* @(#)AudioMethods.java 1.03 May 29, 2005.
* Cory McKay
* McGill Univarsity
package org.vocvark.jAudioTools;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFileFormat;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioFormat;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioInputStream;
import javax.sound.sampled.AudioSystem;
import javax.sound.sampled.DataLine;
import javax.sound.sampled.LineUnavailableException;
import javax.sound.sampled.Mixer;
import javax.sound.sampled.SourceDataLine;
import javax.sound.sampled.TargetDataLine;
import javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ShortBuffer;
* A holder class for general static methods relating to sampled audio involving
* classes used in the javax.sound.sampled package. Also includes methods for use
* in converting back an forth between audio stored using this package and audio
* stored as samples in arrays of doubles.
* @author Cory McKay; Vlsdimir Kravtsov
public final class AudioMethods {
private AudioMethods() {
* Returns a copy of the given AudioFormat.
* @param old_audio_format The AudioFormat to copy.
* @return A copy of old_audio_format.
public static AudioFormat getCopyOfAudioFormat(AudioFormat old_audio_format) {
return new AudioFormat(old_audio_format.getEncoding(),
* Returns information regarding a given <code>AudioFormat</code>.
* This information consists of mixer index, name, version, vendor and description,
* in that order. A list of any additional property names are also included.
* The <code>getProperty</code> method of the <code>AudioFormat</code> class may
* then be used to access the values of these properties using the key listed here.
* Three common property keys are bitrate, vbr and quality (see the
* <code>AudioFormat</code> API). These may not be visible, depending on whether
* they were encoded and on whether the file reader used can see them.
* @param audio_format The <code>AudioFormat</code> to return data about.
* @return Data in string form about the specified <code>AudioFormat</code>.
public static String getAudioFormatData(AudioFormat audio_format) {
String encoding = audio_format.getEncoding().toString() + "\n";
String endian;
if (audio_format.isBigEndian()) {
endian = "big-endian\n";
} else {
endian = "little-endian\n";
String sampling_rate = (audio_format.getSampleRate() / 1000) + " kHz\n";
String bit_depth = audio_format.getSampleSizeInBits() + " bits\n";
String channels;
if (audio_format.getChannels() == 1)
channels = "mono\n";
else if (audio_format.getChannels() == 2)
channels = "stereo\n";
channels = audio_format.getChannels() + " channels\n";
String frame_size = (8 * audio_format.getFrameSize()) + " bits\n";
String frame_rate = audio_format.getFrameRate() + " frames per second\n";
String additional_properties = audio_format.properties() + "\n";
StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder();
data.append("SAMPLING RATE: ").append(sampling_rate);
data.append("BIT DEPTH: ").append(bit_depth);
data.append("CHANNELS: ").append(channels);
data.append("FRAME SIZE: ").append(frame_size);
data.append("FRAME RATE: ").append(frame_rate);
data.append("ENCODING: ").append(encoding);
data.append("BYTE ORDER: ").append(endian);
data.append("PROPERTIES: ").append(additional_properties);
return data.toString();
* Returns information regarding a given audio file.
* This information consists of the file name, its type, its size and the length of its
* audio data in KB and in seconds. A list of any additional property names are also included.
* The <code>getProperty</code> method of the <code>AudioFileFormat</code> class may
* then be used to access the values of these properties using the key listed here.
* Six common property keys are duration, author, title, copyright, date and comment.
* These may not be visible, depending on whether they were encoded and on whether
* the file reader used can see them. The <code>AudioFormat</code> properties are also
* returned (see the <code>getAudioFormatData</code> method of this class).
* @param file The file to return data about.
* @return Data in string form about the specified <code>AudioFormat</code>.
