
Source Code of

// PSP Dashboard - Data Automation Tool for PSP-like processes
// Copyright (C) 2003 Software Process Dashboard Initiative
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place -Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
// The author(s) may be contacted at:
// Attn: PSP Dashboard Group
// 6137 Wardleigh Road
// Hill AFB, UT 84056-5843
// E-Mail POC:


import pspdash.ErrorReporter;
import pspdash.PerlPool;
import pspdash.EscapeString;
import pspdash.TemplateLoader;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Stack;
import pspdash.Perl5Util;

import pspdash.RobustFileWriter;


public class DataRepository implements Repository {

  public static final String anonymousPrefix = "///Anonymous";

    /** a mapping of data names (Strings) to data values (DataElements) */
    Hashtable data = new Hashtable(8000, (float) 0.5);

    /** a backwards mapping of the above hashtable for data values that happen
      *  to be DataListeners.  key is a DataListener, value is a String. */
    Hashtable activeData = new Hashtable(2000, (float) 0.5);

    PrefixHierarchy repositoryListenerList = new PrefixHierarchy();

    Vector datafiles = new Vector();

    RepositoryServer dataServer = null;
    RepositoryServer secondaryDataServer = null;

    Hashtable PathIDMap = new Hashtable(20);
    Hashtable IDPathMap = new Hashtable(20);

    HashSet dataElementNameSet = new HashSet();
    Set dataElementNameSet_ext =

    /** Sets the policy for auto-realization of deferred data. Possible values:
     *  Boolean.TRUE - auto realize all data
     *  Boolean.FALSE - don't auto realize any data
     *  a DataFile object - only autorealize data for this file. */
    Object realizeDeferredDataFor = Boolean.FALSE;

    private class DataRealizer extends Thread {
      Stack dataElements = null;
      boolean terminate = false;

      public DataRealizer() {
        dataElements = new Stack();

      // when adding an element to the data Realizer, also restart it.
      public void addElement(DataElement e) {

      public void run() {
        // run this thread until ordered to terminate
        while (!terminate) {

          // if there is no data to realize, suspend this thread
          if (dataElements.isEmpty()) {
            try { sleep(Long.MAX_VALUE); } catch (InterruptedException i) {}
          } else try { // otherwise realize the data
            ((DataElement) dataElements.pop()).maybeRealize();
          } catch (Exception e) {}

        // when terminating, clean up the dataElements stack
        while (!dataElements.isEmpty()){

      // command the process to terminate, and resume just in case it is
      // suspended
      public void terminate() {
        terminate = true;


    DataRealizer dataRealizer;

    public void setRealizationPolicy(String policy) {
      if ("full".equalsIgnoreCase(policy))
        realizeDeferredDataFor = Boolean.TRUE;
      else if ("min".equalsIgnoreCase(policy))
        realizeDeferredDataFor = "";
        realizeDeferredDataFor = Boolean.FALSE;

    private class DataSaver extends Thread {
      public DataSaver() { start(); }
      public void run() {
        while (true) try {
          sleep(120000);         // save dirty datafiles every 2 minutes
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {}

    DataSaver dataSaver = new DataSaver();

    private class DataFile {
        String prefix = null;
        String inheritsFrom = null;
        File file = null;
        int dirtyCount = 0;

        public void invalidate() { file = null; }

    // The DataElement class tracks the state of a single piece of data.
    private class DataElement {

      // The name of this element.
      private String name;

      // the value of this element.  When data elements are created but not
      // initialized, their value is set to null.  Elements with null values
      // will not be saved out to any datafile.
      private SaveableData value = null;
      private volatile SimpleData simpleValue = null;
      private boolean deferred = false;

      // the datafile to which this element should be saved.  If this value
      // is null, the element will not be saved out to any datafile.
      DataFile datafile = null;

      // a list of objects that are interested in changes to the value of this
      // element.  SPECIAL MEANINGS:
      //    1) a null value indicates that no objects have *ever* expressed an
      //       interest in this data element.
      //    2) a Vector with objects in it is a list of objects that should be
      //       notified if the value of this data element changes.
      //    3) an empty Vector indicates that, although some object(s) once
      //       expressed interest in this data element, no objects are
      //       interested any longer.
      Vector dataListenerList = null;

      // a preconstructed event for dispatching to listeners (so a new event
      // need not be constructed each time).
      private volatile DataEvent event = null;

      public DataElement(String name) { = name;

      public SaveableData getValue() {
        if (deferred) realize();
        return value;

      public SimpleData getSimpleValue() {
        if (value == null) return null;
        if (simpleValue != null) return simpleValue;
        if (deferred) realize();
        return (simpleValue = value.getSimpleValue());

      public SaveableData getImmediateValue() {
        return value;

      public synchronized void setValue(SaveableData d) {
        event = null;
        simpleValue = null;
        if (deferred = ((value = d) instanceof DeferredData))
          if (realizeDeferredDataFor == datafile ||
              realizeDeferredDataFor == Boolean.TRUE)

      private synchronized void realize() {
        // since realize can be entered from several places, ensure someone
        // else didn't run it just before this call.
        if (deferred) {
          deferred = false;
          try {
            value = ((DeferredData) value).realize();
          } catch (ClassCastException e) {
          } catch (MalformedValueException e) {
            value = new MalformedData(value.saveString());

      public synchronized void disposeValue() {
        if (value != null) value.dispose();
        deferred = false;

      public void maybeRealize() { if (deferred) realize(); }

      public DataEvent getDataChangedEvent() {
        DataEvent result = event;
        if (result == null || result.getID() != DataEvent.VALUE_CHANGED)
          event = result = new DataEvent(DataRepository.this, name,
        return result;

      public DataEvent getDataAddedEvent() {
        DataEvent result = event;
        if (result == null || result.getID() != DataEvent.DATA_ADDED)
          event = result = new DataEvent(DataRepository.this, name,
                                         DataEvent.DATA_ADDED, null);
        return result;

    private class DataNotifier extends Thread {

      /** A list of the notifications we need to perform.
       * the <B>keys</B> in the hashtable are DataListeners that need to be
       * notified of changes in data.
       * the <b>values</b> are separate hashtables.  The keys of these
       * subhashtables name data elements that have changed, which the
       * listener is interested in.  The values in these subhashtables
       * are the named DataElements.
      Hashtable notifications = null;

      /** A list of active listeners.  (An active listener is one that is going
       * to perform a recalculation as soon as it is notified of a data change.
       * That recalculation will probably trigger other data notifications.)
       * The <b>keys</b> in the hashtable are the names of the data elements
       * which will be recalculated when we notify the DataListener which
       * is stored as the <b>value</b> in the hashtable.
       * This data structure is basically a backward mapping of the
       * DataRepository's <code>activeData</code> structure, for only those
       * DataListeners which appear in the <code>notifications</code> list
       * above.
      Hashtable activeListeners = null;

      /** a list of misbehaved data which appears to be circularly defined. */
      Hashtable circularData = new Hashtable();

      private volatile boolean suspended = false;

      public DataNotifier() {
        notifications = new Hashtable();
        activeListeners = new Hashtable();

      public void highPriority() {
      public void lowPriority()  {
        setPriority((MIN_PRIORITY + NORM_PRIORITY)/2);

      /** Determine all the notifications that will need to be made as
       * a result of a change to given <code>DataElement</code> with
       * the given <code>name</code>, and add those notifications to
       * our internal data structures.
      public void dataChanged(String name, DataElement d) {
        if (name == null) return;
        if (d == null) d = (DataElement) data.get(name);
        if (d == null) return;
        if (circularData.get(name) != null) return;

        Vector dataListenerList = d.dataListenerList;

        if (dataListenerList == null ||
            dataListenerList.size() == 0)

        DataListener dl;
        String listenerName;
        boolean notifyActiveListener;
        for (int i = dataListenerList.size();  i > 0; ) try {
          dl = ((DataListener) dataListenerList.elementAt(--i));
          listenerName = (String) activeData.get(dl);
          if (listenerName == null)
            notifyActiveListener = false;
          else if (activeListeners.put(listenerName, dl) != null)
            notifyActiveListener = false;
            notifyActiveListener = true;
          getElementsForDataListener(dl).put(name, d);
          if (notifyActiveListener) dataChanged(listenerName, null);
        } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
          // Someone has been messing with dataListenerList while we're
          // iterating through it.  No matter...the worst that can happen
          // is that we will notify someone who doesn't care anymore, and
          // that is harmless.

        if (suspended) synchronized(this) { notify(); }

      private Hashtable getElementsForDataListener(DataListener dl) {
        Hashtable elements = null;
        synchronized (notifications) {
          elements = ((Hashtable) notifications.get(dl));
          if (elements == null) {
            notifications.put(dl, elements = new Hashtable(2));
        return elements;

      public void addEvent(String name, DataElement d, DataListener dl) {
        if (name == null || dl == null) return;

        String listenerName = (String) activeData.get(dl);
        if (listenerName != null)
          activeListeners.put(listenerName, dl);

        getElementsForDataListener(dl).put(name, d);


      public void removeDataListener(String name, DataListener dl) {
        Hashtable h = (Hashtable) notifications.get(dl);
        if (h != null)

      public void deleteDataListener(DataListener dl) {
        synchronized (notifications) {
        String listenerName = (String) activeData.get(dl);
        if (listenerName != null)

      private void fireEvent(DataListener dl) {
        if (dl == null) return;

        Hashtable elements = ((Hashtable) notifications.get(dl));
        if (elements == null) return;

