Package cern.colt.matrix.impl

Source Code of cern.colt.matrix.impl.DenseObjectMatrix2D

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package cern.colt.matrix.impl;

import cern.colt.matrix.ObjectMatrix1D;
import cern.colt.matrix.ObjectMatrix2D;

Dense 2-d matrix holding <tt>Object</tt> elements.
First see the <a href="package-summary.html">package summary</a> and javadoc <a href="package-tree.html">tree view</a> to get the broad picture.
Internally holds one single contigous one-dimensional array, addressed in row major.
Note that this implementation is not synchronized.
<b>Memory requirements:</b>
<tt>memory [bytes] = 8*rows()*columns()</tt>.
Thus, a 1000*1000 matrix uses 8 MB.
<b>Time complexity:</b>
<tt>O(1)</tt> (i.e. constant time) for the basic operations
<tt>get</tt>, <tt>getQuick</tt>, <tt>set</tt>, <tt>setQuick</tt> and <tt>size</tt>,
Cells are internally addressed in row-major.
Applications demanding utmost speed can exploit this fact.
Setting/getting values in a loop row-by-row is quicker than column-by-column.
   for (int row=0; row < rows; row++) {
    for (int column=0; column < columns; column++) {
is quicker than
   for (int column=0; column < columns; column++) {
    for (int row=0; row < rows; row++) {
@version 1.0, 09/24/99
public class DenseObjectMatrix2D extends ObjectMatrix2D {
    * The elements of this matrix.
    * elements are stored in row major, i.e.
    * index==row*columns + column
    * columnOf(index)==index%columns
    * rowOf(index)==index/columns
    * i.e. {row0 column0..m}, {row1 column0..m}, ..., {rown column0..m}
  protected Object[] elements;
* Constructs a matrix with a copy of the given values.
* <tt>values</tt> is required to have the form <tt>values[row][column]</tt>
* and have exactly the same number of columns in every row.
* <p>
* The values are copied. So subsequent changes in <tt>values</tt> are not reflected in the matrix, and vice-versa.
* @param values The values to be filled into the new matrix.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>for any 1 &lt;= row &lt; values.length: values[row].length != values[row-1].length</tt>.
public DenseObjectMatrix2D(Object[][] values) {
  this(values.length, values.length==0 ? 0: values[0].length);
* Constructs a matrix with a given number of rows and columns.
* All entries are initially <tt>0</tt>.
* @param rows the number of rows the matrix shall have.
* @param columns the number of columns the matrix shall have.
* @throws  IllegalArgumentException if <tt>rows<0 || columns<0 || (Object)columns*rows > Integer.MAX_VALUE</tt>.
public DenseObjectMatrix2D(int rows, int columns) {
  setUp(rows, columns);
  this.elements = new Object[rows*columns];
* Constructs a view with the given parameters.
* @param rows the number of rows the matrix shall have.
* @param columns the number of columns the matrix shall have.
* @param elements the cells.
* @param rowZero the position of the first element.
* @param columnZero the position of the first element.
* @param rowStride the number of elements between two rows, i.e. <tt>index(i+1,j)-index(i,j)</tt>.
* @param columnStride the number of elements between two columns, i.e. <tt>index(i,j+1)-index(i,j)</tt>.
* @throws  IllegalArgumentException if <tt>rows<0 || columns<0 || (Object)columns*rows > Integer.MAX_VALUE</tt> or flip's are illegal.
protected DenseObjectMatrix2D(int rows, int columns, Object[] elements, int rowZero, int columnZero, int rowStride, int columnStride) {
  this.elements = elements;
  this.isNoView = false;
* Sets all cells to the state specified by <tt>values</tt>.
* <tt>values</tt> is required to have the form <tt>values[row][column]</tt>
* and have exactly the same number of rows and columns as the receiver.
* <p>
* The values are copied. So subsequent changes in <tt>values</tt> are not reflected in the matrix, and vice-versa.
* @param    values the values to be filled into the cells.
* @return <tt>this</tt> (for convenience only).
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>values.length != rows() || for any 0 &lt;= row &lt; rows(): values[row].length != columns()</tt>.
public ObjectMatrix2D assign(Object[][] values) {
  if (this.isNoView) {
    if (values.length != rows) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must have same number of rows: rows="+values.length+"rows()="+rows());
    int i = columns*(rows-1);
    for (int row=rows; --row >= 0;) {
      Object[] currentRow = values[row];
      if (currentRow.length != columns) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must have same number of columns in every row: columns="+currentRow.length+"columns()="+columns());     
      System.arraycopy(currentRow, 0, this.elements, i, columns);
      i -= columns;
  else {
  return this;
Assigns the result of a function to each cell; <tt>x[row,col] = function(x[row,col])</tt>.
matrix = 2 x 2 matrix
0.5 1.5     
2.5 3.5

// change each cell to its sine
2 x 2 matrix
0.479426  0.997495
0.598472 -0.350783
For further examples, see the <a href="package-summary.html#FunctionObjects">package doc</a>.