* @throws Exception Throws informative exceptions if the file is invalid or has
* an unsupported format.
public static String getAudioFileFormatData(File file)
throws Exception {
try {
AudioFileFormat audio_file_format = AudioSystem.getAudioFileFormat(file);
String file_name = file.getName() + "\n";
String file_type = audio_file_format.getType().toString() + "\n";
String file_size = (audio_file_format.getByteLength() / 1024) + " kilobytes\n";
String length_of_audio_data = audio_file_format.getFrameLength() + " sample frames\n";
String time_duration = audio_file_format.getFrameLength() / audio_file_format.getFormat().getFrameRate() + " seconds\n";
String additional_properties = audio_file_format.properties() + "\n";
StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder();
data.append("FILE NAME: ").append(file_name);
data.append("FILE TYPE: ").append(file_type);
data.append("FILE SIZE: ").append(file_size);
data.append("FRAMES OF AUDIO DATA: ").append(length_of_audio_data);
data.append("TIME DURATION: ").append(time_duration);
data.append("PROPERTIES: ").append(additional_properties);
return data.toString();
} catch (UnsupportedAudioFileException ex) {
throw new Exception("File " + file.getName() + " has an unsupported audio format.");
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new Exception("File " + file.getName() + " is not readable.");
* Returns the names of file types for which file writing support is
* provided by the system. Provided in reverse order of how the
* <code>AudioSystem.getAudioFileTypes</code> method returns them.
* @return The names of system supported audio file formats.
public static String[] getAvailableFileFormatTypes() {
AudioFileFormat.Type[] file_types = AudioSystem.getAudioFileTypes();
String file_type_labels[] = new String[file_types.length];
for (int i = 0; i < file_types.length; i++)
file_type_labels[i] = file_types[file_types.length - 1 - i].toString();
return file_type_labels;
* Returns the appropriate <code>AudioFileFormat.Type</code> corresponding to
* the given <code>String</code>.
* <p/>
* <p><b>WARNING</b>: Future additions to the Java SDK may make further formats
* available that are not accounted for here.
* @param file_type_name The name of the format type desired.
* @return The <code>AudioFileFormat.Type</code> corresponding to
* the given <i>file_type_name</i>. Returns null if the
* <i>file_type_name</i> does not correspond to any known
* <code>AudioFileFormat.Type</code>.
public static AudioFileFormat.Type getAudioFileFormatType(String file_type_name) {
if (file_type_name.equals("WAVE"))
return AudioFileFormat.Type.WAVE;
else if (file_type_name.equals("AIFF"))
return AudioFileFormat.Type.AIFF;
else if (file_type_name.equals("AIFC"))
return AudioFileFormat.Type.AIFC;
else if (file_type_name.equals("AU"))
return AudioFileFormat.Type.AU;
else if (file_type_name.equals("SND"))
return AudioFileFormat.Type.SND;
return null;
* Returns information in <code>String</code> form regarding all available system mixers.
* This information consists of mixer index, name, version, vendor and description,
* in that order.
public static String getAvailableMixerData() {
Mixer.Info[] mixer_info = AudioSystem.getMixerInfo();
StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < mixer_info.length; i++) {
data.append("INDEX: ").append(i).append("\n");
data.append("NAME: ").append(mixer_info[i].getName()).append("\n");
data.append("VERSION: ").append(mixer_info[i].getVersion()).append("\n");
data.append("VENDOR: ").append(mixer_info[i].getVendor()).append("\n");
data.append("DESCRIPTION: ").append(mixer_info[i].getDescription()).append("\n");
return data.toString();
* Returns the <code>Mixer</code> object with the specified index.
* The mixers corresponding to the given index may be obtained by
* calling the <code>printAvailableMixers</code> method.
* <p/>
* <p>If the <i>listener</i> parameter is not null, then open, start, stop and close
* events will be sent to the passed listener. If it is null, then the line is
* returned without any attached listener.
* <p/>
* <p><b>WARNING:</b> The <code>Mixer</code> correxponding to particular
* indices will vary from system to system.
* @param mixer_index The index (on the current system) of the mixer to be returned.
* @param listener Responds to open, start, stop and close events on the
* returned line. May be null.
* @return The specified <code>Mixer</code>.
public static Mixer getMixer(int mixer_index,
org.vocvark.jAudioTools.AudioEventLineListener listener) {
Mixer.Info[] mixer_info = AudioSystem.getMixerInfo();
Mixer mixer = AudioSystem.getMixer(mixer_info[mixer_index]);
if (listener != null)
return mixer;
* Returns a <code>TargetDataLine</code> that can be used for purposes such as
* recording from a mic. This line will correspond to a system-specified mixer.
* This line will be opened and started, and will therefore be recording data when
* it is returned.
* <p/>
* <p>If the <i>listener</i> parameter is not null, then open, start, stop and close
* events will be sent to the passed listener. If it is null, then the line is
* returned without any attached listener.
