Copyright � 1999 CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research.
Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose
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CERN makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose.
It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied warranty.
package cern.jet.math;
import cern.colt.function.DoubleDoubleFunction;
import cern.colt.function.DoubleDoubleProcedure;
import cern.colt.function.DoubleFunction;
import cern.colt.function.DoubleProcedure;
//import com.imsl.math.Sfun;
Function objects to be passed to generic methods. Contains the functions of
{@link Math} as function objects, as
well as a few more basic functions.
<p>Function objects conveniently allow to express arbitrary functions in a generic
manner. Essentially, a function object is an object that can perform a function
on some arguments. It has a minimal interface: a method <tt>apply</tt> that
takes the arguments, computes something and returns some result value. Function
objects are comparable to function pointers in C used for call-backs.
<p>Unary functions are of type {@link cern.colt.function.DoubleFunction}, binary functions
of type {@link cern.colt.function.DoubleDoubleFunction}. All can be retrieved via <tt>public
static final</tt> variables named after the function.
Unary predicates are of type {@link cern.colt.function.DoubleProcedure}, binary predicates
of type {@link cern.colt.function.DoubleDoubleProcedure}. All can be retrieved via <tt>public
static final</tt> variables named <tt>isXXX</tt>.
<p> Binary functions and predicates also exist as unary functions with the second argument being
fixed to a constant. These are generated and retrieved via factory methods (again
with the same name as the function). Example:
<li><tt>Functions.pow</tt> gives the function <tt>a<sup>b</sup></tt>.
<li><tt>Functions.pow(3)</tt> gives the function <tt>a<sup>3</sup></tt>.
More general, any binary function can be made an unary functions by fixing either
the first or the second argument. See methods {@link #bindArg1(DoubleDoubleFunction,double)}
and {@link #bindArg2(DoubleDoubleFunction,double)}. The order of arguments
can be swapped so that the first argument becomes the second and vice-versa. See
method {@link #swapArgs(DoubleDoubleFunction)}. Example:
<li><tt>Functions.pow</tt> gives the function <tt>a<sup>b</sup></tt>.
<li><tt>Functions.bindArg2(Functions.pow,3)</tt> gives the function <tt>x<sup>3</sup></tt>.
<li><tt>Functions.bindArg1(Functions.pow,3)</tt> gives the function <tt>3<sup>x</sup></tt>.
<li><tt>Functions.swapArgs(Functions.pow)</tt> gives the function <tt>b<sup>a</sup></tt>.
Even more general, functions can be chained (composed, assembled). Assume we have two unary
functions <tt>g</tt> and <tt>h</tt>. The unary function <tt>g(h(a))</tt> applying
both in sequence can be generated via {@link #chain(cern.colt.function.DoubleFunction, cern.colt.function.DoubleFunction)}:
Assume further we have a binary function <tt>f</tt>. The binary function <tt>g(f(a,b))</tt>
can be generated via {@link #chain(cern.colt.function.DoubleFunction,DoubleDoubleFunction)}:
The binary function <tt>f(g(a),h(b))</tt>
can be generated via {@link #chain(DoubleDoubleFunction, cern.colt.function.DoubleFunction, cern.colt.function.DoubleFunction)}:
Arbitrarily complex functions can be composed from these building blocks. For example
<tt>sin(a) + cos<sup>2</sup>(b)</tt> can be specified as follows:
or, of course, as
new DoubleDoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a, double b) { return Math.sin(a) + Math.pow(Math.cos(b),2); }
For aliasing see {@link #functions}.
Try this
<td class="PRE">
// should yield 1.4399560356056456 in all cases
double a = 0.5;
double b = 0.2;
double v = Math.sin(a) + Math.pow(Math.cos(b),2);
Functions F = Functions.functions;
DoubleDoubleFunction f = F.chain(F.plus,F.sin,F.chain(F.square,F.cos));
DoubleDoubleFunction g = new DoubleDoubleFunction() {
public double apply(double a, double b) { return Math.sin(a) + Math.pow(Math.cos(b),2); }
Surprise. Using modern non-adaptive JITs such as SunJDK 1.2.2 (java -classic)
there seems to be no or only moderate performance penalty in using function
objects in a loop over traditional code in a loop. For complex nested function
objects (e.g. <tt>F.chain(F.abs,F.chain(F.plus,F.sin,F.chain(F.square,F.cos)))</tt>)
the penalty is zero, for trivial functions (e.g. <tt>F.plus</tt>) the penalty
is often acceptable.