@param function a function object taking as argument the current cell's value.
@return <tt>this</tt> (for convenience only).
@see cern.jet.math.Functions
public ObjectMatrix2D assign(cern.colt.function.ObjectFunction function) {
  final Object[] elems = this.elements;
  if (elems==null) throw new InternalError();
  int index = index(0,0);
  int cs = this.columnStride;
  int rs = this.rowStride;
  // the general case x[i] = f(x[i])
  for (int row=rows; --row >= 0; ) {
    for (int i=index, column=columns; --column >= 0; ) {
      elems[i] = function.apply(elems[i]);
      i += cs;
    index += rs;
  return this;
* Replaces all cell values of the receiver with the values of another matrix.
* Both matrices must have the same number of rows and columns.
* If both matrices share the same cells (as is the case if they are views derived from the same matrix) and intersect in an ambiguous way, then replaces <i>as if</i> using an intermediate auxiliary deep copy of <tt>other</tt>.
* @param     source   the source matrix to copy from (may be identical to the receiver).
* @return <tt>this</tt> (for convenience only).
* @throws  IllegalArgumentException if <tt>columns() != source.columns() || rows() != source.rows()</tt>
public ObjectMatrix2D assign(ObjectMatrix2D source) {
  // overriden for performance only
  if (! (source instanceof DenseObjectMatrix2D)) {
    return super.assign(source);
  DenseObjectMatrix2D other = (DenseObjectMatrix2D) source;
  if (other==this) return this; // nothing to do
  if (this.isNoView && other.isNoView) { // quickest
    System.arraycopy(other.elements, 0, this.elements, 0, this.elements.length);
    return this;
  if (haveSharedCells(other)) {
    ObjectMatrix2D c = other.copy();
    if (! (c instanceof DenseObjectMatrix2D)) { // should not happen
      return super.assign(other);
    other = (DenseObjectMatrix2D) c;
  final Object[] elems = this.elements;
  final Object[] otherElems = other.elements;
  if (elements==null || otherElems==null) throw new InternalError();
  int cs = this.columnStride;
  int ocs = other.columnStride;
  int rs = this.rowStride;
  int ors = other.rowStride;

  int otherIndex = other.index(0,0);
  int index = index(0,0);
  for (int row=rows; --row >= 0; ) {
    for (int i=index, j=otherIndex, column=columns; --column >= 0; ) {
      elems[i] = otherElems[j];
      i += cs;
      j += ocs;
    index += rs;
    otherIndex += ors;
  return this;
Assigns the result of a function to each cell; <tt>x[row,col] = function(x[row,col],y[row,col])</tt>.
// assign x[row,col] = x[row,col]<sup>y[row,col]</sup>
m1 = 2 x 2 matrix
0 1
2 3

m2 = 2 x 2 matrix
0 2
4 6

m1.assign(m2, cern.jet.math.Functions.pow);
m1 == 2 x 2 matrix
1   1
16 729
For further examples, see the <a href="package-summary.html#FunctionObjects">package doc</a>.

@param y the secondary matrix to operate on.
@param function a function object taking as first argument the current cell's value of <tt>this</tt>,
and as second argument the current cell's value of <tt>y</tt>,
@return <tt>this</tt> (for convenience only).
@throws  IllegalArgumentException if <tt>columns() != other.columns() || rows() != other.rows()</tt>
@see cern.jet.math.Functions
public ObjectMatrix2D assign(ObjectMatrix2D y, cern.colt.function.ObjectObjectFunction function) {
  // overriden for performance only
  if (! (y instanceof DenseObjectMatrix2D)) {
    return super.assign(y, function);
  DenseObjectMatrix2D other = (DenseObjectMatrix2D) y;
  final Object[] elems = this.elements;
  final Object[] otherElems = other.elements;
  if (elems==null || otherElems==null) throw new InternalError();
  int cs = this.columnStride;
  int ocs = other.columnStride;
  int rs = this.rowStride;
  int ors = other.rowStride;

  int otherIndex = other.index(0,0);
  int index = index(0,0);

