// PSP Dashboard - Data Automation Tool for PSP-like processes
// Copyright (C) 1999 United States Air Force
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// The author(s) may be contacted at:
// Attn: PSP Dashboard Group
// 6137 Wardleigh Road
// Hill AFB, UT 84056-5843
// E-Mail POC: ken.raisor@hill.af.mil
import pspdash.*;
import pspdash.data.DataRepository;
import pspdash.data.ImmutableStringData;
import pspdash.data.ImmutableDoubleData;
import pspdash.data.SimpleData;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLDecoder;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.net.URLConnection;
import java.util.*;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
/** This script bootstraps the startup of a team process setup wizard.
* It interacts with the user just long enough to determine which team
* process definition will be used to perform a team project, then
* hands control over to the startup wizard for that process.
* Including this bootstrap portion in the main dashboard distribution
* allows individuals to join a team project, even if they have never
* been a part of one before (and thus don't have a team project
* definition in their template path).
public class teamStart extends TinyCGIBase {
private static final String PAGE = "page";
// Information for the wizard's "welcome" page.
private static final String WELCOME_PAGE = "welcome";
private static final String WELCOME_URL = "teamStartWelcome.shtm";
// Information for the page which asks the user what type of
// project they wish to create.
private static final String TYPE_PAGE = "type";
private static final String TYPE_URL = "teamStartType.shtm";
// Information for the page which asks the team leader which team
// process they wish to use.
private static final String PROCESS_PAGE = "process";
private static final String SHOW_PROCESS_PAGE = "showProc";
private static final String PROCESS_URL = "teamStartProcess.shtm";
// Information for the page which asks an individual for the URL
// of the team project.
private static final String TEAM_URL_PAGE = "teamURL";
private static final String SHOW_URL_PAGE = "showURL";
private static final String TEAM_URL_URL = "teamStartTeamURL.shtm";
private static final String TEAM_PID = "setup//Process_ID";
private static final String TEAM_PID_LIST = "setup//Process_ID_List";
private static final String TEAM_PROC_NAME = "setup//Process_Name";
private static final String TEAM_URL = "setup//Team_URL";
private static final String TEMPLATE_ID = "setup//Template_ID";
private static final String TEMPLATE_PATH = "setup//Template_Path";
private static final String TEMPLATE_UNC = "setup//Template_Path_UNC";
private static final String CONTINUATION_URI = "setup//Continuation_URI";
// value indicating we should help an individual join a team project
private static final String JOIN_PAGE = "join";
private static final String JOIN_ERROR_URL = "teamStartJoinError.shtm";
private static final String JOIN_VERIFY_URL = "teamStartJoinVerify.shtm";
protected void writeHeader() {}
protected void writeContents() {}
public void service(InputStream in, OutputStream out, Map env)
throws IOException
super.service(in, out, env);
if ("POST".equalsIgnoreCase((String) env.get("REQUEST_METHOD")))
String page = getParameter(PAGE);
if (page == null) showWelcomePage();
else if (WELCOME_PAGE.equals(page)) showWelcomePage();
else if (TYPE_PAGE.equals(page)) handleTypePage();
else if (SHOW_PROCESS_PAGE.equals(page)) showTeamProcessesPage();
else if (PROCESS_PAGE.equals(page)) handleProcessPage();
else if (SHOW_URL_PAGE.equals(page)) showTeamURLPage();
else if (TEAM_URL_PAGE.equals(page)) handleTeamURLPage();
else if (JOIN_PAGE.equals(page)) handleJoinPage();
/** Send an HTTP redirect command to the browser, sending it to the
* relative URI named by filename. */
protected void printRedirect(String filename) {
out.print("Location: ");
/** Save a value into the data repository. */
protected void putValue(String name, String value) {
putValue(name, new ImmutableStringData(value));
protected void putValue(String name, SimpleData dataValue) {
DataRepository data = getDataRepository();
String prefix = getPrefix();
if (prefix == null) prefix = "";
String dataName = data.createDataName(prefix, name);
data.putValue(dataName, dataValue);
/** Get a value from the data repository. */
protected String getValue(String name) {
DataRepository data = getDataRepository();
String prefix = getPrefix();
if (prefix == null) prefix = "";
String dataName = data.createDataName(prefix, name);
SimpleData d = data.getSimpleValue(dataName);
return (d == null ? null : d.format());
/** Display the welcome page */
protected void showWelcomePage() {
/** Handle values posted from the setup type page */
protected void handleTypePage() {
if (parameters.get("createTeamProject") != null) {
} else if (parameters.get("joinTeamProject") != null) {
/** Display the team process selection page */
protected void showTeamProcessesPage() {
// get a list of all the team processes
Map processes = getTeamProcesses();
Map.Entry e;
// If there is only one process installed, skip directly
// to the team directory page.
if (processes.size() == 1) {
e = (Map.Entry) processes.entrySet().iterator().next();
putValue(TEAM_PID, (String) e.getKey());
putValue(TEAM_PROC_NAME, (String) e.getValue());
redirectToTeamSetupWizard((String) e.getKey());
if (processes.size() > 0) {
// Save information about the available processes into the
// data repository.
