package de.mpi.rgblab.optimizer;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Vector;
import de.mpi.rgblab.color.ColorModel;
import de.mpi.rgblab.color.ColorType;
import de.mpi.rgblab.utils.LAB;
import de.mpi.rgblab.utils.LogUtil;
import de.mpi.rgblab.utils.VisUtil;
public class Optimizer {
private LogUtil logger; // = new LogUtil("log/opt.dat", true);
// stopping criterea
private LinkedList improvement = new LinkedList();
// private Vector<Double> sumImprovements = new Vector<Double>();
private double sumImprovements = 0;
// number of the last steps of the algorithm taken into considaration
private int numberImprovements;
// threshold for the stopping criterium;
private double threshold;
// int number_all_elements =0;
public Optimizer() {
logger = new LogUtil(
numberImprovements = 6;
threshold = 40;
public Optimizer(String logFile) {
logger = new LogUtil(logFile, true);
numberImprovements = 6;
threshold = 40;
public Optimizer(String logFile, double threshold, int numberImprovements) {
logger = new LogUtil(logFile, true);
this.numberImprovements = numberImprovements;
this.threshold = threshold;
private class Dif {
double dif_l;
double dif_a;
double dif_b;
int num;
// int num_a;
// int num_b;
public Dif() {
dif_l = 0;
dif_a = 0;
dif_b = 0;
double meanL() {
return dif_l / num;
double meanA() {
return dif_a / num;
double meanB() {
return dif_b / num;
public void update(double l, double a, double b) {
private void updateL(double l) {
dif_l += l;
private void updateA(double a) {
dif_a += a;
private void updateB(double b) {
dif_b += b;
public int getNum() {
return num;
// Vector<ColorModel> rgbColors;
// Vector<ColorModel> labColors = new Vector<ColorModel>();
// Vector<ColorModel> colors = new Vector<ColorModel>();
// Vector<Dif> sum_dif = new Vector<Dif>();
// private int biggestClass = 0;
// Vector<Double> mean_surrounding_l = new Vector<Double>();
// Vector<Double> mean_surrounding_a = new Vector<Double>();
// Vector<Double> mean_surrounding_b = new Vector<Double>();
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
private boolean changeDirection(double[] displacementVector,
Vector<Double> currentSurroundingColor) {
double t[] = new double[6];
t[0] = (LAB.L_MAX - currentSurroundingColor.get(0))
/ displacementVector[0];
t[1] = (LAB.L_MIN - currentSurroundingColor.get(0))
/ displacementVector[0];
t[2] = (LAB.A_MAX - currentSurroundingColor.get(1))
/ displacementVector[1];
t[3] = (LAB.A_MIN - currentSurroundingColor.get(1))
/ displacementVector[1];
t[4] = (LAB.B_MAX - currentSurroundingColor.get(2))
/ displacementVector[2];
t[5] = (LAB.B_MIN - currentSurroundingColor.get(2))
/ displacementVector[2];
double min = getMinAbsValue(t);
if (min > 0)
return true;
return false;
private double getMinAbsValue(double t[]) {
double ret = t[0];
double min = Math.abs(t[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < t.length; i++) {
if (min > Math.abs(t[i])) {
min = Math.abs(t[i]);
ret = t[i];
return ret;
private Vector<Dif> adjustingColorLocally_convergeVisibilities(Data input,
Vector<ColorModel> labColors) {
// int ret_ = 0;
// int step = 1;
// double threshold = 0.05;
// TreeMap[] data = input.getData();
double weight;
Vector<Float> visibility = input.getVisibility();
// Vector<Double> saliency = input.getSaliency();
Vector<Vector<Integer>> data = input.getData();
Vector<Float> mean_class_visibility = getAverageClassVisibility(
visibility, data, input.getClassNumbers(), input
double meanVisibility = getMean(visibility);
logger.logln("mean visibility: " + meanVisibility);
logger.logln("mean visibility class: "
+ mean_class_visibility.toString());
double s = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < input.getClassNumbers(); i++) {
// change
s += mean_class_visibility.get(i);
// if (i!=5 && i!=1)
// s += mean_class_visibility.get(i);
// change
double meanClassVisibility = s / input.getClassNumbers();
// double meanClassVisibility = s / (input.getClassNumbers() -2);
logger.logln("average of the mean class visilibilities: "
+ meanClassVisibility);
// double sal;
double vis;
// int x, y;
int l;
Vector<Vector<Integer>> surrounding = input.getSurrounding();
ColorModel currentPointColor;
Vector<Integer> current_surrounding; // = new
// Vector<Integer>(input.getClassNumbers()+1);
Vector<Double> currentSurroundingColor;
// Vector<Double> sal_as_vector; // = new Vector<Double>(3);
