//=== File Prolog===========================================================
// This code was developed by NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 588
// for the Scientist's Expert Assistant (SEA) project for Next Generation
// Space Telescope (NGST).
//--- Notes-----------------------------------------------------------------
//--- Development History -----------------------------------------------------
// 05/03/00 S. Grosvenor / 588 Booz-Allen
// Original implementation, part of breakdown of old ScienceObject class
// Code brought in primarily from old science.ScienceObject class.
// 10/09/00 S. Grosvenor / 588 Booz-Allen
// Fixed bugs/inconsistencies in clone(). Also improved tracing on
// propertychanges and clone messages.
// 10/10/00 S Grosvenor / 588 Booz-Allen
// added back in a .equals() check on Node's children.
//--- DISCLAIMER---------------------------------------------------------------
// This software is provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind, either
// express, implied, or statutory, including, but not limited to, any
// warranty that the software will conform to specification, any implied
// warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and
// freedom from infringement, and any warranty that the documentation will
// conform to the program, or any warranty that the software will be error
// free.
// In no event shall NASA be liable for any damages, including, but not
// limited to direct, indirect, special or consequential damages, arising out
// of, resulting from, or in any way connected with this software, whether or
// not based upon warranty, contract, tort or otherwise, whether or not
// injury was sustained by persons or property or otherwise, and whether or
// not loss was sustained from or arose out of the results of, or use of,
// their software or services provided hereunder.
//=== End File Prolog=======================================================
package jsky.science;
import java.lang.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
import jsky.util.ReplacementEvent;
import jsky.util.ReplacementVetoException;
* Basic implementation of the ScienceObjectNodeModel.
* <P>This code was originally developed by NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 588
* for the Scientist's Expert Assistant (SEA) project for Next Generation
* Space Telescope (NGST).
public abstract class AbstractScienceObjectNode extends AbstractScienceObject
implements ScienceObjectNodeModel {
* Whether or not more data is available from the data source.
private boolean fMoreDataAvailable;
* The source of the contents of the ScienceObjectModel.
private ScienceObjectNodeModel fDataSource;
* List of ScienceObjectModel children contained within this object.
private List<ScienceObjectModel> fChildren;
* The Stream Unique Identifier for this class.
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* True when delayed updating is in effect
private boolean fHolding = false;
* True when delayed updating is in effect AND changes are "stacked up"
private boolean fUpdateNeeded = false;
* True while an object is in the update process
private boolean fPending = false;
* Creates new AbstractScienceObjectNode with blank name and holding turned off.
public AbstractScienceObjectNode() {
this(null, false);
* creates a new AbstractScienceObjectNode with specified name and specified initial
* holding status.
* <P>
* Subclasses will often initialize with holding=true in order to
* finish populating the object before trying to update it.
public AbstractScienceObjectNode(String inName, boolean holding) {
fHolding = holding;
fUpdateNeeded = holding;
fChildren = new ArrayList<ScienceObjectModel>(5);
fMoreDataAvailable = false;
fDataSource = null;
* Creates new AbstractScienceObjectNode with blank name and specified holding state.
public AbstractScienceObjectNode(boolean holding) {
this(null, holding);
* Creates new AbstractScienceObjectNode with a name and holding turned off.
public AbstractScienceObjectNode(String inName) {
this(inName, false);
protected static String cloneIndent = "";
* Clones this object, and does a DEEP clone on the fChildren.
* <P>
* NOTE: for subclasses! If a subclass has a separate variable or list that
* points at fChildren, remember that after this clone() method is completed
* all fChildren will have also been cloned.
* <P> So subclasses may need to "repoint" variables or elemenets of lists that
* reference child objects, but should NOT re-clone those children.