        String listenerName = (String) activeData.get(dl);

        synchronized (elements) {
          if (notifications.get(dl) == null) return;

          Thread t = (Thread) elements.get(CIRCULARITY_TOKEN);

          if (t == null)
            elements.put(CIRCULARITY_TOKEN, Thread.currentThread());
          else if (t != Thread.currentThread()) {
            //System.out.println("waiting for other thread...");
            try { elements.wait(1000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) {}
            //System.out.println("waiting done.");
          } else {
            if (listenerName != null) {
              System.err.println("Infinite recursion encountered while " +
                                 "recalculating " + listenerName +
                                 " - ABORTING");
              circularData.put(listenerName, Boolean.TRUE);

        String name;
        DataElement d;
        DataListener activeListener;

                                // run through the elements to see if any are
                                // also expected to change, and do those first.
        Enumeration names = elements.keys();
        while (names.hasMoreElements()) {
          name = (String) names.nextElement();
          if (name == CIRCULARITY_TOKEN) continue;
          d    = (DataElement) elements.get(name);
          activeListener = (DataListener) activeListeners.get(name);
          if (activeListener != null)

                                // Build a list of data events to send
        elements = ((Hashtable) notifications.remove(dl));
        if (listenerName != null)
        if (elements == null) return;

        try {
          Vector dataEvents = new Vector();
          names = elements.keys();
          while (names.hasMoreElements()) {
            name = (String) names.nextElement();
            d    = (DataElement) elements.get(name);

                                // send the data events via dataValuesChanged()
          try {
          } catch (RemoteException rem) {
            System.err.println("    when trying to notify a datalistener.");
          } catch (Exception e) {
            // Various exceptions, most notably NullPointerException, can
            // occur if we erroneously notify a DataListener of changes *after*
            // it has unregistered for those changes.  Such mistakes can happen
            // due to multithreading, but no harm is done as long as the
            // exception is caught here.
        } finally {
          synchronized (elements) { elements.notifyAll(); }

      private volatile boolean notifierIsInconsistent = false;
      private final boolean ENABLE_NOTIFICATION_BASED_INCONSISTENCY = false;
      private void checkConsistency() {
          synchronized (notifications) {
            boolean isInconsistent = !notifications.isEmpty();
            if (isInconsistent == notifierIsInconsistent) return;
            notifierIsInconsistent = isInconsistent;
            if (notifierIsInconsistent)

      private boolean fireEvent() {
        try {
          fireEvent((DataListener) notifications.keys().nextElement());
          return true;
        } catch (java.util.NoSuchElementException e) {
          return false;

      public void run() {
        while (true) try {
          if (fireEvent())
        } catch (Exception e) {}

      private synchronized void doWait() {
          suspended = true;
          try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException i) {}
          suspended = false;

      public void flush() {
        while (fireEvent()) {}
    private static final String CIRCULARITY_TOKEN = "CIRCULARITY_TOKEN";

    DataNotifier dataNotifier;

    private static Perl5Util perl = PerlPool.get();
    private class DataFreezer extends Thread implements RepositoryListener,

      /** Keys in this hashtable are the String names of freeze tag
       * data elements.  Values are the FrozenDataSets to which they
       * refer. */
      private Hashtable frozenDataSets;

      /** A list of names of data elements which need to be frozen. */
      private SortedSet itemsToFreeze;

      /** A list of names of data elements which need to be thawed. */
      private SortedSet itemsToThaw;

      /** Flag indicating that we've received a request to terminate. */
      private volatile boolean terminate = false;

      public DataFreezer() {
        frozenDataSets = new Hashtable();
        itemsToFreeze = Collections.synchronizedSortedSet(new TreeSet());
        itemsToThaw = Collections.synchronizedSortedSet(new TreeSet());
        addRepositoryListener(this, "");

      public void run() {
        // run this thread until ordered to terminate
        while (!terminate) {
          // Wait until the data is consistent - don't freeze or thaw anything
          // while files are being opened and closed.

          // Sleep until we're needed again.
          if (!terminate)
            try { sleep(Long.MAX_VALUE); } catch (InterruptedException i) {}

        // On termination, make one last sweep for data to freeze.

      public void dataIsConsistent() {
          // Perform all requested work.
          MAX_DIRTY = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
          MAX_DIRTY = 10;

      /** Freeze all waiting items. */
      private void freezeAll() {
        String item;
        while ((item = pop(itemsToFreeze)) != null)

      /** Thaw all waiting items. */
      private void thawAll() {
        String item;
        while ((item = pop(itemsToThaw)) != null)

      /** Pop the first item off a sorted set, in a thread-safe fashion.
       * @return a item which has been removed from the set, or null if
       *  the set is empty.
      private String pop(SortedSet set) {
        synchronized(set) {
          if (set.isEmpty())
            return null;
          else {
            String result = (String) set.first();
            return result;

      public void terminate() {
        // Stop listening for events.

        // stop this thread (if the thread is currently awake, this will
        // not have an immediate effect.)
        terminate = true;

      public void dataAdded(DataEvent e) {
        String dataName = e.getName();
        if (isFreezeFlagElement(dataName) &&
          frozenDataSets.put(dataName, new FrozenDataSet(dataName));

      public void dataRemoved(DataEvent e) {
        String dataName = e.getName();
        if (!isFreezeFlagElement(dataName)) return;
        FrozenDataSet set = (FrozenDataSet) frozenDataSets.remove(dataName);
        if (set != null)

      private boolean isFreezeFlagElement(String dataName) {
        return (dataName.indexOf(FREEZE_FLAG_TAG) != -1);

      /** Perform the work required to freeze a data value. */
      private void performFreeze(String dataName) {
        DataElement element = (DataElement) data.get(dataName);
        if (element == null) return;

        // Make certain no data values are currently in a state of flux

        // This will realize the value if it is deferred
        SaveableData value = element.getValue();

        // For now, lets add this in - don't doubly freeze data.  Supporting
        // double freezing of data might make it easier for the people who
        // write freeze flag expressions, but it makes things more confusing
        // for end users:
        //  * data items that are frozen by multiple freeze flags perplex
        //    the user: they toggle some boolean value and can't figure out
        //    why the data isn't thawing
        //  * sometimes it is possible for data accidentally to become doubly
        //    frozen by the SAME freeze flag.  Then users toggle the flag and
        //    their data toggles between frozen and doubly frozen.
        if (value instanceof FrozenData)

        //System.out.println("freezing " + dataName);

        // Determine the prefix of the data element.
        String prefix = "";
        if (element.datafile != null)
          prefix = element.datafile.prefix;

        // Lookup the default value of this data element.
        String defVal = lookupDefaultValue(dataName, element);

        // Don't freeze null data elements when there is no default value.
        if (value == null && defVal == null) return;

        // Create the frozen version of the value.
        SaveableData frozenValue = new FrozenData
            (dataName, value, DataRepository.this, prefix, defVal);

        // Save the frozen value to the repository.
        putValue(dataName, frozenValue);

      /** Perform the work required to thaw a data value. */
      private void performThaw(String dataName) {
        DataElement element = (DataElement) data.get(dataName);
        if (element == null) return;

        SaveableData value = element.getImmediateValue(), thawedValue;
        if (value instanceof FrozenData) {
          //System.out.println("thawing " + dataName);
          // Thaw the value.
          FrozenData fd = (FrozenData) value;
          thawedValue = fd.thaw();
          if (thawedValue == FrozenData.DEFAULT)
            thawedValue = instantiateValue
              (dataName, fd.getPrefix(),
               lookupDefaultValueObject(dataName, element), false);

          // Save the thawed value to the repository.
          putValue(dataName, thawedValue);

      /** Register the named data element for freezing.
       * The element is not frozen immediately, but rather added to a
       * queue for freezing sometime in the future.
      public synchronized void freeze(String dataName) {
        if (itemsToThaw.remove(dataName) == false)

      /** Register the named data element for thawing.
       * The element is not thawed immediately, but rather added to a
       * queue for thawing sometime in the future.
      public synchronized void thaw(String dataName) {
        if (itemsToFreeze.remove(dataName) == false)

      private class FrozenDataSet implements DataListener,
                                             DataConsistencyObserver {

        String freezeFlagName;
        String freezeRegexp;
        Set dataItems;
        int currentState = FDS_GRANDFATHERED;
        boolean observedFlagValue;
        volatile boolean initializing;
        Set tentativeFreezables;
        char[] buffer = null;

        public FrozenDataSet(String freezeFlagName) {
          this.freezeFlagName = freezeFlagName;

          //System.out.println("creating FrozenDataSet for " + freezeFlagName);

          // Fetch the prefix and the regular expression.
          int pos = freezeFlagName.indexOf(FREEZE_FLAG_TAG);
          if (pos == -1) return; // shouldn't happen!

          String prefix = freezeFlagName.substring(0, pos+1);
          this.freezeRegexp = "m\n^" + ValueFactory.regexpQuote(prefix) +
            freezeFlagName.substring(pos+FREEZE_FLAG_TAG.length()) + "$\n";

          this.initializing = true;
          this.tentativeFreezables = new HashSet();
          this.dataItems = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet());

          addDataListener(freezeFlagName, this);

          addRepositoryListener(this, prefix);

        public synchronized void dispose() {

        private void freeze(String itemName) {
          if (initializing) tentativeFreezables.add(itemName);
          else DataFreezer.this.freeze(itemName);

        private void freezeAll(Set dataItems) {
          synchronized (dataItems) {
            Iterator i = dataItems.iterator();
            String itemName;
            while (i.hasNext()) {
              itemName = (String);
          interrupt();          // this interrupts the DataFreezer thread.

        private void thawAll(Set dataItems) {
          synchronized (dataItems) {
            Iterator i = dataItems.iterator();
            String itemName;
            while (i.hasNext()) {
              itemName = (String);
          interrupt();          // this interrupts the DataFreezer thread.

