* BasicRenderDialog.java
* Meloncillo
* Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Hanns Holger Rutz. All rights reserved.
* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2, june 1991 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License (gpl.txt) along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* For further information, please contact Hanns Holger Rutz at
* contact@sciss.de
* Changelog:
* 14-Jul-04 created
* 23-Jul-04 inherits to render specific aspects of
* the AbstractRenderDialog which was sucked off
* by AbstractPlugInFrame
* 01-Aug-04 bugfix : didn't register dynamic listener
* 02-Sep-04 commented
package de.sciss.meloncillo.render;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.swing.AbstractAction;
import javax.swing.Action;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.KeyStroke;
import de.sciss.app.AbstractApplication;
import de.sciss.app.Application;
import de.sciss.app.DynamicListening;
import de.sciss.common.ProcessingThread;
import de.sciss.gui.AbstractWindowHandler;
import de.sciss.gui.GUIUtil;
import de.sciss.gui.ProgressComponent;
import de.sciss.io.Span;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.Main;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.io.AudioTrail;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.math.NearestNeighbour;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.math.Resampling;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.plugin.AbstractPlugInFrame;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.receiver.Receiver;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.session.Session;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.session.SessionCollection;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.timeline.TimelineEvent;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.timeline.TimelineListener;
import de.sciss.meloncillo.transmitter.Transmitter;
* A still abstract RenderDialog but
* with more functionality than <code>AbstractPlugInFrame</code>
* and suitable as superclass of a dialog
* for Bounce-to-Disk and Filter-Trajectories.
* Implements the <code>run</code> method so
* subclasses only need to implement some brief
* bodies for <code>invokeProducerRender</code> etc.
* @author Hanns Holger Rutz
* @version 0.75, 19-Jun-08
public abstract class BasicRenderDialog
extends AbstractPlugInFrame
implements RenderHost, ProcessingThread.Client,
TimelineListener, DynamicListening
private RenderPlugIn plugIn = null;
private ProcessingThread pt;
private RenderContext context = null;
private final ProgressComponent pc;
private JButton ggClose, ggRender;
private Action actionClose, actionRender, actionCancel;
private boolean renderingRunning = false;
private final SessionCollectionListener receiversListener = new SessionCollectionListener( false );
private final SessionCollectionListener selectedReceiversListener = new SessionCollectionListener( true );
private final SessionCollectionListener transmittersListener = receiversListener;
private final SessionCollectionListener selectedTransmittersListener= selectedReceiversListener;
* Constructs a new render dialog
* using the given title and GUI flags
protected BasicRenderDialog( Main root, Session doc, String title, int flags )
super( root, doc, title, flags );
pc = (ProgressComponent) root.getComponent( Main.COMP_MAIN );
addDynamicListening( this );
* Subclasses must provide
* a render context when this
* method is called.
* @return a render context for the current setup / selection
protected abstract RenderContext createRenderContext();
* Subclasses must provide
* a method that checks the passed context
* for validity. Usually returning <code>false</code>
* will result in an additional call of <code>createRenderContext</code>.
* @param context a context to check for validity
* @return <code>true</code> if the provided context is still valid
protected abstract boolean isRenderContextValid( RenderContext context );
* Default implementation creates a new
* instance of the plug-in class and initializes it.
protected void switchPlugIn( String className )
boolean success = false;
final de.sciss.app.Application app = AbstractApplication.getApplication();
try {
plugIn = null;
if( className != null ) {
try {
plugIn = (RenderPlugIn) Class.forName( className ).newInstance();
plugIn.init( doc );
catch( InstantiationException e1 ) {
GUIUtil.displayError( getWindow(), e1, app.getResourceString( "errInitPlugIn" ));
catch( IllegalAccessException e2 ) {
GUIUtil.displayError( getWindow(), e2, app.getResourceString( "errInitPlugIn" ));
catch( ClassNotFoundException e3 ) {
GUIUtil.displayError( getWindow(), e3, app.getResourceString( "errInitPlugIn" ));
success = reContext();
finally {
ggRender.setEnabled( success );
* Default implementation creates a panel
* with close and render buttons. A key shortcut
* (escape) is attached to the close button.
