// PSP Dashboard - Data Automation Tool for PSP-like processes
// Copyright (C) 2003 Software Process Dashboard Initiative
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// The author(s) may be contacted at:
// Attn: PSP Dashboard Group
// 6137 Wardleigh Road
// Hill AFB, UT 84056-5843
// E-Mail POC: processdash-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
package pspdash;
import pspdash.data.DataRepository;
import pspdash.data.SimpleData;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLDecoder;
import java.util.*;
public class TinyCGIBase implements TinyCGI {
static String DEFAULT_CHARSET = "ISO-8859-1";
protected InputStream inStream = null;
protected OutputStream outStream = null;
protected PrintWriter out = null;
protected Map env = null;
protected Map parameters = new HashMap();
protected String charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET;
public void service(InputStream in, OutputStream out, Map env)
throws IOException
this.inStream = in;
this.outStream = out;
this.out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(outStream, charset));
this.env = env;
parseInput((String) env.get("QUERY_STRING"));
if ("POST".equalsIgnoreCase((String) env.get("REQUEST_METHOD")))
/** Parse CGI query parameters, and store them in the Map
* <code>parameters</code>.
* Single valued parameters can be fetched directly from the map.
* Multivalued parameters are stored in the map as String arrays,
* with "_ALL" appended to the name. (So a query string
* "name=foo&name=bar" would result in a 2-element string array
* being placed in the map under the key "name_ALL".)
protected void parseInput(String query) throws IOException {
if (query == null || query.length() == 0) return;
String delim = (query.indexOf('\n') == -1) ? "&" : "\r\n";
StringTokenizer params = new StringTokenizer(query, delim);
String param, name, val;
int equalsPos;
while (params.hasMoreTokens()) {
param = params.nextToken();
equalsPos = param.indexOf('=');
if (equalsPos == 0 || param.length() == 0)
else if (equalsPos == -1)
parameters.put(URLDecoder.decode(param), Boolean.TRUE);
else try {
name = URLDecoder.decode(param.substring(0, equalsPos));
val = param.substring(equalsPos+1);
// skip URL decoding if the value begins with "=". This
// saves us from having to URL-encode complex expressions
// in query files.
if (val.startsWith("=")) val = val.substring(1);
else val = URLDecoder.decode(val);
if (supportQueryFiles() && QUERY_FILE_PARAM.equals(name))
putParam(name, val);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Malformed query parameter: " + param);
public static final String QUERY_FILE_PARAM = "qf";
private void putParam(String name, String val) {
parameters.put(name, val);
name = name + "_ALL";
(name, append((String[]) parameters.get(name), val));
/* Read name=value pairs from POSTed form data. */
protected void parseFormData() throws IOException {
int length;
try {
length = Integer.parseInt((String) env.get("CONTENT_LENGTH"));
} catch (Exception e) { return; }
byte [] messageBody = new byte[length];
int bytesRead = inStream.read(messageBody);
parseInput(new String(messageBody, 0, bytesRead));
/* Read name=value pairs, and uploaded files, from multipart form data.
* For each uploaded file with parameter name "foo", the following
* entries will appear in the parameter list:<ul>
* <li>foo - the name of the uploaded file.
* <li>foo_SIZE - the size of the uploaded file (a Long).
* <li>foo_TYPE - the content type of the uploaded file
* <li>foo_CONTENTS - the contents of the uploaded file (byte[]).
* </ul>
protected void parseMultipartFormData() throws IOException {
String contentType = (String) env.get("CONTENT_TYPE");
int contentLength;
try {
contentLength =
Integer.parseInt((String) env.get("CONTENT_LENGTH"));
} catch (Exception e) { return; }
try {
// Parse the incoming multipart form data. This may throw
// an IllegalArgumentException if the incoming data is not
// multipart/form data.
MultipartRequest req = new MultipartRequest
(new PrintWriter(System.out), contentType, contentLength,
inStream, MultipartRequest.MAX_READ_BYTES);
// copy the name/value pairs from the request into our
// list of parameters.