        // The next two methods implement the DataListener interface.

        public void dataValueChanged(DataEvent e) {
          if (! freezeFlagName.equals(e.getName())) return;
          observedFlagValue = (e.getValue() != null && e.getValue().test());

        public void dataValuesChanged(Vector v) {
          if (v == null || v.size() == 0) return;
          for (int i = v.size();  i > 0; )
            dataValueChanged((DataEvent) v.elementAt(--i));

        /** Respond to a change in the value of the freeze flag.
         *  The state transition diagram is: <PRE>
         *     current
         *     state     freeze flag = TRUE         freeze flag = FALSE
         *     -------   ------------------         -----------------------
         *     FROZEN    no change                  set to thawed; thaw all
         *     GRAND     no change                  set to thawed
         *     THAWED    set to frozen; freeze all  no change
         * </PRE>
        public void dataIsConsistent() {
          //System.out.println(freezeFlagName + " = "+ observedFlagValue);
          synchronized (this) {
            if (observedFlagValue == true) {
              // data should be frozen or grandfathered.
              if (currentState == FDS_THAWED) {
                currentState = FDS_FROZEN;

            } else {            // data should be thawed.
              if (currentState == FDS_FROZEN && !initializing)
              currentState = FDS_THAWED;

            if (initializing) {
              initializing = false;
              if (currentState == FDS_FROZEN)
              tentativeFreezables = null;

        /** Respond to a notification about a data element that has been
         *  added to the repository.
         *  (Note that this happens during initial opening of
         *  datafiles as well as on an ongoing basis as new elements
         *  are created.) The state transition diagram is: <PRE>
         *     current
         *     state     item = THAWED        item = FROZEN
         *     -------   -------------------  -------------
         *     FROZEN    freeze the item (1)  no action
         *     GRAND     no action            set to frozen; freeze all
         *     THAWED    no action            no action (2)
         * </PRE>
         * Notes:<P>
         * (1) This situation would most likely occur as the result of
         *     freezing a project, then installing a new definition for its
         *     process. If the new process definition defines a new data
         *     element, then this situation would be triggered; the best
         *     course of action is to freeze it along with its colleagues.<P>
         * (2) A single data item might belong to two distinct FreezeSets.
         *     If both sets were frozen, it would be <b>doubly</b> frozen.
         *     On the other hand, it might be frozen by one but not the
         *     other, triggering this scenario.
        public void dataAdded(DataEvent e) {
          String dataName = e.getName();
          try {
            if (isFreezeFlagElement(dataName))
              return;           // don't freeze freeze flags!
            if (!perl.match(freezeRegexp, e.getNameCA()))
              return;           // only freeze data which matches the regexp.

          } catch (Perl5Util.RegexpException m) {
            //The user has given a bogus pattern!
            System.out.println("The regular expression for " + freezeFlagName +
                               " is malformed.");
          SaveableData value = getValue(dataName);
          boolean valueIsFrozen = (value instanceof FrozenData);

          synchronized (this) {
            if (currentState == FDS_GRANDFATHERED && valueIsFrozen) {
              currentState = FDS_FROZEN;
            } else if (currentState == FDS_FROZEN && !valueIsFrozen) {


        public void dataRemoved(DataEvent e) {
    private static final String FREEZE_FLAG_TAG = "/FreezeFlag/";
    private static final int FDS_FROZEN = 0;
    private static final int FDS_GRANDFATHERED = 1;
    private static final int FDS_THAWED = 2;

    DataFreezer dataFreezer;

    public void disableFreezing() {
      if (dataFreezer != null) {
        dataFreezer = null;

    URL [] templateURLs = null;

    public DataRepository() {
      includedFileCache.put("<dataFile.txt>", globalDataDefinitions);
      dataRealizer = new DataRealizer();
      dataNotifier = new DataNotifier();
      dataFreezer  = new DataFreezer();

    public void startServer(ServerSocket socket) {
      if (dataServer == null) {
        dataServer = new RepositoryServer(this, socket);

    public void startSecondServer(ServerSocket socket) {
      if (secondaryDataServer == null) {
        secondaryDataServer = new RepositoryServer(this, socket);

    public void saveAllDatafiles() {
        DataFile datafile;

        for (int i = datafiles.size();   i-- != 0; ) try {
            datafile = (DataFile)datafiles.elementAt(i);
            if (datafile.dirtyCount > 0)
        } catch (Exception e) {

    public void finalize() {
        // Command the data freezer to terminate.
        if (dataFreezer != null) dataFreezer.terminate();
        // Command data realizer to terminate
        try {
          long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
          // wait up to 6 seconds total for both of the threads to die.
          long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
          long wait = 6000 - elapsed;
          if (wait < 0) wait = 1000;
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {}

        if (dataServer != null)
        if (secondaryDataServer != null)

    public void setDatafileSearchURLs(URL[] templateURLs) {
      this.templateURLs = templateURLs;

    public synchronized void renameData (String oldPrefix, String newPrefix) {

      DataFile datafile = null;
      String datafileName = null;

                                // find the datafile associated with 'prefix'
      for (int index = datafiles.size();  index-- > 0; ) {
        datafile = (DataFile) datafiles.elementAt(index);
        if (datafile.prefix.equals(oldPrefix) && datafile.file != null) {
          datafileName = datafile.file.getPath();

      if (datafileName != null) {

        // I'm commenting out this call, and the resume() call below, because they
        // are deprecated and no longer supported in JDK1.2;  But even worse, they
        // these two lines really had no effect in JDK1.1.  They look like they shut
        // down the dataServer, but in reality, all they do is prevent it from accepting
        // new connections from clients.  (None of the repositoryThreads are suspended.)
        // dataServer.suspend();

        remapIDs(oldPrefix, newPrefix);

                                // close the datafile, then

        try {
                                // open it again with the new prefix.
          openDatafile(newPrefix, datafileName);
        } catch (Exception e) {

        // dataServer.resume();

      } else {
        datafile = guessDataFile(oldPrefix+"/foo");
        if (datafile != null && datafile.prefix.length() == 0)
          remapDataNames(oldPrefix, newPrefix);

    /** this renames data values in the global datafile. */
    private void remapDataNames(String oldPrefix, String newPrefix) {

      String name, newName;
      DataElement element;
      SaveableData value;

      oldPrefix = oldPrefix + "/";
      newPrefix = newPrefix + "/";
      int oldPrefixLen = oldPrefix.length();
      Iterator k = getKeys();
      while (k.hasNext()) {
        name = (String);
        if (!name.startsWith(oldPrefix))

        element = (DataElement) data.get(name);
        if (element.datafile == null ||
            element.datafile.prefix == null ||
            element.datafile.prefix.length() > 0)
          // only remap data which lives in the global datafile.

        value = element.getImmediateValue();

        // At this point, we will not rename data elements unless they
        // are SimpleData.  Non-simple data (e.g., functions, etc) needs
        // to know its name and prefix, so it would be more complicated to
        // move - but none of that stuff should be moving.
        if (value instanceof SimpleData) {
          newName = newPrefix + name.substring(oldPrefixLen);
          newName = newName.intern();
          //System.out.println("renaming " + name + " to " + newName);
          putValue(newName, value.getSimpleValue());
          putValue(name, null);

    private static final boolean disableSerialization = true;
    private boolean definitionsDirty = true;
    public void maybeSaveDefinitions(File out) throws IOException {
      if (definitionsDirty)
        saveDefinitions(new FileOutputStream(out));
    public void saveDefinitions(OutputStream out) throws IOException {
      if (disableSerialization) return;
      ObjectOutputStream o = new ObjectOutputStream(out);
      definitionsDirty = false;
    public void loadDefinitions(InputStream in) {
      if (disableSerialization) return;
      try {
        ObjectInputStream i = new ObjectInputStream(in);
        Hashtable a, b, c, d, e;
        a = (Hashtable) i.readObject();
        b = (Hashtable) i.readObject();
        c = (Hashtable) i.readObject();
        d = (Hashtable) i.readObject();
        e = (Hashtable) i.readObject();
        System.out.println("loaded serialized definitions.");
        definitionsDirty = false;
      } catch (Throwable t) {}

    public synchronized void dumpRepository (PrintWriter out, Vector filt) {
      dumpRepository(out, filt, false);

    public synchronized void dumpRepository (PrintWriter out, Vector filt,
                                             boolean dataStyle) {
      Iterator k = getKeys();
      String name, value;
      DataElement  de;
      SimpleData sd;

                                // first, realize all elements.
      while (k.hasNext()) {
        name = (String);

                                // next, print out all element values.
      k = getKeys();
      while (k.hasNext()) {
        name = (String);
        if (pspdash.Filter.matchesFilter(filt, name)) {
          try {
            de = (DataElement)data.get(name);
            if (de.datafile != null) {
              value = null;
              sd = de.getSimpleValue();
              if (sd == null) continue;

              if (dataStyle) {
                value = sd.saveString();
              } else if (sd instanceof DateData) {
                value = ((DateData)sd).formatDate();
              } else if (sd instanceof StringData) {
                value = StringData.escapeString(((StringData)sd).getString());
                // } else if (sd instanceof DoubleData) {
                // value = ((DoubleData)sd).formatNumber(3);
              } else
                value = sd.toString();

              if (dataStyle) {
                out.println(name.substring(1) + "==" + value);
              } else {
                if (name.indexOf(',') != -1)
                  name = EscapeString.escape(name, '\\', ",", "c");
                out.println(name + "," + value);
          } catch (Exception e) {
//          System.err.println("Data error:"+e.toString()+" for:"+name);

    public synchronized void dumpRepository () {
      Iterator k = getKeys();
      String name;
      DataElement element;