double displacementVector[] = new double[3];
double displacementVectorTmp[] = new double[3];
// double dim1, dim2, dim3;
Vector<Dif> sum_dif = new Vector<Dif>();
// sum_dif.removeAllElements();
for (int i = 0; i < input.getClassNumbers(); i++)
sum_dif.add(new Dif());
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
vis = visibility.get(i);
// sal = saliency.get(i);
// x = data.get(i).get(0);
// y = data.get(i).get(1);
l = data.get(i).get(2);
weight = getWeight(i, input, labColors); // input.getMeanViewVisibility().get(i)
// / vis;
current_surrounding = surrounding.get(i);
currentPointColor = (ColorModel) labColors.elementAt(l);
// change local color
currentSurroundingColor = VisUtil.mean_surrounding_color_as_vector(
currentPointColor, labColors, current_surrounding, input
// logger.logln("adj.Color.Locally - Center Point Color: " +
// currentSurroundingColor.toString());
// logger.logln("adj.Color.Locally - MEAN(Surrounding Color): " +
// currentSurroundingColor.toString());
for (int j = 0; j < currentSurroundingColor.size(); j++) {
displacementVector[j] = currentPointColor.getDimension(j)
- currentSurroundingColor.get(j);
double length = Math.sqrt(displacementVector[0]
* displacementVector[0] + displacementVector[1]
* displacementVector[1] + displacementVector[2]
* displacementVector[2]);
// moving away from the mean (from the currentSurroundingColor)
if (meanVisibility > mean_class_visibility.get(l)) {
for (int j = 0; j < currentSurroundingColor.size(); j++) {
displacementVector[j] /= length;
// check whether to go inward or award.
// going inward if there is more space to go away from the mean
if (changeDirection(displacementVector, currentSurroundingColor)) {
for (int j = 0; j < currentSurroundingColor.size(); j++) {
displacementVector[j] = -displacementVector[j];
// ret_++;
// moving to the mean (from the currentSurroundingColor)
// always inward pointing
else if (meanVisibility < mean_class_visibility.get(l)) {
for (int j = 0; j < currentSurroundingColor.size(); j++) {
displacementVector[j] /= -length;
// ret_++;
// do not move
else {
for (int j = 0; j < currentSurroundingColor.size(); j++) {
displacementVector[j] = 0;
// if (Math.abs(meanVisibility-vis) > 10) {
// ret_ = false;
// }
// dim1 = currentPointColor.getDimension_1() + changeVector[0];
// dim2 = currentPointColor.getDimension_2() + changeVector[1];
// dim3 = currentPointColor.getDimension_3() + changeVector[2];
Dif d = sum_dif.get(l);
d.update(displacementVector[0] * weight, displacementVector[1]
* weight, displacementVector[2] * weight);
sum_dif.set(l, d);
// check boundaries on global level is better
// ColorModel tmp = new ColorModel();
// tmp.setDimension_1(dim1);
// tmp.setDimension_2(dim2);
// tmp.setDimension_3(dim3);
// tmp.setType(ColorType.LAB);
return sum_dif;
private Vector<Dif> adjustingColorLocally_increaseVisibilities(Data input,
Vector<ColorModel> labColors) {
double weight;
// int ret_ = 0;
// int step = 1;
// double threshold = 0.05;
// TreeMap[] data = input.getData();
Vector<Float> visibility = input.getVisibility();
// Vector<Double> saliency = input.getSaliency();
Vector<Vector<Integer>> data = input.getData();
Vector<Float> mean_class_visibility = getAverageClassVisibility(
visibility, data, input.getClassNumbers(), input
double meanVisibility = getMean(visibility);
logger.logln("mean visibility: " + meanVisibility);
logger.logln("mean visibility class: "
+ mean_class_visibility.toString());
double s = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < input.getClassNumbers(); i++) {
s += mean_class_visibility.get(i);
double meanClassVisibility = s / input.getClassNumbers();
logger.logln("average of the mean class visilibilities: "
+ meanClassVisibility);
// double sal;
double vis;
// int x, y;
int l;
Vector<Vector<Integer>> surrounding = input.getSurrounding();
ColorModel currentPointColor;
Vector<Integer> current_surrounding; // = new
// Vector<Integer>(input.getClassNumbers()+1);
Vector<Double> currentSurroundingColor;
// Vector<Double> sal_as_vector; // = new Vector<Double>(3);
double displacementVector[] = new double[3];
double displacementVectorTmp[] = new double[3];
// double dim1, dim2, dim3;
Vector<Dif> sum_dif = new Vector<Dif>();
// sum_dif.removeAllElements();
for (int i = 0; i < input.getClassNumbers(); i++)
sum_dif.add(new Dif());
