//=== File Prolog =============================================================
// This code was developed by NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 588
// for the Scientist's Expert Assistant (SEA) project.
//--- Contents ----------------------------------------------------------------
// TimeLine
//--- Description -------------------------------------------------------------
// A time line which can contain nodes that can be adjusted by time and duration
//--- Notes -------------------------------------------------------------------
//--- Development History -----------------------------------------------------
// 05/19/99 M. Fishman
// Original implementation.
//--- DISCLAIMER---------------------------------------------------------------
// This software is provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind, either
// express, implied, or statutory, including, but not limited to, any
// warranty that the software will conform to specification, any implied
// warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and
// freedom from infringement, and any warranty that the documentation will
// conform to the program, or any warranty that the software will be error
// free.
// In no event shall NASA be liable for any damages, including, but not
// limited to direct, indirect, special or consequential damages, arising out
// of, resulting from, or in any way connected with this software, whether or
// not based upon warranty, contract, tort or otherwise, whether or not
// injury was sustained by persons or property or otherwise, and whether or
// not loss was sustained from or arose out of the results of, or use of,
// their software or services provided hereunder.
//=== End File Prolog =========================================================
// $Id: TimeLine.java,v 1.2 2009/02/21 16:43:10 abrighto Exp $
//package gov.nasa.gsfc.util.gui;
package jsky.timeline;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyVetoException;
import java.beans.VetoableChangeListener;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.MouseInputAdapter;
import javax.swing.event.MouseInputListener;
import jsky.science.Time;
import jsky.util.gui.BasicWindowMonitor;
import jsky.util.gui.DialogUtil;
import jsky.coords.HMS;
* A time line which can contain nodes that can be adjusted by time and duration.
* <p/>
* <P>This code was developed by NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 588
* for the Scientist's Expert Assistant (SEA) project.
* @author M. Fishman
* @author A. Brighton (modified original version)
* @version $Revision: 1.2 $
public class TimeLine extends JPanel {
// constants for setUnitsType()
public static final String DATE_VIEW = "Date View";
public static final String TIME_VIEW = "Time View";
public static final String DISPLAY_WINDOW_CHANGE = "Display Window Change";
public static final String NODE_ADDED = "node added";
public static final String NODE_REMOVED = "node removed";
public static final String SELECTION_MODE = "Selection";
public static final String ZOOM_MODE = "Zoom";
protected static final double MIN_DISPLAY_WINDOW = 10.0;
public static final Cursor DEFAULT_CURSOR = Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR);
protected Comparator<TimeLineNode> _comparator = new TimeLineNodeComparator();
protected float _handleHeight = 6;
protected float _verticalSpacer = 18;
protected Line2D.Float _centerLine = new Line2D.Float();
protected Set<TimeLineNode> _nodes;
protected List<VetoableChangeListener> _vetoableListeners;
protected int _intervalCount;
protected String _mode = SELECTION_MODE;
protected String _unitType = Time.MINUTE;
protected Time _displayStart;
protected Time _displayEnd;
protected Time _intervalInTime;
protected TimeLineModel _model;
// If true, draw the timeline start and end labels at the top, otherwise at the bottom
protected boolean _labelsAtTop = false;
* a listener for mouse events.
