* This file is made available under the terms of the LGPL licence.
* This licence can be retreived from http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html.
* The source remains the property of the YAWL Foundation. The YAWL Foundation is a collaboration of
* individuals and organisations who are commited to improving workflow technology.
package au.edu.qut.yawl.elements;
import au.edu.qut.yawl.elements.data.YParameter;
import au.edu.qut.yawl.elements.data.YVariable;
import au.edu.qut.yawl.elements.e2wfoj.E2WFOJNet;
import au.edu.qut.yawl.elements.state.YIdentifier;
import au.edu.qut.yawl.elements.state.YMarking;
import au.edu.qut.yawl.elements.state.YOrJoinUtils;
import au.edu.qut.yawl.elements.state.YSetOfMarkings;
import au.edu.qut.yawl.engine.YPersistenceManager;
import au.edu.qut.yawl.exceptions.YDataStateException;
import au.edu.qut.yawl.exceptions.YPersistenceException;
import au.edu.qut.yawl.exceptions.YSchemaBuildingException;
import au.edu.qut.yawl.schema.Instruction;
import au.edu.qut.yawl.schema.XMLToolsForYAWL;
import au.edu.qut.yawl.util.Order;
import au.edu.qut.yawl.util.Sorter;
import au.edu.qut.yawl.util.YVerificationMessage;
import org.jdom.Document;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder;
import org.jdom.output.Format;
import org.jdom.output.XMLOutputter;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.util.*;
* The implementation of a net in the YAWL paper. - A container for tasks and conditions.
* @author Lachlan Aldred
public final class YNet extends YDecomposition {
private YInputCondition _inputCondition;
private YOutputCondition _outputCondition;
private Map _netElements = new HashMap();
private Map _localVariables = new HashMap();
private YNet _clone;
public YNet(String id, YSpecification specification) {
super(id, specification);
public void setInputCondition(YInputCondition inputCondition) {
_inputCondition = inputCondition;
_netElements.put(inputCondition.getID(), inputCondition);
public void setOutputCondition(YOutputCondition outputCondition) {
_outputCondition = outputCondition;
_netElements.put(outputCondition.getID(), outputCondition);
/** This method removes a net element together with preSet, postSet, reset,
* cancelledBy sets.
public void removeNetElement(YExternalNetElement netElement){
Set preSet = netElement.getPresetElements();
Iterator presetIter = preSet.iterator();
while (presetIter.hasNext())
{ YExternalNetElement next = (YExternalNetElement) presetIter.next();
YFlow flow = new YFlow(next,netElement);
Set postSet = netElement.getPostsetElements();
Iterator postsetIter = postSet.iterator();
while (postsetIter.hasNext())
{ YExternalNetElement next = (YExternalNetElement) postsetIter.next();
YFlow flow = new YFlow(netElement,next);
//Need to remove from removeSet and cancelledBySet as well.
if (netElement instanceof YTask)
{ YTask t = (YTask) netElement;
Set removeSet = t.getRemoveSet();
if (!removeSet.isEmpty()){
for (Iterator i = removeSet.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
YExternalNetElement next = (YExternalNetElement) i.next();
//Check if a place or condition is part of any cancellation sets
Set cancelledBy = netElement.getCancelledBySet();
if (!cancelledBy.isEmpty())
for (Iterator i = cancelledBy.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
YTask t = (YTask) i.next();
public void addNetElement(YExternalNetElement netElement) {
_netElements.put(netElement.getID(), netElement);
public Map getNetElements() {
return new HashMap(_netElements);
* Method getInputCondition.
* @return YConditionInterface
public YInputCondition getInputCondition() {
return this._inputCondition;
* Method getOutputCondition.
* @return YCondition
public YOutputCondition getOutputCondition() {
return _outputCondition;
* @param id
* @return YExternalNetElement
public YExternalNetElement getNetElement(String id) {
return (YExternalNetElement) this._netElements.get(id);
* Used to verify that the net conforms to syntax of YAWL.