for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) {
vis = visibility.get(i);
l = data.get(i).get(2);
//weight = input.getMeanViewVisibility().get(i) / vis;
weight = getWeight(i, input, labColors);
current_surrounding = surrounding.get(i);
currentPointColor = (ColorModel) labColors.elementAt(l);
// change local color
currentSurroundingColor = VisUtil.mean_surrounding_color_as_vector(
currentPointColor, labColors, current_surrounding, input
for (int j = 0; j < currentSurroundingColor.size(); j++) {
displacementVector[j] = currentPointColor.getDimension(j)
- currentSurroundingColor.get(j);
double length = Math.sqrt(displacementVector[0]
* displacementVector[0] + displacementVector[1]
* displacementVector[1] + displacementVector[2]
* displacementVector[2]);
for (int j = 0; j < currentSurroundingColor.size(); j++) {
displacementVector[j] /= length;
Dif d = sum_dif.get(l);
d.update(displacementVector[0] * weight, displacementVector[1]
* weight, displacementVector[2] * weight);
sum_dif.set(l, d);
return sum_dif;
private Vector<ColorModel> adjustingColorGlobally(Data input,
Vector<ColorModel> labColors, Vector<Dif> sum_dif) {
Vector<ColorModel> res = new Vector<ColorModel>();
Vector<Integer> classesSize = input.getNumberElementsOfEachClass();
int number_all_elements = input.getNumberOfAllElements();
for (int i = 0; i < sum_dif.size(); i++) {
Dif d = sum_dif.get(i);
double weight = number_all_elements - classesSize.get(i);
weight *= classesSize.size();
weight /= number_all_elements;
double l = d.meanL() * weight;
double a = d.meanA() * weight;
double b = d.meanB() * weight;
logger.logln("disp. vec.: " + Double.toString(l) + "|"
+ Double.toString(a) + "|" + Double.toString(b));
// double c = labColors.get(i).getDimension_3() /
// labColors.get(i).getDimension_2();
l += labColors.get(i).getDimension_1();
a += labColors.get(i).getDimension_2();
b += labColors.get(i).getDimension_3();
// if (labColors.get(i).getDimension_3() < LAB.B_MAX
// && labColors.get(i).getDimension_2() < LAB.A_MAX
// && labColors.get(i).getDimension_3() > LAB.B_MIN
// && labColors.get(i).getDimension_2() > LAB.A_MIN) {
// a += labColors.get(i).getDimension_2();
// b += labColors.get(i).getDimension_3();
// } else {
// a = labColors.get(i).getDimension_2();
// b = labColors.get(i).getDimension_3();
// }
// b = a*c;
ColorModel cm = new ColorModel();
// cm.setDimension_1(LAB.getCorrectL(l));
// cm.setDimension_2(LAB.getCorrectA(a));
// cm.setDimension_3(LAB.getCorrectB(b));
if (LAB.isInRGBSpace(cm))
return res;
private Vector<ColorModel> adjustingColorGloballyHuePreserving(Data input,
Vector<ColorModel> labColors, Vector<Dif> sum_dif) {
Vector<ColorModel> res = new Vector<ColorModel>();
Vector<Integer> classesSize = input.getNumberElementsOfEachClass();
int number_all_elements = input.getNumberOfAllElements();
for (int i = 0; i < sum_dif.size(); i++) {
Dif d = sum_dif.get(i);
double weight = 1;
// double weight = number_all_elements - classesSize.get(i);
// weight *= classesSize.size();
// weight /= number_all_elements;
double l_offset = d.meanL() * weight;
double a_offset = d.meanA() * weight;
double b_offset = d.meanB() * weight;
logger.logln("disp. vec.: " + Double.toString(l_offset) + "|"
+ Double.toString(a_offset) + "|"
+ Double.toString(b_offset));
double hue_constant = labColors.get(i).getDimension_3()
/ labColors.get(i).getDimension_2();
double l, a, b;
// the new color
l = labColors.get(i).getDimension_1() + l_offset;
a = labColors.get(i).getDimension_2() + a_offset;
b = a * hue_constant;
// is it in the lab space
if (l > LAB.L_MAX || l < LAB.L_MIN) {
l = labColors.get(i).getDimension_1();
if (a > LAB.A_MAX || a < LAB.A_MIN || b > LAB.B_MAX
|| b < LAB.B_MIN) {
a = labColors.get(i).getDimension_2();
b = labColors.get(i).getDimension_3();
ColorModel cm = new ColorModel();
// cm.setDimension_1(LAB.getCorrectL(l));
// cm.setDimension_2(LAB.getCorrectA(a));
// cm.setDimension_3(LAB.getCorrectB(b));
// if (LAB.isInRGBSpace(cm))
// else
// res.add(labColors.get(i));
return res;
private Vector<ColorModel> adjustingColorGloballyHuePreserving_oldVersion(
Data input, Vector<ColorModel> labColors, Vector<Dif> sum_dif) {
Vector<ColorModel> res = new Vector<ColorModel>();
Vector<Integer> classesSize = input.getNumberElementsOfEachClass();
int number_all_elements = input.getNumberOfAllElements();