* <p>See
* ExposureGroup.clone() and Exposure.clone() as examples of classes that
* need to re-proint existing pointers to correctly point at the correct elements.
public Object clone() {
AbstractScienceObjectNode newSO = (AbstractScienceObjectNode) super.clone();
// clone this's children into NewSO's child
if (isTracing()) {
writeDebug(cloneIndent +
getObjectIdString(this) + ".clone",
" to " + getObjectIdString(newSO)
cloneIndent = cloneIndent + " ";
newSO.fChildren = new ArrayList<ScienceObjectModel>(5);
// now clone all the kids and repoint newSO's fchildren to the new clones
for (Iterator iter = this.fChildren.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
ScienceObjectModel thisChild = (ScienceObjectModel) iter.next();
ScienceObjectModel thatChild = (ScienceObjectModel) thisChild.clone();
if (isTracing()) cloneIndent = cloneIndent.substring(2);
return newSO;
* Looks up the index of a child in the children's list, matching on exact
* equality (==) NOT on equals().
* If match is not found, returns -1, otherwise returns
* the index of the child in the list of children. This differs from
* a simple fChildren.indexOf( object) which test for .equals()
* @param child Child object to be located in the the children list
* @return index of child or -1 of child is not in the list
public int indexOfChild(Object child) {
for (int childIndex = 0; childIndex < fChildren.size(); childIndex++) {
Object next = fChildren.get(childIndex);
if (next == child) {
return (childIndex);
return (-1);
* Copies a ScienceObjectModel and assigns it a new "Copy of" name.
* The actual copying is deffered to the object's clone() method.
* @return clone of the ScienceObjectModel, but with a unique name
public ScienceObjectModel namedClone() {
AbstractScienceObjectNode copy = (AbstractScienceObjectNode) clone();
String name = copy.getName();
if (name.startsWith("Copy of "))
copy.setName("Copy (2) of " + name.substring(8));
else if (name.startsWith("Copy ("))
// extract copy number
int copynumber = Integer.valueOf(name.substring(6, name.indexOf(")"))).intValue();
copy.setName("Copy (" + (copynumber + 1) + ") of " + name.substring(name.indexOf(" of ") + 4));
catch (NumberFormatException ex)
copy.setName("Copy (?) of " + name.substring(name.indexOf(" of ") + 4));
copy.setName("Copy of " + name);
return copy;
* Adds equals() checks on the object's DataSources and Children
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (!super.equals(obj)) return false;
if (!(obj instanceof AbstractScienceObjectNode)) return false;
AbstractScienceObjectNode that = (AbstractScienceObjectNode) obj;
if ((fDataSource == null) ? (that.fDataSource != null) : !(fDataSource.equals(that.fDataSource))) return false;
if ((fChildren == null) ? (that.fChildren != null) : !(fChildren.equals(that.fChildren))) return false;
return true;
* Process a request from one of a ScienceObjectModel's children to "replace"
* itself with another object.
public void replaceObject(ReplacementEvent ev)
throws ReplacementVetoException {
ScienceObjectModel oldObject = (ScienceObjectModel) ev.getOldValue();
ScienceObjectModel newObject = (ScienceObjectModel) ev.getNewValue();
if (oldObject == newObject) return;
if (oldObject == this) {
// don't update myself while i'm in limbo
// request to swap myself out... do this by tell firereplaceobjects on
// my kids with the newguys' kids
// NOTE NOTE am assuming that tree of kids is same order
try {
// NOTE also to get here, both old and new objects should be SO-NODES!
Iterator oldKids = getChildren().iterator();
Iterator newKids = ((ScienceObjectNodeModel) newObject).getChildren().iterator();
while (oldKids.hasNext() && newKids.hasNext()) {
ScienceObjectModel oldC = (ScienceObjectModel) oldKids.next();
// I dont want to hear from this kid anymore
oldC.replaceObject(new ReplacementEvent(oldC,
(ScienceObjectModel) newKids.next()));
} catch (ClassCastException ee) {
} // ok wasnt a node, cant have kids, no problem
// now tell my listeners that I'm being replaced
try {
fireReplaceObject(this, newObject);
} catch (ReplacementVetoException e) {
"Unexpected exception: " + e.toString());
} else {
// see if request comes from one of my kids
// if so, swap out the listeners and I'm done
for (int index = 0; index < fChildren.size(); index++) {
if (fChildren.get(index) == oldObject && newObject != oldObject) {
fChildren.set(index, newObject);
* Prints a reasonably user-friendly description of the object to the specified
* PrintWriter. This is performed recursiviely through each of the child
* objects.
