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package cern.colt.matrix.doublealgo;
import cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix2D;
import cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix2DProcedure;
import cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix3D;
import cern.colt.matrix.DoubleMatrix3DProcedure;
Stencil operations. For efficient finite difference operations.
Applies a function to a moving <tt>3 x 3</tt> or <tt>3 x 3 x 3</tt> window.
Build on top of <tt>matrix.zAssignXXXNeighbors(...)</tt>.
You can specify how many iterations shall at most be done, a convergence condition when iteration shall be terminated, and how many iterations shall pass between convergence checks.
Always does two iterations at a time for efficiency.
These class is for convencience and efficiency.
@author wolfgang.hoschek@cern.ch
@version 1.0, 01/02/2000
public class Stencil extends Object {
* Makes this class non instantiable, but still let's others inherit from it.
protected Stencil() {}
27 point stencil operation.
Applies a function to a moving <tt>3 x 3 x 3</tt> window.
@param A the matrix to operate on.
@param function the function to be applied to each window.
@param maxIterations the maximum number of times the stencil shall be applied to the matrix.
Should be a multiple of 2 because two iterations are always done in one atomic step.
@param hasConverged Convergence condition; will return before maxIterations are done when <tt>hasConverged.apply(A)==true</tt>.
Set this parameter to <tt>null</tt> to indicate that no convergence checks shall be made.
@param convergenceIterations the number of iterations to pass between each convergence check.
(Since a convergence may be expensive, you may want to do it only every 2,4 or 8 iterations.)
@return the number of iterations actually executed.
public static int stencil27(DoubleMatrix3D A, cern.colt.function.Double27Function function, int maxIterations, DoubleMatrix3DProcedure hasConverged, int convergenceIterations) {
DoubleMatrix3D B = A.copy();
if (convergenceIterations <= 1) convergenceIterations=2;
if (convergenceIterations%2 != 0) convergenceIterations++; // odd -> make it even
int i=0;
while (i<maxIterations) { // do two steps at a time for efficiency
if (i%convergenceIterations == 0 && hasConverged!=null) {
if (hasConverged.apply(A)) return i;
return i;
9 point stencil operation.
Applies a function to a moving <tt>3 x 3</tt> window.
@param A the matrix to operate on.
@param function the function to be applied to each window.
@param maxIterations the maximum number of times the stencil shall be applied to the matrix.
Should be a multiple of 2 because two iterations are always done in one atomic step.
@param hasConverged Convergence condition; will return before maxIterations are done when <tt>hasConverged.apply(A)==true</tt>.
Set this parameter to <tt>null</tt> to indicate that no convergence checks shall be made.
@param convergenceIterations the number of iterations to pass between each convergence check.
(Since a convergence may be expensive, you may want to do it only every 2,4 or 8 iterations.)
@return the number of iterations actually executed.
public static int stencil9(DoubleMatrix2D A, cern.colt.function.Double9Function function, int maxIterations, DoubleMatrix2DProcedure hasConverged, int convergenceIterations) {
DoubleMatrix2D B = A.copy();
if (convergenceIterations <= 1) convergenceIterations=2;
if (convergenceIterations%2 != 0) convergenceIterations++; // odd -> make it even
int i=0;
while (i<maxIterations) { // do two steps at a time for efficiency
if (i%convergenceIterations == 0 && hasConverged!=null) {
if (hasConverged.apply(A)) return i;
return i;