//=== File Prolog =============================================================
// This code was developed by NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 588
// for the Scientist's Expert Assistant (SEA) project.
//--- Contents ----------------------------------------------------------------
// TimeLineNode
//--- Description -------------------------------------------------------------
// A class for a block on the time line that is uneditable by a user
//--- Notes -------------------------------------------------------------------
//--- Development History -----------------------------------------------------
// 05/19/99 M. Fishman
// Original implementation.
//--- DISCLAIMER---------------------------------------------------------------
// This software is provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind, either
// express, implied, or statutory, including, but not limited to, any
// warranty that the software will conform to specification, any implied
// warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and
// freedom from infringement, and any warranty that the documentation will
// conform to the program, or any warranty that the software will be error
// free.
// In no event shall NASA be liable for any damages, including, but not
// limited to direct, indirect, special or consequential damages, arising out
// of, resulting from, or in any way connected with this software, whether or
// not based upon warranty, contract, tort or otherwise, whether or not
// injury was sustained by persons or property or otherwise, and whether or
// not loss was sustained from or arose out of the results of, or use of,
// their software or services provided hereunder.
//=== End File Prolog =========================================================
//package gov.nasa.gsfc.util.gui;
package jsky.timeline;
import jsky.science.Time;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyVetoException;
import java.beans.VetoableChangeListener;
import java.beans.VetoableChangeSupport;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
* An interface for a single node on the time line.
* <P>This code was developed by NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 588
* for the Scientist's Expert Assistant (SEA) project.
* @version 04/27/99
* @author M. Fishman
public class BlockTimeLineNode implements TimeLineNode {
private static float sThumbHeight = 12;
protected VetoableChangeSupport fChangeSupport = null;
private DefaultVetoableTimeLineNodeModel fModel;
private Color fUnselectedColor = Color.gray;
private float fThumbBegin = 0.0f;
private float fThumbEnd = 0.0f;
private BasicStroke fDefaultStroke = new BasicStroke();
private BasicStroke fShadowStroke = new BasicStroke(1);
private Line2D.Float fThumbShadowLine = new Line2D.Float();
private Line2D.Float fThumbTopShadowLine = new Line2D.Float();
private Line2D.Float fThumbRightShadowLine = new Line2D.Float();
private Line2D.Float fThumbLeftShadowLine = new Line2D.Float();
private TimeLine fTimeLine = null;
protected Rectangle2D.Float fThumb = new Rectangle2D.Float();
* constructor
public BlockTimeLineNode(Time start, Time end) {
this(start, end, "unknown");
public BlockTimeLineNode(Time startTime, Time endTime, String name) {
fModel = new DefaultVetoableTimeLineNodeModel(startTime, endTime, name, true);
fChangeSupport = new VetoableChangeSupport(this);
fModel.addVetoableChangeListener(new VetoableChangeListener() {
public void vetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt)
throws PropertyVetoException {
* set the selection mode of the time linenode
public void setSelectionMode(int mode) {
// not used in this class
* get the selection mode of the time line node
public int getSelectionMode() {
return 0;
* set the unselected color for the time line node
public void setUnselectedColor(Color color) {
if (color != fUnselectedColor) {
Color oldColor = fUnselectedColor;
try {
fUnselectedColor = color;
oldColor, color);
} catch (DetailedPropertyVetoException ex) {
fUnselectedColor = oldColor;
} catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {
* get the the unselected color the time line node
public Color getUnselectedColor() {
return fUnselectedColor;
* set the selected color for the time line node
public void setSelectedColor(Color color) {
// there is no selected color
* get the the selected color the time line node
public Color getSelectedColor() {
return null;
* get the time on the time line that this node starts
public Time getStartTime() {
return fModel.getStartTime();