for (int i = 0; i < sum_dif.size(); i++) {
Dif d = sum_dif.get(i);
double weight = 1;
// double weight = number_all_elements - classesSize.get(i);
// weight *= classesSize.size();
// weight /= number_all_elements;
double l = d.meanL() * weight;
double a = d.meanA() * weight;
double b = d.meanB() * weight;
logger.logln("disp. vec.: " + Double.toString(l) + "|"
+ Double.toString(a) + "|" + Double.toString(b));
double c = labColors.get(i).getDimension_3()
/ labColors.get(i).getDimension_2();
l += labColors.get(i).getDimension_1();
// a += labColors.get(i).getDimension_2();
if (labColors.get(i).getDimension_3() < LAB.B_MAX
&& labColors.get(i).getDimension_2() < LAB.A_MAX
&& labColors.get(i).getDimension_3() > LAB.B_MIN
&& labColors.get(i).getDimension_2() > LAB.A_MIN) {
a += labColors.get(i).getDimension_2();
// b += labColors.get(i).getDimension_3();
} else {
a = labColors.get(i).getDimension_2();
// b = labColors.get(i).getDimension_3();
b = a * c;
ColorModel cm = new ColorModel();
// cm.setDimension_1(l);
// cm.setDimension_2(a);
// cm.setDimension_3(b);
// if (LAB.isInRGBSpace(cm))
// else
// res.add(labColors.get(i));
return res;
public Vector<ColorModel> computeNewColor(Data data,
Vector<ColorModel> labColors) {
return convergeClassVisibility(data, labColors);
private Vector<ColorModel> increaseClassVisibility(Data data,
Vector<ColorModel> labColors) {
Vector<Dif> d = adjustingColorLocally_increaseVisibilities(data,
return adjustingColorGloballyHuePreserving(data, labColors, d);
// return adjustingColorGloballyHuePreserving(data, labColors);
private Vector<ColorModel> convergeClassVisibility(Data data,
Vector<ColorModel> labColors) {
Vector<Dif> d = adjustingColorLocally_convergeVisibilities(data,
return adjustingColorGloballyHuePreserving(data, labColors, d);
// return adjustingColorGloballyHuePreserving(data, labColors);
* public Vector<ColorModel> increaseVisibility(Data input,
* Vector<ColorModel> labColors) { Vector<Double> visibility =
* input.getVisibility(); // Vector<Double> saliency = input.getSaliency();
* Vector<Vector<Integer>> data = input.getData(); Vector<Vector<Integer>>
* surrounding = input.getSurrounding();
* double meanVisibility = getMean(visibility);
* logger.logln("meanVisibility: " + meanVisibility);
* // double sal, vis; // int x, y; int l;
* ColorModel currentPointColor; Vector<Integer> current_surrounding;
* Vector<Double> currentSurroundingColor; Vector<Dif> displacement = new
* Vector<Dif>(); Vector<Double> c1 = new Vector<Double>();
* for (int i = 0; i < input.getClassNumbers(); i++) { displacement.add(new
* Dif()); c1.add(((ColorModel) labColors.get(i)).getDimension_3() /
* ((ColorModel) labColors.get(i)).getDimension_2()); }
* for (int i = 0; i < data.size(); i++) { // vis = visibility.get(i); //
* sal = saliency.get(i); // x = data.get(i).get(0); // y =
* data.get(i).get(1); l = data.get(i).get(2);
* current_surrounding = surrounding.get(i); currentPointColor =
* (ColorModel) labColors.elementAt(l);
* // change local color currentSurroundingColor =
* VisUtil.mean_surrounding_color_as_vector( currentPointColor, labColors,
* current_surrounding); // logger.logln("surrounding color" + //
* currentSurroundingColor.toString()); //
* mean_surrounding_l.add(currentSurroundingColor.get(0)); //
* mean_surrounding_a.add(currentSurroundingColor.get(1)); //
* mean_surrounding_b.add(currentSurroundingColor.get(2));
* Dif d = displacement.get(l); // double length =
* Math.sqrt(displacementVector[0] // displacementVector[0] +
* displacementVector[1] // displacementVector[1] + displacementVector[2] //
* displacementVector[2]); d.update(currentSurroundingColor.get(0),
* currentSurroundingColor .get(1), currentSurroundingColor.get(2));
* displacement.set(l, d);
* } // get the biggest class
* // int max_members = 0; // for (int i = 0; i < displacement.size(); i++)
* { // if (max_members < displacement.get(i).getNum()) { // max_members =
* displacement.get(i).getNum(); // biggestClass = i; // } // }
* Vector<ColorModel> res = new Vector<ColorModel>();
* // check mean color
* double threshold = 0.05; for (int i = 0; i < displacement.size(); i++) {
* Dif d = displacement.get(i); double l_ = d.meanL(); double a_ =
* d.meanA(); double b_ = d.meanB(); // System.out.println("mean: " + l_ +
* " " + a_ + " " + b_); logger.logln("mean: " + l_ + " " + a_ + " " + b_);