<table border cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" align="center">
<tr valign="middle" bgcolor="#33CC66" nowrap align="center">
<td nowrap colspan="7"> <font size="+2">Iteration Performance [million function
evaluations per second]</font><br>
<font size="-1">Pentium Pro 200 Mhz, SunJDK 1.2.2, NT, java -classic,
<tr valign="middle" bgcolor="#66CCFF" nowrap align="center">
<td nowrap bgcolor="#FF9966" rowspan="2"> </td>
<td bgcolor="#FF9966" colspan="2">
<p> 30000000 iterations</p>
<td bgcolor="#FF9966" colspan="2"> 3000000 iterations (10 times less)</td>
<td bgcolor="#FF9966" colspan="2"> </td>
<tr valign="middle" bgcolor="#66CCFF" nowrap align="center">
<td bgcolor="#FF9966"> <tt>F.plus</tt></td>
<td bgcolor="#FF9966"><tt>a+b</tt></td>
<td bgcolor="#FF9966"> <tt>F.chain(F.abs,F.chain(F.plus,F.sin,F.chain(F.square,F.cos)))</tt></td>
<td bgcolor="#FF9966"> <tt>Math.abs(Math.sin(a) + Math.pow(Math.cos(b),2))</tt></td>
<td bgcolor="#FF9966"> </td>
<td bgcolor="#FF9966"> </td>
<tr valign="middle" bgcolor="#66CCFF" nowrap align="center">
<td nowrap bgcolor="#FF9966"> </td>
<td nowrap>10.8</td>
<td nowrap>29.6</td>
<td nowrap>0.43</td>
<td nowrap>0.35</td>
<td nowrap> </td>
<td nowrap> </td>
@author wolfgang.hoschek@cern.ch
@version 1.0, 09/24/99
public class Functions extends Object {
Little trick to allow for "aliasing", that is, renaming this class.
Writing code like
is a bit awkward, to say the least.
Using the aliasing you can instead write
<tt>Functions F = Functions.functions; <br>
public static final Functions functions = new Functions();
* <H3>Unary functions</H3>
* Function that returns <tt>Math.abs(a)</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction abs = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Math.abs(a); }
* Function that returns <tt>Math.acos(a)</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction acos = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Math.acos(a); }
* Function that returns <tt>com.imsl.math.Sfun.acosh(a)</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction acosh = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Sfun.acosh(a); }
* Function that returns <tt>Math.asin(a)</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction asin = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Math.asin(a); }
* Function that returns <tt>com.imsl.math.Sfun.asinh(a)</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction asinh = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Sfun.asinh(a); }
* Function that returns <tt>Math.atan(a)</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction atan = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Math.atan(a); }
* Function that returns <tt>com.imsl.math.Sfun.atanh(a)</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction atanh = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Sfun.atanh(a); }
* Function that returns <tt>Math.ceil(a)</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction ceil = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Math.ceil(a); }
* Function that returns <tt>Math.cos(a)</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction cos = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Math.cos(a); }
* Function that returns <tt>com.imsl.math.Sfun.cosh(a)</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction cosh = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Sfun.cosh(a); }
* Function that returns <tt>com.imsl.math.Sfun.cot(a)</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction cot = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Sfun.cot(a); }
* Function that returns <tt>com.imsl.math.Sfun.erf(a)</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction erf = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Sfun.erf(a); }
* Function that returns <tt>com.imsl.math.Sfun.erfc(a)</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction erfc = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Sfun.erfc(a); }
* Function that returns <tt>Math.exp(a)</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction exp = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Math.exp(a); }
* Function that returns <tt>Math.floor(a)</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction floor = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Math.floor(a); }
* Function that returns <tt>com.imsl.math.Sfun.gamma(a)</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction gamma = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Sfun.gamma(a); }
* Function that returns its argument.
