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\" ?>\r\n";
        out.write( xmlTag.getBytes() );

        String docTag = "<!DOCTYPE modbuspal_project SYSTEM \"modbuspal.dtd\">\r\n";
        out.write( docTag.getBytes() );

        String openTag = "<modbuspal_project>\r\n";
        out.write( openTag.getBytes() );

        saveScripts(out, projectFile);

        String closeTag = "</modbuspal_project>\r\n";
        out.write( closeTag.getBytes() );

     * Saves the project's parameters that do not fall into the "slave" or "automation"
     * categories, like id generator and link settings. The parameters are written
     * into the output stream as XML tags.
     * @param out
     * @throws IOException
    private void saveParameters(OutputStream out)
    throws IOException
        // save id creator:;

        // save link parameters

    private void saveLinks(OutputStream out)
    throws IOException
        StringBuilder openTag = new StringBuilder("<links ");

        // fill "current" with "tcpip" or "serial" depending on the
        // currently selected tab
        openTag.append("selected=\"").append(selectedLink).append("\" ");

        // terminate open openTag and write it
        out.write( openTag.toString().getBytes() );

        // write tcp/ip settings

        // write serial settings

        // write replay settings

        // close openTag
        String closeTag = "</links>\r\n";
        out.write( closeTag.getBytes() );

    private void saveTcpIpLinkParameters(OutputStream out)
    throws IOException
        StringBuilder tag = new StringBuilder("<tcpip ");
        tag.append("port=\"").append(linkTcpipPort).append("\" ");
        out.write( tag.toString().getBytes() );

    private void saveSerialLinkParameters(OutputStream out) throws IOException
        StringBuilder openTag = new StringBuilder("<serial ");
        openTag.append("com=\"").append(linkSerialComId).append("\" ");
        openTag.append("baudrate=\"").append(linkSerialBaudrate).append("\" ");
            case ModbusSerialLink.PARITY_NONE: openTag.append("parity=\"none\" "); break;
            case ModbusSerialLink.PARITY_ODD: openTag.append("parity=\"odd\" "); break;
            case ModbusSerialLink.PARITY_EVEN: openTag.append("parity=\"even\" "); break;
            case ModbusSerialLink.STOP_BITS_1: openTag.append("stops=\"1\" "); break;
            case ModbusSerialLink.STOP_BITS_1_5: openTag.append("stops=\"1.5\" "); break;
            case ModbusSerialLink.STOP_BITS_2: openTag.append("stops=\"2\" "); break;
        out.write( openTag.toString().getBytes() );

        StringBuilder flowControl = new StringBuilder("<flowcontrol ");
        flowControl.append("xonxoff=\"").append(String.valueOf(linkSerialXonXoff)).append("\" ");
        flowControl.append("rtscts=\"").append(String.valueOf(linkSerialRtsCts)).append("\" ");

        out.write( flowControl.toString().getBytes() );

        String closeTag = "</serial>\r\n";
        out.write( closeTag.getBytes() );

    private void saveReplayLinkParameters(OutputStream out) throws IOException
        if( linkReplayFile!=null )
            String openTag = "<replay>\r\n";

            // create abs tag
            String absTag = "<abs>" + linkReplayFile.getPath() + "</abs>\r\n";

            String rel = FileTools.makeRelative(projectFile, linkReplayFile);
            if( rel != null )
                // create rel tag
                String relTag = "<rel>"+ rel +"</rel>\r\n";

            String closeTag = "</replay>\r\n";

    private void saveAutomations(OutputStream out)
    throws IOException
        for(int i=0; i<automations.size(); i++)
            Automation automation = automations.get(i);

    private void saveSlaves(OutputStream out)
    throws IOException
        for(ModbusSlave slave:getModbusSlaves())
  , true);

    private void saveScripts(OutputStream out, File projectFile)
    throws IOException
        if( scripts.isEmpty() )

        String openTag = "<scripts>\r\n";
        out.write( openTag.getBytes() );

        for(ScriptRunner runner:scripts)

        String closeTag = "</scripts>\r\n";


