* This file is made available under the terms of the LGPL licence.
* This licence can be retreived from http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html.
* The source remains the property of the YAWL Foundation. The YAWL Foundation is a collaboration of
* individuals and organisations who are commited to improving workflow technology.
package au.edu.qut.yawl.elements;
import au.edu.qut.yawl.util.YVerificationMessage;
import org.jdom.JDOMException;
import org.jdom.xpath.XPath;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;
* A collection of attributes that apply to multiple instance tasks. Used as a property
* of YTask.
* Date: 15/04/2003
* Time: 12:06:19
public final class YMultiInstanceAttributes implements Cloneable, YVerifiable {
public final static String _creationModeDynamic = "dynamic";
public final static String _creationModeStatic = "static";
private Integer _minInstances;
private Integer _maxInstances;
private Integer _threshold;
private String _minInstancesQuery;
private String _maxInstancesQuery;
private String _thresholdQuery;
private String _creationMode;
YTask _myTask;
private String _inputVarName;
private String _inputSplittingQuery;
private String _remoteOutputQuery;
private String _outputProcessingQuery;
protected YMultiInstanceAttributes(YTask container, String minInstancesQuery,
String maxInstancesQuery, String thresholdQuery, String creationMode) {
_myTask = container;
try {
_minInstances = new Integer(minInstancesQuery);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
_minInstancesQuery = minInstancesQuery;
try {
_maxInstances = new Integer(maxInstancesQuery);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
_maxInstancesQuery = maxInstancesQuery;
try {
_threshold = new Integer(thresholdQuery);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
_thresholdQuery = thresholdQuery;
_creationMode = creationMode;
public int getMinInstances() {
if (_minInstances != null) {
return _minInstances.intValue();
Number result = null;
try {
XPath xpath = XPath.newInstance(_minInstancesQuery);
result = (Number) xpath.selectSingleNode(_myTask._net.getInternalDataDocument());
} catch (JDOMException e) {
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("The minInstances query at " + _myTask
+ " didn't produce numerical output as excepted.");
return result.intValue();
public int getMaxInstances() {
if (_maxInstances != null) {
return _maxInstances.intValue();
Number result = null;
try {
XPath xpath = XPath.newInstance(_maxInstancesQuery);
result = (Number) xpath.selectSingleNode(_myTask._net.getInternalDataDocument());
} catch (JDOMException e) {
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("The maxInstances query at " + _myTask
+ " didn't produce numerical output as excepted.");
return result.intValue();
public int getThreshold() {
if (_threshold != null) {
return _threshold.intValue();
Number result = null;
try {
XPath xpath = XPath.newInstance(_thresholdQuery);
result = (Number) xpath.selectSingleNode(_myTask._net.getInternalDataDocument());
} catch (JDOMException e) {
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("The threshold query at " + _myTask
+ " didn't produce numerical output as excepted.");
return result.intValue();
public String getCreationMode() {
return this._creationMode;
public List verify() {
List messages = new Vector();
if (_minInstances != null && _minInstances.intValue() < 1) {
messages.add(new YVerificationMessage(_myTask, _myTask
+ " _minInstances < 1", YVerificationMessage.ERROR_STATUS));
if (_minInstances != null && _maxInstances != null &&
_minInstances.intValue() > _maxInstances.intValue()) {
messages.add(new YVerificationMessage(_myTask, _myTask
+ "._minInstances > _maxInstances", YVerificationMessage.ERROR_STATUS));
if (_maxInstances != null && _maxInstances.intValue() < 1) {
messages.add(new YVerificationMessage(_myTask, _myTask
+ "._maxInstances < 1", YVerificationMessage.ERROR_STATUS));
/* if(_threshold != null && _minInstances != null && _threshold.intValue() < _minInstances.intValue()){
messages.add(new YVerificationMessage(_myTask, _myTask
+ "._threshold < _minInstances"));
if (_threshold != null && _threshold.intValue() < 1) {
messages.add(new YVerificationMessage(_myTask, _myTask
+ "._threshold < 1", YVerificationMessage.ERROR_STATUS));
if (!(_creationMode.equalsIgnoreCase("static") || _creationMode.equalsIgnoreCase("dynamic"))) {
messages.add(new YVerificationMessage(_myTask, _myTask
+ "._creationMode does not equal 'static' or 'dynamic'", YVerificationMessage.ERROR_STATUS));
return messages;
public void setUniqueInputMISplittingQuery(String inputQuery) {
_inputSplittingQuery = inputQuery;
public String getMISplittingQuery() {
return _inputSplittingQuery;
public String getMIFormalInputParam() {
return _inputVarName;
public void setMIFormalInputParam(String variableName) {
_inputVarName = variableName;
public String getMIFormalOutputQuery() {
return _remoteOutputQuery;
public void setMIFormalOutputQuery(String remoteOutputQuery) {
_remoteOutputQuery = remoteOutputQuery;
public String getMIJoiningQuery() {
return _outputProcessingQuery;
public void setUniqueOutputMIJoiningQuery(String outputProcessingQuery) {
_outputProcessingQuery = outputProcessingQuery;
public String toXML() {
StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer();
xml.append("<minimum>" + (_minInstances != null ? _minInstances.toString() : _myTask.marshal(_minInstancesQuery)) + "</minimum>");
xml.append("<maximum>" + (_maxInstances != null ? _maxInstances.toString() : _myTask.marshal(_maxInstancesQuery)) + "</maximum>");
xml.append("<threshold>" + (_threshold != null ? _threshold.toString() : _myTask.marshal(_thresholdQuery)) + "</threshold>");
xml.append("<creationMode code=\"" + _creationMode + "\"/>");
xml.append("<expression query=\"" + _myTask.marshal(_myTask.getPreSplittingMIQuery()) + "\"/>");
xml.append("<splittingExpression query=\"" + _myTask.marshal(_inputSplittingQuery) + "\"/>");
xml.append("<formalInputParam>" + _inputVarName + "</formalInputParam>");
if (_remoteOutputQuery != null) {
xml.append("<formalOutputExpression query=\"" + _myTask.marshal(_remoteOutputQuery) + "\"/>");
xml.append("<outputJoiningExpression query=\"" + _myTask.marshal(_outputProcessingQuery) + "\"/>");
xml.append("<resultAppliedToLocalVariable>" +
_myTask.getMIOutputAssignmentVar(_remoteOutputQuery) +
return xml.toString();
public boolean isMultiInstance() {
if (_maxInstances != null) {
return _maxInstances.intValue() > 1;
} else {
return _maxInstancesQuery != null;
public Object clone() {
YMultiInstanceAttributes copy = null;
try {
copy = (YMultiInstanceAttributes) super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
return copy;
}//end class