Package com.itextpdf.text.pdf

Source Code of com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfOutline

* $Id: 4784 2011-03-15 08:33:00Z blowagie $
* This file is part of the iText (R) project.
* Copyright (c) 1998-2011 1T3XT BVBA
* Authors: Bruno Lowagie, Paulo Soares, et al.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3
* as published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the
* following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a):
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
* See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see or write to
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* The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code versions
* of this program must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required under
* Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License.
* In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public License,
* a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that is created
* or manipulated using iText.
* You can be released from the requirements of the license by purchasing
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* These activities include: offering paid services to customers as an ASP,
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* For more information, please contact iText Software Corp. at this
* address:
package com.itextpdf.text.pdf;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import com.itextpdf.text.BaseColor;
import com.itextpdf.text.Chunk;
import com.itextpdf.text.Font;
import com.itextpdf.text.Paragraph;

* <CODE>PdfOutline</CODE> is an object that represents a PDF outline entry.
* <P>
* An outline allows a user to access views of a document by name.<BR>
* This object is described in the 'Portable Document Format Reference Manual version 1.3'
* section 6.7 (page 104-106)
* @see    PdfDictionary

public class PdfOutline extends PdfDictionary {

    // membervariables

    /** the <CODE>PdfIndirectReference</CODE> of this object */
    private PdfIndirectReference reference;

    /** value of the <B>Count</B>-key */
    private int count = 0;

    /** value of the <B>Parent</B>-key */
    private PdfOutline parent;

    /** value of the <B>Destination</B>-key */
    private PdfDestination destination;

    /** The <CODE>PdfAction</CODE> for this outline.
    private PdfAction action;

    protected ArrayList<PdfOutline> kids = new ArrayList<PdfOutline>();

    protected PdfWriter writer;

    /** Holds value of property tag. */
    private String tag;

    /** Holds value of property open. */
    private boolean open;

    /** Holds value of property color. */
    private BaseColor color;

    /** Holds value of property style. */
    private int style = 0;

    // constructors

     * Constructs a <CODE>PdfOutline</CODE>.
     * <P>
     * This is the constructor for the <CODE>outlines object</CODE>.
     * @param writer The PdfWriter you are adding the outline to

    PdfOutline(PdfWriter writer) {
        open = true;
        parent = null;
        this.writer = writer;

     * Constructs a <CODE>PdfOutline</CODE>.
     * <P>
     * This is the constructor for an <CODE>outline entry</CODE>. The open mode is
     * <CODE>true</CODE>.
     * @param parent the parent of this outline item
     * @param action the <CODE>PdfAction</CODE> for this outline item
     * @param title the title of this outline item

    public PdfOutline(PdfOutline parent, PdfAction action, String title) {
        this(parent, action, title, true);

     * Constructs a <CODE>PdfOutline</CODE>.
     * <P>
     * This is the constructor for an <CODE>outline entry</CODE>.
     * @param parent the parent of this outline item
     * @param action the <CODE>PdfAction</CODE> for this outline item
     * @param title the title of this outline item
     * @param open <CODE>true</CODE> if the children are visible
    public PdfOutline(PdfOutline parent, PdfAction action, String title, boolean open) {
        this.action = action;
        initOutline(parent, title, open);

     * Constructs a <CODE>PdfOutline</CODE>.
     * <P>
     * This is the constructor for an <CODE>outline entry</CODE>. The open mode is
     * <CODE>true</CODE>.
     * @param parent the parent of this outline item
     * @param destination the destination for this outline item
     * @param title the title of this outline item

    public PdfOutline(PdfOutline parent, PdfDestination destination, String title) {
        this(parent, destination, title, true);

     * Constructs a <CODE>PdfOutline</CODE>.
     * <P>
     * This is the constructor for an <CODE>outline entry</CODE>.
     * @param parent the parent of this outline item
     * @param destination the destination for this outline item
     * @param title the title of this outline item
     * @param open <CODE>true</CODE> if the children are visible
    public PdfOutline(PdfOutline parent, PdfDestination destination, String title, boolean open) {
        this.destination = destination;
        initOutline(parent, title, open);

