* This file is made available under the terms of the LGPL licence.
* This licence can be retreived from http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html.
* The source remains the property of the YAWL Foundation. The YAWL Foundation is a collaboration of
* individuals and organisations who are commited to improving workflow technology.
package au.edu.qut.yawl.smsModule;
import au.edu.qut.yawl.elements.data.YParameter;
import au.edu.qut.yawl.engine.interfce.InterfaceBWebsideController;
import au.edu.qut.yawl.engine.interfce.Interface_Client;
import au.edu.qut.yawl.worklist.model.WorkItemRecord;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.*;
* @author Lachlan Aldred
* Date: 4/03/2005
* Time: 11:48:29
public class SMSSender extends InterfaceBWebsideController implements Runnable {
//sms messages that have as yet received no return messages.
private static List _outStandingInteractions = new ArrayList();
//true if the polling thread is running
private static boolean _running = false;
//completed two way sms interactions
private static List _archivedInteractions = new ArrayList();
//username of sms account
private String _smsUsername;
//password for sms account
private String _smsPassword;
private static String _sessionHandle = null;
//param names
private static final String SMS_MESSAGE_PARAMNAME = "SMSMessage";
private static final String SMS_PHONENO_PARAMNAME = "SMSPhoneNumber";
private static final String SMS_REPLYMESSAGE_PARAMNAME = "SMSReplyMessage";
* Checks the work item out of the engine, sends an sms message, and
* starts the thread that checks for a reply.
* @param enabledWorkItem
public void handleEnabledWorkItemEvent(WorkItemRecord enabledWorkItem) {
try {
if (!checkConnection(_sessionHandle)) {
if (successful(_sessionHandle)) {
List executingChildren = checkOutAllInstancesOfThisTask(enabledWorkItem, _sessionHandle);
String resultsFromService = "";
for (int i = 0; i < executingChildren.size(); i++) {
WorkItemRecord itemRecord = (WorkItemRecord) executingChildren.get(i);
Element caseDataBoundForEngine = prepareReplyRootElement(enabledWorkItem, _sessionHandle);
// first of all do a connection with the SMS Service
// String smsConnectionID = performSMSConnection(_smsUsername, _smsPassword);
//next get the parameters for message sending.
Element paramsData = itemRecord.getWorkItemData();
String message = paramsData.getChildText(SMS_MESSAGE_PARAMNAME);
String toPhone = paramsData.getChildText(SMS_PHONENO_PARAMNAME);
// String msgCorrelationID = itemRecord.getID().substring(0, 12);
// resultsFromService += performSMSSend(message, toPhone, smsConnectionID, msgCorrelationID);
String jobID = performSMSSend(message, toPhone);
//an outstanding interaction is an object that records the
//details of a reply that needs to be polled for.
Interaction inter = new Interaction();
inter._smsJobID = jobID;
inter._archivable = false;
inter._timeOfSend = new Date();
inter._workItemRecord = itemRecord;
inter._caseDataBoundForEngine = caseDataBoundForEngine;
System.out.println("\n\nSMSSender " +
"\nResults of engine interactions : " + _report +
"\nResults of SMS invocations : " + resultsFromService);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (!_running) {
//this thread polls for a reply while running
Thread replyPoller = new Thread(this, "ReplyPoller");
public YParameter[] describeRequiredParams() {
YParameter[] params = new YParameter[3];
YParameter param;
param = new YParameter(null, YParameter._INPUT_PARAM_TYPE);
param.setDocumentation("This is the SMS Message content");
params[0] = param;
param = new YParameter(null, YParameter._INPUT_PARAM_TYPE);
param.setDocumentation("This is the SMS phone number.");
params[1] = param;
param = new YParameter(null, YParameter._OUTPUT_PARAM_TYPE);
param.setDocumentation("This is the SMS reply mssage.");
params[2] = param;
return params;
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
req.getRequestDispatcher("/smsWelcome").forward(req, resp);
*performs a sned of an sms message
private String performSMSSend(String message, String toPhone) throws IOException {
toPhone = '+' + toPhone;
System.out.println("performSMSSend::message = " + message);
System.out.println("performSMSSend::toPhone = " + toPhone);
System.out.println("performSMSSend::username = " + _smsUsername);
System.out.println("performSMSSend::password = " + _smsPassword);
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put("u", _smsUsername);
params.put("p", _smsPassword);
params.put("d", toPhone);
params.put("m", message);
params.put("rr", Integer.toString(1));
String resultFromSMSService =
System.out.println("performSMSSend::resultFromSMSService = " + resultFromSMSService);
String [] result = resultFromSMSService.split(" ");
if("ACK".equals(result[0])) {
return result[1];
throw new IOException(result[1]);
* By implementing this method and deploying a web app containing the implementation
* the YAWL engine will send events to this method notifying your custom
* YAWL service that an active work item has been cancelled by the
* engine.
