* Session.java
* Meloncillo
* Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2, june 1991 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License (gpl.txt) along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* contact@sciss.de
* Changelog:
* 29-Jul-04 cleaned and commented.
* 03-Aug-04 added filetype string
* 15-Jan-05 neues XML file format
* 02-Feb-05 moved to package 'session'
* 04-Apr-05 filters frame bounds prefs if recall-frames is disabled
* 23-Apr-05 bugfix in fromXML()
* 26-May-05 implements de.sciss.app.Documents
package de.sciss.meloncillo.session;
import java.awt.EventQueue;
import java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable;
import java.awt.datatransfer.UnsupportedFlavorException;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FilenameFilter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
import de.sciss.timebased.Trail;
import de.sciss.util.DefaultUnitTranslator;
import de.sciss.util.Flag;
import de.sciss.util.Param;
import de.sciss.util.ParamSpace;
import de.sciss.app.AbstractApplication;
import de.sciss.app.AbstractCompoundEdit;
import de.sciss.app.Application;
import de.sciss.common.BasicDocument;
import de.sciss.common.BasicWindowHandler;
import de.sciss.common.ProcessingThread;
import de.sciss.gui.GUIUtil;
import de.sciss.gui.MenuAction;
import de.sciss.gui.ParamField;
import de.sciss.gui.PathField;
import de.sciss.gui.ProgressComponent;
import de.sciss.gui.SpringPanel;
import de.sciss.io.IOUtil;
import de.sciss.io.Span;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.Main;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.edit.BasicCompoundEdit;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.edit.EditSetTimelineLength;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.edit.TimelineVisualEdit;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.gui.BlendingAction;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.gui.MainFrame;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.io.AudioTrail;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.io.BlendContext;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.io.MarkerTrail;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.io.XMLRepresentation;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.realtime.RealtimeProducer;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.realtime.Transport;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.timeline.MarkerTrack;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.timeline.Timeline;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.timeline.TimelineFrame;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.timeline.Track;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.transmitter.Transmitter;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.util.LockManager;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.util.MapManager;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.util.PrefsUtil;
* This is the core 'document' of Meloncillo
* describing the receivers and transmitters
* and the timeline, thus the 'session' objects.
* @author Hanns Holger Rutz
* @version 0.75, 10-Jun-08
public class Session
extends BasicDocument
implements SessionGroup, FilenameFilter, EntityResolver, de.sciss.app.Document
public static final int EDIT_INSERT = 0;
public static final int EDIT_OVERWRITE = 1;
public static final int EDIT_MIX = 2;
private String name;
private MapManager map = new MapManager( this, new HashMap() );
private int editMode = EDIT_INSERT;
* Denotes the path to this session or
* <code>null</code> if not yet saved
// public static final String MAP_KEY_PATH = "path";
// used for restoring groups in fromXML()
protected static final String OPTIONS_KEY_SESSION = "session";
* Use this <code>LockManager</code> to gain access to
* <code>receiverCollection</code>, <code>transmitterCollection</code>,
* <code>timeline</code> and a transmitter's <code>MultirateTrackEditor</code>.
public final LockManager bird = new LockManager( 5 );
* Bitmask for putting a lock on the <code>receiverCollection</code>
public static final int DOOR_RCV = 0x01;
* Bitmask for putting a lock on the <code>transmitterCollection</code>
public static final int DOOR_TRNS = 0x02;
* Bitmask for putting a lock on the <code>timeline</code>
public static final int DOOR_TIME = 0x04;
* Bitmask for putting a lock on a <code>MultirateTrackEditor</code>
public static final int DOOR_MTE = 0x08;
* Bitmask for putting a lock on a the group collection
public static final int DOOR_GRP = 0x10;
* Convenient combination of Transmitter + MTE locking
public static final int DOOR_TRNSMTE = DOOR_TRNS | DOOR_MTE;
* Convenient combination of Timeline + Transmitter + MTE locking
public static final int DOOR_TIMETRNSMTE = DOOR_TIME | DOOR_TRNS | DOOR_MTE;
* Convenient combination of Timeline + Transmitter locking
public static final int DOOR_TIMETRNS = DOOR_TIME | DOOR_TRNS;
* Convenient combination of Timline + Transmitter + Receiver locking
public static final int DOOR_TIMETRNSRCV = DOOR_TIME | DOOR_TRNS | DOOR_RCV;
* Combination of all locking doors (Timeline, Transmitters, Receivers, MTE).
public static final int DOOR_ALL = DOOR_TIME | DOOR_TRNS | DOOR_MTE | DOOR_RCV | DOOR_GRP;
* The timeline object of a session
public final Timeline timeline = new Timeline( this );
private final BasicSessionCollection tracks = new BasicSessionCollection(); // should be tracking audioTracks automatically
private final BasicSessionCollection selectedTracks = new BasicSessionCollection(); // should be tracking audioTracks automatically
private final BasicSessionCollection receivers = new BasicSessionCollection();
private final SessionCollection transmitters;
private final BasicSessionCollection groups = new BasicSessionCollection();
private final BasicSessionCollection selectedReceivers = new BasicSessionCollection();
private final SessionCollection selectedTransmitters;
private final BasicSessionCollection selectedGroups = new BasicSessionCollection();
// group view
private final SessionCollection activeReceivers;
private final SessionCollection activeTransmitters;
public static final String RCV_NAME_PREFIX = "R";
public static final String TRNS_NAME_PREFIX= "T";
public static final String GRP_NAME_PREFIX = "G";
public static final String RCV_NAME_SUFFIX = "";
public static final String TRNS_NAME_SUFFIX= "";
public static final String GRP_NAME_SUFFIX = "";
public static final MessageFormat SO_NAME_PTRN = new MessageFormat( "{1}{0,number,integer}{2}", Locale.US );
public static final String XML_ROOT = "ichnogram";
* The default file extension for storing sessions
* is .llo for the extended markup language.
public static final String FILE_EXTENSION = ".llo";
* The MacOS file type string
public static final String MACOS_FILE_TYPE = "IchS";
* System ID for XML session files
public static final String ICHNOGRAM_DTD = "ichnogram.dtd";
private static final double FILE_VERSION = 1.0;
private static final String XML_ATTR_VERSION = "version";
private static final String XML_ATTR_COMPATIBLE = "compatible";
private static final String XML_ATTR_PLATFORM = "platform";
private static final String XML_ELEM_PREFS = "prefs";
private static final String XML_ELEM_NODE = "node";
private final de.sciss.app.UndoManager undo = new de.sciss.app.UndoManager( this );
private boolean dirty = false;
// private final ActionSave actionSave;
private File file = null;
private final Transport transport;
private final RealtimeProducer rt_producer;
protected ProcessingThread pt = null;
public final MarkerTrail markers;
public final MarkerTrack markerTrack;
// --- actions ---
private final ActionLoad actionLoad;
private final ActionCut actionCut;
protected final ActionCopy actionCopy;
private final ActionPaste actionPaste;
private final ActionDelete actionDelete;
private final ActionSilence actionSilence;
private final ActionTrim actionTrim;
private final BlendingAction blending;
* Creates a new Session. This should be invoked only once at
* the application startup. Subsequent session loading and clearing
* is performed on the this instance using the <code>clear</code>,
* <code>fromXML</code> etc. methods. Since many objects and windows
* store the ichnogram, creating new instances would be fatal.
