* @(#)StrongestBeat.java 1.0 April 7, 2005.
* McGill Univarsity
package org.vocvark.AudioFeatures;
import org.vocvark.DataTypes.FeatureDefinition;
* A feature extractor that finds the strongest beat in a signal, int
* beats per minute.
* <p/>
* <p>This is found by finding the highest bin in the beat histogram.
* <p/>
* <p>No extracted feature values are stored in objects of this class.
* @author Cory McKay
public class StrongestBeat
extends FeatureExtractorBaseImpl {
/* CONSTRUCTOR **************************************************************/
* Basic constructor that sets the definition and dependencies (and their
* offsets) of this feature.
public StrongestBeat() {
String name = "Strongest Beat";
String description = "The strongest beat in a signal, in beats per minute, " +
"found by finding the strongest bin in the beat histogram.";
boolean is_sequential = true;
int dimensions = 1;
definition = new FeatureDefinition(name,
dependencies = new String[2];
dependencies[0] = "Beat Histogram";
dependencies[1] = "Beat Histogram Bin Labels";
offsets = new int[2];
offsets[0] = 0;
offsets[1] = 0;
/* PUBLIC METHODS **********************************************************/
* Extracts this feature from the given samples at the given sampling
* rate and given the other feature values.
* <p/>
* <p>In the case of this feature, the sampling_rate parameter is ignored.
* @param samples The samples to extract the feature from.
* @param sampling_rate The sampling rate that the samples are
* encoded with.
* @param other_feature_values The values of other features that are
* needed to calculate this value. The
* order and offsets of these features
* must be the same as those returned by
* this class's getDependencies and
* getDependencyOffsets methods respectively.
* The first indice indicates the feature/window
* and the second indicates the value.
* @throws Exception Throws an informative exception if
* the feature cannot be calculated.
* @return The extracted feature value(s).
public double[] extractFeature(double[] samples,
double sampling_rate,
double[][] other_feature_values)
throws Exception {
double[] beat_histogram = other_feature_values[0];
if (beat_histogram != null) {
double[] labels = other_feature_values[1];
int highest_bin = org.vocvark.GeneralTools.Statistics.getIndexOfLargest(beat_histogram);
double[] result = new double[1];
result[0] = labels[highest_bin];
return result;
} else
return null;
* Create an identical copy of this feature. This permits FeatureExtractor
* to use the prototype pattern to create new composite features using
* metafeatures.
public Object clone() {
return new StrongestBeat();