* LispRenderPlugIn.java
* Meloncillo
* Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2, june 1991 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License (gpl.txt) along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* contact@sciss.de
* Changelog:
* 19-Jul-04 created from original LispBounce,
* adds support for a consumer providing host.
* 24-Jul-04 extends LispPlugIn
* 02-Sep-04 commented
* 01-Jan-05 added online help
// XXX TO-DO : changing prefs (senserate or bufsize) between fillGUI + beginRender might not
// be recognized!
// DISKBUFSIZE hash entry should be removed ?
// should listen to preference changes (e.g. CSOUNDAPP)
package de.sciss.meloncillo.render;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import org.jatha.dynatype.LispNumber;
import org.jatha.dynatype.LispValue;
import org.jatha.machine.SECDMachine;
import de.sciss.app.AbstractApplication;
import de.sciss.io.AudioFile;
import de.sciss.io.AudioFileDescr;
import de.sciss.io.Span;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.lisp.AdvancedJatha;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.lisp.BasicLispPrimitive;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.plugin.LispPlugIn;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.plugin.PlugInContext;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.util.PrefsUtil;
* Common Lisp Script driven rendering
* plug-in. This handles the producer
* methods but adds some abstract methods
* <code>invokeLisp...</code> which subclasses
* can use to implement specific behaviour.
* @author Hanns Holger Rutz
* @version 0.75, 10-Jun-08
public abstract class LispRenderPlugIn
extends LispPlugIn
implements RenderPlugIn
private LRPProgressionSetPrimitive progressionSetPrimitive;
private static final String KEY_RENDERINFO = LispRenderPlugIn.class.getName();
* Simply calls the superclass constructor
protected LispRenderPlugIn()
* Adds new specific lisp functions
* to the environment: "(progression-set)"
* to update the progress bar.
protected void createSpecialPrimitives( AdvancedJatha lisp )
progressionSetPrimitive = new LRPProgressionSetPrimitive( lisp );
lisp.addPrimitive( progressionSetPrimitive );
* No additional symbols are added at the moment
protected void createSpecialSymbols( AdvancedJatha lisp, PlugInContext context )
// no special symbols
// --- Bouncing ---
* Calls <code>plugInPrepare</code>, then
* <code>invokeLispPrepare</code> and scans
* all resulting stream data source requests.
* If the subclass was setting the <code>KEY_CONSUMER</code>
* option in the context, it also deals with target requests.
public boolean producerBegin( RenderContext context, RenderSource source )
throws IOException
if( !plugInPrepare( context )) return false;
int trnsIdx, rcvIdx, senseBufSize;
double senseRate;
final RenderInfo info = new RenderInfo();
List collRequests;
Request r;
boolean success = false;
de.sciss.app.Application app = AbstractApplication.getApplication();
context.moduleMap.put( KEY_RENDERINFO, info );
progressionSetPrimitive.setRenderHost( (RenderHost) context.getHost() );
info.verbose = classPrefs.getBoolean( KEY_VERBOSE, false );
info.consumer = (RenderConsumer) context.getOption( RenderContext.KEY_CONSUMER );
if( info.consumer != null ) {
info.produceWeight = 0.2f;
info.consumeWeight = 0.2f;
} else {
info.produceWeight = 0.25f;
info.consumeWeight = 0.0f;
info.consumeOffset = 1.0f - info.produceWeight - info.consumeWeight;
progressionSetPrimitive.setOffsetAndWeight( info.produceWeight, info.consumeOffset );
senseRate = context.getSourceRate();
senseBufSize = Math.max( 16, (int) (((double) app.getUserPrefs().node( PrefsUtil.NODE_PLUGINS ).getInt(
PrefsUtil.KEY_OLSENSEBUFSIZE, 0 ) / 1000.0) *
senseRate + 0.5) ) & ~1; // muss durch zwei teilbar sein!
prefsHash.setf_gethash( jatha.makeString( "SENSEBUFSIZE" ), jatha.makeInteger( senseBufSize ));
prefsHash.setf_gethash( jatha.makeString( "SENSERATE" ), jatha.makeReal( senseRate ));
try {
if( !invokeLispPrepare( context, source, info )) return false;
// ---- satisfy requests ----
info.senseRate = (double) context.getSourceRate(); // overriden by RESAMPLE request below
// in the first pass all sense data is written to a temporary
// audio file which then can be read by Lisp
// in pass two.
