// package symantec.itools.awt;
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.FocusEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.net.URL;
import java.beans.PropertyVetoException;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.VetoableChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.lang.IllegalArgumentException;
//import symantec.itools.awt.util.ColorUtils;
//import symantec.itools.util.Timer;
//import symantec.itools.util.GeneralUtils;
// 05/30/97 LAB Updated to support Java 1.1
// 06/24/97 LAB Made the button behave like a button. i.e. When you press the
// button, then move off of it, it responds. This also affects the
// notification process.
// Fixed problem which required setNotifyDelay() to be
// called before setNotifyWhilePressed().
// 06/26/97 LAB Changed the way the button is drawn. Now it uses an offscreen
// Image as its drawing buffer via updateButtonImage(). Added
// capabilities to allow the button to have a user definable color,
// and the highlights are derived from that. Also added a user
// definable border color.
// 06/27/97 LAB Added UseOffset property to allow the button to draw differently
// if the user wants objects in the button (like a direction arrow, or
// image) to be offset vertically and horizontally by the bevel height
// when the button is drawn is its down state. Changed the default bevel
// height to 2 pixels.
// 07/09/97 LAB Added LinkURL property and supporting properties/methods/members
// to allow buttons to have a URL associated with them by defualt.
// Added ShowURLStatus property to allow control over the status
// messaging for the linkURL. Condensed all of the java.awt.whatever
// imports to java.awt.* for readability. Added minimumSize() and
// preferedSize() methods. Updated the enable() and disable() methods
// to the new setEnabled() method.
// 07/13/97 RKM Fixed misspelling of prefered
// 07/19/97 LAB Added deprecated preferedSize and minimumSize to call the non-deprecated versions.
// 07/23/97 CAR marked fields transient as needed, inner classes implement java.io.Serializable
// 08/05/97 LAB Added a call to clipRect in the updateButtonImage method to clip subsequent
// drawings to the internal button area (sans border and bevel).
// 08/06/97 LAB Added buttonImageGraphics as a protected data member for use in child
// classes overridden updateButtonImage calls. This allows the cliping
// that is done in the ButtonBase to propagate correctly.
// Removed all traces of infoTips.
// 08/23/97 CAR button can now be tabbed to and from
// when button has focus on Windows a broken line outline will indicate focus
// 08/25/97 CAR when property showFocus is set to true a broken line outline will indicate focus
// on Windows showFocus defaults to true, on all other platforms it defaults to false
// 08/28/97 CAR when showFocus is true and button has focus and not on the Macintosh platform, pressing
// the space bar will press the button
// 09/01/97 CAR setAppletContext now also called from addNotify in addition to being called from
// validate (validate not called when applet loaded in IE)
// 09/11/97 LAB Moved code to display URL Link outside check to see if button is pressed
// (Addresses Mac Bug #7606).
// 10/05/97 LAB Changed names of strings in PropertyChangeEvent handling to follow Bean Spec
// naming conventions. Added mechanism for internally constrained properties
// to be validated after the component is added to the form to avoid code-gen
// order specific dependencies.
// 10/06/97 LAB Chnaged addNotify to call it's super after listeners are hooked up so
// verifyContstrainedPropertyValues will be called after the listeners
// are hooked up. Added simulateClick method. Changed setBevelHeight
// to set the temp value to the current value when changing the current
// value. Changed getBevelHeight to return the temp value if the
// component is not added. This fixes a problem at design time where the
// component would revert to it's default state after a back run.
* An abstract class used to implement special Symantec buttons.
* It supports 3-D beveled borders, and the posting of continuous
* notification events while the button is pressed.
* <p>
* @version 1.1, June 26, 1997
* @author Symantec
public abstract class ButtonBase extends Canvas
* Constructs a default ButtonBase. The defaults are no notifyWhilePressed,
* no offset, and a bevel height of 2.
protected ButtonBase()
pressed = false;
released = true;
notifyWhilePressed = false;
running = false;
notified = false;
useOffset = false;
showURLStatus = true;
isAdded = false;
notifyTimer = null;
notifyDelay = 1000;
bevel = 2;
pressedAdjustment = 0;
tempBevelHeight = bevel;
catch (PropertyVetoException exc) {}
try {
} catch (PropertyVetoException e) { }
* Sets the "height" (cross-section) of a beveled edge, in pixels.