public static final DoubleFunction identity = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return a; }
* Function that returns <tt>1.0 / a</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction inv = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return 1.0 / a; }
* Function that returns <tt>Math.log(a)</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction log = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Math.log(a); }
* Function that returns <tt>com.imsl.math.Sfun.log10(a)</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction log10 = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Sfun.log10(a); }
* Function that returns <tt>Math.log(a) / Math.log(2)</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction log2 = new DoubleFunction() {
// 1.0 / Math.log(2) == 1.4426950408889634
public final double apply(double a) { return Math.log(a) * 1.4426950408889634; }
* Function that returns <tt>com.imsl.math.Sfun.logGamma(a)</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction logGamma = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Sfun.logGamma(a); }
* Function that returns <tt>-a</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction neg = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return -a; }
* Function that returns <tt>Math.rint(a)</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction rint = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Math.rint(a); }
* Function that returns <tt>a < 0 ? -1 : a > 0 ? 1 : 0</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction sign = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return a < 0 ? -1 : a > 0 ? 1 : 0; }
* Function that returns <tt>Math.sin(a)</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction sin = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Math.sin(a); }
* Function that returns <tt>com.imsl.math.Sfun.sinh(a)</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction sinh = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Sfun.sinh(a); }
* Function that returns <tt>Math.sqrt(a)</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction sqrt = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Math.sqrt(a); }
* Function that returns <tt>a * a</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction square = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return a * a; }
* Function that returns <tt>Math.tan(a)</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction tan = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Math.tan(a); }
* Function that returns <tt>com.imsl.math.Sfun.tanh(a)</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction tanh = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Sfun.tanh(a); }
* Function that returns <tt>Math.toDegrees(a)</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction toDegrees = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Math.toDegrees(a); }
* Function that returns <tt>Math.toRadians(a)</tt>.
public static final DoubleFunction toRadians = new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Math.toRadians(a); }
* <H3>Binary functions</H3>
* Function that returns <tt>Math.atan2(a,b)</tt>.
public static final DoubleDoubleFunction atan2 = new DoubleDoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a, double b) { return Math.atan2(a,b); }
* Function that returns <tt>com.imsl.math.Sfun.logBeta(a,b)</tt>.
public static final DoubleDoubleFunction logBeta = new DoubleDoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a, double b) { return Sfun.logBeta(a,b); }
* Function that returns <tt>a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0</tt>.
public static final DoubleDoubleFunction compare = new DoubleDoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a, double b) { return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0; }
* Function that returns <tt>a / b</tt>.
public static final DoubleDoubleFunction div = new DoubleDoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a, double b) { return a / b; }
* Function that returns <tt>a == b ? 1 : 0</tt>.
public static final DoubleDoubleFunction equals = new DoubleDoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a, double b) { return a == b ? 1 : 0; }
* Function that returns <tt>a > b ? 1 : 0</tt>.
public static final DoubleDoubleFunction greater = new DoubleDoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a, double b) { return a > b ? 1 : 0; }
* Function that returns <tt>Math.IEEEremainder(a,b)</tt>.
public static final DoubleDoubleFunction IEEEremainder = new DoubleDoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a, double b) { return Math.IEEEremainder(a,b); }
* Function that returns <tt>a == b</tt>.
public static final DoubleDoubleProcedure isEqual = new DoubleDoubleProcedure() {
public final boolean apply(double a, double b) { return a == b; }
* Function that returns <tt>a < b</tt>.
public static final DoubleDoubleProcedure isLess = new DoubleDoubleProcedure() {
public final boolean apply(double a, double b) { return a < b; }
* Function that returns <tt>a > b</tt>.
public static final DoubleDoubleProcedure isGreater = new DoubleDoubleProcedure() {
public final boolean apply(double a, double b) { return a > b; }
* Function that returns <tt>a < b ? 1 : 0</tt>.
public static final DoubleDoubleFunction less = new DoubleDoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a, double b) { return a < b ? 1 : 0; }
* Function that returns <tt>Math.log(a) / Math.log(b)</tt>.
public static final DoubleDoubleFunction lg = new DoubleDoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a, double b) { return Math.log(a) / Math.log(b); }
* Function that returns <tt>Math.max(a,b)</tt>.
public static final DoubleDoubleFunction max = new DoubleDoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a, double b) { return Math.max(a,b); }
* Function that returns <tt>Math.min(a,b)</tt>.
public static final DoubleDoubleFunction min = new DoubleDoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a, double b) { return Math.min(a,b); }
* Function that returns <tt>a - b</tt>.