* @param workItemRecord a "snapshot" of the work item cancelled in
* the engine.
public void handleCancelledWorkItemEvent(WorkItemRecord workItemRecord) {
synchronized (this) {
System.out.println("PreCancel::_outStandingInteractions = " + _outStandingInteractions);
System.out.println("\tCancel:_archivedInteractions = " + _archivedInteractions);
for (int i = 0; i < _outStandingInteractions.size(); i++) {
Interaction inter = (Interaction)
if (inter._workItemRecord.getID().equals(workItemRecord.getID())) {
System.out.println("\tPostCancel::_outStandingInteractions = " + _outStandingInteractions);
System.out.println("\tPostCancel::_archivedInteractions = " + _archivedInteractions);
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
SMSSender sender = new SMSSender();
if(args.length != 8) {
System.out.println("Usage: -m <message> -d <phonenumber>" +
"-u <username> -p <password>");
sender.setSMSUsernameAndPassword(args[5], args[7]);
String smsJobID = null;
try {
smsJobID = sender.performSMSSend(args[1], args[3]);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("e.getMessage() = " + e.getMessage());
System.out.println("result = " + smsJobID);
try {
/* clean up standard reply */
List replies = sender.getReplies(smsJobID);
for (int i = 0; i < replies.size(); i++) {
Reply reply = (Reply) replies.get(i);
Logger _logger = Logger.getLogger(SMSSender.class);
_logger.info("reply._fromPhoneNum = " + reply._fromPhoneNum);
_logger.info("reply._msgTxt = " + reply._messageTxt);
_logger.info("reply._replyID = " + reply._replyID);
_logger.info("reply._jobID = " + reply._jobID);
_logger.info("reply._time = " + reply._timeStr);
_logger.info("reply._date = " + reply._dateStr);
} catch (Exception e) {
//7684 940635 2006-07-28 09:44:18 61438330056 "JjjjC"
//7685 941118 2006-07-28 14:34:32 61438330056 "Kjg.Dm"
//7686 941118 2006-07-28 14:34:49 61438330056 "Jmwtpgjmwtp"
public void run() {
_running = true;
while (_outStandingInteractions.size() > 0) {
_logger.info("---> Outstandaing interactions loop");
synchronized (this) {
for (int i = 0; i < _outStandingInteractions.size(); i++) {
Interaction inter = (Interaction) _outStandingInteractions.get(i);
try {
List replies = getReplies(inter._smsJobID);
if (replies.size() > 0) {
inter._replyMessage = (Reply) replies.iterator().next();
_logger.info("reply text = " + inter._replyMessage._messageTxt);
_logger.info("reply from = " + inter._replyMessage._fromPhoneNum);
_logger.info("reply corr = " + inter._replyMessage._jobID);
_logger.info("reply when = " + inter._replyMessage._timeStr);
inter._archivable = true;
Element smsReplyMessage = new Element(SMS_REPLYMESSAGE_PARAMNAME);
String result = checkInWorkItem(inter._workItemRecord.getID(),
_logger.info("result of work item checkin = " + result);
} catch (Exception e) {
for (int i = 0; i < _outStandingInteractions.size(); i++) {
Interaction inter = (Interaction) _outStandingInteractions.get(i);
if (inter._archivable) {
_logger.info("outStandingInteractions = " + _outStandingInteractions);
_logger.info("_archivedInteractions = " + _archivedInteractions);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
_running = false;
private List getReplies(String smsJobID) throws IOException {
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put("u", _smsUsername);
params.put("p", _smsPassword);
params.put("j", smsJobID);
String resultFromSMSService =
_logger.info("Returned Message FromSMSService = " + resultFromSMSService);
return parseReplies(resultFromSMSService);
private List parseReplies(String resultFromSMSService) {
List replies = new ArrayList();
String[] rawreply = resultFromSMSService.split("\n");
String[][] preprocessedResult = new String[rawreply.length][];
for (int i = 0; i < preprocessedResult.length; i++) {
String[] singleReply = rawreply[i].split("\t");
if (singleReply.length > 5 ) {
String replyStr = parseReplyFromService(singleReply[5]);
Reply reply = new Reply();
reply._replyID = singleReply[0];
reply._jobID = singleReply[1];
reply._dateStr = singleReply[2];
reply._timeStr = singleReply[3];
reply._fromPhoneNum = singleReply[4];
reply._messageTxt = replyStr;
return replies;
private static String parseReplyFromService(String replyFromPhone) {
String [] parsed = replyFromPhone.split("\"");
String uberparsed = "";
for (int i = 0; i < parsed.length; i++) {
uberparsed += parsed[i];
return uberparsed;
public void setSMSUsernameAndPassword(String username, String password) {
_smsUsername = username;
_smsPassword = password;
public List getCompletedInteractions() {
return _archivedInteractions;
class Interaction {
Date _timeOfSend;
String _smsJobID;
Reply _replyMessage;
boolean _archivable;
WorkItemRecord _workItemRecord;
public Element _caseDataBoundForEngine;
public String toString() {
return _workItemRecord.getID() + " archivable <" + _archivable + ">";
class Reply {
String _jobID;
String _replyID;
String _fromPhoneNum;
String _messageTxt;
String _dateStr;
String _timeStr;