  // the general case x[i] = f(x[i],y[i])
  for (int row=rows; --row >= 0; ) {
    for (int i=index, j=otherIndex, column=columns; --column >= 0; ) {
      elems[i] = function.apply(elems[i], otherElems[j]);
      i += cs;
      j += ocs;
    index += rs;
    otherIndex += ors;
  return this;
* Returns the matrix cell value at coordinate <tt>[row,column]</tt>.
* <p>Provided with invalid parameters this method may return invalid objects without throwing any exception.
* <b>You should only use this method when you are absolutely sure that the coordinate is within bounds.</b>
* Precondition (unchecked): <tt>0 &lt;= column &lt; columns() && 0 &lt;= row &lt; rows()</tt>.
* @param     row   the index of the row-coordinate.
* @param     column   the index of the column-coordinate.
* @return    the value at the specified coordinate.
public Object getQuick(int row, int column) {
  //if (debug) if (column<0 || column>=columns || row<0 || row>=rows) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("row:"+row+", column:"+column);
  //return elements[index(row,column)];
  //manually inlined:
  return elements[rowZero + row*rowStride + columnZero + column*columnStride];
* Returns <tt>true</tt> if both matrices share common cells.
* More formally, returns <tt>true</tt> if <tt>other != null</tt> and at least one of the following conditions is met
* <ul>
* <li>the receiver is a view of the other matrix
* <li>the other matrix is a view of the receiver
* <li><tt>this == other</tt>
* </ul>
protected boolean haveSharedCellsRaw(ObjectMatrix2D other) {
  if (other instanceof SelectedDenseObjectMatrix2D) {
    SelectedDenseObjectMatrix2D otherMatrix = (SelectedDenseObjectMatrix2D) other;
    return this.elements==otherMatrix.elements;
  else if (other instanceof DenseObjectMatrix2D) {
    DenseObjectMatrix2D otherMatrix = (DenseObjectMatrix2D) other;
    return this.elements==otherMatrix.elements;
  return false;
* Returns the position of the given coordinate within the (virtual or non-virtual) internal 1-dimensional array.
* @param     row   the index of the row-coordinate.
* @param     column   the index of the column-coordinate.
protected int index(int row, int column) {
  // return super.index(row,column);
  // manually inlined for speed:
  return rowZero + row*rowStride + columnZero + column*columnStride;
* Construct and returns a new empty matrix <i>of the same dynamic type</i> as the receiver, having the specified number of rows and columns.
* For example, if the receiver is an instance of type <tt>DenseObjectMatrix2D</tt> the new matrix must also be of type <tt>DenseObjectMatrix2D</tt>,
* if the receiver is an instance of type <tt>SparseObjectMatrix2D</tt> the new matrix must also be of type <tt>SparseObjectMatrix2D</tt>, etc.
* In general, the new matrix should have internal parametrization as similar as possible.
* @param rows the number of rows the matrix shall have.
* @param columns the number of columns the matrix shall have.
* @return  a new empty matrix of the same dynamic type.
public ObjectMatrix2D like(int rows, int columns) {
  return new DenseObjectMatrix2D(rows, columns);
* Construct and returns a new 1-d matrix <i>of the corresponding dynamic type</i>, entirelly independent of the receiver.
* For example, if the receiver is an instance of type <tt>DenseObjectMatrix2D</tt> the new matrix must be of type <tt>DenseObjectMatrix1D</tt>,
* if the receiver is an instance of type <tt>SparseObjectMatrix2D</tt> the new matrix must be of type <tt>SparseObjectMatrix1D</tt>, etc.
* @param size the number of cells the matrix shall have.
* @return  a new matrix of the corresponding dynamic type.
public ObjectMatrix1D like1D(int size) {
  return new DenseObjectMatrix1D(size);
* Construct and returns a new 1-d matrix <i>of the corresponding dynamic type</i>, sharing the same cells.
* For example, if the receiver is an instance of type <tt>DenseObjectMatrix2D</tt> the new matrix must be of type <tt>DenseObjectMatrix1D</tt>,
* if the receiver is an instance of type <tt>SparseObjectMatrix2D</tt> the new matrix must be of type <tt>SparseObjectMatrix1D</tt>, etc.
* @param size the number of cells the matrix shall have.
* @param zero the index of the first element.
* @param stride the number of indexes between any two elements, i.e. <tt>index(i+1)-index(i)</tt>.
* @return  a new matrix of the corresponding dynamic type.
protected ObjectMatrix1D like1D(int size, int zero, int stride) {
  return new DenseObjectMatrix1D(size,this.elements,zero,stride);
* Sets the matrix cell at coordinate <tt>[row,column]</tt> to the specified value.
* <p>Provided with invalid parameters this method may access illegal indexes without throwing any exception.
* <b>You should only use this method when you are absolutely sure that the coordinate is within bounds.</b>
* Precondition (unchecked): <tt>0 &lt;= column &lt; columns() && 0 &lt;= row &lt; rows()</tt>.
* @param     row   the index of the row-coordinate.
* @param     column   the index of the column-coordinate.
* @param    value the value to be filled into the specified cell.
public void setQuick(int row, int column, Object value) {
  //if (debug) if (column<0 || column>=columns || row<0 || row>=rows) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("row:"+row+", column:"+column);
  //elements[index(row,column)] = value;
  //manually inlined:
  elements[rowZero + row*rowStride + columnZero + column*columnStride] = value;
* Construct and returns a new selection view.
* @param rowOffsets the offsets of the visible elements.
* @param columnOffsets the offsets of the visible elements.
* @return  a new view.
protected ObjectMatrix2D viewSelectionLike(int[] rowOffsets, int[] columnOffsets) {
  return new SelectedDenseObjectMatrix2D(this.elements,rowOffsets,columnOffsets,0);

Related Classes of cern.colt.matrix.impl.DenseObjectMatrix2D

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