* <p/>
* <b>WARNING:</b> The <code>TargetDataLine</code> opened here will begin capturing data
* and storing it in an internal a buffer. The user must be sure to take data from this line
* quickly enough that its buffer does not overflow, with the result that data is lost.
* @param audio_format The audio format to be used by the <code>TargetDataLine</code>
* @param listener Responds to open, start, stop and close events on the
* returned line. May be null.
* @return A <code>TargetDataLine</code> that can be used for purposes
* such as recording from a mic.
* @throws Exception Throws an exception if cannot get a valid <code>TargetDataLine</code>.
public static TargetDataLine getTargetDataLine(AudioFormat audio_format,
org.vocvark.jAudioTools.AudioEventLineListener listener)
throws Exception {
DataLine.Info data_line_info = new DataLine.Info(TargetDataLine.class, audio_format);
TargetDataLine target_data_line = null;
target_data_line = (TargetDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(data_line_info);
if (listener != null)
return target_data_line;
* Returns a <code>TargetDataLine</code> that can be used for purposes such as
* recording from a mic. This line will correspond to the specified <code>Mixer</code>.
* This line will be opened and started, and will therefore be recording data when
* it is returned.
* <p/>
* <p>If the <i>listener</i> parameter is not null, then open, start, stop and close
* events will be sent to the passed listener. If it is null, then the line is
* returned without any attached listener.
* <p/>
* <b>WARNING:</b> The <code>TargetDataLine</code> opened here will begin capturing data
* and storing it in an internal buffer. The user must be sure to take data from this line
* quickly enough that its buffer does not overflow, and data is lost.
* @param audio_format The audio format to be used by the <code>TargetDataLine</code>
* @param mixer The <code>Mixer</code> corresponding to the <code>TargetDataLine</code>.
* @param listener Responds to open, start, stop and close events on the
* returned line. May be null.
* @return A <code>TargetDataLine</code> that can be used for purposes
* such as recording from a mic.
* @throws Exception Throws an exception if cannot get a valid <code>TargetDataLine</code>.
public static TargetDataLine getTargetDataLine(AudioFormat audio_format,
Mixer mixer,
org.vocvark.jAudioTools.AudioEventLineListener listener)
throws Exception {
DataLine.Info data_line_info = new DataLine.Info(TargetDataLine.class, audio_format);
TargetDataLine target_data_line = null;
target_data_line = (TargetDataLine) mixer.getLine(data_line_info);
if (listener != null)
return target_data_line;
* Gets a <code>SourceDataLine</code> that can be used for purposes such as
* writing directly to a speaker. This line will correspond to a system-specified mixer.
* This line will be opened and started, and will therefore be ready to write data when
* it is returned.
* <p/>
* <p>If the <i>listener</i> parameter is not null, then open, start, stop and close
* events will be sent to the passed listener. If it is null, then the line is
* returned without any attached listener.
* @param audio_format The audio format to be used by the <code>SourceDataLine</code>.
* @param listener Responds to open, start, stop and close events on the
* returned line. May be null.
* @return A <code>SourceDataLine</code> that can be used for purposes
* such as writing directly to a speaker.
public static SourceDataLine getSourceDataLine(AudioFormat audio_format,
org.vocvark.jAudioTools.AudioEventLineListener listener) {
SourceDataLine source_data_line = null;
DataLine.Info data_line_info = new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class, audio_format);
try {
source_data_line = (SourceDataLine) AudioSystem.getLine(data_line_info);
if (listener != null)
} catch (LineUnavailableException e) {
return source_data_line;
* Generates an <code>AudioInputStream</code> based on the given
* <code>ByteArrayOutputStream</code> and the given <code>AudioFormat</code>.
* <p/>
* <p>It is important to note that the <code>ByteArrayOutputStream</code> is turned
* into a fixed size array before playback, so additional information should not be
* added to it once this mehtod is called. This method is not intended for
* real-time streamed data, but rather pre-recorded data.
* <p/>
* <p>In general, the <code>AudioFormat</code> used for the <code>AudioInputStream</code>
* and the <code>ByteArrayOutputStream</code> should be the same.
* @param byte_stream The audio bytes to be played.
* @param audio_format Ther <code>AudioFormat</code> to use for encoding the
* <code>AudioInputStream</code>. Should also correspond
* to the <code>AudioFormat</code> of the bytes of the
* <code>ByteArrayOutputStream</code>.