protected MouseAdapter _mouseListener = new MouseAdapter() {
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) {
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent evt) {
* an adapter used to handle mouse drag events
protected MouseMotionAdapter _mouseDragListener = new MouseMotionAdapter() {
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent evt) {
// propogate event to nodes
for (TimeLineNode node : _nodes) {
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent evt) {
// propogate event to nodes
for (TimeLineNode node : _nodes) {
protected KeyAdapter _keyListener = new KeyAdapter() {
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent evt) {
protected VetoableChangeListener _myChildListener = new VetoableChangeListener() {
public void vetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) throws DetailedPropertyVetoException {
protected PropertyChangeListener _myModelListener = new PropertyChangeListener() {
public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
if (TimeLineModel.NODE_ADDED.equals(evt.getPropertyName())) {
TimeLineNodeModel model = (TimeLineNodeModel) evt.getNewValue();
boolean found = false;
for (Iterator iter = getTimeLineNodesIterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
TimeLineNode node = (TimeLineNode) iter.next();
if (node.getModel() == model) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
Class nodeClass = model.getGUIClass();
try {
TimeLineNode node = (TimeLineNode) nodeClass.newInstance();
} catch (Exception ex) {
} else if (TimeLineModel.NODE_REMOVED.equals(evt.getPropertyName())) {
TimeLineNodeModel model = (TimeLineNodeModel) evt.getOldValue();
for (Iterator iter = getTimeLineNodesIterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
TimeLineNode node = (TimeLineNode) iter.next();
if (node.getModel() == model) {
} else if (TimeLineModel.ALL_NODES_REMOVED.equals(evt.getPropertyName())) {
* constructor
public TimeLine() {
this(0, 50, 50);
* constructor
* @param interval the number of intervals in a 50 minute time line
public TimeLine(int interval) {
this(0, 50, interval);
* constructor
* @param start the starting minute of the timeline
* @param end the ending minute of the timeline
* @param intervals the number of intervals on the timeline
public TimeLine(int start, int end, int intervals) {
this(new Time((double) start, Time.MINUTE), new Time((double) end, Time.MINUTE), intervals);
* constructor
* @param start the starting time of the timeline
* @param end the ending time of the timeline
* @param intervals the number of intervals on the timeline
public TimeLine(Time start, Time end, int intervals) {
this(new DefaultTimeLineModel(start, end, intervals));
* constructor
* @param model the time line model
public TimeLine(TimeLineModel model) {
Time start = model.getStartTime();
Time end = model.getEndTime();
int intervals = model.getIntervalCount();
MouseInputListener msListener = new MouseInputAdapter() {
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
private void setCursor(MouseEvent e) {
Cursor cursor = DEFAULT_CURSOR;
for (TimeLineNode node : _nodes) {
if (node.containsPoint(e.getPoint())) {
cursor = node.getCursor(e);
_displayStart = start;
_displayEnd = end;
_model = model;
_intervalCount = intervals;
double intervalsInTime = (end.getValue(Time.SECOND) - start.getValue(Time.SECOND)) /
(double) _intervalCount;
_intervalInTime = new Time(intervalsInTime, Time.SECOND);
_nodes = new TreeSet<TimeLineNode>(_comparator);
_vetoableListeners = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<VetoableChangeListener>(5));
setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(20, 0, 70, 0));
* add a time line node to the time line
public void addTimeLineNode(TimeLineNode node) throws IllegalNodePositionException {
if (!_nodes.contains(node)) {
TimeLine oldParent = node.getParent();
try {
validatePropertyChange(new PropertyChangeEvent(node,
} catch (DetailedPropertyVetoException ex) {
if (oldParent != this) {
} else {
throw new IllegalNodePositionException("could not add node: " + node.getTimeLineNodeName());
* Add a time line node to the time line and save time by not checking or firing events.
public void addTimeLineNodeNoEvents(TimeLineNode node) throws IllegalNodePositionException {
if (!_nodes.contains(node)) {
public TimeLineModel getModel() {
return _model;
* Set the model (allan: added this method)
public void setModel(TimeLineModel model) {
Time start = model.getStartTime();
Time end = model.getEndTime();
int intervals = model.getIntervalCount();
_displayStart = start;
_displayEnd = end;
_model = model;
_intervalCount = intervals;
double intervalsInTime = (end.getValue(Time.SECOND) - start.getValue(Time.SECOND)) /
(double) _intervalCount;
_intervalInTime = new Time(intervalsInTime, Time.SECOND);
_nodes = new TreeSet<TimeLineNode>(_comparator);
_vetoableListeners = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<VetoableChangeListener>(5));
* add a time line node to the time line without checking its legality
protected void addSilentTimeLineNode(TimeLineNode node) {
if (!_nodes.contains(node)) {
* Set the unit types to display in the timeline.