info.afTrajTargets = new AudioFile[ source.numTrns ];
info.afSenseTargets = new AudioFile[ source.numTrns ][ source.numRcv ];
collRequests = sourceRequestPrimitive.getRequests();
for( int i = 0; i < collRequests.size(); i++ ) {
r = (Request) collRequests.get( i );
switch( r.type ) {
context.setOption( RenderContext.KEY_TARGETRATE, r.params );
info.senseRate = ((Number) r.params).doubleValue();
if( info.verbose ) System.out.println( "request resample : "+info.senseRate );
trnsIdx = ((Number) r.params).intValue();
if( trnsIdx < 0 || trnsIdx >= source.numTrns ) {
context.getHost().showMessage( JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE,
app.getResourceString( "errRenderSourceRequest" ) + " : " + trnsIdx );
return false;
if( !(r.medium instanceof AudioFile) ) {
context.getHost().showMessage( JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE,
app.getResourceString( "errRenderTargetObject" ) + " : " + r.medium );
return false;
info.afTrajTargets[ trnsIdx] = (AudioFile) r.medium;
source.trajRequest[ trnsIdx ] = true;
if( info.verbose ) System.out.println( "request input traj : trnsidx "+trnsIdx );
trnsIdx = ((Point) r.params).x;
rcvIdx = ((Point) r.params).y;
if( trnsIdx < 0 || trnsIdx >= source.numTrns || rcvIdx < 0 || rcvIdx >= source.numRcv ) {
context.getHost().showMessage( JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, app.getResourceString(
"errRenderSourceRequest" ) + " : " + trnsIdx + ", " + rcvIdx );
return false;
if( !(r.medium instanceof AudioFile) ) {
context.getHost().showMessage( JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE,
app.getResourceString( "errRenderTargetObject" ) + " : " + r.medium );
return false;
info.afSenseTargets[ trnsIdx][ rcvIdx ] = (AudioFile) r.medium;
source.senseRequest[ trnsIdx ][ rcvIdx ] = true;
if( info.verbose ) System.out.println( "request input sense : trnsidx "+trnsIdx+"; rcvidx "+rcvIdx );
context.getHost().showMessage( JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, app.getResourceString(
"errRenderSourceRequest" ) + " : " +
(r.type >= 0 && r.type < requestKeyNames.length ? requestKeyNames[ r.type ] :
String.valueOf( r.type )));
return false;
} // for collRequests.length
// populate RenderInfo fields
// info.senseBufSize = Math.max( 16, (int) (((double)
// app.getUserPrefs().node( PrefsUtil.NODE_PLUGINS ).getInt( PrefsUtil.KEY_OLSENSEBUFSIZE, 0 )
// / 1000.0) * info.senseRate + 0.5) ) & ~1; // muss durch zwei teilbar sein!
// info.senseBufSizeH = info.senseBufSize >> 1;
// info.startPos = context.getTimeSpan().getStart();
info.convBuf = new float[1][];
info.outLength = (long) ((double) context.getTimeSpan().getLength() *
(info.senseRate / (double) context.getSourceRate()) + 0.5);
info.progOff = 0;
info.consumeWeight /= info.outLength;
info.produceWeight /= info.outLength;
// ---------- Consumer part ----------
if( info.consumer != null ) {
info.afTrajSources = new AudioFile[ source.numTrns ];
info.fTrajSources = new File[ source.numTrns ];
info.consumerSource = new RenderSource( source.numTrns, source.numRcv );
collRequests = targetRequestPrimitive.getRequests();
for( int i = 0; i < collRequests.size(); i++ ) {
r = (Request) collRequests.get( i );
switch( r.type ) {
trnsIdx = ((Number) r.params).intValue();
if( trnsIdx < 0 || trnsIdx >= source.numTrns ) {
context.getHost().showMessage( JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE,
app.getResourceString( "errRenderTargetRequest" ) + " : " + trnsIdx );
return false;
if( !(r.medium instanceof File) ) {
context.getHost().showMessage( JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE,
app.getResourceString( "errRenderSourceObject" ) + " : " + r.medium );
return false;
info.fTrajSources[ trnsIdx] = (File) r.medium;
info.consumerSource.trajRequest[ trnsIdx ] = true;
if( info.verbose ) System.out.println( "request output traj : trnsidx "+trnsIdx );
context.getHost().showMessage( JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, app.getResourceString(
"errRenderTargetRequest" ) + " : " +
(r.type >= 0 && r.type < requestKeyNames.length ? requestKeyNames[ r.type ] :
String.valueOf( r.type )));
return false;
} // for collRequests.length
} // if( info.isConsumed )
success = true;
finally {
if( !success ) cleanUp( context, source, info );
return success;
* Handles a block of source data
* for rendering, by writing it to
* the source-request media given by
* the lisp script.