* @return The <code>AudioInputStream</code> corresponding to the
* given samples and the given <code>AudioFormat</code>.
public static AudioInputStream getInputStream(ByteArrayOutputStream byte_stream,
AudioFormat audio_format) {
byte audio_bytes[] = byte_stream.toByteArray();
InputStream input_byte_stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(audio_bytes);
long number_of_sample_frames = audio_bytes.length / audio_format.getFrameSize();
return new AudioInputStream(input_byte_stream, audio_format, number_of_sample_frames);
* Generates an <code>AudioInputStream</code> based on the given
* array of bytes and the given <code>AudioFormat</code>. Because of the fixed
* size of the bytes array, this method is not intended for real-time streamed
* data, but rather pre-recorded data.
* <p/>
* <p>In general, the <code>AudioFormat</code> used for the <code>AudioInputStream</code>
* and the array of bytes should be the same.
* @param audio_bytes The audio bytes to be played.
* @param audio_format Ther <code>AudioFormat</code> to use for encoding the
* <code>AudioInputStream</code>. Should also correspond
* to the <code>AudioFormat</code> of <i>audio_bytes</i>.
* @return The <code>AudioInputStream</code> corresponding to the
* given samples and the given <code>AudioFormat</code>.
public static AudioInputStream getInputStream(byte[] audio_bytes,
AudioFormat audio_format) {
InputStream input_byte_stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(audio_bytes);
long number_of_sample_frames = audio_bytes.length / audio_format.getFrameSize();
return new AudioInputStream(input_byte_stream, audio_format, number_of_sample_frames);
* Generates an <code>AudioInputStream</code> based on the contents of the given
* <code>File</code>.
* @param audio_file The audio file to extract the <code>AudioInputStream</code> from.
* @return The <code>AudioInputStream</code> extracted from the specified file.
* @throws Exception Throws informative exceptions if the file is invalid or has
* an unsupported file format.
public static AudioInputStream getInputStream(File audio_file)
throws Exception {
AudioInputStream audio_input_stream = null;
try {
audio_input_stream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(audio_file);
} catch (UnsupportedAudioFileException ex) {
throw new Exception("File " + audio_file.getName() + " has an unsupported audio format.");
} catch (IOException ex) {
throw new Exception("File " + audio_file.getName() + " is not readable.");
return audio_input_stream;
* Returns an AudioFormat with the same sampling rate and number of channels
* as the passed AudioFormat. If the bit depth is something other than 8 or 16
* bits, then it is converted to 16 bits. The returned AudioFormat, also,
* will use big-endian signed linear PCM encoding, regardless of the passed
* format.
* @param original_format The format from which to extract sampling rate,
* bit depth and number of channels.
* @return The new format using big-endian signed linear
* PCM encoding and either 8 or 16 bit bit depth.
public static AudioFormat getConvertedAudioFormat(AudioFormat original_format) {
int bit_depth = original_format.getSampleSizeInBits();
if (bit_depth != 8 && bit_depth != 16)
bit_depth = 16;
return new AudioFormat(AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED,
original_format.getChannels() * (bit_depth / 8),
* Returns a copy of the given AudioInputStream that uses big-endian signed
* linear PCM encoding, regardless of the original encoding. The bit depth is
* converted to 16 bits if it is not 8 or 16 bits.
* @param audio_input_stream The AudioInputStream to convert to a new encoding.
* @return A copy of the passed AudioInputStream with the
* new encoding.
public static AudioInputStream getConvertedAudioStream(AudioInputStream audio_input_stream) {
audio_input_stream = convertUnsupportedFormat(audio_input_stream);
AudioFormat original_audio_format = audio_input_stream.getFormat();
AudioFormat new_audio_format = getConvertedAudioFormat(original_audio_format);
if (!new_audio_format.matches(original_audio_format))
audio_input_stream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(new_audio_format, audio_input_stream);
return audio_input_stream;
* Takes the given AudioInputStream and tests if it is playable. If not, converts
* it to big-Endian signed 16 bit linear PCM with the original sampling rate
* and number of channels. Useful for dealing with formats such as MP3s.
* @param audio_input_stream The audio data to test and possibly convert.
