// PSP Dashboard - Data Automation Tool for PSP-like processes
// Copyright (C) 2003 Software Process Dashboard Initiative
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// The author(s) may be contacted at:
// Attn: PSP Dashboard Group
// 6137 Wardleigh Road
// Hill AFB, UT 84056-5843
// E-Mail POC: processdash-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
import pspdash.*;
import pspdash.data.DataRepository;
import pspdash.data.Correlation;
import pspdash.data.ListData;
import pspdash.data.LinearRegression;
import pspdash.data.NumberData;
import pspdash.data.SaveableData;
import pspdash.data.DoubleData;
import pspdash.data.SimpleData;
import pspdash.data.StringData;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
public class probe extends TinyCGIBase {
protected void doPost() throws IOException {
String nextPage = getParameter(NEXT_PAGE);
if (nextPage == null || nextPage.length() == 0)
nextPage = INPUT_PAGE;
out.print("Location: probe.class?"+PAGE+"=");
private static final String NEXT_PAGE = "nextPage";
protected void savePostedData() {
maybeSavePosted("size", ESTM_NC_LOC, 1,
"Estimated Min LOC", "Estimated Max LOC");
maybeSavePosted("time", ESTM_TIME, 60,
"Estimated Min Time", "Estimated Max Time");
HistData.savePostedData(getDataRepository(), getPrefix(), parameters);
protected void maybeSavePosted(String what, String where, double mult,
String lpiName, String upiName) {
String method = getParameter(what);
if (method == null) return;
DataRepository data = getDataRepository();
String prefix = getPrefix();
String base = data.createDataName(prefix, where);
String qual = what + method;
String dataName;
SimpleData e, r, lpi, upi;
// Save the chosen method
data.putValue(base+"/Probe Method", StringData.create(method));
// Save the value
e = getNum(qual, Method.FLD_ESTIMATE, mult);
if (e == N_A) {
(NEXT_PAGE, "size".equals(what) ? SIZE_PAGE : TIME_PAGE);
data.putValue(base, e);
// Save beta0 and beta1
data.putValue(base+"/Beta0", getNum(qual, Method.FLD_BETA0, mult));
data.putValue(base+"/Beta1", getNum(qual, Method.FLD_BETA1, mult));
// Save the range
data.putValue(base+"/Range", r = getNum(qual, Method.FLD_RANGE, mult));
// Save the interval percent
data.putValue(base+"/Interval Percent",
getNum(qual, Method.FLD_PERCENT, 1));
// Save the correlation
data.putValue(base+"/R Squared",
getNum(qual, Method.FLD_CORRELATION, 1));
if (r instanceof DoubleData) {
double est = ((DoubleData) e).getDouble();
double range = ((DoubleData) r).getDouble();
upi = new DoubleData(est + range);
lpi = new DoubleData(Math.max(0, est - range));
} else
upi = lpi = N_A;
data.putValue(prefix+"/"+lpiName, lpi);
data.putValue(prefix+"/"+upiName, upi);
protected SimpleData getNum(String qual, String name, double mult) {
String inputFieldName = qual + name;
String inputFieldValue = getParameter(inputFieldName);
SimpleData result = N_A;
try {
double value = Double.parseDouble(inputFieldValue);
if (value != -1) result = new DoubleData(value * mult);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { }
return result;
protected static final SimpleData N_A = StringData.create("N/A");
protected static final String PAGE = "page";
//protected static final String FULL_PAGE = "full";
protected static final String INPUT_PAGE = "inputs";
protected static final String HIST_PAGE = "hist";
protected static final String SIZE_PAGE = "size";
protected static final String TIME_PAGE = "time";
protected static final String CHECK_PAGE = "check";
protected static final String REPORT = "report";
protected void doGet() throws IOException {
if (getParameter(PAGE) == null) {
out.print("Location: intro.shtm\r\n\r\n");
} else {
protected void writeHeader() {
out.print("Expires: 0\r\n");
protected void writeContents() throws IOException {
String page = getParameter(PAGE);
// if report, print report and exit.
