// Process Dashboard - Data Automation Tool for high-maturity processes
// Copyright (C) 2003 Software Process Dashboard Initiative
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// The author(s) may be contacted at:
// Attn: PSP Dashboard Group
// 6137 Wardleigh Road
// Hill AFB, UT 84056-5843
// E-Mail POC: processdash-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
package pspdash;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.EventObject;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.BufferedWriter;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;
import java.awt.event.ItemListener;
import java.awt.ItemSelectable;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.event.EventListenerList;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
public class PSPProperties extends Hashtable implements ItemSelectable,
Comparator {
protected EventListenerList ell = new EventListenerList();
protected int nextDataFileNumber = 0;
protected int nextDefectLogNumber = 0;
public String dataPath = null;
private void debug(String msg) {
public PSPProperties (String baseDataPath) {
dataPath = baseDataPath;
public Object[] getSelectedObjects() {
return null;
public void addItemListener(ItemListener l) {
ell.add(ItemListener.class, l);
public void removeItemListener(ItemListener l) {
ell.remove(ItemListener.class, l);
// Notify all listeners that have registered interest for
// notification on this event type. The event instance
// is created using the parameters passed into the fire method.
// For the moment, the only events that will generate these events are:
// setChildKey/move(CHANGE), copyFrom(CREATE), removeChildKey/remove(DELETE)
protected void fireDataFileChange(PendingDataChange item) {
// Guaranteed to return a non-null array
Object[] listeners = ell.getListenerList();
// Process the listeners last to first, notifying
// those that are interested in this event
ItemEvent fooEvent = new ItemEvent(this, 0, item, 0);
for (int i = listeners.length-2; i>=0; i-=2) {
if (listeners[i]==ItemListener.class) {
public void copy (PSPProperties src) {
PropertyKey key;
Prop value;
if (src == null)
Enumeration keys = src.keys();
while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
key = (PropertyKey)keys.nextElement();
value = (Prop)src.get (key);
put (new PropertyKey (key), new Prop (value));
public Prop pget (PropertyKey key) {
Prop val;
if (key == null)
val = new Prop ();
else {
val = (Prop) get (key);
if (val == null)
val = new Prop ();
return val;
public Prop premove (PropertyKey key) {
Prop val = (Prop) super.remove (key);
if (val == null)
val = new Prop ();
return val;
public String getID (PropertyKey key) {
return pget (key).getID();
public int getNumChildren (PropertyKey key) {
return pget (key).getNumChildren();
public int getSelectedChild (PropertyKey key) {
return pget (key).getSelectedChild();
public void setSelectedChild (PropertyKey key, int childIndex) {
Prop val = pget (key);
val.setSelectedChild (childIndex);
put (key, val);
public String getChildName (PropertyKey parent, int childIndex) {
return pget (parent).getChild (childIndex).name();
public String getName (PropertyKey key) {
return key.name();
public PropertyKey getChildKey (PropertyKey parent, int childIndex) {
return pget (parent).getChild (childIndex);
// This routine will replace the given child (or add/append it if not there)
public void setChildKey (PropertyKey parent,
String childName,
int childIndex) {
Prop val = pget (parent);
PropertyKey child = new PropertyKey (parent, childName);
PropertyKey oldChild = val.getChild (childIndex);
val.setChild (child, childIndex);
if (oldChild == null)
put (child, pget (child));
move (oldChild, child);
put (parent, val);
// This routine will add the given child
public void addChildKey (PropertyKey parent,
String childName,
int childIndex) {
Prop val = pget (parent);
PropertyKey child = new PropertyKey (parent, childName);
val.addChild (child, childIndex);
put (child, pget (child));
put (parent, val);
// This routine will remove the given child
public void removeChildKey (PropertyKey parent,
int childIndex) {
Prop val = pget (parent);
PropertyKey oldChild = val.getChild (childIndex);
val.removeChild (childIndex);
if (oldChild != null)
remove (oldChild);
put (parent, val);
private PropertyKey findExistingKey (PropertyKey key, String s) {
PropertyKey k;
if (key.path().equals(s))
return key;
for (int i = 0; i < getNumChildren (key); i++)
if ((k = findExistingKey (getChildKey (key, i), s)) != null)
return k;
return null;
public PropertyKey findExistingKey (String s) {
if (s == null) return null;
if ("/".equals(s) || s.length() == 0) return PropertyKey.ROOT;
return findExistingKey (PropertyKey.ROOT, s);
/* returns true IIF the property has a datafile. */
private boolean hasDataFile(Prop p) {
String datafile = p.getDataFile();
return (datafile != null && datafile.length() > 0);
/* returns true IIF this key or any of its parents have a datafile. */
private boolean inheritsDataFile(PropertyKey k) {
return ((k != null) &&
(hasDataFile(pget(k)) || inheritsDataFile(k.getParent())));
* responsibleForData
* This procedure tracks a fairly complicated concept. When the
* names of nodes and templates change, we want to rename the data by
* sending a fireDataFileChange event. We only want to do this if:
* 1. the node/template has its own datafile, and needs to rename all
* the data that lives there, or
* 2. there is *no* specific datafile in the node's ancestral hierarchy.