* set the time that this node starts
public void setStartTime(Time time) throws DetailedPropertyVetoException {
try {
} catch (DetailedPropertyVetoException ex) {
throw ex;
} catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {
* move node by specified amount
public void moveTimeLineNodeBy(Time time) throws DetailedPropertyVetoException {
try {
} catch (DetailedPropertyVetoException ex) {
throw ex;
} catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {
* get the time on the time line that this node ends
public Time getEndTime() {
return fModel.getEndTime();
* set the time on the time line that this node ends
public void setEndTime(Time time) throws DetailedPropertyVetoException {
try {
} catch (DetailedPropertyVetoException ex) {
throw ex;
} catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {
* get the duration of the time line node
public Time getDuration() {
return fModel.getDuration();
* set the duration of the time line node
public void setDuration(Time durationLength) throws DetailedPropertyVetoException {
try {
} catch (DetailedPropertyVetoException ex) {
throw ex;
} catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {
* paint the time line node
* @param graphics the graphics component to paint
public void paintTimeLineNode(Graphics2D graphics) {
graphics.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY);
graphics.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON);
Font origFont = graphics.getFont();
Time startTime = fModel.getStartTime();
Time endTime = fModel.getEndTime();
if (!((startTime.getValue(Time.SECOND) > fTimeLine.getDisplayEnd().getValue(Time.SECOND)) ||
(endTime.getValue(Time.SECOND) < fTimeLine.getDisplayStart().getValue(Time.SECOND)))) {
float thumbWidth = (fThumbEnd - fThumbBegin);
// draw the thumb
fThumb.height = sThumbHeight;
fThumb.width = thumbWidth;
fThumb.x = fThumbBegin;
fThumb.y = (fTimeLine.getHeight() / 2f - sThumbHeight / 2f);
// this is the bottom shadow line of the thumb
fThumbShadowLine.x1 = fThumb.x;
fThumbShadowLine.y1 = fThumb.y + sThumbHeight;
fThumbShadowLine.x2 = fThumb.x + thumbWidth;
fThumbShadowLine.y2 = fThumb.y + sThumbHeight;
// this is the top shadow line of the thumb
fThumbTopShadowLine.x1 = fThumb.x;
fThumbTopShadowLine.y1 = fThumb.y;
fThumbTopShadowLine.x2 = fThumb.x + thumbWidth;
fThumbTopShadowLine.y2 = fThumb.y;
// this is the left shadow line of the thumb
fThumbLeftShadowLine.x1 = fThumb.x;
fThumbLeftShadowLine.y1 = fThumb.y;
fThumbLeftShadowLine.x2 = fThumb.x;
fThumbLeftShadowLine.y2 = fThumb.y + sThumbHeight;
// this is the right shadow line of the thumb
fThumbRightShadowLine.x1 = fThumb.x + thumbWidth;
fThumbRightShadowLine.y1 = fThumb.y;
fThumbRightShadowLine.x2 = fThumb.x + thumbWidth;
fThumbRightShadowLine.y2 = fThumb.y + sThumbHeight;
// draw start label
DecimalFormat startForm = new DecimalFormat();
if (startTime.getValue() > fTimeLine.getDisplayStart().getValue()) {
String startStr = startForm.format(startTime.getValue(Time.MINUTE));
Rectangle2D startBounds = graphics.getFontMetrics().getStringBounds(startStr,
float startX = fThumb.x - (float) (startBounds.getWidth() / 2.0);
float startY = fThumb.y + sThumbHeight + (float) (startBounds.getHeight() + TimeLineNode.DEFAULT_LABEL_SPACE);
if (startBounds.getWidth() > thumbWidth / 2f) {
graphics.drawString(startStr, startX, startY);
// draw end label
if (endTime.getValue() < fTimeLine.getDisplayEnd().getValue()) {
DecimalFormat endForm = new DecimalFormat();
String endStr = startForm.format(endTime.getValue(Time.MINUTE));
Rectangle2D endBounds = graphics.getFontMetrics().getStringBounds(endStr,
float endX = fThumb.x + thumbWidth - (float) (endBounds.getWidth() / 2.0);
float endY = fThumb.y + sThumbHeight + (float) (endBounds.getHeight() + TimeLineNode.DEFAULT_LABEL_SPACE);
if (endBounds.getWidth() > thumbWidth / 2f) {
graphics.drawString(endStr, endX, endY);
// draw name label
//Font newFont=origFont.deriveFont(origFont.getSize2D() -2f);
Rectangle2D nameBounds = graphics.getFontMetrics().getStringBounds(getTimeLineNodeName(),
float textX = fThumb.x + thumbWidth / 2f - (float) (nameBounds.getWidth() / 2.0);
float textY = fThumb.y - (float) (nameBounds.getHeight() - TimeLineNode.DEFAULT_LABEL_SPACE);
if (nameBounds.getWidth() > thumbWidth) {
textX = fThumb.x + thumbWidth / 2f;
graphics.drawString(this.getTimeLineNodeName(), textX, textY);
* handle mouse events
public void handleMouseEvent(MouseEvent evt) {
// node not mouse aware
* handle mouse events
public void handleMouseDragEvent(MouseEvent evt) {
