// PSP Dashboard - Data Automation Tool for PSP-like processes
// Copyright (C) 2003 Software Process Dashboard Initiative
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// The author(s) may be contacted at:
// Attn: PSP Dashboard Group
// 6137 Wardleigh Road
// Hill AFB, UT 84056-5843
// E-Mail POC: processdash-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
package pspdash;
import java.util.*;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import DistLib.normal;
import DistLib.chisquare;
import DistLib.uniform;
public class LognormalConfidenceInterval extends AbstractConfidenceInterval {
public LognormalConfidenceInterval() {
// since this object is typically used to compare planned
// values to actual values, the nominal input value of 1.0 is
// a useful default.
/** Return the forecast value produced by translating the input
* value according to correction algorithm contained in this
* confidence interval.
public double getPrediction() {
if (viability > ACCEPTABLE)
return input * ratio;
return Double.NaN;
/** Obtain the given quantile of the distribution used to produce this
* confidence interval, and translate the input value using that
* number.
protected double getQuantile(double percentage) {
if (samples == null) return Double.NaN;
int pos = (int) ((1-percentage) * samples.length);
if (pos < 0 || pos >= samples.length) return Double.NaN;
double t = samples[pos];
double logResult = base - t * rational;
return Math.exp(logResult) * input;
/** Return a value indicating how viable this confidence interval
* seems.
public double getViability() {
return viability;
/** Add a historical data point
public void addDataPoint(double x, double y) {
DataPoint lastPoint = null;
if (dataPointsList != null && !dataPointsList.isEmpty())
lastPoint = (DataPoint) dataPointsList.getLast();
if (lastPoint != null &&
((x == 0 || lastPoint.x == 0) || (y == 0 || lastPoint.y == 0))) {
// lognormal confidence intervals cannot deal well with
// zero values. If such a data point is encountered,
// consolidate it with an adjacent data point.
lastPoint.x += x;
lastPoint.y += y;
} else {
super.addDataPoint(x, y);
/** The ratio of total actual to total plan for all data points. */
protected double ratio;
/** The weighted lognormal mean of the actual-to-plan ratios */
protected double logmean;
/** The weighted lognormal standard deviation of the actual-to-plan ratios */
protected double logstd;
/** The samples generated by the bootstrap algorithm */
protected double[] samples;
/** A precalculated term in the calculation interval equation */
protected double base;
/** A precalculated term in the calculation interval equation */
protected double rational;
/** The calculated viability of the confidence interval */
protected double viability = -1;
public void dataPointsComplete() {
calculateInterval(logmean, logstd);
protected void calculateInterval(double mean, double std) {
logmean = mean;
logstd = std;
if (Double.isNaN(logmean) || Double.isInfinite(logmean) ||
Double.isNaN(logstd) || Double.isInfinite(logstd) ||
numSamples < 3) {
/** Calculate the ratio between actual and planned value for each data
* point, then calculate the weighted lognormal mean and standard
* deviation of these ratios. (Planned values are used for weights.)
* This also calculates the overall linear ratio of total actual to
* total plan.
private void calcMeanStddev() {
numSamples = getNumPoints();
double totalPlan = 0;
double totalActual = 0;
double[] logRatio = new double[numSamples];
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) {
DataPoint p = getPoint(i);
totalPlan += p.plan();
totalActual += p.actual();
logRatio[i] = Math.log(p.actual() / p.plan());
sum += logRatio[i] * p.plan();
ratio = totalActual / totalPlan;
logmean = sum / totalPlan;
sum = 0;
double diff;
for (int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++) {
DataPoint p = getPoint(i);
diff = logRatio[i] - logmean;
sum += diff * diff * p.plan();
logstd = Math.sqrt(sum * numSamples / ((numSamples - 1) * totalPlan));
private void runParametricBootstrap() {
samples = generateBootstrapSamples();
double s = logstd;
double n = numSamples;
rational = Math.sqrt((s*s*(1 + (s*s/2))) / n);
base = logmean + s*s/2;
private double[] generateBootstrapSamples() {
uniform u = new uniform();
int bootstrapSize = Settings.getInt("logCI.bootstrapSize", 2000);
double[] samples = new double[bootstrapSize];
for (int i = bootstrapSize; i-- > 0; )
samples[i] = generateBootstrapSample(u, u, numSamples, logstd);
return samples;
/** Generate a single sample for the bootstrap algorithm.
private double generateBootstrapSample
(uniform u1, uniform u2, int n, double sigma)
double N = normal.random(u1);
double chi = chisquare.random(n-1, u2);
double chiRatio = chi / (n-1);
double numerator = N + sigma * Math.sqrt(n) * (chiRatio - 1.0) / 2.0;
double denominator =
Math.sqrt(chiRatio * (1.0 + sigma*sigma * chiRatio / 2.0));
return numerator / denominator;
/** Heuristically estimate how viable this confidence interval appears
* to be.
private void calcViability() {
// perform the quantile() calculation backward, to determine what
// probability percentage would yield a confidence interval that
// includes the overall linear ratio between plan and actual.
double range = Math.abs(Math.log(ratio) - base);
double normRng = - range / rational;
int pos = Math.abs(Arrays.binarySearch(samples, normRng));
double prob = 2 * Math.abs((((double) pos) / samples.length) - 0.5);
// what percentage does the user find acceptable?
double cutoff = Settings.getInt("logCI.cutoffProbability", 50) / 100.0;
if (prob > cutoff) {
// the current probability is not acceptable.
viability = SERIOUS_PROBLEM;
} else {
// use the percentage to scale the nominal viability rating.
viability = NOMINAL * (1 - prob);
protected void saveXMLAttributes(StringBuffer result) {
result.append(" mean='").append(logmean)
.append("' std='").append(logstd)
.append("' ratio='").append(ratio)
.append("' n='").append(numSamples)
public LognormalConfidenceInterval(Element xml) {
logmean = XMLUtils.getXMLNum(xml, "mean");
logstd = XMLUtils.getXMLNum(xml, "std");
ratio = XMLUtils.getXMLNum(xml, "ratio");
numSamples = XMLUtils.getXMLInt(xml, "n");
calculateInterval(logmean, logstd);