Package org.vocvark.AudioFeatures

Source Code of org.vocvark.AudioFeatures.Moments

package org.vocvark.AudioFeatures;

import org.vocvark.DataTypes.FeatureDefinition;

* Class that calculates the first 5 stastical method of moments (Fujinaga
* 1997). Very similar to Area Method of Moments feature, but does not have the
* large offset - this feature starts producing results on the first window.
* <p/>
* Fujinaga, I. <i>Adaptive Optical Music Recognition</i>. PhD thesis, McGill
* University, 1997.
* @author Daniel McEnnis
public class Moments extends FeatureExtractorBaseImpl {

     * Base constructor that defines definition, dependencies, and offsets.
    public Moments() {
        String name = "Method of Moments";
        String description = "Statistical Method of Moments of the Magnitude Spectrum.";

        definition = new FeatureDefinition(name, description, true, 5);
        dependencies = new String[]{"Magnitude Spectrum"};
        offsets = new int[]{0};

     * Calculates method of moments on the magnitude spectrum.
     * @param samples              The samples to extract the feature from.
     * @param sampling_rate        The sampling rate that the samples are encoded with.
     * @param other_feature_values The values of other features that are needed to calculate this
     *                             value. The order and offsets of these features must be the
     *                             same as those returned by this class's getDependencies and
     *                             getDependencyOffsets methods respectively. The first indice
     *                             indicates the feature/window and the second indicates the
     *                             value.
     * @return The extracted feature value(s).
     * @throws Exception Throws an informative exception if the feature cannot be
     *                   calculated.
    public double[] extractFeature(double[] samples, double sampling_rate,
                                   double[][] other_feature_values) throws Exception {
        double ret[] = new double[5];
        double[] mom = new double[5];
        double scale = 0;
        double tmp = 0.0;
        // first get the total area
        for (int i = 0; i < other_feature_values[0].length; ++i) {
            scale += other_feature_values[0][i];

        // if the signal is complete silence, output zero
        if (scale == 0.0) {
            return new double[]{0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};

        // calculate each value using the mean to scale 'area' to a sum of 1
        for (int i = 0; i < other_feature_values[0].length; ++i) {
            tmp = other_feature_values[0][i] / scale;
            for (int j = 1; j < ret.length; ++j) {
                mom[j] += (tmp *= i);

        ret[0] = scale; // total 'area'
        ret[1] = mom[1]; // mean
        ret[2] = mom[2] - mom[1] * mom[1]; // spectral centroid
        ret[3] = 2 * Math.pow(mom[1], 3.0) - 3 * mom[1] * mom[2] + mom[3]; // skewness
        ret[4] = -3 * Math.pow(mom[1], 4.0) + 6 * mom[1] * mom[1] * mom[2] - 4
                * mom[1] * mom[3] + mom[4];// kurtosis
        return ret;

     * Create an identical copy of this feature. This permits FeatureExtractor
     * to use the prototype pattern to create new composite features using
     * metafeatures.
    public Object clone() {
        return new Moments();


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