     * Find the automation which exactly matches the specified name.
     * @param name is the name of the automation to obtain
     * @return the Automation object associated with the specified name, or null
     * is no automation exists with that name.
    public Automation getAutomation(String name)
        if(name == null )
            return null;
        if( NullAutomation.NAME.compareTo(name)==0 )
            return NullAutomation.getInstance();

        for(int i=0; i<automations.size(); i++)
            Automation automation = automations.get(i);
            if( automation.getName().compareTo(name)==0 )
                return automation;
        return null;

     * Add the provided automation into the current application. Please note that
     * each automation in the project must have a unique name. The addition will
     * fail if an existing automation already uses the same name as the automation
     * you want to add.
     * @param automation
     * @return true if the automation is added successfully, false otherwise.
    public boolean addAutomation(Automation automation)
        // check if an automation already exists with the same name
        String name = automation.getName();
        if( getAutomation(name) != null )
            return false;

        int index = automations.indexOf(automation);
        notifyAutomationAdded(automation, index);
        return true;

    private void notifyAutomationAdded(Automation automation, int index)
            for(ModbusPalListener l:listeners)
                l.automationAdded(automation, index);

    // TODO: is it safe ???
     * Get all the automations that are defined in the current project.
     * @return an array containing all the automations that are defined in
     * the project.
    public Automation[] getAutomations()
        Automation[] out = new Automation[0];
        return automations.toArray(out);

     * Starts all the automations of the project.
    public void startAllAutomations()
        for(int i=0; i<automations.size(); i++ )
            Automation auto = automations.get(i);

     * Stops all the automations defined in the project.
    public void stopAllAutomations()
        for(int i=0; i<automations.size(); i++ )
            Automation auto = automations.get(i);

     * Removes the specified automation from the project
     * @param automation the automation to remove
    public void removeAutomation(Automation automation)
        // disconnect the automation from the rest of the project
        // remove automation from list

    void removeAllAutomations()
        Automation list[] = new Automation[0];
        list = automations.toArray(list);
        for( int i=0; i<list.length; i++ )

    private void notifyAutomationRemoved(Automation automation)
            for(ModbusPalListener l:listeners)

     * Checks if an automation with the specified name exists in the project
     * @param name the name of the automation to check
     * @return true if an automation with the same name exists.
    public boolean automationExists(String name)
        return (getAutomation(name)!=null);

     * the goal of this method is to verify that each automation in the project
     * has a unique name.
     * @param auto
     * @param name
     * @return a unique automation name. same value as 'name' if it is already
     * unique, or a modified version of 'name'.
    public String checkAutomationNewName(Automation auto, String name)
        // TODO: is synchronization required??
            Automation already = getAutomation(name);
            if( (already != null) && (already != auto) )
                // check if the name to alter already end with "#n"
                if( name.matches(".*#(\\d+)$")==true )
                    int pos = name.lastIndexOf('#');
                    name = name.substring(0, pos);
                    name = name.trim() + " ";
                name = name + "#" + String.valueOf( idGenerator.createID() );
        return name;

     * This method adds an automation slave into the application. If an automation
     * with the same name already exists, a dialog will popup and invite the user
     * to choose between keeping the existing automation or replacing it by the new.
     * @param automation the new automation to add
     * @return a reference on the new or existing automation, depending on the
     * user's choice. null if an error occured.
    public Automation submitAutomation(Automation automation)
        // check if an automation already exists with the same name
        String name = automation.getName();
        Automation existing = getAutomation(name);

        if( existing != null )
            // show a dialog to let the user decide
            // what to do in order to resolve the conflict:
            ErrorMessage conflict = new ErrorMessage(2);
            conflict.setTitle("Address conflict");
            conflict.append("You are trying to add a new automation with name \"" + name + "\".");
            conflict.append("An existing automation already exists with this name. What do you want to do ?");
            conflict.setButton(0, "Keep existing");
            conflict.setButton(1, "Replace with new");

            // if "Keep existing" is chosen:
            if( conflict.getButton()==0 )
                return existing;

                // before replacing with new, remove old:

        if( addAutomation(automation)==true )
            return automation;
        return null;


     * remove all instances of the generator whose name is passed
     * in argument. the method will scan all automations of the current
     * project and remove each instance of the generator identified
     * by the provided name.
     * @param classname
    private void removeAllGenerators(String classname)
        int max = automations.size();
        for(int i=0; i<max; i++)
            Automation auto = automations.get(i);

