package es.iiia.shapegrammar.utils;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import Jama.Matrix;
import es.iiia.shapegrammar.execution.ExecutionReport;
import es.iiia.shapegrammar.model.ShapeGrammarModel;
import es.iiia.shapegrammar.shape.CarrierModel;
import es.iiia.shapegrammar.shape.IntersectionModel;
import es.iiia.shapegrammar.shape.LineModel;
import es.iiia.shapegrammar.shape.MarkerModel;
import es.iiia.shapegrammar.shape.ShapeModel;
import es.iiia.shapegrammar.shape.guides.IntersectionTriplet;
import es.iiia.shapegrammar.shape.guides.LineDefinition;
* Created by Tomas Trescak, @ IIIA, UAB Barcelona.
* Date: Oct 22, 2008
* Time: 1:59:47 PM
public class ShapeTools {
// private static ArrayList<String> pairs;
// private static Random random = new Random();
public static void createMaximalLines(ArrayList<LineModel> currentLines) throws Exception {
LineModel leftLine = null;
LineModel rightLine = null;
int rightIndex;
for (int i = 0; i < currentLines.size(); i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < currentLines.size(); j++) {
// avoid duplicate testing
if (i >= j) continue;
// sort lines left to right
rightIndex = (,
currentLines.get(j).getP1()) == 1) ? i : j;
leftLine = currentLines.get(rightIndex == i ? j : i);
rightLine = currentLines.get(rightIndex);
// proceed to test the lines
if (, rightLine.getP1()) != -1 &&
MathUtils.vectorsEqual(leftLine, rightLine) &&
leftLine.getP1(), leftLine.getP2(),
leftLine.getP1(), rightLine.getP2()
)) {
// set the line to the longest possible
if (, rightLine.getP2()) == -1) {
flipPoints(leftLine.getP2(), rightLine.getP2());
Debugger.getInstance().addMessage("REMOVING: " + currentLines.get(rightIndex).toString());
//decrease iterator
* Finds instences of subshape in shape. Returns number of results depending on randomization fator
* @param subShape Subshape to be found
* @param shape Shape where we're finding subshape
* @param randomization (0: all instances, 1: first found, >1 modulo randomization)
* @param useMarkers checks if markers are used
* @return
public static ArrayList<ShapeModel> findSubShape
(ShapeModel subShape,
ShapeModel shape,
ArrayList<ShapeModel> excludeShapeList,
int randomization,
boolean useMarkers,
int maximumSubshapes,
IProgressMonitor monitor) throws Exception {
// we limit the smallest possible shape
if (subShape.getIntersections().size() == 0) {
String message = "Shape size exption! The smallest shape has to have at least 3 points";
throw new Exception(message);
// init return list
ArrayList<ShapeModel> subShapes = new ArrayList<ShapeModel>();
if (shape.getIntersections().size() < subShape.getIntersections().size()) {
Debugger.getInstance().addMessage("ERROR: Shape has smaller ammount of intersections");
return subShapes;
//monitor.beginTask("Detecting intersections", 1);
// Get the intersection we will use to find a transformation
IntersectionModel from = subShape.getIntersections().get(0);
// Get the list of intersection in the subshape
ArrayList<IntersectionModel> fromIntersections = subShape.getIntersections();
// Get the list of intersection in the shape
ArrayList<IntersectionModel> toIntersections = shape.getIntersections();
//monitor.beginTask("Checking " + shape.getIntersections().size() + " intersections", shape.getIntersections().size());
ExecutionReport.setCombinations(fromIntersections.size(), toIntersections.size());
// Point pairing tester allows detection of unpaired poins upon transformation
PointPairingTester pairTester = new PointPairingTester(subShape, shape);
ShapeModel lastFound = null;
boolean markerFound, exclusionFound;
/* create all non identical permutations of points
1. Take first transformation from subShape (has smallest angle)
2. Create second triplets
3. For each combination of points create transformation and test
Matrix A = new Matrix(6, 6);
Matrix b = new Matrix(6, 1);
Matrix solution;
