Package de.sciss.meloncillo.session

Source Code of de.sciss.meloncillo.session.DocumentFrame$ActionSaveAs

package de.sciss.meloncillo.session;

import java.awt.FileDialog;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
import javax.swing.Action;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JDialog;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JRootPane;
import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder;
import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys;
import javax.xml.transform.Transformer;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;

import net.roydesign.mac.MRJAdapter;

import org.w3c.dom.DOMException;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;

import de.sciss.common.AppWindow;
import de.sciss.common.BasicApplication;
import de.sciss.common.BasicMenuFactory;
import de.sciss.common.BasicWindowHandler;
import de.sciss.common.ProcessingThread;
import de.sciss.gui.MenuAction;
import de.sciss.gui.MenuRoot;
import de.sciss.gui.ProgressComponent;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.Main;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.gui.MainFrame;
import de.sciss.util.Flag;

public abstract class DocumentFrame
extends AppWindow
  protected final Session  doc;
  private final  ActionSave    actionSave;
  private final  ActionSaveAs  actionSaveAs;
  protected DocumentFrame( final Session doc )
    super( REGULAR );
    this.doc  = doc;

    final BasicApplication  app  = (BasicApplication) AbstractApplication.getApplication();
//    final MenuRoot      mr  = app.getMenuBarRoot();
    actionSave    = new ActionSave();
    actionSaveAs  = new ActionSaveAs();
    Listener winListener = new AbstractWindow.Adapter() {
// EEE
//      public void windowClosing( AbstractWindow.Event e ) {
//        actionClose.perform();
//      }

      public void windowActivated( AbstractWindow.Event e )
        // need to check 'disposed' to avoid runtime exception in doc handler if document was just closed
// EEE
//        if( !disposed ) {
          app.getDocumentHandler().setActiveDocument( DocumentFrame.this, doc );
          ((BasicWindowHandler) app.getWindowHandler()).setMenuBarBorrower( DocumentFrame.this );
//        }
    this.addListener( winListener );
  public void init()
    final BasicApplication  app  = (BasicApplication) AbstractApplication.getApplication();
    final MenuRoot      mr  = app.getMenuBarRoot();
    mr.putMimic( "file.clearSession", this, new ActionClearSession() );
    mr.putMimic( "", this, actionSave );
    mr.putMimic( "file.saveAs", this, actionSaveAs );
    mr.putMimic( "edit.undo", this, doc.getUndoManager().getUndoAction() );
    mr.putMimic( "edit.redo", this, doc.getUndoManager().getRedoAction() );
    mr.putMimic( "edit.cut", this, getCutAction() );
    mr.putMimic( "edit.copy", this, getCopyAction() );
    mr.putMimic( "edit.paste", this, getPasteAction() );
    mr.putMimic( "edit.clear", this, getDeleteAction() );
    mr.putMimic( "edit.selectAll", this, getSelectAllAction() );
  protected abstract Action getCutAction();
  protected abstract Action getCopyAction();
  protected abstract Action getPasteAction();
  protected abstract Action getDeleteAction();
  protected abstract Action getSelectAllAction();

  protected static String getResourceString( String key )
    return AbstractApplication.getApplication().getResourceString( key );
  protected void documentClosed()
    // nada...
//    disposed = true;  // important to avoid "too late window messages" to be processed; fucking swing doesn't kill them despite listener being removed
//    this.removeListener( winListener );
//    actionShowWindow.dispose();
//    app.getDocumentHandler().removeDocument( this, doc );  // invokes doc.dispose() and hence this.dispose()