* data for such nodes goes into the global datafile, and must be
* renamed there.
private boolean responsibleForData(PropertyKey key) {
return (hasDataFile(pget(key)) || !inheritsDataFile(key));
public void move (PropertyKey fromKey,
PropertyKey toKey) {
move(fromKey, toKey, true);
public void move (PropertyKey fromKey,
PropertyKey toKey,
boolean explicit) {
Prop aProp = pget (fromKey);
if (aProp != null) {
for (int ii = 0; ii < aProp.getNumChildren(); ii++) {
PropertyKey fc = aProp.getChild(ii);
PropertyKey tc = new PropertyKey (toKey, fc.name());
aProp.setChild (tc, ii);
move (fc, tc, false);
if (explicit || responsibleForData(fromKey))
fireDataFileChange(new PendingDataChange(toKey.path(),
put (toKey, aProp);
public void remove (PropertyKey key) {
Prop val = pget(key);
if (val != null) {
if (responsibleForData(key))
fireDataFileChange(new PendingDataChange(key.path()));
int numChildren = val.getNumChildren ();
for (int idx = val.getNumChildren() - 1; idx >= 0; idx--) {
remove (val.getChild (idx));
public void copy (PropertyKey fromKey,
PropertyKey toKey) {
Prop aProp = pget (fromKey);
for (int ii = 0; ii < aProp.getNumChildren(); ii++) {
PropertyKey fc = aProp.getChild(ii);
PropertyKey tc = new PropertyKey (toKey, fc.name());
aProp.setChild (tc, ii);
copy (fc, tc);
put (toKey, aProp);
public Vector load (InputStream propStream) throws IOException {
return load(propStream, true);
public Vector load (InputStream propStream, boolean close)
throws IOException {
String line;
Vector v = null;
PropertyKey key;
Prop val;
int equalsPosition;
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(propStream));
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
if ((! line.startsWith ("#")) &&
((equalsPosition = line.indexOf('=', 0)) != -1))
try {
key = PropertyKey.valueOf (line.substring(0, equalsPosition));
val = Prop.valueOf (line.substring(equalsPosition+1));
put (key, val);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException("Invalid hierarchy file format.");
if (close) in.close();
v = new Vector();
scanForDataFiles(v, PropertyKey.ROOT);
if (v.isEmpty()) v = null;
return v;
public Vector load (String datafilePath) throws IOException {
return load(new FileInputStream(datafilePath));
public PropertyKey getByID(String id) {
Iterator i = entrySet().iterator();
Map.Entry e;
Prop val;
PropertyKey result = null, oneKey;
while (i.hasNext()) {
e = (Map.Entry) i.next();
val = (Prop) e.getValue();
if (id.equals(val.getID())) {
oneKey = (PropertyKey) e.getKey();
if (// If this is the first match we've found,
result == null ||
// or if this node's name also matches the id (while our
// previous result's name did not),
id.equals(oneKey.name()) && !id.equals(result.name()) ||
// or if this node's path is shorter than the previous result's
// path (presumably because it is closer to the ROOT),
result.path().length() > oneKey.path().length())
// then save this key as our best result found so far.
result = oneKey;
return result;
public PropertyKey getRootChildByName(String id) {
// This is NOT the correct way to do this, but this is how PropertyFrame
// is currently doing it. Fix it later.
