// Process Dashboard - Data Automation Tool for high-maturity processes
// Copyright (C) 2003 Software Process Dashboard Initiative
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// The author(s) may be contacted at:
// Attn: PSP Dashboard Group
// 6137 Wardleigh Road
// Hill AFB, UT 84056-5843
// E-Mail POC: processdash-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Still to do -
+ extra testing, extra error handling.
+ allow templates to come from TemplateLoader URLs, not just from files.
+ don't hardcode the XML_URL, and don't assume only one XML document list.
dynamically choose the correct XML document list based on inheritableData
- done, needs testing.
+ if no XML document list is provided, choose a default.
import pspdash.*;
import pspdash.data.DataRepository;
import pspdash.data.InterpolatingFilter;
import pspdash.data.ListData;
import pspdash.data.SaveableData;
import pspdash.data.SimpleData;
import pspdash.data.StringData;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
/** CGI script for integrating external documents into the dashboard.
* Nearly every process instructs you to create various documents.
* PSP, for example, tells you that you should create documents like
* Process Improvement Proposal forms, Logic Specification Templates,
* Design Review Checklists, etc. Although it might be possible to spit
* out a lot of java code and incorporate such forms into the dashboard
* (as was done for the Size Estimating Template), the CONs outweigh
* the PROs:
* <ul>
* <li><b>PRO:</b> form is handy, no external (commercial) software is needed
* <li><b>CON:</b> requires LOTS of java coding for EACH new addition, and
* tons of work to maintain all that code
* <li><b>CON:</b> dramatically limits the form/structure/content of the
* document (for example, it would be impossible for a developer to
* include a diagram in their design document)
* <li><b>CON:</b> since the information captured in such documents is
* typically free-form, there really wouldn't be any (value added)
* analysis you could do on it anyway...so you haven't gained much by
* storing it inside the Data Repository.
* </ul>
* A much better solution is to leverage existing application software for
* document creation (for example, Microsoft Office on Windows, or
* KOffice/StarOffice on Unix/Linux platforms). Even people with
* absolutely no commercial software probably still have access to some
* sort of WYSIWYG editor for rich-text-format files. The dashboard should
* not attempt to rewrite or replace these applications.
* So this new CGI script is designed, based on the assumption that:
* <ul>
* <li>the user has other programs that are capable of editing the types
* of documents they want to edit, and
* <li>their web browser is intelligent enough to open such documents in
* the appropriate editor.
* </ul>
* This is true of both IE and Netscape.
* Here's how the new script works, from an end-user perspective:
* <ol>
* <li>The user has created a project using the Hierarchy Editor and is
* viewing a process script for that process.
* <li>They click on a hyperlink for an external document (e.g., Process
* Improvement Proposal Form).
* <li>The first time they click on such a link, they might get a form
* asking them to fill in some information (for example, the name of
* the directory where the dashboard should store external documents
* for this project). They fill out the form and click "OK".
* <li>The document opens for editing.
* </ol>
* Step #3 only happens if the dashboard doesn't already have all the
* information it needs to locate the file. Once the user fills out the
* requested information, it is saved in the Data Repository appropriately.
* So typically, the user might see that form once for any given project;
* then, any time they click on a hyperlink, the document just opens for
* editing.
* In the background, this script is:
* <ol>
* <li>Dynamically loading one or more XML files which describe the various
* documents that apply to the task at hand (what the documents are
* called and where they are located).
* <li>Asking the user for more information if needed
* <li>Checking to see if the destination directory/file already exists;
* if not,<ol>
* <li>creating the destination directory and all needed parents
* <li>locating the appropriate template for the file
* <li>copying the template to the destination</ol>
* <li>Sending an HTTP redirect message back to the browser, with a
* file:// url pointing to the destination document.
* </ol>
* The mechanism is very flexible, and driven by XML files (which would
* presumably be written by the process author).
public class file extends TinyCGIBase {
public static final String FILE_PARAM = "file";
public static final String PAGE_COUNT_PARAM = "pageCount";
public static final String CONFIRM_PARAM = "confirm";
public static final String FILE_XML_DATANAME = "FILES_XML";
public static final String NAME_ATTR = "name";
public static final String PATH_ATTR = "path";
public static final String DEFAULT_PATH_ATTR = "defaultPath";
public static final String TEMPLATE_PATH_ATTR = "templatePath";
public static final String TEMPLATE_VAL_ATTR = "templateVal";
public static final String DIRECTORY_TAG_NAME = "directory";
public static final String DISPLAY_NAME_PROP = "_Display_Name";
public static final String COMMENT_PROP = "_Comment";
public static final String TEMPLATE_ROOT_WIN = "\\Templates\\";
public static final String TEMPLATE_ROOT_UNIX = "/Templates/";
private static final Resources resources =
private boolean forceRedirect;
protected void writeHeader() {}
/** Generate CGI script output. */
protected void writeContents() throws IOException {
// Read any form data posted to this script.
