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package cern.jet.stat.quantile;
import cern.colt.list.DoubleArrayList;
* Exact quantile finding algorithm for known and unknown <tt>N</tt> requiring large main memory; computes quantiles over a sequence of <tt>double</tt> elements.
* The folkore algorithm: Keeps all elements in main memory, sorts the list, then picks the quantiles.
* @author wolfgang.hoschek@cern.ch
* @version 1.0, 09/24/99
//class ExactDoubleQuantileFinder extends Object implements DoubleQuantileFinder {
class ExactDoubleQuantileFinder extends cern.colt.PersistentObject implements DoubleQuantileFinder {
protected DoubleArrayList buffer;
protected boolean isSorted;
* Constructs an empty exact quantile finder.
public ExactDoubleQuantileFinder() {
this.buffer = new DoubleArrayList(0);
* Adds a value to the receiver.
* @param value the value to add.
public void add(double value) {
this.isSorted = false;
* Adds all values of the specified list to the receiver.
* @param values the list of which all values shall be added.
public void addAllOf(DoubleArrayList values) {
addAllOfFromTo(values, 0, values.size()-1);
* Adds the part of the specified list between indexes <tt>from</tt> (inclusive) and <tt>to</tt> (inclusive) to the receiver.
* @param values the list of which elements shall be added.
* @param from the index of the first element to be added (inclusive).
* @param to the index of the last element to be added (inclusive).
public void addAllOfFromTo(DoubleArrayList values, int from, int to) {
buffer.addAllOfFromTo(values, from, to);
this.isSorted = false;
* Removes all elements from the receiver. The receiver will
* be empty after this call returns, and its memory requirements will be close to zero.
public void clear() {
this.isSorted = false;
* Returns a deep copy of the receiver.
* @return a deep copy of the receiver.
public Object clone() {
ExactDoubleQuantileFinder copy = (ExactDoubleQuantileFinder) super.clone();
if (this.buffer != null) copy.buffer = copy.buffer.copy();
return copy;
* Returns whether the specified element is contained in the receiver.
public boolean contains(double element) {
return buffer.binarySearch(element)>=0;
* Applies a procedure to each element of the receiver, if any.
* Iterates over the receiver in no particular order.
* @param procedure the procedure to be applied. Stops iteration if the procedure returns <tt>false</tt>, otherwise continues.
* @return <tt>false</tt> if the procedure stopped before all elements where iterated over, <tt>true</tt> otherwise.
public boolean forEach(cern.colt.function.DoubleProcedure procedure) {
double[] theElements = buffer.elements();
int theSize = (int) size();
for (int i=0; i<theSize;) if (! procedure.apply(theElements[i++])) return false;
return true;
* Returns the number of elements currently needed to store all contained elements.
* This number usually differs from the results of method <tt>size()</tt>, according to the underlying datastructure.
public long memory() {
return buffer.elements().length;
* Returns how many percent of the elements contained in the receiver are <tt><= element</tt>.
* Does linear interpolation if the element is not contained but lies in between two contained elements.
* @param the element to search for.
* @return the percentage <tt>p</tt> of elements <tt><= element</tt> (<tt>0.0 <= p <=1.0)</tt>.
public double phi(double element) {
return cern.jet.stat.Descriptive.rankInterpolated(buffer,element) / this.size();
* Computes the specified quantile elements over the values previously added.
* @param phis the quantiles for which elements are to be computed. Each phi must be in the interval [0.0,1.0]. <tt>phis</tt> must be sorted ascending.
* @return the exact quantile elements.
public DoubleArrayList quantileElements(DoubleArrayList phis) {
return cern.jet.stat.Descriptive.quantiles(this.buffer, phis);
int bufferSize = (int) this.size();
double[] quantileElements = new double[phis.size()];
for (int i=phis.size(); --i >=0;) {
int rank=(int)Utils.epsilonCeiling(phis.get(i)*bufferSize) -1;
return new DoubleArrayList(quantileElements);
* Returns the number of elements currently contained in the receiver (identical to the number of values added so far).
public long size() {
return buffer.size();
* Sorts the receiver.
protected void sort() {
if (! isSorted) {
// IMPORTANT: TO DO : replace mergeSort with quickSort!
// currently it is mergeSort because JDK 1.2 can't be imported into VisualAge.
this.isSorted = true;
* Returns a String representation of the receiver.
public String toString() {
String s=this.getClass().getName();
s = s.substring(s.lastIndexOf('.')+1);
return s + "(mem="+memory()+", size="+size()+")";
* Returns the number of elements currently needed to store all contained elements.
* This number usually differs from the results of method <tt>size()</tt>, according to the underlying datastructure.
public long totalMemory() {
return memory();