* @param pw The PrintWriter to which to send the output
* @param indent A preliminary string (likely all blanks) to pre-pend to
* each line of output. Allows recursive calls to an object's children
* to indent their output.
public void saveAsText(PrintWriter pw, int indent) {
// in case someone forgot to implement this themselves
String id = repeat(" ", indent);
pw.println(id + toString());
* Support method for saveAsText.
* Concatenates the specified input string <pre>n</pre> times.
public static String repeat(String inS, int n) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
return sb.toString();
* Single argument varient. Use initial indentation of 0
public void saveAsText(PrintWriter pw) {
saveAsText(pw, 0);
* Returns true if more data is available for this science object.
public boolean isMoreDataAvailable() {
return fMoreDataAvailable;
* Sets whether or not more data is available for this science object from its
* DataSource.
public void setMoreDataAvailable(boolean more) {
boolean old = fMoreDataAvailable;
fMoreDataAvailable = more;
firePropertyChange(MORE_DATA_PROPERTY, new Boolean(true), new Boolean(false));
* Attempts to retrieve more information for the specified ScienceObjectModel and
* populate the ScienceObjectModel with that extra data. This only makes sense
* for ScienceObjects where isMoreDataAvailable() is true. This method does
* nothing in AbstractScienceObjectModelNode, but can be defined in subclasses.
* @param forObject retrieve more data for this science object
public void retrieveMoreData(ScienceObjectNodeModel forObject) {
// DataSource class does nothing, so just clear the moredata field since
// no more data is available. Subclasses would define this method to
// retrieve more data.
* Requests that the science object retrieve any extra data that it has
* available from its data source.
public void requestMoreData() {
if (!fMoreDataAvailable) {
if (fDataSource != null) {
* Returns an object that describes the source of the ScienceObjectModel's data.
public ScienceObjectNodeModel getDataSource() {
return fDataSource;
* Sets the source of the ScienceObjectModel's data.
public void setDataSource(ScienceObjectNodeModel s) {
ScienceObjectNodeModel old = fDataSource;
fDataSource = s;
firePropertyChange(DATA_SOURCE_PROPERTY, old, fDataSource);
* Returns true if updates to the object would be "held".
* @see #processUpdates
public boolean isHolding() {
return fHolding;
* Sets the "holding" property.
* @param inH
* @see #processUpdates
public void setHolding(boolean inH) {
fHolding = inH;
if (!inH && fUpdateNeeded) {
* Sets the flag that indicates whether or not updates to the object are needed.
* @param inH
* @see #processUpdates
public void setUpdatesPending(boolean inH) {
fUpdateNeeded = inH;
* Fires off request to update source and background counts. If the object's
* hold status is true, this will set a flag indicating that updates are
* needed. If the hold status is false, then the update process begins
* Note: subclasses should NOT override update(). Instead they should implement/override
* processUpdates();
* @see #processUpdates
protected synchronized void update() {
if (fHolding) {
fUpdateNeeded = true;
} else {
fUpdateNeeded = false;
* Called when updates to a ScienceObject is processed. Works with
* isHolding(), setHolding(), setUpdatesPending(), and update() to provide
* to delay a possibly lengthy update process for an object.
* <p>In the default implementation, this method is empty, and should be overridden
* by classes that want to be able to hold updates.
* <P>
* To use this feature in a subclass of ScienceObject:
* - Use setHolding() to turn delaying of updates on/off.<br>
* - Override processUpdates() to contain the actual code that performs
* the updating of an object. Remember that processUpdates() or the subclass is
* responsible for setting Pending back to false.