                                // first, realize all elements.
      while (k.hasNext()) {
        name = (String);

                                // next, print out all element values.
      k = getKeys();
      while (k.hasNext()) {
        name = (String);
        element = (DataElement)data.get(name);
        System.out.print("=" + element.getValue());
        if (element.dataListenerList != null)
          System.out.print(", listeners=" + element.dataListenerList);

    public synchronized void closeDatafile (String prefix) {


      try {
        DataFile datafile = null;

                                // find the datafile associated with 'prefix'
        Enumeration datafileList = datafiles.elements();
        while (datafileList.hasMoreElements()) {
          DataFile file = (DataFile) datafileList.nextElement();
          if (file.prefix.equals(prefix)) {
            datafile = file;

        if (datafile != null) {

          remapIDs(prefix, "///deleted//" + prefix);

                                // save previous changes to the datafile.
          if (datafile.dirtyCount > 0)

          Iterator k = getKeys();
          String name;
          DataElement element;
          DataListener dl;
          Vector elementsToRemove = new Vector();
          Hashtable affectedServerThreads = new Hashtable();

                                // build a list of all the data elements of
                                // this datafile.
          while (k.hasNext()) {
            name = (String);
            element = (DataElement)data.get(name);
            if (element != null && element.datafile == datafile) {

                                // call the dispose() method on all the data
                                // elements' values.
          for (int i = elementsToRemove.size();  i > 0; ) {
            element = (DataElement) elementsToRemove.elementAt(--i);
            name    = (String) elementsToRemove.elementAt(--i);
            element.datafile = null;
                                // remove the data elements.
          for (int i = elementsToRemove.size();  i > 0; ) {
            element = (DataElement) elementsToRemove.elementAt(--i);
            name    = (String) elementsToRemove.elementAt(--i);
                                // remove 'datafile' from the list of
                                // datafiles in this repository.

      } catch (Exception e) {
      } finally {

    private DataElement add(String name, SaveableData value, DataFile f,
                            boolean notify) {

                                // Add the element to the table
        DataElement d = new DataElement(name);
        d.datafile = f;
        data.put(name, d);
        // System.out.println("DataRepository adding " + name + "=" +
        //                    (value == null ? "null" : value.saveString()));

        if (notify && !name.startsWith(anonymousPrefix))

        return d;

    /** remove the named data element.
      * @param name             the name of the element to remove.
    public synchronized void removeValue(String name) {

      DataElement removedElement = (DataElement)data.get(name);

      // if the named object existed in the repository,
      if (removedElement != null) {

        SimpleData oldValue;

        if (removedElement.getImmediateValue() == null)
          oldValue = null;
        else if (removedElement.getImmediateValue() instanceof DeferredData)
          oldValue = null;
        else {
          oldValue = removedElement.getSimpleValue();
                                // notify any data listeners
        dataNotifier.dataChanged(name, removedElement);

                                // notify any repository listeners
        if (!name.startsWith(anonymousPrefix))
            (new DataEvent(this, name, DataEvent.DATA_REMOVED, oldValue));

                // flag the element's datafile as having been modified
        if (removedElement.datafile != null)

                                // disown the element from its datafile,
        removedElement.datafile = null;
        if (removedElement.getValue() != null)
        removedElement.setValue(null);     // erase its previous value,
        maybeDelete(name, removedElement); // and discard if appropriate.

    private DataFile guessDataFile(String name) {

      DataFile datafile;
      DataFile result = null;

      if (name.indexOf("//") == -1)
        for (int i = datafiles.size();   i-- != 0; ) {
          datafile = (DataFile)datafiles.elementAt(i);
          if (datafile.file == null) continue;
          if (!datafile.file.canWrite()) continue;
          if (name.startsWith(datafile.prefix + "/") &&
              ((result == null) ||
               (datafile.prefix.length() > result.prefix.length())))
            result = datafile;

      return result;

    public void maybeCreateValue(String name, String value, String prefix) {

      DataElement d = (DataElement)data.get(name);

      if (d == null || d.getValue() == null) try {
        SaveableData v = ValueFactory.create(name, value, this, prefix);
        if (d == null) {
          DataFile f = guessDataFile(name);
          d = add(name, v, f, true);
        } else
          putValue(name, v);
      } catch (MalformedValueException e) {
        d.setValue(new MalformedData(value));

//     private void maybeRealize(DataElement d) {
//       if ((d != null) && (d.value instanceof DeferredData))
//      synchronized (d) {
//        try {
//          d.value = ((DeferredData) d.value).realize();
//        } catch (ClassCastException e) {
//          // d.value isn't a DeferredData anymore .. someone beat us to it.
//        } catch (MalformedValueException e) {
//          printError(e);
//          d.value = null;
//        }
//      }
//     }

    public SaveableData getValue(String name) {

      DataElement d = (DataElement)data.get(name);
      if (d != null)
        return d.getValue();
        return maybeCreatePercentage(name);

    /** only call this routine if the item doesn't already exist.
     * If the item looks like a percentage, automatically creates the
     * percentage on the fly and returns it.
    private SaveableData maybeCreatePercentage(String name) {

      if (name == null) return null;
      if (name.indexOf(PercentageFunction.PERCENTAGE_FLAG) == -1)
        return null;

      try {
        SaveableData result = new PercentageFunction(name, this);
        add(name, result, null, false);
        return result;
      } catch (MalformedValueException mve) {
        return null;

    public final SimpleData getSimpleValue(String name) {
      SaveableData value = getValue(name);
      if (value == null)
        return null;
        return value.getSimpleValue();

    public SaveableData getInheritableValue(String prefix, String name) {
      return getInheritableValue(new StringBuffer(prefix), name);

    public SaveableData getInheritableValue(StringBuffer prefix_, String name)
      String prefix = prefix_.toString();
      String dataName = prefix + "/" + name;
      SaveableData result = getValue(dataName);
      int pos;
      while (result == null && prefix.length() > 0) {
        pos = prefix.lastIndexOf('/');
        if (pos == -1)
          prefix = "";
          prefix = prefix.substring(0, pos);
        dataName = prefix + "/" + name;
        result = getValue(dataName);
      if (result != null) prefix_.setLength(prefix.length());
      return result;

    private static final int MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH = 100;
    private int recursion_depth = 0;

    public void putValue(String name, SaveableData value) {

      if (recursion_depth < MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH) {
        DataElement d = (DataElement)data.get(name);

        if (d != null) {

                                // change the value of the data element.
          SaveableData oldValue = d.getValue();

                                // possibly mark the datafile as modified.
          if (d.datafile != null &&
              value != oldValue &&
              (oldValue == null || value == null ||
               !value.saveString().equals(oldValue.saveString()))) {

            // This data element has been changed and should be saved.

            if (d.datafile == PHANTOM_DATAFILE)
              // move the item OUT of the phantom datafile so it will be saved.
              d.datafile = guessDataFile(name);


                                // possibly throw away the old value.
          if (oldValue != null && oldValue != value)

                                // notify any listeners registed for the change
          dataNotifier.dataChanged(name, d);

                                // check if this element is no longer needed.
          maybeDelete(name, d);

        } else {
          //  if the value was not already in the repository, add it.
          DataFile f = guessDataFile(name);
          add(name, value, f, true);

      } else {
          ("DataRepository detected circular dependency in data,\n" +
           "    bailed out after " + MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH + " iterations.");
        new Exception().printStackTrace(System.err);

    public void valueRecalculated(String name, SaveableData value) {

      if (recursion_depth < MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH) {
        DataElement d = (DataElement)data.get(name);
        if (d == null || d.getValue() != value) return;


        // let the data element know that it is changing.
        // notify any listeners registed for the change
        dataNotifier.dataChanged(name, d);


      } else {
          ("DataRepository detected circular dependency in data,\n" +
           "    bailed out after " + MAX_RECURSION_DEPTH + " iterations.");
        new Exception().printStackTrace(System.err);

    public void userPutValue(String name, SaveableData value) {
      String aliasName = getAliasedName(name);
      putValue(aliasName, value);

    public String getAliasedName(String name) {
      DataElement d = (DataElement) data.get(name);
      String aliasName = null;
      if (d != null && d.getValue() instanceof AliasedData)
        aliasName = ((AliasedData) d.getValue()).getAliasedDataName();

      if (aliasName != null)
        return getAliasedName(aliasName);
        return name;

    public void restoreDefaultValue(String name) {

      DataElement d = (DataElement) data.get(name);
      Object defaultValue = lookupDefaultValueObject(name, d);