// What file does the user want displayed?
String filename = getParameter(FILE_PARAM);
if (filename == null)
; // some sort of error handling?
// Find the node in the XML document list that describes this file.
Element file = findFile(filename);
if (file == null)
{ sendNoSuchFileMessage(filename); return; }
// Compute the path to the requested file.
File result = computePath(file, false);
if (!metaPathVariables.isEmpty()) {
// If any meta variables turned up missing, prompt the
// user for them before continuing.
pathVariables = metaPathVariables;
pathVariableNames = metaPathVariableNames;
displayNeedInfoForm(filename, null, false, MISSING_META, file);
if (result == null && !needPathInfo()) {
// This is an odd situation - no result was found, but we don't
// have anything to ask the user about...
if (result == null) {
// if we could not locate the file because we need the user
// to enter more information, display a form.
displayNeedInfoForm(filename, result, false, MISSING_INFO, file);
if (!nameIsSafe(result)) {
// Don't open or create an unsafe file.
// FIXME: for the time being, reuse the "missing" message.
// Ultimately, need to create a distinct message.
displayNeedInfoForm(filename, result, false, MISSING_INFO, file);
if (!result.exists()) {
if (getParameter(CONFIRM_PARAM) == null) {
// if the file does not exist, display the form to
// confirm with the user that they really want the
// file autocreated. This additionally gives them an
// opportunity to override the current default location.
displayNeedInfoForm(filename, result, false,
if (isDirectory) {
// if the user is asking for a directory but it
// doesn't exist, create it for them.
if (!result.mkdirs()) {
String message = resources.format
if (result.exists()) {
// If we were able to find the named file, and it exists,
// redirect the user there.
redirectTo(filename, result);
// We had all the information we needed to locate the named file,
// but it did not exist. Try to locate a template.
File template = computePath(file, true);
if (!metaPathVariables.isEmpty()) {
// If any meta variables turned up missing, prompt the
// user for them before continuing.
pathVariables = metaPathVariables;
pathVariableNames = metaPathVariableNames;
displayNeedInfoForm(filename, null, true, MISSING_META, file);
if (!foundTemplate) {
// if there was no template information, go back and display a
// form for the original document.
displayNeedInfoForm(filename, result, false, CANNOT_LOCATE, file);
String templateURL = null;
if (isTemplateURL(template)) try {
// if this template begins with one of the template roots, it
// isn't really a file at all, but is actually a pseudo-URL.
templateURL = template.toURL().toString();
templateURL = templateURL.substring
(templateURL.indexOf(TEMPLATE_ROOT_UNIX) +
TEMPLATE_ROOT_UNIX.length() - 1);
} catch (MalformedURLException mue) {}
if (template == null || (templateURL == null && !template.exists())) {
// if we could not locate the template because we need the user
// to enter more information, display a form.
displayNeedInfoForm(filename, template, true, MISSING_INFO, file);
// We have located the template and it exists! Create the
// desired document based upon the template.
File resultDir = result.getParentFile();
if (!resultDir.exists())
if (!resultDir.mkdirs()) {
String message = resources.format
if (copyFile(template, templateURL, result) == false) {
String message = resources.format
// Success! Now redirect the user to the file we just created.
redirectTo(filename, result);
private void checkReferrer() {
forceRedirect = false;
String refererString = (String) env.get("HTTP_REFERER");
URL referer = null;
if (refererString != null) try {
referer = new URL(refererString);
} catch (Exception e) {}
if (getParameter(CONFIRM_PARAM) != null) {
String script = "/" + env.get("SCRIPT_NAME");
if (referer == null || !referer.getPath().endsWith(script))
// confirm param passed in by someone other than this script
if (referer == null) {
// user navigated directly to this doc, perhaps via a favorite
// OR referring URL is unparsable
if (!referer.getProtocol().equals("http") &&
!referer.getProtocol().equals("https")) {
// dashboard only speaks http, so referer was not the dashboard.