* @see #clear()
public Session()
// super( new SessionCollection(), new SessionCollection(), new SessionCollection() );
transport = new Transport( this );
rt_producer = new RealtimeProducer();
// actionSave = new ActionSave();
markerTrack = new MarkerTrack( this );
markers = (MarkerTrail) markerTrack.getTrail();
// EEE
// markers.copyFromAudioFile( afds[ 0 ]); // XXX
tracks.add( null, markerTrack );
// selectedTracks.add( this, markerTrack );
final SessionCollectionView.Filter trnsFilter = new SessionCollectionView.Filter() {
public boolean select( SessionObject so )
// System.out.println( "checking " + so + " -> " + (so instanceof Transmitter) );
return( so instanceof Transmitter );
transmitters = new SessionCollectionView( tracks, trnsFilter );
selectedTransmitters= new SessionCollectionView( selectedTracks, trnsFilter );
// activeReceivers = new SessionUnionCollection( this, selectedGroups, SessionUnionCollection.RECEIVERS );
// activeTransmitters = new SessionUnionCollection( this, selectedGroups, SessionUnionCollection.TRANSMITTERS );
activeReceivers = new SessionCollectionUnionView( receivers, SessionCollectionUnionView.RECEIVERS, true, selectedGroups );
activeTransmitters = new SessionCollectionUnionView( transmitters, SessionCollectionUnionView.TRANSMITTERS, true, selectedGroups );
//activeTransmitters.addListener( new SessionCollection.Listener() {
// public void sessionCollectionChanged( SessionCollection.Event e ) {
// System.out.println( e.getModificationType() == SessionCollection.Event.ACTION_ADDED ? "ADDED:" : "REMOVED:" );
// final List coll = e.getCollection();
// for( int i = 0; i < coll.size(); i++ ) {
// System.out.println( " #" + (i+1) + " -> " + coll.get( i ));
// }
// }
// public void sessionObjectChanged( SessionCollection.Event e ) {}
// public void sessionObjectMapChanged( SessionCollection.Event e ) {}
actionLoad = new ActionLoad();
actionCut = new ActionCut();
actionCopy = new ActionCopy();
actionPaste = new ActionPaste();
actionDelete = new ActionDelete();
actionSilence = new ActionSilence();
actionTrim = new ActionTrim();
blending = new BlendingAction( timeline, null );
public Transport getTransport()
return transport;
public RealtimeProducer getRealtimeProducer()
return rt_producer;
public void setFile( File f )
file = f;
setName( f == null ? null : f.getName() );
public File getFile()
return file;
* Creates message format arguments for a generic
* session object name pattern found in <code>SO_NAME_PTRN</code>.
* This method seeks for the first occurance of an integer
* number inside the concrete <code>realization</code> and puts
* the prefix in <code>args[1]</code> and the suffix in <code>args[2]</code>.
* The integer itself is saved as an <code>Integer</code> instance in
* <code>args[0]</code>. If no integer is found, a default value of 1
* is taken.
* @param realization a concrete version from which the pattern should
* be derived, such as "Lautsprecher-13-oben"
* @param args array of length greater or equal three whose
* elements will be replaced by this method, i.e. for
* the example above, <code>args[0]</code> will become
* <code>new Integer( 13 )</code>, <code>args[1]</code>
* will become "Lautsprecher-" and <code>args[2]</code>
* will become "-oben".
* @see SessionCollection#createUniqueName( MessageFormat, Object[], java.util.List )
* @see #SO_NAME_PTRN
public static void makeNamePattern( String realization, Object[] args )
int i, j;
String numeric = "0123456789";
for( i = 0, j = realization.length(); i < realization.length(); i++ ) {
if( numeric.indexOf( realization.charAt( i )) > 0 ) {
for( j = i + 1; j < realization.length(); j++ ) {
if( numeric.indexOf( realization.charAt( j )) == -1 ) break;
args[ 1 ] = realization.substring( 0, i );
args[ 2 ] = realization.substring( j );
if( j > i ) {
args[ 0 ] = new Integer( Integer.parseInt( realization.substring( i, j )));
} else {
args[ 0 ] = new Integer( 1 );
public BlendingAction getBlendingAction()
return blending;
public void setEditMode( int mode )
editMode = mode;
public int getEditMode()
return editMode;
public SessionCollection getReceivers() { return receivers; }
public SessionCollection getTracks() { return tracks; }
public SessionCollection getTransmitters() { return transmitters; }
public SessionCollection getGroups() { return groups; }
public SessionCollection getSelectedReceivers() { return selectedReceivers; }
public SessionCollection getSelectedTracks() { return selectedTracks; }
public SessionCollection getSelectedTransmitters() { return selectedTransmitters; }
public SessionCollection getSelectedGroups() { return selectedGroups; }
public SessionCollection getActiveReceivers() { return activeReceivers; }
public SessionCollection getActiveTransmitters() { return activeTransmitters; }
public MutableSessionCollection getMutableReceivers() { return receivers; }
public MutableSessionCollection getMutableTracks() { return tracks; }
public MutableSessionCollection getMutableGroups() { return groups; }
public MutableSessionCollection getMutableSelectedReceivers() { return selectedReceivers; }
public MutableSessionCollection getMutableSelectedTracks() { return selectedTracks; }
public MutableSessionCollection getMutableSelectedGroups() { return selectedGroups; }
* Clears the document. All receivers
* and transmitters are removed, the timeline
* is reset, and session preferences are all cleared!
public void clear()
final Application app = AbstractApplication.getApplication();
// try {
// bird.waitExclusive( DOOR_ALL );
// super.clear();
getMap().clearValues( this );
// init();
map.clearValues( this );
map.putContext( null, MAP_KEY_FLAGS, new MapManager.Context( MapManager.Context.FLAG_LIST_DISPLAY,
MapManager.Context.TYPE_INTEGER, null, null,
null, new Integer( 0 )));
map.putContext( this, SessionGroup.MAP_KEY_USERIMAGE, new MapManager.Context(
MapManager.Context.FLAG_OBSERVER_DISPLAY, MapManager.Context.TYPE_FILE,
new Integer( PathField.TYPE_INPUTFILE ), "labelUserImage", null, new File( "" )));
// final List collTrns = transmitters.getAll();
selectedReceivers.clear( this );
selectedTracks.clear( this );
selectedGroups.clear( this );
groups.clear( this );
receivers.clear( this );
tracks.removeAll( this, transmitters.getAll() ); // not the marker track
markerTrack.clear( this );
selectedTracks.add( this, markerTrack );
setFile( null );
timeline.clear( this );
// }
// finally {
// bird.releaseExclusive( DOOR_ALL );
// }
// clear session prefs
try {
PrefsUtil.removeAll( app.getUserPrefs().node( PrefsUtil.NODE_SESSION ), true );
catch( BackingStoreException e1 ) {
System.err.println( app.getResourceString( "errSavePrefs" ) +
" - " + e1.getLocalizedMessage() );
* This simply returns <code>null</code>!
public Class getDefaultEditor()
return null;
public TimelineFrame getTimelineFrame()
return (TimelineFrame) AbstractApplication.getApplication().getComponent( Main.COMP_TIMELINE );
public MainFrame getFrame()
// return frame;
return (MainFrame) AbstractApplication.getApplication().getComponent( Main.COMP_MAIN );
* Checks if a process is currently running. This method should be called
* before launching a process using the <code>start()</code> method.
* If a process is ongoing, this method waits for a default timeout period
* for the thread to finish.
* @return <code>true</code> if a new process can be launched, <code>false</code>
* if a previous process is ongoing and a new process cannot be launched
* @throws IllegalMonitorStateException if called from outside the event thread
* @synchronization must be called in the event thread
public boolean checkProcess()
return checkProcess( 500 );
* Checks if a process is currently running. This method should be called
* before launching a process using the <code>start()</code> method.
* If a process is ongoing, this method waits for a given timeout period
* for the thread to finish.