* - Call update() to request that updates be made to an object. Subclasses
* should NOT override this method, it will call processUpdates() if holding is
* off. If holding is on, update() will set a flag so that processUpdates() will
* be called as soon as a setHolding(false) is received.
* - use setUpdatesPending() to manually override the setting of the pending flag. This
* is rarely used in subclasses as update() and setHolding() normally manage the pending flag.
* <P>
* Subclasses should not call processUpdates() directly.
protected void processUpdates() {
// should be overridden to do something if subclass
// has updates that might be held
// if subclasses remove this setPending(false), then the subclass takes over
// responsiblity for setting pending off when appropriate
* Returns true if the object is up-to-date, false otherwise.
* At this level it returns true when isHolding() is false, or when
* isHolding() is true, but there are no updates pending.
public boolean isUpToDate() {
if (!isHolding()) {
return true;
} else {
return fUpdateNeeded;
* Returns true if the object is "valid". At this level, always returns true,
* although subclasses may override this
public boolean isValid() {
return true;
* Returns true when the object is in the process of performing an update.
public boolean isPending() {
return fPending;
* Sets the pending state. Should rarely be needed outside of the update() method.
protected void setPending(boolean b) {
if (fPending == b) return;
Boolean hold = new Boolean(fPending);
fPending = b;
firePropertyChange(ScienceObjectModel.PENDING_PROPERTY, hold, new Boolean(fPending));
* Turns on/off the tracing of propertychange handling in an object;
public void setTracing(boolean onOff) {
"tracing has been turned " +
(onOff ? "ON" : "OFF"));
* Sets default values for all transient fields.
protected void initializeTransients() {
* Reconstructs the object properly during deserialization.
private void readObject(java.io.ObjectInputStream stream) throws java.io.IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
// Read all the non-transient fields
// Set default values for transient fields
// Re-add self as listener and parent to all the children
Iterator iter = fChildren.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
ScienceObjectModel obj = (ScienceObjectModel) iter.next();
* Adds a ScienceObject as a "child" of the current object.
* Automatically will handle propertyChange listending, cloning
* and loading/writing of all official children.
* @param newKid ScienceObjectModel to be added
public void addChild(ScienceObjectModel newKid) {
for (int i = 0; i < fChildren.size(); i++) {
if (fChildren.get(i) == newKid) return;
// if we get here then it does not exist
* Removes all occurrences of a ScienceObjectModel as a "child" of the current object.
* Automatically will handle removing listeners
* @param oldKid ScienceObjectModel to be added
* @return the ScienceObjectModel just removed, or null if oldKid not a valid child
public ScienceObjectModel removeChild(ScienceObjectModel oldKid) {
if (oldKid != null) {
for (int index = 0; index < fChildren.size(); index++) {
if (fChildren.get(index) == oldKid) {
return oldKid;
return null;
* Removes all children from the ScienceObjectModel.
public void removeAllChildren() {
synchronized (fChildren) {
// Create copy of children vector because removeChild will modify original
Object[] copy = fChildren.toArray();
// Call removeChild() on each child, which will remove listeners as well
for (int i = 0; i < copy.length; i++) {
removeChild((ScienceObjectModel) copy[i]);
* Replaces all occurrence of the "old" child with the new child
* in the propertychange listings.
* @param oldKid ScienceObjectModel to be replaced
* @param newKid new ScienceObjectModel to be "added"
* @return the ScienceObjectModel just removed, or null if oldKid not a valid child
public ScienceObjectModel replaceChild(ScienceObjectModel oldKid, ScienceObjectModel newKid) {
if (oldKid != null) {
for (int index = 0; index < fChildren.size(); index++) {
if (fChildren.get(index) == oldKid) {
fChildren.set(index, newKid);
if (newKid != null) {
return oldKid;
// if we get here, the oldKid didnt exist, so we had new kid
if (newKid != null) addChild(newKid);
return null;
* returns List of children of the science object
* should be used only when necessary
public List getChildren() {
return fChildren;