Enumeration parameterNames = req.getParameterNames();
while (parameterNames.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = (String) parameterNames.nextElement();
Enumeration values = req.getURLParameters(name);
while (values.hasMoreElements())
putParam(name, (String) values.nextElement());
// fetch all the files read, and store them into our
// parameters map.
parameterNames = req.getFileParameterNames();
while (parameterNames.hasMoreElements()) {
String name = (String) parameterNames.nextElement();
parameters.put(name, req.getFileSystemName(name));
parameters.put(name + "_SIZE",
req.getFileParameter(name, req.SIZE));
parameters.put(name + "_TYPE",
req.getFileParameter(name, req.CONTENT_TYPE));
parameters.put(name + "_CONTENTS",
req.getFileParameter(name, req.CONTENTS));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
/* Read name=value pairs from the given URI. If the URI is not
* absolute (e.g. "/reports/foo"), it is interpreted relative
* to the current request. */
protected void parseInputFile(String filename) throws IOException {
if (filename == null || filename.length() == 0) return;
TinyWebServer t = getTinyWebServer();
String origFilename = filename;
String scriptPath = (String) env.get("SCRIPT_PATH");
try {
if (!filename.startsWith("/")) {
URL context = new URL("http://unimportant" + scriptPath);
URL file = new URL(context, filename);
filename = file.getFile();
env.put("SCRIPT_PATH", filename);
parseInput(new String(t.getRequest(filename, true), "UTF-8"));
} catch (IOException ioe) {
System.out.println("Couldn't read file: " + filename);
System.out.println("(Specified as '" + origFilename + "' from '" +
scriptPath +"')");
} finally {
env.put("SCRIPT_PATH", scriptPath);
public String resolveRelativeURI(String context, String uri) {
if (uri == null || uri.startsWith("/") || uri.startsWith("http:"))
return uri;
try {
if (!context.startsWith("http:"))
context = "http://unimportant" + context;
URL cntxt = new URL(context);
URL file = new URL(cntxt, uri);
return file.getFile();
} catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
return uri;
public String resolveRelativeURI(String uri) {
return resolveRelativeURI((String) env.get("REQUEST_URI"), uri);
private String[] append(String [] array, String element) {
String [] result;
result = new String[array == null ? 1 : array.length + 1];
if (array != null)
System.arraycopy(array, 0, result, 0, array.length);
result[result.length-1] = element;
return result;
protected String cssLinkHTML() {
String style = (String) parameters.get("style");
if (style == null)
style = "/style.css";
return "<LINK REL='stylesheet' TYPE='text/css' HREF='" + style + "'>";
/** Get the data repository servicing this request. */
protected DataRepository getDataRepository() {
return (DataRepository) env.get(DATA_REPOSITORY);
/** Get the tiny web server that is running this request. */
protected TinyWebServer getTinyWebServer() {
return (TinyWebServer) env.get(TINY_WEB_SERVER);
/** Get the PSPProperties object */
protected PSPProperties getPSPProperties() {
return (PSPProperties) env.get(PSP_PROPERTIES);
protected ObjectCache getObjectCache() {
return (ObjectCache) env.get(OBJECT_CACHE);
/** Perform an internal http request. */
protected byte[] getRequest(String uri, boolean skipHeaders)
throws IOException {
return getTinyWebServer().getRequest(uri, skipHeaders);
/** Fetch a named query parameter */
protected String getParameter(String name) {
return (String) parameters.get(name);
/** get the effective prefix, set via the URL */
protected String getPrefix() {
String result = (String) parameters.get("hierarchyPath");
if (result == null)
result = (String) env.get("PATH_TRANSLATED");
else if (!result.startsWith("/")) {
String prefix = (String) env.get("PATH_TRANSLATED");
if (prefix == null)
prefix = "";
result = prefix + "/" + result;
return result;
/** get the name of the person who owns the data in the repository */
protected String getOwner() {
DataRepository data = getDataRepository();
SimpleData val = data.getSimpleValue("/Owner");
if (val == null) return null;
String result = val.format();
if ("Enter your name".equals(result))
return null;
return result;
/** Does this CGI script want to support query parameter files?
* child classes that DO NOT want query parameter support should
* override this method to return false. */
protected boolean supportQueryFiles() { return true; }
/** Handle an HTTP POST request */
protected void doPost() throws IOException {
/** Handle an HTTP GET request */
protected void doGet() throws IOException {
/** Write a standard CGI header.
* This method can be overridden by children that might need to generate
* a special header, or might need to vary the header on the fly.
protected void writeHeader() {
out.print("Content-type: text/html; charset="+charset+"\r\n\r\n");
// flush in case writeContents wants to use outStream instead of out.
/** Generate CGI script output.
* This method should be overridden by child classes to generate
* the contents of the script.
protected void writeContents() throws IOException {
out.println("This space intentionally left blank.");
/** Set the default character set to be used for CGI output.
* If the parameter does not name a valid charset, this method
* will do nothing.
* @param charsetName The name of a supported character encoding
static void setDefaultCharset(String charsetName) {
if (charsetName != null && charsetName.length() > 0) try {
DEFAULT_CHARSET = charsetName;
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {}
/** Get the name of the default character set to be used for CGI output.
public static String getDefaultCharset() {