// PSP Dashboard - Data Automation Tool for PSP-like processes
// Copyright (C) 2003 Software Process Dashboard Initiative
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// The author(s) may be contacted at:
// Attn: PSP Dashboard Group
// 6137 Wardleigh Road
// Hill AFB, UT 84056-5843
// E-Mail POC: processdash-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
import pspdash.data.DataRepository;
import pspdash.StringUtils;
import pspdash.TinyWebServer;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class sizeest extends pspdash.TinyCGIBase {
public String partA, baseRow, partB, newRow, partC, reusedRow, partD;
private boolean needsInit = true;
private static final String BASE_CUT = "<!--BaseAdditions-->";
private static final String NEW_CUT = "<!--NewObjects-->";
private static final String REUSE_CUT = "<!--ReusedObjects-->";
private static final String CUT_END = "<!--end-->";
private static final String PAGE_TITLE =
"\n<TITLE>Size Estimating Template</TITLE>\n";
private static final String PLAN_FLAG = "\tp";
private static final String ACTUAL_FLAG = "\ta";
private static final String READONLY_FLAG = "\tr";
private static final String EDITABLE_FLAG = "\t";
private void init() throws IOException {
try {
String uri = "/0" + env.get("SCRIPT_NAME");
uri = uri.substring(0, uri.length() - 6) + ".htm";
String text = new String(getRequest(uri, true), "UTF-8");
int beg, end;
end = text.indexOf(BASE_CUT);
partA = text.substring(0, end);
end = text.indexOf(CUT_END, beg = end);
baseRow = text.substring(beg, end);
end = text.indexOf(NEW_CUT, beg = end);
partB = text.substring(beg, end);
end = text.indexOf(CUT_END, beg = end);
newRow = text.substring(beg, end);
end = text.indexOf(REUSE_CUT, beg = end);
partC = text.substring(beg, end);
end = text.indexOf(CUT_END, beg = end);
reusedRow = text.substring(beg, end);
partD = text.substring(end);
needsInit = false;
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ioob) {
needsInit = true;
throw new IOException();
private static final String [] baseData = {
"Base Additions/#//#/Description",
"Base Additions/#//#/Type",
"Base Additions/#//#/Methods",
"Base Additions/#//#/Relative Size",
"Base Additions/#//#/LOC",
"Base Additions/#//#/Actual LOC" };
private static final String [] newData = {
"New Objects/#//#/Description",
"New Objects/#//#/Type",
"New Objects/#//#/Methods",
"New Objects/#//#/Relative Size",
"New Objects/#//#/LOC",
"New Objects/#//#/Actual LOC" };
private static final String [] reusedData = {
"Reused Objects/#//#/Description",
"Reused Objects/#//#/LOC",
"Reused Objects/#//#/Actual LOC" };
/** Generate CGI script output.
* This method should be overridden by child classes to generate
* the contents of the script.
protected void writeContents() throws IOException {
if (needsInit || parameters.get("init") != null) init();
boolean freezeActual = hasValue("Completed");
boolean freezePlan = freezeActual || hasValue("Planning/Completed");
writeTable(fixupRow(baseRow, freezePlan, freezeActual),
baseData, "moreBase", 1, 0, 5);
out.write(replaceNum(partB, uniqueNumber));
writeTable(fixupRow(newRow, freezePlan, freezeActual),
newData, "moreNew", 1, 0, 5);
out.write(replaceNum(partC, uniqueNumber));
writeTable(fixupRow(reusedRow, freezePlan, freezeActual),
reusedData, "moreReused", 1, 0, 3);
out.write(replaceNum(partD, uniqueNumber++));
static int uniqueNumber = 0;
/** Write a table containing a variable number of rows.
* @param template HTML text which should be printed for each row.
* Occurrences of the text "#//#" will be replaced with the row number.
* @param dataElements the names of the data elements that are being
* displayed in the table.
* @param minRows the minimum number of rows to display.
* @param padRows the number of blank rows to display after data
* @param addRows the number of blank rows to add upon user request
* @param queryArg a string which, if present in the query string,
* indicates a request from the user to add extra rows.
protected void writeTable(String template,
String [] dataElements,
String queryArg,
int minRows, int padRows, int addRows) {
String prefix = (String) env.get("PATH_TRANSLATED");
String [] dataNames = new String[dataElements.length];
for (int e = dataElements.length; e-- > 0; )
dataNames[e] = prefix + "/" + dataElements[e];
DataRepository data = getDataRepository();
ArrayList populatedRows = new ArrayList();
int rowNum, lastPopulatedRow, i;
rowNum = lastPopulatedRow = -1;
while (true) {
i = dataNames.length;
while (i-- > 0)
if (data.getValue(replaceNum(dataNames[i], rowNum)) != null) {
lastPopulatedRow = rowNum;
populatedRows.add(new Integer(rowNum));
continue ROW;
// if we haven't seen any data for 20 consecutive rows,
// we can safely conclude that there is no more data.
if (rowNum - lastPopulatedRow > 20)
break ROW;
Iterator p = populatedRows.iterator();
while (p.hasNext())
out.print(replaceNum(template, ((Integer) p.next()).intValue()));
int extraRows = 0;
if (parameters.get(queryArg) != null)
extraRows = addRows;
extraRows = padRows;
extraRows = Math.max(extraRows, minRows - populatedRows.size());
for (int e = 0; e < extraRows; e++)
out.print(replaceNum(template, lastPopulatedRow+e+1));
/** find and replace occurrences of "#//#" with a number */
protected String replaceNum(String template, int replacement) {
return StringUtils.findAndReplace
(template, "#//#", Integer.toString(replacement));
/** fixup a row template based upon freeze flags. */
protected String fixupRow(String row, boolean freezePlan,
boolean freezeActual) {
row = StringUtils.findAndReplace
row = StringUtils.findAndReplace
return row;
/** @return true if the data element named by prefix/name is nonnull. */
protected boolean hasValue(String name) {
String prefix = (String) env.get("PATH_TRANSLATED");
DataRepository data = getDataRepository();
String dataName = data.createDataName(prefix, name);
return (data.getSimpleValue(dataName) != null);