      SaveableData value = null;
      if (defaultValue != null) {
        String prefix = (d.datafile == null ? "" : d.datafile.prefix);
        value = instantiateValue(name, prefix, defaultValue, false);
      putValue(name, value);

    public SimpleData evaluate(String expression)
      throws CompilationException, ExecutionException {
      return evaluate(expression, "");

    public SimpleData evaluate(String expression, String prefix)
      throws CompilationException, ExecutionException {
      return evaluate(Compiler.compile(expression), prefix);

    public SimpleData evaluate(CompiledScript script, String prefix)
      throws ExecutionException
      ListStack stack = new ListStack();
      ExpressionContext context = new SimpleExpressionContext(prefix);, context);
      SimpleData value = (SimpleData) stack.pop();
      if (value != null)
        value = (SimpleData) value.getEditable(false);
      return value;

    private class SimpleExpressionContext implements ExpressionContext {
      private String prefix;
      public SimpleExpressionContext(String p) { prefix = p; }
      public SimpleData get(String dataName) {
        return getSimpleValue(createDataName(prefix, dataName)); }
      public String resolveName(String dataName) {
        return createDataName(prefix, dataName); }

    public void putExpression(String name, String prefix, String expression)
      throws MalformedValueException
      try {
        CompiledFunction f = new CompiledFunction
          (name, Compiler.compile(expression), this, prefix);
        putValue(name, f);
      } catch (CompilationException e) {
        throw new MalformedValueException();

    private static final String includeTag = "#include ";
    private final Hashtable includedFileCache = new Hashtable();

    private Map getIncludedFileDefinitions(String datafile) {
      datafile = followDatafileRedirections(datafile);
      Object definitions = includedFileCache.get(datafile);
      if (definitions instanceof DefinitionFactory) {
        definitions = ((DefinitionFactory) definitions).getDefinitions(this);
        definitions = Collections.unmodifiableMap((Map) definitions);
        includedFileCache.put(datafile, definitions);
        definitionsDirty = true;
      return (Map) definitions;

    /** Check in the defaultDefinitions map for any requested redirections.
    private String followDatafileRedirections(String datafile) {
      Object def = datafile;
      while (def instanceof String) {
        datafile = (String) def;
        def = defaultDefinitions.get(datafile);
      return datafile;

    /** Get the definitions for the given includable datafile, loading
     *  them if necessary.
    public Map loadIncludedFileDefinitions(String datafile)
      throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, InvalidDatafileFormat
      datafile = bracket(datafile);

      // Check in the defaultDefinitions map for any requested redirections.
      datafile = followDatafileRedirections(datafile);

      Map result = getIncludedFileDefinitions(datafile);
      if (result == null) {
        result = new HashMap();

        // Lookup any applicable default data definitions.
        DefinitionFactory defaultDefns =
          (DefinitionFactory) defaultDefinitions.get(datafile);
        if (defaultDefns != null)

        if (!isImaginaryDatafileName(datafile))
        // the null in the next line is a bug! it has no effect on
        // #include <> statements, but effectively prevents #include ""
        // statements from working (in other words, include directives
        // relative to the current file.  Such directives are not
        // currently used by the dashboard, so nothing will break.)
          loadDatafile(datafile, findDatafile(datafile, null), result, true);

        // Although we aren't technically done creating this datafile,
        // we need to store it in the cache before calling
        // insertRollupDefinitions to avoid entering an infinite loop.
        includedFileCache.put(datafile, result);

        // check to see if the datafile requests a rollup
        Object rollupIDval = result.get("Use_Rollup");
        if (rollupIDval instanceof StringData) {
          String rollupID = ((StringData) rollupIDval).getString();
          insertRollupDefinitions(result, rollupID);

        result = Collections.unmodifiableMap(result);
        includedFileCache.put(datafile, result);
        definitionsDirty = true;

      return result;

    private void insertRollupDefinitions(Map definitions, String rollupID) {
      // FIXME: handle lists
      try {
        String aliasDatafile = getAliasDatafileName(rollupID);

        // Get the set of alias definitions
        Map aliasDefinitions = loadIncludedFileDefinitions(aliasDatafile);

        if (aliasDefinitions != null) {
          Map result = new HashMap();
      } catch (Exception e) {}

    Object lookupDefaultValueObject(String dataName, DataElement element) {
      // if the user didn't bother to look up the data element, look
      // it up for them.
      if (element == null) element = (DataElement)data.get(dataName);

      if (element == null ||                   // if there is no such element,
          element.datafile == null ||   // the element has no datafile, or its
          element.datafile.inheritsFrom == null// datafile doesn't inherit,
        return null;                        // then the default value is null.

      DataFile datafile = element.datafile;
      Map defaultValues = getIncludedFileDefinitions(datafile.inheritsFrom);
      if (defaultValues == null)
        return null;

      int prefixLength = datafile.prefix.length() + 1;
      String nameWithinDataFile = dataName.substring(prefixLength);
      Object defaultVal = defaultValues.get(nameWithinDataFile);
      return defaultVal;
    String lookupDefaultValue(String dataName, DataElement element) {
      Object defaultVal = lookupDefaultValueObject(dataName, element);
      if (defaultVal == null) return null;
      if (defaultVal instanceof String) return (String) defaultVal;
      if (defaultVal instanceof SimpleData)
        return ((SimpleData) defaultVal).saveString();
      if (defaultVal instanceof CompiledScript)
        return ((CompiledScript) defaultVal).saveString();
      return null;

    private InputStream findDatafile(String path, File currentFile) throws
      FileNotFoundException {
      InputStream result = null;
      File file = null;

                                // find file in search path?
      if (path.startsWith("<")) {
                                        // strip <> chars
        path = path.substring(1, path.length()-1);

        URL u;
        URLConnection conn;
                                // look in each template URL until we
                                // find the named file
        for (int i = 0;  i < templateURLs.length;  i++) try {
          u = new URL(templateURLs[i], path);
          conn = u.openConnection();
          result = conn.getInputStream();
          return result;
        } catch (IOException ioe) { }

                                // couldn't find the file in any template
                                // URL - give up.
        throw new FileNotFoundException("<" + path + ">");

      if (path.startsWith("\""))
        path = path.substring(1, path.length()-1);

                                // try opening the path as given.
      if ((file = new File(path)).exists()) return new FileInputStream(file);

                                // if that fails, try opening it in the
                                // same directory as currentFile.
      if (currentFile != null &&
          (file = new File(currentFile.getParent(), path)).exists())
        return new FileInputStream(file);

      throw new FileNotFoundException(path);    // fail.

    private class LoadingException extends RuntimeException {
      Exception root;
      public LoadingException(Exception e) { root = e; }
      public Exception getRoot() { return root; }
    private class FileLoader extends DepthFirstAdapter {
      private String inheritedDatafile = null;
      private Map dest;
      public FileLoader(Map dest) { this.dest = dest; }
      public String getInheritedDatafile() { return inheritedDatafile; }

      private void putVal(String name, Object value) {
        if (name.startsWith("/"))
          putGlobalValue(name, value);
        else if (value == null ||
                 value.equals("null") || value.equals("=null"))
          dest.put(name, value);

      /** Process a new style declaration. */
      public void caseANewStyleDeclaration(ANewStyleDeclaration node) {
        String name = Compiler.trimDelim(node.getIdentifier());
        CompiledScript script = null;
        try {
          script = Compiler.compile(node.getValue());
        } catch (CompilationException ce) {
          throw new LoadingException
            (new InvalidDatafileFormat(ce.getMessage()));
        if (!script.isConstant())
          putVal(name, script);
        else {
          SimpleData constant = script.getConstant();
          if (constant != null &&
              node.getAssignop() instanceof AReadOnlyAssignop)
            constant = (SimpleData) constant.getEditable(false);
          putVal(name, constant);

      /** Process an old style declaration. */
      public void caseAOldStyleDeclaration(AOldStyleDeclaration node) {
        String line = node.getOldStyleDeclaration().getText(), name, value;
        int equalsPosition = line.indexOf('=');
        if (equalsPosition == -1)
          throw new LoadingException
            (new InvalidDatafileFormat
              ("There is no '=' character on the line: '" + line + "'."));

        name = line.substring(0, equalsPosition);
        value = line.substring(equalsPosition+1);
        putVal(name, value);

      public void caseASearchDeclaration(ASearchDeclaration node) {
               new SearchFactory(node));

      public void caseASimpleSearchDeclaration(ASimpleSearchDeclaration node) {
               new SearchFactory(node));

      /** Process an include directive. */
      public void caseAIncludeDeclaration(AIncludeDeclaration node) {
        String line = node.getIncludeDirective().getText();
        inheritedDatafile = line.substring(includeTag.length()).trim();

        // Add proper exception handling in case someone is somehow using
        // the deprecated include syntax.
        if (inheritedDatafile.startsWith("\"")) {
          throw new LoadingException
            (new InvalidDatafileFormat
              ("datafile #include directives with relative" +
               " paths are no longer supported."));

        try {
          Map cachedIncludeFile =
          Map filteredIncludeFile = cachedIncludeFile;

          if (node.getExcludeClause() != null) {
            IdentifierLister filter = new IdentifierLister();
            filteredIncludeFile = filterDefinitions
              (cachedIncludeFile, filter.identifiers, filter.strings);

        } catch (Exception e) {
          throw new LoadingException(e);

      public void caseAUndefineDeclaration(AUndefineDeclaration node) {
        IdentifierLister list = new IdentifierLister();
        Iterator i = list.identifiers.iterator();
        while (i.hasNext())

    private class IdentifierLister extends DepthFirstAdapter {
      public ArrayList identifiers = new ArrayList();
      public ArrayList strings = new ArrayList();
      public IdentifierLister() {}
      public void caseTIdentifier(TIdentifier node) {
        identifiers.add(Compiler.trimDelim(node)); }
      public void caseTStringLiteral(TStringLiteral node) {
        strings.add(Compiler.trimDelim(node)); }

    // loadDatafile - opens the file passed to it and looks for "x = y" type
    // statements.  If one is found it associates x with y in the Hashtable
    // dest.  If an include statement is found on the first line, a recursive
    // call to loadDatafile is made, using the same Hashtable.  Return the
    // name of the include file, if one was found.

    private String loadDatafile(String file, InputStream datafile,
                                Map dest, boolean close)
       throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, InvalidDatafileFormat {
      return loadDatafile(file, new InputStreamReader(datafile), dest, close);
    private String loadDatafile(String filename, Reader datafile,
                                Map dest, boolean close)
       throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, InvalidDatafileFormat {

      // Initialize data, file, and read buffer.
      String inheritedDatafile = null;
      BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(datafile);
      String line, name, value;
      int equalsPosition;
      FileLoader loader = new FileLoader(dest);
      String defineDecls = null;
      if (filename != null)
        defineDecls = (String) defineDeclarations.get(filename);

      try {
        CppFilterReader readIn = new CppFilterReader(in, defineDecls);
        Parser p = new Parser(new Lexer(new PushbackReader(readIn, 1024)));

        // Parse the file.
        Start tree = p.parse();

        // Apply the file loader.