* @param height the size of the bevel in pixels
* @exception PropertyVetoException
* if the specified property value is unacceptable
* @see #getBevelHeight
public void setBevelHeight(int height) throws PropertyVetoException
if(bevel != height)
Integer oldValue = new Integer(bevel);
Integer newValue = new Integer(height);
bevel = height;
tempBevelHeight = height;
//We store the value until we are added then set the value to avoid code-gen order dependencies.
tempBevelHeight = height;
* Returns the current "height" (cross-section) of a beveled edge, in pixels.
* @return the current bevel height in pixels.
* @see #setBevelHeight
public int getBevelHeight()
return isAdded ? bevel : tempBevelHeight;
* Sets whether the button will continually post notify events while pressed.
* @param flag true to post notify events; false to not post events
* @exception PropertyVetoException
* if the specified property value is unacceptable
* @see #isNotifyWhilePressed
* @see #setNotifyDelay
* @see #getNotifyDelay
public void setNotifyWhilePressed(boolean flag) throws PropertyVetoException
if(notifyWhilePressed != flag)
Boolean oldValue = new Boolean(notifyWhilePressed);
Boolean newValue = new Boolean(flag);
// vetos.fireVetoableChange("notifyWhilePressed", oldValue, newValue);
notifyWhilePressed = flag;
if (notifyWhilePressed)
notifyTimer = new Timer(notifyDelay, true);
else if (notifyTimer != null)
notifyTimer = null;
// changes.firePropertyChange("notifyWhilePressed", oldValue, newValue);
* Gets whether the button will continuously post events while pressed.
* @return true if it will continuously post events while pressed, false
* otherwise
* @see #setNotifyWhilePressed
* @see #setNotifyDelay
* @see #getNotifyDelay
public boolean isNotifyWhilePressed()
return notifyWhilePressed;
* @deprecated
* @see #isNotifyWhilePressed
public boolean getNotifyWhilePressed()
return isNotifyWhilePressed();
* Sets the notification event delay in milliseconds.
* @param delay the delay between notification events in milliseconds
* @exception PropertyVetoException
* if the specified property value is unacceptable
* @see #setNotifyWhilePressed
* @see #getNotifyDelay
public void setNotifyDelay(int delay) throws PropertyVetoException
if(notifyDelay != delay)
Integer oldValue = new Integer(notifyDelay);
Integer newValue = new Integer(delay);
// vetos.fireVetoableChange("notifyDelay", oldValue, newValue);
notifyDelay = delay;
if(notifyTimer != null)
// changes.firePropertyChange("notifyDelay", oldValue, newValue);
* Returns the current delay in milliseconds between notification events.
* @see #setNotifyWhilePressed
* @see #setNotifyDelay
public int getNotifyDelay()
return notifyDelay;
* Sets whether objects in the button will be offset down and to the right
* bevel height amount or not.
* This also impacts the way the button is drawn when it is pressed.
* @param flag true to have objects use the offset; false to have objects not move.
* @exception PropertyVetoException
* if the specified property value is unacceptable
* @see #isUseOffset
* @see #setBevelHeight
* @see #getBevelHeight
public void setUseOffset(boolean flag) throws PropertyVetoException
if(useOffset != flag)
Boolean oldValue = new Boolean(useOffset);
Boolean newValue = new Boolean(flag);
// vetos.fireVetoableChange("useOffset", oldValue, newValue);
useOffset = flag;
// changes.firePropertyChange("useOffset", oldValue, newValue);
* Returns whether this button will be shown as having the focus when the mouse enters.
* @see #setShowFocus
public boolean isUseOffset()
return useOffset;
* Sets whether this button will be shown as having the focus when the mouse enters.
* @param flag true to show focus at mouse enter; false to not show at mouse enter
* @exception PropertyVetoException
* if the specified property value is unacceptable
* @see #isShowFocus
public void setShowFocus(boolean flag) throws PropertyVetoException
if(showFocus != flag)
Boolean oldValue = new Boolean(showFocus);
Boolean newValue = new Boolean(flag);
// vetos.fireVetoableChange("uhowFocus", oldValue, newValue);
showFocus = flag;
// changes.firePropertyChange("uhowFocus", oldValue, newValue);
* Returns whether this button will be shown as having the focus when the mouse enters.
* @see #setShowFocus
public boolean isShowFocus()
return showFocus;
* @deprecated
* @see #isShowFocus
public boolean getShowFocus()
return isShowFocus();
* Sets whether the linkURL will be displayed in the status area when the mouse
* is over the button.
* This flag also controls erasing of the status area after the URL has been displayed.
* @param flag true if the linkURL will be displayed in the status area when the mouse
* is over the button; false if not.