     * @see #addGeneratorInstantiator(Generator)
     * @param g the instantiable generator to add into the project.
     * @deprecated spelling error in the name of the method
    public void addGeneratorInstanciator(Generator g)

     * @see #addGeneratorInstantiator(Generator)
     * @param g the instantiable generator to add into the project.
     * @param name the instantiable generator should have this name.
     * this parameter is ignored.
     * @deprecated parameter "name" is ignored
    public void addGeneratorInstantiator(String name, Generator g)

     * Adds the specified generator to the list of instantiable generators.
     * It means that the Automation Editor will be able to instantiate
     * generators of this type.
     * @param g the instantiable generator to add into the project.
    public void addGeneratorInstantiator(Generator g)

     * Returns the "library" that holds all the instantiable generators
     * added in the project.
     * @return the "library" of instantiable generators
    public InstantiableManager<Generator> getGeneratorFactory()
        return generatorFactory;

    private void importOldGenerators(ScriptRunner runner)


     * remove all instances of the generator whose name is passed
     * in argument. the method will scan all automations of the current
     * project and remove each instance of the generator identified
     * by the provided name.
     * @param classname
    void removeAllBindings(String classname)
        for(ModbusSlave slave:getModbusSlaves())

     * @see #addBindingInstantiator(Binding)
     * @param b the instantiable binding to add into the project.
     * @deprecated spelling error in the name of the method
    public void addBindingInstanciator(Binding b)

     * Adds the specified instantiable binding into the project. It means
     * that the user will be able to use this new type of binding in the
     * MODBUS slave editor.
     * @param b the instantiable binding to add in the project
    public void addBindingInstantiator(Binding b)

     * @see #addBindingInstantiator(Binding)
     * @param b the instantiable binding to add into the project.
     * @param name the instantiable binding should have this name.
     * this parameter is ignored.
     * @deprecated parameter "name" is ignored
    public void addBindingInstantiator(String name, Binding b)

     * Returns the "library" that holds all the instantiable bindings
     * added in the project.
     * @return the "library" of instantiable bindings
    public InstantiableManager<Binding> getBindingFactory()
        return bindingFactory;

    private void importOldBindings(ScriptRunner runner)


     * remove all instances of the function whose name is passed
     * in argument. the method will scan all slaves of the current
     * project and remove each instance of the function identified
     * by the provided name.
     * @param classname
    void removeAllFunctions(String classname)
        for(ModbusSlave slave:getModbusSlaves())

     * @see #addFunctionInstantiator(ModbusPduProcessor)
     * @param mspp the instantiable ModbusPduProcessor to add into the project.
     * @deprecated spelling error in the name of the method
    public void addFunctionInstanciator(ModbusPduProcessor mspp)

     * @see #addFunctionInstantiator(ModbusPduProcessor)
     * @param pi the instantiable ModbusPduProcessor to add into the project.
     * @param name the instantiable ModbusPduProcessor should have this name.
     * this parameter is ignored.
     * @deprecated parameter "name" is ignored
    public void addFunctionInstantiator(String name, ModbusPduProcessor pi)

     * Adds the specified instantiable ModbusPduProcessor into the project.
     * It means that the user will be able to use this new type of
     * ModbusPduProcessor in the MODBUS slave editor.
     * @param pi the instantiable ModbusPduProcessor to add in the project
    public void addFunctionInstantiator(ModbusPduProcessor pi)

     * Returns the "library" that holds all the instantiable ModbusPduProcessors
     * added in the project.
     * @return the "library" of instantiable ModbusPduProcessors
    public InstantiableManager<ModbusPduProcessor> getFunctionFactory()
        return functionFactory;


     * This method adds a modbus slave into the application. The addition will
     * fail a modbus slave with the same id already exists in thecurrent project.
     * @param slave the new modbus slave to add
     * @return true if added successfully, false otherwise.
    public boolean addModbusSlave(ModbusSlave slave)
        ModbusSlaveAddress slaveID = slave.getSlaveId();