* l_ = labColors.get(i).getDimension_1() - l_; a_ =
* labColors.get(i).getDimension_2() - a_; b_ =
* labColors.get(i).getDimension_3() - b_;
* // if (i == biggestClass && l_ < 0) // l_ = -l_;
* l_ = labColors.get(i).getDimension_1() + threshold l_; a_ =
* labColors.get(i).getDimension_2() + threshold a_; // b_ =
* labColors.get(i).getDimension_3() + threshold b_; b_ = c1.get(i) a_;
* // l_ *= threshold; // a_ *= threshold; // b_ *= threshold;
* ColorModel cm = new ColorModel(); cm.setDimension_1(LAB.getCorrectL(l_));
* cm.setDimension_2(LAB.getCorrectA(a_));
* cm.setDimension_3(LAB.getCorrectB(b_)); cm.setType(ColorType.LAB);
* res.add(cm); }
* return res; }
// lab' - lab stopping criteria
// public void optimize(Data data, Vector<ColorModel> rgbColors, int radius)
// {
// // initNumberClassElements(data.getData(), data.getNumberOfClasses());
// System.out.println("start opt");
// // radius = 20;
// data.computeSaliency(radius, rgbColors);
// data.computeVisibility(radius);
// data.export("input_measures.dat");
// Vector<ColorModel> labColors = new Vector<ColorModel>();
// VisUtil.rgbToLabColors(rgbColors, labColors);
// logger.logln("INPUT: ");
// for (int i = 0; i < labColors.size(); i++) {
// logger.logln(labColors.get(i).toString());
// // print hue
// double c = labColors.get(i).getDimension_3()
// / labColors.get(i).getDimension_2();
// logger.logln("HUE: " + c);
// }
// // increase the mean visibility
// // for (int j=0; j < 50; j++) {
// // labColors = increaseClassVisibility(data, labColors);
// // for (int i = 0; i < labColors.size(); i++)
// // logger.logln(labColors.get(i).toString());
// // data.computeSaliencySungKill(labColors);
// // data.computeVisibility(radius);
// // }
// Vector<ColorModel> labColorsOutput = new Vector<ColorModel>();
// Vector<ColorModel> labColors_ = new Vector<ColorModel>();
// Vector<ColorModel> cm = null;
// boolean stop = false;
// double dif1;
// double dif2;
// double dif3;
// for (int j = 0; j < numberImprovements; j++) {
// // increase vis
// labColors = increaseClassVisibility(data, labColors);
// for (int i = 0; i < labColors.size(); i++)
// logger.logln(labColors.get(i).toString());
// data.computeSaliencySungKill(labColors);
// data.computeVisibility(radius);
// labColorsOutput = computeNewColor(data, labColors);
// for (int i = 0; i < labColorsOutput.size(); i++)
// logger.logln(labColorsOutput.get(i).toString());
// // lastImprovement.add(labColorsOutput);
// Vector<Double> currentImprovement = new Vector<Double>();
// for (int i = 0; i < labColorsOutput.size(); i++) {
// dif1 = labColorsOutput.get(i).getDimension_1()
// - labColors.get(i).getDimension_1();
// dif2 = labColorsOutput.get(i).getDimension_2()
// - labColors.get(i).getDimension_2();
// dif3 = labColorsOutput.get(i).getDimension_3()
// - labColors.get(i).getDimension_3();
// currentImprovement.add(dif1);
// currentImprovement.add(dif2);
// currentImprovement.add(dif3);
// }
// improvement.add(currentImprovement);
// if (j == 0) {
// for (int i = 0; i < currentImprovement.size(); i++) {
// sumImprovements.add(currentImprovement.get(i));
// }
// } else {
// for (int i = 0; i < currentImprovement.size(); i++) {
// sumImprovements.set(i, currentImprovement.get(i)
// + sumImprovements.get(i));
// }
// }
// labColors = labColorsOutput;
// data.computeSaliencySungKill(labColors);
// data.computeVisibility(radius);
// }
// for (int j = 0; j < 750; j++) {
// // System.out.println("step: " + j);
// // increse vis
// labColors_ = increaseClassVisibility(data, labColors);
// for (int i = 0; i < labColors_.size(); i++)
// logger.logln(labColors_.get(i).toString());
// data.computeSaliencySungKill(labColors_);
// data.computeVisibility(radius);
// labColorsOutput = computeNewColor(data, labColors_);
// for (int i = 0; i < labColorsOutput.size(); i++)
// logger.logln(labColorsOutput.get(i).toString());
// // update the list with the last results
// // update the sum of the last 'numberLastResults' changes
// Vector<Double> firstImprovement = (Vector<Double>) improvement
// .removeFirst();
// Vector<Double> currentImprovement = new Vector<Double>();
// for (int i = 0; i < labColorsOutput.size(); i++) {
// dif1 = labColorsOutput.get(i).getDimension_1()
// - labColors.get(i).getDimension_1();
// dif2 = labColorsOutput.get(i).getDimension_2()