* @exception PropertyVetoException
* if the specified property value is unacceptable
* @see #isShowURLStatus
public void setShowURLStatus(boolean flag) throws PropertyVetoException
if(showURLStatus != flag)
Boolean oldValue = new Boolean(showURLStatus);
Boolean newValue = new Boolean(flag);
// vetos.fireVetoableChange("uhowURLStatus", oldValue, newValue);
showURLStatus = flag;
// changes.firePropertyChange("uhowURLStatus", oldValue, newValue);
* If true show the linkURL in the status area when the mouse is over the button.
* If the linkURL is null, nothing is displayed, regardless of this flag.
* This flag also controls erasing of the status area after the URL has been displayed.
* @return true if the linkURL will be displayed in the status area when the mouse
* is over the button.
* @see #setShowURLStatus
public boolean isShowURLStatus()
return showURLStatus;
* Sets the current border color.
* @param color the new border color
* @exception PropertyVetoException
* if the specified property value is unacceptable
* @see #getBorderColor
public void setBorderColor(Color color) throws PropertyVetoException
if (!GeneralUtils.objectsEqual(borderColor, color))
Color oldValue = borderColor;
// vetos.fireVetoableChange("borderColor", oldValue, color);
borderColor = color;
disabledBorderColor = ColorUtils.lighten(borderColor, 0.466);
catch (IllegalArgumentException exc) {}
// changes.firePropertyChange("borderColor", oldValue, color);
* Gets the current border color.
* @return the current border color
* @see #setBorderColor
public Color getBorderColor()
return borderColor;
* Sets the current button color.
* @param color the new button color. The highlights of the button are
* derived from this color.
* @exception PropertyVetoException
* if the specified property value is unacceptable
* @see #getButtonColor
public void setButtonColor(Color color) throws PropertyVetoException
if (!GeneralUtils.objectsEqual(buttonColor, color))
Color oldValue = buttonColor;
// vetos.fireVetoableChange("buttonColor", oldValue, color);
buttonColor = color;
hilightColor = ColorUtils.lighten(buttonColor, 0.600);
pressedHilightColor = ColorUtils.darken(buttonColor, 0.580);
disabledHilightColor = ColorUtils.lighten(buttonColor, 0.833);
shadowColor = ColorUtils.darken(buttonColor, 0.250);
pressedShadowColor = ColorUtils.darken(buttonColor, 0.100);
disabledShadowColor = ColorUtils.darken(buttonColor, 0.166);
disabledButtonColor = ColorUtils.lighten(buttonColor, 0.900);
pressedButtonColor = ColorUtils.darken(buttonColor, 0.250);
catch (IllegalArgumentException exc) {}
// changes.firePropertyChange("buttonColor", oldValue, color);
* Gets the current button color.
* @return the current button color
* @see #setButtonColor
public Color getButtonColor()
return buttonColor;
* Sets the URL of the document to link to when the button is clicked.
* @param url the URL
* @exception java.beans.PropertyVetoException
* if the specified property value is unacceptable
* @see #getLinkURL
public void setLinkURL(URL url) throws PropertyVetoException
if(!GeneralUtils.objectsEqual(linkURL, url))
URL oldValue = linkURL;
// vetos.fireVetoableChange("linkURL", oldValue, url);
linkURL = url;
context = null;
// changes.firePropertyChange("linkURL", oldValue, url);
* Returns the URL of the document to link to when the button is clicked.
* @see #setLinkURL
public URL getLinkURL()
return linkURL;
* Sets the frame specifier for showing a URL document in a browser or applet
* viewer. It is interpreted as follows:
* <UL>
* <DT>"_self" show document in the current frame</DT>
* <DT>"_parent" show document in the parent frame</DT>
* <DT>"_top" show document in the topmost frame</DT>
* <DT>"_blank" show document in a new unnamed toplevel window</DT>
* <DT>all others show document in a new toplevel window with the given name</DT>
* </UL>
* @param newFrame the frame specifier
* @exception java.beans.PropertyVetoException
* if the specified property value is unacceptable
* @see #getFrame
* @see symantec.itools.util.GeneralUtils#frameTarget_self
* @see symantec.itools.util.GeneralUtils#frameTarget_parent
* @see symantec.itools.util.GeneralUtils#frameTarget_top
* @see symantec.itools.util.GeneralUtils#frameTarget_blank
public void setFrame(String newFrame) throws PropertyVetoException
String oldValue = frame;
// vetos.fireVetoableChange("frame", oldValue, newFrame);
frame = newFrame;
// changes.firePropertyChange("frame", oldValue, newFrame);
* Gets the frame specifier for showing a URL document in a browser or applet
* viewer. It is interpreted as follows:
* <UL>
* <DT>"_self" show document in the current frame</DT>
* <DT>"_parent" show document in the parent frame</DT>
* <DT>"_top" show document in the topmost frame</DT>
* <DT>"_blank" show document in a new unnamed toplevel window</DT>
* <DT>all others show document in a new toplevel window with the given name</DT>
* </UL>
* @return the frame specifier
* @see #setFrame
* @see symantec.itools.util.GeneralUtils#frameTarget_self
* @see symantec.itools.util.GeneralUtils#frameTarget_parent
* @see symantec.itools.util.GeneralUtils#frameTarget_top
* @see symantec.itools.util.GeneralUtils#frameTarget_blank
public String getFrame()
return frame;
* Ensures that this component is laid out properly, as needed.