PropertyKey result = new PropertyKey (PropertyKey.ROOT, id);
return (containsKey(result) ? result : null);
public static final String NAME_ATTR = "name";
public static final String TEMPLATE_ATTR = "templateID";
public static final String DATAFILE_ATTR = "dataFile";
public static final String DEFECTLOG_ATTR = "defectLog";
public static final String SELECTED_ATTR = "selected";
public static final String HTML_HREF_ATTR = "href";
public static final String CONSTRAINTS_ATTR = "constraints";
public static final String IMAGINARY_NODE_ATTR = "imaginary";
public static final String IMAGINARY_UNLESS_ATTR = "imaginaryUnless";
public static final String TEMPLATE_NODE_NAME = "template";
public static final String HTML_NODE_NAME = "html";
public static final String ID_ATTR = "ID";
public static final String NO_DATAFILE = "none";
public static final String NO_HREF = "none";
public static final String XML_HEADER =
"<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>";
public static final String XML_DTD =
"<!DOCTYPE node [\n" +
" <!ELEMENT node (node*)>\n" +
" <!ATTLIST node\n" +
" "+SELECTED_ATTR+" (true|false) #IMPLIED>\n" +
private static final PropertyKey INVALID_TEMPLATE =
new PropertyKey((PropertyKey) null, "INVALID");
private static final String DEFAULT_PHASE_STATUS = "ME<>";
private static final String DEFAULT_PROJECT_STATUS = "MED<>";
private static final String DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_STATUS = "<";
private PropertyKey loadXMLNode (Element e, PSPProperties templates,
PropertyKey parentKey,
PropertyKey parentTemplate)
throws SAXException
String nodeType = e.getTagName();
if (HTML_NODE_NAME.equals(nodeType)) return null;
if (e.hasAttribute(IMAGINARY_NODE_ATTR)) return null;
if (shouldPrune(e.getAttribute(IMAGINARY_UNLESS_ATTR))) return null;
String nodeName = e.getAttribute(NAME_ATTR);
if (nodeName == null || nodeName.length() == 0)
throw new SAXException("Every node MUST have a name.");
PropertyKey key = new PropertyKey(parentKey, nodeName);
PropertyKey templateKey = null;
Prop val = new Prop();
String datafile = e.getAttribute(DATAFILE_ATTR);
if (!NO_DATAFILE.equals(datafile)) val.setDataFile(datafile);
if (templates != null) {
// We are reading the user's state file.
// Determine the template node which this node should be modeled after.
String id = getChildIDFromTemplate(nodeName, templates, parentTemplate);
if (id == null) id = e.getAttribute(TEMPLATE_ATTR);
boolean idSet = Prop.hasValue(id);
if (idSet) {
templateKey = templates.getByID(id);
if (templateKey == null) templateKey = INVALID_TEMPLATE;
} else if (parentTemplate == INVALID_TEMPLATE)
else if (parentTemplate != null)
templateKey = new PropertyKey(parentTemplate, nodeName);
Prop template = null;
if (templateKey != null && templateKey != INVALID_TEMPLATE) {
template = (Prop) templates.get(templateKey);
if (template == null)
templateKey = idSet ? INVALID_TEMPLATE : null;
// Copy script and status information from the template, if there is one.
if (template == null) {
if (templateKey != INVALID_TEMPLATE)
} else {
} else {
// We are loading a process template definition. Store the template ID.
String theid = e.getAttribute(ID_ATTR);
if (!Prop.hasValue(theid) && TEMPLATE_NODE_NAME.equals(nodeType))
theid = nodeName;
// Store the defined script href.
String href = e.getAttribute(HTML_HREF_ATTR);
if (!NO_HREF.equals(href))
// Store the applicable constraint.
String constraints = e.getAttribute(CONSTRAINTS_ATTR);
if (Prop.hasValue(constraints))
constraints = constraints.replace('{', '<').replace('}', '>');
constraints = (TEMPLATE_NODE_NAME.equals(nodeType) ?
// Recursively add children.