Iterator i = processes.entrySet().iterator();
String pidList = ";";
while (i.hasNext()) {
e = (Map.Entry) i.next();
String pid = (String) e.getKey();
String processName = (String) e.getValue();
pidList = pidList + pid + ";";
putValue("setup//Process_Name{"+pid+"}", processName);
putValue(TEAM_PID_LIST, pidList);
// display the process selection page.
/** Handle values posted from the process selection page */
protected void handleProcessPage() {
String selectedProcess = getParameter("processID");
String selectedProcessName =
getParameter(selectedProcess + "_Full_Name");
putValue(TEAM_PID, selectedProcess);
putValue(TEAM_PROC_NAME, selectedProcessName);
/** The user is creating a team project for the given teamPID; redirect
* to its setup wizard.
protected void redirectToTeamSetupWizard(String teamPID) {
printRedirect(getPrefix() + "//" +
getTeamSetupWizardURL(teamPID) + "?page=team");
/** Get a list of all the team processes installed in the dashboard.
* @return a Map mapping process IDs to process names
protected Map getTeamProcesses() {
// get a list of all the processes in the dashboard
Map templates = DashController.getTemplates();
Iterator i = templates.keySet().iterator();
while (i.hasNext()) {
String id = (String) i.next();
// filter out process templates which are not "team roots"
if (!id.endsWith("/TeamRoot"))
// filter out process templates which don't have a setup wizard.
else if (getTeamSetupWizardURL(id) == null)
return templates;
/** Determine the URL of the setup wizard for a given team process.
* @return null if a setup wizard cannot be located for the given
* process.
protected String getTeamSetupWizardURL(String processID) {
Vector scripts = TemplateLoader.getScriptIDs(processID, null);
if (scripts == null) return null;
scripts.add(new ScriptID(processID + "-template.xml", null, null));
for (int i = scripts.size(); i-- > 0; ) {
String scriptURL = ((ScriptID) scripts.get(i)).getScript();
int pos = scriptURL.lastIndexOf('/');
if (pos < 1) continue;
String processDir = scriptURL.substring(0, pos);
String wizardURL = processDir + "/setup/wizard.class";
URL u = TemplateLoader.resolveURL(wizardURL);
if (u != null)
return wizardURL;
return null;
/** Display the page asking the individual for the URL of the team
* project. */
protected void showTeamURLPage() {
/** Handle values posted from the "team project url" page */
protected void handleTeamURLPage() {
String teamURL = getParameter("Team_URL");
if (teamURL != null) putValue(TEAM_URL, teamURL);
String errMsg = downloadTeamTemplateInfo(teamURL);
if (errMsg == null)
printRedirect(TEAM_URL_URL + "?errMsg="+URLEncoder.encode(errMsg));
/** Contact the team dashboard and download information about the
* process template in use by the project.
* @return null on success; else an error message describing the
* problem encountered.
protected String downloadTeamTemplateInfo(String teamURL) {
// Ensure they entered a team URL.
if (teamURL == null || teamURL.trim().length() == 0)
return "You must enter a team project URL!";
// Make certain the team URL is a valid URL. Note that we
// should be able to work with the URL to just about any page
// in the team project! So whether the team leader gives
// people the URL to the "join" page, or the URL to the "table
// of contents" page, or even the URL to some other obscure
// page for the project, we should be able to derive the URL
// we need.
teamURL = teamURL.trim();
if (!teamURL.startsWith("http://")) return INVALID_TEAM_URL_ERR;
int pos = teamURL.indexOf("//", 7);
if (pos != -1) pos = teamURL.indexOf('/', pos+2);
if (pos == -1) return INVALID_TEAM_URL_ERR;
teamURL = teamURL.substring(0, pos+1) + "setup/join.class?xml";
URL u = null;
try {
u = new URL(teamURL);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
return "The URL you entered is not a valid URL. Please "+
"doublecheck and correct it.";
// Download an XML document containing the template information.
Document doc = null;
try {
URLConnection conn = u.openConnection();
doc = XMLUtils.parse(conn.getInputStream());
} catch (Exception e) {
return "The dashboard was unable to retrieve information about "+
"the team project. Please ensure that you have entered the "+
"team project URL correctly, and contact your team leader "+
"to ensure that the team dashboard is currently running.";
// Extract the relevant information from the XML document we
// downloaded.