public void setUnitsType(String unitType) {
_unitType = unitType;
public boolean isLabelsAtTop() {
return _labelsAtTop;
public void setLabelsAtTop(boolean b) {
_labelsAtTop = b;
public float getHandleHeight() {
return _handleHeight;
public void setHandleHeight(float f) {
_handleHeight = f;
public float getVerticalSpacer() {
return _verticalSpacer;
public void setVerticalSpacer(float f) {
_verticalSpacer = f;
* get the unit types to display in the timeline
public String getUnitsType() {
return _unitType;
* sets the diplay window of the timeline
public synchronized void setDisplayArea(Time start, Time end) {
if ((_displayStart.getValue() != start.getValue()) || (_displayEnd.getValue() != end.getValue())) {
Time oldStart = _displayStart;
Time oldEnd = _displayEnd;
_displayStart = start;
_displayEnd = end;
double intervalsInTime = (_displayEnd.getValue(Time.SECOND) - _displayStart.getValue(Time.SECOND)) /
(double) _intervalCount;
_intervalInTime = new Time(intervalsInTime, Time.SECOND);
try {
fireVetoableChange(new PropertyChangeEvent(this, DISPLAY_WINDOW_CHANGE, null, null));
} catch (DetailedPropertyVetoException ex) {
setDisplayArea(oldStart, oldEnd);
* reset the display window to show all data
public void resetDisplayArea() {
setDisplayArea(new Time(getStartTime().getValue()), new Time(getEndTime().getValue()));
* move the display window of the timeline by the specified amount
public synchronized void moveDisplayAreaBy(Time time) {
if (time.getValue() != 0.0) {
Time startTime = new Time(_displayStart.getValue(Time.SECOND) + time.getValue(Time.SECOND),
Time endTime = new Time(_displayEnd.getValue(Time.SECOND) + time.getValue(Time.SECOND),
setDisplayArea(startTime, endTime);
* remove a time line node from the time line
public synchronized void removeTimeLineNode(TimeLineNode node) {
if (_nodes.contains(node)) {
try {
fireVetoableChange(new PropertyChangeEvent(node, NODE_REMOVED, node, null));
} catch (DetailedPropertyVetoException ex) {
* remove all time line nodes from time line
public void removeAllTimeLineNodes() {
if (_nodes.size() > 0) {
for (Iterator iter = _nodes.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
TimeLineNode node = (TimeLineNode) iter.next();
* get the time value of a single interval in the timeline
public Time getIntervalTime() {
return _intervalInTime;
* get the number of intervals in the time line
public int getIntervalCount() {
return _model.getIntervalCount();
* paint the component
protected void paintComponent(Graphics grph) {
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) grph;
* paint the component
protected void paintCenterLine(Graphics2D g2) {
Dimension dim = getSize();
// draw the center line
_centerLine.x1 = _verticalSpacer;
_centerLine.y1 = dim.height / 2f;
_centerLine.x2 = dim.width - _verticalSpacer;
_centerLine.y2 = dim.height / 2f;
g2.fill3DRect((int) _centerLine.x1, (int) _centerLine.y1 - 1, (int) (_centerLine.x2 - _centerLine.x1), 3, false);
Line2D.Float stopLine = new Line2D.Float();
// draw left hand stop
if (_displayStart.getValue(Time.SECOND) <= getStartTime().getValue(Time.SECOND)) {
stopLine.x1 = _centerLine.x1 - 1;
stopLine.x2 = _centerLine.x1 - 1;
stopLine.y1 = (dim.height - _handleHeight) / 2f;
stopLine.y2 = (dim.height + _handleHeight) / 2f;
g2.fill3DRect((int) stopLine.x1 - 1, (int) stopLine.y1, 3, (int) (stopLine.y2 - stopLine.y1), false);
// draw right hand stop
if (_displayEnd.getValue(Time.SECOND) >= getEndTime().getValue(Time.SECOND)) {
stopLine.x1 = _centerLine.x2 + 2;
stopLine.x2 = _centerLine.x2 + 2;
stopLine.y1 = (dim.height - _handleHeight) / 2f;
stopLine.y2 = (dim.height + _handleHeight) / 2f;
g2.fill3DRect((int) stopLine.x1 - 1, (int) stopLine.y1, 3, (int) (stopLine.y2 - stopLine.y1), false);
* paint the timeline start label in the current units.
protected void paintStartLabel(Graphics2D g2) {
Dimension dim = getSize();
String startStr = "";
if (DATE_VIEW.equals(_unitType)) {
DateFormat format = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT);
startStr = format.format(getDateForTime(_displayStart));
} else if (TIME_VIEW.equals(_unitType)) {
HMS hms = new HMS(_displayStart.getValue(Time.HOUR));
startStr = hms.toString();
} else {
DecimalFormat form = new DecimalFormat();
startStr = form.format(_displayStart.getValue(_unitType));
Rectangle2D nameBounds = g2.getFontMetrics().getStringBounds(startStr, g2);
float textX = _centerLine.x1 - (float) (1.0 + nameBounds.getWidth() / 2.0);
//if (textX < clip.getX()) {
// textX = (float) clip.getX();
float textY;
if (_labelsAtTop) {
textY = (float) nameBounds.getHeight();
} else {
int yOff = 32; // additional Y offset for start and end labels (allan)
textY = (dim.height + _handleHeight) / 2f + (float) (nameBounds.getHeight() + yOff);
g2.drawString(startStr, textX, textY);
* paint the timeline end label in the current units.