* @return a List of error messages.
public List verify() {
List messages = new Vector();
if (this._inputCondition == null) {
messages.add(new YVerificationMessage(this, this + " must contain input condition.",
if (this._outputCondition == null) {
messages.add(new YVerificationMessage(this, this + " must contain output condition.",
Iterator netEls = this._netElements.values().iterator();
while (netEls.hasNext()) {
YExternalNetElement nextElement = (YExternalNetElement) netEls.next();
if (nextElement instanceof YInputCondition && !_inputCondition.equals(nextElement)) {
messages.add(new YVerificationMessage(this, "Only one inputCondition allowed, " +
"and it must be _inputCondition.", YVerificationMessage.ERROR_STATUS));
if (nextElement instanceof YOutputCondition && !_outputCondition.equals(nextElement)) {
messages.add(new YVerificationMessage(this, "Only one outputCondition allowed, " +
"and it must be _outputCondition.", YVerificationMessage.ERROR_STATUS));
for (Iterator iterator = _localVariables.values().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
YVariable var = (YVariable) iterator.next();
//check that all elements in the net are on a directed path from 'i' to 'o'.
return messages;
private List verifyDirectedPath() {
List messages = new Vector();
/* Function isValid(YConditionInterface i, YConditionInterface o, Tasks T, Conditions C): Boolean
#Initalize variables:
visitedFw := {i};
visitingFw := postset(visitedFw);
visitedBk := {o};
visitingBk := preset(visitedBk); */
Set visitedFw = new HashSet();
Set visitingFw = new HashSet();
Set visitedBk = new HashSet();
Set visitingBk = new HashSet();
/* Begin Loop:
visitedFw := visitedFw Union visitingFw;
visitingFw := postset(visitingFw) - visitedFw;
Until: visitingFw = {} */
do {
visitingFw = getPostset(visitingFw);
} while (visitingFw.size() > 0);
/* Begin Loop:
visitedBk := visitedBk Union visitingBk;
visitingBk := preset(visitingBk) - visitedBk;
Until: visitingBk = {} */
do {
visitingBk = getPreset(visitingBk);
} while (visitingBk.size() > 0);
/* return visitedFw = T U C ^ visitedBk = T U C;
// returns true iff all t in T are on a directed path from i to o
END */
int numElements = _netElements.size();
Set allElements = new HashSet(_netElements.values());
if (visitedFw.size() != numElements) {
Set elementsNotInPath = new HashSet(allElements);
Iterator elementsNotInPathIt = elementsNotInPath.iterator();
while (elementsNotInPathIt.hasNext()) {
messages.add(new YVerificationMessage(this, elementsNotInPathIt.next() +
" is not on a forward directed path from i to o.", YVerificationMessage.ERROR_STATUS));
if (visitedBk.size() != numElements) {
Set elementsNotInPath = new HashSet(allElements);
Iterator elementsNotInPathIt = elementsNotInPath.iterator();
while (elementsNotInPathIt.hasNext()) {
messages.add(new YVerificationMessage(this, elementsNotInPathIt.next() +
" is not on a backward directed path from i to o.", YVerificationMessage.ERROR_STATUS));
return messages;
public static Set getPostset(Set elements) {
Set postset = new HashSet();
Iterator iter = elements.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
YNetElement ne = (YNetElement) iter.next();
if (!(ne instanceof YOutputCondition) && ne instanceof YExternalNetElement) {
postset.addAll(((YExternalNetElement) ne).getPostsetElements());
return postset;
public static Set getPreset(Set elements) {
Set preset = new HashSet();
Iterator iter = elements.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
YExternalNetElement ne = (YExternalNetElement) iter.next();
if (ne != null && !(ne instanceof YInputCondition)) {
return preset;
public Object clone() {
try {
_clone = (YNet) super.clone();
_clone._netElements = new HashMap();
Set visited = new HashSet();
Set visiting = new HashSet();
do {
Iterator iter = visiting.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
YExternalNetElement element = (YExternalNetElement) iter.next();
//_clone.addNetElement(elementCopy);//redundant call see YExternalNetElement.clone
//ensure traversal of each element only occurs once
visiting = getPostset(visiting);
} while (visiting.size() > 0);
_clone._localVariables = new HashMap();
Collection params = _localVariables.values();
for (Iterator iterator = params.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
YVariable variable = (YVariable) iterator.next();
YVariable copyVar = (YVariable) variable.clone();
_clone._data = (Document) this._data.clone();
//do cleanup of class variable _clone before returning.