NodeList children = e.getChildNodes();
int len = children.getLength();
for (int i=0; i < len; i++) {
Node n = children.item(i);
if (n instanceof Element) {
val.addChild(loadXMLNode((Element) n, templates, key, templateKey),-1);
if ("true".equals(((Element) n).getAttribute(SELECTED_ATTR)))
val.setSelectedChild(val.getNumChildren() - 1);
// Save this node into the hashtable.
put(key, val);
return key;
private boolean shouldPrune(String requiresTemplate) {
return (requiresTemplate != null &&
requiresTemplate.length() != 0 &&
TemplateLoader.getPackageVersion(requiresTemplate) == null);
private String getChildIDFromTemplate(String nodeName,
PSPProperties templates,
PropertyKey parentTemplate) {
if (parentTemplate == null || parentTemplate == INVALID_TEMPLATE)
return null;
PropertyKey templateKey = new PropertyKey(parentTemplate, nodeName);
Prop template = (Prop) templates.get(templateKey);
if (template != null && template.hasValue(template.getID()))
return template.getID();
return null;
public Vector loadXML (String filename, PSPProperties templates)
throws IOException, SAXException
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(filename);
templates, null, null);
Vector v = new Vector();
scanForDataFiles(v, PropertyKey.ROOT);
if (v.isEmpty()) v = null;
return v;
public void loadXMLTemplate (Element e) throws SAXException {
e.setAttribute(NAME_ATTR, "top");
loadXMLNode(e, null, null, null);
private void scanForDataFiles(Vector v, PropertyKey key) {
Prop val = pget(key);
String dataFile = val.getDataFile();
if (dataFile != null && dataFile.length() > 0)
v.addElement (new String[] {key.path(), dataFile});
for (int i = 0; i < getNumChildren (key); i++)
scanForDataFiles(v, getChildKey (key, i));
void runV1_4Hack() {
Hashtable brokenIDs = new Hashtable();
brokenIDs.put("pspForEng/2A/script.htm", "PSP0.1-PFE-2A");
brokenIDs.put("pspForEng/4A/script.htm", "PSP1-PFE-4A");
brokenIDs.put("pspForEng/5A/script.htm", "PSP1.1-PFE-5A");
brokenIDs.put("pspForEng/7A/script.htm", "PSP2-PFE-7A");
brokenIDs.put("pspForEng/8A/script.htm", "PSP2.1-PFE-8A");
brokenIDs.put("pspForMSE/2A/script.htm", "PSP0.1-MSE-2A");
brokenIDs.put("pspForMSE/3B/script.htm", "PSP1-MSE-3B");
brokenIDs.put("pspForMSE/4B/script.htm", "PSP1.0.1-MSE-4B");
PropertyKey key;
Prop value;
String s;
Enumeration keys = keys();
while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
key = (PropertyKey)keys.nextElement();
value = (Prop)get (key);
if (! Prop.hasValue(value.getID())) continue;
if (! Prop.hasValue(s = value.getScriptFile ())) continue;
s = (String) brokenIDs.get(s);
if (s != null) value.setID(s);
private void maybePrintAttribute(Writer out, String attr, String val)
throws IOException
if (val == null || val.length() == 0) return;
out.write(" ");
private void saveXMLNode(BufferedWriter out, int depth,
PropertyKey key, boolean selected)
throws IOException
if (key == null) return;
Prop prop = (Prop) get (key);
if (prop == null) return;
int i;
for (i = depth; i > 0; i--)
out.write(" ");
out.write("<node " + NAME_ATTR + "=\"" +
XMLUtils.escapeAttribute(key.name()) + "\"");
maybePrintAttribute(out, TEMPLATE_ATTR, prop.getID());
maybePrintAttribute(out, DATAFILE_ATTR, prop.getDataFile());
maybePrintAttribute(out, DEFECTLOG_ATTR, prop.getDefectLog());
if (selected) maybePrintAttribute(out, SELECTED_ATTR, "true");
int numChildren = prop.getNumChildren();
if (numChildren == 0) {
} else {
int selectedIndex = prop.getSelectedChild();
for (i = 0; i < numChildren; i++)
saveXMLNode(out, depth+1, prop.getChild(i), (i == selectedIndex));
for (i = depth; i > 0; i--)
out.write(" ");
public void saveXML(String filename, String comment) throws IOException {
BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter
(new RobustFileWriter(filename, "UTF-8"));
out.newLine(); out.newLine();
if (comment != null && comment.length() != 0) {
out.write("<!-- " + XMLUtils.escapeAttribute(comment) + " -->");
out.newLine(); out.newLine();
saveXMLNode(out, 0, PropertyKey.ROOT, false);
public void save (String datafilePath, String comment) throws IOException {
saveXML(datafilePath, comment);
// The save operation writes the property keys to the state file.