   *  Checks if there are unsaved changes to
   *  the session. If so, displays a confirmation
   *  dialog. Invokes Save/Save As depending
   *  on user selection. IF the doc was not dirty,
   *  or if "Cancel" or
   *  "Don't save" was chosen, the
   *  method returns <code>null</code> and the
   *  <code>confirmed</code> flag reflects whether
   *  the document should be closed. If a saving
   *  process should be started, that process is
   *  returned. Note that the <code>ProcessingThread</code>
   *  in this case has not yet been started, as to
   *  allow interested objects to install a listener
   *  first. So it's their job to call the <code>start</code>
   *  method!
   *  @param  actionName    name of the action that
   *              threatens the session
   *  @param  confirmed    a flag that will be set to <code>true</code> if
   *              the doc is allowed to be closed
   *              (doc was not dirty or user chose &quot;Don't save&quot;),
   *              otherwise <code>false</code> (save process
   *              initiated or user chose &quot;Cancel&quot;).
   *  @return          a saving process yet to be started or <code>null</code>
   *              if the doc needn't/shouldn't be saved
   *  @see  de.sciss.eisenkraut.util.ProcessingThread#start
  public ProcessingThread confirmUnsaved( String actionName, Flag confirmed )
    if( !doc.isDirty() ) {
      confirmed.set( true );
      return null;
    final Object[]      options  = { getResourceString( "buttonSave" ),
                      getResourceString( "buttonCancel" ),
                      getResourceString( "buttonDontSave" )};
    final int        choice;
//    final AudioFileDescr  displayAFD  = doc.getDisplayDescr();
    final JOptionPane    op;
    final JDialog       d;
    final JRootPane      rp;
    final Flag        dont    = new Flag( false );
//    AudioFileDescr[]    afds    = doc.getDescr();
    File          f      = doc.getFile();
    String          name    = doc.getName();
    if( name == null ) name = getResourceString( "frameUntitled" );
//    choice = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog( getWindow(), name + " :\n" + getResourceString( "optionDlgUnsaved" ),
//                         actionName, JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, null,
//                         options, options[1] );
    op = new JOptionPane( name + " :\n" + getResourceString( "optionDlgUnsaved" ),
                          JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, null,
                          options, options[ 1 ]);
//    d = op.createDialog( getWindow(), actionName );
    d = op.createDialog( null, actionName );
    rp = d.getRootPane();
    if( rp != null ) {
      rp.getInputMap( JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW ).put(
        KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_D, BasicMenuFactory.MENU_SHORTCUT ), "dont" );
      rp.getActionMap().put( "dont", new AbstractAction() {
        public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
          dont.settrue );
    BasicWindowHandler.showDialog( d );
//    d.setVisible( true );
    if( dont.isSet() ) {
      choice = 2;
    } else {
      final Object value = op.getValue();
      if( (value == null) || (value == options[ 1 ])) {
        choice = 1;
      } else if( value == options[ 0 ]) {
        choice = 0;
      } else if( value == options[ 2 ]) {
        choice = 2;
      } else {
        choice = -1// throws assertion error in switch block

    switch( choice ) {
    case JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION:
    case 1// cancel
      confirmed.set( false );
      return null;
    case 2// don't save
      confirmed.set( true );
      return null;
    case 0:
      confirmed.set( false );
      final boolean writeProtected;
      if( f != null ) {
        writeProtected = !f.canWrite() || ((f.getParentFile() != null) && !f.getParentFile().canWrite());
      } else {
        writeProtected = false;
      if( (f == null) || writeProtected ) {
//        afds = actionSaveAs.query( afds );
        f = actionSaveAs.queryFile();
      if( f != null ) {
        return actionSave.initiate( f );
      return null;
      assert false : choice;
      return null;

  private boolean confirmCancel( String actionName )
    if( doc.checkProcess( 50 )) {
      return true;
    final int        choice;
//    final AudioFileDescr  displayAFD  = doc.getDisplayDescr();
    String          name  = doc.getName();
    if( name == null ) name = getResourceString( "frameUntitled" );
    final JOptionPane op = new JOptionPane( name + " :\n" + getResourceString( "optionDlgProcessing" ) +
                                            "\n(" + doc.getProcessName() + ")?", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE,
                                            JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION );
//    choice = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( getWindow(), name + " :\n" + getResourceString( "optionDlgProcessing" ) +
//                                            "\n(" + doc.getProcessName() + ")?",
//                          actionName, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE );
//    choice = BasicWindowHandler.showDialog( op, getWindow(), actionName );
    choice = BasicWindowHandler.showDialog( op, null, actionName );
    switch( choice ) {
    case JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION:
    case JOptionPane.NO_OPTION:
      return false;
    case JOptionPane.YES_OPTION:  // abort
      doc.cancelProcess( true );
      return true;
      assert false : choice;
      return false;

  public ProcessingThread closeDocument( String name, boolean force, Flag wasClosed )
    if( !force ) {
      if( !confirmCancel( name )) {
        wasClosed.set( false );
        return null;
      final ProcessingThread pt = confirmUnsaved( name, wasClosed );
      if( pt != null ) {
        pt.addListener( new ProcessingThread.Listener() {
          public void processStarted( ProcessingThread.Event e ) { /* ignored */ }
          public void processStopped( ProcessingThread.Event e )
            if( e.isDone() ) {
        return pt;
    if( wasClosed.isSet() ) {
    return null;