      } catch (ParserException pe) {
        String message = "Could not parse " +filename+ "; " + pe.getMessage();
        throw new InvalidDatafileFormat(message);
      } catch (LexerException le) {
        String message = "Could not parse " +filename+ "; " + le.getMessage();
        throw new InvalidDatafileFormat(message);
      } catch (LoadingException load) {
        Exception root = load.getRoot();
        if (root instanceof FileNotFoundException)
          throw (FileNotFoundException) root;
        if (root instanceof IOException)
          throw (IOException) root;
        if (root instanceof InvalidDatafileFormat)
          throw (InvalidDatafileFormat) root;
        System.err.println("Unusual exception when loading file: " + root);
        throw new IOException(root.getMessage());
      } finally {
        if (close) in.close();

      return loader.getInheritedDatafile();

    public void parseDatafile(String contents, Map dest)
       throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, InvalidDatafileFormat {
      loadDatafile(null, new StringReader(contents), dest, true);

    private final Hashtable defineDeclarations = new Hashtable();
    public void putDefineDeclarations(String datafile, String decls) {
      defineDeclarations.put(bracket(datafile), decls);
      definitionsDirty = true;

    private final Hashtable defaultDefinitions = new Hashtable();

    public void registerDefaultData(DefinitionFactory d,
                                    String datafile,
                                    String imaginaryFilename) {
      if (datafile != null && datafile.length() > 0) {
        defaultDefinitions.put(bracket(datafile), d);
        if (imaginaryFilename != null)
      } else
        includedFileCache.put(bracket(imaginaryFilename), d);
      definitionsDirty = true;
    private String bracket(String filename) {
      if (filename == null || filename.startsWith("<")) return filename;
      return "<" + filename + ">";

    public String getRollupDatafileName(String rollupID) {
      return "ROLLUP:" + rollupID;
    public String isRollupDatafileName(String dataFile) {
      if (dataFile != null && dataFile.startsWith("ROLLUP:"))
        return dataFile.substring("ROLLUP:".length());
        return null;

    public String getAliasDatafileName(String rollupID) {
      return "ROLLUP-ALIAS:" + rollupID;

    public String getImaginaryDatafileName(String templateID) {
        return templateID + "?dataFile.txt";
    boolean isImaginaryDatafileName(String dataFile) {
      return (dataFile != null &&
              (dataFile.endsWith("?dataFile.txt") ||

    private Hashtable globalDataDefinitions = new Hashtable();

    public void addGlobalDefinitions(InputStream datafile, boolean close)
      throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, InvalidDatafileFormat {
        loadDatafile(null, datafile, globalDataDefinitions, close);

    private SaveableData instantiateValue(String name, String dataPrefix,
                                          Object valueObj, boolean readOnly) {

      SaveableData o = null;

      if (valueObj instanceof SimpleData) {
        o = (SimpleData) valueObj;
        if (readOnly) o = o.getEditable(false);

      } else if (valueObj instanceof CompiledScript) {
        o = new CompiledFunction(name, (CompiledScript) valueObj,
                                 this, dataPrefix);

      } else if (valueObj instanceof SearchFactory) {
        o = ((SearchFactory) valueObj).buildFor(name, this, dataPrefix);

      } else if (valueObj instanceof String) {
        String value = (String) valueObj;
        if (value.startsWith("=")) {
          readOnly = true;
          value = value.substring(1);

        try {
          o = ValueFactory.createQuickly(name, value, this, dataPrefix);
        } catch (MalformedValueException mfe) {
          o = new MalformedData(value);
        if (readOnly && o != null) o.setEditable(false);

      return o;

    private void putGlobalValue(String name, Object valueObj) {
      DataElement e = (DataElement) data.get(name);
      if (e != null && e.getImmediateValue() != null)
        return;                 // don't overwrite existing values?

      SaveableData o = instantiateValue(name, "", valueObj, false);

      if (o != null) {
        globalDataDefinitions.put(name.substring(1), valueObj);
        definitionsDirty = true;
        putValue(name, o);

    /** Perform renaming operations found in the values map.
     * A simple renaming operation is a mapping whose value begins
     * with "<=".  The key is the new name for the data, and the rest
     * of the value is the original name.  So the following lines in a
     * datafile: <pre>
     *    foo="bar
     *    baz=<=foo
     * </pre> would be equivalent to the single line `baz="bar'.
     * Simple renaming operations are correctly transitive, so <pre>
     *   foo=1
     *   bar=<=foo
     *   baz=<=bar
     * </pre> is equivalent to `baz=1'. This will work correctly, no matter
     * what order the lines appear in.
     * Pattern match renaming operations are mappings whose value
     * begins with >~.  The key is a pattern to match, and the value
     * is the substitution expression.  So <pre>
     *    foo 1="one
     *    foo 2="two
     *    foo ([0-9])+=>~$1/foo
     * </pre> would be equivalent to the lines <pre>
     *    1/foo="one
     *    2/foo="two
     * </pre> The pattern must match the original name of the element - not
     * any renamed variant.  Therefore, pattern match renaming operations
     * <b>cannot</b> be chained.  A pattern match operation <b>can</b> be
     * the <b>first</b> renaming operation in a transitive chain, but will
     * neverbe used as the second or subsequent operations in a chain.
     * Finally, renaming operations can influence dataFiles below them in
     * the datafile inheritance chain.  This is, in fact, the #1 reason for
     * the renaming mechanism.  It allows a process datafile to rename
     * elements that appear in end-user project datafiles.
     * @return true if any renames took place.
    private boolean performRenames(Hashtable values)
     throws InvalidDatafileFormat {
      boolean dataWasRenamed = false;
      Hashtable renamingOperations = new Hashtable(),
        patternRenamingOperations = new Hashtable();

      // Perform a pass through the value map looking for renaming operations.
      Iterator i = values.entrySet().iterator();
      String name, value;
      Map.Entry e;
      while (i.hasNext()) {
        e = (Map.Entry);
        name = (String) e.getKey();
        if (!(e.getValue() instanceof String)) continue;
        value = (String) e.getValue();

        if (value.startsWith(SIMPLE_RENAME_PREFIX)) {
            (name, value.substring(SIMPLE_RENAME_PREFIX.length()));
        } else if (value.startsWith(PATTERN_RENAME_PREFIX)) {
            (name, value.substring(PATTERN_RENAME_PREFIX.length()));

      // For each pattern-style renaming operation, find data names that
      // match the pattern and add the corresponding renaming operation to
      // the regular naming operation list.
      i = patternRenamingOperations.entrySet().iterator();
      String re;
      while (i.hasNext()) {
        e = (Map.Entry);
        name = (String) e.getKey();
        value = (String) e.getValue();

        re = "s\n^" + name + "$\n" + value + "\n";
        // scan the value map for matching names.
        Enumeration valueNames = values.keys();
        String valueName, valueRename;
        while (valueNames.hasMoreElements()) {
          valueName = (String) valueNames.nextElement();
          try {
            valueRename = perl.substitute(re, valueName);
            if (!valueName.equals(valueRename))
              renamingOperations.put(valueRename, valueName);
          } catch (Perl5Util.RegexpException mpe) {
            throw new InvalidDatafileFormat
              ("Malformed renaming operation '" + name +
               "=" + PATTERN_RENAME_PREFIX + value + "'");

      // Now perform the renaming operations.
      String oldName, newName;
      Object val;
      i = renamingOperations.entrySet().iterator();
      while (!renamingOperations.isEmpty()) {
        newName = (String) renamingOperations.keySet().iterator().next();
        oldName = (String) renamingOperations.remove(newName);
        val     = values.remove(oldName);
        while (val == null &&
               (oldName = (String) renamingOperations.remove(oldName)) != null)
          val = values.remove(oldName);

        if (val != null) {
          values.put(newName, val);
          dataWasRenamed = true;
      return dataWasRenamed;
    public static final String SIMPLE_RENAME_PREFIX = "<=";
    public static final String PATTERN_RENAME_PREFIX = ">~";

    private Map filterDefinitions(Map definitions,
                                   List identifiers,
                                   List regularExpressions) {
      Map result = new HashMap(definitions);

      // delete all the specified identifiers from the map.
      Iterator i = identifiers.iterator();
      String identifier;
      while (i.hasNext()) {
        identifier = (String);