// - labColors.get(i).getDimension_2();
// dif3 = labColorsOutput.get(i).getDimension_3()
// - labColors.get(i).getDimension_3();
// currentImprovement.add(dif1);
// currentImprovement.add(dif2);
// currentImprovement.add(dif3);
// }
// improvement.add(currentImprovement);
// for (int i = 0; i < currentImprovement.size(); i++) {
// sumImprovements.set(i, sumImprovements.get(i)
// + currentImprovement.get(i) - firstImprovement.get(i));
// }
// Iterator it = sumImprovements.iterator();
// stop = true;
// logger.log("stopping criteria, improvement sum: ");
// while (it.hasNext()) {
// Double d = (Double);
// logger.log(d.toString());
// logger.log(" ");
// if (Math.abs(d.doubleValue()) >= threshold) {
// stop = false;
// break;
// }
// }
// logger.logln("");
// labColors = labColorsOutput;
// if (stop == true) {
// it = improvement.iterator();
// while (it.hasNext())
// logger.logln("improvement: " +;
// System.out
// .println("the optimization has found a local solution");
// System.out.println("steps: " + j);
// break;
// }
// data.computeSaliencySungKill(labColors);
// data.computeVisibility(radius);
// }
// // MemoryUtil.printMemoryToFile("end");
// // MemoryUtil.freeMemory();
// // MemoryUtil.printMemoryToFile("free memory");
// logger.logln("RESULT: ");
// for (int i = 0; i < labColors.size(); i++) {
// logger.logln(labColors.get(i).toString());
// // print hue
// double c = labColors.get(i).getDimension_3()
// / labColors.get(i).getDimension_2();
// logger.logln("HUE: " + c);
// }
// double meanVisibility = getMean(data.getVisibility());
// logger.logln("RESULT LAB mean visibility: " + meanVisibility);
// VisUtil.labToRGBColors(rgbColors, labColors);
// VisUtil.rgbToLabColors(rgbColors, labColors);
// data.computeSaliencySungKill(labColors);
// data.computeVisibility(radius);
// meanVisibility = getMean(data.getVisibility());
// logger.logln("RESULT RGB mean visibility: " + meanVisibility);
// for (int i = 0; i < rgbColors.size(); i++)
// logger.log(rgbColors.get(i).toString());
// // MemoryUtil.closeFile();
// data.export("optimized_measures.dat");
// logger.close();
// System.out.println("end opt");
// }
public Vector<ColorModel> optimize(Data data, Vector<ColorModel> rgbColors,
int radiusSurround, int radiusView) {
System.out.println("start opt");
// radius = 20;
data.computeSaliency(radiusSurround, rgbColors);
// data.export("input_measures.dat");
Vector<ColorModel> labColors = new Vector<ColorModel>();
VisUtil.rgbToLabColors(rgbColors, labColors);
logger.logln("INPUT: ");
for (int i = 0; i < labColors.size(); i++) {
// print hue
double c = labColors.get(i).getDimension_3()
/ labColors.get(i).getDimension_2();
logger.logln("HUE: " + c);
// for (int i=0; i < 5; i++) {
labColors = optimize_increase(data, labColors, radiusView);
labColors = optimize_converge(data, labColors, radiusView);
// }
VisUtil.labToRGBColors(rgbColors, labColors);
double meanVisibility = getMean(data.getVisibility());
logger.logln("RESULT RGB mean visibility: " + meanVisibility);
for (int i = 0; i < data.getClassNumbers(); i++)
// MemoryUtil.closeFile();
System.out.println("end opt");
return rgbColors;
private Vector<ColorModel> optimize_increase(Data data,
Vector<ColorModel> labColors, int radiusView) {
// initNumberClassElements(data.getData(), data.getNumberOfClasses());
// System.out.println("start opt");
// // radius = 20;
// data.computeSaliency(radius, rgbColors);
// data.computeVisibility(radius);
// data.export("input_measures.dat");
// Vector<ColorModel> labColors = new Vector<ColorModel>();
// VisUtil.rgbToLabColors(rgbColors, labColors);
// logger.logln("INPUT: ");
// for (int i = 0; i < data.getClassNumbers(); i++) {
// logger.logln(labColors.get(i).toString());
// // print hue
// double c = labColors.get(i).getDimension_3()
// / labColors.get(i).getDimension_2();
// logger.logln("HUE: " + c);
// }
// increase the mean visibility
// for (int j=0; j < 50; j++) {
// labColors = increaseClassVisibility(data, labColors);
// for (int i = 0; i < labColors.size(); i++)
// logger.logln(labColors.get(i).toString());
// data.computeSaliencySungKill(labColors);
// data.computeVisibility(radius);
// }
Vector<ColorModel> labColorsOutput = new Vector<ColorModel>();
// Vector<ColorModel> labColors_ = new Vector<ColorModel>();
// Vector<ColorModel> cm = null;
// boolean stop = true;