* @param timeout the maximum duration in milliseconds to wait for an ongoing process
* @return <code>true</code> if a new process can be launched, <code>false</code>
* if a previous process is ongoing and a new process cannot be launched
* @throws IllegalMonitorStateException if called from outside the event thread
* @synchronization must be called in the event thread
public boolean checkProcess( int timeout )
//System.out.println( "checking..." );
if( !EventQueue.isDispatchThread() ) throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
if( pt == null ) return true;
if( timeout == 0 ) return false;
//System.out.println( "sync " + timeout );
pt.sync( timeout );
//System.out.println( "sync done" );
return( (pt == null) || !pt.isRunning() );
public void cancelProcess( boolean sync )
if( !EventQueue.isDispatchThread() ) throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
if( pt == null ) return;
pt.cancel( sync );
public String getProcessName()
if( !EventQueue.isDispatchThread() ) throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
if( pt == null ) return null;
return pt.getName();
* Starts a <code>ProcessingThread</code>. Only one thread
* can exist at a time. To ensure that no other thread is running,
* call <code>checkProcess()</code>.
* @param pt the thread to launch
* @throws IllegalMonitorStateException if called from outside the event thread
* @throws IllegalStateException if another process is still running
* @see #checkProcess()
* @synchronization must be called in the event thread
public void start( ProcessingThread process )
if( !EventQueue.isDispatchThread() ) throw new IllegalMonitorStateException();
if( this.pt != null ) throw new IllegalStateException( "Process already running" );
pt = process;
pt.addListener( new ProcessingThread.Listener() {
public void processStarted( ProcessingThread.Event e ) { /* empty */ }
public void processStopped( ProcessingThread.Event e )
pt = null;
// ---------------- Document interface
public de.sciss.app.Application getApplication()
return AbstractApplication.getApplication();
public de.sciss.app.UndoManager getUndoManager()
return undo;
public void dispose()
// XXX
public boolean isDirty()
return dirty;
public void setDirty( boolean dirty )
if( !this.dirty == dirty ) {
this.dirty = dirty;
MainFrame mf = (MainFrame) AbstractApplication.getApplication().getComponent( Main.COMP_MAIN );
if( mf != null ) mf.updateTitle();
// ---------------- SessionObject interface ----------------
* Retrieves the property map manager of the session
* object. This manager may be used to read and
* write properties and register listeners.
* @return the property map manager that stores
* all the properties of this session object
public MapManager getMap()
return map;
public void setName( String newName )
name = newName;
public String getName()
return name;
public ProcessingThread initiateLoad( File f )
return actionLoad.initiate( f );
public BlendContext createBlendContext( long maxLeft, long maxRight, boolean hasSelectedAudio )
if( !hasSelectedAudio || ((maxLeft == 0L) && (maxRight == 0L)) ) {
return null;
} else {
return blending.createBlendContext( maxLeft, maxRight );
protected void discardEditsAndClipboard()
// ClipboardTrackList.checkDispose( AbstractApplication.getApplication().getClipboard() );
ClipboardTrackList.disposeAll( this );
// ---------------- XMLRepresentation interface ----------------
* Encodes the session into XML format
* for storing onto harddisc.
* @param domDoc the document containing the XML code
* @param node the root node to which the session
* nodes ("ichnogram", "session/" and "shared/")
* are attached
* @throws IOException if an error occurs. XML related errors are
* mapped to IOExceptions.
public void toXML( org.w3c.dom.Document domDoc, Element node, Map options )
throws IOException
Element childElement, child2;
SessionObject so;
final de.sciss.app.Application app = AbstractApplication.getApplication();
try {
bird.waitShared( DOOR_ALL );
node.setAttribute( XML_ATTR_VERSION, String.valueOf( FILE_VERSION ));
node.setAttribute( XML_ATTR_COMPATIBLE, String.valueOf( FILE_VERSION ));
node.setAttribute( XML_ATTR_PLATFORM, System.getProperty( "os.name" ));
// map
childElement = (Element) node.appendChild( domDoc.createElement( XML_ELEM_MAP ));
getMap().toXML( domDoc, childElement, options );
// timeline object
childElement = (Element) node.appendChild( domDoc.createElement( XML_ELEM_OBJECT ));
timeline.toXML( domDoc, childElement, options );
// receiver collection
childElement = (Element) node.appendChild( domDoc.createElement( XML_ELEM_COLL ));
childElement.setAttribute( XML_ATTR_NAME, XML_VALUE_RECEIVERS );
for( int i = 0; i < receivers.size(); i++ ) {
so = receivers.get( i );
child2 = (Element) childElement.appendChild( domDoc.createElement( XML_ELEM_OBJECT ));
if( so instanceof XMLRepresentation ) {
((XMLRepresentation) so).toXML( domDoc, child2, options );
// transmitter collection
childElement = (Element) node.appendChild( domDoc.createElement( XML_ELEM_COLL ));
childElement.setAttribute( XML_ATTR_NAME, XML_VALUE_TRANSMITTERS );
for( int i = 0; i < transmitters.size(); i++ ) {
so = transmitters.get( i );
child2 = (Element) childElement.appendChild( domDoc.createElement( XML_ELEM_OBJECT ));
if( so instanceof XMLRepresentation ) {
((XMLRepresentation) so).toXML( domDoc, child2, options );
// groups
childElement = (Element) node.appendChild( domDoc.createElement( XML_ELEM_COLL ));
childElement.setAttribute( XML_ATTR_NAME, XML_VALUE_GROUPS );
for( int i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++ ) {
so = groups.get( i );
child2 = (Element) childElement.appendChild( domDoc.createElement( XML_ELEM_OBJECT ));
if( so instanceof XMLRepresentation ) {
((XMLRepresentation) so).toXML( domDoc, child2, options );
finally {
bird.releaseShared( DOOR_ALL );
// now add the session related stuff from
// the main preferences' session and shared nodes
childElement = (Element) node.appendChild( domDoc.createElement( XML_ELEM_PREFS ));
child2 = (Element) childElement.appendChild( domDoc.createElement( XML_ELEM_NODE ));
child2.setAttribute( XML_ATTR_NAME, PrefsUtil.NODE_SESSION );
PrefsUtil.toXML( app.getUserPrefs().node( PrefsUtil.NODE_SESSION ), true, domDoc, child2, options );
child2 = (Element) childElement.appendChild( domDoc.createElement( XML_ELEM_NODE ));
child2.setAttribute( XML_ATTR_NAME, PrefsUtil.NODE_SHARED );
PrefsUtil.toXML( app.getUserPrefs().node( PrefsUtil.NODE_SHARED ), true, domDoc, child2, options );
* Clears the sessions
* and recreates its objects from the
* passed XML root node.
* @param domDoc the document containing the XML code
* @param node the document root node ("ichnogram")
* @throws IOException if an error occurs. XML related errors are
* mapped to IOExceptions.
