* @(#)ParseFeatureDefinitionssFileHandler.java 1.0 April 5, 2005.
* McGill Univarsity
package org.vocvark.XMLParsers;
import org.vocvark.DataTypes.FeatureDefinition;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import java.util.LinkedList;
* An extension of the Xerces XML DefaultHandler class that implements the
* SAX ContentHandler. The methods of this class are called by an instance of
* an XMLReader while it is parsing an XML document.
* <p/>
* <p>This particular implementation is custom designed to parse XML files of
* the feature_key_file type used by the ACE classification system. A custom
* exception is thrown if the file is not of this type. At the end of parsing,
* the contents of the files elements are stored in the parsed_file_contents
* field.
* @author Cory McKay
public class ParseFeatureDefinitionsFileHandler
extends ParseFileHandler {
/* FIELDS ******************************************************************/
* FeatureDefinition[] parsed_file_contents
* Holds the data extracted from the XML file.
* Holds the FeatureDefinitions
private LinkedList<FeatureDefinition> definitions;
* The FeatureDefinition currently being filled
private FeatureDefinition current_definition;
* Identifies what tag has been found
private int tag_identifier;
* A count of the number of start elements encountered
private int count;
/* PUBLIC METHODS **********************************************************/
* This method is called when the start of the XML file to be
* parsed is reached. Instantiates the definitions field
* and sets the count to 0.
public void startDocument() {
definitions = new LinkedList<FeatureDefinition>();
count = 0;
* This method is called when the start of an XML element
* is encountered. Instantiates a new FeatureDefinition
* object if a feature tag was encountered. Otherwise lets
* the characters method know what kind of action to take.
* @param name Name of the element that is encountered.
* @throws org.xml.sax.SAXException Exception thrown if is wrong type of XML file.
public void startElement(String namespace, String name, String qName, Attributes atts)
throws SAXException {
// Make sure is correct file type
if (count == 0)
if (!name.equals("feature_key_file"))
throw new SAXException("\n\nIt is in reality of the type " + name + ".");
// Identify the type of tag
tag_identifier = 0;
if (name.equals("feature"))
current_definition = new FeatureDefinition();
else if (name.equals("name"))
tag_identifier = 1;
else if (name.equals("description"))
tag_identifier = 2;
else if (name.equals("is_sequential"))
tag_identifier = 3;
else if (name.equals("parallel_dimensions"))
tag_identifier = 4;
* This method responds to the contents of tags in a way
* determined by the name of the tag (as determined by the
* startElement method).
* <p/>
* <p>The FeatureDefinition object represented by
* current_definition is filled by the contents
* of the name, description, is_sequential and
* parallel_dimensions tags.
public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) {
String contents = new String(ch, start, length);
if (tag_identifier == 1)
current_definition.name = contents;
else if (tag_identifier == 2)
current_definition.description = contents;
else if (tag_identifier == 3) {
if (contents.equals("false"))
current_definition.is_sequential = false;
current_definition.is_sequential = true;
} else if (tag_identifier == 4)
current_definition.dimensions = Integer.parseInt(contents);
* This method is called when the end tag of an XML element
* is encountered. Adds the current_definition to the
* definitions list when the feature end tag is encountered.
* @param name Name of the element that is encountered.
public void endElement(String namespace, String name, String qName) {
if (name.equals("feature"))
* This method is called when the end tag of an XML element
* is encountered. Fills the parsed_file_contents
* field with the definitions LinkedList.
public void endDocument() {
parsed_file_contents = definitions.toArray();