* @return The original AudioInputStream if it is playable,
* and a converted AudioInputStream if it is not.
public static AudioInputStream convertUnsupportedFormat(AudioInputStream audio_input_stream) {
DataLine.Info info = new DataLine.Info(SourceDataLine.class,
if (!AudioSystem.isLineSupported(info)) {
AudioFormat original_format = audio_input_stream.getFormat();
int bit_depth = 16;
AudioFormat new_audio_format = new AudioFormat(AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED,
original_format.getChannels() * (bit_depth / 8),
audio_input_stream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(new_audio_format,
return audio_input_stream;
* Returns an array of doubles representing the samples for each channel
* in the given AudioInputStream.
* <p/>
* <p>This method is only compatible with audio with bit depths of 8 or 16 bits
* that is encoded using signed PCM with big endian byte order.
* @param audio_input_stream The AudioInputStream to convert to sample values.
* @return A 2-D array of sample values whose first indice indicates
* channel and whose second indice indicates sample number.
* In stereo, indice 0 corresponds to left and 1 to right.
* All samples should fall between -1 and +1.
* @throws Exception Throws an informative exception if an invalid paramter
* is provided.
public static double[][] extractSampleValues(AudioInputStream audio_input_stream)
throws Exception {
// Converts the contents of audio_input_stream into an array of bytes
byte[] audio_bytes = getBytesFromAudioInputStream(audio_input_stream);
int number_bytes = audio_bytes.length;
// Note the AudioFormat
AudioFormat this_audio_format = audio_input_stream.getFormat();
// Extract information from this_audio_format
int number_of_channels = this_audio_format.getChannels();
int bit_depth = this_audio_format.getSampleSizeInBits();
// Throw exception if incompatible this_audio_format provided
if ((bit_depth != 16 && bit_depth != 8) ||
!this_audio_format.isBigEndian() ||
this_audio_format.getEncoding() != AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED)
throw new Exception("Only 8 or 16 bit signed PCM samples with a big-endian\n" +
"byte order can be analyzed currently.");
// Find the number of samples in the audio_bytes
int number_of_bytes = audio_bytes.length;
int bytes_per_sample = bit_depth / 8;
int number_samples = number_of_bytes / bytes_per_sample / number_of_channels;
// Throw exception if incorrect number of bytes given
if (((number_samples == 2 || bytes_per_sample == 2) && (number_of_bytes % 2 != 0)) ||
((number_samples == 2 && bytes_per_sample == 2) && (number_of_bytes % 4 != 0)))
throw new Exception("Uneven number of bytes for given bit depth and number of channels.");
// Find the maximum possible value that a sample may have with the given
// bit depth
double max_sample_value = AudioMethods.findMaximumSampleValue(bit_depth) + 2.0;
// Instantiate the sample value holder
double[][] sample_values = new double[number_of_channels][number_samples];
// Convert the bytes to double samples
ByteBuffer byte_buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(audio_bytes);
if (bit_depth == 8) {
for (int samp = 0; samp < number_samples; samp++)
for (int chan = 0; chan < number_of_channels; chan++)
sample_values[chan][samp] = (double) byte_buffer.get() / max_sample_value;
} else if (bit_depth == 16) {
ShortBuffer short_buffer = byte_buffer.asShortBuffer();
for (int samp = 0; samp < number_samples; samp++)
for (int chan = 0; chan < number_of_channels; chan++)
sample_values[chan][samp] = (double) short_buffer.get() / max_sample_value;
// Return the samples
return sample_values;
* Generates an array of audio bytes based on the contents of the given
* <code>AudioInputStream</code>. Extracts all of the bytes available in the
* <code>AudioInputStream</code> at the moment that this method is called.
* @param audio_input_stream The <code>AudioInputStream</code> to extract the
* bytes from.
* @return The audio bytes extracted from the
* <code>AudioInputStream</code>. Has the same
* <code>AudioFileFormat</code> as the specified
* <code>AudioInputStream</code>.