protected void paintEndLabel(Graphics2D g2) {
Dimension dim = getSize();
String endStr = "";
if (DATE_VIEW.equals(_unitType)) {
DateFormat format = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT);
endStr = format.format(getDateForTime(_displayEnd));
} else if (TIME_VIEW.equals(_unitType)) {
HMS hms = new HMS(_displayEnd.getValue(Time.HOUR));
endStr = hms.toString();
} else {
DecimalFormat form = new DecimalFormat();
endStr = form.format(_displayEnd.getValue(_unitType));
Rectangle2D nameBounds = g2.getFontMetrics().getStringBounds(endStr, g2);
float textX = _centerLine.x2 + (float) (1.0 - nameBounds.getWidth() / 2.0);
//if (((double) textX + nameBounds.getWidth()) > (clip.getX() + clip.getWidth())) {
// textX = (float) (clip.getX() + clip.getWidth() - nameBounds.getWidth());
float textY;
if (_labelsAtTop) {
textY = (float) nameBounds.getHeight();
} else {
int yOff = 32; // additional Y offset for start and end labels (allan)
textY = (dim.height + _handleHeight) / 2f + (float) (nameBounds.getHeight() + yOff);
g2.drawString(endStr, textX, textY);
if (!DATE_VIEW.equals(_unitType) && !TIME_VIEW.equals(_unitType)) {
String unitAbbrev = Time.getUnitsAbbrev(_unitType);
nameBounds = g2.getFontMetrics().getStringBounds(unitAbbrev, g2);
textX = _centerLine.x2 + (float) (1.0 - nameBounds.getWidth() / 2.0);
textY = textY + (float) (nameBounds.getHeight()) - 2f;
g2.drawString(unitAbbrev, textX, textY);
* paint the timeline nodes.
protected void paintNodes(Graphics2D g2) {
for (TimeLineNode node : _nodes) {
* get the displayed start of the timeline
public Time getDisplayStart() {
return _displayStart;
* get the displayed end of the timeline
public Time getDisplayEnd() {
return _displayEnd;
* get an iterator for the time line nodes
public Iterator getTimeLineNodesIterator() {
return _nodes.iterator();
* this method handles any key events received by the panel.
public void handleKeyEvent(KeyEvent evt) {
List<TimeLineNode> procList = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<TimeLineNode>(_nodes.size()));
try {
for (TimeLineNode node : _nodes) {
} catch (DetailedPropertyVetoException ex) {
for (TimeLineNode node : procList) {
* add a vetoable property change listener to the time line.