* This is a standard Java AWT method which gets called by the AWT to
* make sure this component and its subcomponents have a valid layout.
* If this component was made invalid with a call to invalidate(), then
* it is laid out again.
* It is overridden here to locate the applet containing this component.
* @see java.awt.Component#invalidate
public void validate()
// On validation, try to find the containing applet. If we can find
// it, we don't bother doing the link...
if (context == null)
Container c;
c = getParent();
while (c != null)
if (c instanceof Applet)
setAppletContext(((Applet) c).getAppletContext());
c = c.getParent();
* Enables this component so that it will respond to user input.
* This is a standard Java AWT method which gets called to enable or disable
* this component. Once enabled this component will respond to user input.
* @param flag true if the component is to be enabled; false if it is to be disabled.
* @see java.awt.Component#isEnabled
public void setEnabled(boolean flag)
if(isEnabled() != flag)
// !!! LAB !!! This MUST be a call to super.enable(), not super.enable(boolean)
// or super.setEnabled(boolean) If it is not, then it will result
// in an endless loop!
pressed = false;
pressedAdjustment = 0;
// !!! LAB !!! This MUST be a call to super.disable(), not super.enable(boolean)
// or super.setEnabled(boolean) If it is not, then it will result
// in an endless loop!
if (notifyTimer != null)
pressed = false;
pressedAdjustment = 0;
* @deprecated
* @see #setEnabled
public void enable()
* @deprecated
* @see #setEnabled
public void disable()
* Tells this component that it has been added to a container.
* This is a standard Java AWT method which gets called by the AWT when
* this component is added to a container. Typically, it is used to
* create this component's peer.
* It has been overridden here to hook-up event listeners.
* @see #removeNotify
public synchronized void addNotify()
//Hook up listeners
if (focus == null)
focus = new Focus();
if (key == null)
key = new Key();
if (mouse == null)
mouse = new Mouse();
if (bevelVeto == null)
bevelVeto = new BevelVeto();
if (frameVeto == null)
frameVeto = new FrameVeto();
//Add after the listeners are hooked up
isAdded = true;
// On addNotify, try to find the containing applet.
if (context == null)
Container c;
c = getParent();
while (c != null)
if (c instanceof Applet)
setAppletContext(((Applet) c).getAppletContext());
c = c.getParent();
* Tells this component that it is being removed from a container.
* This is a standard Java AWT method which gets called by the AWT when
* this component is removed from a container. Typically, it is used to
* destroy the peers of this component and all its subcomponents.
* It has been overridden here to unhook event listeners.
* @see #addNotify
public synchronized void removeNotify()
//Unhook listeners
if (focus != null)
focus = null;
if (key != null)
key = null;
if (mouse != null)
mouse = null;
if (bevelVeto != null)
bevelVeto = null;
if (frameVeto != null)
frameVeto = null;
isAdded = false;
* Handles redrawing of this component on the screen.
* This is a standard Java AWT method which gets called by the Java
* AWT (repaint()) to handle repainting this component on the screen.
* The graphics context clipping region is set to the bounding rectangle
* of this component and its [0,0] coordinate is this component's
* top-left corner.
* Typically this method paints the background color to clear the
* component's drawing space, sets graphics context to be the foreground
* color, and then calls paint() to draw the component.
* It is overridden here to prevent the flicker associated with the standard
* update() method's repainting of the background before painting the component
* itself.
* @param g the graphics context
* @see java.awt.Component#repaint
* @see #paint
public void update(Graphics g)
* Paints this component using the given graphics context.
* This is a standard Java AWT method which typically gets called
* by the AWT to handle painting this component. It paints this component
* using the given graphics context. The graphics context clipping region
* is set to the bounding rectangle of this component and its [0,0]
* coordinate is this component's top-left corner.