     * Constructs a <CODE>PdfOutline</CODE>.
     * <P>
     * This is the constructor for an <CODE>outline entry</CODE>. The open mode is
     * <CODE>true</CODE>.
     * @param parent the parent of this outline item
     * @param action the <CODE>PdfAction</CODE> for this outline item
     * @param title the title of this outline item
    public PdfOutline(PdfOutline parent, PdfAction action, PdfString title) {
        this(parent, action, title, true);

     * Constructs a <CODE>PdfOutline</CODE>.
     * <P>
     * This is the constructor for an <CODE>outline entry</CODE>.
     * @param parent the parent of this outline item
     * @param action the <CODE>PdfAction</CODE> for this outline item
     * @param title the title of this outline item
     * @param open <CODE>true</CODE> if the children are visible
    public PdfOutline(PdfOutline parent, PdfAction action, PdfString title, boolean open) {
        this(parent, action, title.toString(), open);

     * Constructs a <CODE>PdfOutline</CODE>.
     * <P>
     * This is the constructor for an <CODE>outline entry</CODE>. The open mode is
     * <CODE>true</CODE>.
     * @param parent the parent of this outline item
     * @param destination the destination for this outline item
     * @param title the title of this outline item

    public PdfOutline(PdfOutline parent, PdfDestination destination, PdfString title) {
        this(parent, destination, title, true);

     * Constructs a <CODE>PdfOutline</CODE>.
     * <P>
     * This is the constructor for an <CODE>outline entry</CODE>.
     * @param parent the parent of this outline item
     * @param destination the destination for this outline item
     * @param title the title of this outline item
     * @param open <CODE>true</CODE> if the children are visible
    public PdfOutline(PdfOutline parent, PdfDestination destination, PdfString title, boolean open) {
        this(parent, destination, title.toString(), true);

     * Constructs a <CODE>PdfOutline</CODE>.
     * <P>
     * This is the constructor for an <CODE>outline entry</CODE>. The open mode is
     * <CODE>true</CODE>.
     * @param parent the parent of this outline item
     * @param action the <CODE>PdfAction</CODE> for this outline item
     * @param title the title of this outline item

    public PdfOutline(PdfOutline parent, PdfAction action, Paragraph title) {
        this(parent, action, title, true);

     * Constructs a <CODE>PdfOutline</CODE>.
     * <P>
     * This is the constructor for an <CODE>outline entry</CODE>.
     * @param parent the parent of this outline item
     * @param action the <CODE>PdfAction</CODE> for this outline item
     * @param title the title of this outline item
     * @param open <CODE>true</CODE> if the children are visible
    public PdfOutline(PdfOutline parent, PdfAction action, Paragraph title, boolean open) {
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        for (Chunk chunk: title.getChunks()) {
        this.action = action;
        initOutline(parent, buf.toString(), open);

     * Constructs a <CODE>PdfOutline</CODE>.
     * <P>
     * This is the constructor for an <CODE>outline entry</CODE>. The open mode is
     * <CODE>true</CODE>.
     * @param parent the parent of this outline item
     * @param destination the destination for this outline item
     * @param title the title of this outline item

    public PdfOutline(PdfOutline parent, PdfDestination destination, Paragraph title) {
        this(parent, destination, title, true);

     * Constructs a <CODE>PdfOutline</CODE>.
     * <P>
     * This is the constructor for an <CODE>outline entry</CODE>.
     * @param parent the parent of this outline item
     * @param destination the destination for this outline item
     * @param title the title of this outline item
     * @param open <CODE>true</CODE> if the children are visible
    public PdfOutline(PdfOutline parent, PdfDestination destination, Paragraph title, boolean open) {
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
        for (Object element : title.getChunks()) {
            Chunk chunk = (Chunk) element;
        this.destination = destination;
        initOutline(parent, buf.toString(), open);

    // methods

    /** Helper for the constructors.
     * @param parent the parent outline
     * @param title the title for this outline
     * @param open <CODE>true</CODE> if the children are visible
    void initOutline(PdfOutline parent, String title, boolean open) { = open;
        this.parent = parent;
        writer = parent.writer;
        put(PdfName.TITLE, new PdfString(title, PdfObject.TEXT_UNICODE));
        if (destination != null && !destination.hasPage()) // bugfix Finn Bock