if (REPORT.equals(page)) {
// Get the estimated object loc which the user entered on
// their Size Estimating Template
double estObjLOC = getNumber(ESTM_OBJ_LOC);
double estNCLOC = getNumber(ESTM_NC_LOC);
double estTime = getNumber(ESTM_TIME);
if (INPUT_PAGE.equals(page))
printEstObjLOC(getPrefix(), estObjLOC);
else if (HIST_PAGE.equals(page))
new HistData(getDataRepository(), getPrefix(),
else {
HistData data = new HistData(getDataRepository(), getPrefix());
if (SIZE_PAGE.equals(page))
printSizeSection(data, estObjLOC, estNCLOC);
else if (TIME_PAGE.equals(page))
printTimeSection(data, estObjLOC, estNCLOC, estTime);
else if (CHECK_PAGE.equals(page))
printCheckPage(data, estNCLOC, estTime);
private static final String ESTM_OBJ_LOC = "Estimated Object LOC";
private static final String ESTM_NC_LOC = "Estimated New & Changed LOC";
private static final String ESTM_TIME = "Estimated Time";
protected SimpleData getValue(String dataname) {
DataRepository data = getDataRepository();
String prefix = getPrefix();
String dataName = data.createDataName(prefix, dataname);
return data.getSimpleValue(dataName);
protected double getNumber(String dataName) {
SimpleData d = getValue(dataName);
if (d instanceof NumberData)
return ((NumberData) d).getDouble();
return Double.NaN;
private static final String WIZARD_HEADER_HTML =
"<html><head><title>PROBE Wizard</title>\n"+
"<link rel=stylesheet type='text/css' href='style.css'>\n";
private static final String POPUP_SCRIPT =
"<script>function popup() {\n"+
" var newWin = window.open('','popup','width=450,height=330,"+
" newWin.focus();\n"+
private static final String REPORT_HEADER_HTML =
"<html><head><title>PROBE Report</title>\n" +
"<link rel=stylesheet type='text/css' href='/style.css'>\n"+
"<style>\n" +
" A.plain:link { color:black; text-decoration:none }\n" +
" A.plain:visited { color:black; text-decoration:none }\n" +
" A.plain:hover { color:blue; text-decoration:underline }\n" +
protected void printHeader() {
"<h1>PROBE - ");
out.print("</h1>\n<form action='probe.class' method=post>");
protected void printEstObjLOC(String prefix, double estObjLOC) {
boolean planComplete = (getValue("Planning/Completed") != null);
boolean projectComplete = (getValue("Completed") != null);
if (planComplete || projectComplete) {
out.print("<h2>Step 1: Verify PROBE Readiness</h2>\n" +
"<p>The PROBE process should be performed as part " +
"of the \"Planning\" activities for a project. You " +
"have marked ");
if (planComplete) out.print("the planning phase ");
if (planComplete && projectComplete)
out.print("<b><u>and</u></b> ");
if (projectComplete) out.print("this project ");
out.print("complete, which indicates to the dashboard that " +
"you should no longer be performing planning " +
"activities like PROBE. If you were to use the "+
"PROBE wizard at this point, some of your data "+
"calculations would be incorrect.\n" +
"<p>Therefore, before you can use PROBE, you must "+
if (planComplete) {
out.print(" mark the planning phase incomplete (using the "+
"completion checkbox)");
if (projectComplete)
(" <b><u>and</u></b> ensure that this project is "+
"not marked as complete on the Project Plan "+
} else
out.print(" mark the project incomplete (on the Project Plan "+
printContinueButton(null, null);
out.print("<h2>Step 1: Verify Estimated Object LOC</h2>\n");
if (estObjLOC > 0) {
out.print("<p>From your Size Estimating Template, your Estimated "+
"Object LOC is <tt><b>");
out.print("<p>If you want to alter your Estimated Object LOC, " +
"you should return to the Size Estimating Template " +
"now and make the necessary changes.\n"+
"<p>If you are satisfied with your Estimated Object "+
"LOC, press the continue button.\n");
printContinueButton(null, HIST_PAGE);
} else {
out.print("<p>The PROBE process uses Estimated Object LOC as "+
"the basis for generating final estimates for size "+
"and time. Before you can proceed, you <b>must</b> "+
"estimate the object LOC for this project.\n"+
"<p>Press the Finish button to close this window, "+
"then use the Size Estimating Template to generate "+
"your estimate for object LOC.\n");
printContinueButton(null, null);
protected void printHistData(String prefix, HistData data) {
out.print("<h2>Step 2: Verify Historical Data</h2>\n");
// precedence: posted item, saved item, default 1, general default
String uri = "/0" + env.get("SCRIPT_NAME");
uri = uri.substring(0, uri.length() - 6) + ".htm";
String text = new String(getRequest(uri, true));
data.printDataTable(out, false);
out.print("<p>If all the information above is correct, press the "+
"continue button.\n");
printContinueButton(INPUT_PAGE, SIZE_PAGE);
protected void printContinueButton(String prevPage, String nextPage) {
if (nextPage != null)
out.print("<input type=hidden name="+NEXT_PAGE+
" value="+nextPage+">");
// align the button(s) to the right.
