Package org.vocvark.XMLParsers

Source Code of org.vocvark.XMLParsers.XMLDocumentParser

* @(#)  1.0  April 5, 2005.
* McGill Univarsity

package org.vocvark.XMLParsers;

import org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;


* A holder class for the <code>XMLDocumentParser</code> method.
* This method is a general purpose method for loading an XML
* file, testing that the file exists, validating it as a valid
* XML file, ensuring that it is of the correct type, parsing
* it and extracting its data into the required form. Informative
* error exceptions are thrown in a format that can be displayed
* directly to users.
* <p/>
* <p>Custom handlers can be written to properly extract
* information from arbitrary XML files. The types of files
* currently implemented are: feature_vector_file, feature_key_file,
* taxonomy_file and classifications_file. See the file handlers
* for each of these file types for more information on the kind
* of data returned.
* @author Cory McKay
public class XMLDocumentParser {
     * This method is a general purpose method for loading an XML
     * file, testing that the file exists, validating it as a valid
     * XML file, ensuring that it is of the correct type, parsing
     * it and extracting its data into the required form. Informative
     * error exceptions are thrown in a format that can be displayed
     * directly to users.
     * <p/>
     * <p>Custom handlers can be written to properly extract
     * information from arbitrary XML files. The types of files
     * currently implemented are: feature_vector_file, feature_key_file,
     * taxonomy_file and classifications_file. See the file handlers for
     * each of these file types for more information on the kind of data
     * returned.
     * @param    file_path        The path of an XML file that will be parsed.
     * @param    document_type    The type of XML file. Defined by the name
     * of the first element in the file.
     * @return An array of objects containing information
     * extracted from the XML file. Object types
     * depend on type of document parsed.
     * @throws Exception        Informative exceptions are thrown if an
     * invalid file path is specified.
    public static Object parseXMLDocument(String file_path, String document_type)
            throws Exception {
        // Verify that the file referred to in file_path exists and is not a directory
        File test_file = new File(file_path);
        if (!test_file.exists())
            throw new Exception("The specified path " + file_path + " does not refer to an existing file.");
        if (test_file.isDirectory())
            throw new Exception("The specified path " + file_path + " refers to a directory, not to a file.");

        // Prepare the XML parser with the validation feature on and the error handler
        // set to throw exceptions on all warnings and errors
        XMLReader reader = new SAXParser();
        reader.setFeature("", true);
        reader.setErrorHandler(new org.vocvark.XMLParsers.ParsingXMLErrorHandler());
        ParseFileHandler handler;

        // Choose the correct type handler based on the type of XML file
        if (document_type.equals("feature_list")) {
            handler = new FeatureListHandler();
        } else {
            // Throw an exception if an unknown type of XML file is specified
            throw new Exception("Invalid type of XML file specified. The XML file type " + document_type + " is not known.");

        // Parse the file so that the contents are available in the parsed_file_contents field of the handler
        try {
        } catch (SAXParseException e) // throw an exception if the file is not a valid XML file
            throw new Exception("The " + file_path + " file is not a valid XML file.\n\nDetails of the problem: " + e.getMessage() +
                    "\n\nThis error is likely in the region of line " + e.getLineNumber() + ".");
        } catch (SAXException e) // throw an exception if the file is not an XML file of the correct type
            throw new Exception("The " + file_path + " file must be of type " + document_type + "." + e.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception e) // throw an exception if the file is not an XML file of the correct type
            throw new Exception("The " + file_path + " file is not formatted properly.\n\nDetails of the problem: " + e.getMessage());

        // Return the contents of the parsed file
        return handler.parsed_file_contents;

Related Classes of org.vocvark.XMLParsers.XMLDocumentParser

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