* @throws Exception Throws an exception if a problem occurs.
public static byte[] getBytesFromAudioInputStream(AudioInputStream audio_input_stream)
throws Exception {
// Calculate the buffer size to use
float buffer_duration_in_seconds = 0.25F;
int buffer_size = AudioMethods.getNumberBytesNeeded(buffer_duration_in_seconds,
byte rw_buffer[] = new byte[buffer_size + 2];
// Read the bytes into the rw_buffer and then into the ByteArrayOutputStream
ByteArrayOutputStream byte_array_output_stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
int position = audio_input_stream.read(rw_buffer, 0, rw_buffer.length);
while (position > 0) {
byte_array_output_stream.write(rw_buffer, 0, position);
position = audio_input_stream.read(rw_buffer, 0, rw_buffer.length);
byte[] results = byte_array_output_stream.toByteArray();
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// Return the results
return results;
* Returns the number of bytes needed to store samples corresponding to audio
* of fixed duration.
* @param duration_in_seconds The duration, in seconds, of the audio that
* needs to be stored.
* @param audio_format The <code>AudioFormat</code> of the samples
* to be stored.
* @return The number of bytes needed to store the samples.
public static int getNumberBytesNeeded(double duration_in_seconds,
AudioFormat audio_format) {
int frame_size_in_bytes = audio_format.getFrameSize();
float frame_rate = audio_format.getFrameRate();
return (int) (frame_size_in_bytes * frame_rate * duration_in_seconds);
* Returns the number of bytes needed to store samples corresponding to
* the given number of samples in a given <code>AudioFormat</code>.
* @param number_samples The number of samples to be encoded.
* @param audio_format The <code>AudioFormat</code> of the samples
* to be stored.
* @return The number of bytes needed to store the samples.
public static int getNumberBytesNeeded(int number_samples,
AudioFormat audio_format) {
int number_bytes_per_sample = audio_format.getSampleSizeInBits() / 8;
int number_channels = audio_format.getChannels();
return (number_samples * number_bytes_per_sample * number_channels);
* Returns an AudioInputStream containing the given samples encoded using
* the given AudioFormat.
* @param samples The audio samples to convert. The first indice
* indicates channel and the second indicates sample
* number. Sample values vary from -1 to +1.
* @param audio_format The AudioFormat to use for encoding.
* @return The AudioInputStream representing the samples.
* @throws Exception Throws an exception if an error occurs during
* conversion.
public static AudioInputStream convertToAudioInputStream(double[][] samples,
AudioFormat audio_format)
throws Exception {
int number_bytes_needed = getNumberBytesNeeded(samples[0].length, audio_format);
byte[] audio_bytes = new byte[number_bytes_needed];
return getInputStream(audio_bytes, audio_format);
* Writes the samples in the <i>sample_values</i> parameter to the <i>buffer</i>
* parameter. It is implicit that the caller knows what the sampling rate is
* and will be able to use it to correctly interperet the samples stored in the
* buffer after writing. Encoding is done using big endian signed PCM samples.
* Sample vaules greater than 1 or less than -1 are automatically clipped.
* @param sample_values A 2-D array of doubles whose first indice
* indicates channel and whose second indice
* indicates sample value. In stereo, indice
* 0 corresponds to left and 1 to right. All
* samples should fall between -1 and +1.
* @param bit_depth The bit depth to use for encoding the doubles
* stored in <i>samples_to_modify</i>. Only bit
* depths of 8 or 16 bits are accepted.
* @param buffer The buffer of bytes to write synthesized samples to.
public static void writeSamplesToBuffer(double[][] sample_values,
int bit_depth,
byte[] buffer)
throws Exception {
// Throw exceptions for invalid parameters
if (sample_values == null)
throw new Exception("Empty set of samples to write provided.");
if (bit_depth != 8 && bit_depth != 16)
throw new Exception("Bit depth of " + bit_depth + " specified." +
"Only bit depths of 8 or 16 currently accepted.");
if (buffer == null)
throw new Exception("Null buffer for storing samples provided.");
// Clip values above +1 or below -1
sample_values = clipSamples(sample_values);
// Find the maximum value a sample may have under the current bit depth
// (assuming signed samples)
double max_sample_value = AudioMethods.findMaximumSampleValue(bit_depth);
// Prepare buffer of audio samples to be written to by wrapping it in
// a ByteBuffer so that bytes may easily be written to it
ByteBuffer byte_buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer);
// Write samples to buffer (by way of byte_buffer)
// Only works for bit depths of 8 or 16 bits and big endian signed samples
if (bit_depth == 8) {
for (int samp = 0; samp < sample_values[0].length; samp++)
for (double[] sample_value1 : sample_values) {
double sample_value = sample_value1[samp] * max_sample_value;
byte_buffer.put((byte) sample_value);
} else if (bit_depth == 16) {
ShortBuffer short_buffer = byte_buffer.asShortBuffer();
for (int samp = 0; samp < sample_values[0].length; samp++)
for (double[] sample_value1 : sample_values) {
double sample_value = sample_value1[samp] * max_sample_value;
short_buffer.put((short) sample_value);
* Clips the given samples so that all values below -1 are set to -1
* and all values above 1 are set to 1. The returned array is a copy
* so the original array is not altered.