public void fromXML( org.w3c.dom.Document domDoc, Element node, Map options )
throws IOException
NodeList nl;
Element elem, elem2;
double d1;
String val, val2;
SessionObject so;
Object o;
final List soList = new ArrayList();
final NodeList rootNL = node.getChildNodes();
final Application app = AbstractApplication.getApplication();
options.put( OPTIONS_KEY_SESSION, this );
// updateFileAttr( domDoc, node );
try {
// bird.waitExclusive( DOOR_ALL );
// EEE
// transmitters.pauseDispatcher();
// selectedTransmitters.pauseDispatcher();
// super.fromXML( domDoc, node, options ); // parses optional map
// check attributes
d1 = Double.parseDouble( node.getAttribute( XML_ATTR_COMPATIBLE ));
if( d1 > FILE_VERSION ) throw new IOException( app.getResourceString( "errIncompatibleFileVersion" ) + " : " + d1 );
d1 = Double.parseDouble( node.getAttribute( XML_ATTR_VERSION ));
if( d1 > FILE_VERSION ) options.put( XMLRepresentation.KEY_WARNING,
app.getResourceString( "warnNewerFileVersion" ) + " : " + d1 );
val = node.getAttribute( XML_ATTR_PLATFORM );
if( !val.equals( System.getProperty( "os.name" ))) {
o = options.get( XMLRepresentation.KEY_WARNING );
val2 = (o == null ? "" : o.toString() + "\n") +
app.getResourceString( "warnDifferentPlatform" ) + " : " + val;
options.put( XMLRepresentation.KEY_WARNING, val2 );
for( int k = 0; k < rootNL.getLength(); k++ ) {
if( !(rootNL.item( k ) instanceof Element) ) continue;
elem = (Element) rootNL.item( k );
val = elem.getTagName();
// zero or one "map" element
if( val.equals( XML_ELEM_MAP )) {
getMap().fromXML( domDoc, elem, options );
// zero or more "object" elements
} else if( val.equals( XML_ELEM_OBJECT )) {
val = elem.getAttribute( XML_ATTR_NAME );
if( val.equals( Timeline.XML_OBJECT_NAME )) {
timeline.fromXML( domDoc, elem, options );
} else {
System.err.println( "Warning: unknown session object type: '"+val+"'" );
} else if( val.equals( XML_ELEM_COLL )) {
val = elem.getAttribute( XML_ATTR_NAME );
if( val.equals( XML_VALUE_RECEIVERS )) {
nl = elem.getChildNodes();
for( int m = 0; m < nl.getLength(); m++ ) {
elem2 = (Element) nl.item( m );
val = elem2.getTagName();
if( !val.equals( XML_ELEM_OBJECT )) continue;
if( elem2.hasAttribute( XML_ATTR_CLASS )) {
val = elem2.getAttribute( XML_ATTR_CLASS );
} else { // #IMPLIED
val = "de.sciss.meloncillo.receiver.SigmaReceiver";
so = (SessionObject) Class.forName( val ).newInstance();
if( so instanceof XMLRepresentation ) {
((XMLRepresentation) so).fromXML( domDoc, elem2, options );
receivers.getMap().copyContexts( null, MapManager.Context.FLAG_DYNAMIC,
MapManager.Context.NONE_EXCLUSIVE, so.getMap() );
soList.add( so );
receivers.addAll( this, soList );
} else if( val.equals( XML_VALUE_TRANSMITTERS )) {
nl = elem.getChildNodes();
for( int m = 0; m < nl.getLength(); m++ ) {
elem2 = (Element) nl.item( m );
val = elem2.getTagName();
if( !val.equals( XML_ELEM_OBJECT )) continue;
if( elem2.hasAttribute( XML_ATTR_CLASS )) {
val = elem2.getAttribute( XML_ATTR_CLASS );
} else { // #IMPLIED
val = "de.sciss.meloncillo.transmitter.SimpleTransmitter";
so = (SessionObject) Class.forName( val ).newInstance();
if( so instanceof XMLRepresentation ) {
((XMLRepresentation) so).fromXML( domDoc, elem2, options );
transmitters.getMap().copyContexts( null, MapManager.Context.FLAG_DYNAMIC,
MapManager.Context.NONE_EXCLUSIVE, so.getMap() );
soList.add( so );
tracks.addAll( this, soList );
// transmitters.addAll( this, soList );
} else if( val.equals( XML_VALUE_GROUPS )) {
nl = elem.getChildNodes();
for( int m = 0; m < nl.getLength(); m++ ) {
elem2 = (Element) nl.item( m );
val = elem2.getTagName();
if( !val.equals( XML_ELEM_OBJECT )) continue;
if( elem2.hasAttribute( XML_ATTR_CLASS )) {
val = elem2.getAttribute( XML_ATTR_CLASS );
} else { // #IMPLIED
val = "de.sciss.meloncillo.session.SessionGroup";
so = (SessionObject) Class.forName( val ).newInstance();
if( so instanceof XMLRepresentation ) {
((XMLRepresentation) so).fromXML( domDoc, elem2, options );
groups.getMap().copyContexts( null, MapManager.Context.FLAG_DYNAMIC,
MapManager.Context.NONE_EXCLUSIVE, so.getMap() );
soList.add( so );
groups.addAll( this, soList );
} else {
System.err.println( "Warning: unknown session collection type: '"+val+"'" );
// optional prefs
} else if( val.equals( "prefs" )) {
nl = elem.getChildNodes();
for( int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++ ) {
if( !(nl.item( i ) instanceof Element) ) continue;
elem = (Element) nl.item( i );
val = elem.getAttribute( "name" );
if( val.equals( PrefsUtil.NODE_SESSION )) {
PrefsUtil.fromXML( app.getUserPrefs().node( PrefsUtil.NODE_SESSION ), domDoc, elem, options );
} else if( val.equals( PrefsUtil.NODE_SHARED )) {
if( !app.getUserPrefs().getBoolean( PrefsUtil.KEY_RECALLFRAMES, false )) { // install filter
java.util.Set set = new HashSet( 3 );
set.add( PrefsUtil.KEY_LOCATION );
set.add( PrefsUtil.KEY_SIZE );
set.add( PrefsUtil.KEY_VISIBLE );
options.put( PrefsUtil.OPTIONS_KEY_FILTER, set );
PrefsUtil.fromXML( app.getUserPrefs().node( PrefsUtil.NODE_SHARED ), domDoc, elem, options );
} else {
System.err.println( "Warning: unknown preferences tree '"+val+"'" );
// dtd doesn't allow other elements so we never get here
} else {
System.err.println( "Warning: unknown session node: '"+val+"'" );
} // for root-nodes
catch( ClassNotFoundException e1 ) {
throw IOUtil.map( e1 );
catch( InstantiationException e2 ) {
throw IOUtil.map( e2 );
catch( IllegalAccessException e3 ) {
throw IOUtil.map( e3 );
catch( NumberFormatException e4 ) {
throw IOUtil.map( e4 );
catch( ClassCastException e5 ) {
throw IOUtil.map( e5 );
finally {
// EEE
// transmitters.resumeDispatcher();
// selectedTransmitters.resumeDispatcher();
// bird.releaseExclusive( DOOR_ALL );
// ---------------- FilenameFilter interface ----------------
* Filter Session Files for Open or Save Dialog.
* Practically it checks the file name's suffix
* @param dir parent dir of the passed file
* @param name filename to check
* @return true, if the filename is has
* valid XML extension
public boolean accept( File dir, String name )
return( name.endsWith( FILE_EXTENSION ));
// ---------------- EntityResolver interface ----------------
* This Resolver can be used for loading documents.
* If the required DTD is the Meloncillo session DTD
* ("ichnogram.dtd"), it will return this DTD from
* a java resource.
* @param publicId ignored
* @param systemId system DTD identifier
* @return the resolved input source for
* the Meloncillo session DTD or <code>null</code>
* @see javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder#setEntityResolver( EntityResolver )
public InputSource resolveEntity( String publicId, String systemId )
throws SAXException
// System.err.println( "systemID = "+systemId );
if( systemId.endsWith( ICHNOGRAM_DTD )) { // replace our dtd with java resource
InputStream dtdStream = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( ICHNOGRAM_DTD );
InputSource is = new InputSource( dtdStream );
is.setSystemId( ICHNOGRAM_DTD );
return is;
return null; // unknown DTD, use default behaviour
public ProcessingThread procDelete( String name, Span span, int mode )
return actionDelete.initiate( name, span, mode );
// EEE
// public ProcessingThread procSave( String name, Span span, AudioFileDescr[] targetAFDs,
// int[] channelMap, boolean saveMarkers, boolean asCopy )
// {
// return actionSave.initiate( name, span, targetAFDs, channelMap, saveMarkers, asCopy );
// }
public MenuAction getCutAction()
return actionCut;
public MenuAction getCopyAction()
return actionCopy;
public MenuAction getPasteAction()
return actionPaste;
public MenuAction getDeleteAction()
return actionDelete;
public MenuAction getSilenceAction()
return actionSilence;
public MenuAction getTrimAction()
return actionTrim;
public ProcessingThread insertSilence( long pos, long numFrames )
return actionSilence.initiate( pos, numFrames );
public ProcessingThread closeDocument( boolean force, Flag wasClosed )
return closeDocument( AbstractApplication.getApplication().getResourceString( "menuClose" ), force, wasClosed );
public ProcessingThread closeDocument( String name, boolean force, Flag wasClosed )
final DocumentFrame frame = (DocumentFrame) AbstractApplication.getApplication().getComponent( Main.COMP_MAIN );
return frame.closeDocument( name, force, wasClosed ); // XXX should be in here not frame!!!
