Package modbuspal.automation

Source Code of modbuspal.automation.Automation

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package modbuspal.automation;

import modbuspal.generator.Generator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import modbuspal.generator.GeneratorListener;
import modbuspal.instanciator.InstantiableManager;
import modbuspal.toolkit.InstanceCounter;
import modbuspal.toolkit.XMLTools;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;

* Defines an automation.
* @author nnovic
public class Automation
implements Runnable
    /** default name of an automation */
    public final static String DEFAULT_NAME = "no name";
    private ArrayList<Generator> generators = new ArrayList<Generator>();
    private double stepDelay = 1.0;
    private Thread thread = null;
    private boolean loop = true;
    private String uniqueName="";
    private boolean suspended = false;
    private boolean quit = false;
    private ArrayList<AutomationEditionListener> automationEditionListeners = new ArrayList<AutomationEditionListener>();
    private InstanceCounter<AutomationExecutionListener> automationExecutionListeners = new InstanceCounter<AutomationExecutionListener>();
    private ArrayList<GeneratorListener> generatorListeners = new ArrayList<GeneratorListener>();
    private double currentValue = 0.0;
    private double initialValue = 0.0;

     * This is the constructor to use when creating the automation from an
     * xml file (i.e: loading a xmpp project). It uses the "loadAttributes"
     * function to parse the "importable" attributes of the "automation" tag,
     * and it also parses the non-importable attributes (like "id").
     * @param attributes xml attributes of the "automation" node
    public Automation(NamedNodeMap attributes)

     * This is the constructor that is used to create an new, empty automation.
     * You have to provide a name that is unique in the scope of the current project.
     * The constructor won't check that it is unique; the ModbusPal.addAutomation()
     * may modify it if it isn't. You can also use the ModbusPal.automationExists()
     * method to verify if a name is unique.
     * @param name name of the automation
    public Automation(String name)
        uniqueName = name;

     * Changes the order of the generators by putting the specified generator
     * one rank down in the list. A "generators swapped" event is then fired.
     * Usually, you don't call this method directly; it is triggered by clicking
     * on the "down" button of a GeneratorRenderer.
     * @param gen the generator to push down
    void down(Generator gen)
        int index = generators.indexOf(gen);
        int max = generators.size();
        if( (index+1) < max )

     * Gets a list of the generators in this automation.
     * @return an array containing the references of all the
     * generators in this automation.
    Generator[] getGenerators()
        Generator[] list = new Generator[0];
        return generators.toArray(list);

     * Setup the attributes of the automation by extracting
     * the values from an xml node.
     * @param attributes the xml node representing the attributes
     * of the automation
    public final void loadAttributes(NamedNodeMap attributes)
        Node stepNode = attributes.getNamedItem("step");
        String stepValue = stepNode.getNodeValue();
        double newStepDelay = Double.parseDouble(stepValue);
        if( stepDelay != newStepDelay )
            stepDelay = newStepDelay;
        Node loopNode = attributes.getNamedItem("loop");
        String loopValue = loopNode.getNodeValue();
        boolean newLoop = Boolean.parseBoolean(loopValue);
        if( loop != newLoop )
            loop = newLoop;

        Node nameNode = attributes.getNamedItem("name");
        String nameValue = nameNode.getNodeValue();
        if( uniqueName.compareTo(nameValue) != 0 )
            uniqueName = nameValue;

        // Extract initial value of the whole automation
        Node initNode = attributes.getNamedItem("init");
        if( initNode!= null )
            String initValue = initNode.getNodeValue();
            double newInit = Double.parseDouble(initValue);
            if( initialValue != newInit )
                initialValue = newInit;

     * Returns the duration of the steps, in seconds. A step is the delay
     * between two updates of the automation's current value.
     * @return the duration of the steps, in seconds.
    public double getStepDelay()
        return stepDelay;

     * Adds a generator at the end of the current list of generators.
     * @param gen the generator to add
     * @return index of the added generator
    public int addGenerator(Generator gen)
        int index = generators.indexOf(gen);
        return index;

     * Removes a generator from the current list of generators.
     * @param gen the generator to remove.
    public void removeGenerator(Generator gen)

     * Removes all generators from the automation.
    public void removeAllGenerators()
        Generator list[] = new Generator[0];
        list = generators.toArray(list);
        for( int i=0; i<list.length; i++ )
            removeGenerator( list[i] );

     * Removes all generators from the automation that have
     * the specified classname
     * @param classname classname of the generators to remove
    public void removeAllGenerators(String classname)
        Generator list[] = new Generator[0];
        list = generators.toArray(list);
        for( int i=0; i<list.length; i++ )
            if( list[i].getClassName().compareTo(classname)==0 )
                removeGenerator( list[i] );

    void notifyGeneratorHasEnded(Generator gen)
        for(GeneratorListener l:generatorListeners)

    void notifyGeneratorHasStarted(Generator gen)
        for(GeneratorListener l:generatorListeners)