Matrix subsolution = new Matrix(2, 2);
Point2D transformedPoint = new Point2D.Double();
// output transform
AffineTransform outTransform = new AffineTransform();
int[] fromIndexes = new int[3];
fromIndexes[0] = 0;
fromIndexes[1] = 1;
fromIndexes[2] = 2;
// create left matrix
// 1st row
IntersectionTriplet fromTriplet = from.getTriplet();
A.set(0, 0, from.getIntersection().getX());
A.set(0, 1, from.getIntersection().getY());
A.set(0, 2, 1);
// 2nd
A.set(1, 3, from.getIntersection().getX());
A.set(1, 4, from.getIntersection().getY());
A.set(1, 5, 1);
// 3rd
A.set(2, 0, fromTriplet.getPointA().getX());
A.set(2, 1, fromTriplet.getPointA().getY());
A.set(2, 2, 1);
// 4th
A.set(3, 3, fromTriplet.getPointA().getX());
A.set(3, 4, fromTriplet.getPointA().getY());
A.set(3, 5, 1);
// 5th
A.set(4, 0, fromTriplet.getPointB().getX());
A.set(4, 1, fromTriplet.getPointB().getY());
A.set(4, 2, 1);
// 6th
A.set(5, 3, fromTriplet.getPointB().getX());
A.set(5, 4, fromTriplet.getPointB().getY());
A.set(5, 5, 1);
// now find all intersection points in shape with same angle and ratio as original intersection
IntersectionModel to;
ArrayList<IntersectionTriplet> intersectionPairs;
IntersectionTriplet currentPair;
//Debugger.getInstance().addMessage("Init pair: " + from.getIntersection().toString() + fromTriplet.toString());
// show markers
for (MarkerModel model : shape.getMarkers()) {
// get itersections with the same angle
toIntersections = shape.getIntersections(from.getAngle());
long triplets = 0;
for (IntersectionModel intr : toIntersections) {
ArrayList<IntersectionTriplet> arr = intr.getTriplets(fromTriplet.getRatio());
if (arr != null) {
triplets += arr.size();
// intersections are ordered by the angle
// we start with the smallest angle and continue to the top limit
for (int tos = 0; tos < toIntersections.size(); tos++) {
//monitor.setTaskName("Checking " + (tos + 1) + ". intersection");
if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
return subShapes;
// initial validation
to = toIntersections.get(tos);
Debugger.getInstance().addMessage("Intersection: " + to.getIntersection());
// // we stop if we've reached bigger angle
// if (to.getAngle() > from.getAngle()) {
// break;
// }
// // we continue to search for the exact angle and ratio
// if (to.getAngle() < from.getAngle()) {
// continue;
// }
// now we have an intersection with the good angle
// we will search for all points on carriers that have the same ratio as the
// initial intersection triplet
// intersection is defined by point and two carriers
intersectionPairs = to.getTriplets(fromTriplet.getRatio());
// there exist no triplets on carriers with given ratio
if (intersectionPairs == null)
// iterate for all found pairs
for (int pair = 0; pair < intersectionPairs.size(); pair++) {
//monitor.subTask("Checking intersection triplets");
if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
return subShapes;
// get current pair
currentPair = intersectionPairs.get(pair);
Debugger.getInstance().addMessage("Pair: " + currentPair);
Debugger.getInstance().addMessage("TESTING: " + to.getIntersection().toString() + currentPair.toString());
// we test this 2 times (once when we flip pointA and pointB (symmetry))
// TODO: Test ratio .. if by flip does not change continue
for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++) {
// if (monitor.isCanceled()) {
// return subShapes;
// }
// this counter is to see how much transformations were tested
b.set(0, 0, to.getIntersection().getX());
b.set(1, 0, to.getIntersection().getY());
b.set(2, 0, j == 0 ? currentPair.getPointA().getX() : currentPair.getPointB().getX());
b.set(3, 0, j == 0 ? currentPair.getPointA().getY() : currentPair.getPointB().getY());
b.set(4, 0, j == 0 ? currentPair.getPointB().getX() : currentPair.getPointA().getX());
b.set(5, 0, j == 0 ? currentPair.getPointB().getY() : currentPair.getPointA().getY());