public ClipboardTrackList getSelectionAsTrackList()
return actionCopy.getSelectionAsTrackList();
public ProcessingThread pasteTrackList( ClipboardTrackList tl, long insertPos, String name, int mode )
return actionPaste.initiate( tl, insertPos, name, mode );
protected static String getResourceString( String key )
return AbstractApplication.getApplication().getResourceString( key );
protected static boolean checkSyncedAudio( List tis, boolean changesTimeline, ProcessingThread context, Flag hasSelectedAudio )
Track.Info ti;
hasSelectedAudio.set( false );
for( int i = 0; i < tis.size(); i++ ) {
ti = (Track.Info) tis.get( i );
if( changesTimeline && !ti.getChannelSync() ) {
if( context != null ) context.setException( new IllegalStateException( AbstractApplication.getApplication().getResourceString( "errAudioWillLooseSync" )));
return false;
if( ((ti.trail instanceof AudioTrail) ||
(ti.trail instanceof Transmitter)) && ti.selected ) {
hasSelectedAudio.set( true );
return true;
// ---------------------- internal classes ----------------------
private class ActionLoad
// extends MenuAction
implements ProcessingThread.Client
* Loads a new session file.
* If transport is running, is will be stopped.
* The console window is cleared an a <code>ProcessingThread</code>
* started which loads the new session.
* @param path the file of the session to be loaded
* @synchronization this method must be called in event thread
protected ProcessingThread initiate( File path )
final Main root = (Main) AbstractApplication.getApplication();
((MainFrame) root.getComponent( Main.COMP_MAIN )).clearLog();
// Map options = new HashMap();
// options.put( "file", path );
// return( new ProcessingThread( this, root, root, doc, text, options, Session.DOOR_ALL ));
final ProcessingThread pt;
final Map options = new HashMap();
pt = new ProcessingThread( this, root, getResourceString( "menuOpen" ));
options.put( "file", path );
options.put( XMLRepresentation.KEY_BASEPATH, path.getParentFile() );
pt.putClientArg( "options", options );
// pt.start();
final org.w3c.dom.Document domDoc;
final DocumentBuilderFactory builderFactory;
final DocumentBuilder builder;
builderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
builderFactory.setValidating( true );
try {
builder = builderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
builder.setEntityResolver( Session.this );
domDoc = builder.parse( path );
// context.setProgression( -1f );
fromXML( domDoc, domDoc.getDocumentElement(), options );
// doc.getMap().putValue( this, Session.MAP_KEY_PATH, f );
// doc.setName( f.getName() );
// setFile( path );
// context.setProgression( 1.0f );
// success = true;
catch( ParserConfigurationException e1 ) {
pt.putClientArg( "exception", e1 );
catch( SAXParseException e1 ) {
pt.putClientArg( "exception", e1 );
catch( SAXException e1 ) {
pt.putClientArg( "exception", e1 );
catch( IOException e1 ) {
pt.putClientArg( "exception", e1 );
return pt;
// ...is very tricky. since timeline changes may only
// be performed on the event thread, we do all in the
// initiate method, and use the processRun merely to
// generate a result
public int processRun( ProcessingThread context )
throws IOException
final Exception e = (Exception) context.getClientArg( "exception" );
if( e != null ) context.setException( e );
return e == null ? DONE : FAILED;
} // run()
public void processCancel( ProcessingThread context ) {}
* When the sesion was successfully
* loaded, its name will be put in the
* Open-Recent menu. All frames' bounds will be
* restored depending on the users preferences.
* <code>setModified</code> will be called on
* the <code>Main</code> class and the
* main frame's title is updated
public void processFinished( ProcessingThread context )
setDirty( false );
if( context.getReturnCode() == ProgressComponent.DONE ) {
final Map options = (Map) context.getClientArg( "options" );
setFile( (File) options.get( "file" ));
} else {
setFile( null );
private class ActionCut
extends MenuAction
protected ActionCut() { /* empty */ }
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
protected void perform()
final ProcessingThread proc; // = null;
if( actionCopy.perform() ) {
// if( !bird.attemptShared( Session.DOOR_TIME | Session.DOOR_MTE )) return;
// try {
proc = procDelete( getValue( NAME ).toString(), timeline.getSelectionSpan(), getEditMode() );
// }
// finally {
// bird.releaseShared( Session.DOOR_TIME | Session.DOOR_MTE );
// }
if( proc != null ) start( proc );
private class ActionCopy
extends MenuAction
protected ActionCopy() { /* empty */ }
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
protected ClipboardTrackList getSelectionAsTrackList()
final Span span;
// if( !bird.attemptShared( Session.DOOR_TIME | Session.DOOR_TRACKS, 250 )) return null;
// try {
span = timeline.getSelectionSpan();
if( span.isEmpty() ) return null;
return new ClipboardTrackList( Session.this );
// }
// finally {
// bird.releaseShared( Session.DOOR_TIME | Session.DOOR_TRACKS );
// }
protected boolean perform()
boolean success = false;
final ClipboardTrackList tl = getSelectionAsTrackList();
System.out.println( "A" );
if( tl == null ) return success;
System.out.println( "B" );
try {
AbstractApplication.getApplication().getClipboard().setContents( tl, tl );
success = true;
catch( IllegalStateException e1 ) {
System.err.println( getResourceString( "errClipboard" ));
return success;
private class ActionPaste
extends MenuAction
implements ProcessingThread.Client
protected ActionPaste() { /* empty */ }
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
protected void perform()
perform( getValue( NAME ).toString(), getEditMode() );
private void perform( String name, int mode )
final Transferable t;
final ClipboardTrackList tl;
try {
System.out.println( "C" );
t = AbstractApplication.getApplication().getClipboard().getContents( this );
if( t == null ) return;
System.out.println( "D" );
if( !t.isDataFlavorSupported( ClipboardTrackList.trackListFlavor )) return;
System.out.println( "E" );
tl = (ClipboardTrackList) t.getTransferData( ClipboardTrackList.trackListFlavor );
catch( IOException e11 ) {
System.err.println( e11.getLocalizedMessage() );
catch( UnsupportedFlavorException e11 ) {
System.err.println( e11.getLocalizedMessage() );
catch( IllegalStateException e11 ) {
System.err.println( getResourceString( "errClipboard" ));
if( !checkProcess() ) return;
System.out.println( "F" );
final ProcessingThread proc = initiate( tl, timeline.getPosition(), name, mode ); // XXX sync
if( proc != null ) {
start( proc );
protected ProcessingThread initiate( ClipboardTrackList tl, long insertPos, String name, int mode )
if( !checkProcess() ) return null;
if( (insertPos < 0) || (insertPos > timeline.getLength()) ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.valueOf( insertPos ));
final ProcessingThread proc;
final Span oldSelSpan, insertSpan, copySpan, cutTimelineSpan;
final AbstractCompoundEdit edit;
final Flag hasSelectedAudio;
final List tis;
final boolean expTimeline, cutTimeline;
final long docLength, pasteLength, preMaxLen, postMaxLen;
final BlendContext bcPre, bcPost;
hasSelectedAudio = new Flag( false );
tis = Track.getInfos( selectedTracks.getAll(), tracks.getAll() );
if( !checkSyncedAudio( tis, mode == EDIT_INSERT, null, hasSelectedAudio )) return null;
expTimeline = (mode == EDIT_INSERT) && hasSelectedAudio.isSet();
docLength = timeline.getLength();
pasteLength = expTimeline ? tl.getSpan().getLength() :
Math.min( tl.getSpan().getLength(), docLength - insertPos );
if( pasteLength == 0 ) return null;
if( mode == EDIT_INSERT ) {
* before paste:
* maxRight / post maxLeft / pre
* | | |
* | | |
* | | |
* | A | B |
* +-----------------+--------------+
* |
* insertPos
* after paste:
* | | B #$$$$# A | |
* | | ##$$$$## | |
* | | ###$$$$### | |
* | A |####$$$$####| B |
* +-----------------+------------+--------------+
* |
* insertPos
// note: now the discrepancy between postMaxLen and preMaxLen is
// limited to 100%, so pasting at the very end or beginning of
// a doc will not produce a single sided xfade any more
// (answering bug 1922862)
if( insertPos < (docLength - insertPos) ) {
postMaxLen = Math.min( insertPos, pasteLength >> 1 );
// preMaxLen = Math.min( docLength - insertPos, pasteLength - postMaxLen );
preMaxLen = Math.min( postMaxLen << 1, Math.min( docLength - insertPos, pasteLength - postMaxLen ));
//System.out.println( "A" );
} else {
preMaxLen = Math.min( docLength - insertPos, pasteLength >> 1 );
postMaxLen = Math.min( preMaxLen << 1, Math.min( insertPos, pasteLength - preMaxLen ));
//System.out.println( "B" );
} else {
preMaxLen = pasteLength >> 1; // note: pasteLength already clipped to be <= docLength - insertPos !