        // check if slaveID is already assigned:
        if( getModbusSlave(slaveID) != null )
            return false;

        setModbusSlave(slaveID, slave);
        return true;

    protected void notifySlaveAdded(ModbusSlave slave)
            for(ModbusPalListener l:listeners)

     * Returns an array of ModbusSlave objects, which hold all the
     * information on the slaves with the specified name. In ModbusPal, multiple
     * slaves can have the same name.
     * @param name the name of the slaves you want to get
     * @return an array of ModbusSlave objects, each slave in the array having the
     * specified name.
    public ModbusSlave[] findModbusSlaves(String name)
        ArrayList<ModbusSlave> found = new ArrayList<ModbusSlave>();

        for(ModbusSlave slave : getModbusSlaves())
            if( slave.getName().compareTo(name)==0 )

        if( found.isEmpty() )
            return null;
            ModbusSlave retval[] = new ModbusSlave[0];
            retval = found.toArray(retval);
            return retval;

     * This method adds a modbus slave into the application. If a modbus slave
     * with the same id already exists, a dialog will popup and invite the user
     * to choose between keeping the existing slave or replacing it by the new.
     * @param slave the new modbus slave to add
     * @return a reference on the new or existing modbus slave, depending on the
     * user's choice. null if an error occured.
    public ModbusSlave submitModbusSlave(ModbusSlave slave)
        ModbusSlaveAddress slaveID = slave.getSlaveId();

        // check if slaveID is already assigned:
        if( getModbusSlave(slaveID) != null )
            // show a dialog to let the user decide
            // what to do in order to resolve the conflict:
            ErrorMessage conflict = new ErrorMessage(2);
            conflict.setTitle("Address conflict");
            conflict.append("You are trying to add a new slave with address " + slaveID + ".");
            conflict.append("An existing slave already uses this address. What do you want to do ?");
            conflict.setButton(0, "Keep existing");
            conflict.setButton(1, "Replace with new");

            // if "Keep existing" is chosen:
            if( conflict.getButton()==0 )
                return getModbusSlave(slaveID);

                // before replacing with new, remove old:

        if( addModbusSlave(slave)==true )
            return slave;
        return null;

     * Removes the specified MODBUS  slave from the project.
     * @param slaveID the slave number of the MODBUS slave to remove
    public void removeModbusSlave(ModbusSlaveAddress slaveID)
        ModbusSlave slave = getModbusSlave(slaveID);
        if( slave!=null )
        // disconnect slave from list
        setModbusSlave(slaveID, null);

     * Removes the specified MODBUS  slave from the project.
     * @param slave the modbus slave to remove from the project.
    public void removeModbusSlave(ModbusSlave slave)
        ModbusSlaveAddress slaveID = slave.getSlaveId();

    protected void notifySlaveRemoved(ModbusSlave slave)
            for(ModbusPalListener l:listeners)

     * Creates a duplicate of an existing MODBUS slave.
     * @param idSrc the slave number of the model MODBUS slave to duplicate
     * @param idDst the slave number of the copy
     * @param name the name to give to the copy
    public void duplicateModbusSlave(ModbusSlaveAddress idSrc, ModbusSlaveAddress idDst, String name)
        ModbusSlave newSlave = new ModbusSlave(idDst);

            // Create a temporary file in order to exportSlave the model
            File tempFile = File.createTempFile("modbuspal", null);

            // indicate that the file must be deleted at the end of the
            // application, just in case...

            // exportSlave model into xml
            exportSlave(tempFile, idSrc, true, false );

            // import xml into new slave
            importSlave(tempFile, idDst, true, false);

        catch (Exception ex)
            Logger.getLogger(ModbusPalProject.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

        // add it into the list

     * Enables or disables the specified MODBUS slave
     * @param slaveID slave number of the MODUBS slave to enable or disable
     * @param b if true, enables the MODBUS slave. if false, disables the
     * MODBUS slave.
    public void setSlaveEnabled(ModbusSlaveAddress slaveID, boolean b)
        ModbusSlave ms = getModbusSlave(slaveID, learnModeEnabled);
        if( ms!=null )