      // remove data elements which match any of the regular expressions.
      Iterator r = regularExpressions.iterator();
      String regExp;
      while (r.hasNext()) {
        regExp = "m\n^" + + "$\n";
        i = result.keySet().iterator();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
          identifier = (String);
          if (perl.match(regExp, identifier))

      return result;

    public void openDatafile(String dataPrefix, String datafilePath)
      throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, InvalidDatafileFormat {

        // debug("openDatafile");

        Hashtable values = new Hashtable();

        DataFile dataFile = new DataFile();
        dataFile.prefix = dataPrefix;
        dataFile.file = new File(datafilePath);
        dataFile.inheritsFrom =
            loadDatafile(null, new FileInputStream(dataFile.file),
                         values, true);

        // perform any renaming operations that were requested in the datafile
        boolean dataModified = performRenames(values);

                                // only add the datafile element if the
                                // loadDatafile process was successful

                                // mount the data in the repository.
        mountData(dataFile, dataPrefix, values);

        if (dataModified)       // possibly mark the file as modified.

    void mountData(DataFile dataFile, String dataPrefix, Map values)
      throws InvalidDatafileFormat
      try {

        // register the names of data elements in this file IF it is a
        // regular datafile and is not global data.
        boolean registerDataNames =
          (dataFile!=null && dataFile.file!=null && dataPrefix.length()>0);

        boolean dataModified = false, successful = false;
        String datafilePath = "internal data";
        boolean fileEditable = true;

        if (dataFile != null && dataFile.file != null) {
          datafilePath = dataFile.file.getPath();
          fileEditable = dataFile.file.canWrite();
        if (dataPrefix.equals(realizeDeferredDataFor))
          realizeDeferredDataFor = dataFile;

        int retryCount = 10;
        while (!successful && retryCount-- > 0) try {
          boolean dataEditable;

          Map.Entry defn;
          String localName, name, value;
          Object valueObj;
          SaveableData o;
          DataElement d;

          Iterator dataDefinitions = values.entrySet().iterator();
          while (dataDefinitions.hasNext()) {
            defn = (Map.Entry);
            localName = (String) defn.getKey();
            valueObj = defn.getValue();
            name = createDataName(dataPrefix, localName);
            o = instantiateValue(name, dataPrefix, valueObj, !fileEditable);

            // is anyone still using this functionality???
            if (valueObj instanceof String &&
                "@now".equalsIgnoreCase((String) valueObj))
              dataModified = true;

            if (o instanceof MalformedData)
              System.err.println("Data value for '"+name+"' in file '"+
                                 datafilePath+"' is malformed.");

            d = (DataElement)data.get(name);
            if (d == null) {
              if (o != null) d = add(name, o, dataFile, true);
            } else {
                                  // this prevents the putValue logic from
              d.datafile = null// marking the datafile as modified
              putValue(name, o);
              d.datafile = dataFile;
            // this is necessary because the mechanisms above which set the
            // value of a DataElement do so AFTER setting the datafile.
            if (dataFile==realizeDeferredDataFor && o instanceof DeferredData)

            if (registerDataNames &&
                (o instanceof DoubleData || o instanceof DeferredData ||
                 o instanceof CompiledFunction))

          if (dataModified)

          // make a call to getID.  We don't need the resulting value, but
          // having made the call will cause an ID to be mapped for this
          // prefix.  This is necessary to allow users to bring up HTML pages
          // from their browser's history or bookmark list.
          // debug("openDatafile done");
          successful = true;

        } catch (Throwable e) {
          if (retryCount > 0) {
            // Try again to open this datafile. Most errors are transient,
            // caused by incredibly infrequent thread-related problems.
            debug("when opening "+datafilePath+" caught error "+e+
                  ", retrying.");
          } else {
            // We've done our best, but after 10 tries, we still can't open
            // this datafile.  Give up and throw an exception.
            dataFile.file = null;
            throw new InvalidDatafileFormat("Caught unexpected exception "+e);

      } finally {

    private Hashtable mountedPhantomData = new Hashtable();

    private void remountPhantomData(Hashtable h) throws InvalidDatafileFormat {
      Iterator i = h.entrySet().iterator();
      Map.Entry e;
      while (i.hasNext()) {
        e = (Map.Entry);
        mountPhantomData((String) e.getKey(), (Map) e.getValue());

    public void mountPhantomData(String dataPrefix, Map values)
      throws InvalidDatafileFormat
      // It is important to mount the data with *some* datafile - if a
      // data element's datafile is null, it is considered transient and
      // can be deleted at any time if no one is listening to its value.
      mountData(getPhantomDataFile(), dataPrefix, values);

      if (mountedPhantomData != null) {
        mountedPhantomData.put(dataPrefix, values);
        definitionsDirty = true;

    void mountImportedData(String dataPrefix, Map values)
      throws InvalidDatafileFormat
      String prefixToDiscard = null;
      for (int i = datafiles.size();   i-- != 0; )
        if (dataPrefix.equals(((DataFile)datafiles.elementAt(i)).prefix)) {
          DataFile previousDataFile = (DataFile)datafiles.elementAt(i);
          prefixToDiscard = previousDataFile.prefix;
          prefixToDiscard = prefixToDiscard.replace('/', '\\');
          prefixToDiscard = '\u0001' + prefixToDiscard.substring(1);
          previousDataFile.prefix = prefixToDiscard;

      DataFile dataFile = new DataFile();
      dataFile.prefix = dataPrefix;
      mountData(dataFile, dataPrefix, values);

      if (prefixToDiscard != null)

    private DataFile getPhantomDataFile() {
      if (PHANTOM_DATAFILE == null) {
        DataFile d = new DataFile();
        d.prefix = "";
      return PHANTOM_DATAFILE;
    private DataFile PHANTOM_DATAFILE = null;

    private final Object OPENDATAFILE_ERROR_DEPTH_LOCK = new Object();
    private volatile int OPENDATAFILE_ERROR_DEPTH = 0;

    private static volatile int MAX_DIRTY = 10;

    private void datafileModified(DataFile datafile) {
      if (datafile != null && ++datafile.dirtyCount > MAX_DIRTY)

    public Iterator getKeys() {
      ArrayList l = new ArrayList();
      synchronized (data) {
      return l.iterator();

    protected boolean saveDisabled = false;

    // saveDataFile - saves a set of data to the appropriate data file.  In
    // order to minimize data loss, data is first written to two temporary
    // files, out and backup.  Once this is successful, out is renamed to
    // the actual datafile.  Once the rename is successful, backup is
    // deleted.
    private void saveDatafile(DataFile datafile) {
      if (datafile == null || datafile.file == null || saveDisabled) return;

      // this flag should stay false until we are absolutely certain
      // that we have successfully saved the datafile.
      boolean saveSuccessful = false;

      // synchronize to prevent two different threads from trying to save
      // the same datafile concurrently.
      synchronized(datafile) { try {
        // debug("saveDatafile");

        Set valuesToSave = new TreeSet();
        Map defaultValues = null;

        // if the data file has an include statement, lookup the associated
        // default values defined by the included file.
        if (datafile.inheritsFrom != null) {
          defaultValues = getIncludedFileDefinitions(datafile.inheritsFrom);
          if (defaultValues == null)
            System.err.println("No inherited definitions for " +
        if (defaultValues == null)
          defaultValues = new HashMap();

        // make a set of all the data element names defined in defaultValues
        Set defaultValueNames = new HashSet(defaultValues.keySet());

        // optimistically mark the datafile as "clean" at the beginning of
        // the save operation.  This way, if the datafile is modified
        // during the save operation, the dirty changes will take effect,
        // and the datafile will be saved again in the future.
        datafile.dirtyCount = 0;

        Iterator k = getKeys();
        String name = null, valStr, defaultValStr;
        Object defaultVal;
        DataElement element;
        SaveableData value;
        int prefixLength = datafile.prefix.length() + 1;

        // write the data elements to the two temporary output files.
        while (k.hasNext()) {
            name = (String);
            element = (DataElement)data.get(name);

            // Make a quick check on the element and datafile validity
            // before taking the time to get the value
            if ((element != null) && (element.datafile == datafile)) {
              // don't realize the data if it is still deferred.
              value = element.getImmediateValue();
              if (value != null) {
                name = name.substring(prefixLength);

                valStr = value.saveString();
                if (valStr == null || valStr.length() == 0) continue;
                if (!value.isEditable()) valStr = "=" + valStr;
                defaultVal = defaultValues.get(name);
                defaultValStr = null;
                if (defaultVal instanceof String)
                  defaultValStr = (String) defaultVal;
                else if (defaultVal instanceof SimpleData) {
                  defaultValStr = ((SimpleData) defaultVal).saveString();
                  if (!((SimpleData) defaultVal).isEditable())
                    defaultValStr = "=" + defaultValStr;
                } else if (defaultVal instanceof SearchFactory)
                else if
                  (defaultVal instanceof CompiledScript &&
                   value instanceof CompiledFunction &&
                   ((CompiledFunction) value).getScript() == defaultVal)

                if (valStr.equals(defaultValStr))

                valuesToSave.add(name + "=" + valStr);
        k = defaultValueNames.iterator();
        while (k.hasNext()) {
          name = (String);
          defaultVal = defaultValues.get(name);

          if (defaultVal == null) continue;
          if (defaultVal instanceof String) {
            defaultValStr = (String) defaultVal;
            if (defaultValStr.equals("null") ||
                defaultValStr.equals("=null") ||
                defaultValStr.startsWith(SIMPLE_RENAME_PREFIX) ||