     * Sets the indirect reference of this <CODE>PdfOutline</CODE>.
     * @param reference the <CODE>PdfIndirectReference</CODE> to this outline.

    public void setIndirectReference(PdfIndirectReference reference) {
        this.reference = reference;

     * Gets the indirect reference of this <CODE>PdfOutline</CODE>.
     * @return    the <CODE>PdfIndirectReference</CODE> to this outline.

    public PdfIndirectReference indirectReference() {
        return reference;

     * Gets the parent of this <CODE>PdfOutline</CODE>.
     * @return    the <CODE>PdfOutline</CODE> that is the parent of this outline.

    public PdfOutline parent() {
        return parent;

     * Set the page of the <CODE>PdfDestination</CODE>-object.
     * @param pageReference indirect reference to the page
     * @return <CODE>true</CODE> if this page was set as the <CODE>PdfDestination</CODE>-page.

    public boolean setDestinationPage(PdfIndirectReference pageReference) {
        if (destination == null) {
            return false;
        return destination.addPage(pageReference);

     * Gets the destination for this outline.
     * @return the destination
    public PdfDestination getPdfDestination() {
        return destination;

    int getCount() {
        return count;

    void setCount(int count) {
        this.count = count;

     * returns the level of this outline.
     * @return    a level

    public int level() {
        if (parent == null) {
            return 0;
        return parent.level() + 1;

     * Returns the PDF representation of this <CODE>PdfOutline</CODE>.
     * @param writer the PdfWriter
     * @param os
     * @throws IOException

    public void toPdf(PdfWriter writer, OutputStream os) throws IOException {
        if (color != null && !color.equals(BaseColor.BLACK)) {
            put(PdfName.C, new PdfArray(new float[]{color.getRed()/255f,color.getGreen()/255f,color.getBlue()/255f}));
        int flag = 0;
        if ((style & Font.BOLD) != 0)
            flag |= 2;
        if ((style & Font.ITALIC) != 0)
            flag |= 1;
        if (flag != 0)
            put(PdfName.F, new PdfNumber(flag));
        if (parent != null) {
            put(PdfName.PARENT, parent.indirectReference());
        if (destination != null && destination.hasPage()) {
            put(PdfName.DEST, destination);
        if (action != null)
            put(PdfName.A, action);
        if (count != 0) {
            put(PdfName.COUNT, new PdfNumber(count));
        super.toPdf(writer, os);

     * Adds a kid to the outline
     * @param outline
    public void addKid(PdfOutline outline) {

     * Returns the kids of this outline
     * @return an ArrayList with PdfOutlines
    public ArrayList<PdfOutline> getKids() {
        return kids;

     * Sets the kids of this outline
     * @param kids
    public void setKids(ArrayList<PdfOutline> kids) { = kids;

    /** Getter for property tag.
     * @return Value of property tag.
    public String getTag() {
        return tag;

    /** Setter for property tag.
     * @param tag New value of property tag.
    public void setTag(String tag) {
        this.tag = tag;

     * Gets the title of this outline
     * @return the title as a String
    public String getTitle() {
        PdfString title = (PdfString)get(PdfName.TITLE);
        return title.toString();

     * Sets the title of this outline
     * @param title
    public void setTitle(String title) {
        put(PdfName.TITLE, new PdfString(title, PdfObject.TEXT_UNICODE));

    /** Getter for property open.
     * @return Value of property open.
    public boolean isOpen() {
        return open;

    /** Setter for property open.
     * @param open New value of property open.
    public void setOpen(boolean open) { = open;

    /** Getter for property color.
     * @return Value of property color.
    public BaseColor getColor() {
        return this.color;

    /** Setter for property color.
     * @param color New value of property color.
    public void setColor(BaseColor color) {
        this.color = color;

    /** Getter for property style.
     * @return Value of property style.
    public int getStyle() {

    /** Setter for property style.
     * @param style New value of property style.
    public void setStyle(int style) { = style;


Related Classes of com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfOutline

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