// double dif1;
// double dif2;
// double dif3;
double vis_ = 0;
double currentImprovement = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < numberImprovements; j++) {
// increase vis
vis_ = getMean(data.getVisibility());
// we conducted the expirement - one step increase, one step
// converge. The result is, the mean visibility did not change a lot
// labColors_ = increaseClassVisibility(data, labColors);
// for (int i = 0; i < data.getClassNumbers(); i++)
// logger.logln(labColors_.get(i).toString());
// data.computeSaliencySungKill(labColors_);
// data.computeVisibility(radiusView);
labColorsOutput = increaseClassVisibility(data, labColors);
for (int i = 0; i < labColorsOutput.size(); i++)
labColors = labColorsOutput;
currentImprovement = getMean(data.getVisibility()) - vis_;
sumImprovements += currentImprovement;
for (int j = 0; j < 250; j++) {
// System.out.println("step: " + j);
// increse vis
vis_ = getMean(data.getVisibility());
// labColors_ = increaseClassVisibility(data, labColors);
// for (int i = 0; i < labColors_.size(); i++)
// logger.logln(labColors_.get(i).toString());
// data.computeSaliencySungKill(labColors_);
// data.computeVisibility(radiusView);
labColorsOutput = increaseClassVisibility(data, labColors);
for (int i = 0; i < data.getClassNumbers(); i++)
labColors = labColorsOutput;
// update the list with the last results
// update the sum of the last 'numberLastResults' changes
currentImprovement = getMean(data.getVisibility()) - vis_;
sumImprovements += currentImprovement;
Double firstImprovement = (Double) improvement.removeFirst();
sumImprovements -= firstImprovement;
logger.logln("stopping criteria, improvement sum: "
+ sumImprovements);
if (Math.abs(sumImprovements) < threshold) {
Iterator it = improvement.iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
logger.logln("improvement: " +;
.println("Increase Visibility: local solution is found");
System.out.println("steps: " + j);
logger.logln("steps: " + j);
return labColors;
// logger.logln("RESULT: ");
// for (int i = 0; i < labColors.size(); i++) {
// logger.logln(labColors.get(i).toString());
// // print hue
// double c = labColors.get(i).getDimension_3()
// / labColors.get(i).getDimension_2();
// logger.logln("HUE: " + c);
// }
// double meanVisibility = getMean(data.getVisibility());
// logger.logln("RESULT LAB mean visibility: " + meanVisibility);
// VisUtil.labToRGBColors(rgbColors, labColors);
// VisUtil.rgbToLabColors(rgbColors, labColors);
// data.computeSaliencySungKill(labColors);
// data.computeVisibility(radius);
// meanVisibility = getMean(data.getVisibility());
// logger.logln("RESULT RGB mean visibility: " + meanVisibility);
// for (int i = 0; i < rgbColors.size(); i++)
// logger.log(rgbColors.get(i).toString());
// // MemoryUtil.closeFile();
// data.export("optimized_measures.dat");
// logger.close();
// System.out.println("end opt");
private Vector<ColorModel> optimize_converge(Data data,
Vector<ColorModel> labColors, int radiusView) {
Vector<ColorModel> rgbColors = new Vector<ColorModel>();
// initNumberClassElements(data.getData(), data.getNumberOfClasses());
// System.out.println("start opt");
// // radius = 20;
// data.computeSaliency(radius, rgbColors);
// data.computeVisibility(radius);
// data.export("input_measures.dat");
// Vector<ColorModel> labColors = new Vector<ColorModel>();
// VisUtil.rgbToLabColors(rgbColors, labColors);
logger.logln("INPUT: ");
for (int i = 0; i < data.getClassNumbers(); i++) {
// print hue
double c = labColors.get(i).getDimension_3()
/ labColors.get(i).getDimension_2();
logger.logln("HUE: " + c);
// increase the mean visibility
// for (int j=0; j < 50; j++) {
// labColors = increaseClassVisibility(data, labColors);
// for (int i = 0; i < labColors.size(); i++)
// logger.logln(labColors.get(i).toString());
// data.computeSaliencySungKill(labColors);
// data.computeVisibility(radius);
// }
Vector<ColorModel> labColorsOutput = new Vector<ColorModel>();
Vector<ColorModel> labColors_ = new Vector<ColorModel>();
Vector<ColorModel> cm = null;
boolean stop = true;
double dif1;
double dif2;
double dif3;
double vis_ = 0;
double currentImprovement = 0;
sumImprovements = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < numberImprovements; j++) {
vis_ = getMean(data.getVisibility());
// labColors_ = increaseClassVisibility(data, labColors);