postMaxLen = pasteLength - preMaxLen;
//System.out.println( "C" );
bcPre = createBlendContext( preMaxLen, 0, hasSelectedAudio.isSet() );
bcPost = createBlendContext( postMaxLen, 0, hasSelectedAudio.isSet() );
//System.out.println( "D ; preMaxLen = " + preMaxLen + "; postMaxLen = " + postMaxLen + "; bcPre.getLeftLen() = " + (bcPre == null ? null : String.valueOf( bcPre.getLeftLen())) + "; bcPre.getRightLen() = " + (bcPre == null ? null : String.valueOf( bcPre.getRightLen() )) + "; bcPost.getLeftLen() = " + (bcPost == null ? null : String.valueOf( bcPost.getLeftLen() )) + "; bcPost.getRightLen() = " + (bcPost == null ? null : String.valueOf( bcPost.getRightLen() )));
// if( bcPre != null ) System.out.println( "bcPre : " + bcPre.getLen() + ", " + bcPre.getLeftLen() + ", "+ bcPre.getRightLen() );
// if( bcPost != null ) System.out.println( "bcPost : " + bcPost.getLen() + ", " + bcPost.getLeftLen() + ", "+ bcPost.getRightLen() );
insertSpan = new Span( insertPos, insertPos + pasteLength );
copySpan = new Span( tl.getSpan().start, tl.getSpan().start + pasteLength );
cutTimeline = (mode == EDIT_INSERT) && !hasSelectedAudio.isSet();
cutTimelineSpan = cutTimeline ? new Span( docLength, docLength + pasteLength ) : null;
edit = new BasicCompoundEdit( name );
oldSelSpan = timeline.getSelectionSpan();
if( !oldSelSpan.isEmpty() ) { // deselect
edit.addPerform( TimelineVisualEdit.select( this, Session.this, new Span() ));
proc = new ProcessingThread( this, getFrame(), name );
proc.putClientArg( "tl", tl );
proc.putClientArg( "pos", new Long( insertPos ));
proc.putClientArg( "mode", new Integer( mode ));
proc.putClientArg( "tis", tis );
proc.putClientArg( "pasteLen", new Long( pasteLength ));
proc.putClientArg( "exp", new Boolean( expTimeline ));
proc.putClientArg( "bcPre", bcPre );
proc.putClientArg( "bcPost", bcPost );
proc.putClientArg( "insertSpan", insertSpan );
proc.putClientArg( "copySpan", copySpan );
proc.putClientArg( "cut", new Boolean( cutTimeline ));
proc.putClientArg( "cutSpan", cutTimelineSpan );
proc.putClientArg( "edit", edit );
return proc;
// --------- ProcessingThread.Client interface ---------
* This method is called by ProcessingThread
public int processRun( ProcessingThread context )
throws IOException
final ClipboardTrackList tl = (ClipboardTrackList) context.getClientArg( "tl" );
final long insertPos = ((Long) context.getClientArg( "pos" )).longValue();
final int mode = ((Integer) context.getClientArg( "mode" )).intValue();
final List tis = (List) context.getClientArg( "tis" );
final AbstractCompoundEdit edit = (AbstractCompoundEdit) context.getClientArg( "edit" );
final BlendContext bcPre = (BlendContext) context.getClientArg( "bcPre" );
final BlendContext bcPost = (BlendContext) context.getClientArg( "bcPost" );
final Span insertSpan = (Span) context.getClientArg( "insertSpan" );
final Span copySpan = (Span) context.getClientArg( "copySpan" );
final boolean cutTimeline = ((Boolean) context.getClientArg( "cut" )).booleanValue();
final Span cutTimelineSpan = (Span) context.getClientArg( "cutSpan" );
final long delta = insertPos - tl.getSpan().start;
Track.Info ti;
Trail srcTrail;
AudioTrail audioTrail;
// Transmitter trns;
boolean[] trackMap;
boolean isAudio, isTrns, pasteAudio;
//System.out.println( "paste to:" );
//Track.debugDump( tis );
for( int i = 0; i < tis.size(); i++ ) {
ti = (Track.Info) tis.get( i );
if( ti.selected ) { // ----------------- selected tracks -----------------
try {
ti.trail.editBegin( edit );
// EEE
// isAudio = ti.track instanceof AudioTrack;
isAudio = false;
isTrns = ti.tracks.get( 0 ) instanceof Transmitter;
srcTrail = tl.getSubTrail( ti.trail.getClass(), ti.trackIndex );
if( isAudio ) {
pasteAudio = (srcTrail != null) && (((AudioTrail) srcTrail).getChannelNum() > 0);
} else if( isTrns ) {
pasteAudio = (srcTrail != null);
} else {
pasteAudio = false;
if( mode == EDIT_INSERT ) {
ti.trail.editInsert( this, insertSpan, edit );
if( cutTimeline ) ti.trail.editRemove( this, cutTimelineSpan, edit );
} else if( pasteAudio || ((mode == EDIT_OVERWRITE) && !(isAudio || isTrns)) ) { // Audio needs to be cleared even in Mix mode!
ti.trail.editClear( this, insertSpan, edit );
if( pasteAudio ) {
audioTrail = (AudioTrail) ti.trail;
trackMap = tl.getChannelMap( srcTrail );
final int[] trackMap2 = new int[ audioTrail.getChannelNum() ];
for( int j = 0, k = 0; j < trackMap2.length; j++ ) {
if( ti.channelMap[ j ]) { // target track selected
for( ; (k < trackMap.length) && !trackMap[ k ] ; k++ ) ;
if( k < trackMap.length ) { // source track exiting
trackMap2[ j ] = k++;
} else if( tl.getTrackNum( ti.trail.getClass() ) > 0 ) { // ran out of source tracks, fold over (simple mono -> stereo par exemple)
for( k = 0; !trackMap[ k ] ; k++ ) ;
trackMap2[ j ] = k++;
} else {
trackMap2[ j ] = -1; // there aren't any clipboard tracks ....