     * Adds a GeneratorListener to the list of listeners
     * @param l the GeneratorListener to add
    public void addGeneratorListener(GeneratorListener l)
        assert( generatorListeners.contains(l) == false );

     * Removes a GeneratorListener from the list of listeners
     * @param l the GeneratorListener to remove
    public void removeGeneratorListener(GeneratorListener l)
        assert( generatorListeners.contains(l) == true );

     * This method is used to add generators into the automation, by
     * using the content of the node list. The generators are instantiated
     * by using the provided InstantiableManager object.
     * @param nodes
     * @param gf the "generator factory", object that holds the instantiable generators
     * @throws java.lang.InstantiationException
     * @throws java.lang.IllegalAccessException
    public void loadGenerators(NodeList nodes, InstantiableManager<Generator> gf)
    throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException
        for(int i=0; i<nodes.getLength(); i++)
            Node node = nodes.item(i);
            if( node.getNodeName().compareTo("generator")==0 )
                String className = XMLTools.getAttribute("class", node);
                Generator gen = gf.newInstance( className );

                if( gen==null )
                    throw new InstantiationException("Generator "+className+" cannot be instanciated");

     * Saves the configuration of the automation, in XML format.
     * @param out the outpustream where the configuration is written
     * @throws IOException
    public void save(OutputStream out)
    throws IOException
        String openTag = createOpenTag();
        out.write( openTag.getBytes() );

        for(Generator g:generators)

        String closeTag = "</automation>\r\n";
        out.write( closeTag.getBytes() );

     * Changes the name of this automation. Caution: this method
     * won't check that it is unique, but it has to be. A "name changed"
     * events is then fired.
     * @param newName the new name  of the automation.
    public void setName(String newName)
        uniqueName = newName;

     * Creates and starts a new thread in order to execute this
     * automation. The thread's name is set to the name of the automation.
     * You can only have on running thread at the same time.
    public void start()
            thread = new Thread(this);
            suspended = false;
            quit = false;

     * Stops the execution of the automation. The method will be blocked
     * until the thread is terminated.
    public void stop()
        if( thread != null )
            quit = true;
                thread.join( (long)(stepDelay*2000.0) );
            catch (InterruptedException ex)
                Logger.getLogger(Automation.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

     * Suspends the execution of the automation.
    public void suspend()
        suspended = true;

     * Resumes the execution of the automation.
    public void resume()
        suspended = false;

     * Check if the "loop" option is enabled for this automation.
     * If so, the execution of the automation continues with the first
     * generator of the list when the last generator is finished.
     * @return true if "loop" is enabled, false otherwise
    public boolean isLoopEnabled()
        return loop;

     * Defines if "loop" option is enabled or not.
     * @param enabled
    void setLoopEnabled(boolean enabled)
        loop = enabled;

     * Returns the name of this automation.
     * @return name of the automation.
    public String getName()
        return uniqueName;

     * Returns the initial value that is configured for this automation.
     * @return initial value of the automation.
    double getInitialValue()
        return initialValue;

    private double getTotalDuration()
        double total= 0;
        for( Generator gen:generators )
        return total;

     * Returns se current value of the automation. If the automation is running,
     * this value will return the current value of the current generator.
     * Otherwise, it will return the initial value.
     * @return current value of the automation.
    public double getCurrentValue()
        return currentValue;

    public void run()
        System.out.println("start automation thread");
        // Get generators
        Generator genList[] = new Generator[generators.size()];
        genList = generators.toArray(genList);

        // init automation:
        int currentIndex = 0;
        currentValue = initialValue;
        boolean reloaded = false;
        double currentTime = 0.0;
        double startTime = 0.0;

        // init historic:
        double totalDuration = getTotalDuration();
        int histoNbPoints = (int)Math.ceil( totalDuration / stepDelay );


        while( (currentIndex < genList.length) && (quit==false) )
            if( reloaded )

            // prepare to execute generator:
            Generator currentGen = genList[currentIndex];
            double duration = currentGen.getDuration();
            startTime = currentTime;

            while( (currentTime < startTime + duration) && (quit==false) )
                // set current automation value:
                currentValue = currentGen.getValue( currentTime-startTime );
                //if( previousValue != currentValue )
                    fireCurrentValueChanged(currentTime, currentValue);

                    while( (suspended == true) && (quit == false) )
                    suspended = false;
                    if( quit == false )
                        Thread.sleep( (long)(stepDelay*1000.0) );
                catch (InterruptedException ex)
                    Logger.getLogger(Automation.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
                currentTime += stepDelay;
                //previousValue = currentValue;