String currentHost = (String) env.get("HTTP_HOST");
if (currentHost != null) {
currentHost = currentHost.toLowerCase();
int pos = refererString.indexOf("://" + currentHost + "/");
if (pos != 4 && pos != 5)
// request originated from some other server/location
private void useCaution() {
forceRedirect = true;
/** Send an HTTP REDIRECT message. */
private void redirectTo(String filename, File result)
throws TinyCGIException
if (!nameIsSafe(result))
throw new TinyCGIException(403, "Forbidden");
try {
boolean remoteRequest = false;
try {
} catch (IOException ioe) { remoteRequest = true; }
if (remoteRequest || forceRedirect ||
out.print("Location: " + result.toURL() + "\r\n\r\n");
else {
// open the document using the Browser class.
// now print a null document which takes the user back to
// the original page they were viewing.
out.print("Expires: 0\r\n");
String pageCount = getParameter(PAGE_COUNT_PARAM);
int back = -1;
if (pageCount != null) back -= pageCount.length();
} catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
System.out.println("Exception: " + mue);
displayNeedInfoForm(filename, result, false, CANNOT_LOCATE, null);
/** Copy a file. */
private boolean copyFile(File template, String templateURL, File result) {
if (template == result) return true;
if (templateURL == null && !template.isFile()) return true;
if (!nameIsSafe(result)) return false;
try {
InputStream in = openInput(template, templateURL);
// Should we read some flag in the file to decide whether
// or not to use an InterpolatingFilter?
in = new InterpolatingFilter(in, getDataRepository(), getPrefix());
OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(result);
copyFile(in, out);
return true;
} catch (IOException ioe) { }
return false;
private InputStream openInput(File template, String templateURL)
throws IOException
if (templateURL != null)
return new ByteArrayInputStream(getRequest(templateURL, true));
return new FileInputStream(template);
private boolean nameIsSafe(File file) {
if (file == null) return false;
String name = file.getName().toLowerCase();
for (int i = FORBIDDEN_SUFFIXES.length; i-- > 0; )
if (name.endsWith(FORBIDDEN_SUFFIXES[i])) return false;
return true;
private static final String[] FORBIDDEN_SUFFIXES = {
".jar", ".zip", ".class", ".com", ".exe", ".bat", ".cmd",
".vbs", ".vbe", ".js", ".jse", ".wsf", ".wsh", ".pl" };
/** Copy a file. */
private void copyFile(InputStream in, OutputStream out)
throws IOException
byte [] buffer = new byte[4096];
int bytesRead;
while ((bytesRead = in.read(buffer)) != -1)
out.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
private boolean isTemplateURL(File f) {
if (f == null) return false;
String path = f.getPath();
return (path.startsWith(TEMPLATE_ROOT_WIN) ||
private boolean foundTemplate, isDirectory;
private Map pathVariables, savedPathVariables, metaPathVariables;
private ArrayList pathVariableNames, savedPathVariableNames,
/** Backup the pathVariable settings in case we need them later. */
private void savePathInfo() {
savedPathVariables = pathVariables;
savedPathVariableNames = pathVariableNames;
/** restore the pathVariable settings from the backup. */
private void restorePathInfo() {
pathVariables = savedPathVariables;
pathVariableNames = savedPathVariableNames;
/** Were any path variables involved in the last computePath operation? */
private boolean needPathInfo() {
return !pathVariableNames.isEmpty();
/** Compute the path for the the file pointed to by <code>n</code> */
private File computePath(Node n, boolean lookForTemplate) {
if (n == null) {
pathVariables = new HashMap();
pathVariableNames = new ArrayList();
metaPathVariables = new HashMap();
metaPathVariableNames = new ArrayList();
foundTemplate = false;
return null;
// Compute the path for the parent of this node.
File parentPath = computePath(n.getParentNode(), lookForTemplate);
// see if this node has a path attribute. If it doesn't, just
// return the path computed by the parent.
String pathVal = null;
boolean isTemplate = false;
if (n instanceof Element) {
if (lookForTemplate) {
pathVal = ((Element) n).getAttribute(TEMPLATE_PATH_ATTR);
setTemplatePathVariables((Element) n);
if (XMLUtils.hasValue(pathVal)) {
if ("none".equals(pathVal)) {
foundTemplate = isTemplate = false;
return null;
} else
isTemplate = true;
} else
pathVal = ((Element) n).getAttribute(PATH_ATTR);
if (!XMLUtils.hasValue(pathVal))
return parentPath;
// Remember whether this item is a directory.
isDirectory = DIRECTORY_TAG_NAME.equals(((Element) n).getTagName());
// Look up any defaultPath instruction for this element.