        // Create temporary files
        BufferedWriter out;

        try {
            out = new BufferedWriter(new RobustFileWriter(datafile.file));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.err.println("IOException " + e + " while opening " +
                               datafile.file.getPath() + "; save aborted");

        try {
            // if the data file has an include statement, write it to the
            // the two temporary output files.
            if (datafile.inheritsFrom != null) {
              out.write(includeTag + datafile.inheritsFrom);

            // If the data file has a prefix, write it as a comment to the
            // two temporary output files.
            if (datafile.prefix != null && datafile.prefix.length() > 0) {
              out.write("= Data for " + datafile.prefix);

            k = valuesToSave.iterator();
            while (k.hasNext()) {

        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.err.println("IOException " + e + " while writing to " +
                               datafile.file.getPath() + "; save aborted");

        try {
            // Close output file

            saveSuccessful = true;
            System.err.println("Saved " + datafile.file.getPath());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            System.err.println("IOException " + e + " while closing " +

        // debug("saveDatafile done");
      } finally {
        if (!saveSuccessful)               // if we couldn't successfully save
          datafile.dirtyCount = MAX_DIRTY; // the datafile, mark it as dirty.
      } }

    public String makeUniqueName(String baseName) {
      // debug("makeUniqueName");
        int id = 0;

        if (baseName == null) baseName = "///Internal_Name";

        while (data.get(baseName + id) != null) id++;

        putValue(baseName + id, null);

    // debug("makeUniqueName done");
        return (baseName + id);

    public void addDataListener(String name, DataListener dl) {
      addDataListener(name, dl, true);

    public void addDataListener(String name, DataListener dl, boolean notify) {
      DataElement d;
      synchronized (data) {
        // lookup the element.
        d = (DataElement)data.get(name);

        // if we didn't find the element, try autocreating a percentage.
        if (d == null && maybeCreatePercentage(name) != null)
          d = (DataElement)data.get(name);

        // the item doesn't exist. Create an entry for it with the value null.
        if (d == null)
          d = add(name, null, guessDataFile(name), true);

      if (d.dataListenerList == null) d.dataListenerList = new Vector();
      if (!d.dataListenerList.contains(dl))

      if (notify)
        dataNotifier.addEvent(name, d, dl);

    public void addActiveDataListener
      (String name, DataListener dl, String dataListenerName) {
      addActiveDataListener(name, dl, dataListenerName, true);

    public void addActiveDataListener
      (String name, DataListener dl, String dataListenerName, boolean notify) {
      addDataListener(name, dl, notify);
      activeData.put(dl, dataListenerName);

    private void maybeDelete(String name, DataElement d) {

      if (d.dataListenerList == null) {
        if (d.getValue() == null)
          data.remove(name);            // throw it away.

      } else if (d.dataListenerList.isEmpty())

                                        // if no one cares about this element,
        if (d.getValue() == null)       // and it has no value,
          data.remove(name);            // throw it away.

                                        // if no one cares about this element
        else if (d.datafile == null) {  // and it has no datafile,
          data.remove(name);            // throw it away and
          d.getValue().dispose();       // dispose of its value.


    public void removeDataListener(String name, DataListener dl) {
      // debug("removeDataListener");
        DataElement d = (DataElement)data.get(name);

        if (d != null)
          if (d.dataListenerList != null) {

            // remove the specified data listener from the list of data
            // listeners for this element.  NOTE! We do not delete the
            // dataListenerList here if it becomes empty...see the comments on
            // the dataListenerList element of the DataElement construct.

            dataNotifier.removeDataListener(name, dl);
            maybeDelete(name, d);
        // debug("removeDataListener done");

    public void deleteDataListener(DataListener dl) {
      // debug("deleteDataListener");

      Iterator dataElements = getKeys();
      String name = null;
      DataElement element = null;
      Vector listenerList = null;

                // walk the hashtable, removing this datalistener.
      while (dataElements.hasNext()) {
        name = (String);
        element = (DataElement) data.get(name);
        if (element != null) {
          listenerList = element.dataListenerList;
          if (listenerList != null && listenerList.removeElement(dl))
            maybeDelete(name, element);
      // debug("deleteDataListener done");

    public void addRepositoryListener(RepositoryListener rl, String prefix) {
        //debug("addRepositoryListener:" + prefix);

                                // add the listener to our repository list.
        repositoryListenerList.addListener(rl, prefix);

                                // notify the listener of all the elements
                                // already in the repository.
        Iterator k = getKeys();
        String name;

        if (prefix != null && prefix.length() != 0)

                                // if they have specified a prefix, notify them
                                // of all the data beginning with that prefix.
          while (k.hasNext()) {
            if ((name = (String) {
              DataElement d = (DataElement) data.get(name);
              if (d != null) rl.dataAdded(d.getDataAddedEvent());

        else                    // if they have specified no prefix, only
                                // notify them of data that is NOT anonymous.
          while (k.hasNext())
            if (!(name = (String) {
              DataElement d = (DataElement) data.get(name);
              if (d != null) rl.dataAdded(d.getDataAddedEvent());

        // debug("addRepositoryListener done");

    public void removeRepositoryListener(RepositoryListener rl) {
      // debug("removeRepositoryListener");
      // debug("removeRepositoryListener done");

    private volatile int inconsistencyDepth = 0;
    private Set consistencyListeners =
      Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet());

    public void addDataConsistencyObserver(DataConsistencyObserver o) {
      boolean callbackImmediately = false;
      synchronized (consistencyListeners) {
        if (inconsistencyDepth == 0)
          callbackImmediately = true;
      if (callbackImmediately) o.dataIsConsistent();

    public void startInconsistency() {
      synchronized (consistencyListeners) { inconsistencyDepth++; }

    public void finishInconsistency() {
      synchronized (consistencyListeners) {
        if (--inconsistencyDepth == 0 &&
            !consistencyListeners.isEmpty()) {
          ConsistencyNotifier notifier =
            new ConsistencyNotifier(consistencyListeners);

    private class ConsistencyNotifier extends Thread {
      private Set listenersToNotify;

      public ConsistencyNotifier(Set listeners) {
        listenersToNotify = new HashSet(listeners);

      public void run() {
        // give things a chance to settle down.
        //System.out.println("waiting for notifier at " +new java.util.Date());
        //System.out.println("notifier done at " + new java.util.Date());

        Iterator i = listenersToNotify.iterator();
        DataConsistencyObserver o;
        while (i.hasNext()) {
          o = (DataConsistencyObserver);

    public Vector listDataNames(String prefix) {
      Vector result = new Vector();
      Iterator names = getKeys();
      String name;
      while (names.hasNext()) {
        name = (String);
        if (name.startsWith(prefix))
      return result;

    private void debug(String msg) {

    private void printError(Exception e) {
      System.err.println("Exception: " + e);

    public String getID(String prefix) {
      // if we already have a mapping for this prefix, return it.
      String ID = (String) PathIDMap.get(prefix);
      if (ID != null) return ID;

      // try to come up with a good ID Number for this prefix.  As a first
      // guess, use the hashCode of the path to the datafile for this prefix.
      // This way, with any luck, the same project will map to the same ID
      // Number each time the program runs (since the name of the datafile
      // will most likely never change after the project is created).

                                // find the datafile associated with 'prefix'
      String datafileName = "null";
      for (int index = datafiles.size();  index-- > 0; ) {
        DataFile datafile = (DataFile) datafiles.elementAt(index);
        if (datafile.prefix.equals(prefix)) {
          if (datafile.file == null)
            datafileName = "";
            datafileName = datafile.file.getPath();
                                // compute the hash of the datafileName.
      int IDNum = datafileName.hashCode();
      ID = Integer.toString(IDNum);

                // if that ID Number is taken,  increment and try again.
      while (IDPathMap.containsKey(ID))
        ID = Integer.toString(++IDNum);

                // store the ID-path pair in the hashtables.
      PathIDMap.put(prefix, ID);
      IDPathMap.put(ID, prefix);
      return ID;

    public String getPath(String ID) {
      return (String) IDPathMap.get(ID);

    private void remapIDs(String oldPrefix, String newPrefix) {
      String ID = (String) PathIDMap.remove(oldPrefix);

      if (ID != null) {
        PathIDMap.put(newPrefix, ID);
        IDPathMap.put(ID, newPrefix);

      if (dataServer != null)

    public Set getDataElementNameSet() { return dataElementNameSet_ext; }

    public static final String PARENT_PREFIX = "../";

    public static String chopPath(String path) {
      if (path == null) return null;
      int slashPos = path.lastIndexOf('/');
      if (slashPos == path.length() - 1)
        slashPos = path.lastIndexOf('/', slashPos);
      if (slashPos == -1)
        return null;
        return path.substring(0, slashPos);

    public static String createDataName(String prefix, String name) {
      if (name == null) return null;
      if (name.startsWith("/")) return name.intern();
      while (name.startsWith(PARENT_PREFIX)) {
        prefix = chopPath(prefix);
        if (prefix == null) {
          prefix = "";
        name = name.substring(PARENT_PREFIX.length());
      StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(prefix.length() + name.length() + 1);
      if (!prefix.endsWith("/")) buf.append("/");
      return buf.toString().intern();

    private Comparator nodeComparator = null;
    public void setNodeComparator(Comparator c) { nodeComparator = c; }

    public int compareNames(String name1, String name2) {
      int result = 0;
      if (nodeComparator != null)
        result =, name2);

      if (result == 0)
        result = name1.compareTo(name2);

      return result;

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