import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlTransient;
import org.codehaus.jackson.annotate.JsonIgnore;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import com.redhat.ecs.commonstructures.NameIDSortMap;
import com.redhat.ecs.commonutils.XMLUtilities;
import com.redhat.ecs.constants.CommonConstants;
* A REST representation of the Topic entity
@XmlRootElement(name = "topic")
public class TopicV1 extends BaseRESTEntityWithPropertiesV1<TopicV1>
public static final String TITLE_NAME = "title";
public static final String DESCRIPTION_NAME = "description";
public static final String XML_NAME = "xml";
public static final String XML_ERRORS_NAME = "xmlErrors";
public static final String HTML_NAME = "html";
public static final String TAGS_NAME = "tags";
public static final String OUTGOING_NAME = "outgoingRelationships";
public static final String INCOMING_NAME = "incomingRelationships";
public static final String LOCALE_NAME = "locale";
public static final String SOURCE_URLS_NAME = "sourceUrls_OTM";
public static final String BUGZILLABUGS_NAME = "bugzillabugs_OTM";
public static final String PROPERTIES_NAME = "properties";
public static final String TRANSLATEDTOPCIS_NAME = "translatedtopics_OTM";
private String title = null;
private String description = null;
private String xml = null;
private String xmlErrors = null;
private String html = null;
private Date lastModified = null;
private Date created = null;
private Number revision = 0;
private String locale = null;
private BaseRestCollectionV1<TagV1> tags = null;
private BaseRestCollectionV1<TopicV1> outgoingRelationships = null;
private BaseRestCollectionV1<TopicV1> incomingRelationships = null;
private BaseRestCollectionV1<TopicSourceUrlV1> sourceUrls = null;
private BaseRestCollectionV1<BugzillaBugV1> bugzillaBugs = null;
private BaseRestCollectionV1<TranslatedTopicV1> translatedTopics = null;
public Number getRevision()
return revision;
public void setRevision(final Number revision)
this.revision = revision;
public String getTitle()
return title;
public void setTitle(final String title)
this.title = title;
public void setTitleExplicit(final String title)
this.title = title;
public String getDescription()
return description;
public void setDescription(final String description)
this.description = description;
public void setDescriptionExplicit(final String description)
this.description = description;
public String getXml()
return xml;
public void setXml(final String xml)
this.xml = xml;
public void setXmlExplicit(final String xml)
this.xml = xml;
public String getHtml()
return html;
public void setHtml(final String html)
this.html = html;
public void setHtmlExplicit(final String html)
this.html = html;
public BaseRestCollectionV1<TagV1> getTags()
return tags;
public void setTags(final BaseRestCollectionV1<TagV1> tags)
this.tags = tags;
public void setTagsExplicit(final BaseRestCollectionV1<TagV1> tags)
this.tags = tags;
public BaseRestCollectionV1<TopicV1> getOutgoingRelationships()
return outgoingRelationships;
public void setOutgoingRelationships(final BaseRestCollectionV1<TopicV1> outgoingRelationships)
this.outgoingRelationships = outgoingRelationships;
public void setOutgoingRelationshipsExplicit(final BaseRestCollectionV1<TopicV1> outgoingRelationships)
this.outgoingRelationships = outgoingRelationships;
public BaseRestCollectionV1<TopicV1> getIncomingRelationships()
return incomingRelationships;
public void setIncomingRelationships(final BaseRestCollectionV1<TopicV1> incomingRelationships)
this.incomingRelationships = incomingRelationships;
public void setIncomingRelationshipsExplicit(final BaseRestCollectionV1<TopicV1> incomingRelationships)
this.incomingRelationships = incomingRelationships;
* @return the XML contained in a new element, or null if the XML is not
* valid
public String getXMLWithNewContainer(final String containerName)
assert containerName != null : "The containerName parameter can not be null";
final Document document = XMLUtilities.convertStringToDocument(this.xml);
if (document == null)
return null;
final Element newElement = document.createElement(containerName);
final Element documentElement = document.getDocumentElement();
return XMLUtilities.convertDocumentToString(document);
public String getXMLWithNoContainer(final Boolean includeTitle)
final Document document = XMLUtilities.convertStringToDocument(this.xml);
if (document == null)
return null;
String retValue = "";
final NodeList nodes = document.getDocumentElement().getChildNodes();
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.getLength(); ++i)
final Node node = nodes.item(i);
if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
if (includeTitle != null && !includeTitle)
if (node.getNodeName().equals("title"))
retValue += XMLUtilities.convertNodeToString(node, true);
return retValue;
public Date getLastModified()
return lastModified;
public void setLastModified(final Date lastModified)
this.lastModified = lastModified;
public Date getCreated()
return created;
public void setCreated(Date created)
this.created = created;
public String getXRefID()
return "TopicID" + this.getId();
public String getTopicSkynetURL()
return CommonConstants.SERVER_URL + "/TopicIndex/CustomSearchTopicList.seam?topicIds=" + this.getId();
public boolean isTaggedWith(final Integer tagID)
if (this.getTags() != null && this.getTags().getItems() != null)
for (final TagV1 tag : this.getTags().getItems())
if (tag.getId().equals(tagID))
return true;
return false;
public TopicV1 getRelatedTopicByID(final Integer id)
if (this.getOutgoingRelationships() != null && this.getOutgoingRelationships().getItems() != null)
for (final TopicV1 topic : this.getOutgoingRelationships().getItems())
if (topic.getId().equals(id))
return topic;
return null;
public boolean isRelatedTo(final Integer id)
return getRelatedTopicByID(id) != null;
public List<TagV1> getTagsInCategoriesByID(final List<Integer> categories)
final List<TagV1> retValue = new ArrayList<TagV1>();
if (this.getTags() != null && this.getTags().getItems() != null)
for (final Integer categoryId : categories)
for (final TagV1 tag : this.tags.getItems())
if (tag.isInCategory(categoryId))
if (!retValue.contains(tag))
return retValue;
public int getTagsInCategory(final Integer categoryId)
int retValue = 0;
if (this.getTags() != null && this.getTags().getItems() != null)
for (final TagV1 tag : this.getTags().getItems())
if (tag.isInCategory(categoryId))
return retValue;
* @return The value to be saved into the Build ID field of any bugzilla
* bugs assigned to this topic.