// for (int i = 0; i < labColors_.size(); i++)
// logger.logln(labColors_.get(i).toString());
// data.computeSaliencySungKill(labColors_);
// data.computeVisibility(radius);
labColorsOutput = convergeClassVisibility(data, labColors);
for (int i = 0; i < data.getClassNumbers(); i++)
labColors = labColorsOutput;
currentImprovement = getMean(data.getVisibility()) - vis_;
sumImprovements += currentImprovement;
for (int j = 0; j < 750; j++) {
// System.out.println("step: " + j);
// increse vis
vis_ = getMean(data.getVisibility());
// labColors_ = increaseClassVisibility(data, labColors);
// for (int i = 0; i < labColors_.size(); i++)
// logger.logln(labColors_.get(i).toString());
// data.computeSaliencySungKill(labColors_);
// data.computeVisibility(radius);
labColorsOutput = convergeClassVisibility(data, labColors);
for (int i = 0; i < data.getClassNumbers(); i++)
labColors = labColorsOutput;
// update the list with the last results
// update the sum of the last 'numberLastResults' changes
currentImprovement = getMean(data.getVisibility()) - vis_;
sumImprovements += currentImprovement;
Double firstImprovement = (Double) improvement.removeFirst();
sumImprovements -= firstImprovement;
logger.logln("stopping criteria, improvement sum: "
+ sumImprovements);
if (Math.abs(sumImprovements) < threshold) {
Iterator it = improvement.iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
logger.logln("improvement: " +;
.println("the optimization has found a local solution");
System.out.println("steps: " + j);
logger.logln("steps: " + j);
logger.logln("RESULT: ");
for (int i = 0; i < data.getClassNumbers(); i++) {
// print hue
double c = labColors.get(i).getDimension_3()
/ labColors.get(i).getDimension_2();
logger.logln("HUE: " + c);
double meanVisibility = getMean(data.getVisibility());
logger.logln("RESULT LAB mean visibility: " + meanVisibility);
VisUtil.labToRGBColors(rgbColors, labColors);
// VisUtil.rgbToLabColors(rgbColors, labColors);
// data.computeSaliencySungKill(labColors);
// data.computeVisibility(radius);
// meanVisibility = getMean(data.getVisibility());
// logger.logln("RESULT RGB mean visibility: " + meanVisibility);
// for (int i = 0; i < data.getClassNumbers(); i++)
// logger.log(rgbColors.get(i).toString());
// // MemoryUtil.closeFile();
// data.export("optimized_measures.dat");
// logger.close();
// System.out.println("end opt");
return labColors;
public static double getMean(Vector v) {
Iterator it = v.iterator();
double s = 0;
while (it.hasNext())
s += (Float);
return s / v.size();
public Vector<Float> getAverageClassVisibility(Vector<Float> v,
Vector<Vector<Integer>> p, int classes, Vector<Integer> classesSize) {
Vector<Float> ret = new Vector<Float>();
for (int i = 0; i < classes; i++) {
// number_class_elements.add(0);
int l;
float v_score;
for (int i = 0; i < p.size(); i++) {
l = p.get(i).get(2);
v_score = v.get(i);
ret.set(l, ret.get(l) + v_score);
// number_class_elements.set(l, number_class_elements.get(l) + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < classes; i++) {
ret.set(i, ret.get(i) / classesSize.get(i));
return ret;
// private void initNumberClassElements(Vector<Vector<Integer>> p, int
// classes) {
// if (number_class_elements.isEmpty() == false)
// return;
// for (int i = 0; i < classes; i++) {
// number_class_elements.add(0);
// }
// int l;
// number_all_elements = p.size();
// for (int i = 0; i < number_all_elements; i++) {
// l = p.get(i).get(2);
// number_class_elements.set(l, number_class_elements.get(l) + 1);
// }
// }
double getWeight(int currentPoint, Data input,
Vector<ColorModel> v_cm) {
double w = 0;
// version 3 - meanVisibility/ the visibility of the current point
// w = input.getMeanViewVisibility().get(i) /
// input.getVisibility().get(i);
// version4
int l = input.getData().get(currentPoint).get(2);
double saliency = input.getSaliency().get(currentPoint);
Vector<Vector<Integer>> number_surrounding_points = input
Vector<Integer> number_points = number_surrounding_points
double n = number_points.get(l);
double z = n * saliency;
double u;
double ch = 0;
ColorModel cm = v_cm.get(l);
for (int j = 0; j < input.getNumberOfClasses(); j++) {
n = number_points.get(j);
u = VisUtil.eucl_distance_center_surrounding(cm, v_cm,
number_points, input.getNumberOfClasses());
ch += n * u;
w = ch / z;
return w;