protected JComponent createBottomPanel( int flags )
JPanel bottomPanel;
final Application app = AbstractApplication.getApplication();
actionClose = new actionCloseClass( app.getResourceString( "buttonClose" ));
actionCancel = new actionCancelClass( app.getResourceString( "buttonCancel" ));
actionRender = new actionRenderClass( app.getResourceString( "buttonRender" ));
bottomPanel = new JPanel();
bottomPanel.setLayout( new BorderLayout() );
ggClose = new JButton( actionClose );
GUIUtil.createKeyAction( ggClose, KeyStroke.getKeyStroke( KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE, 0 ));
ggRender = new JButton( actionRender );
ggRender.setEnabled( false );
bottomPanel.add( ggClose, BorderLayout.WEST );
bottomPanel.add( ggRender, BorderLayout.EAST );
return bottomPanel;
private void progressStop()
renderingRunning = false;
// to be called in event thread
private void progressStart()
if( context == null || plugIn == null || renderingRunning ) return;
context.setOption( RenderContext.KEY_PLUGIN, plugIn );
renderingRunning = true;
// pt = new ProcessingThread( this, pc, root, doc, getTitle(), context, Session.DOOR_ALL );
pt = new ProcessingThread( this, pc, getTitle() );
pt.putClientArg( "context", context );
ggClose.setEnabled( false );
ggRender.setAction( actionCancel );
hibernation( true );
* Default implementation calls <code>isRenderContextValid</code>.
* If that returns <code>false</code>, a new context is
* created and GUI is updated.
protected void checkReContext()
if( context != null && !isRenderContextValid( context )) {
boolean success = false;
try {
success = reContext();
finally {
ggRender.setEnabled( success );
private boolean reContext()
JComponent view;
context = createRenderContext();
if( context != null && plugIn != null ) {
view = plugIn.getSettingsView( context );
// GUIUtil.setDeepFont( view, fnt );
AbstractWindowHandler.setDeepFont( view );
ggSettingsPane.setViewportView( view );
return true;
} else {
ggSettingsPane.setViewportView( null );
return false;
// ---------------- RenderHost interface ----------------
public void showMessage( int type, String text )
pc.showMessage( type, text );
public void setProgression( float p )
pc.setProgression( p );
public void setException( Exception e )
pt.setException( e );
public boolean isRunning()
return renderingRunning;
// ---------------- RunnableProcessing interface ----------------
* RunnableProcessing interface core of data processing.
* The default implementation will handle all stream data
* requests. Subclasses don't usually need to overwrite this
* method and instead implement the methods
* <code>invokeProducerBegin</code>, <code>invokeProducerRender</code>,
* <code>invokeProducerCancel</code> and <code>invokeProducerFinish</code>.
* <p>
* If resampling is active, here's the scheme of the
* buffer handling:<br>
* <PRE>
* structure of the inTrnsFrames buffer:
* (initially empty)
* +--------+----------------------+--------+--------+
* | fltLenI| >= 0 | fltLenI| fltLenI|
* +--------+----------------------+--------+--------+
* |<--overlapLen--->|
* |=overlapOff
* |<-------trnsInside------------>|
* first buffer read (mte.read()):
* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
* +--------+----------------------+--------+--------+
* | fltLen | | fltLen | fltLen |
* +--------+----------------------+--------+--------+
* // begin loop //
* resampling:
* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
* +--------+----------------------+--------+--------+
* | fltLen | | fltLen | fltLen |
* +--------+----------------------+--------+--------+
* overlap handling:
* +---------------- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (source)
* V
* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (destination)
* +--------+----------------------+--------+--------+
* | fltLen | | fltLen | fltLen |
* +--------+----------------------+--------+--------+
* sucessive reads:
* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (old overlap)
* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (new read)
* +--------+----------------------+--------+--------+
* | fltLen | | fltLen | fltLen |