Object temp = _clone;
_clone = null;
return temp;
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
return null;
protected YNet getCloneContainer() {
return _clone;
public boolean orJoinEnabled(YTask orJoin, YIdentifier caseID) {
if (orJoin == null || caseID == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Irrelavant to check the enabledness of an orjoin if " +
"this is called with null params.");
YMarking actualMarking = new YMarking(caseID);
YSetOfMarkings setOfMarkings = new YSetOfMarkings();
if (orJoin.getJoinType() != orJoin._OR) {
throw new RuntimeException(orJoin + " must be an OR-Join.");
List locations = actualMarking.getLocations();
for (Iterator locIter = locations.iterator(); locIter.hasNext();) {
YNetElement element = (YNetElement) locIter.next();
if (orJoin.getPresetElements().contains(element)) {
return determineEnabledness(
orJoin, actualMarking, new YMarking(caseID), setOfMarkings);
//dont waste time on an orjoin with no tokens in preset
return false;
public boolean orJoinEnabled(YTask orJoin, YIdentifier caseID) {
if (orJoin == null || caseID == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Irrelavant to check the enabledness of an orjoin if " +
"this is called with null params.");
if (orJoin.getJoinType() != YTask._OR) {
throw new RuntimeException(orJoin + " must be an OR-Join.");
YMarking actualMarking = new YMarking(caseID);
List locations = new Vector(actualMarking.getLocations());
Set preSet = orJoin.getPresetElements();
if (locations.containsAll(preSet)) {
return true;
boolean callORjoin = false;
for (Iterator locIter = locations.iterator(); locIter.hasNext();) {
YNetElement element = (YNetElement) locIter.next();
if (preSet.contains(element)) {
callORjoin = true;
if (callORjoin) {
try {
E2WFOJNet e2Net = new E2WFOJNet(this, orJoin);
return e2Net.orJoinEnabled(actualMarking, orJoin);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Exception in OR-join call:" + e);
//dont waste time on an orjoin with no tokens in preset
return false;
* Not used since Moe added a new OR algorithm to the system.
* @param orJoin the orjoin
* @param actualMarking
* @param currentlyConsideredMarking
* @param markingsAlreadyConsidered
* @return whether or not the orjoin is enabled.
protected boolean determineEnabledness(YTask orJoin, YMarking actualMarking,
YMarking currentlyConsideredMarking,
YSetOfMarkings markingsAlreadyConsidered) {
Set tasks = YOrJoinUtils.reduceToEnabled(currentlyConsideredMarking, orJoin);
while (tasks.size() > 0) {
YTask task = YOrJoinUtils.pickOptimalEnabledTask(
tasks, orJoin, currentlyConsideredMarking, markingsAlreadyConsidered);
YSetOfMarkings markingSet = currentlyConsideredMarking.reachableInOneStep(task, orJoin);
while (markingSet.size() > 0) {
YMarking aMarking = markingSet.removeAMarking();
if (aMarking.isBiggerEnablingMarkingThan(actualMarking, orJoin)) {
return false;
} else if (aMarking.deadLock(orJoin)) {
boolean skip = false;
for (Iterator markingsIterator = markingsAlreadyConsidered.getMarkings().iterator();
markingsIterator.hasNext() && !skip;) {
YMarking consideredMarking = (YMarking) markingsIterator.next();
if (aMarking.strictlyGreaterThanOrEqualWithSupports(consideredMarking)) {
skip = true;
if (aMarking.strictlyLessThanWithSupports(consideredMarking)) {
skip = true;
if (skip) {
return determineEnabledness(orJoin, actualMarking, aMarking, markingsAlreadyConsidered);
return true;
public void setLocalVariable(YVariable variable) {
if (null != variable.getName()) {
_localVariables.put(variable.getName(), variable);
} else if (null != variable.getElementName()) {
_localVariables.put(variable.getElementName(), variable);
public Map getLocalVariables() {
return _localVariables;
public String toXML() {
StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer();
List variables = new ArrayList(_localVariables.values());
Order order = new Order() {
public boolean lessThan(Object a, Object b) {
YVariable var1 = (YVariable) a;
YVariable var2 = (YVariable) b;
String var1Nm = var1.getName() != null ?