  // action for the Clear-Session menu item
  private class ActionClearSession
  extends MenuAction
    private ActionClearSession()
     *  Clears the document. If the session was
     *  modified, the user is asked to confirm the clear
     *  action. If the transport is running, it will be
     *  stopped. Undo history is purged.
     *  @synchronization  waitExclusive on DOOR_ALL
    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
    private void perform()
      final Flag        confirmed  = new Flag( false );
      final ProcessingThread  pt      = confirmUnsaved( getValue( NAME ).toString(), confirmed );
      if( pt == null ) {
        if( !confirmed.isSet() ) return;
      } else {
        pt.addListener( new ProcessingThread.Listener() {
          public void processStarted( ProcessingThread.Event e ) {}
          public void processStopped( ProcessingThread.Event e ) {
            if( e.getProcessingThread().getReturnCode() == ProgressComponent.DONE ) {
    private void clear()
      final MainFrame mf = (MainFrame) AbstractApplication.getApplication().getComponent( Main.COMP_MAIN );

      try {
        doc.bird.waitExclusive( Session.DOOR_ALL );
        doc.setDirty( false );
      finally {
        doc.bird.releaseExclusive( Session.DOOR_ALL );

  // action for the Save-Session menu item
  private class ActionSave
  extends MenuAction
  implements ProcessingThread.Client
    private ActionSave()

     *  Saves a document. If the file
     *  wasn't saved before, a file chooser
     *  is shown before.
    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
      File f  = doc.getFile(); // (File) doc.getMap().getValue( Session.MAP_KEY_PATH );
      if( f == null ) {
        f = actionSaveAs.queryFile();
      if( f != null ) initiate( f ).start();
     *  Save the session to the given file.
     *  Transport is stopped before, if it was running.
     *  On success, undo history is purged and
     *  <code>setModified</code> and <code>updateTitle</code>
     *  are called, and the file is added to
     *  the Open-Recent menu.
     *  @param  docFile    the file denoting
     *            the session's name. note that
     *            <code>Session</code> will create
     *            a folder of this name and store the actual
     *            session data in a file of the same name
     *            plus .XML suffix inside this folder
     *  @synchronization  this method is to be called in the event thread
    protected ProcessingThread initiate( File docFile )
      final Main root = (Main) AbstractApplication.getApplication();
      final ProcessingThread pt;
//      return new ProcessingThread( this, root, root, doc, getValue( NAME ).toString(), docFile, Session.DOOR_ALL );
      pt = new ProcessingThread( this, root, getValue( NAME ).toString() );
      pt.putClientArg( "doc", doc );
      pt.putClientArg( "file", docFile );
//      pt.start();
      return pt;

    public int processRun( ProcessingThread context )
    throws IOException
      org.w3c.dom.Document      domDoc;
      DocumentBuilderFactory      builderFactory;
      DocumentBuilder          builder;
      TransformerFactory        transformerFactory;
      Transformer            transformer;
      Element              childNode;
      final File            f    = (File) context.getClientArg( "file" );
      final File            dir    = f.getParentFile();
      File              tempDir  = null;
      boolean              success = false;
      final Map            options  = new HashMap();
      final Application        app    = AbstractApplication.getApplication();
      builderFactory    = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
      builderFactory.setValidating( true );
      transformerFactory  = TransformerFactory.newInstance();

      context.setProgression( -1f );