* @param g the graphics context used for painting
* @see java.awt.Component#repaint
* @see #update
public void paint(Graphics g)
g.drawImage(buttonImage, 0, 0, this);
* Returns the recommended dimensions to properly display this component.
* This is a standard Java AWT method which gets called to determine
* the recommended size of this component.
public Dimension getPreferredSize()
//if (noBorder)
// return new Dimension(getSize());
return new Dimension(bevel + bevel + 2, bevel + bevel + 2);
* @deprecated
* @see #getPreferredSize
public Dimension preferredSize()
return getPreferredSize();
* Returns the minimum dimensions to properly display this component.
* This is a standard Java AWT method which gets called to determine
* the minimum size of this component.
* It simply returns the results of a call to preferedSize().
public Dimension getMinimumSize()
return getPreferredSize();
* @deprecated
* @see #getMinimumSize
public Dimension minimumSize()
return getMinimumSize();
public boolean isFocusTraversable()
return true;
* Makes the button act as if it was pressed, drawing
* as if it were clicked and sending an action event as if it
* were clicked.
public void simulateClick()
inButton = true;
pressed = true;
released = false;
pressedAdjustment = bevel;
//Wait for a bit
// try { Thread.sleep(120); } catch (java.lang.InterruptedException exc) {}
try { Thread.sleep(120); } catch (java.lang.Exception exc) {}
inButton = false;
pressed = false;
pressedAdjustment = 0;
released = true;
* Adds a listener for all event changes.
* @param listener the listener to add.
* @see #removePropertyChangeListener
public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
// changes.addPropertyChangeListener(listener);
* Removes a listener for all event changes.
* @param listener the listener to remove.
* @see #addPropertyChangeListener
public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
// changes.removePropertyChangeListener(listener);
* Adds a vetoable listener for all event changes.
* @param listener the listener to add.
* @see #removeVetoableChangeListener
public void addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener listener)
// vetos.addVetoableChangeListener(listener);
* Removes a vetoable listener for all event changes.
* @param listener the listener to remove.
* @see #addVetoableChangeListener
public void removeVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener listener)
// vetos.removeVetoableChangeListener(listener);
* Adds a listener for the BevelHeight property changes.
* @param listener the listener to add.
* @see #removeBevelHeightListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener)
public void addBevelHeightListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
// changes.addPropertyChangeListener("bevelHeight", listener);
* Removes a listener for the BevelHeight property changes.
* @param listener the listener to remove.
* @see #addBevelHeightListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener)
public void removeBevelHeightListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
// changes.removePropertyChangeListener("bevelHeight", listener);
* Adds a vetoable listener for the BevelHeight property changes.
* @param listener the listener to add.
* @see #removeBevelHeightListener(java.beans.VetoableChangeListener)
public void addBevelHeightListener(VetoableChangeListener listener)
// vetos.addVetoableChangeListener("bevelHeight", listener);
* Removes a vetoable listener for the BevelHeight property changes.
* @param listener the listener to remove.
* @see #addBevelHeightListener(java.beans.VetoableChangeListener)
public void removeBevelHeightListener(VetoableChangeListener listener)
// vetos.removeVetoableChangeListener("bevelHeight", listener);
* Adds a listener for the Frame property changes.
* @param listener the listener to add.
* @see #removeFrameListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener)
public void addFrameListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
// changes.addPropertyChangeListener("frame", listener);
* Removes a listener for the Frame property changes.
* @param listener the listener to remove.
* @see #addFrameListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener)
public void removeFrameListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
// changes.removePropertyChangeListener("frame", listener);
* Adds a vetoable listener for the Frame property changes.
* @param listener the listener to add.
* @see #removeFrameListener(java.beans.VetoableChangeListener)
public void addFrameListener(VetoableChangeListener listener)
// vetos.addVetoableChangeListener("frame", listener);
* Removes a vetoable listener for the Frame property changes.
* @param listener the listener to remove.
* @see #addFrameListener(java.beans.VetoableChangeListener)
public void removeFrameListener(VetoableChangeListener listener)
// vetos.removeVetoableChangeListener("frame", listener);
* Sets the command name of the action event fired by this button.
* @param command The name of the action event command fired by this button
* @exception PropertyVetoException
* if the specified property value is unacceptable
public void setActionCommand(String command) throws PropertyVetoException
String oldValue = actionCommand;
// vetos.fireVetoableChange("actionCommand", oldValue, command);
actionCommand = command;
// changes.firePropertyChange("actionCommand", oldValue, command);
* Returns the command name of the action event fired by this button.