out.print("<table width='100%'><tr><td width='100%' align=right>");
if (prevPage != null)
// maybe print a "back" button.
out.print("<input type=button name=back value='Back'"+
" onClick='window.location=\"probe.class?"+
PAGE+"="+prevPage+"\";'> ");
if (nextPage != null)
// print a "continue" button to go to the next page.
out.print("<input type=submit name=continue value='Continue'>");
// if there is no next page, print a "finish" button.
out.print("<input type=button name=finish "+
"value='Finish' onClick='window.close()'>");
protected void printSizeSection(HistData data, double estObjLOC,
double estNCLOC) {
out.print("<h2>Step 3: Size</h2><b>To create your final size "+
"estimate, <font color='#0000ff'>use your engineering "+
"judgement</font> to choose from the following PROBE "+
String selectedMethod = getSelectedMethod(ESTM_NC_LOC);
printMethods(getSizeMethods(data, estObjLOC, estNCLOC, selectedMethod),
out.print("<p>Choose your size estimate from the options above, "+
"then click the Continue button.");
printContinueButton(HIST_PAGE, TIME_PAGE);
/** Calculate data for each of the PROBE methods for size. */
protected ArrayList getSizeMethods(HistData data, double estObjLOC,
double estNCLOC,
String selectedMethod) {
ArrayList sizeMethods = new ArrayList();
sizeMethods.add(new RegressionMethod (data, estObjLOC, EST_OBJ,
ACT_NC, "A", "size"));
sizeMethods.add(new RegressionMethod (data, estObjLOC, EST_NC,
ACT_NC, "B", "size"));
sizeMethods.add(new AveragingMethod (data, estObjLOC, EST_OBJ,
ACT_NC, "C1", "size"));
sizeMethods.add(new AveragingMethod (data, estObjLOC, EST_NC,
ACT_NC, "C2", "size"));
double methodDSize;
if ("D".equals(selectedMethod) && !Double.isNaN(estNCLOC))
methodDSize = estNCLOC;
methodDSize = estObjLOC;
sizeMethods.add(new MethodD (data, methodDSize, "size"));
return sizeMethods;
protected void printTimeSection(HistData data, double estObjLOC,
double estNCLOC, double estTime) {
boolean onlyMethodD = showOnlyTimeD();
out.print("<h2>Step 4: Time</h2>");
if (!onlyMethodD)
out.print("<b>To create your time estimate,\n" +
"<font color='#0000ff'>use your engineering "+
"judgement</font> to choose from the following PROBE "+
" methods:</b><br><br>\n");
String selectedMethod = getSelectedMethod(ESTM_TIME);
printMethods(getTimeMethods(data, estObjLOC, estNCLOC, estTime,
selectedMethod, onlyMethodD),
if (onlyMethodD)
out.print("<p>Enter your time estimate above, ");
out.print("<p>Choose your time estimate from the options above, ");
out.print("then click the Continue button.");
printContinueButton(SIZE_PAGE, CHECK_PAGE);
/** Calculate data for each of the PROBE methods for time. */
protected ArrayList getTimeMethods(HistData data, double estObjLOC,
double estNCLOC, double estTime,
String selectedMethod,
boolean onlyMethodD) {
ArrayList timeMethods = new ArrayList();
if (!onlyMethodD) {
boolean strictMethods = true;
if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase
strictMethods = false;
double altInput = strictMethods ? estObjLOC : estNCLOC;