* +--------+----------------------+--------+--------+
* // end loop //
* </PRE>
* @see #invokeProducerBegin( ProcessingThread, RenderContext, RenderSource, RenderPlugIn )
* @see #invokeProducerCancel( ProcessingThread, RenderContext, RenderSource, RenderPlugIn )
* @see #invokeProducerRender( ProcessingThread, RenderContext, RenderSource, RenderPlugIn )
* @see #invokeProducerFinish( ProcessingThread, RenderContext, RenderSource, RenderPlugIn )
public int processRun( ProcessingThread pt )
throws IOException
final RenderContext context = (RenderContext) pt.getClientArg( "context" );
final RenderPlugIn plugIn = (RenderPlugIn) context.getOption( RenderContext.KEY_PLUGIN );
RenderSource source;
final Application app = AbstractApplication.getApplication();
float[][] inTrnsFrames, outTrnsFrames;
int minBlockSize, maxBlockSize, prefBlockSize;
int i, numTrns, numRcv, trnsIdx, rcvIdx, readLen, writeLen;
Transmitter trns;
AudioTrail at;
boolean[] trnsRequest;
Object val;
long readOffset, remainingRead, remainingWrite;
Set newOptions;
String className;
boolean success = false; // pessimist bitchâ„¢
// --- resampling related ---
int inOff, inTrnsLen, outTrnsLen;
int fltLenI = 0;
int overlapLen = 0;
int overlapOff = 0;
int trnsInside = 0;
Resampling rsmp = null;
double rsmpFactor = 1.0;
double inPhase = 0.0;
double newInPhase = 0.0;
double fltLen = 0.0;
float[][][] trnsOverlaps= null;
// --- init ---
readOffset = context.getTimeSpan().getStart();
numRcv = context.getReceivers().size();
numTrns = context.getTransmitters().size();
source = new RenderSource( numTrns, numRcv );
try {
if( !invokeProducerBegin( pt, context, source, plugIn )) return FAILED;
remainingRead = context.getTimeSpan().getLength();
newOptions = context.getModifiedOptions();
if( newOptions.contains( RenderContext.KEY_MINBLOCKSIZE )) {
val = context.getOption( RenderContext.KEY_MINBLOCKSIZE );
minBlockSize = ((Integer) val).intValue();
} else {
minBlockSize = 1;
if( newOptions.contains( RenderContext.KEY_MAXBLOCKSIZE )) {
val = context.getOption( RenderContext.KEY_MAXBLOCKSIZE );
maxBlockSize = ((Integer) val).intValue();
} else {
maxBlockSize = 0x7FFFFF;
if( newOptions.contains( RenderContext.KEY_PREFBLOCKSIZE )) {
val = context.getOption( RenderContext.KEY_PREFBLOCKSIZE );
prefBlockSize = ((Integer) val).intValue();
} else {
prefBlockSize = Math.max( minBlockSize, Math.min( maxBlockSize, 1024 ));
assert minBlockSize <= maxBlockSize : "minmaxblocksize";
if( newOptions.contains( RenderContext.KEY_TARGETRATE )) {
// ---- prepare resampling ----
val = context.getOption( RenderContext.KEY_TARGETRATE );
rsmpFactor = ((Double) val).doubleValue() / (double) context.getSourceRate();
className = classPrefs.get( KEY_RESAMPLING, null );
if( className == null ) {
className = NearestNeighbour.class.getName(); // RSMP_ITEMS[ 0 ].getKey();
showMessage( JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, app.getResourceString( "errResamplingClass" ) +
" : " + val.toString() );
try {
rsmp = (Resampling) Class.forName( className ).newInstance();
catch( InstantiationException e1 ) {
pt.setException( e1 );
return FAILED;
catch( IllegalAccessException e2 ) {
pt.setException( e2 );
return FAILED;
catch( ClassNotFoundException e3 ) {
pt.setException( e3 );
return FAILED;
finally {
if( rsmp == null ) {
showMessage( JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE,
app.getResourceString( "errResamplingClass" ) + " : " + className );
fltLen = rsmp.getWingSize( rsmpFactor );
fltLenI = (int) fltLen + 1;
inOff = fltLenI;
overlapLen = fltLenI << 1;
if( rsmpFactor > 1.0 ) {
outTrnsLen = prefBlockSize;
i = (int) (outTrnsLen / rsmpFactor);
inTrnsLen = i + overlapLen;
} else {
inTrnsLen = Math.max( prefBlockSize, fltLenI + overlapLen );
i = inTrnsLen - overlapLen;
outTrnsLen = (int) (i * rsmpFactor) + 1;
overlapOff = inTrnsLen - overlapLen;
trnsInside = inTrnsLen - fltLenI - fltLenI;
trnsOverlaps = new float[ numTrns ][2][ overlapLen ];
inTrnsFrames = new float[2][ inTrnsLen ];
outTrnsFrames = new float[2][ outTrnsLen ];
remainingWrite = (long) (remainingRead * rsmpFactor + 0.5);
