// PSP Dashboard - Data Automation Tool for PSP-like processes
// Copyright (C) 1999 United States Air Force
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// The author(s) may be contacted at:
// Attn: PSP Dashboard Group
// 6137 Wardleigh Road
// Hill AFB, UT 84056-5843
// E-Mail POC: ken.raisor@hill.af.mil
package pspdash;
import java.awt.Toolkit;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.*;
import pspdash.data.DataEvent;
import pspdash.data.DataListener;
import pspdash.data.DateData;
public class HierarchyButton implements ActionListener {
PSPDashboard parent = null;
JMenu menu = null;
HierarchyButton child = null;
PropertyKey self = null;
int numChildren = 0;
private void debug(String msg) {
// System.out.println(msg);
HierarchyButton(PSPDashboard dash, PropertyKey useSelf) {
parent = dash;
self = useSelf;
//if (self != null)
//debug (self.toString());
String s;
PSPProperties props = parent.getProperties ();
//debug("Getting numChildren:"+self);
numChildren = props.getNumChildren (self);
if (numChildren != 0) {
//debug("Processing children:"+numChildren);
menu = new JMenu();
PCSH.enableHelpKey(parent.hierarchy_menubar, "HierarchyMenus");
//PCSH.enableHelpKey(menu, "HierarchyMenus");
int i;
for (i=0; i<numChildren; i++) {
//debug("Getting child " + i + " of "+numChildren);
PropertyKey key = props.getChildKey (self, i);
//debug(" key:"+key.key()+": = "+props.getChildName (self, i));
menu.add(new MyMenuItem(key));
selectChild(props.getChildName(self, props.getSelectedChild(self)));
} else {
// Destroy the entire hierarchy, but ensure the data for the current phase
// has been saved.
protected void terminate() {
// save any data from the current phase
// destroy the hierarchy
protected void delete() {
if (child != null) {
child = null;
for (int i = menu.getItemCount(); i-- > 0; )
if (menu.getItem(i) instanceof MyMenuItem)
((MyMenuItem) menu.getItem(i)).delete();
menu = null;
public boolean setPath(String path) {
if (path == null || path.length() == 0) return true;
// remove the / from the beginning, if it is present.
if (path.charAt(0) == '/')
path = path.substring(1);
String childName, rest;
int slashPos = path.indexOf('/');
if (slashPos == -1) {
childName = path;
rest = null;
} else {
childName = path.substring(0, slashPos);
rest = path.substring(slashPos+1);
if (selectChild(childName))
return child.setPath(rest);
return false;
public boolean setPhase(String phase) {
if (phase == null || phase.length() == 0) return true;
// If this is the terminal HierarchyButton without a menu, we
// cannot set the phase. return false.
if (child == null) return false;
// If our child has children, unconditionally delegate this task.
if (child.numChildren != 0)
return child.setPhase(phase);
// our child has no children. We must be the HierarchyButton
// with the rightmost visible menu.
return selectChild(phase);
/** Select the child with the given name.
* @return true if the selection was successful, false if no child
* with the given name exists.
boolean selectChild(String name) {
//debug("selectChild.name = " + self + name);
PSPProperties props = parent.getProperties ();
int i;
int sel = 0;
for (i=0; i<numChildren; i++)
if (name.equals(props.getChildName (self, i))) {
sel = i;
if (i == numChildren) // didn't find the named child?
return false;
if ((child != null) && (props.getSelectedChild (self) == sel))
return true;
//debug("deleting old child");
if (child != null) child.delete();
props.setSelectedChild (self, sel);
//debug("creating new child"+sel);
child = new HierarchyButton (parent, new PropertyKey (self, name));
return true;
public void workPerformed(DateData d) {
// calculate the name of the Start Date data element for our path.
String dataName = parent.data.createDataName(self.path(), "Started");
// if our start date has not already been set, set it to d
if (parent.data.getValue(dataName) == null)
parent.data.putValue(dataName, d);
// pass info down to child, as well.
if (child != null) child.workPerformed(d);
private void markCompleted() {
// mark this phase as completed in the data repository.
String dataName = getCompletedDataname(self);
parent.data.userPutValue(dataName, new DateData());
private String getCompletedDataname(PropertyKey key) {
return parent.data.createDataName(key.path(), "Completed");
// When the user completes the last task in a series (e.g. Postmortem or
// Reassessment), what should we do next?