public void addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener listener) {
if (!_vetoableListeners.contains(listener)) {
* remove a vetoable property change listener from the time line
public void removeVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener listener) {
* set the mode of the time line
public void setMode(String mode) {
_mode = mode;
* get the time value of an X coordinate in the TimeLine
public Time getTimeForPoint(float xValue) {
double currentWindowWidth = _displayEnd.getValue(Time.SECOND) - _displayStart.getValue(Time.SECOND);
xValue = xValue - _verticalSpacer;
double time = (double) xValue * currentWindowWidth /
((double) getSize().width - (2.0 * _verticalSpacer));
time = time + _displayStart.getValue(Time.SECOND);
return new Time(time, Time.SECOND);
* get the x coordinate for specified time
public float getPointForTime(Time time) {
double timeValue = time.getValue(Time.SECOND) - _displayStart.getValue(Time.SECOND);
double currentWindowWidth = _displayEnd.getValue(Time.SECOND) - _displayStart.getValue(Time.SECOND);
double xValue = timeValue * ((double) getSize().width - (2.0 * _verticalSpacer)) / currentWindowWidth;
xValue = xValue + _verticalSpacer;
return (float) Math.round(xValue);
* takes a time and converts it into a date where the new date is
* equal to the start date + the time
public Date getDateForTime(Time time) {
return _model.getDateForTime(time);
* takes a date and convert it to a time where the new time is
* equal to the date - start date
public Time getTimeForDate(Date date) {
return _model.getTimeForDate(date);
* set the date from which the timeline should start
* <p/>
* Note: if the date is not null then all time values are considered offsets from it
public void setStartDate(Date date) {
* get the start date
public Date getStartDate() {
return _model.getStartDate();
* get the starting value in the timeline
public Time getStartTime() {
return _model.getStartTime();
* get the ending value of the timeline
public Time getEndTime() {
return _model.getEndTime();
* get the list of nodes in the timeline which are currently selected
public List getSelectedNodes() {
List<TimeLineNode> list = new ArrayList<TimeLineNode>();
for (TimeLineNode node : _nodes) {
if (node.isSelected()) {
return list;
* get the time line's mode
public String getMode() {
return _mode;
* takes a PropertyChangeEvent and throws a PropertyVetoException if anything in the event
* would cause it to be rejected
protected void validatePropertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) throws DetailedPropertyVetoException {
TimeLineNode node = (TimeLineNode) evt.getSource();
if ((node.getStartTime().getValue(Time.SECOND) < getStartTime().getValue(Time.SECOND))) {
throw new DetailedPropertyVetoException(this, TimeLineNode.HIT_LEFT_EDGE,
"out of bounds", evt);
} else if (node.getEndTime().getValue(Time.SECOND) > getEndTime().getValue(Time.SECOND)) {
throw new DetailedPropertyVetoException(this, TimeLineNode.HIT_RIGHT_EDGE,
"out of bounds", evt);
} else {
if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(TimeLineNode.HIT_LEFT_EDGE)) {
Time startTime = node.getStartTime();
Time moveBy = new Time(startTime.getValue(Time.SECOND) - _displayStart.getValue(Time.SECOND),
} else if (evt.getPropertyName().equals(TimeLineNode.HIT_RIGHT_EDGE)) {
Time endTime = node.getEndTime();
Time moveBy = new Time(endTime.getValue(Time.SECOND) - _displayEnd.getValue(Time.SECOND),
} else {
* fires a vetoable change event to all listeners of the timeline
protected void fireVetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) throws DetailedPropertyVetoException {
for (VetoableChangeListener listener : _vetoableListeners) {
if (listener != evt.getSource()) {
try {
} catch (DetailedPropertyVetoException ex) {
throw ex;
} catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {
* this method handles any mouse clicked events
protected void handleMouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {
if (_mode.equals(SELECTION_MODE)) {
} else if (_mode.equals(ZOOM_MODE)) {
* this method handles any mouse pressed or mouse released events
protected void handleMousePressed(MouseEvent evt) {
if (_mode.equals(SELECTION_MODE)) {
} else if (_mode.equals(ZOOM_MODE)) {
//do nothing
* zooms the timeline in or out
private void handleZoomEvent(MouseEvent evt) {
if (SwingUtilities.isRightMouseButton(evt)) {
} else {
* zoom the time line in
public void zoomIn() {
int x = (int) Math.round((_centerLine.x1 + _centerLine.x2) / 2.0);
int y = Math.round(_centerLine.y1);
zoomIn(new Point(x, y));
* zoom the time line out
public void zoomOut() {
int x = (int) Math.round((_centerLine.x1 + _centerLine.x2) / 2.0);
int y = Math.round(_centerLine.y1);
zoomOut(new Point(x, y));