Method m;
timeMethods.add(new RegressionMethod (data, estObjLOC, EST_OBJ,
ACT_TIME, "A", "time"));
timeMethods.add(m = new RegressionMethod (data, altInput, EST_NC,
ACT_TIME, "B", "time"));
if (strictMethods) m.useAltTutorial();
timeMethods.add(new AveragingMethod (data, estObjLOC, EST_OBJ,
ACT_TIME, "C1", "time"));
timeMethods.add(m = new AveragingMethod (data, altInput, EST_NC,
ACT_TIME, "C2", "time"));
if (strictMethods) m.useAltTutorial();
timeMethods.add(m = new AveragingMethod (data, altInput, ACT_NC,
ACT_TIME, "C3", "time") {
public double getRating() {
return (rating < 0.0 ? rating
: Method.PROBE_METHOD_D + 0.00001); } });
if (strictMethods) m.useAltTutorial();
double methodDTime;
if ("D".equals(selectedMethod))
methodDTime = estTime / 60;
methodDTime = Double.NaN;
MethodD m = new MethodD (data, methodDTime, "time");
return timeMethods;
protected boolean showOnlyTimeD() {
DataRepository data = getDataRepository();
String prefix = getPrefix();
String name = data.createDataName(prefix, "PROBE_NO_TIME");
return (data.getSimpleValue(name) != null);
protected String getSelectedMethod(String what) {
DataRepository data = getDataRepository();
String prefix = getPrefix();
String name = data.createDataName(prefix, what);
name = data.createDataName(name, "Probe Method");
SimpleData d = data.getSimpleValue(name);
if (d instanceof StringData) {
String result = d.format();
if (result.endsWith(" ")) return null;
return result.trim();
} else
return null;
protected void printMethods(ArrayList methods, String selected) {
out.print("<table>\n" + DIVIDER);
Iterator i = methods.iterator();
boolean isBest = true, isSelected;
Method m;
while (i.hasNext()) {
m = (Method) i.next();
if (selected == null)
isSelected = isBest;
isSelected = selected.equalsIgnoreCase(m.getMethodLetter());
m.printRow(out, isBest, isSelected);
isBest = false;
protected void printMethodsTable(ArrayList methods, String selected) {
out.print("<table border style='margin-left:1cm'><tr>" +
"<th ALIGN='RIGHT'>Method</th>" +
"<th>Estimate</th>" +
"<th> " + RegressionMethod.RSQ + " </th>" +
"<th>" + Method.BETA0 + "</th>" +
"<th>" + Method.BETA1 + "</th>" +
"<th>Range (70%)</th>" +
"<th> LPI </th>" +
"<th> UPI </th>" +
"<th>Variance</th>" +
"<th>Std. Dev.</th>" +
Iterator i = methods.iterator();
boolean isSelected;
Method m;
while (i.hasNext()) {
m = (Method) i.next();
selected != null &&
protected void printCheckPage(HistData data, double estNCLOC,
double estTime) {
out.print("<h2>Step 5: Check Estimates</h2>You have estimated "+
"that this project will require:<ul>\n");
out.print("<li>"+formatNumber(estNCLOC)+" New and Changed LOC\n");
out.print("<li>"+formatNumber(estTime/60)+" Total Hours\n</ul>\n");
// check to see if their estimates are reasonable.
double estProductivity = estNCLOC * 60 / estTime;
double histProductivity = data.getProductivity();
double histDev = data.getProdStddev();
// handle the case where they have only one historical data
// point, by assuming a 30% variation in productivity.