public static final DoubleDoubleFunction minus = plusMult(-1);
new DoubleDoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a, double b) { return a - b; }
* Function that returns <tt>a % b</tt>.
public static final DoubleDoubleFunction mod = new DoubleDoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a, double b) { return a % b; }
* Function that returns <tt>a * b</tt>.
public static final DoubleDoubleFunction mult = new DoubleDoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a, double b) { return a * b; }
* Function that returns <tt>a + b</tt>.
public static final DoubleDoubleFunction plus = plusMult(1);
new DoubleDoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a, double b) { return a + b; }
* Function that returns <tt>Math.abs(a) + Math.abs(b)</tt>.
public static final DoubleDoubleFunction plusAbs = new DoubleDoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a, double b) { return Math.abs(a) + Math.abs(b); }
* Function that returns <tt>Math.pow(a,b)</tt>.
public static final DoubleDoubleFunction pow = new DoubleDoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a, double b) { return Math.pow(a,b); }
* Makes this class non instantiable, but still let's others inherit from it.
protected Functions() {}
* Constructs a function that returns <tt>(from<=a && a<=to) ? 1 : 0</tt>.
* <tt>a</tt> is a variable, <tt>from</tt> and <tt>to</tt> are fixed.
public static DoubleFunction between(final double from, final double to) {
return new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return (from<=a && a<=to) ? 1 : 0; }
* Constructs a unary function from a binary function with the first operand (argument) fixed to the given constant <tt>c</tt>.
* The second operand is variable (free).
* @param function a binary function taking operands in the form <tt>function.apply(c,var)</tt>.
* @return the unary function <tt>function(c,var)</tt>.
public static DoubleFunction bindArg1(final DoubleDoubleFunction function, final double c) {
return new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double var) { return function.apply(c,var); }
* Constructs a unary function from a binary function with the second operand (argument) fixed to the given constant <tt>c</tt>.
* The first operand is variable (free).
* @param function a binary function taking operands in the form <tt>function.apply(var,c)</tt>.
* @return the unary function <tt>function(var,c)</tt>.
public static DoubleFunction bindArg2(final DoubleDoubleFunction function, final double c) {
return new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double var) { return function.apply(var,c); }
* Constructs the function <tt>f( g(a), h(b) )</tt>.
* @param f a binary function.
* @param g a unary function.
* @param h a unary function.
* @return the binary function <tt>f( g(a), h(b) )</tt>.
public static DoubleDoubleFunction chain(final DoubleDoubleFunction f, final DoubleFunction g, final DoubleFunction h) {
return new DoubleDoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a, double b) { return f.apply(g.apply(a), h.apply(b)); }
* Constructs the function <tt>g( h(a,b) )</tt>.
* @param g a unary function.
* @param h a binary function.
* @return the unary function <tt>g( h(a,b) )</tt>.
public static DoubleDoubleFunction chain(final DoubleFunction g, final DoubleDoubleFunction h) {
return new DoubleDoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a, double b) { return g.apply(h.apply(a,b)); }
* Constructs the function <tt>g( h(a) )</tt>.
* @param g a unary function.
* @param h a unary function.
* @return the unary function <tt>g( h(a) )</tt>.
public static DoubleFunction chain(final DoubleFunction g, final DoubleFunction h) {
return new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return g.apply(h.apply(a)); }
* Constructs a function that returns <tt>a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0</tt>.
* <tt>a</tt> is a variable, <tt>b</tt> is fixed.
public static DoubleFunction compare(final double b) {
return new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0; }
* Constructs a function that returns the constant <tt>c</tt>.
public static DoubleFunction constant(final double c) {
return new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return c; }
* Demonstrates usage of this class.
public static void demo1() {
cern.jet.math.Functions F = cern.jet.math.Functions.functions;
double a = 0.5;
double b = 0.2;
double v = Math.sin(a) + Math.pow(Math.cos(b),2);
DoubleDoubleFunction f = F.chain(F.plus,F.sin,F.chain(F.square,F.cos));
//DoubleDoubleFunction f = F.chain(plus,sin,F.chain(square,cos));
DoubleDoubleFunction g = new DoubleDoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double x, double y) { return Math.sin(x) + Math.pow(Math.cos(y),2); }
DoubleFunction m = F.plus(3);
DoubleFunction n = F.plus(4);
* Benchmarks and demonstrates usage of trivial and complex functions.