     * determine if the slave is enabled or not. If "learn mode" is enabled, this
     * method will always return true. Otherwise, it will return true only if the
     * slave exists in the list of known slaves AND if that slave is enabled.
     * In all cases, if the slave with the provided ID doesn't exist in the list
     * of known slaves, it will be added to the list.
     * @param slaveID
     * @return true if the slave is enabled; false otherwise.
    public boolean isSlaveEnabled(ModbusSlaveAddress slaveID)
        /*if( (slaveID<0) || (slaveID>=ModbusConst.MAX_MODBUS_SLAVE) )
            return false;

        ModbusSlave ms = getModbusSlave(slaveID,learnModeEnabled);
        if( ms!=null )
            return ms.isEnabled();
        return false;

     * Exports the settings of a MODBUS slave into an XML export file.
     * @param exportFile the file where the settings will be written
     * @param modbusID the slave number of the MODBUS slave to export
     * @param withBindings if true, the specs of the bindings are exported.
     * @param withAutomations if true, the automations used by the slave are exported as well
     * @throws FileNotFoundException
     * @throws IOException
    public void exportSlave(File exportFile, ModbusSlaveAddress modbusID, boolean withBindings, boolean withAutomations)
    throws FileNotFoundException, IOException
        ModbusSlave exportedSlave = getModbusSlave(modbusID);
        OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(exportFile);

        String xmlTag = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\r\n";
        out.write( xmlTag.getBytes() );

        String docTag = "<!DOCTYPE modbuspal_slave SYSTEM \"modbuspal.dtd\">\r\n";
        out.write( docTag.getBytes() );

        String openTag = "<modbuspal_slave>\r\n";
        out.write( openTag.getBytes() );

        // if needed, first exportSlave automations (they need to be imported first!)
        if( withAutomations == true )
            String names[] = exportedSlave.getRequiredAutomations();
            for(int i=0; i<names.length; i++)
                Automation automation = getAutomation( names[i] );

        String closeTag = "</modbuspal_slave>\r\n";
        out.write( closeTag.getBytes() );

     * Loads the settings of a MODBUS slave from an XML file. Configure
     * the specified MODBUS slave with these settings, create the MODBUS slave
     * if it doesn't already exist.
     * @param importFile the XML file containing the settings to import
     * @param idDst the modbus number of the MODBUS slave to configure with the
     * settings from the DOM document.
     * @param withBindings if true, import the bindings that may be defined
     * in the DOM document
     * @param withAutomations if true, import the automations that may be
     * defined in the DOM document
     * @throws ParserConfigurationException
     * @throws SAXException
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws InstantiationException
     * @throws IllegalAccessException
    public void importSlave(File importFile, ModbusSlaveAddress idDst, boolean withBindings, boolean withAutomations)
    throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException
        Document doc = XMLTools.ParseXML(importFile);

        // normalize text representation

        importSlave(doc, idDst, withBindings, withAutomations);

     * Loads the settings of a MODBUS slave from a XML structure. Configure
     * the specified MODBUS slave with these settings, create the MODBUS slave
     * if it doesn't already exist.
     * @param doc the DOM document where the settings are stored
     * @param idDst the modbus number of the MODBUS slave to configure with the
     * settings from the DOM document.
     * @param withBindings if true, import the bindings that may be defined
     * in the DOM document
     * @param withAutomations if true, import the automations that may be
     * defined in the DOM document
     * @throws ParserConfigurationException
     * @throws SAXException
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws InstantiationException
     * @throws IllegalAccessException
    public void importSlave(Document doc, ModbusSlaveAddress idDst, boolean withBindings, boolean withAutomations)
    throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException
        ModbusSlave target = getModbusSlave(idDst,true);
        importSlave(doc, target, withBindings, withAutomations);

     * Loads the settings of a MODBUS slave from a XML structure.
     * @param doc the DOM document where the settings are stored
     * @param target the modbus slave to configure from the settings stored in
     * the DOM document
     * @param withBindings if true, import the bindings that may be defined
     * in the DOM document
     * @param withAutomations if true, import the automations that may be
     * defined in the DOM document
     * @throws ParserConfigurationException
     * @throws SAXException
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws InstantiationException
     * @throws IllegalAccessException
    public void importSlave(Document doc, ModbusSlave target, boolean withBindings, boolean withAutomations)
    throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException
        // how many slaves in the file?
        NodeList slaves = doc.getElementsByTagName("slave");
        Node slaveNode = slaves.item(0);

        if( withAutomations==true )

        target.load(this, slaveNode, true);

        if( withBindings==true )
            loadBindings(doc, target);