String defaultPath = ((Element) n).getAttribute(DEFAULT_PATH_ATTR);
// Examine the path for data elements. backslash escapes in data
// element names are NOT supported, so we can just break the
// string apart on "[]" characters.
StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(pathVal, "[]", true);
StringBuffer path = new StringBuffer();
String token;
PathVariable pathVar = null;
boolean unknownsPresent = false, firstItem = true;
while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) {
token = tok.nextToken();
if ("[".equals(token)) {
token = tok.nextToken(); // get the name of the data element.
tok.nextToken(); // discard the "]" following the element.
// FIXME - catch exceptions, and also ensure that the
// discarded token is in fact a "]" character.
String impliedPath = null;
if (firstItem && parentPath != null)
// if this variable is the first thing in the path
// expression, and our parent had a path, then the
// parent's path is implied for this variable.
impliedPath = parentPath.getPath();
String defaultValue = null;
if (firstItem && !tok.hasMoreTokens() &&
!isTemplate && XMLUtils.hasValue(defaultPath))
// if the path expression is comprised of this variable
// reference and nothing more, then the defaultPath is
// also the default value for this variable. (This
// logic does NOT apply to templates - if a templatePath
// is composed of a lone variable, don't presume the
// default value.)
defaultValue = defaultPath;
pathVar = getPathVariable(token, impliedPath, defaultValue);
if (pathVar.isUnknown())
unknownsPresent = true;
} else {
firstItem = false;
String selfPath = path.toString();
// if any data elements were not found, check to see if there is a
// defaultPath attribute. If there is, use it. Otherwise return null.
if (unknownsPresent) {
if (!isTemplate && XMLUtils.hasValue(defaultPath))
selfPath = defaultPath;
else {
foundTemplate = (foundTemplate || isTemplate);
return null;
// If we were able to successfully construct a path, check to see if
// that path is absolute. If it isn't, resolve it relative to the
// parent path.
File f = new File(selfPath);
if (f.isAbsolute() || isTemplateURL(f))
foundTemplate = isTemplate;
else {
foundTemplate = (foundTemplate || isTemplate);
if (parentPath == null)
f = null;
f = new File(parentPath, selfPath);
return f;
private void setTemplatePathVariables(Element n) {
String attrVal = n.getAttribute(TEMPLATE_VAL_ATTR);
if (!XMLUtils.hasValue(attrVal)) return;
StringTokenizer values = new StringTokenizer(attrVal, ";");
while (values.hasMoreTokens())
private void setTemplatePathVariable(String valSetting) {
int bracePos = valSetting.indexOf(']');
if (bracePos < 1) return;
String valName = valSetting.substring(1, bracePos);
int equalsPos = valSetting.indexOf('=', bracePos);
if (equalsPos == -1) return;
String setting = valSetting.substring(equalsPos+1).trim();
PathVariable pathVar = getPathVariable(valName);
pathVar.dataName = null;
pathVar.value = setting;
/** Lookup a cached PathVariable, or create one if no cached one exists.
private PathVariable getPathVariable(String mname, String impliedPath,
String defaultValue) {
String name = resolveMetaReferences(mname);
PathVariable result = (PathVariable) pathVariables.get(name);
if (result == null) {
result = new PathVariable(name, mname, impliedPath, defaultValue);
pathVariables.put(name, result);
return result;
private PathVariable getPathVariable(String name) {
return getPathVariable(name, null, null);
/** Resolve meta references within <code>name</code> */
private String resolveMetaReferences(String name) {
int beg, end;
String metaName;
while ((beg = name.indexOf('{')) != -1) {
end = name.indexOf('}', beg);
// FIXME: error handling if end is -1
metaName = name.substring(beg+1, end);
PathVariable pv = (PathVariable) metaPathVariables.get(metaName);
if (pv == null)
pv = new PathVariable(metaName, metaName, null, "");
if (pv.isUnknown()) {
metaPathVariables.put(metaName, pv);
name = name.substring(0,beg) +pv.getValue()+ name.substring(end+1);
// canonicalize whitespace, cleaning up problems with that may
// arise during the interpolation of meta variables.
name = name.replace('\t', ' ').replace('\n', ' ')
.replace('\r', ' ').trim();
while (name.indexOf(" ") != -1)
name = StringUtils.findAndReplace(name, " ", " ");
return name;
/** Holds information about a data element referenced from a path.
class PathVariable {
String metaName, dataName, value = null;
public PathVariable(String name, String impliedPath) {
this(name, name, impliedPath, null); }
public PathVariable(String name) {
this(name, name, null, null); }
public PathVariable(String name, String metaName, String impliedPath,
String defaultValue) {
this.metaName = metaName;
SaveableData val = null;
DataRepository data = getDataRepository();
if (name.startsWith("/")) {
// The name is absolute - look it up in the data repository.
val = data.getSimpleValue(dataName = name);
} else {
// Look for an inheritable value with this name in the data
// repository.
