import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import de.mpi.rgblab.color.ColorModel;
import de.mpi.rgblab.color.ColorType;
import de.mpi.rgblab.optimizer.Optimizer;
import de.mpi.rgblab.utils.VisUtil;
public class GuiMap extends JPanel {
// color brewer
// 255, 255, 204; 255, 237, 160; 254, 217, 118; 254, 178, 76; 253, 141, 60;
// 252, 78, 42; 227, 26, 28; 177, 0, 38;
int displayDistance;
Data data;
int first = 0;
Vector<Color> clr = new Vector<Color>();
// Vector<Vector<Double>> pixelsMatrix = new Vector<Vector<Double>>();
// Vector<Double> classLabels = new Vector<Double>();
Vector<ColorModel> classColors = new Vector<ColorModel>();
// Vector<Double> saliency = new Vector<Double>();
// Vector<Double> visibility_score = new Vector<Double>();
// Vector<Integer> classLabels = new Vector<Integer>();
int threshold = 0;
double currentVisibilityScore;
double currentSaliency;
double max_saliency;
double min_saliency;
double max_visibility_score;
double min_visibility_score;
// Vector<ColorModel> my_color = new Vector<ColorModel>();
int reason = -1;
int sector = -1;
int last_radius;
int last_threshold;
Vector<ColorModel> last_classColors = new Vector<ColorModel>();
int percent = 100;
public void setThreshold(int t) {
threshold = t;
public GuiMap(Data data) {
// clr = ColorReader.getColorsAsColor(sal_vis_palette);
// classColors = ColorReader.getColorsAsColorModel(inputColors); = data;
// public void setSaliency(Vector<Double> saliency) {
// this.saliency = saliency;
// }
public void computeVisibility(int distance) {
int radius = VisUtil.getViewRadius(distance);
public void computeSaliency(int distance, int surroundAngle) {
int radius = VisUtil.getRadius(distance, surroundAngle);
if (last_radius == radius && last_classColors.equals(classColors))
data.computeSaliency(radius, classColors);
// check
last_classColors = classColors;
last_radius = radius;
public void setColors(Vector<Color> colors) {
classColors = arrayToColorModelVector(colors);
private Vector<ColorModel> arrayToColorModelVector(Color[] colors) {
Vector<ColorModel> v = new Vector<ColorModel>();
for (int i = 0; i < colors.length; i++)
v.add(new ColorModel(colors[i].getRed(), colors[i].getGreen(),
colors[i].getBlue(), ColorType.RGB));
return v;
private Vector<ColorModel> arrayToColorModelVector(Vector<Color> colors) {
Vector<ColorModel> v = new Vector<ColorModel>();
for (int i = 0; i < colors.size(); i++)
v.add(new ColorModel(colors.get(i).getRed(), colors.get(i)
.getGreen(), colors.get(i).getBlue(), ColorType.RGB));
return v;
public void setPercent(int percent) {
this.percent = percent;
* public void setPreferredSize(int n) { this.setPreferredSize(new
* Dimension(500, 500)); updateUI(); }
* private void resizeMap(int percent) {
* System.out.println("max screen size");
* System.out.println(initialDimension.getHeight());
* System.out.println(initialDimension.getWidth());
* windowSize = initialDimension.getSize(); windowSize.width = (int)
* (windowSize.getWidth()percent/100); windowSize.height =(int)
* (windowSize.getHeight()percent/100); //this.setSize(width, height); }
* public Dimension getMaxSize() { return initialDimension; }
public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
// do not update
super.paintComponent(g); // JPanel draws background
if (reason == -3)
// initialDimension = this.getSize();
// resizeMap(20);
// this.setSize(windowSize.height, windowSize.width);
Dimension windowSize = this.getSize();
if (first < 2) {
data.setX_res((int) windowSize.getWidth());
data.setY_res((int) windowSize.getHeight());
windowSize.width = (int) Math.round(windowSize.getWidth() * percent
/ 100);
windowSize.height = (int) Math.round(windowSize.getHeight() * percent
/ 100);
int offsetWidth = this.getWidth() - windowSize.width;
offsetWidth /= 2;
int offsetHeight = this.getHeight() - windowSize.height;
offsetHeight /= 2;
// Vector<Vector<Integer>> scaled_pixelsMatrix = new
// Vector<Vector<Integer>>();
// Numeric.scale_data_2_screen_res(pixelsMatrix, scaled_pixelsMatrix,
// windowSize.width, windowSize.height);
Iterator it = data.getData().iterator();
// Iterator it_colors = classLabels.iterator();
// int label_count=0;
* while (it.hasNext()) {
* Vector< Double> nbh; Vector<Double> my_data_item = (Vector<Double>)
* Iterator it2 = scaled_pixelsMatrix.iterator();
* while (it2.hasNext()) {
* Vector<Double> nbh_item = (Vector<Double>);