public static void demo2(int size) {
cern.jet.math.Functions F = cern.jet.math.Functions.functions;
double a = 0.0;
double b = 0.0;
double v = Math.abs(Math.sin(a) + Math.pow(Math.cos(b),2));
//double v = Math.sin(a) + Math.pow(Math.cos(b),2);
//double v = a + b;
//DoubleDoubleFunction f = F.chain(F.plus,F.identity,F.identity);
DoubleDoubleFunction f = F.chain(F.abs,F.chain(F.plus,F.sin,F.chain(F.square,F.cos)));
//DoubleDoubleFunction f = F.chain(F.plus,F.sin,F.chain(F.square,F.cos));
//DoubleDoubleFunction f = F.plus;
DoubleDoubleFunction g = new DoubleDoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double x, double y) { return Math.abs(Math.sin(x) + Math.pow(Math.cos(y),2)); }
//public final double apply(double x, double y) { return x+y; }
// emptyLoop
cern.colt.Timer emptyLoop = new cern.colt.Timer().start();
a = 0; b = 0;
double sum = 0;
for (int i=size; --i >= 0; ) {
sum += a;
System.out.println("empty sum="+sum);
cern.colt.Timer timer = new cern.colt.Timer().start();
a = 0; b = 0;
sum = 0;
for (int i=size; --i >= 0; ) {
sum += Math.abs(Math.sin(a) + Math.pow(Math.cos(b),2));
//sum += a + b;
a++; b++;
System.out.println("evals / sec = "+size / timer.minus(emptyLoop).seconds());
a = 0; b = 0;
sum = 0;
for (int i=size; --i >= 0; ) {
sum += f.apply(a,b);
a++; b++;
System.out.println("evals / sec = "+size / timer.minus(emptyLoop).seconds());
a = 0; b = 0;
sum = 0;
for (int i=size; --i >= 0; ) {
sum += g.apply(a,b);
a++; b++;
System.out.println("evals / sec = "+size / timer.minus(emptyLoop).seconds());
* Constructs a function that returns <tt>a / b</tt>.
* <tt>a</tt> is a variable, <tt>b</tt> is fixed.
public static DoubleFunction div(final double b) {
return mult(1 / b);
* Constructs a function that returns <tt>a == b ? 1 : 0</tt>.
* <tt>a</tt> is a variable, <tt>b</tt> is fixed.
public static DoubleFunction equals(final double b) {
return new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return a == b ? 1 : 0; }
* Constructs a function that returns <tt>a > b ? 1 : 0</tt>.
* <tt>a</tt> is a variable, <tt>b</tt> is fixed.
public static DoubleFunction greater(final double b) {
return new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return a > b ? 1 : 0; }
* Constructs a function that returns <tt>Math.IEEEremainder(a,b)</tt>.
* <tt>a</tt> is a variable, <tt>b</tt> is fixed.
public static DoubleFunction IEEEremainder(final double b) {
return new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Math.IEEEremainder(a,b); }
* Constructs a function that returns <tt>from<=a && a<=to</tt>.
* <tt>a</tt> is a variable, <tt>from</tt> and <tt>to</tt> are fixed.
public static DoubleProcedure isBetween(final double from, final double to) {
return new DoubleProcedure() {
public final boolean apply(double a) { return from<=a && a<=to; }
* Constructs a function that returns <tt>a == b</tt>.
* <tt>a</tt> is a variable, <tt>b</tt> is fixed.
public static DoubleProcedure isEqual(final double b) {
return new DoubleProcedure() {
public final boolean apply(double a) { return a==b; }
* Constructs a function that returns <tt>a > b</tt>.
* <tt>a</tt> is a variable, <tt>b</tt> is fixed.
public static DoubleProcedure isGreater(final double b) {
return new DoubleProcedure() {
public final boolean apply(double a) { return a > b; }
* Constructs a function that returns <tt>a < b</tt>.
* <tt>a</tt> is a variable, <tt>b</tt> is fixed.
public static DoubleProcedure isLess(final double b) {
return new DoubleProcedure() {
public final boolean apply(double a) { return a < b; }
* Constructs a function that returns <tt>a < b ? 1 : 0</tt>.
