Package cern.colt.matrix

Source Code of cern.colt.matrix.DoubleFactory3D

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package cern.colt.matrix;

import cern.colt.matrix.impl.DenseDoubleMatrix3D;
import cern.colt.matrix.impl.SparseDoubleMatrix3D;

Factory for convenient construction of 3-d matrices holding <tt>double</tt> cells.
Use idioms like <tt>DoubleFactory3D.dense.make(4,4,4)</tt> to construct dense matrices,
<tt>DoubleFactory3D.sparse.make(4,4,4)</tt> to construct sparse matrices.

If the factory is used frequently it might be useful to streamline the notation.
For example by aliasing:
<td class="PRE">
DoubleFactory3D F = DoubleFactory3D.dense;

@version 1.0, 09/24/99
public class DoubleFactory3D extends cern.colt.PersistentObject {
   * A factory producing dense matrices.
  public static final DoubleFactory3D dense  = new DoubleFactory3D();

   * A factory producing sparse matrices.
  public static final DoubleFactory3D sparse = new DoubleFactory3D();
* Makes this class non instantiable, but still let's others inherit from it.
protected DoubleFactory3D() {}
* Constructs a matrix with cells having ascending values.
* For debugging purposes.
public DoubleMatrix3D ascending(int slices, int rows, int columns) {
  cern.jet.math.Functions F = cern.jet.math.Functions.functions;
  return descending(slices,rows,columns).assign(F.chain(F.neg,F.minus(slices*rows*columns)));
* Constructs a matrix with cells having descending values.
* For debugging purposes.
public DoubleMatrix3D descending(int slices, int rows, int columns) {
  DoubleMatrix3D matrix = make(slices,rows,columns);
  int v = 0;
  for (int slice=slices; --slice >= 0;) {
    for (int row=rows; --row >= 0;) {
      for (int column=columns; --column >= 0;) {
        matrix.setQuick(slice, row, column, v++);
  return matrix;
* Constructs a matrix with the given cell values.
* <tt>values</tt> is required to have the form <tt>values[slice][row][column]</tt>
* and have exactly the same number of slices, rows and columns as the receiver.
* <p>
* The values are copied. So subsequent changes in <tt>values</tt> are not reflected in the matrix, and vice-versa.
* @param    values the values to be filled into the cells.
* @return <tt>this</tt> (for convenience only).
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>values.length != slices() || for any 0 &lt;= slice &lt; slices(): values[slice].length != rows()</tt>.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>for any 0 &lt;= column &lt; columns(): values[slice][row].length != columns()</tt>.
public DoubleMatrix3D make(double[][][] values) {
  if (this==sparse) return new SparseDoubleMatrix3D(values);
  return new DenseDoubleMatrix3D(values);
* Constructs a matrix with the given shape, each cell initialized with zero.
public DoubleMatrix3D make(int slices, int rows, int columns) {
  if (this==sparse) return new SparseDoubleMatrix3D(slices,rows,columns);
  return new DenseDoubleMatrix3D(slices,rows,columns);
* Constructs a matrix with the given shape, each cell initialized with the given value.
public DoubleMatrix3D make(int slices, int rows, int columns, double initialValue) {
  return make(slices,rows,columns).assign(initialValue);
* Constructs a matrix with uniformly distributed values in <tt>(0,1)</tt> (exclusive).
public DoubleMatrix3D random(int slices, int rows, int columns) {
  return make(slices,rows,columns).assign(cern.jet.math.Functions.random());

Related Classes of cern.colt.matrix.DoubleFactory3D

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