* @return the action command name
public String getActionCommand()
return actionCommand;
* Adds the specified action listener to receive action events
* from this button.
* @param l the action listener
public void addActionListener(ActionListener l)
actionListener = AWTEventMulticaster.add(actionListener, l);
* Removes the specified action listener so it no longer receives
* action events from this button.
* @param l the action listener
public void removeActionListener(ActionListener l)
actionListener = AWTEventMulticaster.remove(actionListener, l);
class Focus extends java.awt.event.FocusAdapter implements java.io.Serializable
public void focusGained(FocusEvent e)
hasFocus = true;
public void focusLost(FocusEvent e)
hasFocus = false;
class Key extends java.awt.event.KeyAdapter implements java.io.Serializable
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent evt)
boolean isSpaceBar = (evt.getKeyCode() & KeyEvent.VK_SPACE) == KeyEvent.VK_SPACE;
if(isSpaceBar && hasFocus && showFocus && !OS.isMacintosh()) {
inButton = true;
notified = false;
if (notifyTimer != null && notifyWhilePressed && !running)
running = true;
pressed = true;
released = false;
pressedAdjustment = bevel;
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent evt)
boolean isSpaceBar = (evt.getKeyCode() & KeyEvent.VK_SPACE) == KeyEvent.VK_SPACE;
if(isSpaceBar && hasFocus && showFocus && !OS.isMacintosh()) {
inButton = false;
if (notifyTimer != null && running)
running = false;
if (pressed)
pressed = false;
pressedAdjustment = 0;
if (!notifyWhilePressed || !notified)
//Handle going to the linkURL
released = true;
* This is the Mouse Event handling innerclass.
class Mouse extends java.awt.event.MouseAdapter implements java.io.Serializable
* Handles the Mouse Pressed events
* If the notifyWhilePressed flag is true the notification Timer is started
* @param e the MouseEvent
* @see #setNotifyWhilePressed
* @see #setNotifyDelay
* @see #mouseReleased
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
notified = false;
if (notifyTimer != null && notifyWhilePressed && !running)
running = true;
pressed = true;
released = false;
pressedAdjustment = bevel;
* Handles the Mouse Released events
* If the notification timer is running it is stopped.
* If the mouse was pressed inside the button then fire an action event.
* @param e the MouseEvent
* @see #mousePressed
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
if (notifyTimer != null && running)
running = false;
if (pressed)
pressed = false;
pressedAdjustment = 0;
if (!notifyWhilePressed || !notified)
//Handle going to the linkURL
released = true;
* Handles Mouse Entered events
* @param e the MouseEvent
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e)
inButton = true;
//Display the linkURL
if (showURLStatus && context != null && linkURL != null)
if (!released)
pressed = true;
pressedAdjustment = bevel;
if(notifyTimer != null && notifyWhilePressed && !running)
running = true;
* Handles Mouse Exited events
* @param e the MouseEvent
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e)
inButton = false;
if (notifyTimer != null && running)
running = false;
if (pressed)
pressed = false;
pressedAdjustment = 0;
if (showURLStatus && context != null && linkURL != null)
* This is the Action Event handling innerclass.
class Action implements java.awt.event.ActionListener, java.io.Serializable
//Implement ActionListener to catch ActionEvents sent by either the notifyTimer.
* Handles Action events
* @param e the ActionEvent
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
if (e.getSource() == notifyTimer && notifyWhilePressed && !java.beans.Beans.isDesignTime())
notified = true;
* This is the PropertyChangeEvent handling inner class for the constrained BevelHeight property.
* Handles vetoing BevelHeights that are not valid.
class BevelVeto implements java.beans.VetoableChangeListener, java.io.Serializable
* This method gets called when an attempt to change the constrained BevelHeight property is made.
* Ensures the given bevel size is valid for this button.
* @param e a <code>PropertyChangeEvent</code> object describing the
* event source and the property that has changed.
* @exception PropertyVetoException if the recipient wishes the property
* change to be rolled back.
public void vetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) throws PropertyVetoException
int i = ((Integer)e.getNewValue()).intValue();
if (!isValidBevelSize(i))
throw new PropertyVetoException("Invalid bevel size: " + i, e);
* This is the PropertyChangeEvent handling inner class for the constrained Frame property.
* Handles vetoing Frame strings that are not valid.
class FrameVeto implements java.beans.VetoableChangeListener, java.io.Serializable
* This method gets called when an attempt to change the constrained Frame property is made.
* Ensures the given Frame string is valid for this button.