* zoom the time line in with center point centerPt being at the center
* @param centerPt the point to center the zoom around
public void zoomIn(Point centerPt) {
Time center = getTimeForPoint(centerPt.x);
double currentWindowWidth = _displayEnd.getValue(Time.SECOND)
- _displayStart.getValue(Time.SECOND);
currentWindowWidth = currentWindowWidth / 2.0;
if (currentWindowWidth < MIN_DISPLAY_WINDOW) {
currentWindowWidth = MIN_DISPLAY_WINDOW;
double startX = Math.floor((center.getValue(Time.SECOND) - currentWindowWidth / 2.0));
double endX = Math.floor((center.getValue(Time.SECOND) + currentWindowWidth / 2.0));
if (startX < getStartTime().getValue(Time.SECOND)) {
double adjust = getStartTime().getValue(Time.SECOND) - startX;
startX += adjust;
endX += adjust;
if (endX > getEndTime().getValue(Time.SECOND)) {
double adjust = endX - getEndTime().getValue(Time.SECOND);
startX -= adjust;
endX -= adjust;
Time startTime = new Time(startX, Time.SECOND);
Time endTime = new Time(endX, Time.SECOND);
setDisplayArea(startTime, endTime);
* zoom the time line out with center point centerPt being at the center
* @param centerPt the point to center the zoom around
public void zoomOut(Point centerPt) {
Time center = getTimeForPoint(centerPt.x);
double currentWindowWidth = _displayEnd.getValue(Time.SECOND)
- _displayStart.getValue(Time.SECOND);
currentWindowWidth = currentWindowWidth * 2;
double maxWidth = getEndTime().getValue(Time.SECOND)
- getStartTime().getValue(Time.SECOND);
if (currentWindowWidth > maxWidth) {
currentWindowWidth = maxWidth;
double startX = Math.floor((center.getValue(Time.SECOND) - currentWindowWidth / 2.0));
double endX = Math.floor((center.getValue(Time.SECOND) + currentWindowWidth / 2.0));
if (startX < getStartTime().getValue(Time.SECOND)) {
double adjust = getStartTime().getValue(Time.SECOND) - startX;
startX += adjust;
endX += adjust;
if (endX > getEndTime().getValue(Time.SECOND)) {
double adjust = endX - getEndTime().getValue(Time.SECOND);
startX -= adjust;
endX -= adjust;
Time startTime = new Time(startX, Time.SECOND);
Time endTime = new Time(endX, Time.SECOND);
setDisplayArea(startTime, endTime);
* propogates a selection event down to all timeline nodes
private void handleSelectionEvent(MouseEvent evt) {
for (TimeLineNode node : _nodes) {
* inner class used for sorting time line nodes
private static class TimeLineNodeComparator implements Comparator<TimeLineNode> {
public int compare(TimeLineNode o1,
TimeLineNode o2) {
double start1 = o1.getStartTime().getValue(Time.SECOND);
double start2 = o2.getStartTime().getValue(Time.SECOND);
return (int) Math.round(start1 - start2);
public String getToolTipText(MouseEvent event) {
String result = null;
Point pt = event.getPoint();
for (TimeLineNode node : _nodes) {
if (node.containsPoint(pt)) {
result = node.getDescription(pt);
return result;
* test main (allan)
public static void main(String[] args) {
JFrame frame = new JFrame("TimeLine");
TimeLine timeLine = new TimeLine();
TimeLineModel model = new DefaultTimeLineModel(0, 40, 10);
try {
timeLine.addTimeLineNode(new BlockTimeLineNode(new Time(0), new Time(5.0 * 60.0), "Block 1"));
String label1 = "Label 1";
DefaultTimeLineNode node1 = new DefaultTimeLineNode(new Time(8.0 * 60.0), new Time(12.0 * 60.0), label1) {
public String getDescription(Point pt) {
// Note: like tooltip for node, can return plain or HTML text here,
// see gov.nasa.gsfc.sea.exposureplanner.gui.ExposureTimeLineNodeModel for example
String details = "<html><font size='-2'>";
details += "<table width=" + '"' + "100%" + '"' + " border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 >";
details += "<caption align='TOP'><font siz='-1'><div align=center><b>Node Info</b></div></font></caption>";
details += "Test info";
details += "</table>";
details += "</font></html>";
return details;
node1.addVetoableChangeListener(new VetoableChangeListener() {
public void vetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) throws PropertyVetoException {
System.out.println("XXX node 1 changed: " + evt);
String label2 = "Label 2";
DefaultTimeLineNode node2 = new DefaultTimeLineNode(new Time(24.0 * 60.0), new Time(30.0 * 60.0), label2) {
public String getDescription(Point pt) {
return "Node Description";
node2.addVetoableChangeListener(new VetoableChangeListener() {
public void vetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) throws PropertyVetoException {
System.out.println("XXX node 2 changed: " + evt);
// Note: to reset the timeline to empty, you could do this:
//TimeLineModel model = new DefaultTimeLineModel(10);
} catch (Exception e) {
timeLine.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 100));
frame.getContentPane().add(new JScrollPane(timeLine), BorderLayout.CENTER);
frame.addWindowListener(new BasicWindowMonitor());