            // finish the execution of the generator
            //previousValue = currentValue;
            currentValue = currentGen.getValue(duration);

            if( currentIndex >= genList.length )
                if( loop == true )
                    currentIndex = 0;
        System.out.println("end of automation thread");
        currentValue = 0.0;
        fireCurrentValueChanged(currentTime, currentValue);

        suspended = false;
        if( quit==true )
            quit = false;

     * Returns the current "suspended" state of the automation.
     * @return true if the automation is running but suspended. false
     * otherwise.
    public boolean isSuspended()
        return suspended;

     * Verifies if the automation is currently running or not.
     * @return true is the automation is running, false otherwise
    public boolean isRunning()
        return (thread!=null);

     * ModbusPal will call this function when the automation is removed from
     * the project. It should not be called directly.
    public final void disconnect()

     * Adds an AutomationEditionListener to the list of listeners
     * @param l the AutomationEditionListener to add
    public void addAutomationEditionListener(AutomationEditionListener l)
        assert( automationEditionListeners.contains(l) == false );

     * Removes an AutomationEditionListener from the list of listeners
     * @param l the AutomationEditionListener to remove
     * @return true if removed correctly
    public boolean removeAutomationEditionListener(AutomationEditionListener l)
        return automationEditionListeners.remove(l);

     * Adds an AutomationExecutionListener to the list of listeners
     * @param l the AutomationExecutionListener to add
     * @return true if added correctly
    public boolean addAutomationExecutionListener(AutomationExecutionListener l)
        if( automationExecutionListeners.addInstance(l)==true )
            System.out.println("AutomationExecutionListener added: "+l.hashCode());
            return true;
        return false;

     * Removes an AutomationExecutionListener from the list of listeners
     * @param l the AutomationExecutionListener to remove
     * @return true if removed properly
    public boolean removeAutomationExecutionListener(AutomationExecutionListener l)

        if( automationExecutionListeners.removeInstance(l)==true )
            System.out.println("AutomationExecutionListener removed: "+l.hashCode());
            return true;
        return false;

     * Redefines the step delay of the automation.
     * @param delay new step delay in seconds.
    void setStepDelay(double delay)
        stepDelay = delay;

     * Redefines the initial value of the automation.
     * @param dval
    void setInitialValue(double val)
        initialValue = val;

     * Changes the order of the generators by putting the specified generator
     * one rank up in the list. A "generators swapped" event is then fired.
     * Usually, you don't call this method directly; it is triggered by clicking
     * on the "up" button of a GeneratorRenderer.
     * @param gen
    void up(Generator gen)
        int index = generators.indexOf(gen);
        if( index >= 1 )

    private String createOpenTag()
        StringBuilder tag = new StringBuilder("<automation");
        tag.append(" name=\"").append(uniqueName).append("\"");
        tag.append(" step=\"").append(String.valueOf(stepDelay)).append("\"");
        tag.append(" loop=\"").append(Boolean.toString(loop)).append("\"");
        tag.append(" init=\"").append(Double.toString(initialValue)).append("\"");
        return tag.toString();

    private void fireAutomationHasEnded()
        for(AutomationExecutionListener l:automationExecutionListeners)

    private void fireAutomationHasStarted()
        for(AutomationExecutionListener l:automationExecutionListeners)

    private void fireAutomationReloaded()
        for(AutomationExecutionListener l:automationExecutionListeners)

    private void fireGeneratorAdded(Generator gen, int index)
        for(AutomationEditionListener l:automationEditionListeners)
            l.generatorHasBeenAdded(this, gen, index);

    private void fireGeneratorRemoved(Generator gen)
        for(AutomationEditionListener l:automationEditionListeners)
            l.generatorHasBeenRemoved(this, gen);

    private void fireGeneratorSwap(Generator g1, Generator g2)
        for(AutomationEditionListener l:automationEditionListeners)
            l.generatorsHaveBeenSwapped(this, g1, g2);

    private void fireInitialValueChanged(double init)
        for(AutomationEditionListener l:automationEditionListeners)
            l.automationInitialValueChanged(this, init);

    private void fireLoopEnabled(boolean enabled)
        for(AutomationEditionListener l:automationEditionListeners)
            l.automationLoopEnabled(this, enabled);

    private void fireNameChanged(String newName)
        for(AutomationEditionListener l:automationEditionListeners)
            l.automationNameHasChanged(this, newName);

    private void fireCurrentValueChanged(double currentTime, double currentValue)
        for(AutomationExecutionListener l:automationExecutionListeners)
            l.automationValueHasChanged(this, currentTime, currentValue);

    private void fireStepDelayHasChanged(double step)
        for(AutomationEditionListener l:automationEditionListeners)
            l.automationStepHasChanged(this, step);

    private void swap(int i1, int i2)
        Generator g1 = generators.get(i1);
        Generator g2 = generators.get(i2);
        generators.set(i1, g2);
        generators.set(i2, g1);

Related Classes of modbuspal.automation.Automation

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