* This file is made available under the terms of the LGPL licence.
* This licence can be retreived from http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html.
* The source remains the property of the YAWL Foundation. The YAWL Foundation is a collaboration of
* individuals and organisations who are commited to improving workflow technology.
package au.edu.qut.yawl.elements;
import au.edu.qut.yawl.util.YMessagePrinter;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;
import junit.textui.TestRunner;
* Author: Lachlan Aldred
* Date: 26/09/2003
* Time: 10:16:44
public class TestYFlowsInto extends TestCase{
private YFlow _flowsInto, _flowsInto2, _flowsInto4, _flowsInto5;
private YExternalNetElement _XORSplit;
private YExternalNetElement _ANDSplit;
private YCondition _condition1;
public void setUp(){
YSpecification spec = new YSpecification("");
YNet net1 = new YNet("net1", spec);
_XORSplit = new YAtomicTask("XORSplit_1", YTask._AND, YTask._XOR, net1);
_ANDSplit = new YAtomicTask("ANDSplit_1", YTask._AND, YTask._AND, new YNet("net2", spec));
_condition1 = new YCondition("condition1", null);
_flowsInto = new YFlow(_XORSplit, _condition1);
_flowsInto2 = new YFlow(_ANDSplit, _condition1);
// _flowsInto3 = new YFlow(null, null);
_flowsInto4 = new YFlow(_condition1, _condition1);
_flowsInto5 = new YFlow(new YOutputCondition("output1",null), new YInputCondition("input1",null));
public void testToString(){
assertTrue(_flowsInto.toString(), _flowsInto.toString().startsWith("Flow"));
public void testXOR_ORSplitNeedsDefaultFlowNotBoth(){
assertTrue(YMessagePrinter.getMessageString(_flowsInto.verify(null)), _flowsInto.verify(null).size() == 2 );
assertTrue(YMessagePrinter.getMessageString(_flowsInto.verify(null)), _flowsInto.verify(null).size() == 1 );
_flowsInto.setXpathPredicate("hi mum");
null [error] any flow from any Element (YAtomicTask:XORSplit_1) to any Element (YCondition:condition1) must occur with the bounds of the same net.
null [error] any flow from any XOR-split (YAtomicTask:XORSplit_1) must have either a predicate or be a default flow (cannot be both).
null [error] any flow from any XOR-split (YAtomicTask:XORSplit_1) that has a predicate, must have an eval ordering.
assertTrue(YMessagePrinter.getMessageString(_flowsInto.verify(null)), _flowsInto.verify(null).size() == 3 );
public void testANDCantBeDefaultFlow(){
_flowsInto2.setXpathPredicate("hi mum");
_flowsInto2.setEvalOrdering(new Integer(5));
int numMessages = _flowsInto2.verify(null).size();
if(numMessages != 4){
assertTrue(numMessages == 4);
public void testConditionToCondition(){
assertTrue(_flowsInto4.verify(null).size() == 1);
assertTrue(_flowsInto4.verify(null).size() == 1);
_flowsInto4.setXpathPredicate("hi mum");
assertTrue(_flowsInto4.verify(null).size() == 2);
assertTrue(_flowsInto4.verify(null).size() == 3);
_flowsInto4.setEvalOrdering(new Integer(100));
assertTrue(_flowsInto4.verify(null).size() == 4);
public void testInputOutputFlow(){
assertTrue(_flowsInto5.verify(null).size() == 3);
public static void main(String args[]){
TestRunner runner = new TestRunner();
public static Test suite(){
TestSuite suite = new TestSuite();
return suite;