//System.err.println( "fltLen "+fltLen+"; inOff "+inOff+"; overlapLen "+overlapLen+"; inTrnsLen "+inTrnsLen+"; outTrnsLen "+outTrnsLen+"; rsmpFactor "+rsmpFactor );
} else {
inTrnsLen = prefBlockSize;
outTrnsLen = inTrnsLen;
inTrnsFrames = new float[2][ inTrnsLen ];
outTrnsFrames = inTrnsFrames;
inOff = 0;
remainingWrite = remainingRead;
// --- responding to RenderSource requests ---
trnsRequest = new boolean[ numTrns ]; // all false by default
for( trnsIdx = 0; trnsIdx < numTrns; trnsIdx++ ) {
if( source.trajRequest[ trnsIdx ]) {
source.trajBlockBuf[ trnsIdx ] = new float[ 2 ][ outTrnsLen ];
trnsRequest[ trnsIdx ] = true;
for( rcvIdx = 0; rcvIdx < numRcv; rcvIdx++ ) {
if( source.senseRequest[ trnsIdx ][ rcvIdx ]) {
source.senseBlockBuf[ trnsIdx ][ rcvIdx ] = new float[ outTrnsLen ];
trnsRequest[ trnsIdx ] = true;
// --- rendering loop ---
while( isRunning() && remainingWrite > 0 ) {
readLen = (int) Math.min( inTrnsLen - inOff, remainingRead );
source.blockSpan = new Span( readOffset, readOffset + readLen );
if( rsmp != null ) {
inPhase = newInPhase;
writeLen = (int) Math.min( Math.ceil( (trnsInside - inPhase) * rsmpFactor ), remainingWrite );
} else {
writeLen = readLen;
source.blockBufLen = writeLen;
for( trnsIdx = 0; trnsIdx < numTrns; trnsIdx++ ) {
if( !trnsRequest[ trnsIdx ]) continue;
// --- read transmitter trajectory data ---
trns = (Transmitter) context.getTransmitters().get( trnsIdx );
at = trns.getAudioTrail();
// at.read( source.blockSpan, inTrnsFrames, inOff );
at.readFrames( inTrnsFrames, inOff, source.blockSpan );
for( i = inOff + readLen; i < inTrnsLen; i++ ) {
inTrnsFrames[0][i] = 0.0f; // zero pad in the end
inTrnsFrames[1][i] = 0.0f; // XXX actually the last sample should be repeated!
// --- resampling ---
if( rsmp != null ) {
System.arraycopy( trnsOverlaps[trnsIdx][0], 0, inTrnsFrames[0], 0, inOff );
System.arraycopy( trnsOverlaps[trnsIdx][1], 0, inTrnsFrames[1], 0, inOff );
rsmp.resample( inTrnsFrames[0], fltLenI + inPhase, outTrnsFrames[0], 0, writeLen, rsmpFactor );
rsmp.resample( inTrnsFrames[1], fltLenI + inPhase, outTrnsFrames[1], 0, writeLen, rsmpFactor );
System.arraycopy( inTrnsFrames[0], overlapOff, trnsOverlaps[trnsIdx][0], 0, overlapLen );
System.arraycopy( inTrnsFrames[1], overlapOff, trnsOverlaps[trnsIdx][1], 0, overlapLen );
// --- satisfy trajectory requests ---
if( source.trajRequest[ trnsIdx ]) {
System.arraycopy( outTrnsFrames[0], 0, source.trajBlockBuf[ trnsIdx ][0], 0, writeLen );
System.arraycopy( outTrnsFrames[1], 0, source.trajBlockBuf[ trnsIdx ][1], 0, writeLen );
// --- satisfy sensibilities requests ---
for( rcvIdx = 0; rcvIdx < numRcv; rcvIdx++ ) {
if( !source.senseRequest[ trnsIdx ][ rcvIdx ]) continue;
((Receiver) context.getReceivers().get( rcvIdx )).getSensitivities(
outTrnsFrames, source.senseBlockBuf[ trnsIdx ][ rcvIdx ],
0, writeLen, 1 );
} // for( rcvIdx = 0; rcvIdx < numRcv; rcvIdx++ )
} // for( trnsIdx = 0; trnsIdx < numTrns; trnsIdx++ )
if( rsmp != null ) {
inOff = overlapLen;
newInPhase = (inPhase + writeLen / rsmpFactor) - trnsInside;
// newInPhase = (inPhase + writeLen / rsmpFactor) % 1.0;
remainingRead -= readLen;
// --- handle thread ---
if( !isRunning() ) {
return FAILED;
// --- producer rendering ---
if( !invokeProducerRender( pt, context, source, plugIn )) return FAILED;
remainingWrite -= writeLen;
readOffset += readLen;
} // while( isRunning() && remainingWrite > 0 )
// --- finishing ---
if( !isRunning() ) {
invokeProducerCancel( pt, context, source, plugIn );
success = true;
} else {
success = invokeProducerFinish( pt, context, source, plugIn );
catch( IOException e1 ) {
pt.setException( e1 );
finally {
if( !success ) { // on failure cancel rendering and undo edits
try {
invokeProducerCancel( pt, context, source, plugIn );
catch( IOException e2 ) {
pt.setException( e2 );
return success ? DONE : FAILED;
public void processCancel( ProcessingThread context ) {}
* Re-enables the frame components.
public void processFinished( ProcessingThread context )
renderingRunning = false;
ggClose.setEnabled( true );
ggRender.setAction( actionRender );
hibernation( false );
* Additional inits. This should call
* <code>plugIn.producerBegin()</code>. Returning
* false signals error and aborts processing.
