* Area Moments Aggregator
* Created by Daniel McEnnis for ISMIR 2006 jAUdio release.
* Published under the LGPL see license.txt or at http://www.fsf.org
package org.vocvark.Aggregators;
import org.vocvark.DataTypes.AggregatorDefinition;
import org.vocvark.DataTypes.FeatureDefinition;
* <h2>Area Method of Moments Aggregator</h2>
* <p></p>
* <h3>Algorithm Description</h3>
* <p>This specific aggregator was originally intended to be the first 10 statistical moments of a 2D area.
* This algorithm was first used in graphic machine learning by Fujinaga in 1998. Its first use in digital
* signal processing is in McEnnis and Fujinaga 2005.
* <p>It is a specific feature as the effectiveness of the resulting features is heavily dependent on the importance of the feature ordering.
* </p>
* <h3>Algorithm History</h3>
* <p>The algorithm treats the image as a 2D function f(x,y) = z where x and y are indecis of the underlying matrix.
* The order of x and y is increased together from order 0 to order 3, caluclated with a coeefcient calculated by the binomial
* of the x and y order.</p>
* <p>The original DSP version is a collaborative effort between the author of the code and Ichiro Fujinaga.
* <p>Fujinaga, I. Adaptive Optical Music Recognition. PhD thesis, McGill University, 1997. </p>
* <p></p>
* <p>Code utilizes the Colt matrix package available under either LGPL or BSD license. See Colt's online documentation for more details.
* @author Daniel McEnnis
public class AreaMoments extends AggregatorBaseImpl {
String[] featureNames = null;
int[] featureNameIndecis = null;
* Constructs an AreaMoments aggregator. This isn't valid until specific features are adde to the system (in a particular order).
public AreaMoments() {
metadata = new AggregatorDefinition("Area Moments", "Calculates the first 10 2D statistical moments for the given features", false, null);
public void aggregate(double[][][] values) {
result = new double[10];
double x, y, x2, xy, y2, x3, x2y, xy2, y3;
x = y = x2 = xy = y2 = x3 = x2y = xy2 = y3 = 0.0;
int offset = super.calculateOffset(values, featureNameIndecis);
int[][] featureIndecis = super.collapseFeatures(values, featureNameIndecis);
result[0] = 0.0;
for (int i = offset; i < values.length; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < featureIndecis.length; ++j) {
result[0] += values[i][featureIndecis[j][0]][featureIndecis[j][1]];
if (result[0] == 0.0) {
java.util.Arrays.fill(result, 0.0);
} else {
for (int i = offset; i < values.length; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < featureIndecis.length; ++j) {
int feature = featureIndecis[j][0];
int dimension = featureIndecis[j][1];
double tmp = values[i][feature][dimension] / result[0];
x += tmp * i;
y += tmp * j;
x2 += tmp * i * i;
xy += tmp * i * j;
y2 += tmp * j * j;
x3 += tmp * i * i * i;
x2y += tmp * i * i * j;
xy2 += tmp * i * j * j;
y3 += tmp * j * j * j;
result[1] = x;
result[2] = y;
result[3] = x2 - x * x;
result[4] = xy - x * y;
result[5] = y2 - y * y;
result[6] = 2 * Math.pow(x, 3.0) - 3 * x * x2 + x3;
result[7] = 2 * x * xy - y * x2 + x2 * y;
result[8] = 2 * y * xy - x * y2 + y2 * x;
result[9] = 2 * Math.pow(y, 3.0) - 3 * y * y2 + y3;
public Object clone() {
AreaMoments ret = new AreaMoments();
if (featureNames != null) {
ret.featureNames = featureNames.clone();
if (featureNameIndecis != null) {
ret.featureNameIndecis = featureNameIndecis.clone();
return new AreaMoments();
public FeatureDefinition getFeatureDefinition() {
return definition;
public String[] getFeaturesToApply() {
return featureNames;
public void init(int[] featureIndecis) throws Exception {
if (featureIndecis.length != featureNames.length) {
throw new Exception("INTERNAL ERROR (Agggregator.AreaMoments): number of feature indeci does not match number of features");
this.featureNameIndecis = featureIndecis;
public void setParameters(String[] featureNames, String[] params) throws Exception {
this.featureNames = featureNames;
String names = featureNames[0];
for (int i = 1; i < featureNames.length; ++i) {
names += " " + featureNames[i];
definition = new FeatureDefinition("Area Moments: " + names, "2D moments constructed from features " + names + ".", true, 10);