// Data is first written to a temporary file, and later renamed to
// final output file.
public void saveOld (String datafilePath,
String comment) throws IOException {
PropertyKey key;
Prop value;
File propsFile = new File(datafilePath);
String fileSep = System.getProperty("file.separator");
try {
File parentDir = new File(propsFile.getParent());
if (!parentDir.isDirectory())
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IOException();
// Create temporary files
File tempFile = new File(propsFile.getParent() + fileSep + "tttt_sta");
File backupFile = new File(propsFile.getParent() + fileSep + "ttttstat");
BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter (new FileWriter (tempFile));
BufferedWriter backup = new BufferedWriter (new FileWriter (backupFile));
out.write ("# PSPProperties file:" + comment);
out.write ("# format: PropertyKey<parentKey><name>=Prop[defectLog] \\");
out.write ("# [timeLog][scriptFile][dataFile][status] \\");
out.write ("# [selected][numChildren(N)][child0]...[childN-1]");
out.write ("#");
backup.write ("# PSPProperties file:" + comment);
backup.write ("# format: PropertyKey<parentKey><name>=Prop[defectLog] \\");
backup.write ("# [timeLog][scriptFile][dataFile][status] \\");
backup.write ("# [selected][numChildren(N)][child0]...[childN-1]");
backup.write ("#");
Enumeration keys = keys();
// write the keys to the temporary state file
while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
key = (PropertyKey) keys.nextElement();
value = (Prop) get (key);
if (value != null) {
out.write (key.toString() + "=" + value.toString());
backup.write (key.toString() + "=" + value.toString());
// close the temporary files
// rename to the real state file
// delete the backup
protected String getNextDF () {
return "" + (nextDataFileNumber++) + ".dat";
public String getNextDatafilename() {
File dir;
try {
dir = new File (dataPath);
} catch (NullPointerException e) { return ""; }
try {
if ( !dir.exists() )
return getNextDF();
} catch (SecurityException e) { return ""; }
String [] list;
try {
list = dir.list();
} catch (SecurityException e) { return ""; }
boolean found;
String aFile;
do {
aFile = getNextDF();
found = false;
for (int i = 0; (i < list.length) && !found; i++)
if (list[i].equalsIgnoreCase (aFile))
found = true;
} while ( found );
return aFile;
protected String getNextDL () {
return "" + (nextDefectLogNumber++) + ".def";
public String getNextDefectLogname() {
File dir;
try {
dir = new File (dataPath);
} catch (NullPointerException e) { return ""; }
try {
if ( !dir.exists() )
return getNextDL();
} catch (SecurityException e) { return ""; }
String [] list;
try {
list = dir.list();
} catch (SecurityException e) { return ""; }
boolean found;
String aFile;
do {
aFile = getNextDL();
found = false;
for (int i = 0; (i < list.length) && !found; i++)
if (list[i].equalsIgnoreCase (aFile))
found = true;
} while ( found );
return aFile;
public void copyFrom (PSPProperties fromProps,
PropertyKey fromKey,
PropertyKey toKey) {
Prop aProp = new Prop (fromProps.pget (fromKey));
for (int ii = 0; ii < aProp.getNumChildren(); ii++) {
PropertyKey fc = aProp.getChild(ii);
PropertyKey tc = new PropertyKey (toKey, fc.name());
aProp.setChild (tc, ii);
copyFrom (fromProps, fc, tc);
String datafile = aProp.getDataFile();
if (hasDataFile(aProp)) {
String newfile = getNextDatafilename();
aProp.setDataFile (newfile);
(new PendingDataChange(datafile, newfile, toKey.path()));
String defectlog = aProp.getDefectLog();
if (defectlog != null && defectlog.length() > 0) {
String newfile = getNextDefectLogname();
aProp.setDefectLog (newfile);
// this is kind of icky - we're using the datafile change queue to
// remember changes to defect logs. Perhaps later we should rework this.
(new PendingDataChange(null, newfile, null));
put (toKey, aProp);
public void list (PrintStream out) {
Enumeration keys = keys();
Object key;
Prop value;
out.println("--- PSPProperties list ---");
while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
key = keys.nextElement();
value = (Prop) get (key);
out.println(key + "=" + value);
private void listLeaves(PropertyKey key, Vector result) {
int numChildren = getNumChildren(key);
if (numChildren == 0)
for (int index = 0; index < numChildren; index++)
listLeaves(getChildKey(key, index), result);
public Enumeration getLeaves(PropertyKey parent) {
Vector leaves = new Vector();
listLeaves(parent, leaves);
return leaves.elements();
public Enumeration getLeafNames(PropertyKey parent) {
Vector leaves = new Vector();
listLeaves(parent, leaves);
for (int index = leaves.size(); index-- > 0; )
return leaves.elements();
public String datapath(PropertyKey key) {
while (key != null) // walk up the tree until you find
if (hasDataFile(pget(key))) // the first node with a datafile,
return key.path(); // and return that node's path.