// Set this variable to true to enable an odometer-style rollover -
// that is, when completing the <b>last</b> task in the <b>last</b>
// hierarchy menu, ask the second-to-last menu to increment (and so-on,
// recursively up the list of menus).
// If this variable is set to false, the dashboard will instead leave
// the hierarchy menus alone, and just stop the timer if it is running.
public static final boolean ODOMETER_STYLE = false;
public boolean selectNext() {
// first, try to delegate this task to our child. If the child is
// able to perform a selectNext, we're done.
if ((child != null) && child.selectNext()) return true;
// if this is the terminal HierarchyButton without a menu, we
// cannot perform selectNext. Return false.
if (child == null) { markCompleted(); return false; }
// if odometer-style rollover is disabled, and our child has
// children, we shouldn't rollover. Return false.
if (!ODOMETER_STYLE && child.numChildren != 0) { return false; }
// calculate the number position of the next item to be selected.
PSPProperties props = parent.getProperties ();
int sel = props.getSelectedChild (self) + 1;
// if that item is past the end of our list, we cannot perform
// selectNext. Return false.
if (sel == numChildren) { /*markCompleted();*/ return false; }
// select the next item on our menu.
selectChild(props.getChildName (self, sel));
// Here's a philosphical question concerning the situation When our
// child "rolls over" - i.e., our child already had his last item
// selected, and thus wants us to increment our menu instead. We just
// incremented our menu with the line above. Do we now want to force
// our new child to select its first element? That would make sense in
// a mathematical sense. In practice, however, I think it isn't the
// right thing to do. People don't usually follow processes in
// flowchart order - instead, they may need to bounce around a bit. For
// example, if the user just completed a cycle of an SCR/PSP3 process,
// move them into the next cycle, but don't require them to start that
// cycle from the beginning if they have already performed some work
// there. Similarly, if the user just completed an entire project, move
// the menu to the next project, but don't start that project over from
// the beginning if they have already performed work there.
// So, with the above rationale, the following line is commented out.
// If someone feels the mathematical behavior would be better, uncomment
// the next line, as well as the definition of the procedure
// selectFirst, below.
// child.selectFirst();
return true;
// public void selectFirst() {
// if (child != null) {
// selectChild(parent.getProperties().getChildName(self, 0));
// child.selectFirst();
// }
// }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
selectChild( ((JMenuItem)e.getSource()).getText() );
class MyMenuItem extends JMenuItem implements DataListener {
String dataname;
MyMenuItem(PropertyKey key) {
dataname = getCompletedDataname(key);
parent.data.addDataListener(dataname, this);
public void dataValueChanged(DataEvent e) {
final Icon i =
((e.getValue() != null && e.getValue().test())
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() { setIcon(i); } } );
public void dataValuesChanged(Vector v) {
for (int i = v.size(); i-- > 0; )
dataValueChanged((DataEvent) v.get(i));
public void delete() {
parent.data.removeDataListener(dataname, this);
private static final String CHECKMARK_SETTING_NAME = "setting";
private static boolean SHOW_CHECKMARKS =
private static final ImageIcon CHECKMARK_ICON =
new ImageIcon(HierarchyButton.class.getResource("check.gif"));
/** Scans the hierarchy tree and cleans up "garbage" completion flags
* that were left around by completion-button logic in v1.3
public void cleanupCompletionFlags() {
cleanupCompletionFlags(parent.getProperties(), PropertyKey.ROOT);
protected void cleanupCompletionFlags(PSPProperties props,
PropertyKey key) {
Prop val = props.pget(key);
// no need to cleanup flags defined in project-level datafiles
String dataFile = val.getDataFile();
if (dataFile != null && dataFile.length() > 0)
// no need to cleanup flags for leaves of the hierarchy
int i = props.getNumChildren (key);
if (i == 0)
// cleanup the flag for this node in the hierarchy
String flagName = getCompletedDataname(key);
if (parent.data.getValue(flagName) != null)
parent.data.putValue(flagName, null);
// recurse through the hierarchy tree.
while (i-- > 0)
cleanupCompletionFlags(props, props.getChildKey (key, i));