} else { // target track not selected
trackMap2[ j ] = -1;
if( !audioTrail.copyRangeFrom( (AudioTrail) srcTrail, copySpan, insertPos, mode, this, edit, trackMap2, bcPre, bcPost )) return CANCELLED;
} else if( (ti.tracks.size() == 1) && (tl.getTrackNum( ti.trail.getClass() ) == 1) ) {
ti.trail.editAddAll( this, srcTrail.getCuttedRange(
copySpan, true, srcTrail.getDefaultTouchMode(), delta ), edit );
finally {
ti.trail.editEnd( edit );
return DONE;
public void processFinished( ProcessingThread context )
final ProcessingThread.Client doneAction = (ProcessingThread.Client) context.getClientArg( "doneAction" );
final AbstractCompoundEdit edit = (AbstractCompoundEdit) context.getClientArg( "edit" );
final boolean expTimeline = ((Boolean) context.getClientArg( "exp" )).booleanValue();
final long pasteLength = ((Long) context.getClientArg( "pasteLen" )).longValue();
final Span insertSpan = (Span) context.getClientArg( "insertSpan" );
if( (context.getReturnCode() == DONE) ) {
if( expTimeline && (pasteLength != 0) ) { // adjust timeline
edit.addPerform( new EditSetTimelineLength( this, Session.this, timeline.getLength() + pasteLength ));
if( timeline.getVisibleSpan().isEmpty() ) {
edit.addPerform( TimelineVisualEdit.scroll( this, Session.this, insertSpan ));
if( !insertSpan.isEmpty() ) {
edit.addPerform( TimelineVisualEdit.select( this, Session.this, insertSpan ));
edit.addPerform( TimelineVisualEdit.position( this, Session.this, insertSpan.stop ));
getUndoManager().addEdit( edit );
} else {
// if( doneAction != null ) doneAction.processFinished( context, doc );
if( doneAction != null ) doneAction.processFinished( context );
// mte will check pt.shouldCancel() itself
public void processCancel( ProcessingThread context ) { /* ignored */ }
} // class actionPasteClass
* @todo when a cutted region spans entire view,
* selecting undo results in empty visible span
private class ActionDelete
extends MenuAction
implements ProcessingThread.Client
protected ActionDelete() { /* empty */ }
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
protected void perform()
final Span span = timeline.getSelectionSpan(); // XXX sync
if( span.isEmpty() ) return;
final ProcessingThread proc = initiate( getValue( NAME ).toString(), span, getEditMode() );
if( proc != null ) start( proc );
// XXX sync
protected ProcessingThread initiate( String name, Span span, int mode )
if( !checkProcess() ) return null;
final BlendContext bc;
final long cutLength, docLength, newDocLength, maxLen;
final Flag hasSelectedAudio;
final List tis;
final AbstractCompoundEdit edit;
final boolean cutTimeline;
final Span cutTimelineSpan, selSpan;
Span visiSpan;
hasSelectedAudio = new Flag( false );
tis = Track.getInfos( selectedTracks.getAll(), tracks.getAll() );
if( !checkSyncedAudio( tis, mode == EDIT_INSERT, null, hasSelectedAudio )) return null;
docLength = timeline.getLength();
cutLength = span.getLength();
if( mode == EDIT_INSERT ) {
* before delete:
* |,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,|$$$$$$$#######|............|
* |,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,|$$$$$$$#######|............|
* |,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,|$$$$$$$#######|............|
* |,,,,,,,,A,,,,,,,,|$$B1$$$###B2##|......C.....|
* +-----------------+--------------+------------+
* | span |
* after delete:
* left right
* |,,,,,,,,,,,,, | |
* |,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, | |
* |,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,| |
* |,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,|$$ |
* |,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,|$$$$ |
* |,,,,,,,,A,,,,,,,,|$B2$$$ |
* +-----------------+------------+
* |
* plus
* | | ........|
* | | ..........|
* | |............|
* | ##|............|
* | ####|............|
* | ###B2#|......C.....|
* +-----------------+------------+
* |
* span.start
maxLen = Math.min( cutLength, Math.min( span.start, docLength - span.stop ) << 1 );
bc = createBlendContext( maxLen >> 1, (maxLen + 1) >> 1, hasSelectedAudio.isSet() );
} else {
* after delete:
* blend- blend-
* Len Len
* |,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,|$ #|............|
* |,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,|$$ ##|............|
* |,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,|$$$ ###|............|
* |,,,,,,,,A,,,,,,,,|$B1$ #B2#|......C.....|
* +-----------------+--------------+------------+
* | span |
maxLen = cutLength >> 1;
bc = createBlendContext( maxLen, 0, hasSelectedAudio.isSet() );
// bc = createBlendContext( Math.min( cutLength, span.start ), Math.min( cutLength, docLength - span.stop ), hasSelectedAudio );
edit = new BasicCompoundEdit( name );
// if( bc != null ) System.out.println( "bc : " + bc.getLen() + ", " + bc.getLeftLen() + ", "+ bc.getRightLen() );
cutTimeline = (mode == EDIT_INSERT) && hasSelectedAudio.isSet();
newDocLength = cutTimeline ? docLength - cutLength : docLength;
cutTimelineSpan = cutTimeline ? new Span( newDocLength, docLength ) : null;
selSpan = timeline.getSelectionSpan();
if( (mode == EDIT_INSERT) && !selSpan.isEmpty() ) {
edit.addPerform( TimelineVisualEdit.position( this, Session.this, span.start ));
edit.addPerform( TimelineVisualEdit.select( this, Session.this, new Span() ));
if( cutTimeline ) {
visiSpan = timeline.getVisibleSpan();
if( visiSpan.stop > span.start ) {
if( visiSpan.stop > newDocLength ) {
visiSpan = new Span( Math.max( 0, newDocLength - visiSpan.getLength() ), newDocLength );
TimelineVisualEdit tve = TimelineVisualEdit.scroll( this, Session.this, visiSpan );
edit.addPerform( tve );
} // else visiSpan untouched
edit.addPerform( new EditSetTimelineLength( this, Session.this, newDocLength ));
final ProcessingThread proc = new ProcessingThread( this, getFrame(), name );
proc.putClientArg( "span", span );
proc.putClientArg( "mode", new Integer( mode ));
proc.putClientArg( "tis", tis );
proc.putClientArg( "edit", edit );
proc.putClientArg( "bc", bc );
proc.putClientArg( "cut", new Boolean( cutTimeline ));
proc.putClientArg( "cutSpan", cutTimelineSpan );
return proc;
// --------- ProcessingThread.Client interface ---------
* This method is called by ProcessingThread
public int processRun( ProcessingThread context )
throws IOException
final Span span = (Span) context.getClientArg( "span" );
final int mode = ((Integer) context.getClientArg( "mode" )).intValue();
final List tis = (List) context.getClientArg( "tis" );
final AbstractCompoundEdit edit = (AbstractCompoundEdit) context.getClientArg( "edit" );
final BlendContext bc = (BlendContext) context.getClientArg( "bc" );
final long left = bc == null ? 0L : bc.getLeftLen();
final long right = bc == null ? 0L : bc.getRightLen();
final boolean cutTimeline = ((Boolean) context.getClientArg( "cut" )).booleanValue();
final Span cutTimelineSpan = (Span) context.getClientArg( "cutSpan" );
AudioTrail audioTrail;
Track.Info ti;
boolean isAudio;
for( int i = 0; i < tis.size(); i++ ) {
ti = (Track.Info) tis.get( i );
try {
ti.trail.editBegin( edit );
isAudio = ti.trail instanceof AudioTrail;
if( ti.selected ) {
if( mode == EDIT_INSERT ) {
if( isAudio ) {
if( bc == null ) {
ti.trail.editRemove( this, span, edit );