// create transformation by solving equation of 6 unknowns
try {
solution = A.solve(b);
catch (Exception ex) {
Debugger.getInstance().addMessage("Solution exception");
// check if it's symmetry
// first check determinant .. must be -1
subsolution.set(0, 0, solution.get(0, 0));
subsolution.set(0, 1, solution.get(1, 0));
subsolution.set(1, 0, solution.get(3, 0));
subsolution.set(1, 1, solution.get(4, 0));
// Symmetry: MathUtils.round(subsolution.det()) == -1)
// Inverse: MathUtils.isIdentity(subsolution.times(subsolution.transpose()))
if (MathUtils.round(subsolution.det()) == 0)
// we round transformations to 3 decimal places
solution.get(0, 0),
solution.get(3, 0),
solution.get(1, 0),
solution.get(4, 0),
solution.get(2, 0),
solution.get(5, 0)
// MathUtils.round(solution.get(0, 0), 6),
// MathUtils.round(solution.get(3, 0), 6),
// MathUtils.round(solution.get(1, 0), 6),
// MathUtils.round(solution.get(4, 0), 6),
// MathUtils.round(solution.get(2, 0), 6),
// MathUtils.round(solution.get(5, 0), 6)
// TODO : Think how can i know which other intersection points are paired
// that means .. how to pair info about information point of:
// from.pointA with to.PointA and get index in original intersection collection
// We can decide if to use to use not markers
if (useMarkers) {
//monitor.subTask("Checking marker images");
markerFound = true;
if (subShape.getMarkers().size() > 0) {
markerFound = false;
for (MarkerModel subMarker : subShape.getMarkers()) {
// first transform this marker
MarkerModel transformedMarker = new MarkerModel(subMarker.getLocation());
Debugger.getInstance().addMessage("M:" + transformedMarker.getLocation());
// now try to find this marker
for (MarkerModel marker : shape.getMarkers()) {
if (marker.compareTo(transformedMarker) == 0) {
markerFound = true;
if (!markerFound) {
Debugger.getInstance().addMessage("Marker not found");
// Test remaining points
pairTester.setPair(0, tos);
Point2D testPoint;
int testPointIndex;
boolean imageMissing = false;
// now start pairing all other intersection points to see if their images exist
//monitor.subTask("Checking point images");
while ((testPointIndex = pairTester.getFirstUnpaired()) != -1) {
// get image of point according to tranformation
testPoint = fromIntersections.get(testPointIndex).getIntersection();
// transform point and try to set pair
transformedPoint.setLocation(testPoint.getX(), testPoint.getY());
outTransform.transform(transformedPoint, transformedPoint);
if (!pairTester.setPair(testPointIndex, transformedPoint.getX(), transformedPoint.getY())) {
Debugger.getInstance().addMessage("Image not found");
imageMissing = true;
if (imageMissing || !pairTester.isPaired()) {
// now check this transform
//monitor.subTask("Checking line images");
ShapeModel testShape = checkTransformation(shape, subShape, new AffineTransform(outTransform));
// check if this shape can be returned and return this shape
//monitor.subTask("Checking duplicate subshape");
if (testShape == null) {
Debugger.getInstance().addMessage("Boundary not found: " + testShape);
if (testShape != null) {
// check if we want to exclude this transformation
if (excludeShapeList != null) {
exclusionFound = false;
for (ShapeModel excludedShape : excludeShapeList) {
if (ShapeTools.compareTransformations(excludedShape.getInitialTransform(), testShape.getInitialTransform())) {
exclusionFound = true;
if (exclusionFound) {
Debugger.getInstance().addMessage("Already found: " + testShape);
lastFound = testShape;
// returns all shapes
if (randomization == 0) {
//monitor.subTask("Adding sub-shape");
Debugger.getInstance().addMessage("Adding: " + testShape);
} else if (randomization == 1 || (new Random()).nextInt(1000) % randomization == 0) {
//monitor.subTask("Adding sub-shape");
Debugger.getInstance().addMessage("Adding: " + testShape);
//return subShapes;
} else {
//monitor.subTask("Skipping sub-shape");
if (subShapes.size() >= maximumSubshapes) {
