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package cern.colt.matrix.impl;
import cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix1D;
import cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D;
1-d matrix holding <tt>double</tt> elements; either a view wrapping another matrix or a matrix whose views are wrappers.
@author wolfgang.hoschek@cern.ch
@version 1.0, 09/24/99
class WrapperDoubleMatrix1D extends DoubleMatrix1D {
* The elements of the matrix.
protected DoubleMatrix1D content;
public WrapperDoubleMatrix1D(DoubleMatrix1D newContent) {
if (newContent != null) setUp(newContent.size());
this.content = newContent;
* Returns the content of this matrix if it is a wrapper; or <tt>this</tt> otherwise.
* Override this method in wrappers.
protected DoubleMatrix1D getContent() {
return this.content;
* Returns the matrix cell value at coordinate <tt>index</tt>.
* <p>Provided with invalid parameters this method may return invalid objects without throwing any exception.
* <b>You should only use this method when you are absolutely sure that the coordinate is within bounds.</b>
* Precondition (unchecked): <tt>index<0 || index>=size()</tt>.
* @param index the index of the cell.
* @return the value of the specified cell.
public double getQuick(int index) {
return content.getQuick(index);
* Construct and returns a new empty matrix <i>of the same dynamic type</i> as the receiver, having the specified size.
* For example, if the receiver is an instance of type <tt>DenseDoubleMatrix1D</tt> the new matrix must also be of type <tt>DenseDoubleMatrix1D</tt>,
* if the receiver is an instance of type <tt>SparseDoubleMatrix1D</tt> the new matrix must also be of type <tt>SparseDoubleMatrix1D</tt>, etc.
* In general, the new matrix should have internal parametrization as similar as possible.
* @param size the number of cell the matrix shall have.
* @return a new empty matrix of the same dynamic type.
public DoubleMatrix1D like(int size) {
return content.like(size);
* Construct and returns a new 2-d matrix <i>of the corresponding dynamic type</i>, entirelly independent of the receiver.
* For example, if the receiver is an instance of type <tt>DenseDoubleMatrix1D</tt> the new matrix must be of type <tt>DenseDoubleMatrix2D</tt>,
* if the receiver is an instance of type <tt>SparseDoubleMatrix1D</tt> the new matrix must be of type <tt>SparseDoubleMatrix2D</tt>, etc.
* @param rows the number of rows the matrix shall have.
* @param columns the number of columns the matrix shall have.
* @return a new matrix of the corresponding dynamic type.
public DoubleMatrix2D like2D(int rows, int columns) {
return content.like2D(rows,columns);
* Sets the matrix cell at coordinate <tt>index</tt> to the specified value.
* <p>Provided with invalid parameters this method may access illegal indexes without throwing any exception.
* <b>You should only use this method when you are absolutely sure that the coordinate is within bounds.</b>
* Precondition (unchecked): <tt>index<0 || index>=size()</tt>.
* @param index the index of the cell.
* @param value the value to be filled into the specified cell.
public void setQuick(int index, double value) {
content.setQuick(index, value);
Constructs and returns a new <i>flip view</i>.
What used to be index <tt>0</tt> is now index <tt>size()-1</tt>, ..., what used to be index <tt>size()-1</tt> is now index <tt>0</tt>.
The returned view is backed by this matrix, so changes in the returned view are reflected in this matrix, and vice-versa.
@return a new flip view.
public DoubleMatrix1D viewFlip() {
DoubleMatrix1D view = new WrapperDoubleMatrix1D(this) {
public double getQuick(int index) {
return content.get(size-1-index);
public void setQuick(int index, double value) {
return view;
Constructs and returns a new <i>sub-range view</i> that is a <tt>width</tt> sub matrix starting at <tt>index</tt>.
Operations on the returned view can only be applied to the restricted range.
Any attempt to access coordinates not contained in the view will throw an <tt>IndexOutOfBoundsException</tt>.
<b>Note that the view is really just a range restriction:</b>
The returned matrix is backed by this matrix, so changes in the returned matrix are reflected in this matrix, and vice-versa.
The view contains the cells from <tt>index..index+width-1</tt>.
and has <tt>view.size() == width</tt>.
A view's legal coordinates are again zero based, as usual.
In other words, legal coordinates of the view are <tt>0 .. view.size()-1==width-1</tt>.
As usual, any attempt to access a cell at other coordinates will throw an <tt>IndexOutOfBoundsException</tt>.
@param index The index of the first cell.
@param width The width of the range.
@throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if <tt>index<0 || width<0 || index+width>size()</tt>.
@return the new view.
public DoubleMatrix1D viewPart(final int index, int width) {
DoubleMatrix1D view = new WrapperDoubleMatrix1D(this) {
public double getQuick(int i) {
return content.get(index+i);
public void setQuick(int i, double value) {
return view;
Constructs and returns a new <i>selection view</i> that is a matrix holding the indicated cells.
There holds <tt>view.size() == indexes.length</tt> and <tt>view.get(i) == this.get(indexes[i])</tt>.
Indexes can occur multiple times and can be in arbitrary order.
this = (0,0,8,0,7)
indexes = (0,2,4,2)
view = (0,8,7,8)
Note that modifying <tt>indexes</tt> after this call has returned has no effect on the view.
The returned view is backed by this matrix, so changes in the returned view are reflected in this matrix, and vice-versa.
@param indexes The indexes of the cells that shall be visible in the new view. To indicate that <i>all</i> cells shall be visible, simply set this parameter to <tt>null</tt>.
@return the new view.
@throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if <tt>!(0 <= indexes[i] < size())</tt> for any <tt>i=0..indexes.length()-1</tt>.
public DoubleMatrix1D viewSelection(int[] indexes) {
// check for "all"
if (indexes==null) {
indexes = new int[size];
for (int i=size; --i >= 0; ) indexes[i] = i;
final int[] idx = indexes;
DoubleMatrix1D view = new WrapperDoubleMatrix1D(this) {
public double getQuick(int i) {
return content.get(idx[i]);
public void setQuick(int i, double value) {
return view;
* Construct and returns a new selection view.
* @param offsets the offsets of the visible elements.
* @return a new view.
protected DoubleMatrix1D viewSelectionLike(int[] offsets) {
throw new InternalError(); // should never get called
Constructs and returns a new <i>stride view</i> which is a sub matrix consisting of every i-th cell.
More specifically, the view has size <tt>this.size()/stride</tt> holding cells <tt>this.get(i*stride)</tt> for all <tt>i = 0..size()/stride - 1</tt>.
@param stride the step factor.
@throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if <tt>stride <= 0</tt>.
@return the new view.
public DoubleMatrix1D viewStrides(final int _stride) {
if (stride<=0) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("illegal stride: "+stride);
DoubleMatrix1D view = new WrapperDoubleMatrix1D(this) {
public double getQuick(int index) {
return content.get(index*_stride);
public void setQuick(int index, double value) {
view.size = size;
if (size!=0) view.size = (size-1)/_stride +1;
return view;