} else {
ti.trail.editRemove( this, new Span( span.start - left, span.stop + right ), edit );
ti.trail.editInsert( this, new Span( span.start - left, span.start + right ), edit );
audioTrail = (AudioTrail) ti.trail;
audioTrail.clearRange( span, EDIT_INSERT, this, edit, ti.channelMap, bc );
} else {
ti.trail.editRemove( this, span, edit );
} else {
ti.trail.editClear( this, span, edit );
if( isAudio ) {
audioTrail = (AudioTrail) ti.trail;
audioTrail.clearRange( span, EDIT_OVERWRITE, this, edit, ti.channelMap, bc );
} else if( cutTimeline ) {
ti.trail.editRemove( this, cutTimelineSpan, edit );
finally {
ti.trail.editEnd( edit );
return DONE;
} // run
public void processFinished( ProcessingThread context )
final AbstractCompoundEdit edit = (AbstractCompoundEdit) context.getClientArg( "edit" );
if( context.getReturnCode() == DONE ) {
getUndoManager().addEdit( edit );
} else {
// mte will check pt.shouldCancel() itself
public void processCancel( ProcessingThread context ) { /* ignore */ }
} // class actionDeleteClass
private class ActionTrim
extends MenuAction
protected ActionTrim() { /* empty */ }
// performs inplace (no runnable processing) coz it's always fast
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
protected void perform()
final Span selSpan, deleteBefore, deleteAfter;
final BasicCompoundEdit edit;
final List tis;
Track.Info ti;
boolean success = false;
edit = new BasicCompoundEdit( getValue( NAME ).toString() );
try {
selSpan = timeline.getSelectionSpan();
// if( selSpan.isEmpty() ) return;
tis = Track.getInfos( selectedTracks.getAll(), tracks.getAll() );
deleteBefore = new Span( 0, selSpan.start );
deleteAfter = new Span( selSpan.stop, timeline.getLength() );
// deselect
edit.addPerform( TimelineVisualEdit.select( this, Session.this, new Span() ));
edit.addPerform( TimelineVisualEdit.position( this, Session.this, 0 ));
if( !deleteAfter.isEmpty() || !deleteBefore.isEmpty() ) {
for( int i = 0; i < tis.size(); i++ ) {
ti = (Track.Info) tis.get( i );
ti.trail.editBegin( edit );
try {
if( !deleteAfter.isEmpty() ) ti.trail.editRemove( this, deleteAfter, edit );
if( !deleteBefore.isEmpty() ) ti.trail.editRemove( this, deleteBefore, edit );
finally {
ti.trail.editEnd( edit );
edit.addPerform( new EditSetTimelineLength( this, Session.this, selSpan.getLength() ));
edit.addPerform( TimelineVisualEdit.select( this, Session.this, selSpan.shift( -selSpan.start )));
getUndoManager().addEdit( edit );
success = true;
finally {
if( !success ) edit.cancel();
} // class actionTrimClass
* @todo when edit mode != EDIT_INSERT, audio tracks are cleared which should be bypassed and vice versa
* @todo waveform display not automatically updated when edit mode != EDIT_INSERT
private class ActionSilence
extends MenuAction
implements ProcessingThread.Client
private Param value = null;
private ParamSpace space = null;
protected ActionSilence() { /* empty */ }
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
private void perform()
final SpringPanel msgPane;
final int result;
final ParamField ggDuration;
final Param durationSmps;
final DefaultUnitTranslator timeTrans;
msgPane = new SpringPanel( 4, 2, 4, 2 );
timeTrans = new DefaultUnitTranslator();
ggDuration = new ParamField( timeTrans );
ggDuration.addSpace( ParamSpace.spcTimeHHMMSS );
ggDuration.addSpace( ParamSpace.spcTimeSmps );
ggDuration.addSpace( ParamSpace.spcTimeMillis );
ggDuration.addSpace( ParamSpace.spcTimePercentF );
msgPane.gridAdd( ggDuration, 0, 0 );
GUIUtil.setInitialDialogFocus( ggDuration );
timeTrans.setLengthAndRate( timeline.getLength(), timeline.getRate() );
if( value == null ) {
ggDuration.setValue( new Param( 60.0, ParamSpace.TIME | ParamSpace.SECS ));
} else {
ggDuration.setSpace( space );
ggDuration.setValue( value );
final JOptionPane op = new JOptionPane( msgPane, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION );
// result = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog( getFrame() == null ? null : getFrame().getWindow(), msgPane, getValue( NAME ).toString(),
// JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, null, null );
result = BasicWindowHandler.showDialog( op, getTimelineFrame() == null ? null : getTimelineFrame().getWindow(), getValue( NAME ).toString() );
if( result == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION ) {
value = ggDuration.getValue();
space = ggDuration.getSpace();
durationSmps = timeTrans.translate( value, ParamSpace.spcTimeSmps );
if( durationSmps.val > 0.0 ) {
final ProcessingThread proc;
proc = initiate( timeline.getPosition(), (long) durationSmps.val );
if( proc != null ) start( proc );
public ProcessingThread initiate( long pos, long numFrames )
if( !checkProcess() || (numFrames == 0) ) return null;
if( numFrames < 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.valueOf( numFrames ));
if( (pos < 0) || (pos > timeline.getLength()) ) throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.valueOf( pos ));
final ProcessingThread proc;
final AbstractCompoundEdit edit;
final Span oldSelSpan, insertSpan;
proc = new ProcessingThread( this, getFrame(), getValue( NAME ).toString() );
edit = new BasicCompoundEdit( proc.getName() );
oldSelSpan = timeline.getSelectionSpan();
insertSpan = new Span( pos, pos + numFrames );
if( !oldSelSpan.isEmpty() ) { // deselect
edit.addPerform( TimelineVisualEdit.select( this, Session.this, new Span() ));
proc.putClientArg( "tis", Track.getInfos( selectedTracks.getAll(), tracks.getAll() ));
proc.putClientArg( "edit", edit );
proc.putClientArg( "span", insertSpan );
return proc;
* This method is called by ProcessingThread
public int processRun( ProcessingThread context )
throws IOException
final List tis = (List) context.getClientArg( "tis" );
final AbstractCompoundEdit edit = (AbstractCompoundEdit) context.getClientArg( "edit" );
final Span insertSpan = (Span) context.getClientArg( "span" );
Track.Info ti;
AudioTrail audioTrail;
for( int i = 0; i < tis.size(); i++ ) {
ti = (Track.Info) tis.get( i );
ti.trail.editBegin( edit );
try {
ti.trail.editInsert( this, insertSpan, edit );
if( ti.trail instanceof AudioTrail ) {
audioTrail = (AudioTrail) ti.trail;
audioTrail.editAdd( this, audioTrail.allocSilent( insertSpan ), edit );
finally {
ti.trail.editEnd( edit );
return DONE;
public void processFinished( ProcessingThread context )
final AbstractCompoundEdit edit = (AbstractCompoundEdit) context.getClientArg( "edit" );
final Span insertSpan = (Span) context.getClientArg( "span" );
if( context.getReturnCode() == DONE ) {
if( !insertSpan.isEmpty() ) { // adjust timeline
edit.addPerform( new EditSetTimelineLength( this, Session.this, timeline.getLength() + insertSpan.getLength() ));
if( timeline.getVisibleSpan().isEmpty() ) {
edit.addPerform( TimelineVisualEdit.scroll( this, Session.this, insertSpan ));
if( !insertSpan.isEmpty() ) {
edit.addPerform( TimelineVisualEdit.select( this, Session.this, insertSpan ));
edit.addPerform( TimelineVisualEdit.position( this, Session.this, insertSpan.stop ));
getUndoManager().addEdit( edit );
} else {
// mte will check pt.shouldCancel() itself
public void processCancel( ProcessingThread context ) { /* ignore */ }
} // class actionSilenceClass