* @param pt the thread used during processing
* @param context the render context. initial options
* should be set here.
* @param source the stream data structure. requests should
* be made here.
* @param plugIn the currently active plug-in
* @return <code>true</code> for success, <code>false</code> upon
* failure which will cause the rendering to stop
* @throws IOException if a file or net error occurs
* @see RenderPlugIn#producerBegin( RenderContext, RenderSource )
protected abstract boolean invokeProducerBegin( ProcessingThread pt, RenderContext context,
RenderSource source, RenderPlugIn plugIn )
throws IOException;
* This gets called when the processing is
* cancelled. It should call <code>plugIn.producerCancel()</code>.
* @param pt the thread used during processing
* @param context the render context
* @param source the stream data structure
* @param plugIn the currently active plug-in
* @return <code>true</code> for success, <code>false</code> upon
* failure
* @throws IOException if a file or net error occurs
* @see RenderPlugIn#producerCancel( RenderContext, RenderSource )
protected abstract void invokeProducerCancel( ProcessingThread pt, RenderContext context,
RenderSource source, RenderPlugIn plugIn )
throws IOException;
* Render a block of data. This should call
* <code>plugIn.producerRender()</code>. Returning
* false signals error and aborts processing.
* @param pt the thread used during processing
* @param context the render context
* @param source the stream data structure
* @param plugIn the currently active plug-in
* @return <code>true</code> for success, <code>false</code> upon
* failure which will cause the rendering to stop
* @throws IOException if a file or net error occurs
* @see RenderPlugIn#producerRender( RenderContext, RenderSource )
protected abstract boolean invokeProducerRender( ProcessingThread pt, RenderContext context,
RenderSource source, RenderPlugIn plugIn )
throws IOException;
* Additional render stuff. This should call
* <code>plugIn.producerFinish()</code>. Returning
* false signals error and aborts processing.
* @param pt the thread used during processing
* @param context the render context
* @param source the stream data structure
* @param plugIn the currently active plug-in
* @return <code>true</code> for success, <code>false</code> upon
* failure which will cause the rendering to stop
* @throws IOException if a file or net error occurs
* @see RenderPlugIn#producerFinish( RenderContext, RenderSource )
protected abstract boolean invokeProducerFinish( ProcessingThread pt, RenderContext context,
RenderSource source, RenderPlugIn plugIn )
throws IOException;
// ---------------- DynamicListening interface ----------------
public void startListening()
doc.timeline.addTimelineListener( this );
doc.getTransmitters().addListener( transmittersListener );
doc.getSelectedTransmitters().addListener( selectedTransmittersListener );
doc.getReceivers().addListener( receiversListener );
doc.getSelectedReceivers().addListener( selectedReceiversListener );
public void stopListening()
doc.timeline.removeTimelineListener( this );
doc.getTransmitters().removeListener( transmittersListener );
doc.getSelectedTransmitters().removeListener( selectedTransmittersListener );
doc.getReceivers().removeListener( receiversListener );
doc.getSelectedReceivers().removeListener( selectedReceiversListener );
// ---------------- TimelineListener interface ----------------
public void timelineSelected( TimelineEvent e )
public void timelineChanged( TimelineEvent e )
public void timelinePositioned( TimelineEvent e ) {}
public void timelineScrolled( TimelineEvent e ) {}
// ---------------- Action objects ----------------
private class actionCloseClass
extends AbstractAction
private actionCloseClass( String text )
super( text );
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
setVisible( false ); // EEE setVisbile( false ) doesn't fire componentHidden event!
private class actionRenderClass extends AbstractAction
private actionRenderClass( String text )
super( text );
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
private class actionCancelClass
extends AbstractAction
private actionCancelClass( String text )
super( text );
public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e )
private class SessionCollectionListener
implements SessionCollection.Listener
private final boolean watchSelection;
private SessionCollectionListener( boolean watchSelection )
this.watchSelection = watchSelection;
public void sessionCollectionChanged( SessionCollection.Event e )
handleEvent( e );
public void sessionObjectChanged( SessionCollection.Event e )
handleEvent( e );
public void sessionObjectMapChanged( SessionCollection.Event e )
handleEvent( e );
private void handleEvent( SessionCollection.Event e )
boolean isSelectionOnly = classPrefs.getBoolean( KEY_SELECTIONONLY, false );
if( isSelectionOnly == watchSelection ) {