* @param e a <code>PropertyChangeEvent</code> object describing the
* event source and the property that has changed.
* @exception PropertyVetoException if the recipient wishes the property
* change to be rolled back.
public void vetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) throws PropertyVetoException
String string = (String)e.getNewValue();
if (!isValidFrame(string))
throw new PropertyVetoException("Invalid Frame: " + string, e);
* Fire an action event to the listeners.
protected void sourceActionEvent()
if (actionListener != null)
actionListener.actionPerformed(new ActionEvent(this, ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, actionCommand));
* Is the given bevel size valid for this button.
* @param i the given bevel size
* @return true if the given bevel size is acceptable, false if not.
protected boolean isValidBevelSize(int i)
Dimension s = getSize();
if (i < 0 || i >= (s.width / 2) || i >= (s.height / 2))
return false;
return true;
* Is the given frame string valid.
* @param string the given frame
* @return true if the given frame is acceptable, false if not.
* To be valid it has to be null, or one of the four strings below:
* @see symantec.itools.util.GeneralUtils#frameTarget_self
* @see symantec.itools.util.GeneralUtils#frameTarget_parent
* @see symantec.itools.util.GeneralUtils#frameTarget_top
* @see symantec.itools.util.GeneralUtils#frameTarget_blank
protected boolean isValidFrame(String string)
if(string == null || string.equals(""))
return true;
if( string.equals(GeneralUtils.frameTarget_self) ||
string.equals(GeneralUtils.frameTarget_parent) ||
string.equals(GeneralUtils.frameTarget_top) ||
string.equals(GeneralUtils.frameTarget_blank) )
return true;
return false;
* Tell the browser to show the document referenced by the linkURL.
* If the frame specifier is not null or empty, then tell the browser
* to open the document with that frame.
protected void linkToURL()
if (context != null && linkURL != null)
if (frame == null || frame.length() == 0)
context.showDocument(linkURL, frame);
* Called after addNotify to set the internally constrined properties to their
* temporary values to validate them now that the component has been added to the form.
* This is used to avoid code-gen order dependencies, since VC generates all property
* manipulating code before adding the component to its container.
* Subclasses should override this function for any internally constrained properties,
* and call the super version in the overridden version.
protected void verifyContstrainedPropertyValues()
try { setBevelHeight(tempBevelHeight); } catch (PropertyVetoException exc) { /*Silently verify.*/ }
* Sets the applet context used to view documents.
* @param c the new applet context
protected void setAppletContext(AppletContext c)
context = c;
* Maintains the buttonImage size and draws the
* button in the buttonImage offscreen image.
* @see #paint
protected void updateButtonImage()
Dimension s = getSize();
int width = s.width;
int height = s.height;
int x = bevel + 1;
int y = bevel + 1;
int w = width - 1;
int h = height - 1;
int i;
Color highlight1, highlight2, fillColor, tempBorderColor;
boolean raised = !(pressed && inButton);
buttonImage = createImage(width, height);
MediaTracker tracker = new MediaTracker(this);
tracker.addImage(buttonImage, 0);
// catch(InterruptedException e){}
catch(Exception e){}
buttonImageGraphics = buttonImage.getGraphics();
Color oldColor = buttonImageGraphics.getColor();
if(isEnabled()) //Enabled
tempBorderColor = borderColor;
if (raised)
fillColor = buttonColor;
highlight1 = hilightColor;
highlight2 = shadowColor;
else //Pressed
fillColor = pressedButtonColor;
highlight1 = pressedHilightColor;
highlight2 = pressedShadowColor;
else //Disabled
tempBorderColor = disabledBorderColor;
fillColor = disabledButtonColor;
highlight1 = disabledHilightColor;
highlight2 = disabledShadowColor;
if(!raised && useOffset)
//Fill the button content
buttonImageGraphics.fillRect(x, y, w - x, h - y);
//Draw the bevels
if (!noBorder) for(i = 1; i <= bevel; i++)
buttonImageGraphics.drawLine(i, i, i, h);
buttonImageGraphics.drawLine(i, i, w, i);
if (!noBorder) if(raised || !useOffset)
//Fill the button content
buttonImageGraphics.fillRect(x, y, w - x, h - y);
//Draw the bevels
if (!noBorder) for(i = 1; i <= bevel; i++)
buttonImageGraphics.drawLine(i, i, i, h - i);
buttonImageGraphics.drawLine(i, i, w - i, i);
if (!noBorder) for(i = 1; i <= bevel; ++i)
buttonImageGraphics.drawLine(i, h - i, w - i, h - i);
buttonImageGraphics.drawLine(w - i, i, w - i, h - i);
//Draw the border
if (!noBorder) {
buttonImageGraphics.drawLine(1, 0, w - 1, 0);
buttonImageGraphics.drawLine(0, 1, 0, h - 1);
buttonImageGraphics.drawLine(1, h, w - 1, h);
buttonImageGraphics.drawLine(w, h - 1, w, 1);
if (hasFocus && showFocus && !noBorder) {
for(x = 3; x <= w - 3; x += 3)
buttonImageGraphics.drawLine(x, 3, x+1, 3);
for(y = 3; y <= h - 3; y += 3)
buttonImageGraphics.drawLine(3, y, 3, y+1);
for(x = 3; x <= w - 3; x += 3)
buttonImageGraphics.drawLine(x, h-3, x+1, h-3);
for(y = 3; y <= h - 3; y += 3)
buttonImageGraphics.drawLine(w-3, y, w-3, y+1);
//!!! LAB !!! This should be changed to setClip when it works.