     * Returns the ModbusPduProcessor that has been assigned to the specified
     * MODBUS slave for the specified MODBUS function.
     * @param slaveID the slave number
     * @param functionCode the function code
     * @return the ModbusPduProcessor, or null if none is assigned for the
     * specified MODBUS slave and function code.
    public ModbusPduProcessor getSlavePduProcessor(ModbusSlaveAddress slaveID, byte functionCode)
        ModbusSlave ms = getModbusSlave(slaveID, learnModeEnabled);
        if( ms != null )
            return ms.getPduProcessor(functionCode);

        return null;

     * Checks if the modbus registers exist. If they don't and if the "lear mode"
     * is enabled, then they are created.
     * @param slaveID the slave number for which the existance of registers
     * must be checked
     * @param startingAddress the address of the first register to check
     * @param quantity the quantity of registers to check
     * @return true if all the registers exist, false if one or more of the
     * registers do not exist.
     * @deprecated the preferred way to do that is to get the ModbusSlave
     * reference with ModbusPalProject#getModbusSlave(), then call
     * ModbusSlave#getHoldingRegisters(), and then ModbusRegisters#exist()
    public boolean holdingRegistersExist(int slaveID, int startingAddress, int quantity)
        ModbusSlave ms = getModbusSlave(quantity, learnModeEnabled);
            return false;
        return ms.getHoldingRegisters().exist(startingAddress, quantity, learnModeEnabled);
     * Checks if the modbus coils exist. If they don't and if the "lear mode"
     * is enabled, then they are created.
     * @param slaveID the slave number for which the existance of coils
     * must be checked
     * @param startingAddress the address of the first coil to check
     * @param quantity the quantity of coils to check
     * @return true if all the coils exist, false if one or more of the
     * coils do not exist.
     * @deprecated the preferred way to do that is to get the ModbusSlave
     * reference with ModbusPalProject#getModbusSlave(), then call
     * ModbusSlave#getCoils(), and then ModbusCoils#exist()
    public boolean coilsExist(int slaveID, int startingAddress, int quantity)
        ModbusSlave ms = getModbusSlave(quantity, learnModeEnabled);
            return false;
        return ms.getCoils().exist(startingAddress, quantity, learnModeEnabled);


     * Adds the specified script file into the project.
     * @param scriptFile the script file to add
    public void addScript(File scriptFile)
        ScriptRunner runner = ScriptRunner.create(this, scriptFile, ScriptRunner.SCRIPT_TYPE_ON_DEMAND);

    private void addScript(ScriptRunner runner)

     * Removes the specified script from the project
     * @param runner the script to remove
    public void removeScript(ScriptRunner runner)
        if( scripts.remove(runner)==true )

    private void notifyScriptAdded(ScriptRunner runner)
            for(ScriptListener l:scriptListeners)

    private void notifyScriptRemoved(ScriptRunner runner)
            for(ScriptListener l:scriptListeners)

     * Returns a list of the scripts currently defined in the project,
     * filtered by type.
     * @param type one of the ScriptRunner.SCRIPT_TYPE_xxx constants
     * @return an Iterable encapsulating the list of scripts contained
     * in the project, using the specified filter.
    public Iterable<ScriptRunner> getScripts(int type)
        ArrayList<ScriptRunner> output = new ArrayList<ScriptRunner>();
        for(ScriptRunner sr:scripts )
            if( (type==ScriptRunner.SCRIPT_TYPE_ANY) || (sr.getType()==type) )
        return output;


     * Adds a ModbusPalListener to the list of listeners
     * @param l the listener to add
    public void addModbusPalListener(ModbusPalListener l)
            if( listeners.contains(l)==false )

     * Removes a ModbusPalListener from the list of listeners
     * @param l the listener to remove
    public void removeModbusPalListener(ModbusPalListener l)
            if( listeners.contains(l)==true )

     * Adds a ScriptListener to the list of listeners
     * @param l the listener to add
    public void addScriptListener(ScriptListener l)
            if( scriptListeners.contains(l)==false )

     * Removes a ScriptListener from the list of listeners
     * @param l the listener to remove
    public void removeScriptListener(ScriptListener l)
            if( scriptListeners.contains(l)==true )

    // MISC.