* double dist=eucl_distance(my_data_item, nbh_item);
* if(dist < 10) {
* nbh.addElement(nbh_item);
* }
* }
* }
// draw the image
// it = scaled_pixelsMatrix.iterator();
// int count = 0;
// some test for resizing the components
// System.out.println(this.getParent().getComponent(0).getWidth());
// System.out.println(this.getParent().getComponent(1).getHeight());
// this.getParent().getComponent(1).setSize(this.getParent().getComponent(1).getWidth(),
// 100);
// System.out.println(this.getParent().getComponent(0).getHeight());
// System.out.println(this.getParent().getComponent(1).getWidth());
// System.out.println(this.getParent().getComponent(1).getHeight());
// System.out.println(windowSize.height);
int count = 0;
// System.out.println("threshold: " + threshold);
int x, y, l;
while (it.hasNext()) {
Vector<Integer> row = (Vector<Integer>);
x = row.elementAt(0);
y = row.elementAt(1);
l = row.elementAt(2);
y = windowSize.height - y;
// set the color
// new code - show the map with the input colors
if (reason == -1) {
ColorModel currentColorModel = classColors.get(l);
Color currentColor = new Color((int) currentColorModel
.getDimension_1(), (int) currentColorModel
.getDimension_2(), (int) currentColorModel
// Dimension screenSize =
// Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
if (sector == -1)
g.drawRect(x + offsetWidth, y
+ offsetHeight, 1, 1);
else if (l == sector)
g.drawRect(x + offsetWidth, y
+ offsetHeight, 1, 1);
// compute saliency
else if (reason == 0) {
currentSaliency = data.getSaliency().get(count);
float current_color_double = (float) (this.clr.size()
* (currentSaliency - data.getMinSaliency()) / (data
.getMaxSaliency() - data.getMinSaliency()));
int current_color = (int) (current_color_double);
if (current_color >= clr.size())
current_color = clr.size() - 1;
if (sector == -1)
g.drawRect(x + offsetWidth, y
+ offsetHeight, 1, 1);
else if (current_color == sector)
g.drawRect(x + offsetWidth, y
+ offsetHeight, 1, 1);
// identify bad visibility
else if (reason == 1) {
// old code
currentSaliency = data.getSaliency().get(count);
if (currentSaliency > threshold) {
ColorModel currentColorModel = classColors.get(l);
Color currentColor = new Color((int) currentColorModel
.getDimension_1(), (int) currentColorModel
.getDimension_2(), (int) currentColorModel
// Dimension screenSize =
// Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
g.drawRect(x + offsetWidth, y
+ offsetHeight, 1, 1);
} else {
// Dimension screenSize =
// Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
g.drawRect(x + offsetWidth, y
+ offsetHeight, 1, 1);
// compute visibility
// V(p|cl) = Sum (Saliency(q)) for every q that belongs to the
// neighbourhood
else if (reason == 2) {
currentVisibilityScore = data.getVisibility().get(count);
int current_color = (int) (float) (clr.size()
* (currentVisibilityScore - data.getMinVisibility()) / (data
.getMaxVisibility() - data.getMinVisibility()));
if (current_color >= clr.size())
current_color = clr.size() - 1;
// System.out.println(current_color + " " + x.intValue() + " "
// + (windowSize.height - y.intValue()));
if (sector == -1)
g.drawRect(x + offsetWidth, y
+ offsetHeight, 1, 1);
else if (current_color == sector)
g.drawRect(x + offsetWidth, y
+ offsetHeight, 1, 1);
// System.out.println("count:" + count);
public void update(int reason) {
// currentSaliency = 0;
if (reason == -2) {
// this.sector = sector;
this.reason = reason;
public Vector<Color> getSaliencyColors() {
return clr;
public void setSalVisPalette(Vector<Color> c) {
clr = c;
public void updateSector(int sector) {
this.sector = sector;
public void updateDisplayDistance(int distance) {
this.displayDistance = distance;
public void importData(String filename) {
// public void showSaliency(int saliencySector) {
// sector = saliencySector;
// reason = 0;
// }
// public void showVisibility(int visibilitySector) {
// sector = visibilitySector;
// reason = 0;
// }
public void optimize(int distance, int surroundAngle) {
int radiusView = VisUtil.getViewRadius(distance);
int radiusSurround = VisUtil.getRadius(distance, surroundAngle);
Optimizer opt = new Optimizer();
classColors = opt.optimize(data, classColors, radiusSurround, radiusView);
// reutrn 0 for ok
// otherwise return the minimum numbers of colors needed
public int checkInputDataComplience() {
if (this.classColors.size() < data.getClassNumbers())
return data.getClassNumbers();
return 0;