StringBuffer prefix = new StringBuffer(getPrefix());
val = data.getInheritableValue(prefix, name);
if (val != null && !(val instanceof SimpleData))
val = val.getSimpleValue();
dataName = data.createDataName(prefix.toString(), name);
// Check to see if a value was POSTed to this CGI script for this
// data element. If so, it would override any previous value.
String postedValue = getParameter(name);
if (postedValue != null) {
value = postedValue;
if (pathStartsWith(value, impliedPath)) {
// the user supplied an absolute path. Rewrite it so it
// is relative to the impliedPath.
value = value.substring(impliedPath.length());
if (value.startsWith(File.separator))
value = value.substring(1);
if (! pathEqual(value, defaultValue) || val != null) {
// Save this user-specified value in the repository.
// (Default values are not saved to the repository.)
data.userPutValue(dataName, StringData.create(value));
} else if (val instanceof SimpleData)
value = ((SimpleData) val).format();
if (isUnknown() && defaultValue != null)
value = defaultValue;
public String getDataname() { return dataName; }
private String getValue() { return value; }
private boolean isUnknown() {
return (value == null || value.length() == 0 ||
value.indexOf('?') != -1); }
private boolean pathStartsWith(String path, String prefix) {
if (path == null || prefix == null) return false;
if (path.length() < prefix.length()) return false;
return pathEqual(path.substring(0, prefix.length()), prefix);
private boolean pathEqual(String a, String b) {
if (a == null || b == null) return false;
File aa = new File(a), bb = new File(b);
return aa.equals(bb);
private String displayName = null;
private String commentText = null;
public void lookupExtraInfo(Element e) {
if (e == null) return;
displayName = getProp(e, metaName + DISPLAY_NAME_PROP, null);
commentText = getProp(e, metaName + COMMENT_PROP, null);
if (displayName == null && commentText == null) {
Document doc = e.getOwnerDocument();
if (doc == null) return;
e = (new FileFinder("[" + metaName + "]", doc)).file;
if (e != null) {
displayName = e.getAttribute("displayName");
commentText = XMLUtils.getTextContents(e);
public String getDisplayName() { return displayName; }
public String getCommentText() { return commentText; }
private String getProp(Element e, String resName, String defValue) {
if (e == null) return defValue;
Document doc = e.getOwnerDocument();
if (doc == null) return defValue;
Resources bundle = (Resources) resourceMap.get(doc);
if (bundle == null) return defValue;
resName = resName.replace(' ', '_');
try {
return resolveMetaReferences(bundle.getString(resName));
} catch (MissingResourceException mre) {}
return defValue;
/** Display an error message, stating that the XML document list does
* not contain any file with the requested name.
private void sendNoSuchFileMessage(String filename) {
String title = resources.getString("No_Such_File_Title");
String filenameDisplayName = HTMLUtils.escapeEntities(filename);
String message = resources.format
("No_Such_File_Message_FMT", filenameDisplayName);
("<html><head><title>"+title+"</title></head>\n" +
"<body><h1>"+title+"</h1>\n" + message + "</body></html>");
private void sendCopyTemplateError(String message) {
String title = resources.getString("Problem_Copying_Template_Title");
("<html><head><title>"+title+"</title></head>\n" +
/** When we are unable to locate a file, display a form requesting
* information from the user.