if (histDev == 0 || badDouble(histDev))
histDev = histProductivity * 0.30;
double delta = estProductivity - histProductivity;
if (badDouble(histProductivity)) {
out.print("<p>This translates into a planned productivity of " +
formatNumber(estProductivity)+" LOC/Hr.");
printContinueButton(TIME_PAGE, null);
} else if (Math.abs(delta) > histDev) {
out.print("<p>This translates into a planned productivity of " +
formatNumber(estProductivity)+" LOC/Hr, which is much ");
out.print(delta > 0 ? "higher" : "lower");
out.print(" than your 'To Date' productivity of " +
formatNumber(histProductivity) + " LOC/Hr. This " +
"is usually a warning flag, indicating that you have " +
"probably ");
if (delta > 0)
out.println("overestimated size and/or underestimated time.");
out.println("underestimated size and/or overestimated time.");
out.print("<p>You should re-evaluate your estimates, and "+
"possibly adjust your "+
"<a href='probe.class?"+PAGE+"="+SIZE_PAGE+"'>size "+
"estimate</a> and/or "+
"<a href='probe.class?"+PAGE+"="+TIME_PAGE+"'>time "+
printContinueButton(TIME_PAGE, SIZE_PAGE);
} else {
out.print("<p>This translates into a planned productivity of " +
formatNumber(estProductivity)+" LOC/Hr, which is " +
"consistent with your 'To Date' productivity of " +
formatNumber(histProductivity) + " LOC/Hr (" +
PLUS_MINUS + " " + formatNumber(histDev) + ").\n" +
"<p><b>Congratulations!</b> You have completed the "+
"PROBE process. Press the Finish button to close "+
"this window.\n");
printContinueButton(TIME_PAGE, null);
private static final String PLUS_MINUS = "±";
protected void printReport() {
String prefix = getPrefix();
double estObjLOC = getNumber(ESTM_OBJ_LOC);
double estNCLOC = getNumber(ESTM_NC_LOC);
double estTime = getNumber(ESTM_TIME);
HistData data = new HistData(getDataRepository(), getPrefix(),
// print report-specific HTML header
// print report title with the current project path
out.print("<h1>PROBE Report</h1>\n"+
"<h2>" + HTMLUtils.escapeEntities(prefix) + "</h2>\n");
// print the Estimated Object LOC
if (estObjLOC > 0) {
out.print("<h3>Estimated Object LOC</h3>\n" +
"<p style='margin-left:1cm'>From your Size Estimating "+
"Template, your Estimated Object LOC is <tt><b>");
} else {
out.print("<p><font color='red'>The PROBE process uses " +
"Estimated Object LOC as the basis for generating " +
"final estimates for size and time. Before you " +
"can generate a PROBE Report, you <b>must</b> "+
"estimate the object LOC for this project. Please "+
"return to your Size Estimating Template.</font></p>\n" +
// print table of historical data
out.print("<h3>Historical Data</h3>\n<form>\n");
data.printDataTable(out, true);
// print data on the various methods for size
String selectedMethod = getSelectedMethod(ESTM_NC_LOC);
ArrayList methods =
getSizeMethods(data, estObjLOC, estNCLOC, selectedMethod);
out.print("<h3>PROBE Methods for Size</h3>\n");
printMethodsTable(methods, selectedMethod);
// print data on the various methods for time
selectedMethod = getSelectedMethod(ESTM_TIME);
boolean onlyMethodD = showOnlyTimeD();
methods = getTimeMethods(data, estObjLOC, estNCLOC, estTime,
selectedMethod, onlyMethodD);
out.print("<h3>PROBE Methods for Time</h3>\n");
printMethodsTable(methods, selectedMethod);
// copy logic from printCheckPage
if (estNCLOC > 0 && estTime > 0) {
double estProductivity = estNCLOC * 60 / estTime;
double histProductivity = data.getProductivity();
double histDev = data.getProdStddev();
double workDev = (histDev > 0 ? histDev : histProductivity * 0.3);
out.print("<h3>Estimated Productivity</h3>\n" +
"<p style='margin-left:1cm'>Your estimates for size "+
"and time translate into a planned productivity of ");
out.print(" LOC/Hr. ");
if (!badDouble(histProductivity)) {
out.print("This is ");
if (estProductivity > histProductivity + workDev)
out.print("significantly greater than");
else if (estProductivity < histProductivity - workDev)
out.print("significantly less than");
out.print("comparable to");
out.print(" your historical productivity of ");
out.print(" LOC/Hr");
if (histDev > 0)
out.print(" (" +PLUS_MINUS+" "+formatNumber(histDev)+")");
protected void printFooter() {
private boolean badDouble(double d) {
return Double.isNaN(d) || Double.isInfinite(d);
protected static String formatNumber(double number) {
return HistData.formatNumber(number);
private static final String DIVIDER =
"<tr><td></td><td bgcolor='gray'>" +
"<img src='line.png' width=1 height=1></td><td></td></tr>\n";
public static String LINK_ATTRS =
" target='popup' onClick='popup();' class='plain' ";
public static final int EST_OBJ = HistData.EST_OBJ_LOC;
public static final int EST_NC = HistData.EST_NC_LOC;
public static final int ACT_NC = HistData.ACT_NC_LOC;
public static final int EST_TIME = HistData.EST_TIME;
public static final int ACT_TIME = HistData.ACT_TIME;
public static final String SUBSET_PREFIX_NAME =