* @param original_samples A 2-D array of doubles whose first indice
* indicates channel and whose second indice
* indicates sample value. In stereo, indice
* 0 corresponds to left and 1 to right.
* @return A clipped copy of the original_samples
* parameter.
* @throws Exception If a null parameter is passed.
public static double[][] clipSamples(double[][] original_samples)
throws Exception {
// Throw exceptions for invalid parameters
if (original_samples == null)
throw new Exception("Empty set of samples to provided.");
// Perform clipping
double[][] clipped_samples = new double[original_samples.length][];
for (int chan = 0; chan < clipped_samples.length; chan++) {
clipped_samples[chan] = new double[original_samples[chan].length];
for (int samp = 0; samp < clipped_samples[chan].length; samp++) {
if (original_samples[chan][samp] < -1.0)
clipped_samples[chan][samp] = -1.0;
else if (original_samples[chan][samp] > 1.0)
clipped_samples[chan][samp] = 1.0;
clipped_samples[chan][samp] = original_samples[chan][samp];
return clipped_samples;
* Returns the maximum possible value that a signed sample can have under
* the given bit depth. May be 1 or 2 values smaller than actual max,
* depending on specifics of encoding used.
* @param bit_depth The bit depth to examine.
* @return The maximum possible positive sample value as a double.
public static double findMaximumSampleValue(int bit_depth) {
int max_sample_value_int = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < (bit_depth - 1); i++)
max_sample_value_int *= 2;
return ((double) max_sample_value_int) - 1.0;
* Stores the samples on the <code>ByteArrayOutputStream</code> to
* the given file.
* @param audio The audio data to be recorded.
* @param audio_format The <i>AudioFormat</i> of the <i>audio</i>.
* @param save_file The file to save the audio to.
* @param file_type The type of audio file to save to.
* @throws Exception Throws an exception if an error writing to the file
* occurs of if null parameters are passed.
public static void saveByteArrayOutputStream(ByteArrayOutputStream audio,
AudioFormat audio_format,
File save_file,
AudioFileFormat.Type file_type)
throws Exception {
// Throw exeptions for null parameters
if (audio == null)
throw new Exception("No audio data provided to save.");
if (audio_format == null)
throw new Exception("No audio format provided for saving.");
if (save_file == null)
throw new Exception("No file provided for saving.");
if (file_type == null)
throw new Exception("No audio file format provided for saving.");
// Find the number of sample frames
int number_bytes = audio.size();
int bytes_per_frame = audio_format.getFrameSize();
long number_frames = (long) (number_bytes / bytes_per_frame);
// Convert audio_buffer to an AudioInputStream
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(audio.toByteArray());
AudioInputStream audio_input_stream = new AudioInputStream(bais, audio_format, number_frames);
// Save audio to disk
saveToFile(audio_input_stream, save_file, file_type);
* Stores the samples coming in on the given <code>AudioInputStream</code> to
* the given file. Just repeats the functionality of the
* <code>AudioSystem.write</code> method, but with better documentation and exceptions.
* Useful for non-real-time recording, as well as possibly real-time recording.
* @param audio_input_stream The audio data to be recorded.
* @param file_to_save_to The file to save the audio to.
* @param file_type The type of audio file to save to.
* @throws Exception Throws an exception if an error writing to the file
* occurs of if null parameters are passed.
public static void saveToFile(AudioInputStream audio_input_stream,
File file_to_save_to,
AudioFileFormat.Type file_type)
throws Exception {
if (audio_input_stream == null)
throw new Exception("No audio provided to save.");
if (file_to_save_to == null)
throw new Exception("No file provided to save to.");
if (file_type == null)
throw new Exception("No file type to save to specified.");
AudioSystem.write(audio_input_stream, file_type, file_to_save_to);