return subShapes;
//monitor.subTask("Starting new sub-shape");
if (lastFound != null) {
return subShapes;
return null;
static LineDefinition carrier;
static ArrayList<LineModel> originalCarrierLines;
static ArrayList<LineModel> imageCarrierLines;
static LineModel imageLine;
static CarrierModel imageCarrier;
private static ShapeModel getShapeInstance(ShapeModel subShape) {
// init help test shape
ShapeModel shape = new ShapeModel((ShapeGrammarModel) subShape.getParent());
shape.setName(subShape.getName() + "_subshape");
return shape;
private static ShapeModel checkTransformation(ShapeModel shape, ShapeModel subShape, AffineTransform transformation) {
// 2. check transformation of carriers
boolean boundaryFound = false;
// we'll scan transformation by transformation and we'll try to find
// transformed carrier and later if transformed line is within carrier
// init searching subshape
ShapeModel foundSubShape = getShapeInstance(subShape);
// test all carriers from left shape
// System.out.println(pairs.get(i).toString());
for (CarrierModel originalCarrierDefinition : subShape.getCarriers()) {
// transform carrier
carrier = originalCarrierDefinition.getDefinition().transform(transformation);
// try to find carrier in right shape
imageCarrier = shape.findCarrier(carrier);
// test if carrier exists
if (imageCarrier == null) {
// System.out.println("CARRIER DOES NOT EXISTS");
return null;
// 3. find if end points of current lines are within maximal lines of the image
// retreive all lines of current carrier
imageCarrierLines = imageCarrier.getLines();
originalCarrierLines = originalCarrierDefinition.getLines();
// scan all lines and find boundaries
for (LineModel line : originalCarrierLines) {
imageLine = line.transformTo(transformation);
boundaryFound = false;
for (LineModel image : imageCarrierLines) {
// TEST Ys
if (image.contains(
MathUtils.round(imageLine.getP2().getY()))) {
boundaryFound = true;
// add this line to resulting shape and recreate shape
// add line to subshape
if (!boundaryFound) break;
if (!boundaryFound) {
// System.out.println("BOUNDARY DOES NOT EXISTS");
return null;
// System.out.println("Carrier OK");
return foundSubShape.clone(true);
// // TODO: Study how to flip refernces instead
// public static boolean orderLines(LineModel expectedLeft, LineModel expectedRight) {
// if (expectedLeft.getP1().getX() > expectedRight.getP1().getX()) {
// return false;
// } else if (expectedLeft.getP1().getX() == expectedRight.getP1().getX()) {
// if (expectedLeft.getP1().getY() > expectedRight.getP1().getY()) {
// return false;
// }
// }
// return true;
// }
public static boolean compareTransformations(AffineTransform trans1, AffineTransform trans2) {
return trans1.getScaleX() == trans2.getScaleX() &&
trans1.getScaleY() == trans2.getScaleY() &&
trans1.getShearX() == trans2.getShearX() &&
trans1.getShearY() == trans2.getShearY() &&
trans1.getTranslateX() == trans2.getTranslateX() &&
trans1.getTranslateY() == trans2.getTranslateY();
public static void orderPoints(Point2D expectedLeft, Point2D expectedRight) {
if (, expectedRight) == 1) {
flipPoints(expectedLeft, expectedRight);
public static void flipPoints(Point2D pt1, Point2D pt2) {
double x = pt2.getX();
double y = pt2.getY();
pt2.setLocation(pt1.getX(), pt1.getY());
pt1.setLocation(x, y);
public static boolean orderPoints(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
if (x1 > x2) {
return false;
} else if (x1 == x2) {
if (y1 > y2) {
return false;
return true;
public static void createRectangle(Rectangle2D rectangle, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
if (x1 < x2) {
if (y1 < y2) {
rectangle.setFrame(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
} else {
rectangle.setFrame(x1, y2, x2 - x1, y1 - y2);
} else {
if (y1 < y2) {
rectangle.setFrame(x2, y1, x1 - x2, y2 - y1);
} else {
rectangle.setFrame(x2, y2, x1 - x2, y1 - y2);