public String getBugzillaBuildId()
final SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat(CommonConstants.FILTER_DISPLAY_DATE_FORMAT);
return this.getId() + "-" + this.revision + " " + (this.lastModified == null ? formatter.format(this.lastModified) : formatter.format(new Date())) + " " + this.locale;
public void addTag(final TagV1 tag)
if (this.tags == null)
this.tags = new BaseRestCollectionV1<TagV1>();
public String getCommaSeparatedTagList()
final TreeMap<NameIDSortMap, ArrayList<TagV1>> tags = getCategoriesMappedToTags();
String tagsList = "";
for (final NameIDSortMap key : tags.keySet())
// sort alphabetically
Collections.sort(tags.get(key), new TagV1NameComparator());
if (tagsList.length() != 0)
tagsList += " ";
tagsList += key.getName() + ": ";
String thisTagList = "";
for (final TagV1 tag : tags.get(key))
if (thisTagList.length() != 0)
thisTagList += ", ";
thisTagList += tag.getName();
tagsList += thisTagList + " ";
return tagsList;
private TreeMap<NameIDSortMap, ArrayList<TagV1>> getCategoriesMappedToTags()
final TreeMap<NameIDSortMap, ArrayList<TagV1>> tags = new TreeMap<NameIDSortMap, ArrayList<TagV1>>();
if (this.tags != null && this.tags.getItems() != null)
for (final TagV1 tag : this.tags.getItems())
if (tag.getCategories() != null && tag.getCategories().getItems() != null)
final List<CategoryV1> categories = tag.getCategories().getItems();
if (categories.size() == 0)
final NameIDSortMap categoryDetails = new NameIDSortMap("Uncatagorised", -1, 0);
if (!tags.containsKey(categoryDetails))
tags.put(categoryDetails, new ArrayList<TagV1>());
for (final CategoryV1 category : categories)
final NameIDSortMap categoryDetails = new NameIDSortMap(category.getName(), category.getId(), category.getSort() == null ? 0 : category.getSort());
if (!tags.containsKey(categoryDetails))
tags.put(categoryDetails, new ArrayList<TagV1>());
return tags;
public BaseRestCollectionV1<TopicSourceUrlV1> getSourceUrls_OTM()
return sourceUrls;
public void setSourceUrls_OTM(final BaseRestCollectionV1<TopicSourceUrlV1> sourceUrls)
this.sourceUrls = sourceUrls;
public void setSourceUrlsExplicit_OTM(final BaseRestCollectionV1<TopicSourceUrlV1> sourceUrls)
this.sourceUrls = sourceUrls;
public String getLocale()
return locale;
public void setLocale(final String locale)
this.locale = locale;
public void setLocaleExplicit(final String locale)
this.locale = locale;
public String getXmlErrors()
return xmlErrors;
public void setXmlErrors(final String xmlErrors)
this.xmlErrors = xmlErrors;
public void setXmlErrorsExplicit(final String xmlErrors)
this.xmlErrors = xmlErrors;
public BaseRestCollectionV1<BugzillaBugV1> getBugzillaBugs_OTM()
return bugzillaBugs;
public void setBugzillaBugs_OTM(final BaseRestCollectionV1<BugzillaBugV1> bugzillaBugs)
this.bugzillaBugs = bugzillaBugs;
public void setBugzillaBugsExplicit_OTM(final BaseRestCollectionV1<BugzillaBugV1> bugzillaBugs)
this.bugzillaBugs = bugzillaBugs;
public BaseRestCollectionV1<TranslatedTopicV1> getTranslatedTopics_OTM()
return translatedTopics;
public void setTranslatedTopics_OTM(final BaseRestCollectionV1<TranslatedTopicV1> translatedTopics)
this.translatedTopics = translatedTopics;