// node not mouse aware
* handle mouse events
public void handleMouseMoveEvent(MouseEvent evt) {
// not mouse aware
* handle key event
public void handleKeyEvent(KeyEvent evt) throws DetailedPropertyVetoException {
// not key aware
* give the time line node a name
public void setTimeLineNodeName(String name) {
* get the name of the time line node
public String getTimeLineNodeName() {
return fModel.getTimeLineNodeName();
* set the parent time line
public void setParent(TimeLine timeLine) {
fTimeLine = timeLine;
* get the parent time line
public TimeLine getParent() {
return fTimeLine;
* calculate thumb's dimensions in pixels
protected void calculateNodeDimensions() {
fThumbBegin = fTimeLine.getPointForTime(getStartTime());
fThumbEnd = fTimeLine.getPointForTime(getEndTime());
* returns whether the node is currently being dragged
public boolean isDragging() {
return false;
* returns whther the node is currently selected
public boolean isSelected() {
return false;
* revert the time line node to its previous position
public void revertToPrevious() {
public void vetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) throws DetailedPropertyVetoException {
if ((!TimeLine.NODE_REMOVED.equals(evt.getPropertyName())) && (evt.getSource() instanceof TimeLineNode)) {
TimeLineNode node = (TimeLineNode) evt.getSource();
if ((node != this) && (intersects(node) || node.intersects(this))) {
throw new DetailedPropertyVetoException(this, VetoableTimeLineNodeModel.NODE_OVERLAP,
"node " + getTimeLineNodeName() + " overlaps "
+ node.getTimeLineNodeName(), evt);
* returns what area of a time line node a point exists in
public int getAreaForPoint(Point pt) {
int result = TimeLineNode.UNSELECTED;
if (fThumb.contains(pt.x, pt.y)) {
result = TimeLineNode.NODE_SELECTED;
return result;
* returns whether the node intersects the passed in node
public boolean intersects(TimeLineNode node) {
return fModel.intersects(node.getModel());
* returns the center point for the time line node
public Point getCenterPoint() {
double value = fModel.getStartTime().getValue() +
(fModel.getEndTime().getValue() - fModel.getStartTime().getValue()) / 2.0;
Time centerTime = new Time(value);
float x = fTimeLine.getPointForTime(centerTime);
float y = fTimeLine.getHeight() / 2f;
return new Point(Math.round(x), Math.round(y));
* move node to a specified location
public synchronized void setTimeLineNode(Time start, Time end) throws DetailedPropertyVetoException {
Time oldStartTime = fModel.getStartTime();
Time oldEndTime = fModel.getEndTime();
try {
fModel.setValidTimeLineNode(start, end);
if (fTimeLine != null) {
Time displayEdge = fTimeLine.getDisplayStart();
if ((fModel.getStartTime().getValue() < displayEdge.getValue() &&
oldStartTime.getValue() >= displayEdge.getValue())) {
oldStartTime, fModel.getStartTime());
displayEdge = fTimeLine.getDisplayEnd();
if ((fModel.getEndTime().getValue() > displayEdge.getValue() &&
oldEndTime.getValue() <= displayEdge.getValue())) {
fChangeSupport.fireVetoableChange(TimeLineNode.HIT_RIGHT_EDGE, oldEndTime, fModel.getEndTime());
} catch (DetailedPropertyVetoException ex) {
throw ex;
} catch (PropertyVetoException ex) {
* returns whether the specified point is in the node
public boolean containsPoint(Point pt) {
Time time = fTimeLine.getTimeForPoint(pt.x);
boolean result = false;
if ((time.getValue() >= fModel.getStartTime().getValue()) &&
(time.getValue() <= fModel.getEndTime().getValue())) {
result = true;
return result;
* returns a description for the area at the specified point
public String getDescription(Point pt) {
String result = null;
if (fThumb.contains(pt.x, pt.y)) {
result = getTimeLineNodeName();
Time duration = getDuration();
DecimalFormat form = new DecimalFormat();
String str = form.format(duration.getValue(fTimeLine.getUnitsType()));
str = str + " " + Time.getUnitsAbbrev(fTimeLine.getUnitsType());
result += " = " + str;
return result;
* add a property change listener to the node
public void addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener listener) {
* remove a propertyChangeListener to the node
public void removeVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener listener) {
* get the node's underlying model
public TimeLineNodeModel getModel() {
return fModel;
* set the time line node's underlying model
public void setModel(TimeLineNodeModel model) {
// tbd
* get the cursor for the specified point
public Cursor getCursor(MouseEvent evt) {
return getParent().getCursor();
public String toString() {
return fModel.toString();