public boolean producerRender( RenderContext context, RenderSource source )
throws IOException
RenderInfo info = (RenderInfo) context.moduleMap.get( KEY_RENDERINFO );
int rcvIdx, trnsIdx;
boolean success = false;
try {
for( trnsIdx = 0; trnsIdx < source.numTrns; trnsIdx++ ) {
if( source.trajRequest[ trnsIdx ]) {
info.afTrajTargets[ trnsIdx ].writeFrames(
source.trajBlockBuf[ trnsIdx ], source.blockBufOff, source.blockBufLen );
for( rcvIdx = 0; rcvIdx < source.numRcv; rcvIdx++ ) {
if( source.senseRequest[ trnsIdx ][ rcvIdx ]) {
info.convBuf[ 0 ] = source.senseBlockBuf[ trnsIdx ][ rcvIdx ];
info.afSenseTargets[ trnsIdx ][ rcvIdx ].writeFrames(
info.convBuf, source.blockBufOff, source.blockBufLen );
info.progOff += source.blockBufLen;
((RenderHost) context.getHost()).setProgression( info.produceWeight * (float) info.progOff );
success = true;
finally {
if( !success ) cleanUp( context, source, info );
return success;
* If a consumer was specified to write data
* back to the session, it is initialized here
* (<code>consumerBegin</code>).
* <code>invokeLispRender</code> is called and
* in the consumer case, the data is consumed
* using <code>consumerRender</code> and <code>consumerFinish</code>.
public boolean producerFinish( RenderContext context, RenderSource source )
throws IOException
int trnsIdx, i, j, blockBufSize;
RenderInfo info = (RenderInfo) context.moduleMap.get( KEY_RENDERINFO );
Number num;
AudioFileDescr afd;
long startPos;
boolean success = false;
try {
// ---------- Consumer part ----------
if( info.consumer != null ) {
if( !info.consumer.consumerBegin( context, info.consumerSource )) return false;
// write synth control render stuff
if( !invokeLispRender( context, source, info )) return false;
if( !context.getHost().isRunning() ) return false;
// ---------- Consumer part ----------
if( info.consumer != null ) {
num = (Integer) context.getOption( RenderContext.KEY_MINBLOCKSIZE );
i = num == null ? 2 : num.intValue();
num = (Integer) context.getOption( RenderContext.KEY_MAXBLOCKSIZE );
j = num == null ? 0x7FFFFFFF : num.intValue();
num = (Integer) context.getOption( RenderContext.KEY_PREFBLOCKSIZE );
blockBufSize = num == null ? Math.max( i, Math.min( j, 1024 )) : num.intValue();
info.consumerSource.trajBlockBuf= new float[ source.numTrns ][][];
info.consumerSource.blockBufOff = 0;
info.consumerSource.blockSpan = new Span( context.getTimeSpan().getStart(),
context.getTimeSpan().getStart() );
// prepare audio input files
for( trnsIdx = 0; trnsIdx < source.numTrns; trnsIdx++ ) {
if( info.consumerSource.trajRequest[ trnsIdx ]) {
info.afTrajSources[ trnsIdx ] = AudioFile.openAsRead( info.fTrajSources[ trnsIdx ]);
afd = info.afTrajSources[ trnsIdx ].getDescr();
if( afd.channels != 2 ) {
context.getHost().showMessage( JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE,
AbstractApplication.getApplication().getResourceString( "errRenderTargetChannels" ) +
" :\n\"" + info.fTrajSources[ trnsIdx ].getPath() + "\" (" + afd.channels + ")" );
return false;
info.consumerSource.trajBlockBuf[ trnsIdx ] = new float[ 2 ][ blockBufSize ];
// feed consumer with chunks from the audio files
for( startPos = 0; startPos < info.outLength && context.getHost().isRunning(); ) {
info.consumerSource.blockBufLen = (int) Math.min( blockBufSize, info.outLength - startPos );
for( trnsIdx = 0; trnsIdx < source.numTrns; trnsIdx++ ) {
if( info.consumerSource.trajRequest[ trnsIdx ]) {
info.afTrajSources[ trnsIdx ].readFrames( info.consumerSource.trajBlockBuf[ trnsIdx ],
0, info.consumerSource.blockBufLen );
info.consumerSource.blockSpan = new Span( info.consumerSource.blockSpan.getStop(),
info.consumerSource.blockSpan.getStop() +
info.consumerSource.blockBufLen );
if( !info.consumer.consumerRender( context, info.consumerSource )) return false;
info.progOff += info.consumerSource.blockBufLen;