var1.getName() : var1.getElementName();
String var2Nm = var2.getName() != null ?
var2.getName() : var2.getElementName();
if (var1Nm != null && var2Nm != null) {
return var1Nm.compareTo(var2Nm) < 0;
} else if (var1Nm == null) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
Object[] sortedVars = Sorter.sort(order, variables.toArray());
if (null != sortedVars) {
for (int i = 0; i < sortedVars.length; i++) {
YVariable variable = (YVariable) sortedVars[i];
Set visitedFw = new HashSet();
Set visitingFw = new HashSet();
do {
visitingFw = getPostset(visitingFw);
} while (visitingFw.size() > 0);
Collection remainingElements = new ArrayList(_netElements.values());
return xml.toString();
private String produceXMLStringForSet(Collection elementCollection) {
StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer();
for (Iterator iterator = elementCollection.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
YExternalNetElement element = (YExternalNetElement) iterator.next();
if (element instanceof YTask) {
} else {
YCondition condition = (YCondition) element;
if (condition instanceof YInputCondition ||
condition instanceof YOutputCondition || condition.isImplicit()) {
//do nothing
} else {
return xml.toString();
* Initialises the variable/parameter declarations so that the net may execute.
public void initialise(YPersistenceManager pmgr) throws YPersistenceException {
Iterator iter = _localVariables.values().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
YVariable variable = (YVariable) iter.next();
Element initialValuedXMLDOM = null;
String varElementName = variable.getName() != null ?
variable.getName() :
if (variable.getInitialValue() != null) {
String initialValue = variable.getInitialValue();
initialValue =
"<" + varElementName + ">" +
initialValue +
"</" + varElementName + ">";
try {
SAXBuilder builder = new org.jdom.input.SAXBuilder();
Document doc = builder.build(new StringReader(initialValue));
initialValuedXMLDOM = doc.detachRootElement();
} catch (Exception e) {
} else {
initialValuedXMLDOM = new Element(varElementName);
addData(pmgr, initialValuedXMLDOM);
public void setIncomingData(YPersistenceManager pmgr, Element incomingData) throws YSchemaBuildingException, YDataStateException, YPersistenceException {
Iterator iter = getInputParameters().values().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
YParameter parameter = (YParameter) iter.next();
Element actualParam = incomingData.getChild(parameter.getName());
if (parameter.isMandatory() && actualParam == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The input data for Net:" + getID() +
" is missing mandatory input data for a parameter (" + parameter.getName() + "). " +
" Alternatively the data is there but the query in the super net produced data with" +
" the wrong name(Check your specification). "
+ new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()).outputString(incomingData).trim());
if (getSpecification().isSchemaValidating()) {
String schema = buildSchema();
YExternalNetElement.validateDataAgainstTypes(schema, incomingData, getID());
List actualParams = incomingData.getChildren();
while (actualParams.size() > 0) {
Element element = (Element) actualParams.get(0);
if (getInputParameters().containsKey(element.getName())) {
addData(pmgr, element);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Element " + element +
" is not a valid input parameter of " + this);
private String buildSchema() throws YSchemaBuildingException {
XMLToolsForYAWL xmlt = getSpecification().getToolsForYAWL();
Collection params = getInputParameters().values();
Instruction[] instructionsArr = xmlt.buildInstructions(params);
return xmlt.createYAWLSchema(instructionsArr, getRootDataElementName());
public Set getBusyTasks() {
Set busyTasks = new HashSet();
for (Iterator iterator = _netElements.values().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
YExternalNetElement element = (YExternalNetElement) iterator.next();
if (element instanceof YTask) {
YTask task = (YTask) element;
if (task.t_isBusy()) {
return busyTasks;
public Set getEnabledTasks(YIdentifier id) {
Set enabledTasks = new HashSet();
for (Iterator iterator = _netElements.values().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
YExternalNetElement element = (YExternalNetElement) iterator.next();
if (element instanceof YTask) {
YTask task = (YTask) element;
if (task.t_enabled(id)) {
return enabledTasks;
public boolean usesSimpleRootData() {
return getRootDataElementName().equals("data");