private void displayNeedInfoForm(String filename, File file,
boolean isTemplate,
int reason, Element e) {
String title = resources.getString("Enter_File_Information_Title");
String message;
if (file != null && reason != CREATE_CONFIRM) {
message = resources.format
new Integer(isTemplate ? 1 : 0));
String filenameDisplayName = HTMLUtils.escapeEntities
(getProp(e, filename + DISPLAY_NAME_PROP, filename));
message = resources.format
("Provide_Info_Prompt_FMT", filenameDisplayName,
new Integer(isTemplate ? 1 : 0),
new Integer(reason));
out.print("<form method='POST' action='");
out.print((String) env.get("SCRIPT_PATH"));
for (int i = 0; i < pathVariableNames.size(); i++) {
String varName = (String) pathVariableNames.get(i);
PathVariable pathVar = getPathVariable(varName);
if (pathVar.getDataname() == null)
out.print("<tr><td valign='top'>");
String displayName = pathVar.getDisplayName();
if (!XMLUtils.hasValue(displayName)) displayName = varName;
if (displayName.startsWith("/"))
displayName = displayName.substring(1);
out.print(" </td><td valign='top'>" +
"<input size=\"40\" type=\"text\" name=\"");
String value = pathVar.getValue();
if (value != null) {
out.print("\" value=\"");
String comment = pathVar.getCommentText();
if (XMLUtils.hasValue(comment)) {
out.print("</i><br> ");
if (! (isTemplate == false && reason == MISSING_META) )
out.print("<input type='hidden' name='"+CONFIRM_PARAM+"' "+
String pageCount = getParameter(PAGE_COUNT_PARAM);
pageCount = (pageCount == null ? "x" : pageCount + "x");
out.print("<input type='hidden' name='"+PAGE_COUNT_PARAM+"' value='");
out.print("'>\n" +
"<input type='hidden' name='" + FILE_PARAM + "' value='");
"<input type='submit' name='OK' value='OK'>\n" +
private static final int MISSING_META = 0;
private static final int MISSING_INFO = 1;
private static final int CANNOT_LOCATE = 2;
private static final int CREATE_CONFIRM = 3;
protected static String docOpenSetting =
/** a collection of XML documents describing the various files
* that can be served up by this CGI script.
protected static Hashtable documentMap = new Hashtable();
/** A mapping of the XML documents to associated ResourceBundles.
protected static Hashtable resourceMap = new Hashtable();
protected Document getDocumentTree(String url) throws IOException {
Document result = null;
if (parameters.get("init") == null)
result = (Document) documentMap.get(url);
if (result == null) {
try {
result = XMLUtils.parse
(new ByteArrayInputStream(getRequest(url, true)));
documentMap.put(url, result);
} catch (SAXException se) {
//throw new IOException("Invalid XML file");
// FIXME: display error message
return null;
try {
String resourceName = url;
int dotPos = resourceName.lastIndexOf('.');
if (dotPos != -1) {
resourceName = resourceName.substring(0, dotPos);
dotPos = resourceName.indexOf('.');
if (dotPos != -1)
resourceName = StringUtils.findAndReplace
(resourceName, ".", "%2e");
resourceName = resourceName.replace('/', '.');
if (resourceName.startsWith("."))
resourceName = resourceName.substring(1);
Resources bundle = Resources.getDashBundle(resourceName);
resourceMap.put(result, bundle);
} catch (Exception e) {}
return result;
/** Find a file in the document list.
* @param name the name of the file to find
* @return the XML element corresponding to the named document.
protected Element findFile(String name) throws IOException {
// Look for an inheritable value for the FILE_XML element in the
// data repository.
DataRepository data = getDataRepository();
String pfx = getPrefix();
if (pfx == null) pfx = "/";
StringBuffer prefix = new StringBuffer(pfx);
ListData list;
Element result = null;
SaveableData val;
for (val = data.getInheritableValue(prefix, FILE_XML_DATANAME);
val != null;
val = data.getInheritableValue(chop(prefix), FILE_XML_DATANAME)) {
if (val != null && !(val instanceof SimpleData))
val = val.getSimpleValue();
if (val instanceof StringData)
list = ((StringData) val).asList();
else if (val instanceof ListData)
list = (ListData) val;
list = null;
if (list != null)
for (int i=0; i < list.size(); i++) {
String url = (String) list.get(i);
Document docList = getDocumentTree(url);
if (docList != null) {
result = (new FileFinder(name, docList)).file;
if (result != null)
return result;
if (prefix.length() == 0)
return null;
private StringBuffer chop(StringBuffer buf) {
int slashPos = buf.toString().lastIndexOf('/');
buf.setLength(slashPos == -1 ? 0 : slashPos);
return buf;
class FileFinder extends XMLDepthFirstIterator {
String name;
Element file = null;
public FileFinder(String name, Document docTree) {
this.name = name;
public void caseElement(Element e, List path) {
if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(e.getAttribute(NAME_ATTR)) ||
file = e;