key = key.getParent();
return null; // if no datafile was found in this key's
// ancestry, return null.
public DefectLogID defectLog(PropertyKey key, String property_directory) {
// walk up the tree until you find the
String defectLogFilename; // first node with a defect log.
while (key != null) {
defectLogFilename = pget(key).getDefectLog();
if (defectLogFilename != null && defectLogFilename.length() != 0)
return new DefectLogID(property_directory + defectLogFilename, key);
key = key.getParent();
// if no defect log was found in this key's
return null; // ancestry, return null.
// gets all the applicable script IDs for the script button
// based on the current phase.
public Vector getScriptIDs(PropertyKey key) {
Vector v = new Vector(); Prop val; String scriptFile, templateID;
PropertyKey tempKey = key;
PropertyKey parentKey = null;
ScriptID defaultScript = null;
// Find and add all applicable scripts.
while (tempKey != null) {
val = pget(tempKey);
if (defaultScript == null) {
scriptFile = val.getScriptFile();
if (scriptFile != null && scriptFile.length() != 0)
defaultScript = new ScriptID(scriptFile, datapath(tempKey), null);
if (Prop.hasValue(templateID = val.getID())) {
Vector scriptIDs = TemplateLoader.getScriptIDs
(templateID, datapath(tempKey));
if (scriptIDs != null)
tempKey = tempKey.getParent();
if (defaultScript == null && v.size() > 0)
defaultScript = (ScriptID) v.elementAt(0);
if (defaultScript != null)
v.insertElementAt(defaultScript, 0);
return v;
public void orderedDump (PrintWriter out, PropertyKey key, Vector filt) {
PropertyKey child;
String name;
for (int ii = 0; ii < getNumChildren (key); ii++) {
child = getChildKey (key, ii);
name = child.path();
if (Filter.matchesFilter(filt, name)) {
out.println (name);
orderedDump (out, child, filt);
public void orderedDump (PrintWriter out, Vector filt) {
orderedDump (out, PropertyKey.ROOT, filt);
static void displayCorruptStateFileWarning(Resources resources,
String filename, Exception e) {
int lineNum = -1;
if (e instanceof SAXParseException)
lineNum = ((SAXParseException) e).getLineNumber();
e.getLocalizedMessage(), filename,
new Integer(lineNum)),
/** compare two strings for ordering within the tree.
* @param p1, p2 the names of two DATA ELEMENTS.
* most data element names will begin with some hierarchy path.
* This determines the initial hierarchy path of each data element, then
* returns
* -1 if p1 is associated with an earlier node in the hierarchy than p2.
* +1 if p2 is associated with an earlier node in the hierarchy than p1.
* 0 if both data elements are associated with the same hierarchy node.
public int comparePaths(String p1, String p2) {
if (p1.equals(p2)) return 0;
return comparePaths(p1, p2, PropertyKey.ROOT);
private int comparePaths(String p1, String p2, PropertyKey key) {
String path = key.path() + "/";
boolean match1, match2;
match1 = p1.startsWith(path);
match2 = p2.startsWith(path);
if (!match1 && !match2) return 0;
if ( match1 && !match2) return 1;
if (!match1 && match2) return -1;
int result;
for (int i = getNumChildren (key); i-- > 0; )
if ((result = comparePaths (p1, p2, getChildKey (key, i))) != 0)
return result;
return 0;
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
return comparePaths((String) o1, (String) o2);
// Listener support
public class Event extends EventObject { Event(Object o) { super(o); } }
public interface Listener {
public void hierarchyChanged(Event e);
HashSet listeners = null;
public synchronized void addHierarchyListener(Listener l) {
if (listeners == null) listeners = new HashSet();
public void removeHierarchyListener(Listener l) {
if (listeners != null) listeners.remove(l);
protected void fireHierarchyChanged() {
if (listeners != null && !listeners.isEmpty()) {
Event e = new Event(this);
Iterator i = listeners.iterator();
while (i.hasNext())
((Listener) i.next()).hierarchyChanged(e);