      try {
        builder    = builderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
        transformer = transformerFactory.newTransformer();
        builder.setEntityResolver( doc );
        domDoc    = builder.newDocument();
        childNode   = domDoc.createElement( Session.XML_ROOT );
        domDoc.appendChild( childNode );
        options.put( XMLRepresentation.KEY_BASEPATH, dir );
//        doc.getMap().putValue( this, Session.MAP_KEY_PATH, f );
//        doc.setName( f.getName() );
        if( dir.exists() ) {
//System.err.println( "dir exists "+dir.getAbsolutePath() );
          tempDir = new File( dir.getAbsolutePath() + ".tmp" );
          if( tempDir.exists() ) {
//System.err.println( "temp dir exists "+tempDir.getAbsolutePath() );
            IOUtil.deleteAll( tempDir );
          if( !dir.renameTo( tempDir )) {
            throw new IOException( tempDir.getAbsolutePath() + " : " +
                         IOUtil.getResourceString( "errMakeDir" ));
        if( !dir.mkdirs() ) {
//System.err.println( "mkdir failed : "+dir.getAbsolutePath() );
          throw new IOException( dir.getAbsolutePath() + " : " +
                       IOUtil.getResourceString( "errMakeDir" ));
        doc.toXML( domDoc, childNode, options );
        context.setProgression( -1f );
        transformer.setOutputProperty( OutputKeys.DOCTYPE_SYSTEM, Session.ICHNOGRAM_DTD );
        transformer.transform( new DOMSource( domDoc ), new StreamResult( f ));
        MRJAdapter.setFileCreatorAndType( f, app.getMacOSCreator(), Session.MACOS_FILE_TYPE );

        if( tempDir != null && tempDir.exists() ) {
          IOUtil.deleteAll( tempDir );

        context.setProgression( 1.0f );
        success = true;
      catch( ParserConfigurationException e1 ) {
        context.setException( e1 );
      catch( TransformerConfigurationException e2 ) {
        context.setException( e2 );
      catch( TransformerException e3 ) {
        context.setException( e3 );
      catch( IOException e4 ) {
        context.setException( e4 );
      catch( DOMException e5 ) {
        context.setException( e5 );

      return success ? DONE : FAILED;
    } // run

    public void processCancel( ProcessingThread context ) {}

    public void processFinished( ProcessingThread context )
      final BasicApplication  app  = (BasicApplication) AbstractApplication.getApplication();
      final MainFrame     mf  = (MainFrame) app.getComponent( Main.COMP_MAIN );
      final File        f  = (File) context.getClientArg( "file" );

      if( context.getReturnCode() == DONE ) {
        doc.setFile( f );
        app.getMenuFactory().addRecent( f );
        doc.setDirty( false );
      } else {
        File tempDir = new File( f.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath() + ".tmp" );
        if( tempDir.exists() ) {
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog( mf.getWindow(),
            AbstractApplication.getApplication().getResourceString( "warnOldSessionDir" )+ " :\n"+
            tempDir.getAbsolutePath(), getValue( Action.NAME ).toString(),
            JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE );
  // action for the Save-Session-As menu item
  private class ActionSaveAs
  extends MenuAction
    private ActionSaveAs()

     *  Query a file name from the user and save the document
    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
      File f = queryFile();
      if( f != null ) actionSave.initiate( f ).start();
     *  Open a file chooser so the user
     *  can select a new output file for the session.
     *  @return the chosen <coded>File</code> or <code>null</code>
     *      if the dialog was cancelled.
    protected File queryFile()
      FileDialog  fDlg;
      String    strFile, strDir;
      File    f;
      int      i;
//      Frame    frame = (Frame) AbstractApplication.getApplication().getComponent( Main.COMP_MAIN );
      final Frame  frame  = new Frame();

      fDlg  = new FileDialog( frame,
        AbstractApplication.getApplication().getResourceString( "fileDlgSave" ),
        FileDialog.SAVE );
      f  = doc.getFile(); // (File) doc.getMap().getValue( Session.MAP_KEY_PATH );
      if( f != null ) f = f.getParentFile()// use session folder instead of XML file
      if( f != null ) {
        strDir  = f.getParent();
        strFile = f.getName();
        if( strDir != null ) fDlg.setDirectory( strDir );
        fDlg.setFile( strFile );
      strDir  = fDlg.getDirectory();
      strFile  = fDlg.getFile();
      if( strFile == null ) return null;   // means the dialog was cancelled

      i = strFile.lastIndexOf( "." );
      strFile = i > 0 ? strFile.substring( 0, i ) : strFile;
      f = new File( new File( strDir, strFile ), strFile + Session.FILE_EXTENSION );
      return f;

Related Classes of de.sciss.meloncillo.session.DocumentFrame$ActionSaveAs

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