Element e = doc.getDocumentElement();
putValue(TEMPLATE_ID, e.getAttribute("Template_ID"));
putValue(TEMPLATE_PATH, e.getAttribute("Template_Path"));
putValue(TEMPLATE_UNC, e.getAttribute("Template_Path_UNC"));
putValue(CONTINUATION_URI, e.getAttribute("Continuation_URI"));
return null;
private static final String INVALID_TEAM_URL_ERR =
"The URL you entered is not a valid team project URL. "+
"Please doublecheck and correct it.";
/** Handle values posted from the "join team project" page */
protected void handleJoinPage() {
putValue(TEAM_URL, getParameter("Team_URL"));
putValue(TEMPLATE_ID, getParameter("Template_ID"));
putValue(TEMPLATE_PATH, getParameter("Template_Path"));
putValue(TEMPLATE_UNC, getParameter("Template_Path_UNC"));
putValue(CONTINUATION_URI, getParameter("Continuation_URI"));
/** Attempt to join a team project. */
protected void joinProject() {
String teamURL = getValue(TEAM_URL);
String templateID = getValue(TEMPLATE_ID);
String templatePath = getValue(TEMPLATE_PATH);
String templatePathUNC = getValue(TEMPLATE_UNC);
String continuationURI = getValue(CONTINUATION_URI);
if (templateIsLoaded(templateID, templatePath,
templatePathUNC, continuationURI)) {
// the template is already present in the dashboard, so simply
// redirect to the continuation URI.
String prefix = getPrefix();
if (prefix == null)
printRedirect(prefix + "/" + continuationURI);
} else {
String errorMessage = initiateTemplateLoad
(templateID, templatePath, templatePathUNC, continuationURI);
if (errorMessage == null)
printRedirect(JOIN_ERROR_URL + "?errMsg=" +
private boolean templateIsLoaded(String templateID,
String templatePath,
String templatePathUNC,
String continuationURI)
// if we have no loaded template with the given ID, return false.
if (DashController.getTemplates().get(templateID) == null)
return false;
// check to see if the continuation URI is a valid resource. If not,
// return false.
int pos = continuationURI.indexOf('?');
if (pos != -1) continuationURI = continuationURI.substring(0, pos);
pos = continuationURI.indexOf('#');
if (pos != -1) continuationURI = continuationURI.substring(0, pos);
URL url = TemplateLoader.resolveURL(continuationURI);
if (url == null) return false;
// check to see if the continuation URI appears to be provided by
// the named templatePath
String urlStr = url.toString();
if (!urlStr.startsWith("jar:file:")) return false;
pos = urlStr.indexOf("!/Templates");
if (pos == -1) return false;
String urlJarpath = URLDecoder.decode(urlStr.substring(9, pos));
File urlJarfile = new File(urlJarpath);
File templateJarfile = new File(templatePath);
try {
if (!urlJarfile.getCanonicalPath().equals
return false;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
return false;
// the template appears to be loaded, and meets all our criteria.
return true;
/** Ask the dashboard to begin the process of loading a new template.
* @return null on success; else an error message describing the
* problem encountered.
private String initiateTemplateLoad(String templateID,
String templatePath,
String templatePathUNC,
String continuationURI)
// Check to ensure that the template is contained in a 'jar'
// or 'zip' file.
String suffix =
if (!suffix.equals(".jar") && !suffix.equals(".zip"))
return "The team project setup logic currently only supports "+
"custom projects that are stored in 'jar' or 'zip' files.";
// Check to see if the file actually exists.
File f = new File(templatePath);
if (!f.exists()) {
if (templatePathUNC == null || templatePathUNC.length() == 0) {
return "that file doesn't exist";
} else {
// Try to find the template file using the UNC path.
NetworkDriveList networkDriveList = new NetworkDriveList();
String altTemplatePath =
if (altTemplatePath != null &&
(f = new File(altTemplatePath)).exists())
templatePath = altTemplatePath;
return "that file doesn't exist";
// Initiate the loading of the template definition.
String templateDir = f.getParent();
new TemplateLoadTask(templatePath, templateDir);
return null;
/** The DashController.loadNewTemplate method will block, waiting
* for user input, so we must run it in a thread so this CGI script
* can complete.
private class TemplateLoadTask extends Thread {
private String templatePath, templateDir;
public TemplateLoadTask(String templatePath, String templateDir) {
this.templatePath = templatePath;
this.templateDir = templateDir;
public void run() {
DashController.loadNewTemplate(templatePath, templateDir, false);