startPos += info.consumerSource.blockBufLen;
((RenderHost) context.getHost()).setProgression(
info.consumeOffset + info.consumeWeight * (float) info.progOff );
if( !context.getHost().isRunning() ) return false;
success = info.consumer.consumerFinish( context, info.consumerSource );
} // if( info.consumer != null )
else {
success = true;
finally {
if( !success && (info.consumer != null) ) {
try {
info.consumer.consumerCancel( context, info.consumerSource );
catch( IOException e1 ) {
((RenderHost) context.getHost()).setException( e1 );
cleanUp( context, source, info );
((RenderHost) context.getHost()).setProgression( 1.0f );
return success;
* Performs clean up and
* calls the <code>invokeLispCleanUp</code> method,
* finally calls <code>plugInCleanUp</code>
* @see #invokeLispCleanUp( RenderContext, RenderSource, LispRenderPlugIn.RenderInfo )
public void producerCancel( RenderContext context, RenderSource source )
throws IOException
RenderInfo info = (RenderInfo) context.moduleMap.get( KEY_RENDERINFO );
cleanUp( context, source, info );
private void cleanUp( RenderContext context, RenderSource source, RenderInfo info )
progressionSetPrimitive.setRenderHost( null );
// XXX sourceRequestPrimitive.setRenderSource( null ); // will delete all associated temp files
info.afTrajTargets = null;
info.afSenseTargets = null;
info.convBuf = null;
info.fTrajSources = null;
info.afTrajSources = null;
try {
invokeLispCleanUp( context, source, info );
catch( Exception e1 ) {
System.err.println( e1 );
plugInCleanUp( context );
* Subclasses should call the lisp script's
* prepare function and can perform additional
* initializations. If they wish to write the
* rendered data back to the session, they shall
* set the <code>KEY_CONSUMER</code> option.
* @param context the rendering context
* @param source requests fields should be filled in here
* @param info ignore at the moment
* @see RenderContext#KEY_CONSUMER
protected abstract boolean invokeLispPrepare( RenderContext context,
RenderSource source, RenderInfo info )
throws IOException;
* Subclasses should call the lisp script's
* render function.
protected abstract boolean invokeLispRender( RenderContext context,
RenderSource source, RenderInfo info )
throws IOException;
* Subclasses should call the lisp script's
* cleanup function. They can perform additional clean ups.
protected abstract boolean invokeLispCleanUp( RenderContext context,
RenderSource source, RenderInfo info )
throws IOException;
// -------- internal lisp primitive class --------
private class LRPProgressionSetPrimitive
extends BasicLispPrimitive
private RenderHost host = null;
private float offset, weight;
private LRPProgressionSetPrimitive( AdvancedJatha lisp )
super( lisp, "PROGRESSION-SET", 1, 1 );
public void Execute( SECDMachine machine )
LispValue progVal = machine.S.pop();
try {
if( host != null && progVal.basic_numberp() ) {
host.setProgression( offset + weight * (float) ((LispNumber) progVal).getDoubleValue() );
finally {
machine.S.push( f_lisp.NIL );
private void setRenderHost( RenderHost host )
this.host = host;
* Sets the offset and length
* of the progression bar,
* i.e. rescales values passed
* to the lisp function such
* that prog( arg ) = offset + weight * arg
private void setOffsetAndWeight( float offset, float weight )
this.offset = offset;
this.weight = weight;
// -------- RenderInfo internal class --------
* Struct class carrying
* rendering information
* for internal use by the lisp
* render plug-in
protected class RenderInfo
private double senseRate;
private long outLength, progOff;
private AudioFile[] afTrajTargets;
private AudioFile[][] afSenseTargets;
private File[] fTrajSources;
private AudioFile[] afTrajSources;
private RenderSource consumerSource;
private RenderConsumer consumer;
private float[][] convBuf;
private boolean verbose;
private float produceWeight, consumeWeight, consumeOffset;