//Set the clipping area to be the inside of the button.
buttonImageGraphics.clipRect(bevel + 1, bevel + 1, width - bevel - bevel - 2, height - bevel - bevel - 2);
//Restore the original color
* Returns true if a button image has been set, but it is not the
* size of this component.
protected boolean isButtonImageInvalid()
Dimension s = getSize();
return (buttonImage == null || s.width != buttonImage.getWidth(this) || s.height != buttonImage.getHeight(this));
public boolean noBorder=true;
* True if the button is currently pressed.
transient protected boolean pressed;
* True if the button has been released.
transient protected boolean released;
* True if the mouse is over this button.
transient protected boolean inButton;
* If true the button will continuously post events while pressed.
protected boolean notifyWhilePressed;
* True if the notify timer is running.
transient protected boolean running;
* True if a notification has been posted in response to a mouse down.
transient protected boolean notified;
* If true show the focus when the mouse enters the button.
protected boolean showFocus = false;
* If true set pressedAdjustment accordingly, else, it is always 0.
protected boolean useOffset;
* If true show the linkURL in the status area when the mouse is over the button.
* If the linkURL is null, nothing is displayed, regardless of this flag.
* This flag also controls erasing of the status area after the URL has been displayed.
protected boolean showURLStatus;
* Keeps track of wheather or not the button is added to a container.
* Check before attempting to getFontMetrics() to avoid getting a null pointer.
transient protected boolean isAdded;
* The "height" (cross-section) of a beveled edge, in pixels.
protected int bevel;
protected int tempBevelHeight;
* The delay in milliseconds between notifications while the button is pressed.
protected int notifyDelay;
* A drawing location adjustment for the 3-D bevel while button is pressed.
protected int pressedAdjustment;
* Frame specifier for showing a URL document in a browser or applet
* viewer. It is interpreted as follows:
* <UL>
* <DT>"_self" show document in the current frame</DT>
* <DT>"_parent" show document in the parent frame</DT>
* <DT>"_top" show document in the topmost frame</DT>
* <DT>"_blank" show document in a new unnamed toplevel window</DT>
* <DT>all others show document in a new toplevel window with the given name</DT>
* </UL>
protected String frame = null;
* The color of the border around the button.
protected Color borderColor;
* The color of the content of the button. The highlights are derived from this color.
protected Color buttonColor;
* Timer used to time notification events while button pressed.
protected Timer notifyTimer;
* The offscreen buffer to draw the button in.
transient protected Image buttonImage = null;
* The Graphics of the offscreen buffer to draw the button in.
transient protected Graphics buttonImageGraphics = null;
* The URL of the document to show when the button is clicked.
protected URL linkURL = null;
* Applet context that shows the document.
transient protected AppletContext context = null;
String actionCommand;
ActionListener actionListener = null;
transient boolean hasFocus = false;
private Color hilightColor = null;
private Color pressedHilightColor = null;
private Color disabledHilightColor = null;
private Color shadowColor = null;
private Color pressedShadowColor = null;
private Color disabledShadowColor = null;
private Color disabledBorderColor = null;
private Color disabledButtonColor = null;
private Color pressedButtonColor = null;
private Key key = null;
private Focus focus = null;
private Action action = new Action();
private Mouse mouse = null;
private BevelVeto bevelVeto = null;
private FrameVeto frameVeto = null;
// private symantec.itools.beans.VetoableChangeSupport vetos = new symantec.itools.beans.VetoableChangeSupport(this);
// private symantec.itools.beans.PropertyChangeSupport changes = new symantec.itools.beans.PropertyChangeSupport(this);