// Copyright 2003
// Association for Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc.,
// Observatory Control System, Gemini Telescopes Project.
// $Id: ElevationPlotUtil.java,v 1.2 2009/02/20 23:10:11 abrighto Exp $
package jsky.plot;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import jsky.coords.SiteDesc;
import jsky.coords.TargetDesc;
import jsky.coords.WorldCoords;
import jsky.util.SkyCalc;
* A utility class for calculating elevation vs time for a given list of target
* positions.
* @version $Revision: 1.2 $
* @author Allan Brighton
public class ElevationPlotUtil {
public static final SiteDesc MAUNA_KEA = new SiteDesc("Mauna Kea", -155.4717, 19.8267,
public static final SiteDesc CERRO_PANCHON = new SiteDesc("Cerro Pachon", -70.815, -30.165,
/** Convenience definition, defines some observatory sites */
public static final SiteDesc[] AVAILABLE_SITES = {
/** UT TimeZone */
public static final TimeZone UT = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UT");
// Default number of data points in the plot
private static int _defaultNumSteps = 24*60/5;
// Default number of data points in the plot
private int _numSteps = _defaultNumSteps;
// Number of minutes to add at each point in the plot
private int _stepIncrement = 24*60/_numSteps;
// The starting date of the plot
private Date _date;
// Describes the telescope site
private SiteDesc _site;
// Array of target positions to plot
private TargetDesc[] _targets;
// Utility object used for calculations
private SkyCalc _skyCalc;
// The UT time for each target index and elevation
private Date[][] _xData;
// The elevation in degrees for each target index and time
private double[][] _yData;
// The airmass for each target index and time
private double[][] _yDataAirmass;
// The parallectic angle for each target index and time
private double[][] _yDataPa;
* Calculates the positions of the given target objects in the sky as a function
* of time (UT), given the date and location on Earth.
* The result is to set the values of the xData and yData arrays, to correspond
* to the time (in UT) and elevation (in degrees). Arrays with airmass and parallactic
* angle are also created.
* @param date (in) the date of interest
* @param site (in) describes the observatory location
* @param targets (in) an array describing the target objects
public ElevationPlotUtil(Date date, SiteDesc site, TargetDesc[] targets) {
_date = date;
_site = site;
_targets = targets;
// (Re)initialize the plot data.
private void _init() {
int numSteps = getNumSteps();
_xData = new Date[_targets.length][numSteps];
_yData = new double[_targets.length][numSteps];
_yDataAirmass = new double[_targets.length][numSteps];
_yDataPa = new double[_targets.length][numSteps];
_skyCalc = new SkyCalc(_site);
// Set start of plot to noon time at the site, so night is at center
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(_site.getTimeZone());
cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 12); // noon
cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
for (int j = 0; j < numSteps; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < _targets.length; i++) {
WorldCoords pos = _targets[i].getCoordinates();
Date utTime = cal.getTime();
_skyCalc.calculate(pos, utTime);
_xData[i][j] = utTime;
_yData[i][j] = _skyCalc.getAltitude();
_yDataAirmass[i][j] = _skyCalc.getAirmass();
_yDataPa[i][j] = _skyCalc.getParallacticAngle();
cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, _stepIncrement);
* Return the number of steps to calculate for the plot.
public int getNumSteps() {
return _numSteps;
* Set the number of steps to calculate for the plot.
public void setNumSteps(int numSteps) {
_numSteps = numSteps;
_stepIncrement = 24*60/_numSteps;
* Set the default number of steps to calculate for the plot.
* This is the value that will be used for future objects of this class.
public static void setDefaultNumSteps(int numSteps) {
_defaultNumSteps = numSteps;
/** Return the airmass for the given elevation angle in degrees */
public static double getAirmass(double elevation) {
return SkyCalc.getAirmass(elevation);
* Return an array with the UT time for each target index and elevation
* The first index is the target index (corresponding to the array of targets passed
* to the constructor). The second index is 0 to NUM_STEPS-1.
public Date[][] getXData() {
return _xData;
* Return an array with the elevation in degrees for each target index and time
* The first index is the target index (corresponding to the array of targets passed
* to the constructor). The second index is 0 to NUM_STEPS-1.
public double[][] getYData() {
return _yData;
* Return an array with the airmass for each target index and time
* The first index is the target index (corresponding to the array of targets passed
* to the constructor). The second index is 0 to NUM_STEPS-1.
public double[][] getYDataAirmass() {
return _yDataAirmass;
* Return an array with the parallactic angles for each target index and time
* The first index is the target index (corresponding to the array of targets passed
* to the constructor). The second index is 0 to NUM_STEPS-1.
public double[][] getYDataPa() {
return _yDataPa;
/** Return an hour value between 0 and 24 */
public static double normalizeHours(double h) {
if (h > 24)
h -= 24;
else if (h < 0)
h += 24;
return h;
/** Return the site for the given name, if known, otherwise the given default. */
public static SiteDesc getSite(String siteName, SiteDesc defaultSite) {
for (SiteDesc site : AVAILABLE_SITES) {
if (siteName.equals(site.getName())) {
return site;
return defaultSite;
/** Return the site for the given name, if known, otherwise the default site. */
public static SiteDesc getSite(String siteName) {
return getSite(siteName, AVAILABLE_SITES[0]);
* Return the LST time for the given UT time at the current site.
public Date getLst(Date date) {
return _skyCalc.getLst(date);