     * Enables or disables the "learn mode"
     * @param en true to enable the "learn mode", false to disable it.
    public void setLearnModeEnabled(boolean en)
        learnModeEnabled = en;

     * Checks if the "learn mode" is enabled or disabled
     * @return true if it is currently enabled, false otherwise.
    public boolean isLeanModeEnabled()
        return learnModeEnabled;

     * Triggers the ModbusPalListeners to notify them
     * that a PDU was not serviced.
    public void notifyPDUnotServiced()
            for(ModbusPalListener l:listeners)

     * Triggers the ModbusPalListeners to notify them
     * that a PDU was processed.
    public void notifyPDUprocessed()
            for(ModbusPalListener l:listeners)

     * Triggers the ModbusPalListeners to notify them
     * that an exception reply has been sent instead
     * of a normal reply.
    public void notifyExceptionResponse()
            for(ModbusPalListener l:listeners)

     * @param slaveID
     * @param functionCode
     * @return always true
     * @deprecated this method was never implemented
    public boolean isFunctionEnabled(int slaveID, byte functionCode)
        //TODO: implement isFunctionEnabled
        return true;

     * Optimize the DOM document (expected to contain modbuspal project
     * information).
     * @param doc the DOM document to optimize
     * @param fix if true, removes from the DOM document any faulty elements.
    public static void optimize(Document doc, boolean fix)

     * this method will scan the content of the DOM document, which
     * is expected to contain modbuspal project information. It will
     * remove from the DOM document any automation that is not referenced
     * by any binding. Then, if "fix" is true, it will removed any bindings
     * that refer to an automation that is not defined in the DOM document.
     * @param doc the DOM document to optimize
     * @param fix if true, fix the DOM document by removing any binding
     * refering to a non-existing automation.
    private static void optimizeBindingsVsAutomations(Document doc, boolean fix)
        // get list of bindings:
        NodeList bindingList = doc.getElementsByTagName("binding");

        // get list of automations:
        NodeList automationList = doc.getElementsByTagName("automation");

        // for each automation, check that at least one binding is actually
        // using it:

        for( int i=0; i<automationList.getLength(); i++ )
            String name = XMLTools.getAttribute("name", automationList.item(i));
            boolean matched = false;

            for( int j=0; j<bindingList.getLength(); j++)
                String automation = XMLTools.getAttribute("automation", bindingList.item(j));
                if( automation.compareTo(name)==0 )
                    matched = true;

            // automation not matched, remove the useless automation:
            if( matched==false )

        if( fix==true )
            // for each binding, check that the automation specified in the
            // "automation" attribute actually exists:
            for( int i=0; i<bindingList.getLength(); i++ )
                String automation = XMLTools.getAttribute("automation", bindingList.item(i));
                boolean matched = false;

                for( int j=0; j<automationList.getLength(); j++)
                    String name = XMLTools.getAttribute("name", automationList.item(j));
                    if( automation.compareTo(name)==0 )
                        matched = true;

                // automation not matched, remove the invalid binding:
                if( matched==false )

     * Returns the name of the project. Actually, the project
     * is named after the file from which it has been loaded, or into
     * which it has been saved.
     * @return name of the project.
    public String getName()
        if( projectFile==null )
            return "no name";
        return projectFile.getName();

    public void addModbusMasterTask(ModbusMasterTask mmt)
        if( masterTasks.contains(mmt)==false )
    private void notifyModbusMasterTaskAdded(ModbusMasterTask mmt)
            for(ModbusPalListener l:listeners)
    public void removeModbusMasterTask(ModbusMasterTask mmt)
        if( masterTasks.contains(mmt)==true )
    private void notifyModbusMasterTaskRemoved(ModbusMasterTask mmt)
            for(ModbusPalListener l:listeners)
    public List<ModbusMasterTask> getModbusMasterTasks()
        return masterTasks;

Related Classes of modbuspal.main.ModbusPalProject

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