package com.redhat.ecs.commonutils;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
public class HTMLUtilities
/** A regular expression that identifies the start of a CSS import statement */
private static final String CSS_IMPORT_START = "@import url(\"";
/** A regular expression that identifies the end of a CSS import statement */
private static final String CSS_IMPORT_END = "\");";
* Takes a XHTML file (usually generated by Publican), and inlines all the
* CSS, image and SVG data. The resulting string is a stand alone HTML file
* with no references to external resources.
* @param html The original XHTML code
* @param basePath The path on which all the resources referenced by the
* XHTML file can be found
* @return A single, stand alone version of the XHTML
public static String inlineHtmlPage(final String html, final String basePath)
String retValue = html;
final Document doc = XMLUtilities.convertStringToDocument(html);
if (doc != null)
inlineImgNodes(doc, basePath);
inlineCssNodes(doc, basePath);
inlineSvgNodes(doc, basePath);
retValue = XMLUtilities.convertDocumentToString(doc);
return retValue;
* Finds any reference to an external SVG image and replaces the node with
* the SVG inline data.
* @param doc The document that holds the XHTML
* @param basePath The base path where the SVG images can be found
private static void inlineSvgNodes(final Document doc, final String basePath)
// handle null inputs
if (doc == null)
final String fixedBasePath = basePath == null ? "" : basePath;
final List<Node> nodes = XMLUtilities.getNodes(doc.getDocumentElement(), "object");
for (final Node node : nodes)
final NamedNodeMap attributes = node.getAttributes();
final Node typeAttribute = attributes.getNamedItem("type");
final Node dataAttribute = attributes.getNamedItem("data");
if (typeAttribute != null && typeAttribute.getTextContent().equals("image/svg+xml") && dataAttribute != null)
final String data = dataAttribute.getTextContent();
final File dataFile = new File(fixedBasePath + "/" + data);
if (dataFile.exists())
final String fileString = FileUtilities.readFileContents(dataFile);
final Document svgDoc = XMLUtilities.convertStringToDocument(fileString);
if (svgDoc != null)
final Element svgDocElement = svgDoc.getDocumentElement();
if (svgDocElement != null && svgDocElement.getNodeName().equals("svg"))
final Node parent = node.getParentNode();
if (parent != null)
final Node importedNode = doc.importNode(svgDocElement, true);
parent.replaceChild(importedNode, node);
catch (final Exception ex)
* Finds any reference to an external CSS scripts and replaces the node with
* inline CSS data.
* @param doc The document that holds the XHTML
* @param basePath The base path where the CSS scripts can be found
private static void inlineCssNodes(final Document doc, final String basePath)
// handle null inputs
if (doc == null)
final String fixedBasePath = basePath == null ? "" : basePath;
final List<Node> nodes = XMLUtilities.getNodes(doc.getDocumentElement(), "link");
for (final Node node : nodes)
final NamedNodeMap attributes = node.getAttributes();
final Node relAttribute = attributes.getNamedItem("rel");
final Node hrefAttribute = attributes.getNamedItem("href");
final Node mediaAttribute = attributes.getNamedItem("media");
if (relAttribute != null && relAttribute.getTextContent().equals("stylesheet") && hrefAttribute != null)
final String href = hrefAttribute.getTextContent();
final File hrefFile = new File(fixedBasePath + "/" + href);
if (hrefFile.exists())
// find the base path for any import statements that
// might be in the css file
String cssBasePath = "";
int end = href.lastIndexOf("/");
if (end == -1)
end = href.lastIndexOf("\\");
if (end != -1)
cssBasePath = href.substring(0, end);
final String fileString = inlineCssImports(FileUtilities.readFileContents(hrefFile), basePath + "/" + cssBasePath);
final Node parent = node.getParentNode();
if (parent != null)
final Element newNode = doc.createElement("style");
newNode.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
if (mediaAttribute != null)
newNode.setAttribute("media", mediaAttribute.getTextContent());
parent.replaceChild(newNode, node);
catch (final Exception ex)
* Finds any reference to an external CSS scripts that themselves have been
* referenced in a CSS script using an import statement and replaces the
* node with inline CSS data.
* @param doc The document that holds the XHTML
* @param basePath The base path where the CSS scripts can be found
private static String inlineCssImports(final String css, final String basePath)
String retValue = css;
int start;
while ((start = retValue.indexOf(CSS_IMPORT_START)) != -1)
int end = retValue.indexOf(CSS_IMPORT_END, start);
if (end != -1)
final String filePath = retValue.substring(start + CSS_IMPORT_START.length(), end);
final String fileData = FileUtilities.readFileContents(new File(basePath + "/" + filePath));
retValue = retValue.replace(CSS_IMPORT_START + filePath + CSS_IMPORT_END, fileData);
return retValue;
* Finds any reference to an external images and replaces them with inline
* base64 data
* @param doc The document that holds the XHTML
* @param basePath The base path where the images can be found
private static void inlineImgNodes(final Document doc, final String basePath)
// handle null inputs
if (doc == null)
final String fixedBasePath = basePath == null ? "" : basePath;
final List<Node> imageNodes = XMLUtilities.getNodes(doc.getDocumentElement(), "img");
for (final Node node : imageNodes)
final NamedNodeMap attributes = node.getAttributes();
final Node srcAttribute = attributes.getNamedItem("src");
if (srcAttribute != null)
final String src = srcAttribute.getTextContent();
final File srcFile = new File(fixedBasePath + "/" + src);
if (srcFile.exists())
final byte[] srcFileByteArray = FileUtilities.readFileContentsAsByteArray(srcFile);
if (srcFileByteArray != null)
// get the file extension of the original image
final int extensionStringLocation = src.lastIndexOf(".");
// make sure we have an extension
if (extensionStringLocation != -1 && extensionStringLocation != src.length() - 1)
final String extension = src.substring(extensionStringLocation + 1);
// encode the image
final byte[] srcFileEncodedByteArray = Base64.encodeBase64(srcFileByteArray);
final String srcFileEncodedString = new String(srcFileEncodedByteArray);
final Node parent = node.getParentNode();
if (parent != null)
final Element newImgNode = doc.createElement("img");
newImgNode.setAttribute("src", "data:image/" + extension + ";base64," + srcFileEncodedString);
parent.replaceChild(newImgNode, node);
catch (final Exception ex)