* <tt>a</tt> is a variable, <tt>b</tt> is fixed.
public static DoubleFunction less(final double b) {
return new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return a < b ? 1 : 0; }
* Constructs a function that returns <tt><tt>Math.log(a) / Math.log(b)</tt></tt>.
* <tt>a</tt> is a variable, <tt>b</tt> is fixed.
public static DoubleFunction lg(final double b) {
return new DoubleFunction() {
private final double logInv = 1 / Math.log(b); // cached for speed
public final double apply(double a) { return Math.log(a) * logInv; }
* Tests various methods of this class.
protected static void main(String args[]) {
int size = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
* Constructs a function that returns <tt>Math.max(a,b)</tt>.
* <tt>a</tt> is a variable, <tt>b</tt> is fixed.
public static DoubleFunction max(final double b) {
return new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Math.max(a,b); }
* Constructs a function that returns <tt>Math.min(a,b)</tt>.
* <tt>a</tt> is a variable, <tt>b</tt> is fixed.
public static DoubleFunction min(final double b) {
return new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Math.min(a,b); }
* Constructs a function that returns <tt>a - b</tt>.
* <tt>a</tt> is a variable, <tt>b</tt> is fixed.
public static DoubleFunction minus(final double b) {
return plus(-b);
* Constructs a function that returns <tt>a - b*constant</tt>.
* <tt>a</tt> and <tt>b</tt> are variables, <tt>constant</tt> is fixed.
public static DoubleDoubleFunction minusMult(final double constant) {
return plusMult(-constant);
* Constructs a function that returns <tt>a % b</tt>.
* <tt>a</tt> is a variable, <tt>b</tt> is fixed.
public static DoubleFunction mod(final double b) {
return new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return a % b; }
* Constructs a function that returns <tt>a * b</tt>.
* <tt>a</tt> is a variable, <tt>b</tt> is fixed.
public static DoubleFunction mult(final double b) {
return new Mult(b);
return new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return a * b; }
* Constructs a function that returns <tt>a + b</tt>.
* <tt>a</tt> is a variable, <tt>b</tt> is fixed.
public static DoubleFunction plus(final double b) {
return new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return a + b; }
* Constructs a function that returns <tt>a + b*constant</tt>.
* <tt>a</tt> and <tt>b</tt> are variables, <tt>constant</tt> is fixed.
public static DoubleDoubleFunction plusMult(double constant) {
return new PlusMult(constant);
return new DoubleDoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a, double b) { return a + b*constant; }
* Constructs a function that returns <tt>Math.pow(a,b)</tt>.
* <tt>a</tt> is a variable, <tt>b</tt> is fixed.
public static DoubleFunction pow(final double b) {
return new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Math.pow(a,b); }
* Constructs a function that returns a new uniform random number in the open unit interval <code>(0.0,1.0)</code> (excluding 0.0 and 1.0).
* Currently the engine is {@link cern.jet.random.engine.MersenneTwister}
* and is seeded with the current time.
* <p>
* Note that any random engine derived from {@link cern.jet.random.engine.RandomEngine} and any random distribution derived from {@link cern.jet.random.AbstractDistribution} are function objects, because they implement the proper interfaces.
* Thus, if you are not happy with the default, just pass your favourite random generator to function evaluating methods.
public static DoubleFunction random() {
return new cern.jet.random.engine.MersenneTwister(new java.util.Date());
* Constructs a function that returns the number rounded to the given precision; <tt>Math.rint(a/precision)*precision</tt>.
* Examples:
* <pre>
* precision = 0.01 rounds 0.012 --> 0.01, 0.018 --> 0.02
* precision = 10 rounds 123 --> 120 , 127 --> 130
* </pre>
public static DoubleFunction round(final double precision) {
return new DoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a) { return Math.rint(a/precision)*precision; }
* Constructs a function that returns <tt>function.apply(b,a)</tt>, i.e. applies the function with the first operand as second operand and the second operand as first operand.
* @param function a function taking operands in the form <tt>function.apply(a,b)</tt>.
* @return the binary function <tt>function(b,a)</tt>.
public static DoubleDoubleFunction swapArgs(final DoubleDoubleFunction function) {
return new DoubleDoubleFunction() {
public final double apply(double a, double b) { return function.apply(b,a); }